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‘We have had enough’ Binne / Residents demand action against crime - p2
Inside: Xstrata’s Eastern Limb Training Centre near Steelpoort was established in 2005. Since then they’ve become an important facility where talented locals get training. Read more about one of their success stories on page 5.
Tubatse Crossing update
© Platinum Gazette
19 April 2013
Oorbietjie Street takes the lead
Burgersfort Police attended the residents’ meeting in Oorbietjie Street. A follow-up meeting will be held next week.
ECM Laboratory maintains ISO 17025 accreditation and standards
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19 APRIL 2013
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(RegNo: No:NCRDC NCRDC487) 487) (Reg
“Pass laws for Oorbietjie Street, that is what we need to keep the thieves and criminals out” was the view of one resident of this street next to the bushes in Extension 5, Burgersfort. He was one of the first to speak his mind at a residents’ meeting called on the nice lawn on the sidewalk in front of one of the houses in the street. He has reason for his indignation. Burglaries in this area are rife, at some homes as much a three times a month and nobody is ever caught. “The Police say the bushes is too thick, even their dogs cannot enter. Somebody must do something about the bushes, otherwise we will have no choice but to burn it ourselves” one resident quipped. “We also have no street lights. They are here, but not working. Why can there be big lights in Extension 10, but we must be in the dark, it is unsafe. We pay rates and taxes” said another. Residents also related horror tales of how their homes are carried empty of tv’s microwave ovens and other stuff in broad daylight when they go to work “mainly through the back doors of our homes”, they say. The Police arrived a little bit later for the meeting, but quickly told residents that pass laws for their street are too drastic (and perhaps against the law) and that a simple Community Police Forum structure as well as a voluntary neighbourhood watch to assist the Police will suffice. The Police explained that there is enough vehicles available, but that there are a personnel shortage with regard to visible policing patrols. This situation will be rectified, but assistance from residents in the meantime will be appreciated. Residents also made it clear that it is not only about their street, but the whole Extension 5 that can benefit from working together against crime. A follow-up meeting will be held at the same place at 17:30 on Tuesday (follow Oorbietjie Street until you reach the very green sidewalk). Captain Naimatoni of the Police can also be contacted at 082 462 2920 for any related matter in any area in Burgersfort (not only Extension 5).
The concept of Laboratory Accreditation was developed to provide a means for third-party certification of the competence of laboratories to perform specific type(s) of testing and calibration. Laboratory Accreditation provides formal recognition of competent laboratories, thus providing a ready means for customers to find reliable testing and calibration services in order to meet their demands. Laboratory Accreditation enhances customer confidence in accepting testing / calibration reports issued by accredited laboratories. Throughout the world, many countries now rely on a process called Laboratory Accreditation to determine the technical competence of their laboratories. The laboratory accreditation process is generally completed by one accreditation body within a country (in South Africa the accreditation body is SANAS). Samancor ECM customers should have confidence and assurance in the data generated by ECM laboratory. Samancor ECM Laboratory is accredited by a reputable accrediting body, meaning that the laboratory has achieved a prescribed level of technical competence to perform specific types of testing and measurement activities. The result is assurance that the laboratory is capable of producing data that are accurate, traceable and reproducible - critical analysis. Using accredited laboratories also facilitates trade and economic growth. The accrediting process relies on a uniform approach to determining laboratory competence - an approach that has been accepted and implemented across many borders. Because of internationally accepted testing and measurement practices, data generated by an accredited laboratory may lead to the more ready acceptance of exported goods in overseas markets. This reduces costs and eases exports and imports, as it reduces or eliminates the need for retesting in another country.
‘Verdwaal’ or not? Last weekend a man allegedly had too much to drink in Glen Cowie. His friends told him they were taking him home because he was drunk. He fell asleep and awoke in a car next to the main road the next day. The 36-year old man went to the nearest Police Station. It was the Leboeng Police Station and the car stood without petrol next to the R36. The police went with him where he left the car and when they they checked the particulars of the vehicle it wat was determined that it was reported stolen the previous night at Nebo. The suspect was arrested and appeared at Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday and will remain in custody until 23 April 2013. In the meantime the Leboeng Police are warning road users of the R36 road between Leboeng, Ga- Moraba and Tswenyane to be vigilant because there are culprits who throw vehicles with stones. Leboeng Police warned these people to stop because they will find themselves behind bars if caught.
Leboeng SAPS visit school On Friday 2013-04-12 Leboeng SAPS management visited Tshabelang Dinoko High School. This was after a recent housebreaking that occurred at the school. The station commander, Captain Solomon Moholane addressed the learners and advised them to stop involving themselves in criminal activities. He warned learners to refrain from abuse of drugs and alcoho, especially dagga that is prevalent in the area. He further warned them to stop going to taverns at night because some they could find themselves being victims of crimes such as rape. He advised them to focus on their education.
19 APRIL 2013
A trip to the Mall, but no shopping yet Last week Thursday afternoon a group of stakeholders were invited to visit the Tubatse Crossing Regional Mall. The first phase of the Mall is due to open on 23 May 2013. The second phase should be completed by the end of June 2013. Tubatse Crossing will have Shoprite, Pick n Pay and Game as their anchor tenants. Almost 90 retailers will fill the currently vacant and under construction spaces towards the middle of the year. Some of the big names include Edcon, Foschini, Truworths and the Mr Price Group. Locals will also be glad to know that Panarotti’s and Wimpy will be part of the tenant mix.
Left: Greater Tubatse Municipality Mayor, Cllr NJ Mahlake thanked the developers for the growth and opportunities they bring to the area. He also enjoyed a walk through the mall to see how construction is coming along.
Right: Mayor NJ Mahlake greets Mr Henk Botha from Shoprite. Botha and his team is busy preparing the shop for opening day on 23 May 2013. Shoprite will be one of the achor tenants at the Mall. Mahlake asked Botha about their employment of locals for the new shop. Botha assured him that they take care to give local people opportunities.
Shopfitting is happening across various sections of the mall. On the left is what Game looked like during the visit.
Cooler bags filled with treats kept the visitors full of energy.
Mr Makalakatje Phasha (Centre Manager), Ms Zelda Moela (Marketing Manager) and Mr Michael Roetz (Operations Manager) for Tubatse Crossing Regional Mall.
Ms Suzan Temple, asset manager with Resilient Properties explains to Mayor Mahlake where certain shops will be located.
19 APRIL 2013
Thank you to all the school’s sponsors and supporters Last week Steelpoort Academy hosted a Cheese and Wine function to thank companies and individuals for their support in various ways. Some contribute financially and others through time and skills. Mr Anton Alberts, principal of the school, acknowledged that the huge contributions made by these people and organisations makes operating the school easier. He thanked everyone for their interst and support.
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Rugby- en netbaltoere Steelpoort Akademie se eerste netbal- en rugbyspanne het gedurende die vakansie na die Kaap getoer. Hulle het op Stellenbosch aan ‘n toernooi deelgeneem. Die dogters het puik gespeel en die skool se naam hoog gehou. Die toer het vir hulle nie net uit netbal bestaan nie. Hulle was ook op Tafelberg, by Ratanga Junction, Cool Runnings, die Two Oceans Akwarium en die het lekker geysskaats. Dié groepie se rondrits in die Kaap is moontlik gemaak deur Thorburn Security Solutions. “Ons wil in die besonder vir FC Smit en Dolf Scheepers hiervoor bedank. ONs het met ons aankoms in die Kaap ‘n 2.5 diesel Quantum en
sleepwa ontvang waarmee ons die hele 9 dae kon rondry. Alle kostes, insluitend die brandstof is deur Thorburn geborg. Ons opregte dank en waardering teenoor die twee mans en die maatskappy. Julle goedhartigheid word werklik deur elkeen van die dogters en afrigters waardeer. Dankie ook aan ons ander groot borger Tubatse Chroom en Luan Lombard” sê die skool. Die rugbyspan het aan die Cape Sport Festival in Stellenbosch deelgeneem. Hulle het dit baie leersaam gevind. Hulle het ook gewys hulle is ‘n span om mee rekening te hou. Dié span het ook al hul borge bedank wat die ondervinding vir hulle moontlik gemaak het. (Foto’s en inligting: Steelpoort Akademie)
19 APRIL 2013
A story of success: Meet Tshepo Shabangu
From helping to build the Training Centre to reaching a dream Tshepo Shabangu (30) grew up in Bothashoek just outside Burgersfort. He was always interested in the mechanics of things. This and computer science fascinted him, but at the end of matric his family could not afford to pay for tertiary studies. He however decided to make use of the opportunities he gets and make the most of them!
How did you know of Xstrata’s Training Centre? “I applied for a learnership with Xstrata in April 2005. I was admitted and it was tough. We were 30 in the group selected from more than 1000 applicants. We started our training and used an old workshop at the old Vantech premises. We later moved to a bigger workshop. Eventually construction of the Training Centre started and we moved into the current buildings. All the benches and the panels in here were built by us”. In which field of artisanship have you been trained, and how long did it take to complete the training? “ I trained as a Fitter Machinist. I started in April 2005 and qualified in October 2007.” How did you develop a passion for this field? “When I qualified in 2007 I was appointed as a Junior Artisan. I was the first student to qualify and get a permanent position as a Junior Artisan. A year later I was promoted to Artisan level. Another year on I was appointed as Mechanical Air-pollution Co-ordinator. The main reason I decided to train as a fitter was because I had a background of motor mechanics. I could easily relate to the fitter work, rather than that of boiler making or something else”. Who paid for your training at the Centre, and how much did it cost? “Xstrata paid for my training. I am not sure about the cost, but it is very expensive”. What is your designation at Xstrata’s Lion operation and what are your main responsibilities? “I am currently a Mechanical Air Pollution Co-ordinator. I manage pollution. I make sure that the plant’s emissions comply with the government’s legal requirements. It can sometimes be stressful because if something goes wrong, they can fine the Company for thousands of rands. I however enjoy doing my job”. What is your message to the trainees who are currently still receiving training at the Centre? “Xstrata has given them a passport to success. It is up to them to use it to their full advantage. Engineering is a very challenging field that requires someone with patience and determination. They must learn from their instructors so that when they go on they can excel and be the best”. What do you personally consider as your recipe for success? “I think that my discipline, hard work, dedication and patience works for me. I also have a good eye-hand co-
Right: Tshepo Shabangu was one of the first students to qualify at the Xstrata Eastern Limb Training Centre. He now mentors some new trainees.
ordination. I am always willing to learn from others without looking at their background or title”. How did this opportunity change your life? “Xstrata has made my life easier. I cannot imagine what my life would be like without such an opportunity as I’ve had. The skills I’ve learnt I can even use at home. Mechanical is a very diverse field. I can go in any direction. Xstrata is also assisting me to further my studies so that I can get a GCC accreditation”. In the long run, what do you want to achieve? “I am studying towards my GCC accreditation which is a government ticket for engineers. My main module is more on mining. That means the next time we speak I would hopefully be a qualified mechanical engineer. I would like to stay in this area and give back to the company and the community at large. Anything you would like to add? “I would like to say that the support I get from my superiors and sub-ordinates is out of this world. We are a family. I would also like to thank my parents. They’ve been my pillars throughout my life. They guys who’ve helped me with my training - they were tough guys, but I learnt a lot from them. When I started working I worked with Thomas Tau and Oscar Carlson and they’ve taught me a lot. Lastly, I would like to thank Xstrata for the training opportunity they gave me through their Training Centre. Thank you!”
19 APRIL 2013
‘Dear President, we cannot blame Almost 20 years into democracy South Africa is in many ways failing to fulfill the dreams many voters had in 1994. Recently Planning Minister Trevor Manuel told government employees that it is time to stop blaming apartheid. He said that the learning curve after apartheid should have been mastered and government should have adapted to the new status quo for delivery to start on a large scale. He urged everyone to take responsibility for their work rather than blaming apartheid for what is not happening. He also revealed a plan through which government employees will receive training and evaluation to ensure delivery can be fast-tracked. President Jacob Zuma however feels that the legacy of apartheid is still prominent and has so far prevented the idyllic South Africa many dreamed of, to materialise. He has been heavily critisized for his view that apartheid is still a relevant factor which impacts on service delivery. Measuring the effects of apartheid is a very difficult thing to do. Some of the problems inherited include a culture of migrant labour in the mining industry. This model of industrial operation came under the spotlight again after 34 miners were killed at Marikana last year. Quality education during apartheid was reserved for a few. Poorly trained teachers, under-resourced schools, the Bantu-education system and poverty were a reality before 1994. Unfortunately problems in the education system did not disappear after 1994. Poor choices of policies, closing down of teacher colleges, a lack of up-skilling teachers and training new teachers, corruption, a lack of text books and friction between provincial government and provincial officials are all contributing towards an education system struggling to stand its ground. Industrial action in the new South Africa has often had adverse effects on the economy. The implementation of BEE has been highly controversial and some claim that this contributed towards people lacking the skills needed to perform and deliver. Previously road infrastructure and service delivery was prioritised for “white” areas. To provide for those millions who were left behind was always going to be a challenge, no matter which party tackled the task. We asked readers if they feel that apartheid’s legacy can still after almost 20 years be so prominent that it serves as a valid excuse for non-delivery and other failures?
Mnr Stefan Maré sê: “Die strukture, munisipaliteite ens wat in 1994 daar was, is deur wanbestuur en nalatige finansiële bestuur byna ten gronde. As ‘n mens deesdae na die paaie, verkeersbeheer ens. kyk, gaan dinge nog stadig agteruit. Apartheid is nie nou meer ‘n geldige verskoning vir goed wat nie gebeur nie”
Mr Justice Mahasha said: “I agree with Mr Trevor Manuel. It is time to deliver. People in government need to realise we cannot dwell in the past. We need to move forward. You can’t move forward if you keep looking at the past. We need to start delivering - there is nothing holding us back”.
Mr Moses Langazane and Mr James Khunyuedi said: “We agree with Trevor Manuel. People should start to take responsibility. We cannot live in the past. People must go forward. It is almost 20 years of democracy now. We must forget the past”.
Me. Charmaine Maree sê: “Hulle moet net saamstaan. Apartheid is verby en as hulle dit nie nou kan los nie, sal hulle nooit apartheid as verskoning los nie”. By haar is Corrie Maree.
Mr Samuel Mohlatlole said: “It is not apartheid’s fault that service delivery is not happening. It is now almost 20 years. The big problem is that our goververnment do not provide enough jobs for the young people of our country”.
Mr Amos Mkhonto said: “I agree with Trevor Manuel. You can’t fail to do something and then afterwards go and blame apartheid. He is right. We need to move on”.
Mr Eugene Sobopha said: “It is almost 20 years and you still have children attending school under trees and in corrugated iron buildings. How much does is cost to build a school? There are other things they can blame on apartheid, but for these things like the state of education they cannot blame apartheid”.
Mr Sabata Patsa said: “Our government is not investing enough to improve our education. Our youth are getting lazier and lazier. We are neglecting our country’s future - the kids. There were problems stemming from apartheid. In apartheid people just received. Now people must be taught to get things for themselves. Empty promises make people now blame apartheid while our government enrich themselves and nothing is delivered”.
19 APRIL 2013
apartheid anymore’ - our readers
Mr Sipho Aphane and his wife Ms Millicent Aphane said: “They must stop using apartheid as an excuse. They must take responsibility on their own. It is a long time since the ANC took over power. Our government must stop corruption. They are now in charge of the money. Before they might have been learning, now they must deliver”. With them is Diketso.
Mr Thabile Malapane and Mr Tiisetso Thokwane said: “We think apartheid passed a long time ago. Our government is very reluctant. They don’t want to provide services, they always blame apartheid. It is time to move on and stop blaming apartheid. When we look today there is transformation which means apartheid is over. Our government must just deliver. If someone was born in 1994 they can already be working today and they never knew apartheid”.
Me. Belinda Laas sê: “Ek stem 100% met Trevor Manuel saam. Daar is mense wat nie eens gebore was met die einde van apartheid nie, maar dit nou as ‘n verskoning gebruik. Elke ou moet begin verantwoordelikheid vat. Elkeen klim op die soustrein en karring net aan. Apartheid het nie die gate in vandag se paaie gemaak nie. Dit het ook nie laaste paar jaar se korrupsie veroorsaak nie”.
Mr Jeffrey Rabyang said: “We must move on and forget the past. They must now just deliver on their promises and stop pointing fingers and blaming others”.
Me. Nádine de Beer en mnr. Driaan de Beer sê: “Dis nie altyd nodig om apartheid te blameer nie. Dit gaan meestal oor mense wat mekaar nie kan verdra nie. Mense moet verantwoordelikheid vat vir dit waarvoor hulle betaal word. Hulle kan nie die toekoms beter maak as hulle nie wil saamwerk nie”.
Right: Mr Daniël Lephuthing said: “It is now only an excuse. They must start to deliver to the people. We are too long now in the new South Africa”.
Links: Me. Susan Smit sê: “Ek stem met Trevor Manuel saam. Dit is nou al baie lank na 1994 om nou nog apartheid te blameer. Hulle moet net verantwoordelikheid vat vir wat hulle doen want dan sal dinge nie so agteruit gaan nie”. By haar is Chantelle Smit.
Mr Rufus Moela said: “They are just giving us excuses. The time after apartheid is too long. They must now start to deliver. They tax us every day, but where is the money going?” Links: Mnr Carel Roos sê: “Die parlement is nou meer korrup as ooit. Dis gerieflik om te sê iets wat nie gebeur nie is apartheid se skuld. Hulle moet nou begin om die regte mense in die regte poste te sit sodat dinge reggestel kan word”.
Kom ondersteun die NG Kerk se basaar 1 Mei 2013 Die NG Kerk Burgersfort hou op 1 Mei basaar. Die dag wat ook ‘n publieke vakansiedag is, beloof om ‘n heerlike kuier geleentheid te wees. Daar sal heerlike kos, koeke, kleinkoekies, beskuit, pannekoek, potjiekos en baie meer te koop wees. Die kinders bly nie vergete nie, daar sal skyfskietkompetisies en ander vermaak vir hulle wees. Die hele gemeenskap word genooi om die dag se feestelikheid te kom bywoon en saam te kuier. Die geleentheid is juis op die vakansiedag gereël sodat almal dit kan bywoon. Alles gebeur by die NG Kerk terrein op Burgersfort. Navrae: 013 231 7627
Are you missing your dog? This Basset hound was found roaming the streets in Ext. 5 last week Wednesday. He is very well behaved, well cared for and friendly. He also misses his owners. Please contact: 084 769 4457 or 013 231 7738 if this is your dog.
Buffels shine at Groblersdal Last week Saturday the Winterveld Buffels played a league game in Groblersdal against Pietersburg Dorp in the Presidents Cup League. Pietersburg Dorp is a well-established rugby club and one of the bigger clubs int he Limpopo region. The Buffels won the game 38-7 (half time 31-0). “Congratulations guys, it was a well deserved victory,” said Charl van der Merwe from the Buffels management’s side. The team is now looking forward to face them again in the Senior League Division later in the season. The Buffels will be facing Louis Trichardt this coming weekend. The game will be played at Winterveld Recreational Club and kick-off is scheduled for 16:00. The team invites the public to come and support them at the game. Everyone is welcome. The Buffels also thanked the following people: THWI Construction - Johan: diesel sponsorship, AFM Church for the use of the bus; Pick ‘n Pay Steelpoort for the lunch packs and Loskop Rugby Club who hosted last weekend’s game. The team practise every Tuesday and Thursday at 18:00 at Winterveld Recreational Club’s rugby field. New players are always welcome. Join the club, become fit and live the love of the game. Get fit and feel good! Enquiries: Charl van der Merwe, 079 690 0858 or Neels Beukes, 083 291 8005. (Information: Charl van der Merwe. Photographs: Mara Theunissen).
CVO atlete presteer by SA atletiek ‘n Hele paar van Waterval CVO se atlete het die afgelope skoolvakansie aan die SA Kampioenskappe vir Christelike Volkseie Skole gaan deelneem. Hulle het op Sasolburg gehardloop. Die atelete op die foto regs het almal medaljes verower. Hulle is agter: Heinrich Oberholzer, Marlé Labuschagne, Elze-Mike Greeff en Jani Taljaard. Voor: Violet Taljaard, Megan Griesel, Clarice Greeff, Johan Bester, Andreas Fouché en Ruben Fensham.
19 APRIL 2013
19 APRIL 2013
New RAV4 launched The new RAV4 was launched at Burgersfort Toyota last week Saturday. Excitement ran high as sales executives showed clients the latest edition to the Toyota family. Young and old had a chance to view the vehicle inside and out. The branch financial and insurance clerk was also available to help process applications for finance on this vehicle as fast as possible. Visit Burgersfort Toyota to test drive the new RAV4.
Top 10 akademiese presteerders Laerskool Burgersfort het hul top akademiese presteerders vir die eerste kwartaal van die jaar aangewys. Op hierdie bladsy is dié van graad 4 to 7. (Foto’s en inligting: Anja van der Westhuizen, Laerskool Burgersfort). Regs: Graad 5: Cherese van Aswegen, Janu Beukes, Bronwyn Visser, Bianca Botha, Thato Sebopela. Links: Graad 6: René v.d Middel: Amor Heyneke, Berg, Coelette Erasmus, Modipadi Rapudi, Bonke JB Willers. Middel: Kayla Nkosi, Voor: Salmitah Coetzee, Izaan Venter, Mohlala, Lethamaga José Kleynhans. Voor: Mothapo. Arend Molle. Afwesig: Keneilwe Shai.
Graad 4: Lefentse Selala, Bonolo Phasha, Lebogang Manana, Mohammed Tayob, Bhale Shabangu. Voor: Charleen Bruwer, Melissa van Emmenes, Mrinal Cherian.
Graad 7: Zuanté Wortley, Alechia van Emmenes, Thato Thobakgale, Chané du Plessis. Voor: Rynhard Mostert, Lethabo Seema, Khaya Mokoena, Cecilia Theron. Afwesig: Bianca Burger.
19 APRIL 2013
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
2. Betrekking/ Vacancy Air Conditioning Technician wanted. Contact: 082 443 9751
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation
Burgersfort. Restaurant, washing, safe parking, truck parking, aircons, fridge in rooms, coffee/tea facilities in room. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 CIS Electrical Alle elektriese herstelwerk en instandhouding Christo:0766399858 Ina:0791017894
3. Te Huur/ To Let Nuwe tweeslaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort. Skakel 082 357 1954
Mooifontein Guesthouse Overnight accommodation available in
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Bargain properties for sale. Tel: 082 496 4312
Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676
To advertise an advertisement in the classified section of the newspaper, simply fax, email or call us to place the advert. Smalls or classifieds are great to advertise your product or service in an inexpensive way, but reach a large number or readers.
Got some news? Contact us on 083 271 9151 with your news and events. Editorial deadline: Wednesday at 17:00
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
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Betrekking Tegnikus DRINGEND benodig by Red Security Steelpoort. Goeie pakket.
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Stuur CV na: of kontak: Morne: 013 231 8025 Rudie: 076 684 7144
19 APRIL 2013
Soccer league still on Last week Saturday, Maatlopo United Footbal Club (in the red on the photographs) played against RT Giant Killers in their league game.
The game took place at Ntwampe Sport Stadium at Moroke. RT Killers played an attacking game and made the most of the hosts’ weak spots. By the time of going to press the newspaper had not received the full game report for this game or the one Maatlopo played on Sunday last week. Platinum Gazette invites soccer teams from the area to contact us with your fixtures and game reports. The newspaper places invitations to sporting events such as
soccer games on the diary and when possible attend to take photographs. Invitations to games and reports of games played must reach the paper by a Wednesday every week. Contact Platinum Gazette on:, 082 721 9151/083 543 1676 or fax: 013 231 7147/086 554 9031.
Play and dance for a good cause Huizemark Burgersfort will be hosting a charity golf day on 27 April 2013. All the funds raised with this day will be going towards LAPSAR (Lydenburg Animal Protection Services and Rescue). The format of the day will be Better Ball. Teams can enter for R2000 per team and this will include dinner for the team. Tee-off will be from 07:00 the morning. The day is also an ideal way to do marketing and sponsors are invited to ‘buy’ a spot at various places on the course. The day will not only be fun for all the players, the whole family can come and share in the day’s activities. A jumping castle will be available for the children. After the day’s a play a spit-braai and cash bar will be available before the night will be danced away with live entertainment. Players and their supporters are welcome to donate dog food, blankets, cat food and other animal necessities. All the donations will be delivered to LAPSAR. To book your sponsorship stall contact Louis at Huizemark on 082 496 4312 or 079 894 2944. To book your place on the course for the day’s golf contact Martin on 072 564 2811.
19 APRIL 2013
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Chroom in die kol Tubatse Chroom Golf Klub het verlede Saterdag 13 April liga wedstryde by Tubatse gespeel. Die nommer 13 was vir twee spelers baie gelukkig. Johan Dreyer het op putjie no. 13 ‘n kolhou (hole in one) geslaan en Schalk du Plessis het op putjie 4 ‘n kolhou geslaan. “Ons wens die twee manne hartlik geluk met hul gelukskote en pragtige golf wat gehelp het dat Chroom B weer ‘n goeie wen in die liga behaal” sê Willem Montgomery van die klub. Chroom A het teen Malelane gespeel en 6-2 gewen. Chroom Bhet teen Barberton gespeel en hulle het 5-4 gewen. Hierdie naweek is die Steelpoort Akademie se jaarlikse gholfdag. Die skool hou elke jaar die dag om fondse in te samel. Spelers word genooi om die dag te ondersteun. Op 27 April hou Huizemark ‘n liefdadigheidsgolfdag. Lees meer hieroor op bladsy 11. Dié dag is ‘n goeie geleentheid om nie net te ontspan nie, maar ook vir ‘n goeie doel te gee.
Chroom A en Chroom B het die afgelope naweek die beste van hul tuisvoordeel gemaak en met hul teenstanders in die liga afgereken. Johan Dreyer en Schalk du Plessis het onderskeidelik elk ‘n kolhou gespeel. Gewoonlik is een kolhou uitsonderlik. Twee is byna ongehoord.