Platinum Gazette 1 July 2011

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Š Platinum Gazette

1 July 2011


1 JULY 2011


Mines and communities still at loggerheads Tuesday this week saw the most recent of large gatherings of community members at the R555 Road t-junction adjacent to Xstrata Alloys’s Lion smelter near Steelpoort. In particular five communities are at loggerheads with Xstrata Alloys. In the first place they do not want 18 communities in the municipality to benefit from employment at the company. They want only five communities to benefit. Xstrata alloys through spokesperson Songezo Zibi in Johannesburg says no, the company wants to keep its commitment spelled out in the original Environmental Impact Assessment to the 18 communities identified who must benefit from 75 percent of jobs. “13 communities cannot simply be discarded now” he said. In the second place the protesters want Xstrata to use a local recruitment company from the five communities, who should also handle tenders for the company. Xstrata says it does not want to be forced to use a specific company, but will negotiate if all 18 communities agree on one specific company that wil make sure that the proceeds of such a company will benefit the 18 communities in the EIA. In the meantime the company will do its own recruitment through advertising in the local newspapers and through local communitiy liaison officers. The protesters also want 40 percent of procurement by the company to go to the five communities only. The company says some of the procurement is so specialized and technical that local tenderers will qualify with

difficulty. The company will in such cases be willing to agree that such a contractor be required to take in a 10 percent local partner from the 18 communities. Mr Zibi also stressed that giving specialized contract to local companies who subcontract dubious partners, may jeopardize industrial safety severely. Currently Xstrata is not communicating directly with the protesters from the five villages as serious threats were made against employees and directors of the company. Xstrata says as a sign of goodwill no charges were pressed against the protesters during previous marches and damage of property that took place, but at this stage it deems it hazardous to attend meetings with representatives of protesters and is communicating with them through the Office of the Executive Mayor of the Sekhukhune istrict Municipality. It has also requested government to request a guarantee from safety that company employees and representatives will not be harmed. Meanwhile government has commented inter alia on the whole mines vs communities as follows: The Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality (SDM) Cllr Mogobo David Magabe is continuing in his drive to facilitate peace and harmony amongst the mines and communities around them. Following the 18 May Local Government Elections, the Executive Mayor Cllr Mogobo

David Magabe has prioritized the resolution of mining disputes particularly in Tubatse area as one of the District Municipality’s key priorities. About six meetings have been successfully held between 2June and the 23 June 2011. In all the above-mentioned meetings, representatives of communities and the mines, together with government as facilitator, engaged on issues of disputes and in majority of the cases resolutions were taken. In his analysis of the situation, the Executive Mayor outlined that key concerns being raised are employment of local people, social labour plans (community development projects) and beneficiation (that is shares, procurement and empowerment in general). “Government wants to state it on record that the issue of unemployment is a serious challenge that requires commitment from both us and the mines. Equally so, mines should ensure that they implement projects aimed at uplifting the standard of living of the people were they mine and beyond. On the issue of beneficiation, it should be clearly understood that local communities should be empowered through allocation of shares and a procurement system that is baised towards them”. The meetings which were held included those with Xstrata Alloys Smelter vs communities of Ga-Mampuru and GaPhasha, Two Rivers Platinum Mine vs

communities of Ga-Maphopha and Ngwaabe, Twickenham Platinum Mine Project vs communities of Serafa, Morapaneng, Ga-Mashabela, etc and Phoka Thaba Platinum Mine vs communities of Digabane, Sehlaku, Crossong, Maandagshoek, etc. One of the achievements in this matter was a meeting held with the Minister of the Department of Mineral Resources Suzan Shabangu on Friday 17 June in Pretoria. In the meeting, the Minister pledged to visit Sekhukhune towards the end of July to meet with all mining stake-holders. During all the engagements with the relevant stake-holders, government is represented through a broader forum comprised of official from the Premier’s Office, LEDET, DMR, SDM, SAPS and local municipalities. This forum is headed by the Executive Mayor of SDM Cllr Mogobo David Magabe. The Executive Mayor of SDM further remarks on the situation that “Government whilst understanding the plight of the unemployed and the poor wishes to condemn unruly behavior that accompanies people’s genuine complains. We have begun a dialogue on these issues and as a result there is no need for violence. We call upon the security agency to deal decisively with all criminal elements in our society.”

Not only at the mines... The Labour Forum at the De Hoop Dam was reconstituted at a meeting this week Tuesday. This was necessary because local government representation on the forum has changed after the local government elections in Maythis year. The job of the forum is inter alia to ensure that labour issues are addressed in the right way at the construction site.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Telephone: (013) 231 8227 or 073 318 2163

Tel:(013) 2317948 or 082 558 7643 Consulting rooms: Shop 38, Twin City Complex, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach Street, Ohrigstad Road, Burgersfort.

1 JULIE 2011



Ready to roll ... On Wednesday Sekhukhune District Municipality received a fleet of 70 vehicles from Fleet Africa as part of its ongoing efforts to expedite service delivery to communities. The fleet includes a truck-loader and backhoe, five water tankers, a sewerge tanker, 30 vans, one 14 ton truck, three crane trucks and 33 double cab bakkies will be used by the Municipality’s Infrastructure and Water Services Department. Speaking at the handover function at the Groblersdal Firestation on Wednesday, Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality, Cllr Mogobo David Magabe said the new fleet is a tool that wil enable the government to criss-cross the intire district in a quest to deliver basic services to our communities. Answering the obvious question, Cllr Magabe told his audience that his administration is committed to fight fraud and corruption through the neccessary strategies, saying among other things “We will not tolerate anyone who works for kickbacks rather than to serve our people. Gone are the days when it took more than three months to fix boreholes, gone are the days when lazy officials sit in nice and airconditioned offeces while our people are suffering. The fleet is a tool to improve the quality of services and will never be used for any other purpose than to serve our people.” The mayor also urged the Corporate Services Department to speed up the process in setting up a call centre where whistleblowers can report the ubuse of state property, such as the new fleet, and also to report service delivery problems they might encounter.

On Wednesday 29 June 2011 the Station Commander on Tubatse SAPS Colonel Jane Letsoalo announced promotions of members from the rank of Warrant Officers to the rank of Captains as well as the rank of Captain to the rank of Major. The announcement was made in Tubatse Police Station, Praktiseer. Fltr in the photograph are the station commander, Colonel Jane Letsoalo and the newly promoted officers, Major Constance Sithole, Capt Solomon Phasha, Capt George Ntoampe, Capt Julia Phala, Capt Ben Mokwena, Capt Clifton Mathabatha, Capt Katishi Makofane and Capt Letebele Maepa.



1 JULY 2011 Promosie

Skouhuise gee Spekboom lyf Dis moeilik om erwe en boupakkette in nuwe ontwikkelings te bemark omdat talle kopers hulle nie kan voorstel hoe die huise gaan lyk nie – maar dit gaan geen probleem by die Spekboom River Estate naby Burgersfort in Limpopo wees nie. Die ontwikkelaar, Cranbrook Property Projects, het pas vier pragtige skouhuise in die eerste fase van die landgoed voltooi om lyf te gee aan die uitleg van die perseel en om voornemende kopers ‘n “tasbare” voorbeeld te gee van hoe voltooide huise gaan lyk. “Daar is niks beter as eerstehandse kennis nie, veral wanneer ‘n mens eiendom koop,” sê Cranbrook se besturende direkteur, Hoffman Prinsloo, “en in ons ervaring is voornemende kopers meer gemaklik as hulle ‘n skouhuis kan besigtig en ‘n beeld

kan vorm van hoe gerieflik dit sou wees om in ‘n soortgelyke huis te woon. “Hulle kan die gehalte van die bouwerk inspekteer en sien hoe lyk die toebehore, kaste, teëls en matte en dus sien wat hulle gaan koop eerder as om op grond van ‘n twee-dimensionele bouplan besluite te neem.” Boonop, sê hy, is die vier verskillende skouhuise ‘n sterk aanduiding van Cranbrook se vertroue dat die ontwikkeling suksesvol gaan wees – en dit behoort kopers gerus te stel in ‘n tydperk waar baie woonontwikkelings wat van die plan af verkoop word nooit voltooi word nie omdat ontwikkelaars nie genoeg finansiële slaankrag het nie. “Dié huise onderstreep inderdaad die feit dat ons reeds miljoene in die landgoed belê het om die volledige

infrastruktuur van die eerste fase, insluitende die paaie en water- en kragnetwerke, te voltooi om seker te maak dat elke erf gereed vir konstruksie is. “En ons is bereid om dié belegging te maak omdat ons weet dat Spekboom River Estate en ons naburige ontwikkeling, Motaganeng, talle van die 7500 nuwe huise gaan verskaf wat Burgersfort as die nuutgekroonde platinastad in die kort- en mediumtermyn gaan benodig.” Daar is nog sowat 275 erwe van tussen

600vkm en 1100vkm in die eerste fase van Spekboom River Estate beskikbaar. Al dié erwe is gereed vir konstruksie en pryse begin by R300 000. Boupakkette (erf en huis ingesluit) teen pryse vanaf R950 000 is ook beskikbaar. Voornemende kopers kan uit verskillende ontwerpe, van eenhede met twee slaapkamers en een badkamer tot eenhede met vier slaapkamers en drie badkamers, kies. Alle eenhede sluit ‘n enkel of dubbel motorhuis in.

1 JULIE 2011



OK Minimarket celebrates their birthday with a carnival OK Minimarket celebrated their birthday with a flea market and lots of fun on 25 June. Stalls catered for all kinds of products. Anything from food, toys, home décor items, bedding, clothing, paintball guns, cookware and much more could be found. The stalls did brisk business, with some taking thousands of rand for the day.

Buddy wants to help with the decorating.

During the competition it was serious faces, but afterwards there were sweet smiles all around.

‘n Wenner by OK Minimark

Mnr. Roelf Burger was die gelukkige wenner van ‘n groot platskerm televisiestel. Hy het vir die Coka Cola kompetisie ingeskryf. Hy sê Hy het net twee keer ingeskryf en is in die wolke om te wen. Mnr. Andries Human (regs) van OK Minimark wens hom geluk.

One of the highlights of the day was the cake decorating competition for the children. They showed what they can do with icing and sweets. Buddy, the OK mascot was also around to give hugs and entertain the children. After the success of the day, the flea market may now become a monthly event .


1 JULY 2011


Drummie day a success

The Steelpoort Drummies held a fun raiser day where funds were raised to help take them to the national competition on 7 - 9 July in Durban.The day was a great success with people braving the cold to support the cause. Belinda Veldsman thanked the following people and institutions for their contributions: “My Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. ECM Samancor for allowing me to use their facilities. Winterveld Club (Johan de Necker). Pick n Pay Steelpoort (Damien Archer). Burgersfort Mini-ads (Steve Hammond, Esmeralde Erasmus and “Serving the Needle”). Keiths Hair and Beauty Salon in Burgersfort . Surface Blasters Steelpoort. Ansie Labuschagne. The Winterveld Rugby club Misty Knights. Christian Motorcycle Association (Steelpoort). Some of the Drummie parents (Thea Prinsloo,Cecilia and Riaan de Bruyn, Reinette and Johan Breedt and Mr and Mrs Snyman) All my Drummies that attended. Gethlane Lodg and numerous others, too many to mention”.

Getekende Sharks trui vir veiling by Wildevy 4x4 dag ‘n Getekende en geraamde Sharks rugbytrui sal tydens die Wildevy 4x4 dag op 30 Julie opgeveil word. Dié dag is ten bate van liefdadigheid en die geld wat met die trui ingesamel word, sal deel vorm van die dag se insamelings. Sharks ondersteuners moet hulle reg hou om dié dag se veiling beslis nie mis te loop nie.

Mnr. Piet Pretorius van die Wildevy Manne by die trui.

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1 JULIE 2011



Been a victim, how do you keep safe now? Crime in South Africa is often provided as one of the reasons people leave the country. The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) has just released a report in which they’ve found that South Africans are more afraid than ever of crime and of becoming victims of crime. The APRM is used by the African Union countries to monitor each other. Although Police statistics show that the occurance of certain types of crime such as rape and sexual assault are coming down, the report showed that a third of girls in South Africa will experience sexual violence before they are 18 years old. Violence against children are also mentioned. It is estimated that 9 million of the 18.5 million children in South Africa experience child abuse and especially sexual abuse. When it comes to fighting corruption South Africa is also sliding backwards. In 1996 South Africa was placed 26th on the Transparency International Index of countries who fight corruption effectively. South Africa is currently number 54 on the index. The moral example of leaders, corruption and a lack of trust in the system to fight corruption and bring criminals to justice are part of the reasons given for the current state of affairs. We asked readers if they’ve ever been victims of crime. Everyone took crime as a reality and something to fear or take precautions against. They shared their ways of keeping safe. They’ve also expressed their views on SAPS statistics showing a reduction in crimes such as rape.

Mnr Wynand Maloney sê: “Ek was al te veel ‘n victim. Net 2 weke terug is my selfoon, beursie, bankkaart en al my bankbesonderhede gevat. Hulle het my salaris gevat. Ek is met ‘n mes voor CTM gesteek en toe rob hulle my. Ek is darem nou ok. Ek hou nou maar my oë oop. Sluit my deure en so aan. Nee, ek dink nie enige tipe misdaad is aan die afneem nie. Ek glo nie die statistieke nie”.

Mr Stanley Nkwana said: “No, I’ve not been a victim of crime, but I keep my things safe. Lock the gate, avoid walking in unsecure places. Yes, I think there is now less crime as the statistics show. The crime is caused by poverty and deprevation of the youth”.

Mr Enock Nyatsumbo said: “It happened to me in 2010. I was driving back from Nelspruit and at the T-junction to Sabie and Lydenburg a car started to follow me and tried to get me off the road. I wanted to get away and started speeding. Then suddenly there was another car parked accross the road in front of me. I then rolled the car, trying to avoid the one in front of me. They came at me after the accident, threatening me with a gun. They wanted to know why I’ve smashed up the car they’ve wanted and said that they were going to kill me. Then people came by and stopped to attend to the accident. The criminals fled with my cell phone, wallet, keys, everything. I now try and avoid driving at night. I don’t believe crime is coming down”. Regs: Mnr Ruan Viljoen sê: “Ja, ek was al in ‘n huisroof en ‘n slagoffer van misdaad binne twee besighede. Ek maak nou maar seker die deure en vensters is gesluit en toe, hou kwaai honde aan en bly nie laat uit nie. Misdaad styg elke dag, dit neem nie af nie”.

Mr Tebogo Victor Nthutang said: “I’ve been a victim many times. They stole my car, broke into my house, stole my radio, stole the garden tools. I now make sure that my gates are locked and have burglarproofed the windows because the cops don’t help a thing. I don’t think crime is going down. Maybe in Johannesburg, but not around here. There is so much crime here, we don’t even report it anymore because it does not help to report it”.

Mnr. Whity Ludick sê: “Ek was gelukkig nog nie ‘n misdaadslagoffer nie. My swaer-hulle was al en daar is van die kinders se goed gesteel. Ek weet nie of misdaad aan die afneem is soos die statistieke wys nie. Ons kan dit nie sien nie”.

Me. Zenta Enslin sê: “Ja, daar is al by ons ingebreek. Ons het nou survaillance gekry, groter honde en jy moet maar jouself in jou eie huis toesluit. Nee, misdaad neem glad nie af nie. Dis ‘n sopstorie”.

Ms Lebo Thobakgale said: “Ja, I’ve been mugged, but not in Burgersfort. What I now do is not to walk alone - although I’ve had company when I was mugged. I am actually thinking crime is getting more and not really going down. I think the cause of the crime is poverty and unemployment. There are also lots of people from all over Southern Africa coming to South Africa and they don’t have jobs, but have to survive and then turn to crime. With her is Mr TK Selahle.

Mr Thami Klaas Ncube said: “I was once robbed. They took my money and cell phone. I do believe crime is coming down, but I now avoid places where there is crime and avoid going out at night to places where there is a risk of crime”.

Mr Michael Cammy Mohlala said: “Three cell phones were stolen from me. It is because people are not working that they are stealing. No crime is not going down.”

Mnr. Rudi Kruger sê: “Gelukkig was ek nog nie ‘n slagoffer nie. Ons is baie versigtig. Ek dink huisbrake is beslis op. Ek ken iemand wat in die week geroof is”.

Me. Kobie Jacobs sê: “Ek was gelukkig nog nie ‘n slagoffer nie, maar ek het wel mense naby aan my wat geteister is. Die statistieke is nie akkuraat nie want daar is soveel bedrog. Ek dink my geloof hou my sterk”.


1 JULY 2011


Letters / Briewe Express your opinion. Write a letter to the Platinum Gazette. Letters may be e-mailed, posted or faxed. Contact details are on page 2 of this issue.

Cute chick!

Spreek jou mening uit. Skrywes kan per epos, pos of faks na Platinum Gazette gestuur word. Kontakbesonderhede is op bladsy 2 van vandag se uitgawe.

Dagboek / Diary To submit your diary entry. Fax or e-mail all the details to us at (fax) 013 231 7147 or (e-mail) This is a free service.

Crearé Training Program Between 24 July and 5 August 2011 this program will take place at the Burgersfort NG Church. Choose 1-4 subjects per week in one or more of the following Academics: Music, Drama, Dance, Art, Multimedia, Worship, Church Planting & Missions, Skills, Prophetic and Word. For more information contact Jeanette de Jager on 013 231 7627 or 179 502 6501. Op-en-Wakker Senior Burger-konsert Die Op-en-Wakker groep vir bejaardes hou op 13 Julie 2011 weer hul jaarlikse konsert vir senior burgers. Die konsert begin om 10:00 by die Potgietersaal net buite Ohrigstad en almal is welkom. Golfdae om te onthou 8 Julie 2011 - Nag golf. Navrae en besprekings: Martin van Rooyen - 082 816 4833. Fotografie Klub Die Burgersfort Fotografie Klub se volgende vergadering vind Maandag, 4 Julie plaas. Alle lede sowel as belangstellendes is welkom om dit by te woon. Dit sal om 18:00 by die AGS Kerk in Steelpoort wees. Die maand se foto tema is Street Photography. Vir meer navrae kontak Ruan Kleynhans by 083 276 1643; Daryll Geddes by 083 612 2021; Braam Matthysen by 083 324 1214; Jaco Smith by 079 697 7356 of Mark Geddes by 083 601 6158. Bobby van Jaarsveld Op 16 Julie 2011 is Bobby van Jaarsveld by Tubatse Chroom Klub. Kaartjies kos R120 vir volwassenes en R90 per laerskoolkind. Kaartjies is by die klub beskikbaar. Zak van Niekerk by Laerskool Burgersfort Zak van Niekerk is op 6 Augustus by Laerskool Burgersfort. Die hekke maak 15:00 oop en die konsert begin om 19:00. Daar sal ‘n biertent, stalletjie en baie meer wees. Daar is nog staanplekke vir stalletjies. Navrae: 013 231 7609 Op-Wakker-Groep padstalverkope Die Op-en-Wakker groep vir bejaardes staan weer die laaste Vrydag van die maand by die Pure Plaas plaasstal buite Ohrigstad met hul kosverkope. Daar is heerlike vetkoek, pannekoek, gemmerbier, koeksisters, vars gebak en jaffles te koop. Die fondse word tussen liefdadigheid en die bejaardes se toer na Namakwaland verdeel. Bikers Church Service On 10 July 2011 there will be a Bikers Church Service. The service will not be exclusively for bikers and all members of the AGS Church and the public are welcome to attend. The service will be led by Rene Changouin, the Christian Motorcycle Association’s national president. After the church service the bikers will ride to Lydenburg for lunch. All bikers are invited to join them. For more information contact Jeannette Maartens on 082 555 3181. Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag Die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag vind aan die einde van hierdie maand op 30 Julie plaas. Dit word weer by PLM Boerdery op die Lydenburg pad gehou. Almal is welkom om die dag saam te kom geniet. Dit sal weer ‘n dag vol pret en plesier vir groot en klein wees. Kom neem deel en ondersteun ‘n goeie saak - die fondse wat ingesamel word gaan vir liefdadigheid in ons omgewing. Vir navrae en inskrywings vir die 4x4 roete, kontak Susan Kruger by 013 231 7498/9 of 013 231 7462 of stuur vir haar ‘n e-pos

w w w

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Kitsgids na jou SAPD/ Important numbers: Burgersfort Ohrigstad Roossenekal Mecklenburg Eerstegeluk Tubatse Sekhukhune Leboeng Maartinshoop

(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041

Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic Water & Sanitation Disaster Management (Ambulance & Fire) Electricity (Eskom)

(013) 2147265 (013) 615 0204 (013) 2317843 082 900 4449 0800 330 022 0860 037 566

Thought for the week “For many men, the acquisition of wealth does not end their troubles, it only changes them.” - Lucius Annaeus Seneca Roman statesman (5 BC - 65 AD)

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.

1 JULIE 2011


Ringbalspelers na SA Kampioenskappe Die Suid Afrikaanse Ringbal kampioenskappe vind vanaf 3 Julie tot 8 Julie 2011 in Pretoria plaas en ses plaaslike spelers gaan daar deelneem. Die spelers het almal hierdie jaar Limpopo kleure gekry. Bennie Wheeler is ook Limpopo se Skeidsregters Vereniging se voorsitter en Zelna Wheeler is Limpopo se Spelers Vereniging se voorsitter. “Ons wil almal uitnooi om deel te word van hierdie opwindende sport. U kan vir Zelna

Wheeler kontak (072-531-6287) of vir Bennie Wheeler (082-740-3584). Die weeklikse oefentye is Dinsdae en Donderdae van 18:30 tot 20:00 by die CVO skool se tennisbane,” sê die bestuur van die Wiinterveld Ringbal Klub. “Ons wil almal wat alreeds bygedra het vir borgskappe hartlik bedank vir hul oop hand. As daar enige iemand (maatskappy en privaat) is wat dalk nog ‘n borg wil word is u welkom om vir Zelna of vir Bennie te kontak.

Zelna Wheeler, Bennie Wheeler, Wynand Carelse, Henna van der Zandt. Voor: Zandria Wheeler en Nadine Labuschagne. (Foto: Santie Carelse)

22 Years for Makua Marathon Daniël Makua or Makua Marathon is this week celebrating 22 years of running. Makua who has been kept away from competitive running this year due to an injury has been motivating young runners and is actively involved in uplifting the youth of the area. He would like to thank all his supporters over the years and would like to remind everyone not to drink and drive, to watch out for pedestrians and not become involved in crime.


Phoenix Flying Squad Is looking for guards with a PSIRA Grade D qualification and mining experience. Guards with PSIRA Grade C qualification needed. Access control experience will be an advantage. Afrikaans and English speaking. They will be stationed in the Steelpoort area. To apply contact: Xoli Mnisi 074 582 5736 Phoenix Flying Squad is looking for dog handlers with a DH1 and DH2 qualification. To apply contact: 082 882 0017



1 JULIE 2011


Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. Email: • Fax: 086 554 9031 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale

1. Sport Klubs/ Sport Clubs GSKA Karate Maandae & Woensdae van 17h30 – 19h00 by Calvin College. Almal welkom van 6 jaar en ouer. Op Dinsdae word daar nou ook selfverdedigingsklasse aangebied. Dit is ook by Calvin College tussen 17:30 en 19:00 Skakel Jolanda Hietbrink by 082 859 9681.

3. Dienste/ Services ALL & ALL SERVICES We do it all: Installations & repairs. Aircons, stoves, fridges, washing machines, freezers, geysers. For a free quotation call: 079 492 5780.

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous KENNISGEWING TEN OPSIGTE VAN VERKOOP VAN VOERTUIG. Hiermee gee ek Mnr. JJ Brown h/a Magnum Services kennis dat die volgende voertuig, ‘n Mercedes Benz 1413 met registrasie nommer HDY 568 NW verkoop sal word om kostes vir herstelwerk en berging te dek indien die wettige eienaars nie binne 30 dae van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing die volle uitstaande rekening vereffen en die voertuig kom haal nie. Navrae: 082 927 3517 NOTICE OF SALE OF VEHICLE. Herewith I, Mr JJ Brown, t/a Magnum Services give notice that the following vehicle, a Mercedes Benz 1413 with registration number HDY 568 NW will be sold to cover costs incurred for repairs and storage should the lawful owners not come and settle the full outstanding

account and collect the vehicle within 30 days from publication of this advertisement. Enquiries: 082 927 3517. Heerlike souse en ‘n reuse verskeidenheid speserye, vars groente, melk en vrugtesappe te koop. Fynproewer biltong en droëwors, tuisgebak en ‘n

verskeidenheid worse (spekwors, kaaswors en nog baie meer). Groot sakke hondekos. Goedkoop toiletpapier. Verskeidenheid skoonmaakmiddels. Reuse afsetpunt vir Tupperware. Besoek Plaasvars Winkel langs Pizza Plus of kontak Paula by 082 880 0922.

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A career opportunity exists at Thorburn Security Solutions: Vacancy for Dog Handler Grade B: Driekop Area A vacancy exists in the Driekop Area for Grade B Dog Handlers DH1 or 2. Successful applicants must have: • a matric or an equivalent qualification • dog handler 1 or 2 certificate • be registered with PSIRA at least up to Grade B and • have a valid drivers license Candidates should be able to present the necessary competency certificates and should reside in the area or be prepared to relocate to the area. The remuneration will be Grade B, Area 4 (to become Area 3 in Sept 2011) with R500 allowance which is inclusive of the statutory dog handler’s allowance.

Vacancy for Security Shift Supervisor Grade B: Driekop Area A vacancy exists in the Driekop Area for Grade B Shift Supervisor. Successful applicants must have: • a matric or an equivalent qualification • fire arm competency • be registered with PSIRA at least up to Grade B and • have a valid drivers license • Previous experience as a security shift supervisor in mobile role and preferably on a mining site Candidates should be able to present the necessary competency certificates and should reside in the area or be prepared to relocate to the area. The remuneration will be Grade B, Area 4 (to become Area 3 in Sept 2011) with a top up allowance of up to R1000.00 higher than statutory wages (Performance Determine). Applications should reach Thorburn Security Solution’s Company Office by not later than 16h00 on Friday 1 July 2011. The e-mail address is: or 012 803 8084 or hand delivered at the Thorburn office in Steelpoort.

Betrekkings/ Vacancies

1 JULIE 2011



Tubatse Sinosteel golf day loads of fun for everyone On Saturday 25 June the annual Tubatse Sinosteel golf day took place at Tubatse Chrome Club. A full field participated and while mostly men took to the course, the women were entertained by Ivy Sutton and played a round of put-put. The children were kept busy by Daisy the Clown. The day’s winners were: Junior golfer of the day - MC

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van der Merwe, Nearest to the pin: Riaan Lauwrens and Johan Erwee. Lady put-put winners: Rosemary and Julian. Golf day winners: Samancor HO, second: Tubatse Chrome and third Sebenza. The lucky draw winner was Karel Landman. Sadly nobody played a hole-in-one on the ninth hole. A car was up as prize for the player who managed this feat.


1 JULIE 2011

Phelo Wood & Interior Kitchen units; Bedroom cupboards, Build-in cupboards; Studies; Chest of drawers; Office furniture

Platinum Gazette

Ceiling fans, Decorative Lights. 3D Designs for woodwork. Open Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00 Contact: 082 569 4677 • Burgersfort main road next to Kia Motors.

SPORT Winterveld Buffels played good rugby Seven players were selected for Limpopo amateur u/23 trails Saturday, the Winterveld Buffels rugby club faced the Polokwane Dorp rugby club in their last game of the first leg in the Limpopo senior league. The Buffels won the 25-12. “Our ball retention was excellent, the line outs was plausible and many of our game plans proofed to be sufficient,” said Mr Charl van der Merwe. It was overall a good game to watch with clean, hard rugby. The Winterveld Buffels ended second last on the log (from eight clubs) of the league and Dorp ended second. “Congratulations to them and good luck for the second leg of the league” Charl added. “We were honored to have a recruitment committee

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member from the Blue Bull Rugby Union amongst our guests on Saturday and we can with pride announce that seven of our players were nominated to participate in trial games for the Limpopo region Amateur u/23 team. “This team plays against all the other province’s Amateur teams, from where provincial players are selected. The first trial game was on Tuesday, the 28th of June in Polokwane. “I would like to thank Andries Ebersohn from Tubatse and Frank Cotton from ECM, for their contribution towards the ambulance and paramedics during the game, to the Winterveld Recreational club for the food and beverages afterwards and to all our supporters!”

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