Platinum Gazette 20 April 2012

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Š Platinum Gazette

20 April 2012


20 APRIL 2012


Ama Wheelies get assistance

Ama Wheelies is a home designed for wheelchair bound Quadriplegics and Paraplegics developed as a multi-racial Self-Help Centre that provide suitable accommodation and work opportunities. A Paraplegic is a person that lost use of 2 limbs and a Quadriplegic is a person who, due to illness or an injury to the spinal cord, has lost full or partial use of all 4 limbs; requiring help 24 hours per day because of specific disability. Few institutions cater for quads and many quads end up in old age homes. Government help for quadriplegics and paraplegics are minimal, and they need all the assistance they can get. Ama Wheelies is a NPO 083-504 section 21 non-profit organization number (2008/021003/08) and registered in 2008. Ama Wheelies do have projects that are continuously running and needs the assistance of businesses and individuals. Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines assisted Ama Wheelies by donating Personal Protective Equipment and Gardening equipment. They also made a financial donation towards a concert with Ricky Faber which they plan in May to raise more money. Barry Botes would like to thank Samancor ECM for their contribution and stated that without the help of businesses and individuals, they would not be successful.If anyone would like to assist please contact Barry Botes. Cell 079 875 5040 or email:

Get rid of debt

Visit a REGISTERED Debt Counsellor as soon as your debt gets out of hand to help you make a plan to eventually be debt free. © Platinum Gazette

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Mine contributes to Easter road safety The private sector in Limpopo province responded well to the challenge posed by the provincial government to partner it during the 2012 Easter holidays. The theme for the 2012 Easter Arrive Alive Campaign was “Don’t Be Counted Amongst the Dead”. Two Rivers Platinum Mine has heeded the clarion call to join government, in its commitment to make a valuable transformation towards safer roads in South Africa by partnering the Limpopo Department of Road and Public Transport during its Arrive Alive Campaign. Although Limpopo province registered the third highest road fatalities in the country during this Easter holidays, the fatality number remained the same as in 2011 with 32 fatalities. Major contributory factors included speeds too high for spesific conditions, dangerous overtaking, fatigue, drinking and driving or walking and tyre failure. The UN has declared 2011 -2020 A Decade of Action for Road Safety. The South African government has adopted the campaign and subsequently requested all stakeholders to support the initiative with the aim of reducing the high rate fatalities on our roads. It took the resources and efforts from both the private sector to mitigate the potential high number of deaths on the South African roads during the 2012 Easter holidays traffic rush. Two Rivers Platinum mine embarked on an initiative to support government efforts well before the Easter holidays by initiating internal awareness campaigns, repairing life threatening potholes and maintaining the Sekhukhune Road (R577) as well as the Stoffberg – Burgersfort road (R555). “This flows from our principle values Zero Tolerance to injuries at the mine. Besides being used by our employees, customers and families, we also believe that well maintained roads are safer roads and they attract investors and tourist and ultimately contribute towards regional economic growth. As a Good Corporate Citizen, this is Two Rivers Platinum’s contribution to the province’s economic growth plan” said

Accommodation @ Riba Cross Rooms available next to the road

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031

Facilities: Shower, toilet, basin, build-in (wall) wardrobe and zink. Including water and electricity.

Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Price: Start at R1500 per month.

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Contact: 082 558 7643

Adriaan de Beer, the Business Leader at Two Rivers Platinum. Their partnership with the Limpopo Roads, Transport and Public Works during the 2012 Easter Arrive Alive Campaign Launch was no surprise. The first phase of their partnership started a few weeks earlier focussing on the R555, between Burgersfort and Steelpoort Park where reflector bands for cattle were distributed. This intervention was aimed at curbing the fatalities caused by crashes as a result of stray animals on the roads, especially during the night. Over 1,500 reflector bands were distributed to over 10 cattle farmers staying closer to the main road connecting the mines and the surrounding communities and the farmers were educated on the dangers of stray animals along the roads as well as the costs to the economy. The national preliminary figures indicate a reduction in road deaths during this past Easter week-end. Traffic volumes along major arterial routes were the highest this Easter, peaking in excess of 2,500 vehicles per hour. During Easter 2011, 296 people were killed in 215 road crashes. “In this regard, we would like to compliment all role players involved in making sure that our road users Arrived Alive to their various destinations and to their loved ones. We take this opportunity to challenge and invite road users to continue behaving and in sharing the road with others. We also invite the other mining companies within the province, to join hands with Two Rivers Platinum by contributing towards road maintenance and sustain the initiatives started by Two Rivers and the Department of Roads and Public Transport beyond the Easter period”, said Francois Vermeulen of Two Rivers Platinum and also a member of recently established Southern Cluster’s Joint Technical Task Team (JTTT) on Roads.During Easter this year (2012), as per preliminary statistics supplied by the SAPS to the Road Traffic Management Corporation, 181 crashes were reported from Thursday (5 April) to Monday (9 April).

20 APRIL 2012

Tubatse Chrome supports Friend in Need

Beware of this scam The Department of Health & Social Development in Limpopo would like to warn all suppliers within the departmental database at all the dpartment’s institutions across the province of fraudulent official purchasing orders. This was brought to the attention of the department after several companies complained that the department is failing to pay them for services rendered. All companies who complained indicated to have allegedly received calls from an official by the name of Mr Rapetsoa who is attached to the Department of Health & Social Development in office B30. The allegations state that the official approaches the companies inviting them to bid for the supply of adult diapers and various goods at various departmental institutions. Once the companies have sent through their quotations, the official will ask for a fax number that he will then use to send the fraudulent official purchase order. After having faxed the fraudulent official purchase order, it is alleged that the official will then advise the awarded company to approach another company which is alleged to have a standing contract with the department as a supplier and can help fast track the supply since the goods are in urgent need. The said company will then upon verbal agreement request the supplier to deposit half of the quoted amount before it delivers the goods to the institution as per the fraudulent official purchasing order. Thus far the department received 12 fraudulent official purchase orders which the suppliers claim to have deposited the requested amounts of money. The Department of Health & Social Development distances itself from this practice and advises all suppliers not to render services telephonically, without having the original purchasing order and personally verifying with the department.



With winter on our doorsteps, Tubatse Chrome took hands with Friend in Need and sponsored a host of blankets to the needy. Friend in Need has a wellestablished network in the local Steelpoort communities. Schools are one of the vehicles they use for distribution of food, clothes and blankets. This week they delivered blankets to children at Maelebe Primary School. Together with Principal Joel Nkoana and Kohin youth coach, Lifie Thlaka, they handpicked children who would benefit most by receiving a blanket. Ms Portia Pitjeng, secretary to Tubatse Chrome General Manager, Desmond McManus, said “Tubatse is grateful to be part of such an important initiative. Children are our future. Let’s care for them”. Ms Elana Pieterse of Friend in Need told Platinum Gazette that the organisaytion is a nondenominational christian organisation and a registered NGO. The organisation has its roots in the Burgersfort and Steelpoort areas, but it is also now active in the Lydenburg / Mashishing area. She stressed that the winter warmer good distributed at this stage is just the first phase of the organisation’s winter project. 49 Blankets were distributed at Maelebe, while about the same number was scheduled to be distributed in the Driekop area by yesterday. Another batch wil be distributed in Lydenburg shortly. The organisation can be contacted Some of the recipients of blankets at Maelebe Primary School poses for the at 079 517 2208 (Elana Pieterse) or camera with the principal, Mr Joel Nkoana, Ms Portia Pitjeng of Tubatse Chrome, Mr Lifie Thlaka (life coach) and Ms Elana Pieterse (Friend in Need). 083 661 9221 (Hester Marx).

Steelpoort Akademie dra ook by Mev Elana Pieterse van Vriend in Nood het onlangs ‘n bydrae vir die organisasie se winterprojek van Steelpoort Akademie ontvang. In die foto is sy saam met die skool se hoof, mnr Anton Alberts. Die skool het onder meer komberse, nie-berderfbare kosprodukte en geld vir Vriend in Nood ingesamel.


20 APRIL 2012


Tuinbouklub leer oor natuurbewaring Die Tuibouklub het die 17de April weer bymekaar gekom. Die keer by die Pêrel Gastehuis van Rina van Heerden op die Pelgrimsrust pad. Wat ‘n heerlike verrassing! Rina se tuin is so goed en mooi uitgelê dat nie een van die dames weer wou ry nie! André Pienaar, ‘n spesialis wildvanger van Hoedspruit, het die dames kom toespreek. Die interessante lewens van olifante, renosters, kameelperde ens., was

die tema vir die dag. Dit het saam met die belangrikheid van natuur-bewaring ingeskakel. André het verduidelik hoekom daar in sommige gebiede ‘n oorbevolking van sekere boksoorte plaasvind en hoekom daar soms diere verplaas moet word na ander gebiede. Die vroue het onder ander gehoor dat op Kampana Wildreservaat is ‘n GPS aann olifant gesit en die bul het in een dag se tyd 195 km gestap! ‘n Olifant suig met een slag ongeveer 11.5 liters water in sy slurp op! Daar word mikroskyfies gebruik in renosterhorings om te probeer om stropery te bekamp. Daarna het die dames ‘n heerlike ligte ete van pannekoeke met verskillende vulsels geëet en al geselsend gegroet. Indien daar enige iemand is wat sou belangstel om by die tuinbouklub aan te sluit skakel met Melinda Bekker by 084-553-4357. (Foto’s en artikel: Santie Carelse)

HIV awareness campaign at Maelebe Primary School Maelebe Primary School iin Tukakgomo awareness campaign, which was near Steelpoort held an HIV and Aids called HIV and Me on Saturday the The 14th of April at the school. purpose of the awareness was to alert the community of the disease. The school held a similar campaign on the 14th of February 2012, but that was to carry the same message to the children. Even though only a few people pitched for the event on Saturday, everything went well as planned. Among dignitaries that also graced the event was Miss Mametsi Sebesho from the Department of

Education, Siphiwe Mahlangu, Ramalata Azwianewi both fromthe Department of Social development, Bhembhe Sarah Community development worker, Boutel Sebulela, Prince Komane from Love Life, Jane Mabiloane SANCO, Sunnyboy Serage from the Traditional council, Charmaine Lenyatsa and Lifie Tlaka both from Kohin, and lastly Mrs Nkosi from Evraz Mine. Mrs Nkosi from Evraz Mine urged the community to take their place and break the silence. She went on to say, due to the silence within the community, weekend in and weekend out people are laid to rest. It is on a sad note to state that in this era old people are burying their children, which leave us with a million dollar question, who is going to bury us once all our children are gone? She further stated that due to the mining industries surrounding Steelpoort, Tukakgomo has become a red spot regarding HIV and Aids. This is a fight that involves the whole community. This is an awareness that require everybody to be on their toes and fight the battle. The community also vowed to carry on spreading the message to impact and affect their surroundings. The Principal of the school Mr Nkwana stated that the battle will be won for as long as we can stand together as one strong community. He believes that nothing will be impossible for as long as we have one mind in everything we do. He stated that this is the beginning of something great in the future, and everybody have a role to play.

(Photographs and article: Lifie Tlaka, Youth Coach at Maelebe Primary School)

In herinnering van/Remembering: John Nkosi John Nkosi is verlede week Sondag oorlede na sy gesondheid al meer versleg het. Aan John Nkosi van Protea Towing. ‘n Kollega, vriend en ‘n groot staatmaker - ek gaan jou mis my vriend. Die pad, die ry, die loop en die werk gaan nooit weer dieselfde wees nie. John my virend, ek was geërd om jou te ken en saam met jou te werk. Ons het saam gelag, baklei en bekommer. Rus in vrede my vriend tot weersiens. Ek sal jou altyd mis as ek voor my kyk en agter my kyk en die lig van jou trok en sy gedreun is nie meer daar nie. Aan sy familie ons innige meegevoel vir die verlies van ‘n geliefde eggenoot, pa en seun. Mag God met jul wees in dié seer tyd en dat julle by Hom vertroosting sal vind. Van: Hennie (Hoener) en familie, Hennie’s

Towing. John Nkosi passed away last week Sunday after his health rapidly deteriorated. To John from Protea Towing - a colleague, friend and pillar of strength - I will miss you. The road, the walking and the working will never be the same. I was honoured to have you as a friend and to have worked with you. We laughted together, fought and worried together. Rest in peace until we meet again. I will miss you when I look at the road ahead, when I look back on the road and your truck’s lights and engine is not there anymore. To his family our deepest sympathy with the loss of a husband, father and son. May God comfort you in this time. From: Hennie (Hoener) and family, Hennie’s Towing.

20 APRIL 2012



Samancor ECM assists the Civil Society Development Initiative Civil Society Development Initiative (CSDI), is situated at Riba Cross Village. Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines, took the initiatives to get involved with this project by assisting them with some maintenance problems on their buildings. Samancor ECM in partnership with OSC did the renovation of the building which included the painting of walls, fixing and painting of ceilings, and the repairs on the ablution facilities. The renovation was of ECM’s commitment to care for the community and to ensure that vulnerable children and poor families get proper care and support services in a healthy and safe building. The manager of the CSDI Mrs N.R Maphanga expressed her gratitude to the Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines.

Samancor ECM cares about road safety ‘“ECM Cares” is one of our Values that each and every Samancor Chrome employee draws close to heart. The connecting road between Steelpoort and the Polokwane/Burgersfort Road have been notoriously known for high numbers of accidents and near misses as it had no road marking lines assisting in governing road users. ECM recently helped to address this problem. “Caring from a mining point of view entails that we care for those whom we employ and those who are affected by our operations in the area. This responsibility for our actions and our actions affecting those around us also is strongly embedded in the employee duties in terms of the Mine Health and Safety Act. Further in current day mining safety awareness, the Department of Mineral Resources requires mining license holders to assist in safety awareness and safety improvement of not only the mine worker but also the person in the vicinity of the mine, including road users in that area” the mine management says. The painting of the road was done in close cooperation with the Limpopo Department of Roads and Transport (DRT). They participated in the

meetings with the contractor to ensure that the plans, specifications, implementation plan and safety measures for affected road users were in line with the DRT Specifications. The guidance and verification of the DRT was evident not only in the negotiations, but they were on site throughout to ensure that the indicated process, quality and accuracy of the markings were to the legislative standards.In an effort to ensure that road safety is tangible and to improve the safety conditions of road users, Samancor Chrome ECM have a system in place to replace or repair damaged road signs and also have started clearing overgrowth on dangerous turns and bends to increase visibility. Ensuring that the road markings and required safety signs remains to standard, is only the first step in increasing the safety of road users on this road. The most important safety initiative is to get road users to comply with set legislative standards and adhere to the rules of the road. With Samancor Chrome taking responsibility to maintain the physical conditions of this road, road users are urged to be accountable for their actions on the road ensuring that their actions do not endanger the lives of other road users.

ECM at Longtom Marathon Samancor ECM was one of the water point hosts at the recent Longtom Marathon. The Marathon celebrated its 25th year in 2012 and is well supported by runners from all over the country. The Samancor ECM team braved cold and wet weather to provide much needed refreshments to the athletes.

Our village, our pride

Schools benefit from Samancor ECM Golf Day

At Samancor ECM we aim to keep our villages in a pristine condition. In 2010 we launched a garden competition in all our villages. As part of this campaign, Eastern Chrome Mines handed out shovels in Mangabane village. We believe that this will assist the employees in keeping their gardens neat, ensuring that they can be proud of where they are staying.

Some of the Mangabane villagers with the shovels ECM provided to assist with the gardening project.

On 11 November 2011, ECM hosted a golf day to raise funds for the community projects and to thank all the companies who made a contribution towards these projects and to internal projects. An amount of R26 500 was raised. With this money “Back to school” starter packs were purchased, and distributed amongst four schools. Makgakantshe Primary, Mangabane Primary, Steelpoort Academy and Dithamaga Primary were the recipients of these packs.


20 APRIL 2012


Proudly South African: what does it mean? Chinese sponsored clothes - can they still be Proudly South African at the Olympics? Later this year South African athletes will represent our country at the Olympic Games in London. They will however be dressed for the occasion by Erke, a company from China, who signed a sponsorship deal with the South African Sporting Confederation and Olympic Committee (Sascoc). According to Sascoc there were no willing sponsors within South Africa and that is why they went for the Chinese Company’s offer. They’ve signed a deal that will included sponsorship for the athletes until the 2016 Olympics in Brazil. The Proudly South African drive was very negative about the decision to use Chinese produced sportswear for the athletes saying it is an insult to attempts from local companies producing similar goods. We asked readers what they think about this issue and what they feel being Proudly South African means to them.

Mr Peter Matura said: “African leaders are complaining about Westernisation, but now they are taking in the Chinese. It is Asianisation. I don’t see the difference. The Chinese reap resources. The clothing sponsorship at the Olypmics could have been a way to show the world what South Africa could do - showcasing to the world”. With him is Chido Matura.

Me. Nadine van Zyl en me. Ester Smith sê: “’n Mens moet daarna kyk om Proudly South African te ondersteun. By die Olimpiese Spele sal ons nou maar net na die atlete kyk en op hulle trots wees. Plaaslike maatskappye moes die geleentheid beter gebruik het om die klere te borg”. By hulle is Duan en Nelda van Zyl.

Mr Amos Mabuza and Mr Aubrey Mokwena said: “Some of the Chinese have businesses in South Africa - that makes them Proudly South African. Government gave them a platform to do business in South Africa and the sponsorship of the athletes’ clothing means that company is ploughing back to South Africa. When we talk about being proud of South Africa we mean people from all over Africa and we are proud of people from Africa”.

Mr James Segoapa said: “They must use local people and companies for sponsorships. They can still be Proudly South African at the Olympics because China is investing a lot in South Africa and we can be proud of our athletes”.

Mnr Tiaan Buitendag en me. Nicolene Buitendag sê: “Ons sal ons atlete regdeur ondersteun. Maatskappye moet meer deelneem aan Proudly South African. Dit is goeie publisiteit vir Suid Afrika”. By hulle is Tersia-Ann.

Mnr. André Lombard sê: “Vir my gaan dit eintlik net oor die atlete en dat ‘n mens op hulle moet trots wees. Klere maak nie die span nie - ‘n mens kry dan deesdae pienk Bulle ook!”

Ms Mapule Makuwa and Ms Thelma Nodwele said: “The athletes will advertise China in their clothes. To us being Proudly South African means that we support local people and businesses. Even if you bring the material from China, it must be manufactured in South Africa. We need to boost our economy. Local companies must also be more involved in this drive”.

Mr Keith Henriques sê: “How can we go over proudly when we do ‘lay-buys’ from the Chinese? How can you give 100% if you are not supported by South Africa 100%? Again we are disgraced. We are always getting handouts from other countires. What flag will we wave at the Olympics? For me personally being Proudly South African is like a Vodacom voucher. If you buy R29, that is exactly what get. There is no bonus. You know they should have taken the bonus of four or five high up people and they could have bought all the athletes clothes!”

Mr Kgaogelo Motau said: “We are supposed to support South Africa first and then China. SA companies should have taken the opportunity to support local athletes. Personally I don’t worry much about being Proudlly South African when I buy things”.

Mr Eddy Matshebele said: “The organisers did not do their job good enough. Now they are killing job creation. If they supported the locals and got a local sponsorship, they create jobs for our brothers and sisters. If we are buying imported goods we are creating jobs in other countries”.

Me Comfort Mohlala sê: “Hoe kan hulle Proudly South African wees as hulle iets van die China dra? Proudly South African beteken om te lead by example”.

20 APRIL 2012



Steelpoort Akademie is bedrywig Steelpoort Akademie se netbalspelers het die afgelope week ‘n netbal kliniek gehad. Die kliniek is deur die maatskappy, Sportisimo aangebied. Elsjè Jordaan wat 88 wedstryde vir die Protea netbalspan gespeel het en ook hul kaptein was, en Minnette Dempsey ‘n persoonlike en professionele leierskapsontwikkelingsafrigter bied dié klinieke aan. Elsjè wat ‘n doktors graad in talent identifisering en sportwetenskap het is ook op die oomblik die SA Universiteite afrigter. Sy vertel dat hulle die beginsel volg dat ‘n netbalspeler ‘n kop, hart en ‘n lyf het daarom is al die fasette belangrik wanneer daar ontwikkeling gedoen word. Die kliniek is bedoel om elke speler, selfs al is sy in die Cspan, iets te leer en tot haar potensiaal te ontwikkel. Die skool sê dit was vir hulle belangrik om die kliniek na die skool te bring, eerder as om ‘n paar kinders na die Sportisimo baisis in die Magaliesberg te neem. Die idee is om van klein tot groot dieselfde blootstelling te gee en goed te leer. Dinsdag is hoofsaaklik op vaardighede gefokus terwyl daar Woensdag aandag aan

spel spesifieke afrigting gegee is. Die kinders het die kliniek baie geniet en sommer baie geleer.

Links: Monique Language het die Emerald Eksamen in Akrobate afgelê en ‘n wonderlike 94% behaal. Baie geluk! (Foto en inligting: Cornelia Ebersöhn).

Onder: Op Donderdag 12 April het Steelpoort Akademie hulle redenaarsaand gehad. Dit was ‘n baie suksesvolle aand. Dankie aan al die organiseerders, beoordelaars en die deelnemers. Julle het julle goed van julle taak gekwyt. Die uitblinkers was Chris-Marie Ebersohn, Monique Language, Kganya Maapea en Xerto Labushagne.(Foto en inligting: Cornelia Ebersöhn).

Bo: Tiaan Havenga is gekies vir die O/12 Mpumalanga Hokkiespan. Baie geluk Tiaan, ons is trots op jou! (Foto en inligting: Cornelia Ebersöhn).



20 APRIL 2012

ABSA Off-Road Championships in Lydenburg Sullwalds win drama filled Special Vehicle Category Reigning South African champions Hermann and Wichard Sullwald needed a protest to win a drama filled Special Vehicle category on the Toyota Dealer 400, round two of the Absa Off Road Championship, which ended here today. The Sullwald father and son team, in the Elegant Fuel BAT, finished behind Johan van Staden and Mike Lawrenson, in the Atlas Copco BAT, on the road with Nardus and Louis Alberts third in the Wrapsa BAT. Then drama struck when race officials hit van Staden/ Lawrenson and the Sullwalds with penalties for deviating from the route on the first of two 175 kilometre loops that made up the race. That lifted the Alberts father and son combination into first place ahead of brothers Laurence and Gerhard du Plessis (Zarco Magnum) with van Staden/Lawrenson slipping to third place. The Sullwalds were relegated to fifth place behind former SA champion Evan Hutchison and Danie Stassen in the Motorite BAT Venom. The Sullwalds then protested against a five minute penalty. Their protest was upheld by the stewards of the meeting and they went to the top of the leaderboard ahead of the Alberts and du Plessis teams. A yo-yo ride up and down the leaderboard continued for van Staden and Lawrenson and they found themselves dropping to fourth place ahead of Hutchison and Stassen. The results, however, are under notice of appeal and at this stage are provisional. The final scoring saw the Sullwalds finish nearly two seconds ahead of the Alberts pairing who finished a scant three seconds ahead of the du Plessis brothers. The brothers also benefited from scoring changes and profited from a 20 second credit when they were held up by spectator traffic at a control point. “It was a brilliant race,” said Sullwald senior after all the drama. “It was a real off road route and a slipping clutch was our only concern.” KwaZulu-Natal crew Clint Gibson and Gary Campbell (Gibson Racing Porter) were also penalised for a route deviation, but had enough time in hand to hold onto sixth place ahead of Mark Corbett and Julien Hardy in the Century Racing CR4. The final gap between the two cars was a slim 22 seconds. Corbett and Hardy came in ahead of Century Racing team-mates Colin Matthews and Alan Smith, in the CR3, who took the Class P honours. For Matthews and Smith it was their second successive Class P win, and gives them an early hold on the championship. Among the high profile casualties were twotime SA champions Quintin and Kallie Sullwald, in the Elegant Fuel BAT, and Sizanani Jimco pair Steve Parker and VZ van Zyl. The Sullwalds found themselves stranded in a mud hole while a string of punctures led to a “bad day at the office” for Parker and van Zyl. It was also a tough day for a number of Class P competitors. Brothers Keith and Andrew Makenete (Zarco), the father and daughter pair of Coetzee and Sandra Labuscagne (Raysonics Zarco) and Nic Goslar and Andrew Massey (Men’s health International Zarco) all fell by the wayside. The next event on the championship calendar is the Atlas Copco Timbertrack 400 in Richmond, in KwaZulu-Natal, on May 18 and 19.

Team Castrol Toyota Hilux pair end drought Two Team Castrol Toyota Hilux teams ended a 13 year drought when they took a dramatic and controversial one/two result in the Production Vehicle category on the Toyota Dealer 400, round two of the Absa Off Road Championship on Saturday. Former South African champion Duncan Vos and Rob Howie and Anthony Taylor and Chris Birkin finished first and second to give the factory Toyota team its first win on a Toyota sponsored event since 1999 when Apie Reyneke and Robin Houghton won the Toyota Desert Race in Botswana. Toyota supporters, however, had to endure an agonising wait to see if penalties imposed on the two works cars for deviating from the route would drop them down the pecking order. Vos/Howie led home Taylor/Birkin and were then hit with a 10 minute and 38 second penalty for twice deviating from the route on the two loops that made up the route. That dropped them to fourth with Taylor and Howie hit with a five minute and 38 second penalty for the same offence. Taylor and Howie, however, had enough time in hand to pip veteran former SA champion Hannes Grobler and Hennie ter Stege in the RFS BMW X3. The revised results lifted Pikkie Labuschagne and Rikus Erasmus (Ruwacon Toyota Hilux) into third place ahead of Vos and Howie with Deon Venter and Ian Palmer (4x4 Mega World Toyota Hiux) classified fifth. Castrol Toyota team principal Glyn Hall then protested against the decision to penalise Vos and Howie. The stewards of the meeting upheld one portion of the protest and scrapped five minutes of the penalty. That saw Vos and Howie reinstated as winners of the race ahead of Taylor/Birkin and Grobler/ter Stege who were only 13 seconds behind the Toyota crew. Labuscagne and Erasmus were relegated to fourth ahead of Venter and Palmer. The results, however, are subject to an appeal to controlling body Motorsport South Africa. As such they are provisional. Sixth place went to Cliff Weichelt and Johann Smalberger (N1 4x4 Toyota Land Cruiser) who scored their second successive Class D victory. Terence Marsh and George Smalberger (Regent Racing Nissan Navara) and former SA champions Chris Visser and Japie Badenhorst (Team Ford Ranger) completed the top eight. For Visser/Badenhorst it was also an adventurous outing. A string of punctures left them stranded without a spare wheel and they dropped down the pecking order before Marsh and Smalberger came to their rescue. The Nissan crew lent the Ford crew a spare and Visser and Badenhorst then mounted a comeback. Visser and Badenhorst were also among the string of competitors penalised by race officials for deviating from the route, but did enough to rescue crucial championship points after a win on the opening event of the season. But penalty or no penalty Vos/Howie and Taylor/Birkin were totally dominant throughout the weekend. The two crews were first and third on the Donaldson Prologue that determined grid positions, and then romped away with the race. Second to Weichelt, who now lives in Australia, and Smalberger in Class D were local pair Johan and Werner Horn in the Malelane Toyota Land Cruiser. Teenagers Jason Venter and Vincent van Alleman (4x4 Mega World Toyota Hilux) showed a lot of character in overcoming a string of problems to finish third. Class E saw Dirk Putter and Koos Claasens (Toyota Hilux) score a second successive victory. They were also among the crews penalised by clerk of the course Rex Boreham, but had plenty in hand over newcomers Rowan Lamb and Lyle Parker in a Ford Ranger.

20 APRIL 2012



Buffels skop liga af teen gunstelinge Rugby Klub is nog ‘n jong klub wat besig is om hulself op Die Winterveld Rugby Klub (Buffels) het verlede naweek ‘n te bou. Hierdie naweek speel die Buffels op Groblersdal. tuiswedstryd teen die klub van Makhado (voorheen Louis Trichardt) gespeel. Die eerste en tweede spanne het gespeel en die tweede span het hulle goed van hul taak gekwyt met ‘n 20-12 oorwinning. Spelers van die Ohrigstad Rugby Klub was by dié span ingesluit. Die eerste span het ‘n moeilike wedstryd gehad. Makhado is die wenners van verlede jaar se liga en het nie verniet ‘n reputasie as ‘n goeie span nie. Dié wedstryd het 27-7 geëindig in die guns van die besoekers. Die Buffels se spanbestuur het die besoekers geluk gewens met hul oorwinning en sê die span leer met elke wedstryd iets. Hulle is positief en Winterveld

Spelers van Ohrigstad Rugby Klub is by die tweedespan van die Buffels ingesluit. Hulle het in die oranje, groen en swart gespeel.

Verlede week se rugby is goed ondersteun. Plaaslike rugby entoesiaste het hulle langs die veld, op voertuigdakke en die paviljoen tuisgemaak.

Betrekkings/Vacancies BOKONI PLATINUM MINE As the first Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Company with two North American listing as well as a South African listing, we are the choice employer in the field. The following vacancy now exists at the Bokoni Platinum Mine in the Limpopo Province:


Site Coordinator required for Tyre Company Burgersfort • Individual to oversee and supervise site. • Only individuals with at least three years technical knowledge and experience within the tyre industry will be considered. • Site survey experience will be beneficial. Send an updated CV, ref no: SCBRF to: Closing Date 26 April 2012.

Work Description The Safety Officer is a legal appointment in terms of regulation 2.17.1 of the Minerals Act. The Role is responsible for the development, implementation and management of safety and risk control programmes, as well as ensuring legal compliance and provision of a safety advisory and reporting service to the Mine or Area. Minimum Requirements · Presentation / Facilitation/ Training and Planning · Observation · Code B driver’s license · Grade 12 or Equivalent · Project management · PRMS (PLCL), COMSOC I & II, SAMTRAC · OSHAS 18 000+ · Computer literate (MS Office and Projects) · AFRAD (Accredited Facilitators Risk Assessment Diploma) · ITIS/Train the Trainer · Auditor’s courses for Safety and Risk Control management · Risk Assessment Techniques: (SWIFT, HAZOP and FMECA) · Risk Impact Assessment · Accident investigation (ICAM/RCAT/SCAT) · Fire (Intermediate fire – FPA), Behaviour Based Safety & First Aid · 3 Years relevant Mining / Process / Engineering/ Training experience. Key Responsibilities · Safety and risk results meet targets · Risk assessment identifies all hazards · Recommended control measures are effective · Appropriate legal advice and documentation provided as requested · Safety training meets legal requirements · Safety standards, working guides, procedures and codes of practice meet requirements · Emergency preparedness programmes are effective · Safety department is managed to defined targets. Interested persons can forward their applications to the Recruitment Office E-mail to closing date 26 April 2012. “Bokoni Platinum” shall apply the affirmative action principles as set out in the company’s employment equity policy. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, your application shall be deemed to be unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful applications shall not be returned.



20 APRIL 2012

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation

9. Te Huur/ To Rent Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.

Contact us with your news and events on 083 271 9151

Betrekkings/ Vacancies

5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Lounge sets from R2000; Kitchen Units from R2000; TVs from R500; Robes from R600; Wall Units from R2000. New and secondhand furniture available. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” Stuart Henderson

REDPATH MINING (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LIMITED Multi-disciplined International Mining Contracting Company Location: DOORNBOSCH Applications are invited for the following position: SHIFT SUPERVISOR: Grade 12; Blasting certificate; Shiftboss certificate; valid driver’s license; 5 years’ experience in underground mine as Shiftboss; developing and stoping experience; board and pillar mining experience; understanding of underground mining procedures and planning, organizing, leading and controlling experience. Reference: SSUP-003.DR Please note: A copy of your CV must be accompanied by certified copies of all relevant qualifications/certificates required for the selected position. CLOSING DATE: Friday, 26 April 2012. The Recruitment Department E-Mail: or Fax: 0866486745

Redpath Mining South Africa is an Equal Opportunity Employer.We offer competitive / market related packages. Please refer to the reference number when applying for the position. If you do not receive a response within 14 days after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.

Vacancies exist for:

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Branch Managers with scaffolding experience Admin: Debtors and Creditors Sales person: Scaffolding backround Sales person: Container backround Scaffolding Supervisors Scaffolding Erection Supervisors Fixers Labourers Chargehands Riggers Boilermakers Handymans with electrical and plumbing experience Code 14 PDP + Code 10 PDP Site Agents

PLEASE FAX CV TO 086 239 1629

RECEPTIONIST NEEDED Must have a Valid Drivers Lisence Fully Bilingual Must be Computer literate, and have a basic knowledge of Office Administration. Please forward a short detailed CV containing previous experience relevant to position applying for to Fax: 086 573 3582

Platinum Gazette

20 APRIL 2012



Police are on the ball The Tubatse SAPS joined forces with Burgersfort SAPS to take on their colleagues from Mecklenburg in a soccer game this week. The two teams met at the Sekhukhune FET College’s CN Patudi campus in Praktiseer on Wednesday. The Mecklenburg team was just much better on the day and walked away with 4 points compared to the 1 goal scored by Tubatse and Burgersfort.

‘Hulle is warm’ The Tubatse Romans football club from Praktiseer is on a roll - they were even called ‘warm’ (hot) on the local radio station. They play in the Praktiseer Local Football League. On Saturday they faced Tubatse Young United and won 2-0. On the left is their captain Happy Mamogale who scored one of the goals. The second goal was scored by Kholofelo Morena.

Tubatse and Burgersfort SAPS played in yellow shirts.

Maatlopo United vs Tubatse United

The Mecklenburg SAPS played in blue shirts.

Maatlopo United FC squared off with Tubatse United FC in Praktiseer last week Saturday. Both teams were determined to win, but eventually Maatlopo United walked away as the winners of the day. Read more about this controversial game and what is coming up on page 12 of this week’s newspaper.

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20 APRIL 2012

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Kolskoot tot in die span

Maatlopo United takes home the points Maatlopo United FC won their game against Tubatse United FC in Praktiseer on Saturday last week. These two teams have a longstanding rivalry and the win for Maatlopo on the Tubatse United grounds is a significant pshycological victory. The game was however not without controversy. Tubatse United scored first during the opening minutes of the game, but Hagai Thobejane equalised for Maatlopo in the 15th minute. Tubatse United took the lead again by exploiting the weakness in the visitors’ defence. Hagai scored again to bring the points to 2-2. Before half time Tubatse United

Bo: Rolly Burger en Elien Wessels is tans die nommer een en twee vroue veerpyltjiespelers in Limpopo.

Saterdag 14 April het die Capriocorn finale veerpyltjie (darts) proewe op Winterveld plaasgevind. Die Capricorn Veerpyltjiespan wat gekies is vir die SA Kampioenskappe in Westville in Durban vanaf 2 – 6 Julie 2012 is: Manspan 1. George Fraser (Kaptein) Winterveld klub 2. Roelof Burger Bushveld bullies 3. Kasief Cupido Bushveld bullies 4. Hendrik Klopper Bushveld bullies 5. Heintjie Wessels Mogol dart club 6. J.C. Burger Mimosa klub Reserwe: Ockie van Zyl Winterveld klub Span Bestuurder: Rassie Erasmus Winterveld klub Damespan 1. Rolly Burger Kaptein Mimosa klub 2. Elien Wessels Mogol dart club 3. Lodi Fraser Winterveld klub 4. Corrie Erasmus Winterveld klub Reserwe: Samantha de Klerk Winterveld klub Span Bestuurder: Tonie Viviers Mimosa klub

saw the back of the net again to lead 3-2. Early in the second half Wisdom Mafolo forced the scored to 3-3 with a beautiful shot that silenced the home crowd. Billy Mpaketsane came game Maatlopo their winning goal with a free kick. This game the visitors the maximum points needed to progress on the league log. Billy was later sent off for a second bookable offence. This week Maatlopo will host 11 Experience at Moroke Stadium on Saturday 21 April at 15:00. 11 Experience is currently number 2 on the log and Maatlopo number 3. RT Giant Killers is ahead with four points. All three the log leaders have played the same amount of games. All sports loving people are invited to come and watch the game. Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226/ 071 035 4246. (Information submitted by: Jimmy Makola, Maatlopo United Spokesman).

Tubatse United FC played in blue and Maatlopo United FC in red. Get more photographs on page 11 of this newspaper.

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