Platinum Gazette 18 October 2013

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© Platinum Gazette

18 October 2013

Mine crime combating takes shape The Limpopo Mine Crime Combating Forum were launched last week Thursday at Nthame Primary School near Burgersfort. The event was atended by government ministers, local political leaders, general officers of the Police and representatives of mines and communities in the province. The establishment of the forum follow after the launch of siminilar structures in Rustenburg, Klerksdorp and Brits. Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa, also attended the launch and told guests that at the core of the government programme is the obligation to improve the quality of life of all the citizens, for them to exercise their freedoms and use their talents to help our society flourish. He said despite progress, government acknowledges that more still needs to be done to address the three resilient fault lines, which are unemployment, poverty and inequality and also recognize that in areas where citizens are unhappy on progress, through freedom of expression, the citizens have a right to express grievances through public protests. He toild the audience thaty “The right to peaceful assembly forms a cornerstone of our democracy; built on the principles of collective expression in whichever form they may occur. The slow pace of development and service delivery, and the widening inequality gap has resulted in a surge in mass protests since mid-2000. Police are thus continually being called upon to respond to the manifestations of discontent with government service delivery and labour disputes. Research conducted supports this indicating a significant increase in the

proportion of mass gatherings that turn violent. This then requires that the police have the ability of the police to effectively manage these situations. The provincial launch of the Limpopo Mine Crime Combating Forum (MCCF) should be understood from the above-mentioned context. It was initiated by government and falls under the auspices of the Framework Agreement for a Sustainable Mining Industry entered into by Organized Labour, Organized Business and Government”. He added that “ this fundamental step which we undertook, collectively, was demonstrative of our commitment to: Act decisively to enforce the rule of law, maintain peace during strikes and other protests relating to labour disputes, ensure protection of life, property and the advancement of the rights of all citizens, including crime prevention measures. Ensure that law enforcement agencies act in a manner that is fair, impartial and objective and that all care is taken to protect life and property and to put in place adequate and appropriate capacity in the form of detectives and specialist prosecution teams to prosecute cases on violence, intimidation, assault and murder, prioritize the investigation and finalization of cases arising from lawlessness in and round mining areas, in appropriate designated courts and enforce municipal by-laws related to gatherings and demonstrations”. He said whereas the Constitution permits unarmed and peaceful protests, the abuse of this right becomes a serious matter when participants take up arms and use unnecessary violence, which requires urgent attention and action from SAPS. “This framework clearly spells out the roles and responsibilities which must be undertaken by all of us, which inevitably, means we have a collective accountability and responsibility. We want to emphasize the point that business has a crucial role to play in this regard, particularly the mine owners”.

A policeman in riot gear photographs a group of community protesters at Anglo American Platinum’s Twickenham Platinum Project earlier this week. They (the Police and protesters), were peaceful. Article on page 5.


18 OCTOBER 2013


Skote klap by Apiesdoorn Village Mnr. Hendry Joubert, sy vrou en ‘n vriend was Maandagnag in ‘n middernagtelike skietery met vermeende rowers betrokke. “Ek het wakker geword en ‘n sigaret gerook,” vertel Hendry. Ek hoor toe ‘n voertuig inry by

ons erf. Dit was ‘n wit Honda met ‘n GP registrasie. Daar het drie mans uitgeklim en na my geroep omdat daar na bewering fout by een van die grensdrade was. Ons het aanvanklik

Mnr. Hendry Joubert wys waar is die aanvallers se skoot deur die huis se muur.

gedink dit is die sekuriteit. Ek het terug geroep dat hulle maar self moet gaan kyk, ek gaan nêrens”. Die mans het toe gery, maar was ‘n paar minute later weer terug. Hierdie keer het hulle weer geroep en sommer die agterdeur probeer afbreek. Hulle het die kamervenster gebreek en vir Marietjie, Hendry se vrou, probeer nader pluk toe sy waarsku dat dit nie die sekuriteitsmanne is nie. Al drie die mans het met 9mm pistole uit die voertuig geklim. “Gelukkig het Marietjie kopgehou en na die kluis in die kamer langsaangegaan. Sy het dit solank oopgesluit en ons 38 special uitgehaal,” vertel Hendry. Die aanvallers het vermoedelik die kluis gehoor en toe ‘n skoot op op die huis geskiet. Die huis is van voorafvervaardigde panele gebou en die skoot het deur die buitenste muur gedring en teen ‘n binnemuur vasgeslaan. “Toe hulle daardie skoot skiet toe sê ek vir Marietjie sy moet terugskiet. Sy het toe ‘n skoot deur die venster na buite geskiet”. “Daardie 38 special klap darem hard. Heelwat harder as die 9mm wat hulle gebruik het”. Na Marietjie se skoot het die groep vinnig in die voertuig gespring en weggejaag. Die polisie was vinnig op die toneel en daar is toe agtergekom dat daar eintlik 5 verdagtes is. Twee het by die hek na

Apiesdoorn die sekuriteitswagte oorrompel. “Jong, ‘n mens skrik. Dit is net genade dat ons nie in swart body bags is vandag nie,” vertel Hendry verder. “Ons kan steeds nie dink hoekom iemand ons so sou wou aanval nie. Ons het tog nie vyande nie en hier is ons huis in die middel van al die huise. Hulle het dalk gedink ons het iets waardevol in die huis, maar hier is nie geld of goed om te steel nie”. Hy bedank graag die polisie wat nie net vinnig gereageer het nie, maar tot by die forensiesespan wat vroeg reeds op die toneel was.

Bo: Marietjie het ‘n skoot deur die venster geskiet. Onder: Die agterdeur en hek is oopgebreek om toegang tot die huis te kry.

Complete safe stolen from farm On Sunday night suspects broke into a farm house at Wildebeeskraal by forcing the back door open. The owner, Mr. Hendrik Leonard (age 64), was not at home. The suspects broke the firearm safe from the floor in the bedroom and conveyed it with a wheelbarrow through the field, where it was loaded onto a vehicle next to the R37 Lydenburg road. No other valuables were taken from the house. Mr. Leonard discovered the burglary when he returned to the farm on Monday morning. The Police searched the farm and surroundings, using a tracker dog, but did not find any significant leads. Inside the safe were three firearms (2xshotguns and a 9mm pistol), ammunition, R40 000 cash and personal documents. The Burgersfort Police under command of Lieut. Colonel Richard Madilonga activated its resources and followed up on leads which came to light. The vehicle which conveyed the safe from the crime scene was found on the Lydenburg road and the driver (aged 32) arrested, being in possession of more than R10 000 in cash, presumably the stolen money. In the follow-up investigation, the safe, which was grinded open, was recovered from a river near Mashising where it was dumped from the bridge. Only some personal documents were found in the broken safe. From there the police managed to trace and recover the two stolen shotguns, ammunition and a grinder from a house in Mashising and arrest a second suspect (aged 27). The arrested suspects will appeared in court inBurgersfort on Wednesday on charges of Housebreaking and Theft. They will also face additional charges for the possession of presumed stolen property and possession of firearms without license at Lydenburg Court by Thursday. The investigation continues and it is anticipated that further arrests may be effected soon. (Information: Colonel Ronnie Van Niekerk, Burgersfort SAPS)

18 OKTOBER 2013



Imbizo at Maseven The Limpopo Provincial, district and local government, under the leadership of Premier Stanley Mathabatha, converged on the tiny village of Maseven (between De Hoop Dam and Ngwaabe and visible from the R555) last week Friday as part of the government’s public participation programme. Prtemier Mathabatha was accordingly introduced to the large crowd gathered under the tent and in the shade of gazebos put up as stalls by various government agencies for the main event. This event comprised of community structures and ortganisation airing their views about service delivery and posed questions to government about pressing issues susch as unemployment, housing, water and the state of roads. Maseven is for example connected to Ngwaabe by a (poorly built) tarred road which abruptly terminates in front of a garden. No access bridges or tarred connection to the R555 exist. The answers to questions were given by various roleplayers, such as MECs.

Limpopo Premier, Stanley Mathabatha and Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe.



Company Values, the key to success ASA Metals / Dilokong Chrome Mine lodged their ‘Rehlokomelaka Kudu’, (We Care More), intervention as part of their theory of constraints program to improve efficiencies at their Mine and Smelter operations. This is the flagship programme for the company in 2013 and is designed to align management and employees’ attitudes and behaviours with the company’s values and goals. All permanent employees are scheduled to attend this programme. The Rehlokomelaka Kudu program was launched in March 2013, together with external consultants and the Gearon team at Hannah Game Lodge, with various teambuilding activities, including the high rope and team activity course, conducted over two days. The working teams take part in the various games designed to develop various areas of team cohesion and interaction. The key focus is on developing individual and team leadership skills, planning for daily activists to enable the team to reach daily targets, as well as that each team member has to take ownership for his or her

responsibilities, in collaboration and support from other team members. Therefore, one of the major challenges of the day is the completion of the high rope course that also helps team members to master their fairs, and also to receive the support of their fellow team members to complete the course. Although the intervention is just approximately 50% complete, the mine has already increased some of their efficiencies on developing meters with more than 100% improvement and on face advance meters with more than 20%, compared to the same time last year. The company are looking forward to complete the first phase of the Rehlokomelaka Kudu program. The Management Team also want to thank their employees for the effort and commitment to ASA Metals and Dilokong Chrome Mine. The ASA Metals / Dilokong Chrome Mine winning team lives their values: Zero Harm, Honesty, Teamwork, Care and Ownership, on a daily basis!

(Article and photographs: ASA Metals)

18 OCTOBER 2013

18 OKTOBER 2013



Twickenham Platinum’s communities still restless

Members of communities around Anglo American Platinum’s Twickenham Platinum Project near Burgersfort marched again on the mine on Tuesday. Marchers gathered since 07:00 and later in the morning marched from Hackney Shaft to Mopetsi Camp where a memorandum (above, which is self explanatory), was handed to the mine’s management. Everything was organised by community members of the Community Engagement Forum and SANCO and the whole process proceeded peacefully under the watchful eyes of the Police.

Public Notice MAYOR’S BURSARY SCHEME FOR THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS FOR THE 2013 ACADEMIC YEAR Greater Tubatse Municipality is offering financial assistance to needy learners and students within its vicinity, to study in a tertiary institution of their choice i.e. University or University of Technology for 2014 Academic year. Minimum requirements for the suitable candidates will be: • Copy of Grade 12 June Examination results • Copy of Senior Certificate or Statement of symbols with admission to a bachelor’s degree or diploma, with at least level 5 in English and level 4 in Mathematics, level 4 Physical Science/Accountancy and two (2) other content subjects including Life Orientation. • Certified copies of salary advice of parent/s or guardian and affidavit indicating employment status of the parents/guardian • Certified copies of identity documents of both applicant and parents/ guardian • Copy of University or University of Technology admission letter for 2014 Academic year Preferred field of studies are: • Civil Engineering • Finance • Information Technology Applications forms are obtainable from the Greater Tubatse Municipal Offices and or Ward Councilor as from the 14 October 2013. It will be responsibility of the learner to return the application forms to Office of Director Corporate Services, 2nd Floor, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Civic Centre, 1 Kastania Street, and Burgersfort. CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS 13 DECEMBER 2013 Correspondence will be made with successful applicants only Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:




18 OCTOBER 2013

Baie aksie by Laerskool Burgersfort

Nuwe leiers

Top Akademiese Presteerders

Laerskool Burgersfort se nuwe leiers vir 2014 was op die 1ste Oktober aangekondig.Leerders het ‘n week se ontgroening deurgemaak en ‘n leierskamp te Bonamanzi bygewoon vanaf 4 Oktober tot 6 Oktober. Voor: Mahlatse Lekwadu, Blessing Serokolo. Middel: Lebo Ndlovu, José Kleynhans, Phomolo Thobejane, Izaan Venter, Brandon Boshoff, JB Willers, Arend Moll. Agter: Neo Sekhukhune, Bianca Beukes, Robbie Rothner , Coelette Erasmus, Keneilwe Shai, Lerato Makofane, Johan Fourie.

Die skool se Top tien akademiese presteerders vanaf Graad 4 –Graad 7: Voor: Bianca Botha, Ancke Du Bruyn, Mohammed Tayob, Melissa van Emmenes. Agter: Keneilwe Shai, Zuanté Wortley, Rynhard Mostert, Khaya Mokoena,José Kleynhans Afwesig: Bonolo Phasha

Leiers word ontgroen Die nuwe leiers by Laerskool Burgersfort is ingelyf met ‘n prettige ontgroening. Die leerlinge het gewys hoerkom hulle as leiers aangewys is, want hulle het dié inlywing met groot glimlagge hanteer.

(Al die foto’s en inligting op hierdie bladsy is deur Laerskool Burgersfort verskaf).

Pret op die leierskamp Laerskool Burgersfort se nuwe leiers het ‘n leierskamp by Bonamanzi bygewoon. Die leerlinge het ‘n verskeidenheid spanbou aktiwiteite gedoen en sommer baie van mekaar en in ‘n span werk geleer.

18 OKTOBER 2013



Ngululu Bulk Carriers brings a solution to schools

Above: Mr Sinthumule from Ngululu Bulk Carriers.

The function at Winterveld Recreational Club was attended by various stakeholders and four learners and the principal of each school. The schools each received a gift pack on stage before collecting their boxes filled with sanitary towels.

Ngululu Bulk Carriers in Steelpoort came to the aid of 744 matric girls in the area who are about to start their examinations. It came to the attention of the company that many girls are staying away from school when they are having their monthly periods. Many cannot afford sanitary towels and make use of newspaper. This result in approximately 50 school days being lost during the year. To prevent this from happening during the matric examination the company is donating sanitary towels to more than 700 girls in the three circuits in the area. The event which was attended by Mr Fred Sinthumule, the CEO of Ngululu Bulk Carriers, the Sekhukhune Executive Mayor Clr David Magabe and the MEC for Education in Limpopo, Ms Dikeledi Magadzi took place at Winterveld Recreational Club on Saturday last week. Local councillors and other stakeholders were also present. Schools in the Driekop, Leolo and Ngwaabe circuits will benefit from the donation of sanitary towels to the girls. At the event Mr Sinthumule also announced that they will for 2014 and 2015 also be donating sanitary towels to all the girls who are in need of it in the schools forming part of the programme. The company sees this as an investment in education, but also upliftment of women in the area. MEC Magadzi praised them for their initiative and also gave the girls attending the event a message of encouragement for the coming matric examinations.

Ngululu Bulk Carriers handed the MEC for Education, Ms Dikeledi Magadzi a branded blanket.

Mr Fred Sinthumule, MEC for Education in Limpopo, Ms Dikeledi Magadzi and the Sekhukhune Executive Mayor Clr David Magabe.

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18 OCTOBER 2013


Keeping promises Autozone Burgersfort donates signs

Left: The page with the original article about the dumping.

Autozone Burgersfort donated “No Dumping” signs to the Greater Tubatse Municipality. This came after Platinum Gazette published an article in June in which a contractor used the store’s vehicle to dump illegally in Oorbietjie Street. The one sign was placed close to the area where the dumping occurred and the other will still be placed somewhere by the municipality. Unfortunately people have been continuing to dump rubbish in the area and the Autozone team cleaned up much of this before planting the sign. In the photograph left Mr Lemon Levhimbi, the local store manager stands next to the sign.

Career Dress Up Day at Leboeng The Leboeng SAPS and the grade 7 learners from Leboeng Primary School held a career dress up day. This is a national campaign and Const. Maimela Sibatana presented the different types of careers within the SAPS. The young ones were fascinated by the different fields within the police service. Some were quick to tell that they will now be able to choose a career in the SAPS that will be interesting to them. (Information: Const. Sibatana Maimela Andrew, Leboeng SAPS).

Robbery suspects arrested

Traffic problems in Marone Street Morone Street in Burgersfort is notorious for the potholes in the one section and then the traffic delays in another. The one section of road borders businesses who all receive deliveries by truck. Shoprite, Build It and Laduma Hardware have to get their stock off the trucks and into their business premises. Tubatse Build It has constructed a paved section next to the road where their stock yard is. This is large enough for most of their deliveries. Ms. Suzette Geldenhuys from Tubatse Build It said:

“People were complaining and I’ve been keeping track of where our delivery trucks park. These days it is seldom one of our deliveries causing traffic problems. People should remember that there is more than one business receiving deliveries in this area”. She is also encouraging the public to take photographs and contact her should they be blocked by Build It vehicles. She adds that all the Build It trucks are clearly marked with the name Build It. Contact Tubatse Build It on 013-231 7529.

Three men from Gamoraba Village in Leboeng was arrested. The men aged, 21, 28 and 39 allegedly robbed a 92-year old woman of R2000. They are accused of forcefully entering the woman’s house during the night and demanding money while threatening to kill her. The men appeared in the Leboeng Magistrate’s Court on 15 October and will appear again on 22 October for a bail hearing. During the arrest the police recovered items such as DVDs, home theatre and many more. These are connected to other cases. The police also found two abandoned speakers at Gasepeke Village in a demolished building.The SAPS is appealing to the community elderly people alone at home and contact them with any information regarding criminal activities. (Information: Const. Sibatana Maimela Andrew, Leboeng SAPS).

This photograph was taken on Wednesday this week when traffic was again disrupted while a truck was offloading bricks.

18 OKTOBER 2013



Steelpoort Akademie hou opedag Steelpoort Akademie het verlede week Donderdag en Vrydag hul opedag vir voornemende graad 0 en 1 leerlinge gehou. Mev. Carien NaudĂŠ het met die ouers oor hul kind gesels en die ouers kon van die aktiwiteite soos PlayBall wat by die skool aangebied word sien. Daar is natuurlik ook lekker saam gekuier en gespeel terwyl die ouers die papierwerk vir hul kinders se toekoms ingevul het.

Snacking in the garden

Mark the dates for the Arum Lily Festival On 29 and 30 November Roossenekal and surroundings will be full of wild arum lilies. It is also the dates for the Arum Lily Festival. The Arum Lily is on of the most sought after indoor plants in Europe but is locally on the brink of extinction due to illegal harvesting. The festival takes place annually with the main event on Saturday 30 November. There will be stalls, Mampoer tasting, Ndebele bead work, crafts and other items manufactured by locals from Draaikraal.The festival is always a buzz with live entertainment.

This year Marius Carstens, Du Preez, Ursula Viviers, David Fours and many more will be bringing live entertainment to the event. Legally grown lilies from surrounding nurseries will be on safe on the day. The festival bus will also be taking visitors to view the flowers in their natural habitat. To book a stall or get more information contact Karin on 083 732 6332 or Christine at 082 550 6896.

Cattle is venturing more and more into Burgersfort as the new season’s grass has not yet appeared. Their snacking on residents’ grass in some areas are driving property owners mad. Without proper control or a municipal pound there is little property owners can do (apart from fencing off their gardens) to prevent the cattle from picking themselves a green snack.


18 OCTOBER 2013


Winning fever continues at Tubatse Superspar The Win-A-Car competition which is currently running at Tubatse SUPERSPAR is still making lucky shoppers winners every week. Lucky draws are done on a weekly base and the big prize, a VW Polo will be drawn just before Christmas this year. To enter the competition customers must spend R300 or more and enter their slip in store. Mr Lucas Donka (left) from Ga-Manoke was the lucky winner of a R500 shopping voucher from Spar in last week’s draw. He received his prize from Ms Petronella Ngele from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

Heritage winner Ms Josephine Mojalefa from Maandagshoek was the winner in the Heritage Competition that was run during the month of September. She won a Braai stand. The competition took place in all SPAR stores nation wide and more than 900 braai stands were given away. Ms Mojalefa received her prize from Ms Refilwe Mohlala at Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

Ms Mahlatse Math from Mashamthane was the lucky winner of a Logik stove. Her prize was handed to her by Ms Caphina Malepe from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

“You can still enter the competition in store” (All photographs and information supplied by Tubatse SUPERSPAR) Ms Ms Thabo Mabokwena from Praktiseer will be doing some more shopping at Spar after she was the lucky winner of a R500 shopping voucher in the WinA-Car competition. Her prize was handed to her by Ms Yvonne Morema from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

“You could be one of the weekly winners” Mr Thabiso Mphahlele from Alverton was the winner of a Stramm generator in the WinA-Car competition. He received his prize from Ms Dinah Mmachacha at Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS

(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041

In case of a power failure in Burgersfort the SAPS Switchboard will not be working. Call: 082 462 2920 or 082 449 0273

Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital (013) 2147265 Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital (013) 615 0204 Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic (013) 2317843 Water & Sanitation 082 900 4449 Disaster Management (Ambulance & Fire) 0800 330 022 Electricity (Eskom) 0860 037 566

18 OKTOBER 2013


Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar.

Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277.

to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

Kort en langafstand vervoer beskikbaar 8 Ton platbak trok, 4 ton platbak trok en ‘n bakkie beskikbaar om goedere te vervoer. Kwotasies op aanvraag. Kontak:

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next

Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.

PROPERTY FOR SALE House No. 616 Praktiseer 3 Bedrooms, sitting room, kitchen, 1 Inside toilet, garage and an outside toilet. Price R350 000 Contact: 082 857 8226 079 498 1932 072 454 6129

10. Te Koop/ For Sale

Do your car need some panel beating, but you don’t have insurance? No problem! 15% Discount on all cash jobs. Contact: 0828537417

URGENT SALE Stand in Motaganeng estate. Erf 2704 Size: 564 m² Price: R200 000 Contact: Herman 0832299765

Platinum Gazette

Lampsman and Lamproom Operators

PLACE OF WORK: Bokoni and Hackney Mine Lamproom QUALIFICATIONS: Grade 12 REQUIREMENTS: • (Operators) must be able to speak English; • Be willing to work shifts; • Be familiar with lamps, GDI, Battery charging equipment, maintenance and repair equipment; • (Lampsman) Lampsman certificate; • Must be familiar with safe-lite, Lamps/AMS and all duties of operators. VACANCY:

10. Te Koop/ For Sale


Vacancies: Mining Industry VACANCY:

9. Te Huur/ To Let

Lamproom Administrator

PLACE OF WORK: Bokoni Platinum Mine QUALIFICATIONS: Microsoft Word, Excell and Powerpoint REQUIREMENTS: Must have at least five years experience as administrator

Please send your detailed CV with certificates to: For queries please phone Mary-Jane at 083 661 8777.

TE KOOP 1 hektaar voledige nethuis – R150 000 2m Behandelde tamatiepale – R15 elk Fiat 640 trekker met implemente - R35 000. Kontak: 082 618 8332 FOR SALE A 900m2 steel structure for sale. Includes 5 ton overhead crane. 1 ton overhead crawl. Includes windows. Transport, sheeting and erecting excluded from price. Price: R350 000 negotiable. Contact: 084 267 7043

To place your advertisement contact Beánnla Celliers on 0835431676 or e-mail adverts@ platinumgazette. com

SAMOOSAS Good quality samoosas available from Aloe Ridge East. Week days and weekends. Also cater for functions. Contact: 076 615 8607

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” Stuart Henderson

Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

The Booysendal platinum mine is situated on the border of the Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces near the towns of Mashishing (Lydenburg), Roossenekal and Steelpoort. The mine is located on the southernmost exposure of the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex. This new and exciting platinum project will rely on trackless mechanised mining, to produce some 150 000 ounces (3PGM+Au) at steady state. Booysendal is a division of the JSE-listed Northam Platinum Limited, a well-established, mid-tier independent and integrated platinum group metals producer with a strong tradition of innovation and technical expertise in the sector.

ASSISTANT FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT (REF: BDFIN5/13) FINANCE The Assistant Financial accountant is responsible to assist the Financial Manager in a financial/ administrative function. He/ She is responsible to provide assistance with regards to guidance, motivation, maintenance and management of financial and statistical information to streamline the payment, accounting and financial process. Qualifications, Experience and Competencies Grade 12 with mathematics or accounting, Degree or relevant Diploma Financial/ Cost accounting or studying towards an accounting qualification will be an added advantage, Work knowledge of accountancy computer/software system, Computer skills in Microsoft Word, Excel and financial systems, Knowledge of commercial system, Knowledge of accounts payable and receivable system,2 to 3 years experience in accounting /financial environment within the mining industry in the financial department. Applications close: 25 October 2013 Booysendal Platinum Mine is an equal employment opportunity employer and reserves the right to make appointments in line with its Employment Equity Policy. Applicants are requested to forward a comprehensive CV to the HR Manager of Northam Platinum Limited Booysendal Division Mine to Please quote the Position Title and Reference Number in the subject box of the e-mail. CV’s received in any form after the closing date and time will not be considered. If you have not been contacted within three (3) weeks of the closing date, know that your application was unsuccessful.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

* Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Dilokong/ASA Metals * Dwarsrivier Mine * Kubu Tavern * Morena’s Tavern * Magaba Garage * Mooifontein Kafee * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs * Merensky Real Estate * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * One Stop Motor Spares Steelpoort * GMC Debt Solutions

Burgersfort * Burgersfort Toyota * Sediman Tuckshop Kalkfontein * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Build It Burgersfort * AC Supermarket & Hardware * Supa Save Burgersfort * Nalito’s Restaurant Burgersfort * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Cheap Cheap Butchery #2 Burgerfort * Bronrich Slaghuis

GENERAL NOTICE 2013 Regulation of 21(10) of the Development Facilitation Regulations in terms of the Development Facilitation Act 1995. NOTICE OF LAND DEVELOPMENT AREA APPLICATION I Percy Mokwena of intellicomp cc (Plot 119 Sekelbos Street Bultfontein 0120) on behalf of the Greater Tubatse, Greater Sekhukhune District Municiaplities and intellcomp have lodged an application for the establishment of a land Development area in terms of the Development Facilitation Act, 1995. The establishment of a land Development area in terms of the Development Facilitation Act, 1995. the application is for the development is for the sub division Portion of the Farm Twyfelaar 119 KT and with consist of:a) A shopping mall first phase of approximately 40 000 square meters, bus rank of approximately 1500 sq meters. b) A residential site comprising 850 residential erven of approximately 500 to 800 sq meters with residential density of 10 du/ha; c) A residential component in the eastern sector of the proposal mall, comprising of 2552 residential erven with stand sizes ranging from 200 sq meters with residential density of 40 du/ha; d) Associated infrastructure including a sewerage and water treatment plants The relevant documents and information are available for inspection at the offices of the greater Tubatse Municipality at corner Kort and Eddie Street in Burgersfort for period of 21 days from 11/10/2013. The application will be considered at tribunal hearing to be held at Ga Selala Moshate and Ge Maroga Moshate on 01/11/2013 at 13h00. The venue is next to R37 between Burgersfort and Polokwane. Any person having an interest in the application should note: 1. You may within a period of 12 days from the date of the first publication of this notice, provide the designated officer with your written objections or representatitions; or 2. If you comments constitute an objection to any aspect of the land development application, you must appear in person or through a representative before tribunal on the date mentioned above. Any written objection or representation must be delivered to the Designated Officer, Mr. Lesiba Madubanye of the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform. You may contact the designated Officer if you have any queries on tel: 015-297-3539 Fax: 015-297-4988. Andrea Building, 2nd Floor, Cnr Rissik and Schoeman Streets, POLOKWANE, 0700 Postal Address Private Bag X3912, POLOKWANE, 0700


18 OCTOBER 2013

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Skietdag vir jagters op Lydenburg Die Bosbok tak van die SA Jagtersvereniging hou op 17 November 2013 hulle laaste amptelike skietdag van die jaar. Die skietdag sal by Lydenburg skietbaan plaasvind. Die Bosbok tak bedien jagters van Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad en Lydenburg. Enige iemand is welkom om te kom skiet of net te kom kyk. Die dag is nie net vir lede van die tak nie. Die skiet vind op die Egbert Hiemstra skietbaannet buite Lydenburg plaas. Dit is so 2km op die Roossenekal pad aan die regterkant. (Langs die vliegveld). Die jagseisoen is verby, maar die bestuur van die tak hoop dat die dag steeds goed ondersteun sal word.

Die Rooibok of Blouwildebees tabel gaangeskiet word. Dit behels 9 skote wat onderskeidelik 200m - Lê houding (3 x skote/rondtes) 100m - Sit houding (3 x skote/rondtes) 50m - Staan houding (3 x skote/rondtes geskiet word. Lede sal R20 betaal en nie-lede sal R50 betaal per inskrywing. Storm Buffel: Die Storm Buffel gaan ook geskiet word. In hierdie skietoefening word dit nageboots dat die skut na ‘n stormende buffel skiet. Persone wat hieraan wil deelneem moet dus verkieslik met ‘n kaliber van .375” of groter skiet. 8 x Rondtes, waarvan 3 brein en 5 hartskote moet wees sal na die buffelteiken

teen tyd en op verskillende afstande geskiet word. Vir die skuts wat nie ‘n .375 of groter kaliber besit nie, kan daar wel met ‘n kleiner kaliber geskiet word, maar hulle sal nie die volle punte kry nie. “Almal wat die tabel al geskiet het, sê die adrenalien wat daarmee saamgaan is verslawend. Die tabel is ‘n goeie maatstaf om te sien of jy reg is om groot wild te gaan jag, of as jy in so ‘n situasie sou beland waar jy of iemand in jou groep se lewens in gevaar is, jy reg sou wees om onder druk steeds vinnige en akkurate skote te kan skiet” sê Johan Grimbeek van die tak. Aspirant Beroeps Jagters kry hier die geleentheid om te sien of hulle dit het om as ‘n “PH” te kwalifiseer. Die groot wildjagters wat die dag bywoon kan ook hul ondervinding kom deel. Dit is R10 per lid en R20 vir nie-lede per inskrywing. Dit is belangrik om genoeg ammunisie na die dag te bring. Navrae: Johan Grimbeek, 082 378 0698 (Skiet koördineerder), JB Willers, 082 820 1748 (voorsitter) en Leon Visser, 082 808 9641 (onder-voorsitter).

Links: “Dagga Boy” (Foto: Johan Grimbeek)

Sanlam Cancer Challenge at Sun City More than 40 000 golf players around the country participated in the regional competitions to eventually select the few who will play in the finals. The process took 8 months and is this year in its 21st year. The competition will take place at Sun City on Monday and Tuesday. Two of the Tubatse Chrome players will be taking on the cream

Two players from Tubatse Chrome Club will be competing at Sun City

of the crop at Sun City. Johan Dreyer and Cheryl Wilkinson will be participating. Players from as young as 13 years participate in the competition. In 2011 Shawnelle de Lange became the youngest ever player to win the title in her category. She was only 13 years old. This year she will be back and will take on Jamie-Lee Daniels from the Eastern Cape, Kim Daniels and Micheala Fletcher amongst others. One of the other young players to watch is the 17year old Adam Alhadeff. He will be playing in the men’s B Division. As previously reported, the Tubatse Chrome Club wishes their players all the best for the tournament and hope that they not only enjoy the experience, but also perform at their best.

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