Platinum Moving in?
Hawkers ready for new dispensation Hawkers in Burgersfort and Praktiseer are readying themselves to move into the long awaited hakwers’ stalls that had been erected in Praktiseer and Burgersfort and they are full of confidence that the move is imminent. Chairman of the Tubatse Hawkers Association, Mr Mphanga, told the newspaper that in order to qualify for the possible allocation of a stall, people must be registered. Registration for Praktiseer hawkers happens this week and next week, while Burgersfort hawker registration will take place next week. People who registered with the Hawkers Association (contact Mr Lekwadu at 072 712 7735) should then approach the Greater Tubatse Municipality and pay R120 for a hawker’s permit. Those hawkers who registered and paid for permits in 2013 should let their registration be verified for new permits and they need not pay again. From 1 to 11 March this year people who are not yet doing business in Praktiseer or Burgersfort, will have the opportunity to register should they want to start hawking. All people will need a green bar-coded ID for registration apart from the R120. In the meantime it seems that problems with the water line are wiping out new hawker stalls at an alarming rate (photograph), and with that the town’s communication systems are also impaired as this week a bunch of Telkom lines were also destroyed when they tried to fix the water issue ...
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
19 February 2016
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
19 FEBRUARY 2016
DWARSRIVIER MINE Supporting crime prevention in Sekhukhune
‘Crime prevenƟon starts with me’
Members of Youth Against Crime at the event.
On Thursday 11 February 2016 the Makgane Sports Ground was a hive of ac vity. A massive crime awareness campaign took place with special performances from the South African Police Service (SAPS) between a long list of speakers. The theme of the day was ‘Crime preven ons starts with me’. Dwarsrivier Mine was one of the day’s sponsors and Ms. Tsakani Mkhabela from Dwarsrivier Mine told the crowd of school pupils and community members that the mine is commi ed towards helping to create safe and healthy environments for the communi es around them. She encouraged the learners to take responsibility in line with the theme and not become involved with criminal ac vi es, but rather become part of a bright crime free future where everyone works together to keep communi es safe. Apart from Dwarsrivier Mine and the SAPS, speakers of the day included the Community Policing Forum Chairperson, a representa ve of the Batau Development Forum, Contralesa, the
Department of Jus ce, Department of Home Affairs, Department of Social Development, Department of Health, Department of Educa on, Love Life, LEDET, SASSA, Youth Against Crime, Sekhukhune Taxi Associa on, a representa ve from the Tradi onal Healers, Moral Regenera on and the Makhudathamaga Municipality. Maj Gen MJ Maepa delivered the day’s keynote address. The group Youth Against Crime is one of the ini a ves Dwarsrivier Mine is suppor ng and the members showed off their T-shirts and caps while making good use of the camera Dwarsrivier Mine donated to them with the clothes. Special performances by the SAPS band, local groups and the SAPS mounted unit gave balance to the serious nature of the event - talking about crime. Dwarsrivier Mine and the other contributors to the day were thanked for their con nuous support in the fight against crime.
Kgoshi Mogashoa Manamane first showed his drill parade skills before addressing the crowd.
Ms. Tsakani Mkhabela represented Dwarsrivier Mine.
Do you have more information?
The Police at Ohrigstad are investigating a murder case after they found a lifeless body of a 31 year-old-man dumped alongside the R555 road next to Maepa Village on Saturday 2016-02-13 at 05:00. The Police received a call from a passer-by who alerted them about the person who was laying on the side of the road opposite the Hannah Game Lodge entrance. On their arrival they noticed that the person was not breathing and he was having two gun shot wounds, one on the stomach and another on the right thigh. The Police called an ambulance from Leboeng EMS who confirmed that the person was dead. Upon further investigation the Police found that the man was from Riba Cross and he was shot during a hijacking at the gate of his home at Riba Cross on Friday 2016-02-12 during which his vehicle, a VW Golf 7 was taken. His lifeless body was then dumped at the R555 Ohrigstad road. A case of hijacking is also been investigated by Tubatse SAPS, The Police are requesting anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the criminals to come forward or contact the investigating officer D/Warrant Officer Masuku at 082 704 3943 or Const Phokane at 071 991 3354.
Good or bad - the new lanes
Motorists coming into Burgersfort last week Friday were suprised when they were ‘confronted’ with new road markings from the entrance to a new building up to the Eland Street Dirk Winterbach traffic lights. The new lanes were are ultra narrow and the right-turn lane at the traffic light seemed to be culled. To everybody’s credit, motorists excelled in the excercise of organised chaos and everybody managed to arrive safe. But will it work in the long term? As far as could be determined the contractor who did the road markings did not understand the guidelines very well and the issue will be revisted in the coming week.
19 FEBRUARY 2016
25 Years for rape Norman Molea was convicted for 7 counts of rape and one of robbery. He was found guilty in the Lydenburg Magistrate’s Court. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and 25 years concurrently for the crimes. Molea took women into the bushes in the Steelpoort and Burgersfort area where he then raped them. He was tried for raping 8 women. *In another rape case Putiputi Bigboy Mokhina was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment for his crime.
The Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences unit (FCS) encourages victims of rape to come forward and to not protect the culprits. The commander of the FCS unit said that victims often protect family members who are guilty of rape. His unit is available 24 hours a day and people with information related to these crimes can contact Captain Moganwe at the Burgersfort police station. (Information: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS).
Robbed while hitch hiking A 30-year old man was robbed on 14 February 2016 ata Ga-Mashamothane. He visited a liquor outlet and when he left at around 18:30 he tried to get a lift hitch hiking. While waiting for a lift he was allegedly approached by two men. The one pointed a fire arm at him and demanded money. The one without the fire arm searched the complainant. A fight broke out and the per-
son with the fire arm fired a shot that hit the complainant in the left thigh. The assailants then fled the scene. The matter was reported to the Tubatse SAPS and is currently under investigation. No arrests have been made so far. Anyone with information can contact the SAPS on 013 216 8500. (Information: Const. SJ Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS)
Man dies in mob attack On 15 February an 18-year old man died after being attacked by an angry mob of people at Ga Madiseng village. The Tubatse SAPS received a call to come to the village at around 17:45. There the mother of the victim told the SAPS that a group of people accused her son of robbery and theft. The SAPS found the young man at near Sekabate Primary School with serious head injuries. They called an ambulance from Dilokong Hospital but by the time emergency services arrived at the scene
he had already passed away. The body of the victom was taken to Lebowakgomo’s forensic pathologist and a case of murder opened. At this stage the investigation continues and no arrests have been made. The SAPS would like to appeal to people to not take the law into their own hands. The community is encouraged to report criminal activities to the SAPS and have them and the law deal with criminals. (Information: Const. SJ Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS)
Bakkie stolen at Legononong Village On 14 February a Nissan 1400 bakkie was stolen from Legononong village at Riba Cross. A 29-year old woman parked her husband’s bakkie with registration number BDK 106 L next to their house. During the night she woke up and saw the vehicle disappeared. Their gate was still locked and the thieves gained access to the property by cutting the
fence. A case of Theft of Motor Vehicle was opened and is currently under investigation. Anyone with information that could lead to the arrest of the suspects may contact the Tubatse SAPS on 013 215 8500. The SAPS is encouraging people to lock their vehicles and garages and to build big walls to help prevent the theft of vehicles. (Information: Const. SJ Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS).
Stolen vehicle found On 13 February 2016 a 25-year old man left his Toyota Corolla outside near his room in Praktiseer. When he awoke at 04:45 he found that the vehicle had been stolen. He reported the matter to the SAPS and a case of Theft of
Motor Vehicle was opened. Later the day the vehicle was recovered without a battery and radio. The car was discovered in Praktiseer Shushumela Ext. 2. (Information: Const. SJ Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS)
Accidents a problem On Saturday 13 February 2016 at about 06:00, the Police in Tubatse attended to an accident at Bothashoek Cross. A pedestrian was knocked by a motor vehicle and sustained injuries. The victim alleged that the motor vehicle never stopped after accident. The victim was taken to hospital by members of EMS and a case of Reckless or negligent driving was opened for further investigation. * On Saturday 13 February 2016 at about at 20:00 the police received a report that there is an accident that occurred at Praktiseer and that people had been injured. They rushed to the scene and found three motor vehicles involved. A blue ford, a white Mercedes Benz, and a white Toyota quantum where in the accident. One driver was injured, the second driver was not injured and the third driver ran away. A case of Reckless or negligent driving was opened for further investigation. On Saturday 13 February 2016 at about 14:50, the Police in Tubatse attended to an accident which occurred at Riba Cross. Upon their arrival at the scene of the crime they found a manwho alleged to be the driver of black VW City Golf. The driver alleged that he knocked a pedestrian who was crossing the road. The victim was taken to hospital by ambulance. He sustained injuries on his right hand. A case of Reckless or negligent driving was opened for further investigation. * On Monday 15 February 2016 at about 07:15 Tubatse Police attended to an accident at Riba Cross where two motor vehicles, a maroon Nissan Terrano and a white Toyota Etios were involved. Nobody was injured. A case of Reckless or negligent driving was opened for further investigation. * Monday 15 February at about 18:30 Tubatse Police attended to an accident at Bothashoek. It was alleged that a child was knocked by a motor vehicle and got slightly injured on the right leg. A case of Reckless or negligent driving was opened for further investigation. The SAPS is experiencing a challenge with the many accidents. They would like to urge the drivers to drive more careful and also to pedestrians to be more careful along the roads at all times. (Information: Const. SJ Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS)
Joel 2:1 (NIV) Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the Lord is coming. It is close at hand -
A group of christians in Burgersfort is sounding horns and pray to proclaim their belief in the Holy Trinity on the hill next to the cross adjacent Kastania Street on Monday mornings. The group is inter-denominational, non-racial and non-political. They invite any christian who share their belief in the Holy Trinity to join them at 06:00 every Monday. A horn will be provided if you do not have one, and if you struggle with it, you can just pray.
Register now for Facinating Woman of 2016
Registration for the Facinating Woman of 2016 course opens on 25 February this year. All ladies who are interested, married and single, are invited by the organisers to register. The aim of the course is to help women to reach their full potential, inside and outside marriage, as well as in their general life and careers. Meetings will be held twice a month on Saturdays from 14:00 till 16:00. Registration will be done at Abundant Life Mission Church in Burgersfort. More information can be obtained by calling 076 828 6020.
19 FEBRUARY 2016
Surviving the economic meltdown South Africa is currently experiencing a very difficult economic time and in Greater Tubatse it is being felt to the extreme as major role players in the local mining industry prepares to close their doors or scale down in an attempt to survive. The result is thousands of jobs being lost at mining companies, contractors and related industries. Even in the towns the slump is evident with businesses complaining of fewer feet and less spending. The economic meltdown is a culmination of various factors including (but not limited to) a global economic slow down, large scale community unrest and workforce strikes that made doing business in a profitable manner near impossible for large companies. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think people should do to survive this meltdown in the economy.
Mr Vincent Tshabalala said: “People who are losing their jobs can start their own businesses or should be willing to work for a small salary just to survive. They can do things like selling fruit and vegetables – anything that will bring money in”.
Ms. Modiegi Mohoaduba, Ms. Pinky Malata and Ms Monicca Maisela said: “People should now start businesses like cooking and selling pap & vleis. They must cut their expenses and if they get money in retrenchment packages they should invest some of it. They can also start businesses like plumbing and electrician services. They can maybe also employ people in these businesses. They will earn less than at the mines or with contractors, but they will eventually get somewhere. If they don’t do this people will only get involved in crime”.
Mr Joel Sekhu said: “People must be willing to work for less money rather than losing their jobs because the business cannot afford to continue. They must not fight for more money or government must not force business to pay more than they can afford because it will just close the businesses down. If businesses close we don’t have anything. No income. Now we are struggling, but one day things will go better again and then people can get paid more again”.
Ms S’bongile Maripane said: “We must start our own businesses. We must start manufacturing toiletpaper. We can also apply for help from government when starting our businesses”.
Me. Lizzie Roetz sê: “Mense moet op hul knieë gaan en repent en leiding en hulp by God en nie die regering gaan soek nie. People should forgive and forget what ‘I’ want and focus on what God wants and obey 2 Cronicals 7:14 that states ‘if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land’. People will be astounded as to what will happen with nature, the economy and our country”.
Links: Mnr. Daniël Kgotle sê: “Mense sal nou moet aanvaar wat hulle betaal word al is dit min. ‘n Halwe brood is beter as niks. Mense moet nou harder werk vir minder geld. Dit lyk my mense dink soms geld kan soos klippe in die veld opgetel word. Mense moet onthou dat al is apartheid deur wit mense gedoen, is nie alle wit mense so nie. Die regering moet weer die wit mense terugbring sodat hulle kan help om ons ekonomie reg te kry. Daar is mense wat bang is dit sal dan weer raak soos in apartheid, maar dit sal nie. Dinge is nou anders. Kyk net hoeveel plase wat swart mense gekry het lewer nou niks. Waar is die hoenders en tarentale? Daar is nou niks van enige iets daar nie”.
Ms. Lorraine Mjekula and Ms. Patricia Maroga said: “People who are losing their jobs will have difficulty starting their own businesses, but if they work hard they can do it. It will however put pressure on those of us already suffering due to an oversupply in the market. People must be willing to settle for less money as long as they get something and can put food on the table. We’ll also have to teach our kids to save money. Kids will now have to learn that brands are not important. South Africa’s money went down with the passing of tata Mandela. It just went with him”. With them is Gift Mjekula.
Links: Ms Sabina Mpinga and Ms Hunadi Makwana said: “People must start their own small businesses because then at least they will survive. Selling things like veggies. They must use their retrenchment money to buy bakkies and start small businesses. People must be willing to do anything to earn money”.
- your plans and advice
Mr Joel Hlatswayo said: “People should be willing to settle for smaller salaries and work hard just to survive. Not everyone can have their own business. When the economy picks up again the salaries will increase again. It is impossible for everyone to open a business. Who will buy from who if we all have shops?”
Ms Naoma Kgomoesoana said: “People should start their own businesses. That means that everything you earn as an entrepreneur is yours. Every cent is yours. People will also work hard if it is for themselves. In our area they can do things like start selling paint, sell vegetables and make clothes”.
Ms Linkie Mothapo, Mr Service Moropane and Mr Gilbert Skhulu said: “As entrepreneurs we face the same challenges in the economy as everyone else. People should reduce their expenses and be willing to settle for a smaller salary for now. You have to look at the bigger picture. You just need to survive. We hope this economic meltdown is a passing thing”.
Mr William Tonga said: “People depend too much on the mines. We must go farming. Even if there is drought farming is still an option. We can live off small farms and sell some fruit and vegetables in town”.
Mr Godfrey Hlongwa said: “It is challenging. Somewhere government is letting us down. The problem lies at the top. Zuma must fall. Look what he did to the Finance Ministers. It is not ok. Many people are losing their jobs at the mines as they close. The days of big pay are over. Everyone must be willing to start small and earn small to survive and grow from there”.
Mr Clifford Phasha said: “Minimise costs. There is nowhere to go where it will be better. Everything is falling apart. We cannot rely on government to provide, we need to have our own plans. We must do things for ourselves like selling on the streets so we can live”.
Mnr. Jaune O’Neill sê: “Alle unies moet weggevat word. Dit is as gevolg van hulle strikes dat die myne moet toemaak. Mense sal nou bereid moet wees om vir minder geld te werk”.
Mr Kaizer Mgiba, Mr Simon Mzimba and Mr Karel Moraba said: “People who are losing their jobs at the mines should start businesses with their severance packages. They must not just take the money and drink it all out. We must try hard to do something for ourselves. There is no place to move to that will be better. We see people from Johannesburg coming here looking for jobs as there are no jobs there either. We can’t go anywhere better. People must support each other so that the small businesses can survive. We have hope that things will get better again”.
Mnr. Doctor Masinga sê: “Ons gaan in die moeilikheid wees. Ons sal moet plase kry. Mense moet hulle retrenchment geld bymekaarsit en grond koop. Ons moet boer. Ons moet dinge plant en daarvan leef en van dit verkoop. Ons moet koeie, hoenders en ‘n tractor koop. Mense moet nie bang wees vir hard werk nie. Ons moet ook bid tot God vir reën. Sonder God kan ons niks doen nie. Kyk hoe baklei hulle by die parlement! Ons moet vir onsself sorg en nie vir die regering wag nie. Die regering moet oppas, honger mense steel!”
Mr Kuziva Nyamurowa said: “People must start cutting on expenses. This is not a time for luxuries and debt. Clear the debt you have. People should start their own business if possible or settle for what is on the table in terms of salaries. A smaller salary at a small company is better than nothing. People are able to adjust to less money as they learn to live according to their income. Perhaps you don’t need a second or very expensive car?”
19 FEBRUARY 2016
Make caring your business The Burgersfort SAPS visited Dilokong Hospital for a crime awareness campaign. The team consisting of Pastors Against Crime, SAPS members, CPF, Youth CPF, VEP and FCF visited a child that was left abandoned in November last year. They took some presents along for the baby girl whose parents left her. The SAPS is currently still investigating a case of child neglect and the child is for the time being cared for at Dilokong hospital. The SAPS appealed to anyone with information about child neglect to report it to the SAPS, they can also report information with regards to the child currently at Dilokong hospital to the SAPS with Capt. Moganwe on 071 355 0580 or Const. Mphahlele on 083 527 2848.. (Information & photographs: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS).
Police Day celebrations The Burgersfort Cluster SAPS under the leadership of Maj. Gen. Maepa attended the National Police Day event at Peter Mokaba Stadium on 3 February. Every year on 27 January Police Day is celebrated nationally and officers who gave their lives in the line of duty remembered. The Limpopo event was attended by the Premier, honourable Stanley Mathabatha, the MEC’s for Roads and Transport, Safety
and Security and Liaison, Limpopo Provincial Police Commissioner Lt Gen. Fannie Masemola, Provincial CPF chairperson, Mr Mafuno and the provincial SAPS management. Police officers and traffic officers gathered with their CPF respresentatives for the event. The Ohrigstad CPF also attended the event. (Information & photograph: Const. Phokane, Ohrigstad SAPS).
Const. Phokane and Ohrigstad CPF members.
Come pray for the police The communities of Greater Tubatse is invited to attend a prayer service addressing police killings. The service will take place on 28 February
2016 at 08:00 at the Sekhinah W.C.W. Church in Greater Tubatse. For more information contact: Moraswi Sebela on 015 290 2926 or 015 290 2908.
Accident free year for Ohrigstad Taxi Association Arrive alive taken serious. This is what the Ohrigstad Taxi Association did in order to achieve an accident free year. On Sunday 14 February the Ohrigstad Taxi Association and the Ohrigstad SAPS held a function at the Ohrigstad taxi rank in celebration of the achievement. The association’s vehicles had not been involved in a serious accident for the past year. The event was organised by the Ohrigstad Taxi Association and it was attended by taxi owners, magoshi, pastors, NGO’s, the SAPS and members of the community in the Ohrigstad and Leboeng area. The SAPS took the opportunity to address vehicle owners, drivers and the community about safety issues. The Ohrigstad SAPS station commissioner Capt Mashego encouraged people to make use
of public transport like the Ohrigstad taxis who operate responsibly. She also appealed to taxi owners to assist the elderly who participate in Stokvel with safe transport to the banks with large sums of money. The elderly often become robbery victims on their way to or from the bank. The taxi owners advised their clients in the presence of their drivers to rather be honest and ask the driver for transport if you short a rand or two instead of trying to get a lift from strangers. The taxi owners told commuters that they are there to assist them and work together to fight crime and a safe environment in the transport industry. (Information & photographs: Const. Phokane, Ohrigstad SAPS)
Friendly athletics competition at Laerskool Burgersfort Laerskool Burgersfort hosted a friendly athletics competition on Saturday last week. Athletes from Laerskool Burgersfort, Laerskool Ohrigstad, Laerskool Atokia, Calvin Prep-School and Steelpoort Academy competed in track and field items.
Platinum Gazette
19 FEBRUARY 2016
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
2. Betrekkings/ Vacancies Alarm technician post available at Khadima Security Services. Drivers license will be of benefit. Contact 072 471 7545 or 072 684 6438.
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom houses available from R4500 to R5500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R6000 to R7000, Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call on 082 578 6113. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in Burgersfort te huur. Dadelik beskikbaar. Naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Kontak Mike: 082 357 1954 TO LET One and two bedroom flats to let in Burgersfort. Safe complex environment, close to town. Reasonable rent that includes water and electricity. Contact: 082 922 3909 TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808
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10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 6Ft Venter Sleepwa met ekstra pak geriewe. Padwaardig en skoon R10 000.00 Agt kantige Gazebo volledig R300.00 Cooler eenheid R500.00 2 Vertrek 8 man tent R700.00 Oliebord Sweismasjien met helmet en kabels R700.00 2 Volledige Rope winches volledig @ R500 elk Alle pryse is onderhandelbaar. Kontak Pieter Greyling by 0824401904
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* Pick n Pay Tu- * CTM Burgersbatse Crossing fort * Temba Ga* Madeleen rage Willers Attor* Dunlop neys * Supa Quick * Lebowa Panel Burgersfort Beaters * Boxer Khadi- * Hendrk’s Panma Centre elbeaters * Phelo Phar* Department macy Khadima of Education Centre Circuit Office * Cheap Cheap Burgersfort #2 * Laerskool * Tubatse SuOhrigstad perspar * Laerskool * Greater TubatBurgersfort se Municipality * Supa Save Burgersfort * Build It Tubat* Toyota Burgse ersfort * A1 Food Store * Choppies Twin City Burgersfort * Tiezers Meat * Magaba Filling Pantry OhrigStation stad * Burgersfort * Bronrich SlaSAPS ghuis Ohrigstad * Aloe Foods * 1 Stop Midas * Praktiseer Burgersfort SAPS * Tubatse Build * Ohrigstad It SAPS * Vyfster Sla* Pick n Pay ghuis Steelpoort Steelpoort * Burgersfort * Winterveld Pharmacy Village *Dr Fouché’s * Tubatse VilSurgery Burglage ersfort * Dwarsrivier * Mooifontein Mine Kafee Burgers* Mototolo fort * Morena’s *Supa Save Tavern (Steel Burgersfort Bridge) * Hawker stalls * Glencore Eddie Sedibe Eastern Limb Street BurgersTraining Centre fort * Madiba’s Mini * 1 Stop Midas Market Steelpoort Kalkfontein * Calvin College * Modikwa PlatiBurgersfort num Mine * Tingeling * Dilokong Kleuterskool Chrome Mine Steelpoort (ASA Metals) * Sasol Garage * Twickenham Steelpoort Platinum Mine * Total Garage * Dr. Lorna’s Steelpoort Surgery Burg* Ohrigstad ersfort Handelshuis * Pret Liquor * Leboeng * Pret Butchery SAPS
Ohrigstad maak reg vir rugby seisoen
Foto’s: Willem Montgomery & Steven Jacobs.
Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het verlede week Saterdag ‘n vriendskaplike wedstryd teen die Gryskatte van Lydenburg op Ohrigstad gespeel.
Selfs ‘n donderstorm het nie die spelers se vuur geblus nie. Persone wat wil kom saam oefen is welkom elke Dinsdag en Donderdag om 18:00 by Laerskool Ohrigstad. Platinum Gazette contact details:
Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
19 FEBRUARY 2016
It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
Burgersfort and Groblersdal Love running SAPS soccer teams face off Donald Bigman Netshifhefhe participated in the Pick n Pay Valentines Marathon in Johannesburg on 14 February 2016. He finished the race in 04:09 and is feeling positive about the Comrades Marathon later this year. (Information & photo: Donald Bigman Netshifhefhe).
On Wednesday 17 February, the SAPS Burgersfort Custer hosted SAPS Groblersdal cluster for soccer and netball matches at the Mangabane Sports grounds. On the day soccer teams played two matches. The first match was won by Burgersfort cluster with a score line of 3-1 and in the second match Groblersdal won 4-3. The netball match was won by Burgersfort Cluster with 27-14. (Information and photos by Const Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS)
Tubatse Masters visits Liverpool Masters On Sunday 7 February the Tubatse Masters visited Liverpool Masters soccer team at Riba Cross for a friendly soccer match. Liverpool Masters was the stronger team
on the day winning 3-1. Mbesuma Mabaso score Tubatse Masters’ only goal. (Information: Derrick Phokane).