Relief Gazette From Goverment: “The Sekhukhune District Municipality is pleased to announce that following the recent rainfalls across the country, water supply is back to normal in Burgersfort. It is against this background that we are happy to report to residents of Burgersfort that the process of filling up all the reservoirs is currently underway and water will be pumped 100% to all the previously affected areas. Currently, all our water sources including Spekboom River are running at normal levels and able to produce enough water. Lastly, we appeal to residents at high level areas to be patient as it might take sometime before they receive full water supply. Accordingly, the district municipality wishes to apologize to all residents who have been inconvenienced by the temporary water supply initiative of water tankers. We are aware that our officials didn’t service all residences equally and we humbly apologize to all those who were not serviced accordingly. In conclusion, we are still urging our communities to use water sparingly as we haven’t as yet moved out of drought situation. People must still continue to use buckets for car wash, refrain from watering gardens, use cups for mouth wash and avoid full taps, etc.” Spekboom River photographed at Fraaiuitsicht outside Burgesrfort looked much better on Tuesday this week.
Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
18 November 2016
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
Disaster in Ward 28 On 12 November 2016 at around ten o’clock at night a strong wind struck Ward 28 and 25 houses from Rantho Mogoleng,Rantho Moshate, Rantho Springs and gaMasha Thabaneng, including the Nkotwaneng project was damaged. At Ga-Mamphooko and gaMakanyane next to Gabo Emmanuel two trees had fallen down and electricity cables were between the fallen trees. At GaMoshidi Mogoleng electricity cables were on the ground, creating a safety hazard. 12 Shacks were blown away and roof tiles were blown from from three houses. A Ga-Mokgadi, debris roof fell on an Isuzu bakkie. Internal roads were also undriveable because of the heavy wind and rain. (Information and photographs supplied by Mr W Makua).
Rains bring relief ... and damage
Widespread rain in the area has brought welcome relief for especially farmers who suffer heavily from the searing drought. Heavy storms also caused damage, but says, Mr Lodewyk de Jager of PLM Boerdery “We do not mind the damage, we will fix whatever is broken, but nothing can replace water, we will take as much as we get. In our area 90 mm fell in one night. We are thankful”. Not all areas received so much rain and measured figures indicated rainfall of 20, 30, 50 and 70 mm in and around Steelpoort and Burgersfort, apart from the 90 mm that was measured at PLM. (Photographs supplied by Lodewyk de Jager).
18 NOVEMBER 2016
18 NOVEMBER 2016
SAPS station of the year Burgersfort Best at reducing crime in their area
The Burgersfort SAPS received an award as the Station of the Year 2015/2016. The station has been rated as the best station in reducing crime. They’ve received a trophy and certificate. The SAPS thanked the community for assisting with information to assist in reducing crime. “We are the no 1 station because of the community. Let’s keep on assisting each other in fighting crime”. (Information & photograph: Const. Victoria Maluleka).
Campaigning against substance abuse On Wednesday 2 November 2016, Tsoga le phele Substance abuse conducted a crime awareness campaign at Tswelopele primary school in Bothashoek village. The Tubatse SAPS were invited to address the learners and they had an opportunity to talk about crime related matters. From the Police, Social crime prevention coordinators Const Ngwana and Const Chauke, Sector Commander Warrant Officer Supe other stakeholders such as Ycop and CPF attended the event While addressing the parents, teachers and learn-
ers, the Sector commander W/O Supe encouraged the learners to stay away from drugs and alcohol. He further told learners not to abuse each other and to respect their teachers at all times. Learners were also encouraged to stay away from any criminal activities. The new cell phone number for the station was given to the parents, teachers and learners (079 889 5531). (Information : Sergeant Mvundlela S.J; Photographs Constable Ngwana B.E)
18 NOVEMBER 2016
Pedestrian road safety in focus S
howing care and respect for the people living in the communities surrounding Anglo American Platinum’s operations includes helping to ensure their safety. With South Africa’s road accident statistics over the festive season being so horrifyingly high, Twickenham Project recently held, in collaboration with Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality, a road safety campaign focusing on pedestrians. The event, held at the Ntwampe Sports Grounds on 15 November 2016, was attended by the local Mayor Councillor MJ Phokane as well as representatives of government, local entities such as the municipality, Ntwampe Tribal Council, SAPS, Community Engagement Forum, emergency services and Druta Taxi Association as well as the learners, principals and school Governing body representatives of the Ntwampe, Magobanye, Tekanang, Makopi and Tshihlo secondary schools. More than 200 people attended the event, including people with disabilities. The campaign was the fourth conducted since the series’
launch during the Easter period in 2014. The campaigns are in line with the Provincial Government’s Arrive Alive campaign and Anglo American Platinum’s Zero Harm programme. The purpose of this year’s campaign was to alert both drivers and pedestrians on their responsibilities regarding pedestrian safety. Last year, during the festive season, 1,387 accidents occurred on South African roads in which people lost their lives. Of these accidents, 208 occurred in the Limpopo province and more than a third of the people who died were pedestrians and cyclists. The R37 is a particularly notorious route which is also the focus of the campaign. At the event, Twickenham Project’s Social Performance and Safety team members handed out leaflets and bottles of water with a road safety message, while members of management encouraged road users to show extra caution on the road. Jeff Ngobeni, Senior Social Performance Manager, urged the audience to comply with traffic regulations and provided further practical safety tips. “I would also like to remind others here today, those of you who drive vehicles, to make it a priority to watch out for pedestrians,” he said. “Always remember that small children may not be ‘traffic wise’ and may suddenly run into the road. Let’s all make a decision right here today, to show care and respect for each other by being responsible, alert drivers and pedestrians.” To encourage learners in absorbing safety principles, an exciting question-and-answer session was held, with gifts for those who showed a good understanding of the information shared. The event was also an opportunity for the mayor to donate bicycles to children who travel long distances to school in his Shova Kalula campaign. The overarching goals of the road safety campaigns are to change driver and pedestrian behaviour while informing road users and encouraging them to be alert; to support the law enforcement efforts of the 2016 Arrive Alive programme; and to encourage road users to take responsibility for their safety on the road.
Mayor Councillor MJ Phokane and Twickenham’s Senior Social Performance Manager, Mr Jeff Ngobeni delivered special messages.
18 NOVEMBER 2016
Wildevy Manne sluit 2016 saam met hul gesinne af Die Wildevy Manne het 2015 met ‘n skaap op die spit afgesluit. Die manne en hul gesinne het Saterdagaand 12 November by PLM saamgetrek en heerlik gekuier. Die nuwe bestuur is amptelik voorgestel en daar is dankie aan die vorige leiers gesê. Die nuwe kommittee is: Voorsitter - Dewald Pretorius; Ondervoorsitter – Jacques Gouws Sekretaris – Frits Pretorius; Finansies – Hannes Venter / Willem Montgomery; Adisionele lid – Jan Louw; Adisionele lid – Hendre van Graan. Die Wildevy Manne het net soos die meeste mense ook die druk van die swak ekonomie gevoel gedurende 2016, maar dit het nie hul ywer gedemp om fondse vir liefdadigheid in
te samel. nie. “Ten spyte van die strawwe toestande wat in ons omgewing plaasgevind het en steeds plaasvind het die Wildevy manne dit reg te kry om hul koppe hoog te hou en dit te doen waarvoor hulle lief is – om ander te help, dit was steeds ‘n sukses!” sê Willem Montgomery van die Wildevy Manne. Hy het almal bedank wat deu rdie jaar hard gewerk het en bydraes gemaak het tot die organisasie se sukses. Hulle het gedurende die jaar vele mense en organisasies met skenkings en verskillende tipes hulp bygestaan en die Wildevy Manne bedank nie net elke lid en hul families nie, maar ook elkeen in die gemeenskap wat hande gevat het. Volgende jaar maak hulle weer so!
Carols by candlelight for Laerskool Burgersfort Laerskool Burgersfort hosted a Carols by Candlelight evening on 8 November 2016. Funds raised from an entry fee at the gates will be going towards charity to ensure that less privileged people will be able to cele-
Die nuwe Wildevy Manne bestuur.
Bring the cats and dogs for free rabies vaccinations The Department of Agriculture is hosting a Rabies Campaign in November and December in the Tubatse communities and will be vaccinating dogs and cats for FREE against Rabies disease at the following places: 21 November 2016 - 09h00 - 16h00 - Longtill Township - Vaccinations will be done door to door. 22 November 2016 - 09h00 - 16h00 - Praktiseer Township - Vaccinations will be done door to door. 23 November 2016 - 09h00 - 16h00 - Shushumela ya Praktiseer, Segorong and Shushumela ya mabitleng - Vaccinations will be done door to door. 24 November 2016 - Bothashoek Tswelopele and Mahlagaume primary schools - 09h00 - 13h00; Bothashoek Paradise and Madinoge Primary school - 14h00 - 16h00 25 November 2016 - Bothashoek Mokgabudi primary school 09h00 - 13h00; Bothashoek Phaahla High school - 14h00 - 16h00 28 November 2016 - 09h00 - 16h00 - Mashifane Park - Vaccinations will be done door to door. 02 December 2016 - 09h00 - 16h00 - Ma-
reseleng village - Vaccinations will be done door to door. 05 December 2016 - 09h00 - 16h00 - Steelpoort Winterveldt Bottom village - Vaccinations will be done door to door 06 December 2016 - 09h00 - 16h00 - Steelpoort Xstrata village - Vaccinations will be done door to door 07 December 2016 - 09h00 - 16h00 - Steelpoort Clear View - Vaccinations will be done door to door (Village close to the river) 09 December 2016 09h00 - 16h00 - Makgemeng village - Vaccinations will be done door to door. For more information contact Dr Florence Makgamatha at 072 553 7043 and Mr E. Phahla at 083 384 1123; for Steelpoort and Longtill contact Mr P. Maibelo at 082 954 5456 and for Makgemeng contact Mrs MB Kgwete 0784597278. Department of Agriculture Tel no. 013 216 1093. All Vaccinations start at 09h00 to 16h00. Praktiseer residents are welcome to bring their dogs and cats to the Agriculture offices every day from 07h30 to 16h30 all year round.
brate Christmas without need. The whole school participated and parents supported the event that took place on the sportsground of the school. The performances centred around the Christmas message.
18 NOVEMBER 2016
Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine cares for the CommuniƟes O ne of the main challenges the surrounding communiƟes experience is the access roads within the communiƟes and to the gravesites. Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine and the communiƟes idenƟfied that challenge and saw a need to tackle it head-on. Through the Social and Labour Plans (SLP) consultaƟon process which was held two years back the mine, communiƟes, local municipality and DMR decided to prioriƟze access roads within the communiƟes and a budget was set-aside for this purpose as part of the SLP commitment. The mine started upgrading the access roads during the third quarter of this year at MaƟmatjatji village cemetery and paving of the access road to Sehlaku village cemetery, and both roads were completed successfully. The mine also upgraded the access roads at Swale and Mamphahlane villages respecƟvely. The communiƟes use to struggle to access the main tarred road (also done by Modikwa) during rainy seasons and such struggle is the thing of the past as the mud has been dealt with. In addiƟon to the above menƟoned access roads, the mine is currently busy with the paving of Mamphahlane village cemetery and upgrading of Mooihoek access roads respecƟvely. These two projects are also envisaged to be completed in the next coming few weeks. The combined cost for all the roads is above R6 million; and local companies from our villages were given the task to do the roads thus empowering local businesses whom in turn hired 65 local people (36 male youth and 29 female youth) to do the work as temporary employees.
The access road to Swale village was upgraded.
The local companies involved in construcƟng the roads are Babina Kosha, Mandladox, TLS 83 Trading, Tshiamiso Trading and Mmupudung. Some of the local companies subcontracted are Efa Mabaka and Mohube Trading. Some individuals with plant hire within the local communiƟes were also used in transporƟng material to the sites. The mine is also busy with the erecƟon of Apollo lights at Mamphahlane and Hwashi villages respecƟvely. A local company called Bana Ba Setso has partnered with a Gauteng based company to do the project; and it is envisaged that the The road to Sehlaku Cemetery has been completed. project will be completed before the end of the year. Through our SLP, Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine in partnership with the communiƟes and the local municipality shall strive to meaningfully develop the communiƟes in order to enhance their socio economic condiƟons. !!!!! MODIKWA CARES!!!!! The access road to the MaƟmatjatji village cemetery. REA HLOKOMELA
Mamphahlane Village’s cemetery access road being paved.
The access road to Mooihoek village is being upgraded.
18 NOVEMBER 2016
Steelpoort Academy achievers rewarded Steelpoort Academy held their annual Prestige prize giving ceremony on 9 November 2016. Laerners from both the high school and the primary school were rewarded at the ceremony. During the ceremony the new head leaders were introduced and various trophies and certificates handed out to deserving Steelies. NOTE: The high school learners will be given exposure in next week’s edition of the newspaper.
Animie van Rooyen and Clarissa Fourie share the highest academic average from grade 4 to 7. They also share the Dux trophy for academic excellence.Their average was 95,33%. They are the top achievers on the school’s academic team.
The new head boy for 2017 is DJ Knoesen and the head girl is Izél Joubert. Deputy head boy (sport) is CJ Muller and deputy head girl (culture) Monique van Pletzen, deputy head boy (academics) Keith Mlauzi and deputy head girl (academics) Mathsepo Masha.
Twané Malan is the most dedicated sports girl. She was also the Girls’ athlete of the year. She was also honoured as the girl who remained positive and committed, continueing to practise sport throughout the year.
Nerine van Wyk was the best achiever in English Additional Language in Grade 7.
Best academic performers in grade 2 Afrikaans and English were Bethany Kriel and Lebogang Mahlake.
The best academic achievers in grade 3 were Ilne Kleynhans and Mashoto Moela.
Clarissa Fourie was the best achiever in Grade 7 in Afrikaans medium, in Life Orientation, Social Sciences and Afrikaans First Language.
Roddy Alberts was the Hockey Player of the Year. He was also the Boys’ Dux learner in Grade 7 with the best academic achievement.
Best academic achievers in grade 4 were Simoné Gouws, Chido Matura and Kamogelo Phetla.
Animie van Rooyen received awards for the Best achievement in Afrikaans Additional Language, English Home Language, Mathematics, Natural Science, Technology, Economic Management Sciences, Art and Cultureand the overall best academic achievement in grade 7 English medium.
Right: DJ Knoesen was the best academic achiever in grade 6 Afrikaans medium. Matshepo Masha was the best academic performer in grade 6 English medium. Matshepo was the best performing learning of two English medium classes in this grade.
Best academic achievers in grade 1 were Selmi de Wet and Karabo Maluleka. Oefentse Nkopodi was the boy who was committed to practising and remained positive throughout the year in sport.
Best academic achievers in grade 5 are Alyza Kleynhans, Munei Mashamba and Thapelo Mahlake.
18 NOVEMBER 2016
Price giving at Atokia Laerskool Atokia near Bokoni Platinum Mine hosted their annual prize giving ceremonies on 2 and 3 November 2016. Laerners were honoured for hard work, achievements in sport, culture and academics. The new prefects were also announced for the 2017 school year. In Grade 4 the top achiever was Ky’Lee van der Westhuizen. In Grade 5 (Afrikaans) Jaques Pretorius received an award as the best reader, the learner who made the best progress and a silver academic award. In Grade 6 (Afrikaas) Benzu Letsoalo was awarded for achievements in sport and as the learner with the best progress. In Grade 7 (Afrikaans) silver academic awards were given to Santaché van der Westhuizen, Bella Letsoalo, Jana Joubert and Brandon Hales. In Grade 4 (English) silver awards were given to Thymia Maredi, Busisiwe Mlokoti, Mokete Mokgalaka Olorato Motsumi, Sibusiswe Mutemeri, Wiseman Phashe, Pleasure Pilusa, Moketse Teka and Tsakani Zulu. In Grade 5 (English) a gold academic award was given to Tumelo Motsumi. In Grade 6 (English) Natasha Mokgotho received a silver academic award. In Grade 7 (English) Lesedi Phasha received a gold award for academic achievement. Special awards were also given. Brandon Hales was the Victor Ludorum in athletics and Morategi Mokgalaka the Victrix Ludorum in athletics. Natalie van Collet was the “Wow Tokkie” award. (Information and some photographs: Laerskool Atokia).
Jana Joubert had the best achievement in Life Orientation.
Santaché van der Westhuizen was the best achiever in Social Science.
Natalie van Collet received the “Wow Tokkie” award.
Stella Kgasago and Shirley Phasa shared the trophy for best achievement in creative arts.
Lesedi Phasha had the best achievement in Economic Science and English Home Language. Leshego Matheba was the Best Achiever in Natural Science.
The 2017 prefects.
18 NOVEMBER 2016
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale 11. Birthdays/Verjaarsdae
3. Dienste/ Services PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.
Dr RK Muzei Healer and Herbalist. For different types of problems. Contact: 072 320 3085. Marone Street, Opposite Mamule Chidi Attorney’s in Number 5, Burgersfort.
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808 TO LET Accommodation in Mashifane Park - 3 Bedroom, two bathroom house to let. Double Garage. Water included, with prepaid electricity meter.
R5500-00 per month. Available immediately. Contact: 082 461 1381 or 073 115 1405. TE HUUR Twee slaapkamer woonstel asook goed ingerigte 3 Slaapkamer huis in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Woonstel dadelik beskikbaar. Huis beskikbaar vanaf 1 Januarie 2017. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954.
Kennisgewings/ Notices Indien die volgende voertuie nie binne 21 dae van eerste publikasie 18 November 2016 af gehaal en ten volle vir staan gelde betaal word nie, sal dit verkoop word om kostes te dek: Colt Trail Buster 2400i Reg: CPZ 567 L Iveco Turbo Daily Reg: BZN 533 MP Land Rover Reg: JMB 614 MP
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Place your birthday wishes and birth announcements for family and friends in the classifieds! Contact Beánnla Celliers to find out how. Tel: 0835431676 Submit your stories and invitations to the Editor at editorial@platinum or fax: 013 231 7147.
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* Tubatse Village * Dwarsrivier Mine * Mototolo * Morena’s Tavern (Steel Bridge) * Glencore Eastern Limb Training Centre * Madiba’s Mini Market Kalkfontein * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Dr. Lorna’s Surgery Burgersfort * Pret Liquor * Pret Butchery * CTM Burgersfort * Madeleen Willers Attorneys * Lebowa Panel Beaters * Hendrk’s Panelbeaters * Department of Education Circuit Office Burgersfort * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Laerskool Burgersfort
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)
Vacancies/Betrekkings Notices/Kennisgewings KHULONG YA HWASHI JOINT VENTURE (KYH_JV) Human Resource Officer Applications are invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons for the position of Human Resource Officer at Khulong Ya Hwashi Joint Venture, situated at the Industrial Area, Steelpoort. REQUIREMENTS • Relevant HR Degree / B Tech at NQF Level 6 • A minimum of five years relevant HR experience with minimum experience in a Mining environment. • Ability to communicate, motivate and build relationships at all levels in the organization. • Sound Knowledge of labour legislation associated in this field, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Labour Relations Act, Employment Equity Act and Skills Development Act. • Computer literacy for the role, SAGE Payroll and MS Office. • Code 08 driver’s license. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES • Ensure legal compliance to relevant Labour and Health & Safety Legislation • Design and implementation of best practice systems and controls • Ensure good employee relations • Effective development and application of administration systems and practices • Communicate and ensure compliance to all policies and procedures • Performing administrative functions • Co-ordinating the recruitment and selection process in area of responsibility • Providing relevant and accurate HR advice to area of responsibility • Preparing, advising and analyzing all HR statistics. • Labour Budget Planning and allocation • Performance Management Contracts facilitation. PACKAGE The package will be in accordance with KYH_JV package schedules APPLICATIONS Applications to be made to Moses Makwana and Philemon Magane, KYH_JV Directors (Fax no. 086 - 416 2126) or post or hand deliver to: 280 Industrial Area, Extension 3, Steelpoort, 1155 CLOSING DATE The closing date for all applications is 25 November 2016 Should you not hear from us within 21 days of the closing date, you should assume that your application has not been successful.
FETAKGOMO GREATER TUBATSE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY (LIM476) DIRECTORATE: FINANCE NOTICE CALLING FOR INSPECTION OF SUPPLEMENTARY VALUATION ROLL AND LODGING OF OBJECTIONS FOR 2016/2017 FINANCIAL YEAR This notice is hereby given in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(i) of the Local Government Municipal Property Rates Act 2004 (Act No.6 of 2004), hereinafter referred to as the “Act”, that the supplementary valuation roll for the 2016/2017 financial year will be open for public inspection from 15 November 2016 at the offices of Fetakgomo-Greater Tubatse Municipality in Burgersfort, Ga-Mapodile, Praktiseer, Ohrigstad and Apel regional office. An invitation is hereby extended in terms of Section 49(1)(a)(ii) of the Act that any owner of the property or other person who desires, should lodge an objection with the respective Municipal Manager in respect of any matter reflected in, or omitted from the Supplementary Valuation Roll. Attention is specifically drawn to the fact that in terms of section 50(2) of the Act an objection must be in relation to a specific individual property and not against the valuation roll as such. The closing date for objections is 15 December 2016. The form for lodging an objection is obtainable at the stated Municipal offices. The completed forms must be returned within the time period specified above to the above mentioned Municipal offices. All enquiries must be directed to the Chief Financial Officer or Revenue Manager on 013 231 1000 during office hours. Mohlala JNT Municipal Manager
18 NOVEMBER 2016
Clean sweep for Masters Playing against Green Aces in Ga Madiseng On Sunday 13 November, Tubatse Masters played two friendly matches in Ga Madiseng village. In the first match Tubatse Masters played against the local boys of Green Aces soccer team and managed to win the match by 5-2. Norman Jannetjies, Kumfu Selahle, Mbesuma Mabaso, Pitso Sehlabela scored for Tubatse
Masters. In the second match Tubatse Masters played against Green Aces Masters and won the match 3-1. Lucky Lubisi, Noko Malatji and Isaac Mndawe scored for Tubatse Masters. (Photographs: Surprise Godi and Lekgotla Motswiane; Information: Lollipop Motswiane)
Psalm 37:7 (NIV) Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes.
Build It Steelpoort re-launching Build it Steelpoort is re-launching its store this weekend with some spectacular specials and prizes. The official relaunching kicks of at 10:00 with 24th of November from 10:00 with some fabulous prizes and great deals on Built it products. Thse specials will run until the 7th of December. The store has recently been blessed with two new managers Onica Makina and Jacques Olivier (photographs below). Onica has years of experience in retail and Jacques is an old hand in the Construction sector. With an eager team of sales representatives, they will be able to assist you with any sort of construction and DIY help you need. The store is under new ownership since the December 2015 and has expanded its services extensively. It now
includes a ‘Cutting and Edging’ service that can make fabulous kitchen and bathroom units to customer’s specifications. The store has obtained some additional storage area to stock more popular items like bricks and cement. The PowersPNP Group recently incorporated the store into the group of companies. Customers can expect the high quality products and service that Build it is famous for. Mr. Powers Motsileng from the PowersPNP Group of companies this week said: “We are still committed to deliver on quality and service to our customers, but also improve the overall experience in the shop”. He believes in a hands-on approach where the customer is not just a number and that with this Re-launch customers and suppliers are reminded that Build it Steelpoort will go the extra mile. The store offers free local deliveries within a limited radius of the store. (Excluding bricks & cement). Deliveries are done either on the day of purchase or the following day. They are geared for contractors and companies as well as the individual buyer. Customers can apply for credit in store through Real People and value for money prices as well as discount options are available. Special orders are welcome. A house plan-reading service is offered and the friendly staff will assist with quotes. The store is open on Mondays to Fridays from 07:00 - 17:00; Saturdays from 07:00 - 13:00 and public holidays from 08:00 - 13:00.
18 NOVEMBER 2016
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Platinum Gazette
Modikwa runners at Bela-Bela SPAR road race The Modikwa Marathon Team took part in the SPAR Bela-Bela road race this last weekend and posted very good times. This is always a good race for the team. The team would like to thank the Modikwa Management for the great support they receive. The runners’ times were: Kobona Morethe 01:36:00 - 21Km; Adolph Boshego 01:41:00- 21Km; Portia Mabena 02:35:00 -
21Km; Innocent Mamaru 00:55:00 - 10Km; Marumo Moloto 01:00:00 - 10Km; Reneilwe Nong 01:05:00 - 10Km; Alinah Mohlala 01:20:00 - 10Km; Kedibona Pholowa 01:22:00 - 10Km; Cecilia Mphanga 01:26:00 - 10Km; Mangisi Kgoete 01:26:00 - 10Km; Mminah Chulu 01:30:00 - 10Km; Beauty Motimele 01:31:00 - 10Km. (Information and photograph: Willem Montgomery, Modikwa Platinum Mine).
Western Cape ready for TUPS Limpopo home-grown sporting code Thavhanacle Ultra-physio Sport (TUPS) is now fully endorsed as the indigenous and recreational sport by the Western Cape Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport Ms Anroux Marais. This endorsement took place on Tuesday 8 November 2016 at the headquarters of the Western Cape Provincial Government in Cape Town where TUPS Sport Inventor, Mr Puleng Mmotla made a presentation to the Cultural Affairs and Sport Ministry. As a follow-up to this successful meeting TUPS Sport will hold an all-day demonstration match at Piketberg Farm in Cape Town on Friday 18 November 2016. This demonstration match will also be the grand opportunity for the Werstern Cape Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport to watch and experience the TUPS play concept together with the
Mr Puleng Mmotla together with Western Cape Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport.
community of Western Cape. The demonstration event will also be the beginning of a multi-fold partnership between the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs, TUPS Sport and African Agri Investments. Key areas of interest and cooperation for these role players is addressing the challenges of alcohol abuse, underage drinking, lack of diversity in sport and recreational activities for farm and rural communities. According to the TUPS inventor Mr Puleng Mmotla, the follow-up visit to the Western Cape is the tangible expression of commitment to the introduction of TUPS as an indigenous and recreational sport amongst communities in the rural areas of the province. “We are so highly motivated by the warm reception and the positive response from Minister Marais and her office. We are eager to share the joy of playing TUPS with the Minister and her office, together with the community of the Western Cape. The immediate goal is to establish one TUPS Club in every farm community outside Cape Town. Once these clubs are established we aim to build their capacity and self-sustenance through the TUPS leadership and coaching programmes” says Mmotla He added that the efforts to reach out and introduce TUPS in all the provinces of South Africa is part of the objective to get TUPS Sport recognised by the Department of Sport and Recreation (SRSA) and the South African Sport Confederations and Olympics Committee (SASCOC). Mmotla added that they will focus on the farm communities in the Western Cape because of the work they have done in Somerhoek in Limpopo where they successfully supported the set-up of a sports club for workers.