Platinum Gazette 19 July 2013

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67 min


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“This is Daniel. I will be at work on Thursday, I will do my 67 minutes tomorrow at Mampuru Clinic”. The familiar voice of on the other side of the (intermittent) cellphone connection those of Mr Daniel Makua, also affectionately known as Makua Marathon in the area, tells the newspaper that he will work in the clinic’s garden. On Tuesday, right on time, he was welcomed by clinic staff and then....67 minutes in the garden!

© Platinum Gazette

19 July 2013

Mecklenburg mine fully commissioned The Ruukki Group announced this week that the company’s Mecklenburg opencast mine at Moroke near Burgersfort has been fully commissioned. The mining operations currently produce 25 000 tonnes of chrome ore monthly, all of which is sold into the market as a run of mine product. The company expects to maintain this level of production and at these levels, it is estimated that the open cast mining will be completed at the end of 2014, after which the possibility to continue operations underground will be evaluated. The Company acquired the Mecklenburg mining right as part of the acquisition of the Chromex Plc in joint venture with Kermas Limited in 2010. The Mecklenburg mining right is held by Chromex Mining Company (Pty) Ltd (“Chromex”), a 37.74% owned subsidiary of Ruukki. The mining right has been granted for mining of chrome ore and is valid till June 2018. Chromex entered into a lease agreement with the owners of the Mecklenburg farm, the Magadimana Ntweng Traditional Community, during the second half of 2012 and the establishment of the open cast mine commenced shortly thereafter. Ruukki Group is a chrome mining and minerals producer with a speciality alloys business in southern Europe and a ferroalloys business in southern Africa.


19 JULY 2013


Crime snippets On 10 July 2013 Tubatse Police arrested a 22 -year-old man for possession of suspected stolen goats. In the morning of 10 July at about 03:00 the Police received a report of theft of goats in Penge. Allegedly the goats were loaded on a vehicle and the vehicle was traveling towards Praktiseer. After follow-ups the Police caught up with the vehicle at Mabocha. The vehicle sped away and stopped in Praktiseer, where two men got out and fled. The driver was arrested. 21 goats were foundd on the vehicle and were confiscated with the vehicle. Four goats were indetified and handed to the owner, while the other 17 goats were impounded in Lydenburg.. The accused, Thabo Godfrey Skhosana appeared. in the Praktiseer Magistrate‘s Court and he was not granted bail. The case was postponed to 22 July 2013.

On 13 July 2013 Tubatse Police arrested a 57-year-old man for violation of protection order. Accused violated a protection order by assaulting his 48-year-old wife in Ga Mashamothane on 12 July 2013. The matter was reported to Tubatse Police the follwing day and the accused was arrested on the same day. The man appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate‘s Court on 15 July 2013 and he was not granted bail. A case was postponed to 18 July 2013. On 14 July 2013 Tubatse police arrested a 34-year-old man for violation of a protection order. The accused violated a protection order by insulting his 53-year-old mother in Bothashoek on 13 July 2013. The matter was reported to Tubatse Police on 15 July 2013 and the accused was also arrested on the same day. The accused appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate‘s Court on 16 July 2013 and he was not granted bail. A case was postponed to 25 July 2013. On 12 July 2013 Tubatse Police arrested a 50-year-old man for violation of a protection order. The accused violated a protection order by insulting and threatening to stab his 43-year-old-wife with a knife after they had an argument at home. The crime occurred in Ga Madiseng on 30 June 2013. The matter was reported in Tubatse Police on 02 July 2013 and the police made follow-ups that led to the arrest on 12 July 2013. The accused appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on 15 July 2013 and he was not granted bail. The case was postponed to 18 July 2013.

Leboeng SAPS youth desk members visited Matshaile Secondary School in Kgautswana village as part of Mandela Week celebrations. The learners were addressed by constable Andrew Maimela Sibatana and secretary of Leboeng SAPS youth desk Kamogelo Kgoedi. Learners were advised to refrain from drug abuse and to stop involving themselves in criminal activities as this will have bad impact on their future. (Photographs and information: constable Andrew Maimela Sibatana, Leboeng Police)

On 15 July 2013 Clement Moimana (25) appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate‘s court. According the Police he is charged with housebreaking with intention to commit an unknown offence. A 38-year-old woman alleged that on 14 July at about ten minutes past midnight she was sleeping when she woke up from a noise at the door. When she looked out of the window she saw a man trying to open the door by force. She screamed for help and neighbours apprehended the suspect. The Police were called and the suspect was handed to the police. The accused appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate‘s Court and he was granted a bail of R1000. A case was postponed to 16 August 2013.

On 11 July 2013 Ngwako Arnold Mohale (24) was sentenced to one year imprisonment for housebreaking and theft. The sentence followed after a crime occurred in Praktiseer between 29 November and 01 December 2013 where a 41-year-old-man reported that his house was broken into and clothes were stolen. The case was reported in Tubatse Police on 01 December 2012 and the police made follow-ups that led to arrest of the suspect on 03 December 2012.

ATTENTION!! PROPERTY AUCTION !! SATURDAY JULY 20TH Well situated Complex with both Residential and Commercial rental space up for auction. 3 x 1 Bedroom Apartments 2 x 3 Bedroom Apartments 6 x Small Office Space 5 x 2 Bedroom Apartments 2 x Large Office Space 1 x Extra Large Office Hair Salon Gym Restaurant This property has great potential for an investor looking to enter teh property market. Time: 11:00am Starting Bid: R8 000 000.00 Contact Louis Fourie for more information on the location. Cell: 082 496 4312

Oops! 42-year-old Isaac Matsane Mpuru of Driekop Gamohlophi and 36-year-old Maphakge Jackson Tlaishego of Leboeng Gasepeke village appeared Leboeng Magistrate’s Court on 16 July on charges of housebreaking and theft. . The court found them guilty and sentenced them to 18 months imprisonment of which 12 months are suspended for a period of 3 years on condition the accused are not convicted of similar offences during the period. Both the accused broke into a Tavern at Gasepeke with the intention to steal liquor while it was still dark. They helped themselves to the stock in the tavern. Before they could make off with anything, they became drunk and community members found them in possession of crates of liquor in broad daylight on the premises as the sun had in the meantime came up and called the Police. The Police arrested them on the spot.


700Ha Dream Game Farm!! This exclusive home is going up for auction and could be yours. House consists of: 3 Bedrooms 2 Lounges Granite Staircase 4 Bathrooms 2 Garages Customised Furniture Meditation Room Built-In Braai House is built in Tuscan style, while the interior gives you a feeling of being a proud Sultan in Dubai. Time: 11:00am Starting Bid: R2 700 000.00 Contact Louis Fourie for more information on the location. Cell: 082 496 4312

Kudu, Bushbuck, Impala, Nyala, Leopard, Blue Wildebeest, Zebra and many more game species. 120 different bird species, 2 Boreholes, Slaughter facilities, 2 Chalets.

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This property is the ideal piece of paradise for any hunter. For more information contact Louis Fourie on 082 496 4312

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Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054 E-mail:

19 JULIE 2013


Twickenham Mine and communities engage On Monday this week Twickenham Mine hosted a meeting with representatives from the communities around them. The meeting took place at Montrose Club. The aim of the meeting was to establish a Community Engagement Forum (CEF) which will replace the previous structure which was called the Community Engagement Committee (CEC). The morning was off to a slow start as some representatives were unhappy about not receiving the full 28-page invitation pack. A few copies of the Anglo American Group Policy on Community Engagement and

Development were also distributed. This was supposed to be used in conjunction with the first set of documents to make decisions during the meeting. (The mine’s communication officer refused to give the newspaper a copy of this document, but community members made sure that the paper received it). The meeting was halted to give the community a chance to discuss the invitation pack and their expectations while the Anglo American Platinum team waited outside the hall in the winter sun. An interim structure consisting of five people were formed. They include a Ward Councillor, a Youth representative, a Business Forum representative, a Community representative and a Kghosi representing the Traditional Authorities. This group will engage with their various communities and stakeholders and at another meeting later this month form the official CEF. The Anglo American Platinum representatives also agreed that the Top 5 structure may bring CV’s from community members to the CED Department on Tuesday next week for review by the Anglo American head office. Anyone who would like to have their CV submitted can contact Mr Mashabela on 073 426 7514.




19 JULY 2013

Stop, stop, a new stop! In an attempt to enhance safety on the roads next to the Xstrata Lion Ferrochrome Smelter and Xstrata Training Centre, new stops were installed. Two stop streets after the Tweefontein Mine turn-off have been in place for a while. Construction works are still underway and motorists are cautioned to be on the lookout for construction and heavy vehicles. The stop streets will make crossing the road to the section of the Lion operation on the opposite side much safer. Last week Friday stop signs was placed on the R555 at the Tweefontein Mine turn-off and crossing. Regulars on the road are already used to the new arrangement, but travellers who do not use the road regularly must take note to slow down and stop.

19 JULIE 2013



Laerskool Atokia leer kompos maak Leerlinge van Laerskool Atokia het voor die skoolvakansie geleer hoe om tuinvullis soos gras en blare te gebruik om ‘n komposhoop te maak. Die kompos wat by dié nuwe hoop gemaak word sal in die skool se tuin gebruik word. Me. Saskia Taylor het aan die leerlinge kom verduidelik hoe ‘n komposhoop werk en hoe om een te maak. Die leerlinge het ywerig saamgewerk om die hoop te maak. (Foto’s en inligting: Laerskool Atokia).

Sports met boeresport Net voor die skoolvakansie het Laerskool Atokia se leerlinge ‘n dag van pret en plesier met boeresport gehad. Daar is sakresies gehou, tougetrek en met ‘n eier op ‘n lepel resies gehou.

(Foto’s en inligting: Laerskool Atokia)

Die boeresport is nie net ‘n lekker aktiwiteit vir die leerlinge nie, maar ‘n goeie hulpmiddel in die aanmoediging van fisiese aktiwiteit en sosialiseringsvaardighede.



19 JULY 2013

Is being charitable on Yesterday, 18 June 2013 was Nelson Mandela’s birthday and in celebration many people accross the world donated 67 minutes of their time to do some charitable work. 67 Represents the years Mandela was active in trying to bring change and peace to the world. Some people gave of their time and skills, others donated and delivered food or clothes where it was needed. Burgersfort and surroundings were no different. There are however people who feel that they are tired of giving and giving. That government should be doing more to improve the circumstances of people in South Africa and that they will not be giving a cent or a minute more before they cannot see an improvement from government’s side. We asked readers how important is charity work to them. Do they still give? Do they think government is doing enough to assist charities and to relief the need for charity in the country? Most people are keen to be charitable and reach out to others and most feel government is trying its best to assist where needed. One person interviewed wished to remain anonymous. His sympathy was with government. He said: “People are unthankful and are making government’s job difficult. Government is providing free education and a free meal through the feeding scheme to the children of the poorest of the poor. Education is the key to a better life. Yet, when you walk in Burgersfort you see so many young people who are not going to school. Government provides free condoms at the clinics, but people who cannot afford to raise their children to have a good life, are getting more and more children. The need for charity is not a lack of government support, it is because communities are not working together to get themselves into better circumstances”. Read on this page and page 7 what other readers had to say on the subject.

Mr Rustin Moraba, Mr Konana Mabelane and Mr Abuti Komane said: “We think it is important to do charity work right through the year. When we know of someone in need we give them food, shelter or many other things depending on the situation. Government is trying to support charitable organisations, but they are not doing enough”.

Mr Ludwick Mabanna said: “To me charity work is so important. If you find people who are unable to do things, who are in need, you must help them. Not only on the 18th of July when it is Mandela’s birthday. Government is helping, but it is not enough. Charity is not only by helping with food and money, but with your time and skills as well”. Left: Mr Prince Mongadi said: “We do celebrations at my church and then we give presents to the children. Charity is very important. Government is doing enough to support charities and people who need it”.

Left: Mr Brilliant Malepe said: “Government is not doing enough to assist charities and people in need of charity. They only give grants. Sometimes when I see someone in need, I’ll give of my old clothes to them or buy them food for lunch”.

Mr Philip Mkhondo said: “Charity is important to me. I’ve joined a Charity Circle in Cape Town. I’m now donating R70 per month. I’ve joined to win some of their prizes, but also to do good. I am a Christian and that is why I will always try to help where I can and will always be honest. Government is trying to support organisations doing good work”.

Mr Mark Chukwudi said: “To me charity is very important. I sometimes give to orphans. If I see a place where I can help, I do so. Government is trying their best to support charities. They are also charitable through the grants they give to people”.

Mnr. Tinus Venter sê: “Vir my is dit belangrik om liefdadigheid te ondersteun en self liefdadig te wees. Ek dink Mandela het die voorbeeld gestel. Vir my is dit belangrik om veral vir die jeug te gee. Uit die privaatsektor kan daar meer gedoen word. As jy nie gee nie, gaan jy nie terugkry nie. Ons moet vanuit die privaatsektor ‘n voorbeeld vir die regering stel”.

Ms Sindiswa Tefu and Ms Tumelo Phaswane said: “It is important to help others. Especially taking care of orphans is very important to us. Tata Madiba would want us to always help and not just on Mandela Day. Government is doing enough to help people and charities”.

19 JULIE 2013



your list of priorities?

Mr Lucky Moganedi and Mr Mandrew Maupa said: “Mandela is the father of our nation and he wants us to do good. We sometimes give food and flowers to people, wishing them to have a long life. Government is giving enough donations to help others”.

Mnr. Carel Roos sê: “Liefdadigheidsorganisasies kry nie genoeg hulp van die regering nie. Dit help nie om net op Mandeladag iets vir ander te doen nie. Daar is mense wat kanse vat en kyk wat hulle uit jou kan kry, maar daar is net so baie wat hulp verdien. As ons ‘n gap deur die jaar kry dan help ons soos ons kan of ondersteun projekte soos die Toy Run. Dis vir ons lekker, maar darem vir ‘n goeie doel”

Mr Lemond Komane said: “I want to help other people when they need help. It is important to give to others. Ja, government is doing enough to help charities”.

Mr Boas Mokwoena said: “We must help and do charity all through the year. I think that government is doing enough to assist charitable causes”.

Mnr. Bobby Crause sê: “Ons bly op die verkeerde plek om te kan liefdadigheid doen. Hier is nie goed soos liefdadigheid nie. Ja, jy moet liefdadig wees. Ons probeer maar so deur die dagsorg wat my vrou het help as daar mense is wat ons weet regtig sukkel. Baie van die ouers sukkel. Dis ‘n groot issue. Die probleem is dat baie van die boemelaars en bedelaars in hierdie area, wit of swart, man of vrou eerder geld as kos wil hê want hulle wil gaan drank koop. Ek het eenkeer vir mense op Steelpoort wat gesê het hulle is honger, vis en chips, brood en melk gekoop en toe vloek hulle my want hulle wou die geld hê. Nou help ek nie meer nie. Nee, die regering doen nie genoeg om waar dit nodig is te help nie”.

Me. Lilani van Wyk en Me. Leanne Dippenaar sê: “Charity begins at home. Dit help nie jy doen net een keer ‘n jaar iets nie. As jy nie die inisiatief gebruik om ander te help nie sal niks gebeur nie”.

Mr Abel Mzimba said: “it is very, very important to do charity work and donate. We must help where there is a need. Government is supporting charitable causes but it is not enough. We as communities must commit to help government because the need is growing by the day”.

Mr Doctor Masinga said: “I help people by transporting them. I’ve in the past helped people who needed to get somewhere, but did not have enough money. I’ve also found someone who was very hungry and bought him some bread or other food. Government is doing enough. You’ll always find them busy helping. We must help during the year”.

Left: Mr Petrus Molopo, Mr Aubrey Mphogo, Mr Lucas Sello and Mr Amos Prazeni said: “We donate things during the year. Anything we have - money, clothes or food. We give to orphanages and other organisations. Government is not doing enough. People need charities and they struggle to provide everywhere a need exists”.


19 JULY 2013


Wildevy 4x4: only a few days left

Henri Alant (below) and Handré Visagie (above) will do a charity show at Buffelsvley Guest Farm on 26 July 2013. All the funds raised will be donated to the Wildevy 4x4 Day’s fund raising efforts.

Time flies and next week on 27 July the annual Wildevy 4x4 Family Day will be taking place. This year is special as it with be the 10th year running that this charity event takes place. The organisers are inviting everyone to join them for a day filled with fun, dust and excitement as 120 4x4 vehicles take on the challenging route with fun family activities along the way. There is something for everyone, so if youi are not participating, there will be loads to see and shop. Stalls, a cash bar and food stalls are just some of the things available on the day. There will be live entertainment by Henri Alant and Handré Visagie. Henri Alant known for his hit single - Cupid will join forces with Handré Visagie to host a charity event at Buffelsvley Guest Farm on Friday 26 July. All funds raised with this evening will be donated to the Wildevy 4x4 Day’s fund raising efforts. The show starts at 20:00 and there will be a cash bar and food for sale. Tickets are R30 per person and will be on sale at the door from 19:00. For more information contact: 072 426 7535. There will as usual be a kiddies entertainment area where the children will be safe, away from the moving vehicles and will enjoy themselves immensely. The winners of the colouring competition will also be anounced and given their prizes. Visitors will be able to move between different points on the route with the free tractor and trailor rides that are on offer. The day’s vehicle action will end with the usual Show Stopper. This highlight is where a select few vehicles take on a mud pool which is very difficult to negotiate. This will happen in front of the crowd which is expected to be between 7000 and 10 000 people. If you still want to participate in the event with putting up a stall or driving the mountain route you can contact Chantelle Goodman at 013 231 7498. The mountain route is a challenging route up the Morone Mountain and a vehicle with full 4x4 capabilities is needed (including low range and diff lock). At the top of the mountain breathtaking views refreshments will be serves before heading back down.

Inkleurkompetisie se wenners by Wildevy 4x4 Dag aangekondig Die jaarlikse inkleurkompetisie voor die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag het hierdie jaar weer plaasgevind. Die top 10 in die verskillende ouderdomsgroepe sal in volgende week se koerant bekend gemaak word. Tydens die Wildevy 4x4 Dag sal die wenners in elke kategorie aangekondig word en hul pryse aan hulle oorhandig

word. Hierdie jaar is daar ook baie meer kindervermaak. ‘n Spesiale “Koffie en Tee Tent” word hierdie jaar opgeslaan sodat ma kan koek eet en tee drink terwyl die kleintjies speel. Daar is hierdie jaar onder meer springkastele, gesigverf, perde ritte, kussinggeveg swembad, funny photo’s, mini slide en trekker trips.

19 JULIE 2013



Suid-Afrikaanse Waterval CVO Kampioenskappe toe neem deel aan Winterspele vir hokkie en netbal Monique Language het on 21 Junie saam met haar o/13A Mpumalanga spanmaatsvertrek om aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Skole o/13 toernooi vir 2013 te gaan deelneem. Hulle het in die A-liga deelgeneem wat op Hartleyvale in Kaapstad gespeel is. Die toernooi het op 27 Junie geĂŤindig. Op 30 Junie het Monique en Kgothatso Mkhabela, ook ‘n leerling van Steelpoort Akademie vertrek om aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Skole Netbal toernooi vir o/12 tot o/18 deel te neem. Monique wil graag Johan Dreyer bedank vir sy borg van toppies, serpe en mussies vir die hele Mpumalanga hokkiespan. Dankie ook aan elke persoon wat op kort kennisgewing bygedra het tot die aankoop van die gumboots vir die hokkiespan. (Inligting en foto: Colleen Language).

Die Waterval CVO skool naby Burgersfort het die afgelope skoolvakansie aan die CVO Skole se Winterspele op Groblersdal gaan deelneem. Spanne van verskillende distrikte het teen mekaar meegeding in rugby en netbal. Die volgende leerlinge van Waterval CVO het deelgeneem: (Agter): ElzeMike Greeff, Jani Taljaard, Johathan Potgieter. Voor: Johan Bester, Clarise Greeff, Megan Griesel en AJ du Preez.

Rugbyspan reg vir Bondedag

Laerskool Atokia teachers on the move Ms Connie Kgasago (left) is one of the teachers at Laerskool Atokia who believes in continued education. She will be receiving her Honours degree from the University of North West next week. She continued to study in Learner Support.

Steelpoort Akademie se 0/13 rugbyspan (eerstespan) het voor die vakansie as die wenners van die Mpumalanga Medium Skole rugby uit die stryd geklim. Daar is uitgespeel op Bethal en die seuns het beide die semi en die finale gewen. Hulle gaan nou op 26 en 27 Julie aan die Bondedag op Klerksdorp deelneem. Mnr. Anton Erasmus is hul afrigter. (Inligting en foto: Steelpoort Akademie).

Sweet voices in provincial choir

The school choir (below) came first in Sekhukhune. The learners (above) were chosen to participate at national level. (Information & photographs: Steelpoort Academy)

Steelpoort Academy participated in the Sekhukhune District SASCE Music competition. They obtained a first position in the Foundation Phase category. The choir moved to the next stage to compete in the Provincial Championship. In this section of the competition the choir came fourth. During this competition learners from various schools were selected to be part of a provincial choir that represented Limpopo in at the national level of the competition. Here they were placed fifth out of all the provinces. The following learners participated at national level: Anelle Mabelane, Albertina Majalefa, Karabo Mojalefa, Tebalelo Sekwane, Lerato Sekwane, Tshiamo Moropa, Judy Phori, Chantel Mogoane, Mathabo Mqhayi, Victoria Malomane, Mahabe Khomotso, Phumzile Nkosi, Tumi Kgwetiane, Kgahlego Choma and Nompilo Maseko.

Two new faces joined the Laerskool Atokia teacher team this term. They are Ms Olga Harmse and Ms Ina Burger.


19 JULY 2013






Mmasepala o lemošitšwe gore go na le ditiragalo tše ntšhi tša go se be molaong tša go šhwahlela naga tšeo di se a dumelelwago ke Mmasepala/mmušo go ya ka tshepidišo ya melao ya naga mo lefelong la:

It has been brought to the attention of the Municipality that there are numerous illegal land invasion that have not been authorised by this Municipality in terms of applicable statutes and policies on the property known as :

Polaseng ya Praktiseer 275 KT Mafelo ao ke diripa tša 1, 2 le seripa se se šetšego sa polase ya Praktiseer 275 KT. Mafelo ao a beetšwe go hlomiša metsana setoropo ya Tubatse-A le Tubatse-A Extension 4,5,7,8,9,10,14 le e mengwe. Le tsebišhwa gore ditiragalo tšeo ke go tshela melao ya naga. Ka fao, le lemošwa go lokiša bosenyi bjoo ka bjako ge le bona tsebišo ye ka go: · Emiša ditiragalo ka moka tšeo di dirwago ntle le molao/tumelelo ya semolao (ke gore lengwalo la tumelo la Mmasepala/mmušo). · Emiša ditiragalo ka moka tša go aga lefelong le. · Tloša diphahlo ka moka tše di se nago tumelelo lefelong leo. Tsebišo ye ke ya batho ka moka bao ba beilego dikota, magora, mekhukhu yeo e sa felago le yeo go sa dulego motho ntle le tumelelo ya se mmušo. Go se obamele tsebišo ye ke go tshela molao mme go tla tšewa magato a semolao kgahlanong le lena ntle le tsebišo ye nngwe gape. Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:


Portions of the farm Praktiseer 275 KT These are happening on the portions of the farm earmarked for establishment of Tubatse A Extenstion 5,7,8,9,10,11,12,14 & other site demarcated areas by the municipality and contravenes various statutes and laws. You are hereby required to rectify the above immediately from the date of this notice by: · Stopping all activities on the property which does not have official authorisation (i.e an authorisation letter from the municipality). · Stopping all construction that has not been authorised. · Removing all unauthorised material from the land. This notice is a final notice and it binds all illegal and unauthorised poles, fences and empty unfinished and shacks on the above property. Failure to comply with this notice on your part will constitute a contravention of law and legal proceedings will be instituted against you without further notice. Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:






Mmasepala o lemošitšwe gore go na le ditiragalo tše ntšhi tša go se be molaong tša go šhwahlela naga tšeo di se a dumelelwago ke Mmasepala/mmušo go ya ka tshepidišo ya melao ya naga mo lefelong la:

It has been brought to the attention of the municipality that there are numerous illegal land invasion that have not been authorised by this municipality in terms of applicable statutes and policies on the property known as :

Polaseng ya Aapiesdoorndraai 298 KT

Portions of the farm Aapiesdoorndraai 298 KT

Mafelo ao ke diripa tša 1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 15 le seripa se se šetšego sa polase ya Aapiesdoorndraai 298 KT. Mafelo ao a beetšwe go hlomiša metsana setoropo ya Burgersfort le e mengwe. Le tsebišhwa gore ditiragalo tšeo ke go tshela melao ya naga.

These are happening on the portions 1, 2, 8, 9, 11, 15, and the remainder extent of the farm Aapiesdoorndraai 298 KT & other site demarcated areas by the municipality and contravenes various statutes and laws.

Ka fao, le lemošwa go lokiša bosenyi bjoo ka bjako ge le bona tsebišo ye ka go: · Emiša ditiragalo ka moka tšeo di dirwago ntle le molao/tumelelo ya semolao (ke gore lengwalo la tumelo la Mmasepala/mmušo). · Emiša ditiragalo ka moka tša go aga lefelong le. · Tloša diphahlo ka moka tše di se nago tumelelo lefelong leo.

You are hereby required to rectify the above immediately from the date of this notice by: · Stopping all activities on the property which does not have official authorisation (i.e an authorisation letter from the municipality). · Stopping all construction that has not been authorised. · Removing all unauthorised material from the land.

Tsebišo ye ke ya batho ka moka bao ba beilego dikota, magora, mekhukhu yeo e sa felago le yeo go sa dulego motho ntle le tumelelo ya se mmušo.

This notice is a final notice and it binds all illegal and unauthorised poles, fences and empty unfinished and shacks on the above property.

Go se obamele tsebišo ye ke go tshela molao mme go tla tšewa magato a semolao kgahlanong le lena ntle le tsebišo ye nngwe gape.

Failure to comply with this notice on your part will constitute a contravention of law and legal proceedings will be instituted against you without further notice.

Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:

Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:







Mmasepala o lemošitšwe gore go na le ditiragalo tše ntšhi tša go se be molaong tša go šhwahlela naga tšeo di se a dumelelwago ke Mmasepala/mmušo go ya ka tshepidišo ya melao ya naga mo lefelong la:

It has been brought to the attention of the Municipality that there are numerous illegal land invasion that have not been authorised by this Municipality in terms of applicable statutes and policies on the property known as :

Polaseng ya Viljoenshoop 301 KT

Portions of the farm Viljoenshoop 301 KT

Mafelo ao ke diripa tša 1 le seripa se se šetšego sa sa polase ya Viljoeshoop 301 KT. Le tsebišhwa gore ditiragalo tšeo ke go tshela melao ya naga.

These are happening on the portions 1 and the remainder extent of the farm Viljoenshoop 301 KT & other site demarcated areas by the Municipality and contravenes various statutes and laws.

Ka fao, le lemošwa go lokiša bosenyi bjoo ka bjako ge le bona tsebišo ye ka go: · Emiša ditiragalo ka moka tšeo di dirwago ntle le molao/tumelelo ya semolao (ke gore lengwalo la tumelo la Mmasepala/mmušho). · Emiša ditiragalo ka moka tša go aga lefelong le. · Tloša diphahlo ka moka tše di se nago tumelelo lefelong leo.

You are hereby required to rectify the above immediately from the date of this notice by: · Stopping all activities on the property which does not have official authorisation (i.e an authorisation letter from the municipality). · Stopping all construction that has not been authorised. · Removing all unauthorised material from the land.

Tsebišo ye ke ya batho ka moka bao ba beilego dikota, magora, mekhukhu yeo e sa felago le yeo go sa dulego motho ntle le tumelelo ya se mmušo.

This notice is a final notice and it binds all illegal and unauthorised poles, fences and empty unfinished and shacks on the above property.

Go se obamele tsebišo ye ke go tshela molao mme go tla tšewa magato a semolao kgahlanong le lena ntle le tsebišo ye nngwe gape.

Failure to comply with this notice on your part will constitute a contravention of law and legal proceedings will be instituted against you without further notice.

Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:

Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:



19 JULIE 2013



Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar opening soon. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277.

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader

Flats for rent Burgersfort. At the One/Two or Three back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next bedroom flats available. Contact: Rashida, to Supa Save (old 082 694 8703 Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

9. Te Huur/ To Let

10. Te Koop/ For Sale

URGENT SALE Springkastele te huur. Stand in Motaganeng Vyf verskillende estate soorte. Steelpoort/ Erf 2704 Burgersfort. Size: 564 m² Kontak Bianca, Price: R200 000 082 558 9129. Contact: Herman 0832299765 Nuwe tweeslaapkamer Bargain properties for woonstel te huur in sale. Burgersfort. Tel: 082 496 4312 Skakel 082 357 1954

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Platinum Gazette contact details:

Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website:

Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS

(013) 231 0200 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041

In case of a power failure in Burgersfort the SAPS Switchboard will not be working. Call: 082 462 2920 or 082 449 0273

Ander nood/Other emergencies:

Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail:

Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers:

Phone her on 083 543 1676/013 231 7147 or e-mail to book your advertising space today.

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA) PROCESS Notice is given in terms of Chapter 6 of the EIA regulations published in government Notice No. R543 under Chapter 5 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998) of the intent to carry out the following activity: Description of the proposed activity The proposed activity entails the construction of a proposed new 132 kV/22 kV 100 m x 100 m Two Rivers substation and the construction of ± 12 km long 132 kV power line from this new proposed 132 kV Two Rivers substation to the proposed 132 kV Kameni substation. Assessment process applicable to the proposed activity The activity described above is listed as activity 10 (i) in the regulations published in Government Notice No. R544 under Chapter 5 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act N0. 107 of 1998) and as such it is subjected to the Basic Assessment process. Location The new proposed 132 kV Two Rivers substation will be constructed at the site located ± 200 m west of Two Rivers Platinum Mine and the new proposed 132 kV power line will start at this new proposed 132 kV Two Rivers substation and run to a point located ± 5 km north of the new proposed 132 kV Two Rivers substation site and from this point it will then turn into the western direction and proceeds until it reaches the proposed Kameni substation which is located north west of the proposed Two Rivers substation site in Ga-Masha area in the Greater Tubatse Municipality in the Limpopo Province. Environmental Assessment Practitioner

Name of the Proponent

Tikamupo Environmental Consultancy P.O.Box 6775 Thohoyandou, 0950 Contact person: Mr T.R. Tshivhandekano Tel: (015) 963 2210 Cell: 082 335 0648

Eskom Distribution, Northern Region 92 Hans van Rensburg Street Polokwane, 0700

In order to ensure that you are identified as an interested and/or affected party, please submit your name, contact information and interest in the matter to Mr T. R. Tshivhandekano at the contact details given above within 40 days of publication of this advertisement. If you need more information with regard to this matter you can also contact Mr T.R. Tshivhandekano at the contact details provided above. Written comments with regard to this matter can also be posted to Tikamupo Environmental Consultancy at the address given above.

Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital (013) 2147265 Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital (013) 615 0204 Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic (013) 2317843 Water & Sanitation 082 900 4449 Disaster Management - (Ambulance & Fire) 0800 330 022 Electricity (Eskom) 0860 037 566 REDPATH MINING (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LIMITED Multi-disciplined International Mining Contracting Company

TRAINING FACILITATOR & ASSESSOR HEAD OFFICE Reporting to: Training Coordinator Minimum qualifications and skills: Grade 12 or equivalent; Competent Person A, B & Blast Assistant Certificate; Registered Assessor - MQA; E.T.D Practitioner Level 4; Code 08 driver’s license; Medically fit. Experience: 5 Years underground production experience; 3 Years training in a classroom and underground environment; Assessor experience and registration. Responsibilities: Training in classroom and underground; On-the-job coaching; Assessing unit standards; Completion and submission of training documents; Travelling between operations; Own Transport CLOSING DATE: Wednesday, 24 July 2013 Interested applicants must forward a 2-3 page resume to: The Recruitment Department E-Mail: or Fax: 0866486745 Redpath Mining South Africa is an equal opportunities employer. Please refer to the reference number when applying for the position. REF NO: TF/02/07/HO If you do not receive a response within 14 days after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.


19 JULY 2013

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Platinum Gazette

SPORT Masters of the game On Tuesday 16 July the Tubatse Masters visited the Sekhukhune FET College in Praktiseer to play a friendly match against the lecturers. The game was played on the college soccer field and the hosts dominated the first half by scoring the first goal and leading into half time with 2-1. In the second half the Tubatse Masters came back with fighting spirit and challenged to hosts’ domination. The game ended with a final score in favour of Tubatse Masters with 5 and the FET College Lecturers 4. (Photographs and Information: Jerial Movundlela).

Spectators came to see the game and support the teams.

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