Platinum Gazette 19 January 2018

Page 1

Brand new!



Can one street be that lucky! Oorbietjie Street in Burgersfort got a makeover this week. Now for the others (or do we have high hopes)?

Back to school - pages 4,5

Fetakgomo Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

19 January 2018

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031



19 JANUARY 2018


Modikwa underlines community health as a priority with medical equipment donaƟon C

Dr Dzivhani, Mr Chauke, Mrs. Mashishi and Mr Hope Tyria shake hands during the official handover of the equipment at Dilokong Hospital. The mine donated bacterial filters required for tes ng of occupa onal diseases, an ENT set and a suc on pump.

ommuni es relying on Dilokong Hospital will draw major benefit from a special medical equipment dona on. Modikwa Pla num Mine delivered the dona on to the hospital on Friday, 12 January 2018. Dilokong Hospital approached Modikwa for assistance in buying bacterial filters used in the One Stop Service Centre for occupa onal diseases. They were also in urgent need of a suc on pump used in the casualty ward and an ENT set used to examine ears and noses. Mrs. Mashishi, CEO of Dilokong Hospital thanked Modikwa for their help. “We cannot survive without a partnership between government and the private sector. We are thankful for the assistance and hope to con nue our rela onship into the future,” she said. She added that many of the Modikwa employees benefit from the hospital. Adding that the dona on of the bacterial filters for the One Stop Service Centre will ensure that processing of applica ons for assistance and compensa on from ex-miners from all over the province, due to occupa onal diseases,

will be able to con nue. This Centre is the only one in the province and currently has approximately 3 000 applica ons to process. The addi onal equipment donated will make a huge difference when pa ents brought to the hospital must be stabilised before being transferred to other hospitals. Mr Hope Tyria from Modikwa Mine emphasised that community health, just like educa on, is important to the mine. “We were pressured with a limited budget, but pushed hard to get approval for these lifesaving and life changing interven ons requested by the team from Dilokong Hospital”. He praised both Dr Mashego from the Service Centre and Dr Dzivhani from Modikwa clinic for their contribu ons towards crea ng awareness of the shortages. Mr Chauke from the Department of Health’s district office expressed his pride in being associated with Modikwa Pla num Mine. He conveyed the Department’s apprecia on for the interven on and the mine’s willingness to reach out and contribute towards essen al services. Through this dona on Modikwa Pla num Mine kicked-off 2018 by underlining their commitment towards caring for employees and communi es.

19 JANUARIE 2018



Municipality motivates learners for 2018

(Information and photographs: FTLM Communications Unit).

Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality kick started the 2018 back to school campaign at Maboregane Secondary school in Modimolle village Ward 8. They were the best performing school in the Dilokong circuit and obtained an 84% pass rate. The Acting Mayor of Fetakgomo Tubatse Local municipality, Cllr ME Selepe addressed and motivated the learners. He encouraged the learners to work hard from the beginning of the year to avoid the pressure at the end of the year. In his address Cllr Selepe said without education there is no better life. “The municipality also congratulated the learners of 2017 for doing well and expect the 2018 learners to do even better”. Cllr Selepe also congratulated the best learner of 2017 in the school, Tetelo Kgwete. “Working together with Education department we will achieve

more in 2018” He also thanked the teachers and the school governing bodies for their good work. The Principal, Mrs Mmekwa said last year they invited motivational speakers from the mining industry to motivate the learners and that strategy works well for their school. Dilokong Circuit inspector, Hebert Phasha said the problem of the high rate of failures is because many leaners are abusing alcohol. “We are encouraging the learners of this school to stay away from alcohol and drugs in order to be disciplined in classes”. Amongst the visitors were former learners who are currently doing studies at different tertiary institutions. They serve as true examples to the current learners of Maborogane Secondary School to work hard and create a better future for themselves.



19 JANUARY 2018

First time off to school On Wednesday this week the schools opened again for 2018. A large number of Grade R learners went to school for the first time and although there were a few tears, it was mostly the

parents left with a lump in the throat. Platinum Gazette visited Laerskool Burgersfort, Calvin Prep School, Steelpoort Academy, Itirele Primary School and Laerskool Ohrigstad on the day.

Taking a seat in class for the first time. Parents were there to give support and reassurance.

Developing colouring skills started on the first day.

Saying goodbye was tough.

19 JANUARIE 2018



Schools start for 2018 Teachers at schools in the area were ready to receive the learners at school for the 2018 academic year.

For the new Grade R learners it was a big day as they started an educational journey that must prepare them for adulthood.

By mid-morning it was all happiness and excitement for the learning adventure.

Sometimes the teacher had to console the young hearts that all will be fine.

Below: The first break for something to eat was a major thing in the grade R class. Many parents also packed something extra special.

Older siblings made sure that their little brothers and sisters were at the right class after the bell rang.


19 JANUARY 2018


Ohrigstad SAPS pro-active with crime prevention The police in Ohrigstad led by social crime prevention coordinator Sgt Kholofelo Phokane together with the Young Civilian On Patrol (YCOP) conducted an awareness campaign around the Ohrigstad Oasis

complex. The members started by a foot patrol at the Oasis complex where they distributed back to school pamphlets, domestic violence and dangerous weapon’s act pamphlets to

Helpende Hand reik uit na skole Solidariteit se Helpende Hand in Burgersfort het hierdie week uitgereik na behoeftige leerders in die area.

Hulle het 6 skooltassies by die Waterval CVO skool en 5 by Laerskool Ohrigstad afgegee. Helpende Hand gee landwyd hierdie jaar 4 500 tassies vir behoeftige Graad 1 leerlinge. Die fondse daarvoor kom uit die R50 wat hul ondersteuners elke maand betaal. Die tassies kos R800 elk en is gevul met skryfbehoeftes. “Ons wil graag hê da elke kind op dieselfde vlak Graad 1 begin en nie hoef te voel hulle kort iets nie,” sê Ilze Pretorius van Solidariteit Helpende Hand.

motorists. They then proceeded with a foot patrol to Ohrigstad shopping complex about 2km from the police station and continued to distribute pamphlets and talk to community members and motorists. The purpose of the campaign was to urge community members, especially parents and guardians to prepare their children for the opening of the 2018 schools term to ensure their children’s return back to school safely. (Information & photographs: Sgt Kholofelo Phokane, SAPS Ohrigstad).

(Inligting en foto: Helpende Hand. Foto deur modelle geposeer).

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Advertise here/Adverteer hier: 1. Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2. Betrekking/Vacancy 3. Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Per-

sonal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale 11. Birthdays/ Verjaarsdae

3. Dienste/ Services Visit your local professional art and décor framer in Steelpoort. 23 Years experience in framing. Get the option that fits your taste and budget!

Small gifts and crafts available in store. Printing, photocopies and much more. Stockists of EPA! Chilli and other sauces. Visit Esmé Framers in Steelpoort next to Wimpy or contact Esmé on 079 100 9643.

ASA Metals, Farm Mooihoek 255 KT, Driekop, Limpopo Province

9. Te Huur/ To Rent HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom house available from R4500. (Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R5500. Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours.

Please call on 082 578 6113. TE HUUR 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Beskikbaar 1 Februarie 2018. Billike huur sluit water en elektrisiteit in. Skadunet afdak vir voertuig. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954


Project description: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd was issued with Provisional AEL on 10 November 2017 to proceed with the operation of the activities. The AEL applies in respect of activities as listed in terms of Section 21 NEM: AQA under Category 4, subcategory 4.5 and subcategory 4.9 of Government Notice No.248 dated 31 March 2010 in Government Gazette No.33064. Reason for issuance: Renewal application Opportunity to participate: Any appeals against the issuing of the license by Interested and affected parties must be lodged with the member of the Executive Council of Limpopo Department of Economic Development Environment and Tourism (‘the MEC’) as per Chapter 2 of National Appeal Regulations Government Notice No.R.594 in Government Gazette No.38303 of 8 December 2014. 30 Days deadline for submitting appeals to the MEC. An appeal lodged with the Municipal Manager must be submitted to the Sekhukhune District Municipality Community Service Department by means of one of the following methods: By post: Private bag X8611, Groblersdal, 0700 By fax: 013 262 3688 By hand: Bareki Mall, c/o Wiid and van Riebeeck Streets, Groblersdal

Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

BETREKKING ‘n Gevestigde besigheid in Burgersfort is opsoek na die dienste van ‘n:


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NOTICE TO INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTIES I.T.O National Health Act of 2003 Two Mountains Burial Services hereby give notice that we have applied to the Greater Tubatse Municipality for permanent Certificate of Competence in terms of National Health Act, 2003 (act no 61 of 2003) as amended and the management of Human Remains (MHR) Regulations, R363 OF 22 May 2013 at Stand 94, Ga-Nchabeleg Mokhululine, 0741. Particulars of the permanent certificate application lie open for inspection at Two Mountains Burial Services from 15/01/2018. Any objections or representations with regards to the application must be submitted in writing, together with reasons to the undersigned within 4 weeks from 15/01/2018. Applications address: P.O Box 1791, Phalaborwa,1390.

IT Tegnikus Vereistes: • Jong, energieke, ongetroude persoon met basiese netwerk en rekenaar kennis. • Moet vinnig kan leer en onder druk kan werk. • Geldige Bestuurderslisensie. • Diensaanvaarding so gou moontlik. • Afrikaans en Engels magtig wees. Stuur volledige CV na: (‘n Praktiese toets mag deel vorm van die onderhoudsproses. Verwysings sal opgevolg word).

19 JANUARIE 2018



Skole spog met nuwe onderwysers Laerskool Ohrigstad Laerskool Ohrigstad het een nuwe onderwyser vir 2018. Juffrou Adél Pierneef is ‘n oud-Ohrigstad inwoner en het self op Laerskool Ohrigstad se skoolbanke haar laerskoolloopbaan deurgebring. Sy behartig hierdie jaar al die Engelse klasse vir Graad 4 tot 7. Sy is baie opgewonde om deel te wees van die skool en die leerders het op dag een reeds aan die werk gespring onder haar leiding.

Steelpoort Akademie Steelpoort Akademie het hierdie jaar 4 nuwe onderwysers. Juffrou Zaan-Marie Koekemoer het vanaf Laerskool Burgersfort geskuif na Steelpoort Akademie. Sy is ‘n studente-onderwyser en is betrokke by Graad 1 A. Juffrou Melanie de Jager het van Polokwane af Steelpoort toe getrek. Sy gee Kuns, Natuurwetenskap, Lewensoriëntering en taal vir van die graad 6, 7, 8 en 9 klasse. Juffrou Anke Oosthuizen het verlede jaar op Bloemfontein studeer. Sy is steeds ‘n studente-onderwyser en sal hierdie jaar verantwoordelik wees vir onderrig in Afrikaans Tweede Taal vir graad 4. Die vierde ondewyser was ongelukkig afwesig tydens die fotosessie.

Laerskool Burgersfort

1 John 4:21 NIV And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.

Laerskool Burgersfort spog met 3 nuwe onderwysers en ‘n nuwe departementshoof. Juffrou Annelise van der Merwe (voor) is aangestel as die nuwe Senior Fase Departementshoof. Juffrou Zalecia Knoetze en Meneer Zaunder Knoetze is ‘n tweeling en kom van Sabie. Hulle is beide studente-onderwysers. Zaunder sal vir die hele skool rekenaars gee en Zalecia is betrokke by die Graad R klas en help met media. Juffrou Chantell Botha is lank reeds ‘n Burgersfort inwoner. Sy is ook ‘n studente-onderwyser en is betrokke by Graad R.


19 JANUARY 2018 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Mooihoek All Stars teams shine during friendly tournament Tubatse Chrome’s soccer team participated in a local soccer tournament at Mooihoek last week Saturday. The teams participating were Samancor FC (Tubatse), Mooihoek All Stars FC and Difataneng FC. Mooihoek All Stars FC and Difatangeng FC both had a draw while Samancor and Mooihoek both won one game each. Mooihoek All Stars FC was the winning team of the day. Paris Mokobane was the goal scorer for Tubatse and Thala Vincent was the goal scorer for Mooihoek All Stars. The winning team walked away with a new soccer ball donated by Tubatse Chrome and prize money of R900. (Each team contributed R300 which went to the winners of the day). The teams also received water sponsored by

Tubatse. A few local netball teams also played on the day. They also contributed R300 per team and the winners and their prize money were: Sehlaku Netball team - Winners (won R600); Riba Cross Netball team - second position (won R400); Mooihoek All Stars team - third position (won R200). The fourth position went to Sehlaku Naughty Girls. “There are a lot of good players from community teams and I encourage business people to invite professional teams to our villages,” said Mr George Maluleke from Tubatse Chrome. Tubatse encourage teams to participate in sport and stay away from drugs, alcohol and crime. Through sporting events crime and abuse can be fought. (Information and photographs: George Maluleke)

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