‘It will be fixed’ Mayor tells people
SOLMA 2015 - p 2
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
19 Junie 2015
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19 JUNE 2015
IDP and budget for 2015/16 are R661 million. Capital budget R290 million Operational budget R371 million Tubatse Local Municipality Mayor, Cllr Ralepane Mamekoa presented local communities with the municipality’s IDP and budget for 2015 and 2016 last Saturday at the Motlamotse Primary School sports ground in Ga-Mashabela between Burgersfort and Moroke. He thanked communities in the municipality for their democratic participation in contributing to the finalising of the budget and he highlighted the cureent state of thew municipality in his speech. He told the crowd, who was entertained by cultural performers and various artists before dignitaries arrived, that “We are also going to implement ‘Back to Basics’ principles as advocated by Minister Pravin Gordhan during the Local Government Summit held in Midrand. Also President Zuma reiterated that by saying ‘’Getting back to basics means working tirelessly to ensure that municipalities provide water, electricity, parks, street lighting, refuse removal, repairing of potholes, dealing with the frustrating interruption of services and the problems with billing systems’’. Today we would like to commit ourselves that Back to Basics will be the Motto of the Municipality when delivering services to the communities”. He said the municipality continues to experience a growing economy despite the challenges facing the country in terms of job losses and the energy crisis. He thanked mining houses indivudually for the role they play in improving the lives of people and communities in genera, saying “We have witnessed economic activities happening in Burgersfort which indicate that most of our people are employed and can afford basic things. The mines were able to offer many people jobs and this has improved our economic outlook. The interventions made in our communities through Social and Labour plans by the Mines have made a positive and meaningful contribution to accelerate the provision of basic services. However we would like to call upon our social partners to extend their hands further especially in mining affected areas”. He also told the crowd “We have witnessed many actions of violence which prevented people from going to work as a means to address disputes. We are against that practise and encourage our people to engage the Municipality if there are misunderstandings between Industry and the communities. We have managed to resolve many disputes through peaceful means and that is the route we want to take in addressing all challenges”. Turning to the challenges facing the municipality he said a major challenge is the rising number of customers who are unable to service their monthly debts for services. The , the total number of customers on the debt book is 15 660 and the total debt owed to the municipality is standing at R 124 972 159.85 which is from; Household R38 million, R10 million from Businesses, R 67 million from Sector Departments and with others at R 8, 5 million (this includes farms, sundry debtors, etc). Turning to Youth Month Mayor Mamekoa announced that over the past four years the municipality managed to assist over 80 students with bursaries to continue with their tertiary studies, saying that in future “ our approach will be to fund studies from the first year until the completion. In the past some students were left frustrated because they were only funded on the first year”. He also said the Municipality’s ability to address the basic service backlogs is constrained by the fact that it does not have the authority to perform certain key functions such as water, electricity, fire fighting and district roads. This status, constrains the pace of property development in the area. Going forward and working together with other spheres of government he said the municipality believes these challenges should be addressed as part of the municipality local turnaround strategy for accelerated development and service delivery to communities.
Progress Report Mayor: “Allow me to present the progress report on the projects that the Municipality promised to deliver in the 2014/15 financial year. As stated our powers are limited by the Constitution and we are unable to provide services like water, sanitation and electrification and we only rely on other spheres of government to assist us. We managed to achieve the following: Upgrading of Ohrigstad internal streets, construction of the Ohrigstad sports complex, completion of roofing for Burgersfort hawkers facilities, construction of Maphopha access bridge, Habeng access bridge, resealing of the Burgersfort road, completion of Burgersfort internal streets, the Burgersfort drainage system which will be completed before the second quarter of the 2015/16 financial year, Praktiseer hawkers facilities, Kgautswane Access bridge Our programme of upgrading our roads is continuing in Burgersfort and Ohrigstad. In the past we had a challenge of potholes in Burgersfort town and up to date the road has been resealed and most fixed. We are concerned about the traffic congestion that is experienced in town on daily basis due to non functioning of traffic lights. We would like to apologise to all road users for the inconvenienced caused especially during peak hours, together with Eskom we are addressing the problem and in no time all robots will be back to normal. The Municipality is also having plans to construct a by-pass road that will alleviate congestion”.
2015/16 Capital Projects The Municipality is going to implement the following projects: Ga-Mabelane Access bridge at Ward 22,Mankgaganyane access bridge at Ward 11, Sehlabeng access bridge, Morokadieta Access bridge Ward 11, Bothashoek internal road, Phase 2 of the Tubatse Highmast lights in villages, Mapodile sports complex, Motodi Sports complex, Burgersfort Flea market, Burgersfort storm water drainage system, Tubatse Rehabilitation of waste facilities, Ga-Motshana access bridge, Mafarafara access bridge, Mpuru access bridge, Madithongwane access bridge, Mabocha access bridge, Tjate access bridge, Legoleng access bridge and fencing of rural cemeteries
Electricity “In the last financial year we promised to implement Operation Mabone to accelerate the provision of electricity in the villages and we are proud to announce that the project is now implemented and more than 13 000 households in the following villages will be electrified come September 2015: Kutullo, Koppie, Mapareng, Kgopaneng, Buffelshoek, Kalkfontein, Barelong, Dibakwane, Maphutle, Kampeng, Mandela Park, France, Leboeng, Dithamaga, Taung, Malaeneng, Sekopung, Makofane, Pidima, Matokomane, Makotaseng, Praktiseer extension 3 and 11. The second phase will include areas such as Bothashoek and Ga-Mashamothane. Council adopted a resolution to include all villages that are not covered in the original contract of Operation Mabone. We are lobbying National Departments such as Treasury, DOE to pledge for funding of electrification for the remaining villages. ESKOM has committed 320 units which will include electrification of Legabeng in Mapodile township, Ga-Komane in Leolo and Mashifane Park. We are also engaging Mining Companies in the area of Ngwaabe to fund electrification of household connections at Ga-Masha Matakakatela and Ga-Maphopha area”.
19 JUNIE 2015
Ngululu continues to spread warmth Ngululu Bulk Carriers near Steelpoort held their annual community day on 5 June 2015. The event was held at Winterveld Recreation Club. The company uses this day to give back to the communities in which they operate. Elderly and vulnerable people from six different communities attended the event and 300 warm blankets were handed to them. The group was quick to show their appreciation for Ngululu and accepted their blankets with dances of joy. They were also entertained by Nomasondo Selahle, an employee at Ngululu Bulk Carriers, but a true talent when it comes to song and entertainment. The
elderly were quick to join Nomasondo for a dance. The group was served a warm meal before they headed back home. Ngululu would like to thank Winterveld Recreation Club and wishes everyone a warm winter. (Photographs & information: Theresa Hartzer, Ngululu Bulk Carriers).
‘Work hard, use opportunities ‘Deputy Minister inpires youth A large number of youths from all over Sekhukhune District attended the last week Friday’s Sekhukhune Youth Opportunities Expo that was hald at the Thaba Moshate Hotel, Casino and Conventioin Resort in Burgersfort. The audience was addressed by various speakers from different institutions before the deputy minister in the Presidency, Mr Buti Manamela was introduced by Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Mogobo, David Magabe. Mr Manamela outlined the government’s approach to youth development and said that a process was underway to consolidate youth agencies to intensify the effort towards development of the youth. He encouraged the youth to make use of education opportunities and to qualify themselves to make a success in the employment market. He also stressed that the government is is highly in favour of entrepreneurship a a means of creating employment and that more young people should make use of opportunities that exists to develop themselves as entrepreneurs. He stressed that entrepreneurship is not the same as so-called “tenderpreneurship’ and that people should be aware of the pitfalls when doing business. After Mr Manamela’s speech, youths could attend an opprtunities exhibition before lunch was served.
19 JUNE 2015
19 JUNIE 2015
Community members stone two to death Two men were killed at New Segorong Village in Praktiseer this week. On Sunday 14 June 2015 a 27-year old man was assaulted and stoned to death by members of the community. At approximately 17:45 the Tubatse SAPS received information that community members are assaulting people. When the SAPS arrived on the scene, they found four victims. According to reports from the community the men were allegedly involved with a murder case that is under investigation. This specific case happened on 3 June when a 46-year old man was shot and killed in New Segorong. One of the four men assaulted by the community died on the scene and the three others were taken to hospital. Cases of murder and attempted murder were opened. No one has been arrested.
On Monday 15 June 2015, another 23-year old man was assaulted and stone to death by thte same community members of Segorong Village. It is also alleged that the victim was involved in the murder that occurred on 3 June. The man died on the scene where the assualt and stoning took place. The police is currently busy wiht investigation and no arrests have been made yet. The Tubatse SAPS would like to urge the community not to take the law into their own hands. “We would like to urge the community to give the police any information related to criminal activities and they will deal with the information with further investigations” said Const. Jerial Mvundlela from the Tubatse SAPS. (Information: Const. Jerial Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS).
Man found burnt at Maepa Village The Ohrigstad SAPS has opened an Inquest into the death of a 34-year old man who was found burned to death in his shack on 14 June 2015. The man was last seen on Saturday afternoon when he was allegedly driinking alcohol at Maepa Village. On Sunday afternoon when he was not seen during the day, his family went to look for him at his shack. They found his shack’s door locked and forced their way in when they found no answer. They discovered the burnt body. The SAPS was alerted. The cause of the fire is
unknown, but it is suspected that a cigarette could have set him alight as cigarette buds were found at the scene. The investigation will continue, but in the mean time the Ohrigstad SAPS is appealing to the community and especially the youth to refrain from using alcohol and drugs, but to focus on their education as a key for success. (Information: Const. Phokane, Communications Officer Ohrigstad SAPS).
More time to bid The Limpopo Department of Education is making a call to all interested parties to continue to submit their bidding documents for the Schools’ Nutrition Programme (Feeding Scheme) Bid Number EDDP 707. Communities are assured that the department is committed to give all interested parties an opportunity to submit their documents for the bid until the 1st July 2015 at 11AM. Additional bid documents will be available from the 17th June 2015 at 113 Biccard Street offices, Polokwane. Bidders who have already submitted their documents will not be negatively affected by this extension of submission date. Bidders are no longer required to meet the banking guarantee close criterion.
19 JUNE 2015
Action at Mampuru Youth Day celebrations The youth of Mampuru celebrated Youth Day on 16 June 2015 with lots of activities. The event on the day kicked-off with soccer and netball matches. In the afternoon music, dance and poetry was in the order of the day. The even twas organised by the Mampuru Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP) in partnership with the Bophelong Homebased Care and a youth group called Rural Motivation. Makopole II Senior Secondary School, Mashupje High School, Kgahlanong High School, Imbita International School and Rehlahleng Special School participated in the event with their learners competing against each other in the different sections. Keeping the beat alive until late was local youth groups from the various schools perfoming hiphop music.
(Information and photographs: Benjamin Moloko). 7
Top left: Vinolia Nzimande, Fanny Mathunuyane and Ntombi Mathunyane were some of the day’s organisers. Left: A group photograph of the day’s participants.
“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; 8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you. 9 Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? 10 In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” Job 12:7-10 (NIV)
Let us know about your news and events. Contact the Platinum Gazette editorial team on 083 271 9151 or 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147. E-mail to editorial@platinumgazette.com or fax: 086 554 9031. The deadline for weekly submissions is on Wednesday 17:00.
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19 JUNIE 2015
Young entrepreneur aims high According to statistics, more than 60% of young people are unemployment in this country. This has moved Lehlogonolo Ratau (25) to do something about the predicament facing the youth of today. Lehlogonolo who hails from a tiny village, Ga Maepa said that after obtaining his N5 electrical engineering qualification and IT diploma he wanted nothing but to start his own business. “I have realised that most young people in the area think that the only way out of poverty is to work for someone else, which in reality, is the other way round. What our local youth lack is determination and tolerance to run a business, hence they rely on others for survival,’ he said. He added that government and private sectors alone cannot fight and win the hardships brought about by historical past and joblessness. “As young people we need to stand-up and claim our rightful position in the country’s economy where our parents were disadvantaged by the apartheid system.” Lehlogonolo is not only striving to become a successful businessman, he is also founder of Tubatse Youth Chamber, a registered Non-Profit organisation he run with 10 other local young business people in and around
Photographs & Information: Doc Marebane.
the Tubatse area. He also runs a successful fashion designing shop, sewing of PPE, printing and embroidery of t-shirts in the Steelpoort CBD and employs three people. “I’m also involved in fashion designing and sewing of PPE for industrial purpose. My road into the business world was not easy. I took over from my father who retired in 2013 and I approached the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) who gave me a kick start. Because it was not enough, I also approached Steelpoort Pick n Pay who assisted. I intent expanding into embroidery printing and PPE manufacturing”, he said. Despite Lehlogonolo’s busy schedule, in his spare time he assist in his family’s 22 hectors vegetable garden which produces cabbage, spinach, tomatoes and sweet potatoes. “We supply big shops in Jane Furse, Steelpoort and the local informal fruit markets. I would like to encourage young people to stand up and do something for themselves rather than wait for hand-outs from government and the private sector. Lehlogonolo can be found at Mapodile Thusong Service Centre in GCIS’s office or at 072 933 4026 or @ yupptyltd@gmail.com.
Lehlogonolo Ratau (centre) at Sekhukhune Youth Opportunities Expo on June 12, with him is Limpopo NYDA Manager Percy Madziwo.
19 JUNE 2015
Platinum Gazette Address: Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website: www.tubatse.gov.za
Public Notice
Approved Tariffs 2015/16 Financial Year - Erratum advertisement
6% increase
2012/13 c/R 6.5% increase
R3-05 /m² Straight
R3-25 /m² Straight
New buildings:- a) up to 150m² (per square meter)
2013/14 10% increase R3-65 /m² Straight
2014/15 c/R 10.% increase
2015/16 c/R 10% increase
R4.01 /m² Straight
R4.41 /m² Straight
New buildings:-b) on balance above 150m² Minimum payable
R 203.20
R 238.05
R 261.85
R 288.04
Same as nr1
Same as nr1
Same as nr1
Same as nr1
Same as nr1
Alterations to or inside existing building(per square meter)
Minimum payable
R 203.20
R 238.05
R 261.85
R 288.04
Amended plans/Redesign/new proposal (after submission)
Minimum payable
R 203.20
R 238.05
R 261.85
R 288.04
Engineers design/Concrete slabs/structures/Timber structures(per square meter)
Minimum payable
R 201.28
R 235.80
R 259.38
R 285.32
Engineers design/Steel structures(per square meter)
Additions to existing buildings
Minimum payable
R 203.20
R 238.05
R 261.85
R 288.04
Sewage/drainage plan(per square meter)
Minimum payable
R 203.31
R 238.18
R 262.00
R 288.19
50% of calculated fees.
50% of calculated fees.
50% of calculated fees.
50% of calculated fees.
50% of calculated fees.
R 101.60
R 119.02
R 130.93
R 144.02
100% of calculated fees
100% of calculated fees
100% of calculated fees
100% of calculated fees
100% of calculated fees
R 203.20
R 238.05
R 261.85
R 288.04
50% of calculated fees.
50% of calculated fees.
50% of calculated fees.
50% of calculated fees.
50% of calculated fees.
Renewal of plans within one yaer after lapsing (approval of plans lapses 12 months after approval) Minimum payable Renewal of plans within two yaers after lapsing (approval of plans lapses 12 months after approval) Minimum payable Preliminary Sketch plans Minimum payable
R 101.60
R 119.02
R 130.93
R 144.02
Government plans (Not to be approved/disapproved) only for information
Minimum payable
Local Athority plans. To be approved/disapproved as all other plans
Minimum payable
Low Cost housing plans. To be approved/disapproved as all other plans(per square meter) Minimum payable
R 203.20
R 238.05
R 261.85
R 288.04
Application to commence construction of building prior to approval of plans (section 7(6) of NBR
Minimum payable
R 451.56
Application for consent to occupy before occupation certificate is issued. (Section 14[1A]
Minimum payable
R 451.56
R 529.00 R2-42/m² R 529.00
R 581.90 R2-66/m²
R 640.09 R2-93/m²
R 581.90
R 640.09
Demolition Permit Per application
R 451.56
R 529.00
R 581.90
R 640.09
Swimming pool
Per item
R 225.78
R 264.50
R 290.95
R 320.05
Minor building works (Section 13 of NBR)
Per item
R 225.78
R 264.50
R 290.95
R 320.05
Per application
R 225.78
R 264.50
R 290.95
R 320.05
Fuel pumps, Fuel storage, Tanks and Gas installations
Per application
R 726.86
R 851.52
R 936.67
R 1,030.33
Installation of Masts:-
Ground based
Per application
R 733.79
R 859.63
R 945.60
R 1,040.16
Roof top based
Per application
Installation of Masts:-
Ground based Roof top based
Freestanding walls/boundary Per application
Occupation certificate Building plans submitted in informal settlements Sidewalk deposit/Guarantee:
R 733.79 R 733.79
R 859.63
R 945.60
R 1,040.16
R 859.63
R 945.60
R 1,040.16
R 733.79
R 859.63
R 945.60
R 1,040.16
R 225.78
R 264.50
R 290.95
R 320.05
R 90.31
R 105.80
R 116.38
R 128.02
R 203.20
R 238.05
R 261.85
R 288.04
Developed sidewalks
Landscaped sidewalks (per square meter)
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19 JUNIE 2015
Platinum Gazette
SAPS Tubatse Cluster play at Mahwelereng On Wednesday the SAPS Tubatse Cluster soccer team visited Mahwelereng for a top four friendly games. The first game was SAPS Mahwelereng against Tubatse Cluster. This game ended 3-3. In the second game it was SAPS Modimolle against Mahwelereng Department of Health. Modimolle won 4-2. The final match for the day was the Tubatse Cluster against SAPS Modimolle. Tubatse dominated the game. and managed to score two goals. Const. Makgolane opened the score and Const. Maimela scored the second goal from a penalty shot. Modimolle was also awarded a penalty and Const. Hlungwane scored. Both teams failed to convert further chances. Half
Aloe Foods there for you Aloe Foods opened its doors in Burgersfort last week. This convenience store is aiming to not only offer great service, fresh and quality products, but also make your life easier. That is why they offer everything from general groceries, fresh fruit and vegetables, a deli, butchery and bakery to specialised services such as cakes and platters on order. “We are very excited to serve the people of Burgersfort” said Mr. Shaun Maloney and Ms. Marica Geldenhuys, managers of the store. They’ve thanked the public for their support since the opening. “We are still in our baby shoes and growing pains are there, but know that we aim to give only the best to our customers”. They will soon also be offering prepaid electricity sales. They are open 7 days a week from 07:00 19:00. Visit them at Lebowa Business Park. (Old OK Minimark).
On Sunday last week the Burgersfort Game Store soccer team visited Tubatse Masters in Praktiseer for a friendly soccer match. The match took place at Leolo Secondary School’s sports grounds. The visitors started off very strong and dominated the ball possession. They displayed some good touches and kept on threatening the Masters’ defence. Their attack paid off when Robert Phokane struck a long range kick just after the centre mark to beat Masters’ goalkeeper Sipho Makabate to make the score 1-0 in favour of Game Stores. Masters also had some scoring opportunities, but the visitors’ keeper Joseph Majadibodu produced some good saves. Tubatse Masters finally managed to level the score when Lekgotla Motswiane scored. This was however short lived as Jan Motene beat the Masters’ goalkeeper with a powerful shot from outside the box. Tubatse Masters came back strong in the last 15 minutes of the first half. Mbesuma Mabaso managed to score two goals and Thabiso Molemane scored one goal. The half time score was 4-2 in favour of the Masters. In the second half both teams made some changes and continued their attacks. The visitors scored first in the second half with Macdonald Matentjie. The Masters scored two more goals by Ally Maimela and Zorro Tshwane. Final score: 6-3 in favour of Tubatse Masters. (Information & Photographs: Jerial Mvundlela)
time score: 2-1. In the second half Modimolle had more ball possession but failed to penetrate Tubatse’s defence. Const. Tebogo Letsoalo scored Tubatse’s third goal and a few minutes later Const. Molebale scored for Modimolle. The final score was 3-2 in favour of the SAPS Tubatse Cluster. (Information: Const. Mvundlela, Photographs: Const. Mvundlela and Const. Phokane).
What a game with Game Stores
19 JUNE 2015
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: adverts@platinumgazette.com • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
9. Te Huur/ For Rent
10. Te Koop/ For Sale
Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.
Grond te koop G (14hktr) 5km buite Roossenekal met boorgat en JoJo tank @ R450 000 o/h. Mev. Campbell - 082 550 7398.
A 2 and 1 Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort In security complex. Close to town. Contact: 076 666 1100
Appelblaar Padstal & Kwekery R50 SALE Indigenous Trees Schotia brachypetala: weeping boer-bean, huilboerboon Celtis africana: white stinkwood (Eng.), witstinkhout Combretum imberbe: leadwood (Eng.); hardekool (Afr.) and More... 20th of June to 2nd of August 2015. Contact Kobus 0826082033
Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Skakel: 082 357 1954 / 083 244 6005 Two bedroom apartment available. R5000 with lights and water, Aloe Ridge West. 3 Bedroom - R6500 with water. Pre-paid electricity. Call 082 578 6113
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or adverts@platinumgazette.com
Betrekkings/ Vacancies Hendrik’s Panelbeaters is looking for people to fill the following positions:
Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Executive house to rent close to Glencore, Two Rivers,Twee fontein-and Dwars river Mines. (On Tweefontein Road) Contact: 082 337 3092
The advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00. Book your advert now to get the exposure you need!
Vehicle Inspector The Vehicle Inspector plays an improtant role in the business. Technical knowledge combined with the ability to be pro-active is essential. To apply fax a 2-page CV to 013-230 5856. Shortlisted candidates can bring all original documents with them to the interview. Background checks and validation of experience with previous employers may be part of the selection process. Closing date: 30 June 2015 (If you have not received a response within 15 days of the closing date, please assume your application was not successful). Requirements: · Grade 12 · Drivers License Code EC · Qualified Motor Technical or similar technical qualification in the motor trade, with approximately 7 years experience after qualification. · Employed in a supervisory position will be an advantage. · Previously employed at a OEM dealer will be an advantage. Knowledge and Skills · Good in-depth knowledge in the diesel mechanical field. · Attention to detail · Knowledge of road transport legislation in terms of roadworthiness of vehicles. · Knowledge of client requirements in terms of downtime management of trucks. · Administrative ability. · Must have a fair amount of knowledge of legislation related to the Road Traffic and Road Transport Acts. (Road worthiness of vehicle). The Company offers a competitive remuneration package.
Previous experience in the industry will be an advantage. E-mail your CV with traceable references to loffie@hendrikspbeat.com or hand in your CV at Hendrik’s Panelbeaters in Burgersfort.
NGULULU BULK CARRIERS Steelpoort We are urgently looking for a highly motivated, passionate and self-driven person who is looking for a challenge and is willing to make a difference. The following opportunity has become available at NBC situated in Steelpoort.
Panelbeater x 1 Assemblers x 2
VACANCY HR COORDINATOR TRANSFORMATION (D2) Work Description This role is a specialist role within the HR structure responsible for the development, implementation and monitoring of effective processes / systems in support of the Mining Charter / Employment Equity requirements. The time frame of work is 1 to 5 years but some plans will be on a longer timeframe. Minimum Requirements • Human Resources Management degree • At least five years management experience specifically in transformation in a mining environment; • Competent in mine HR- systems and related legislation • Computer literate for role • Proficient in English • Presentation skills • Must be innovative, adaptable and forward thinking in the mining environment • Above average planning skills • Confident and assertive • Results orientated Key Responsibilities • Effective implementation of the recruitment/planning strategy, policy, guidelines and tools in support of HDSA Targets • Execute projects and provide input to meet transformation targets • Solution for meeting overall staffing build-up plans in support of HDSA Targets • Provide input into consultations with Management, Union and Associations Interested persons can forward their applications to the Recruitment Office by E-mail to phillemon@atlatsa.com or fax it to 015-620 0319 or hand deliver it to the Bokoni premises HR Front Offices in the Main Office Building. Closing date 29 June 2015. “Bokoni Platinum” shall apply the affirmative action principles as set out in the company’s employment equity policy. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, your application shall be deemed to be unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful applications shall not be returned. Applicants must be prepared to undergo certain job related assessments, if required as part of the selection process. Credit, criminal and reference checks may be done by the Mine if deemed necessary.
19 JUNIE 2015
Tubatse Masters vs Thorburn Security Solutions F.C. Tubatse Masters hosted Thorburn Security Solutions F.C. on Saturday last week. The match was played at Leolo Secondary School sports ground in Praktiseer. The Tubatse Masters were the better side during the first half. They took more ball possession and had more scoring opportunities. The visitors also had some scoring opportunities, but failed to convert it into points. Titus Mashaba scored for Tubatse Masters. The half time score was 1-0 in favour of the Masters. In the second half the visitors improved their performance and kept the Masters’ defence very busy. Lollypop Motswiane scored Tubatse Masters’ second goal. Israel Netshamahala pulled one for Thorburn and the scoreline changed to 2-1. Lekgotla
Motswiane scored Tubatse Masters’ third goal. Just a few minutes later Israel Netshamahala scored his second goal to make it 3-2. The visitors came back into the match and levelled the score with a goal by Morgan Rakgoale. The Tubatse Masters was not giving up and Ally Maimela put them in the lead again. But a match is not over until the final whistle. Manuel Phashato levelled the score for Thorburn to make the final score 4-4.
(Information & Photographs: Jerial Mvundela).
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19 JUNE 2015 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum gazette.com or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
Thorburn Security Solutions golf day at Tubatse Chrome
Thorburn Security Solutions hosted its annual Thorburn Community Golf Day on 12 June 2015. The day took place at Tubatse Chrome Club. The day annually brings together businesses, leaders and associates in the Sekhukhune area and this year took place for the seventh consecutive time. The idea is not only to bring the businesspeople together but also local players from other areas. “Influential businessman and community leader, Tim Marobane assisted us with getting the golf players from the community and local businesses,” said Thorburn Managing Director, Dolf Scheepers. Twelve teams participated in the event. The winners each walked away with a lamb food hamper valued at just under R1000. (Photo left). Providing sustenance on the day was Thorburn HR Manager Ellence Monyela (aka, Chef!), who made prego steak rolls for all the players. The Mobile Command Unit was on standby to keep a watchful eye on the proceedings. Thorburn thanked everyone who helped to ensure this year’s golf day is a success. Thorburn’s caring actions is not limited to a golf day once a year. Their Ice Breaker Project (winter warmer project) originated in the Steelpoort/Maandagshoek area and has gradually expanded to other areas in Sekhukhune. It is now also running in the Northern Cape and Sasolburg and Secunda areas. Thorburn brings blankets to people in need during the cold winter periods. Last week the project distributed blankets to 100 people in the Dingleton area near Kathu in the Northern Cape. Coming back to its roots, the project visited villages in Sekhukhune on Thursday and Friday last week. 100 blankets and soup packets were distributed in the Mmpaphahlane and Mapea Villages. These are communities near Phokathaba Platinum Mine where Thorburn provide security services. Another 200 blankets and soup packets will be distributed in the next two weeks in Sasolburg and Secunda. (Information: Thorburn Security Solutions; Photograph: Loralyn Botha)