Platinum Gazette 19 September 2015

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Platinum Go Bokke!

Gazette Well ...

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

See our readers’ support on pages 6 and 7

Indigo Fruit Farming’s Naranja Packers outside Burgersfort held a hugely successful wellness day on Wednesday this week. See inside for more pictures.

18 September 2015

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Rescue for Evraz and Mapochs Mapoch’s Mine as seen from the R555 road at Roossenekal.

A way out of the company’s predicament and financial woes was announced on Wednesday when the business rescue practitioners of steel an vanadium maker Evraz Highveld Steel (which includes Mapoch’s Mine at Roossenekal) announced their plan to recue the concerns in an 82 page ducument. According tyo the published document a Hong Kong-based company, International Resources Limited (IRL), which has mining, forestry and real estate interests, is the successful bidder for embattled South African steel producer Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium, following a sale process initiated as part of the business rescue process that had been under way since April. The final offer, which was submitted on August 28 and revised on September 15, includes an interlinked offer for Mapochsl. The sale forms part of a larger business rescue plan, which contains details of a turnaround plan, including a commitment by IRL to invest R4.1 thousand million in the South African business over a five-year period. The capital expenditure plan includes the refurbishment of existing equipment, the building of a vanadium slag and titanium production line, as well as a 200 MW cogeneration plant. The document indicates that IRL planned to recommence production “as soon as practicably possible” after the transaction became effective. Production levels would be increased to 910 000 t/y within 18 months and rise to 1.5-milliion tons a year over the coming three to four years. The operational turnaround would also depend on major cost improvements, further import protection for domestic steel and the restoration of Highveld as a fully integrated supplier of high-grade vanadium slag. Two transaction proposals had been made by IRL, one proposes the taking over of the company as a going cencerns, while in the alternative proposal, all the company’s shares will be aquired. The implementation date for the proposed deal had been set for no later than June 30, 2016. The plan is subject to shareholder and / or creditor approval.

Bokoni restructures Atlatsa Resources Corporation says that it, together with its joint venture partner, Anglo American Platinum Limited, has determined to implement a restructure plan at Bokoni Platinum Mine Proprietary Limited at Atok between Burgersfort and Polokwane. The company says Bokoni Mine remains in development with its key Middelpunt Hill UG2 and Brakfontein Merensky underground operations estimated to achieve steady state production by the fourth quarter of 2016 and by 2019, respectively. Given various operational and market related challenges experienced during the ramp up phase of the two operations, Bokoni Mine has had to ensure that its older, higher cost Merensky operations at the Vertical and UM2 shafts remained operational for longer than originally contemplated, a position which is no longer sustainable in light of limited available ore reserves remaining at these shaft operations and continued depressed Platinum Group Metal (PGM) prices. To ensure the future sustainability of Bokoni Mine, the company says it had to implement an operational and financial restructure plan at Bokoni Mine. The primary objective of the restructure plan is to enable Bokoni Mine to endure a prolonged period of depressed PGM commodity prices, by reducing its existing cost structure and increasing production volumes of higher grade ore from underground operations. Implementation of the plan at Bokoni Mine is anticipated to result in: The older, high cost UM2 and Vertical Merensky shaft operations being placed on care and maintenance; continued ramp up of the Middelpunt Hill UG2 and Brakfontein Merensky development shafts to steady state production of 60,000 tpm by the fourth quarter of 2016 and 100,000 tpm by 2019, respectively; continued mining at the Klipfontein Merensky open cast operation as a mill gap filler during ramp up of the underground operations; significant reduction in labour overheads; and reduction in Bokoni Mine’s unit cost of production. Bokoni Mine has issued a Section 189 (3) notice to relevant parties pursuant to Section 189A of the South African Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995 (“LRA”), for the commencement of a consultation process on the contemplated retrenchments of certain of its employees based on operational requirements. In an effort to reduce the potential impact of the restructure plan, Bokoni Mine will propose offering voluntary severance and early retirement packages and also plans to introduce comprehensive support measures to mitigate the impact of the proposed restructuring on affected employees. The 60 day consultation process associated with the restructure plan as contemplated in the LRA is anticipated to end on 16 November 2015.


1 Million FFS for Marula Platinum Implats’s Marula Platinum Mine has achieved a milestone one million fatality Free Shifts (FFS) on Thursday 13t August 2015 This achievement has taken over 11 months to achieve since a tragic fatality on 6 September 2014, with the mine saying proudly “in this time period we have ensured that not one employee has failed to return home to their loved ones. We extend our hearty thanks to every employee and contractor who has been part of this journey with us. Whilst this is a milestone in our industry we appeal to all not to lose focus on our drive for ZERO Harm and to keep up the work in reducing all our injuries, so, that not only can we celebrate the next milestone of 2 000 000 FFS, but also Zero Lost time injuries.� Marula is 73 percent owned by Implats and is one of the first operations to have been developed on the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex. It is located some 35 kilometres north-west of Burgersfort. and in the previous (2014) financial year the operation produced 78 500 ounces of platinum in concentrate. The operation comprises two decline shaft systems and a concentrator plant.






Breakfast meeƟng with Modikwa’s Business Leader

Mr. Benny Boshielo from ARM.

Councillor Malatjie from Tubatse Municipality.

In a high-profile breakfast mee ng the Business Lead- Execu ve Mayor of Tubatse Municipality applauded Modikwa er of Modikwa Pla num mine hosted last week the for a job well done. He further encouraged the mine to consider 9th September, it was acknowledged that “Modik- suppor ng the Special Presiden al Projects in Sekhukhune. ARM wa is the mine we love the most”. Key stakeholders representa ve Mr Benny Boshielo also confirmed that the JV from Greater Tubatse Municipality and beyond learnt partners are commi ed to the upli ment of communi es. about the previous and current impact the mine is The mee ng was concluded by serving a classy breakfast making on the business and community. Mr Mthi Mtshengu, the Business Leader shared with everyone how Modikwa mine con nues to be the cornerstone of socio-economic development within its seven (7) host communi es, namely; Mamphahlane, Sehlaku, Seuwe, Maroga, Mpuru, Diphale, and Ma matjatjie/Hwashi Difagate Trust. Modikwa Mine is a JV between the men oned communi es, African Rainbow Minerals and Anglo American pla num. It is one of the few progressive mines which is owned by the local communi es where the above men oned communi es own 8.5% of Modikwa Pla num Mine JV through their 17% share in ARM mining consor um. Modikwa currently employs 60% of its workforce from the Greater Tubatse and Sekhukhune area. Mr Mthi Mtshengu also shared with the a endees that Modikwa Pla num Mine has completed a number of development projects in the area for the benefit of the community. These projects include sev- Mr. Mthi Mtshengu, Modikwa Business Leader. eral water supply ini a ves, building and renova ons of schools and creches, construc on of a community hall, tribal offices and road infrastructure. In the preceding 5 years, Modikwa Mine has spent about R100 million on Social Labour Plans (SLP), which includes Local Economic Development (LED) Programmes and Community Social Investment (CSI). Moreover Modikwa is planning to further invest more than R127 million on the next SLP from 2014 -2018. Some of the companies currently benefi ng from the mine were present to speak for themselves confirming that Modikwa is indeed empowering local businesses. These included Bana ba Setso represented by Mr Simon Kgoete; Isanita represented by Mr Caiphus Magabane; Leko Mining Services represented by Mr Adam Vilakazi; and Matleng Construc on represented by Mr Mongaletjeng Mokoena. In response, Councillor Malatjie on behalf of the Mr. Mongaletjeng Mokoena of Matleng Construc on.

Above: Mr. Simon Kgoete from Bana ba Setso. Right: Local Business owners.




New 4-way stops in Steelpoort Be careful, don’t kill yourself and anybody else. Two new four-way stops had appeared in Steelpoort almost over night. One of the the new ones is where the trucks turn into the terrain of Tubatse Chrome’s Steelpoort smelter. On Wednesday evening cars jumped this new regulation as if it did not exist, and using the right hand turn line as a high speed passing lane. Not right. The passing lane phenomenon also occurs at the the main 4-way junction at Steelpoort and the right and left only turn-lane signs on the road are disregarded by almostv everyone. The other 4-weay stop is at the road crossing at the Lydenburg road and the business park on the way to Burgersfort. Also a a dangerous one if you are used to speeding in this 60 km zone.

Ja, well ...

While delivering newspapers last week Friday, the newspaper’s vehicle came upon the truck on the right, and it was moving fast, very fast past Glencore / Merafe’s admin gate down the hill on the R555. So fast,it had to pass the slower truck on the left on a (faint) solid line. There was an oncoming vehicle thr driver totally disregarded and this vehicle had to brake intensely to avoid the accident. The newspaper’s vehicle was a long way behind, The photograph was cropped to illustrate what happened. We contacted the company that own the truck and had a prompt response that says: “Thanks very much for showing interest in taking corrective behavior of my drivers on the way. Your assistance in these regard is highly appreciated. I have spoken to the said driver and waiting for him to arrive in my office for a disciplinary hearing. Thanks once more for the photos because they will build up my case against him. I will keep you posted about the developments.”

In a lighter vein This innovative chair was designed and built by the personnel at Lehlaba: Master in New and Used Parts of Burgersfort themselves . Thery say it is quite comfortable ...

2 Timothy 3:14-15 New International Version (NIV) 14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.




Springbok support is everywhere The Rugby World Cup 2015 is kicking off this weekend and the Springbok rugby team will be representing South Africa in England where the games will be played. The Rugby World Cup will run from 18 September 2015 to 31 October 2015. The Springboks will first face Japan on Saturday at 17:45. This will be the most experienced team ever to attend the Rugby World Cup and Jean de Villiers will be the team’s captain. The starting team has a combined total test caps of 880. Although Japan is a small nation, Springbok coach Heyneke Meyer is not taking any chances. He told the media this week “We play against the big teams from the southern and northern hemisphere quite often and with them it is mostly a case of you know what to expect. But Japan will pose a different threat. They have a very astute coach in Eddie Jones and our players who play in Japan have warned us to expect a very high tempo game and good, low tackling to stop momentum. Players know that nothing but their best will be good enough on Saturday and we know the importance of starting the World Cup on a good note”. The Rugby World Cup has first been played in 1987. The odds are in favour of the Southern Hemisphere teams with South Africa (1995 & 2007), Australia (1991 & 1999) and New Zealand (1987 & 2011) all having won more than one World Cup title. The World Cup in 2015 will see 48 matches being played, 600 players participating, 20 nations being represented and matches being broadcast to 207 nations over 44 days. This translates to 3 840 minutes of rugby action to which the fans can look forward to. The matches will be played in 11 different cities and 13 different venues. A total of 2,3 million tickets has been sold for the event. The record for the most tries scored in a Rugby World Cup, is held by Jonah Lomu of New Zealand having scored 15. South Africans and Springbok supporters are encouraged to show their support for the team by wearing Springbok branded clothing on Fridays during the Rugby World Cup period. Platinum Gazette asked readers if they will be following the action, supporting the Springboks and for their messages of support.

Mnr. Pierre van Staden sê: “Die Bokke sal die Wêreldbeker wen as hulle harte reg is. Ons al hulle ondersteun. ‘n Mens wil graag die Vrydag Springbok-drag initiatief ondersteun, maar by die werk is so iets moeilik. Ons sal beslis die Springbokklere dra wanneer ons die wedstryde kyk”.

Mr. Mahlatse Mamogale, Ms. Phindile Mnguni and Ms. Nancy Mashaba said: “We believe in them. We’ll watch on TV. We remember the last time they were in the final. They make us so proud and they can win again this year. Go Bokke! Go Bokke! Good luck. We support you sidesways (left, right, centre – everywhere)!”

Ms. Tlangelani Mavundza said: “I support them all the way. I think they can win. Good luck! Do your best. Go break a leg – just not literally yours! I’ll dress up in Springbok gear every Friday. They must win. I believe in them 100%”.

Mr. Leonard Makofane and Mr. Rocky Mgiba said: “Ja, we’ll follow the action on TV. They will win. We’ll wear our Springbok jerseys every Friday. Go Bokke! Bring back the Cup. The nation is behind you”.

Ms. Brenda Mabelane said: “Yes, I’ll support the Springboks in the Rugby World Cup. I’ll wear supporter gear on Fridays. I wish them all the best. I believe they can bring back the Cup”.

Mnr. Joep Joubert sê: “Ek sal hulle support as hulle daai spul ouetehuis Blou Bulle uit die span haal! As hulle nie reg kies nie sal ons al teen Japan vasval met die spul oumense wat glad nie wedstrydfiks is nie”.

Mr. Faizal Abdullah said: “We’ll definitely be supporting the Springboks. Every Friday we’ll wear the green and gold to support the Boks. We can’t count on the soccer and the cricket, but with the rugby we hope for a third World Cup win”.

Mr. Nelson Mokoena said: “I’ll be following the Rugby World Cup and I wish the Springboks all the best. I hope they bring the Cup back”.

Right: Ms. Karabo Tjie said: “Of course we will be supporting the Springboks. They look like they are in shape and ready to win for us. All the best to them. Let the beast in you come out!”

Mr. Mighty Matemane said: “Every Friday I’ll be wearing my Springbok jersey. I don’t think they are going to win. I know they are going to win. We have to support them every day. Good or bad, I’ll always support them”.




having your say about the team

Ms. Mahlako Maleka said: “I believe in them and I think they can do it. I’m behind them all the way. More black people should start supporting rugby. There should be more noise than with the soccer. I don’t own a Springbok shirt to wear on Fridays. They are very expensive and I don’t want to buy a fake”.

Mr. Oscar Ntembe said: “Of course I’ll be supporting the Springboks. I think they can win. Especially the first game against Japan. They must win. The first game is so important. I’ll be wearing a Springbok jersey each and every Friday. Go Bokke! Bring it (the trophy) back home!” Messrs. Thabang Nkuna, Anton Madire, Petrus Mamogale, Thabo Mongadi, Marvin Shai, Simon Mafumane and Vincent Mafogo said: “We are going to win it! Hulle sal wen. Die Bokke is kwaai! Ons sal hulle support en op TV kyk. Die Bokke gaan straight wen. Bokke ons soek daai trophy!”

Ms. Portia Maeyane said: “Yes, we can win. I’ll follow it on TV. I just want to say good luck to them. Yes, I’ll wear my Springbok jersey on Fridays”.

Mr. Page Mosoma said: “All the best to Ama-Bokke-Bokke! I’ve been supporting them since 1995. They always make us proud. I can’t wait to watch the games! I support them fully”. Onder: Mnr. Gedeon du Preez en Mnr. Joe de Oliveiria sê: “Ja, Bokke bo! Ons sal hulle ondersteun en ons kan die Wêreldbeker wen. Ons moet net ons spelpatroon analiseer en afhandel en nie net halfpad stop nie”.

Me. Izelle van Staden, Me. Pamela Geyer en Mnr. Juan Geyer sê: “Ja, ons sal hulle beslis ondersteun. Ons gaan Vrydae ons Springboktruie dra, ons gaan braai, brandewyn drink en tot vir Victor Matfield support. Ja, natuurlik sal hulle wen. Moet ons nooit weggooi nie, maak nie saak watter span ons het nie. Go Bokke go!”

Ms. Judith Marodi said: “I’ll most definitely support the Boks. They must go make us proud and bring the Rugby World Cup home!”

Mr. Vorster Mathebula said: “I’m always behind them. Ja, they can bring back the Rugby World Cup trophy for a third time. I just want to tell them – Go Bokke go! Bring the Cup home”.

Ms. Lerato Tjie said: “I’m sure they’ll win. It is not like soccer. Everyone knows we are very poor at soccer. The Cup is coming home! Of that I’m sure. Go Ama-Bokke-Bokke!”

Mr. Stephen Matjomane said: “I support them with everything. I’m very, very proud of them. I’ll pray for them. They are part of our rainbow nation and we support them. Everyone is supporting them – old and young and we wish the Madiba magic to be with them. But most importantly we should pray for them”.

Mr. Sipha Maphanga said: “Ja, we’ll support the team. In rugby South Africa is doing well. We absolutely have a chance at winning again. I’ll make sure I’m wearing that Springbok jersey every Friday. Go Bokke!” With him is his wife Mildred and children Tebogo and Lesego.



Grade 12 learners will be ready for final examination The education department in Limpopo will leave no stone unturned in making sure grade 12 learners are ready for the final examinations. This follows the recovery plans for the time lost during sporadic protests in different parts of the province. The Vhembe district has established Education Forum comprised amongst others by traditional leaders, business, private industry, civic organisations, political leaders, government institutions, churches and teachers unions. “I have full confidence in this district. Together we can bring in changes and improve quality of education of our children” said minister of basic education, Mme Angie Motshekga. The minister was addressing the forum which convened at the Vhembe District Chambers. This followed detailed report on the recovery plan for areas affected by recent community protests in the district. The MEC for Education, Ntate Ishmael Kgetjepe who lead the delegation is committed to provide all necessary support to the forum and the schools management teams. The recovery plans include additional lessons. There are also specialised programmes designed to cover for lost time in affected schools. It was also indicated that the trial examinations will continue and there are plans for these examinations to be written even during the coming school holidays. Realising that some learners were negatively affected and have their morale down due to protests, there are motivational talks arranged and the first session is on this Saturday at Vuwani area in Vhembe District. Pastors and other motivational speakers will lead the sessions. Schools in the Burgersfort, Steelpoort and surrounding areas who has lost time due to community unrest is at the moment not being integrated in such a forum. Many schools are however trying their best by providing additional lessons after hours and over the weekend.


Longest 4 months ever “You know, it is almost rainy season again and we are still waiting. They will probably only finish this in time for the election next year,” was how one hawker in Burgersfort complained to the newspaper last week. Last year on 14 June Platinum Gazette reported on the Red Ants that came and demolished the make-shift hawker stalls to make way for the new stalls to be constructed. Back then the municipality said approximately 3 months before the hawkers will have their new stalls. A sign board came up indicating 4 months for completion, but more than a year later they are still waiting. Work is being done, but at a snails’s pace. “Let’s just hope they will eventually finish and that we will get our stalls,” he said.

SAPS donates uniforms to Bogwasha Primary School learners Ten learners at Bogwasha Primary School in Praktiseer received new uniforms from the Tubatse SAPS and the Victim Empowerment (VEP) program. On 11 September the Station Commander, Lt. Col. Malatjie accompanied the sector commander W/O Mohlala, the social crime co-ordinator Const. Chauke and some VEP members to the school. Previously Ms. Idah Mohale identified 10 learners from need families or with difficult circumstances to assist with new uniforms. The children were also given a message of hope and that the SAPS is there to assist them. (Information & photographs: Const. Jerial Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS; Bogwasha Primary School).



Fun, song and dance during Naranja’s Wellness Day Indigo Fruit Farming’s Naranja just outside Burgersfort held their third annual Wellness Campaign on Wednesday this week. Approximately 550 employees participated in various

fun activities and also had the opportunity to get medical advice and screenings on site. They were also served lunch for which more than 1400 pieces of boerewors were braaied.

Some of the health issues given attention on the day was the measurement of blood pressure, blood glucose, HIV, STI and TB screenings as well as breast cancer screenings and pap smears being done. The Department of Health from Mpumalanga assisted with this.

The fun activities on the day included a 5km fun walk, dancing competitions which included performances of gumboot dancing and traditional dancing. Three employee choirs also competed in the choir section of the programme. The winners received trophies for their achievements.




Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

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3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332

9. Te Huur/ For Rent T Two b bedroom d apartt ment available. Water and lights included in rent. R4500. Aloe Ridge West. 1 Bedroom - R3000 with lights and water. Aloe Ridge West. Call 082 578 6113 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met aparte leefvertrek en badkamer te huur in Burgersfort. R3000.

Vas aan huis, maar met eie ingang. Skakel: 084 623 2111. Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. Luxurious two bedroom flat to let in Burgersfort. Safe and close to town. R5500 per month. Contact: 082 922 3909. Bachelor’s flat to let in Burgersfort. R3300. In a secure complex. Contact: 082 922 3909

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954

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League golfers now branded and ready for play Tubatse Chrome Golf Club’s league players received their tournament club clothes on Wednesday evening. The A and the B teams will now be playing in team branded clothing when participating in the league games. The Club’s management committee thanked all the sponsors who made this possible. Approximately R30 000 was spend to fully kit the teams. They would like to thank the following people and businesses:

Thorburn, Sterling Plant Hire, Talisman, Electro Diesel, Filterman, Interstate Clearing, Tubatse, Tim Marobane, Waikiki, Dream Chasers Mpumalanga, Dream Chasers Gauteng, Lizelle Mallo, LKM & Associates, Fever Tree Construction, Swann Scapes, Wezane Consulting, Pirtek Steelpoort and Gedeon du Preez, Martin van Rooyen and the Pro Shop. Apart from the clothing, every player received a special Club branded marker. The Club wishes the team well in all the upcoming

games and believes that they will continue to represent the Club in a way that will make everyone proud.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).



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Old and new players shine for Modikwa As part of building, promoting and developing the soccer team at Modikwa Platinum Mine, the Modikwa soccer team hosted HITACHI soccer team from Boksburg on Saturday the 12 September 2015. This visit was planned for a soccer clash only. The first game was between Modikwa’s second team and HITACHI Masters, this game started at 14:30 and ended at 15:50. HITACHI Masters dominated the first half with good exchange of passes but failed to break the strong defence of Modikwa’s second team. Modikwa set back a bit and carefully read their opponents’ strategy. Later in the first half they started taking the game into their opponent’s half. They managed to break the HITACHI defence twice to take a 2 -0 lead through Ally scoring a brace in the first half. HITACHI responded very well to Modikwa’s message and they pulled one back to leave the half time score at 2-1. In the second half, Modikwa introduced a few influential players and created even more scoring opportunities. They managed to score another 2 goals through Ally again to leave the final score at 4 -1. The second game was played between Modikwa’s first team and HITACHI’s first team. This game started at 16:00 and ended at 17:35. This game proved to the supporters that they sometimes don’t need to pay or travel far to enjoy watching good football. The game was more strategic or tactical and that kept the supporters on the edge of their seats. HITACHI had few clever and dangerous passes that broke the defence of

Modikwa but they failed to find the back of the net. It was HITACHI that broke the deadlock in the first half and scored the first goal of the match to take a 1-0 lead. Modikwa responded within 15 minutes with an equaliser after a mistake by HITACHI goalie and his defence to level the score-line and that left the halftime score at 1-1. In the second half, the game was still played at a fast tempo and Modikwa managed to find the back of the net twice through Shima and Ace to leave the final score at 3-1 to Modikwa. Both Modikwa Soccer teams proved to be too strong for the very powerful HITACHI soccer teams. This is a result of the new impressive players that joined Modikwa and the hard work that the team is putting in at the training. “We seek to build this team into a very strong and respected soccer team in the Mining industry and in other areas like local and outside communities,” said Mr. Protus Sikhakhane, Modikwa’s soccer coach.

(Information and photographs: Protus Sikhakhane, Modikwa Platinum Mine) The Masters teams together and the Open teams together before their games. The Masters is also the Modikwa second team. Modikwa’s first team played in the Open category.

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