Platinum Gazette 19 October 2012

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Light in a dark world

Learners from Laerskool Burgersfort have worn their bandanas in style last week Friday during Bandana Day. They bought their bandanas in support of the Sunflower Foundation, a non-profit organisation that helps facillitate bone marrow donations for Leukaemia patients. Ina Burger, one of the school’s teachers, is also a leukaemia patient.

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Bokoni problems drag on

Atlatsa Resources Corporation earlier this week confirmed that only 643 of the 2161 dismissed employees at Bokoni Platinum Mines returned to work on Monday. These employees were dismissed on 6 October 2012 for their involvement in unprotected industrial action and were issued with final written warnings relating to their continued employment at Bokoni, conditional upon their return to work on 15 October, 2012. All employees who failed to return to work were dismissed with effect from 6 October 2012. The employees who did report for duty were intimidated and threatened with violence by a group of dismissed employees who initiated an illegal march at the mine premises. This unrecognised group, who describe themselves as the “Bokoni Labour Forum”, continued with their actions at the mine premises on Monday and intensified their acts of violence and intimidation, causing damage to mine property and blocking roads onto the mine premises. On Tuesday dismissed employees burnt mine vehicles at Bokoni’s Brakfontein shaft premises. The SA Police Services presence at the mine has been increased, criminal charges have been laid against certain persons and arrests have been made.

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: 087 151 1034 E-mail:

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© Platinum Gazette

19 October 2012


19 OCTOBER 2012



Unsung heroes saluted at Long Service Awards On Saturday 13 October the unsung heroes in the mining industry were saluted for their selfless efforts to help save lives during emergency situations. Dwarsrivier Mine hosted the Emergency Mines Rescue Service 2012 Long Service Awards for the Steelpoort region. The formal event took place in Lydenburg and could easily be mistaken for the Oscars with the theme ‘Hollywood Awards’. The Emergency Mines Rescue teams or “Proto” teams as they are also affectionately known are the people who work tirelessly in emergency situations to get miners to safety in case of an accident, fire or fall of ground. The function on Saturday honoured members of Proto teams who have served five years, ten years or fifteen years. Members from Barberton, Dwarsrivier, Eastern Chrome Mines, Modikwa, Palabora Mining Company, Two Rivers Platinum and Mines Rescue Services Steelpoort Station received trophies and gifts of appreciation. Their spouses were not left behind and were thanked for allowing their husbands to perform duties that they know might be dangerous in order to save other people’s lives. Mr Mthi Mtshengu, Senior General Manager of Dwarsrivier Mine, praised them for their selfless efforts and recounted how

these men always ask the person they are helping’s name while the person in distress often forgets to ask their heroes name. The formalities ended with all the men saluting those who received awards during the course of the night. Those who received awards were: 5 Years – André de Wet (Barberton), Pieter Sofianos (Barberton), Franko Laas (Dwarsrivier), Delphas Malatji (Eastern Chrome Mines, Dirk Beukes (Modikwa), Sydney Maripane (Modikwa), Johan van Royen (Modikwa), Samuel Maeko (Palabora Mining Company), Andries Lombard (Two Rivers Platinum) and Louis van Wyk (Mines Rescue Services). 10 Years – Willem Mostert (Barberton), Janna Dumond (Dwarsrivier). 15 Years – Tiekie Venter (Palabora Mining Company). The evening ended with a delicious dinner and dancing.

Dwarsrivier Mine Senior General Manager, Mr Mthi Mtshengu was the keynote speaker of the night.

Mr Christo de Klerk of Mines Rescue Services was one of the speakers of the evening.

The Dwarsrivier Mine team at the gala function.

This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine

19 OKTOBER 2012



Duty Calls in Jane Furse

Photograph: SAPS

On Friday, 12 October 2012 the Minister of Police, Mr Nathi Mthethwa and the National Commissioner, General Riah Phiyega, officially launched the 2012/2013 Duty Calls festive season operations in Jane Furse. During the launch, the Limpopo Tracking Team, made up of 23 members, was introduced to the Minister and police management. The Tracking Team has the mandate to trace, locate and apprehend identified wanted persons, including those suspected of murdering police officials. The 23 members posted to the Limpopo Tracking Team have a mix of skills and had to undergo a rigorous selection process which included psychometric, fitness and shooting ability testing. Since February 2012 the team has traced 63 of Limpopo’s most wanted criminals, including 15 wanted for Trio crimes (car hijacking, business robbery and house robbery) and 48 for other serious crimes such as ATM bombings, cash-intransit heists and murder. Some of these 63 individuals were arrested and others were traced and found to be deceased, in prison or awaiting trial. During his keynote address, which was delivered during a storm and torrential rains in Jane Furse, Minister Mthethwa said Police members started with Duty Calls operations countrywide during September

2012 and will continue until the end of January 2013. “Our main objective is to call upon all South Africans to partner with the Police in fighting the scourge of crime. This year’s operations will build upon the previous year’s lessons and successes. We will also increase high visibility patrols at all tourist destinations especially along the coastal cities. Our approach and operations are focused around aggravated robberies, including house and business robberies, cash-in-transit, as well as ATM bombings. We will also focus on social crime prevention operations dealing with contact crimes like murder, rape and crimes against women, children and the elderly”, said the Minister.In her address, the National Commissioner thanked the members of the SAPS from all stations and units, in advance, for the long hours and many sacrifices that they will inevitably have to make over the next few months. “I know that it is difficult to work when others are spending time with their loved ones and are relaxing at home or on the beaches. But when one looks back, and you know that this was a job well done and that you made a definite difference, then that is its own reward”, added General Phiyega.



19 OCTOBER 2012

Dié naweek is fees naweek! Die Tubatse Chrome Festival vind hierdie naweek plaas. Dit is soos elke jaar ‘n hoogtepunt op die Klub se kalender. Daar is hierdie jaar weer ‘n vol program met kunstenaars wat gereed staan om puik vermaak te verskaf. Sien die program vir Vrydag en Saterdag hieronder. Daar sal weer ‘n biertent, kosstalletjies, baie kindervermaak en ander stalletjies wees. Die toegang is billik en daarom word almal uitgenooi om saam te kom kuier en fees hou.

Die Campbells tree vanaand op.

Chrometco eyes Nkwe Platinum’s Rooderand JSE-listed junior miner, Chrometco would reposition itself to move into platinum-group metals (PGMs) and other bulk commodities, on top of its chrome exploration assets, Managing Director Petrus Cilliers said on Wednesday. Despite the current global downturn in the chrome and PGM markets, Chrometco is looking to acquire the PGM rights to the Rooderand asset from Nkwe Platinum, which should give it a solid foothold in the PGMs space. Cilliers said Chrometco was also scouting for other acquisitions, highlighting that the company was in a “comfortable position” with cash in the bank, no debt and low costs. “We would certainly not rule out mergers and joint ventures, or disposal for that matter; everything is for sale at the right price. We would also look into memorandums of understanding with nearby mines with the facilities to beneficiate,” he said. Cilliers noted the company was looking into mining and trading opportunities in the form of cash generators and tolling options. “We are looking at future disposals for the right price. We are in the game to play deals and not looking at becoming a midtier or large player, unlike the adjacent mining companies,” he said. Chrometco has agreed to buy the Rooderand asset for 90-million shares. The deal includes the mineral rights, historical drill core and geological data of the property. Cilliers described Rooderand’s location on the western limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, with neighbours such as Platmin and Platinum Australia, as a “prime chrome/ PGM neighbourhood”. Meanwhile Nkwe still plans to develop platinum assets near Burgersfort, but progress seems to be slow. In a company update dated 31 August 2012, the company inter alia says: “Nkwe Platinum Limited (“Nkwe” or the “Company”) provides the following corporate update in respect of the security lending agreement involving Genorah Resources and its majority shareholding in the Company. Nkwe, Genorah Resources and Gleneagles Securities have entered into a binding terms sheet which provides, amongst other things, for a 45 day stand still on the sale of any of Genorah’s shares in the Company. Further Genorah have advised Gleneagles that they have secured financing in South Africa to pay back the outstanding loan (circa $2.8m) in the next 10-20 days irrespective of the stand still in place. More importantly the terms sheet sets down the parameters for a transaction moving forward subject to various conditions precedent being satisfied over the next 4-6 weeks. The transaction would see a major South African based entity acquire a significant stake of Genorah’s shares in Nkwe at $0.20 per share. Nkwe would then, subject to all necessary approvals, look to acquire for equity the remaining 26% BEE interest in its Projects as part of a dual listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. The Company will be in a position to fully disclose all details of the proposed transaction once key aspects have been finalised. Moving forward the Company will, should the transaction be completed, have new corporate and operational management and seek to commence development of the Garatau PGM Project”.

19 OKTOBER 2012



Steelpoorters skitter Die skool se leerlinge het onlangs aan die Kruine Kunstefees deelgeneem. Kore, spreekkore en individuele items is tydens die fees op die planke gebring. Links is Lindsay McManus, Fiona Zeeman, Yone Volschenk, Tebogo Mokgata, Mahlagonolo Mamekoa, Hannetjie Mabelane, Napogadi Hlongwa, Yolande McKenzie en Monique Language. Hulle het almal A++ simbole vir hul deelname aan die fees gekry.

Fireball Lilies in full bloom The Fireball lily is often also called a Blood flower, Catherine wheel, Poison root, Bloedblom or Gifwortel. It is an evergreen plant and can produce up to 9 leaves per season. The plant stand up to 70cm high and can have a spread of up to 110cm. The spectacular flowerhead is a huge spherical umbell. This can be home for up to 200 small individual flowers. These flowers can last 1 to 2 weeks. The plant can go dormant in the winter. It grows well in shady gardens and often grow wild under trees in the veld. They do however need good soil. The plants are poisonous and are known

to have been used in countries such as Cameroon, Gabon and Angola they as arrow poison for hunters. In Guinea and northern Nigeria they make fishing poison from it. Three species of Scadoxus, of which this lily is family, can be found in South Africa. The photographs were taken just outside Burgersfort.

Dié leerlinge het aan die Kruine Kunstefees se senior afdeling deelgeheem. Hulle 3 A++, 11A+, 20 A en 13 B+ toekennings verwerf.

Dié leerlinge het aan die Kruine Kunstefees se junior afdeling deelgeheem. Hulle 6 A++, 16 A+, 15 A en 28 B+ toekennings verwerf.

Steelpoort Akademie het onlangs hul nuwe leiers vir 2013 aangewys. Die groep gaan nou saam op ‘n leierskapontwikkelingskamp en daar sal nog onderling gestem word vir die nuwe hoofleiers en onderhoofleiers.

Office of the Mayor MESSAGE TO THE 2012 MATRICULANTS That time of the year has finally arrived where our Matriculants are going to sit for the final examinations. It has been a year filled with many challenges that nearly defocused learners from their responsibilities and we would like to applaud you for staying in the race until thus far. We are confident that your hard work will yield positive results come the announcements of the results. We would like to take this opportunity to thank parents, educators, learners and the education authorities for working together throughout the year in preparing for the examinations. This is the kind of cooperation that will take our country forward. The Province has experienced a growth of more than 15% in the Matric passs rate over the last two years and we hope that this year our learners will surpass all expectations. On behalf of the Council of the Greater Tubatse Municipality, I would like to wish the Class of 2012 well in the examinations and pray that we have incident free examinations. We have trust in you and we know that that your hard work will pay off and the Municipality, the Province and the rest of the country will be proud of you. Good luck Cllr NJ Mahlake Greater Tubatse Municipality Mayor

Luke 12:27

Lukas 12:27

“Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these”.

“Kyk hoe groei die lelies: hulle swoeg nie en hulle maak nie klere nie, maar Ek sê vir julle: Selfs Salomo in al sy prag was nie geklee soos een van hulle nie”

Tenderpreneurs, fraud, bribery, corruption, scams, nepotism and many more are the buzzwords that business managers are faced with today and are more predominant in difficult times of economical down turn. They are there and they might be in your business. Thorburn Security Solutions will be hosting a Thorburn Fraud Seminar on 7 November 2012 at the Tubatse Club near Steelpoort in Limpopo. This Thorburn Fraud Seminar is designed and hosted specifically to suite the mining industry. The guest speaker is Adv Steven Powell, who had more than 21 years experience as an advocate, specialits white-collar crime prosecutor and forensics expert from Edward Nathan Sonnenbergs Forensics. (

Who should attend: Mine Managers, Procurement Specialists, Financial Managers, Risk Managers, Security Managers Where: Tubatse Chrome Club When: 7 November 2012 at 14:00 for 14:30 Booking: Amarna de Beer ( NO COST



19 OCTOBER 2012

Advice for the matrics of 2012 Next week the 2012 matriculants will start the last stretch of their school career when the final examination starts. It is a stressful time, but also one filled with expectation of entering the adult world. Some will go for tertiary education and others will look for work or try to start their own business. Unfortunately knowledge about life often comes with hindsight. We asked readers what advice for these young adults they wish they had when they were 18 years old.

Ms Pretty Mashaba said: “Go to varsity and study further. Don’t misbehave, stay away from drugs and study hard”.

Mnr. Neels Claase sê: “As jy die geleentheid kry gaan oorsee. Hier is niks hier nie”.

Mr Patrick Segobela and Mr Lennox Mphogo said: “If you don’t have money, try and sell something or start a business. Ask for help and advice. Plan. You can also apply for bursaries. Those who have money must go and study. Focus on the books until you are finished. If you take a break you’ll destroy your mind. There is in reality no break from studies”.

Ms Sister Mnisi and Ms Leah Ngele said: “They must study further. Stop taking drugs and alcohol. Pray that God will help you in everything you do. Go home early at night and keep respecting your parents”. Ms Anna Morena said: “Do further studies. If you finish matric and stay at home the future is not bright. You must go out and take courses so that you can be the leaders of tomorrow and have a better future”.

Mr Seun Seleke, Mr Peter Ramokanata and Mr Collen Mangena said: “Stay focused to reach your goals. For your further studies as well - focus. Keep on studying further. Keep hope when you start looking for a job. Stay away from drugs. Spend your money well and save if you can. Pray and keep your faith in God”.

Ms Prutence Mametja said: “Stay away from the boyfriend. Don’t get pregnant - study! Read a lot. Listen carefully to your parents”.

Ms Patricia Tebele said: “Take care of yourself until you reach your goals. Seek advice from your parents and not from friends. Study hard. If you go for tertiary studies, don’t forget what you are there to do. Forget about parties, drinking and drugs”.

Mr Justice Mathume said: “Focus. Life is too fast. Do not rush. Some people think they must go work, but if they can afford it or can get a scholarship they must rather go study further. If you have to work, study part time. There also also teachers who can help you with applying for scholarships. I wish you all the best with the exams”.

Ms Lerato Mabunda, Ms Charity Makofane and Ms Joyce Malapane said: “Finish school, go to university and then go work. If you can afford it, buy an expensive house, but if you cannot afford it, keep to your budget”.

Mnr. Hannes Jonker sê: “Ek het altyd vir my kinders gesê: Jy moet nou na jouself begin kyk, jou ouers kan nie nou meer na jou kyk nie. Soos die Engelse sê - “You are now on your own”.

Mr Freddy Hlase said: “Study hard. There is nothing that comes easy. Next year go and study further. Education is the key to success”.

Mr Lucas Mokoena said: “Do discussions in preperation for the examination. Try to get bursaries to study further. Stay away from drugs and alcohol. Abstain from sex as well”

19 OKTOBER 2012


Joshua Generation having fun Learners from Joshua Generation had loads of fun during the last week. Last week Friday they supported Bandana Day with the learners casually dressed wearing their bandanas. (Photographs left). Over the weekend the school hosted the Regional Table Tennis. The following learners shined at the event: Duncan van der Walt (1st, u/13), Charleen van Heerden (1st girls u/ 13), Thlogi Manne (3rd boys u/15), Khutso Lekalakala (3rd boys u/11) and Gina Mari Oosthuizen (girls u/11). (Photograph right). All photographs and information supplied by Joshua Generation.

Eendag as ons groot is...

Die graad 7 leerlinge van Laerskool Burgersfort het beroepe in die klas behandel. Verlede week Vrydag het hulle elkeen aangetrek volgens wat hulle eendag wil word. Jodrie Verster wil ‘n ketelmaker word, Monica Botha wil ‘n prokureur word, Bianca Bronkhorst wil ‘n lugwaardin wees en Xander Holtzhauzen ‘n vlieënier.



Laerskool Ohrigstad se onnies word bederf Onderwysers by LS Ohrigstad is onlangs op die hande gedra tydens die afgelope Internasionale Onderwysersdag wat plaaslik op Vrydag 12 Oktober gevier is. Met hul aankoms by die skool het elke leerling ‘n plakker ontvang met die woorde “My onderwyser, my held”, wat heeldag op almal se bors gepryk het. Die onderwysers is verras met ‘n byeenkoms in die saal waartydens daar ‘n spesiale gedig oor elkeen voorgedra is. Die gediggies het gesorg vir heelwat uitbundige gelag vir al die kwinkslae en fyn waarnemings van elke onnie se maniertjies. Na afloop van die voordrag het elke juffrou ‘n pragtige bos helderkleurige blomme ontvang tesame met kaartjie wat deur elke leerling gemaak is. Daarna is heerlike verversings saam met koffie en tee aan die leerkragte voorgesit. Net toe die onnies dink dit kan nie beter nie, is hulle ontvoer na Hannah Lodge vir ‘n ete.


19 OCTOBER 2012

19 OKTOBER 2012



Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/ Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

Legal Notices/ Regskennisgewings FARM: CROYDON 120 KT Notice is hereby given that Razita Mining Resources Pty Ltd application for Prospecting Right with reference No. (LP 30/5/1/1/2/10175 PR) has been accepted on the 10th of Aug 2012 by Department of Mineral Resources (Limpopo Province), for Nickel, Copper, Cobalt, Iron, Coal, Silver, Sulpur, PGM and Chrome. In terms of regulation 7(1) of the Regulations under the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002), Interest and Affected Parties are hereby requested to raise their comments, consent, objections and issues to Brian Nyezi on the following address or email address: Razita Mining Resources Pty Ltd P O Box 786573 Sandton 2146 brian@ razitaminingresources. or Tel:+27 11 656 5447

Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

Platinum Gazette Editorial deadline: Wednesday at 17:00

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.

Betrekkings/Vacancies Vacancy: Operations Manager Must have at least 5 years experience in the building profession

Large, stable and progressive property Company seeks an energetic, well-organised individual with extensive experience in Operations management, to control Operating costs, Credit Control, Customer Liaison, Maintenance and Supervision of staff. The position calls for an individual with up to date knowledge of ISO standards and Health and safety procedures.

Die volgende betrekkings is tans vakant:

Verkoopsman en Kantoordame Vereistes vir beide kandidate: • Die kandidaat moet matriek hê. Vorige verkoops/kantoorondervinding sal ‘n voordeel wees. • Die persoon moet rekenaargeletterd wees. (Vir die kantoordame sal kennis van Pastel in haar guns tel). • Die aansoeker moet ‘n geldige bestuurderslisensie hê. • Moet goed tweetalig in Afrikaans en Engels wees. • Goeie kommunikasievaardighede is ‘n moet. • Die ideale persoon sal doelgerig kan werk terwyl hy/sy ‘n uitstekende diens lewer en nie omgee om soms die ekstra myl te loop nie. ‘n Volledige CV met opvolgbare verwysing kan by Burgersfort Supa Quick ingehandig word of faks dit na: 086 505 3994 Sluitingsdatum: 31 Oktober 2012

The position is deadline driven and requires an individual with excellent communication skills.

Indien u nie binne 21 van die sluitingsdatum van die maatskappy gehoor het nie, aanvaar asseblief dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

Vacancy: Shopping Centre Manager 45 000m2 retail center will need someone with at least 5 years experience Large, stable and progressive property Company seeks an energetic, well-organised individual with extensive experience in centre management, to control at Group level all aspects including Financial and budget management, Operating costs, Credit Control, Customer Liaison, Asset Management, Maintenance and PRO functions. The position calls for an individual with up to date knowledge of ISO standards and Health and safety procedures with extensive exposure to the Retail sector and dealing with National tenants. The position is deadline driven and requires an individual with excellent communication skills. SAPOA Certificate in Shopping Centre Management, together with at least 5 years experience in a similar or related field are pre-requisites. Please fax cv to (011) 441-4082 or email to before close of business on the 27th October 2012.



19 OCTOBER 2012

Next week is Pro Schools face off in Top 8 tournament 20 Cricket final The local Pro 29 Cricket final will be played next week on 27 October 2012. The game will be hosted at Laerskool Burgersfort’s grounds and the public is invited to come and support the teams. It promises to be a night not only full of sporting action, but also fun for everyone. If you would like to put up a stall to and sell products or create awareness of

your services, you are welcome to contact Whity Ludick on the number below. There will be jumping castles for the children and music by Audio Corporation. Entrance will be R10 a car for the day. No alcohol or food will be allowed through the gates as it will be for sale on the premises during the day. Don’t miss the action! Whity Ludick: 082 468 6332. Even the Gogos had a chance to play.

Eight schools participated in the Modikwa Top 8 Schools Soccer Tournament last weekend. It was two days filled with fun and action as teams played their hearts out. Get all the results on page 12 of this newspaper.

The team from Nakgwadi High School came out tops. Left: Ms Mmasaku Mohale from Modikwa Platinum Mine thanked the Nakgwadi Teachers Squad and the Bakgekolo Bakgekolo team for their effort on Sunday.

19 OKTOBER 2012



DWARSRIVIER MINE Mine Managers’ golf day wet, but a great success Friday last week, the Eastern District of the Mine Managers Association of South Africa held their annual golf day. This year Dwarsrivier Mine was the host mine and wet weather did not dampen the success of the day. Teams of four participated in the day that started off shot-gun style. Light drizzle slowly turned into heavier rains and the field marshal called everyone home. When it became clear that the rain will not be lifting the day’s play was abandoned. Unfortunately play was too short to determine a winner and the organisers decided that the prizes will do well by being

auctioned in aid of the charities the Mine Managers’ Association support. What made the auction even bigger fun was the fact that items came in pairs as the prizes were intended. After the fun auction the players were treated to a hot meal while having some refreshments from the 19th hole. The Dwarsrivier team enjoyed hosting this highlight on the Mine Managers Association calendar. Their team spirit and caring values shined through with the initiative to auction the prizes for a good cause. The team thanks everyone who participated and made the best of a wet, but wonderful day!

Players braved the wet weather for a while until it came pouring down. The day was not wasted as everyone enjoyed the company and refreshments at the 19th hole.

Mthi Mtshengu, SGM of Dwarsrivier Mine welcoming everyone to the event, with the Dwarsrivier Team who arranged and participated in the day on the right.

Dwarsrivier Mine’s team hosted the annual Association of Mine Managers golf day for the Eastern district.

This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine


19 OCTOBER 2012

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Nakgwadi is tops Modikwa Platinum Mine hosted their annual Top 8 Local Schools Soccer Tournament last weekend. The boys braved the rain, but enjoyed the coolness that came with it. The results were as follow: Nakgwadi High School (4) vs Selakhu HIgh School (1). Mohlalamorudi High School (6) vs Marole High School (2). Dihlabakela High School (1) vs Maputle High School (2). Phuthinare high School (1) vs Mosedi High School. 1 Penalties: Phuthinare 6-5. Semi-final: Nakgwadi High School (4) vs Phuthinare High School (0). Maputle High School (1) vs Mohlalamorudi High School (0). The Nakgwadi Teachers Soccer Squad also faced teh Bakgekolo Bakgekolo who came all the way from Tzaneen. The finals were between Nakgwadi High School and Maputle High School. Nakgwadi won the game 6-1. Modikwa Platinum Mine thanked everyone who participated in the event and helped to make it a success. They are looking forward to see the schools participate again next year.

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