Call for submissions on land expropriation without compensation The Joint Constitutional Review Committee, set up to review Section 25 of the Constitution to make it possible for the state to expropriate land without compensation, has called for written public submissions.
The committee was instructed by the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces to review section 25 of the Constitution and other clauses where necessary, to make it possible for the state to expropriate land in the public interest without compensation, and propose the necessary constitutional amendments.
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As part its constitutional obligation to facilitate public participation, the committee has invited written submissions from all stakeholders on the necessity of and mechanisms for expropriating land without compensation. In addition to the written submission, the public is urged to indicate their interest in making an oral presentation to the committee.
15, Cape Town 8000 or email Hand delivered submissions can be submitted at W/S 091, 3rd Floor, 90 Plein Street, Cape Town. For more information members of the public can call 021 403 3661 or 081 441 0345 fax 086 465 0678. The committee has until 30 August 2018 to report back to Parliament. President Cyril Ramaphosa has said the process of restoring land to previously disadvantaged South Africans will be conducted with great care. “We will accelerate our land redistribution programme not only to redress a grave historical injustice but also to bring more producers into the agricultural sector and to make more land available for cultivation,” he said during his State of the Nation Address.
He said government will pursue a comprehensive approach that makes effective use of all the The closing date for written submissions and remechanisms at its disposal, which will include quests for oral presentation is 31 May 2018. the expropriation of land without compensation as guided by the resolutions of the 54th National Enquiries and written submissions can be adConference of the African National Congress dressed to Pat Jayiya, Committee Section, PO Box (ANC).
Crime does not pay Parts of Burgersfort experienced three days without electricity this week. Luckily a new minisub has been installed and everything is up and running again.
The Ohrigstad Police are still enjoying their successes after a hefty sentence was given to a suspect found guilty on charges ranging from theft of a motor vehicle, housebreaking with the intention to steal, theft, possession of a firearwwm and ammunition. The case stems from an incident on 29 April 2015 when a vehicle was stolen at Rusplaas farm outside Ohrigstad. The sentenced man also broke into a house at night and stole a firearm and ammunition. The police were immediately notified and a task team comprising of the Vispol members, detectives and dog unit was established to track down the suspect. Following-up leads given to the police, Simon Thabo Ratshehlo (26) from Gauteng province was arrested at Ga-Masemola outside Lebowakgomo policing area on 25 August 2016 and he was since refused bail until his conviction on 09 March 2018. During his arrest the accused was found in possession of a motor vehicle, firearm and ammunition. The accused was finally sentenced on the 17 April by the Burgersfort Regional court with the following sentences – Count 1 - Theft of motor vehicle -15 year’s imprisonment Count 2 - Housebreaking with intention to steal and theft – 10 years imprisonment Count 3 - Possession of firearm – 5 years imprisonment Count 4 – Possession of ammunitions – 3 years imprisonment The sentence imposed on count 2, 3 and 4 will run concurrently with the sentence imposed on count 1 of 15 years. The accused was declared unfit to possess firearm and he was refused the right to appeal. The acting cluster commander of Burgersfort cluster Brigadier R.R Maluleke welcomed this heavy sentence and said it will serve as a strong warning to other would be criminals that crime does not pay and that the police will leave no stone unturned in ensuring that Burgersfort cluster becomes a crime free area. (Information: SAPS Ohrigstad Corporate Communication)
Fetakgomo Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
20 April 2018
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20 APRIL 2018
Wildevy Manne bou verhoudinge Die Wildevy Manne (en vroue) is sinoniem met 4X4 pret, maar ook kosmaak, stalletjies, en dan die doel van alles, gemeeenskapsbetrokkenheid, liefdadigheidskenkings, asook beter samewerking met skole in die omgewing wat die Wildevy ondersteun. Vandeesweek was weer sulke tyd en traan-bemarkingsbaniere is aan Waterval Laerskool, Laerskool Burgersfort en Steelpoort Akademie oorhandig. Dit pas mooi by verlede jaar se opslaan-afdakkie skenkings.
Campaigning against crime and abuse
The police in Ohrigstad led by social crime prevention coordinator Sgt Kholofelo Phokane jointly with the CPF and YCPF conducted a crime awareness campaign at Maepa Primary School on Tuesday 2018-04-17. The team addressed the grade 5, 6 and 7 learners in the respective classrooms and amongst issues addressed included – RESPECTING OF EDUCATORS TEENAGE PREGNANCY DRUG ABUSE BULLYING AND SAFETY WHILE AT HOME The contact numbers of emergency services were also given to the learners. Sgt Phokane strongly warned the learners not to abuse the Police 10111 emergency numbers as it can hinder service delivery to those in need of serious emergency assistance. The police undertook to visit the school on a continuous basis to ensure that learners and teachers feel safe at all times.
Jeremiah 8:7-9 (NIV) 7 Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But my people do not know the requirements of the Lord. 8 “‘How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the Lord,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? 9 The wise will be put to shame they will be dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the word of the Lord, what kind of wisdom do they have?
20 APRIL 2018
Construction Incubator launched On 10 April 2018 the Tubatse Construction Incubator programme officially launced at the Mining Supplier Park near Steelpoort. The initiative from the Limpopo Economic Development, Environment and Tourism Department (LEDET) aims to bring formality to small emerging contractors. Contractors came in large numbers to support the launch and Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipal Mayor, Cllr Johannes Maudu Phokane said: “Today we are here to celebrate the empowerment from our mines. This is a sign that show that together with our mines we can improve the lives of our communities economically and we can create more jobs to reduce the unemployment rate in our municipality”. According to Mr Solly Kgopong, LEDET head of department, the incubator will assist contractors to maintain their businesses. Through their help contractors are put in touch with the Provincial Construction Industry Development Board that is assisting contractors with certificates for construction. These certificates ensure that they can also do business with government and they receive assistance in being graded. Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Cllr Stanley Keamotseng Ramaila said: “Today marks the success of ongoing collaboration between government, represented by LEDET/SEDA and the mining industry. This project started as a collaboration between Samancor and LEDET. It is very important to acknowledge Samancor because they are the initial developers of the concept that resulted in the project, but along the way we lost Samancor. I am inviting them back again. Incubation is very critical in mentoring our emerging Small Medium Micro-Enterprises and hand-holding them towards their
independence in open and competitive markets. I implore our people to appreciate these initiatives and embrace these strategic programmes of government. We also invite other industries and sectors of our economy to play their role in growing emerging enterprises”. (Article and photographs: Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipality communications unit).
Right: Sekhukhune District Municipality Executive Mayor, Cllr. Stanley Keamotseng Ramaila and Fetakgomo Tubatse Local Municipality Mayor, Cllr. Johannes Maudu Phokane at the unveilled plaque marking the occasion.
SAPS release identities of bus attack victims The forensics team of the SAPS released the names of the victims who died in a petrol bomb bus attack on 2 April 2018. They are Monicca Mabilo (57) from Ga Mahlokwane village, Johannes Malepe (56) and Ziphora Makuwa (48) from Driekop, Solomon Komana (37) and Simon Mahlokwane (42) from Ga Mahlokwane village as well as Pheta Ranku (58) from Lesotho. The victims were part of a group of Modik-
wa Platinum Mine workers being transported to work. During the attach 28 other people were also severely injured. Five people had been arrested in connection with the attack and they are being charged with murder, attempted murder and malicious damage to property. Their case was postponed to 26 April for a bail application. As far as could be determined the funeral service for the deseased miners are set for this weekend.
20 APRIL 2018
Your submissions on the review In Parliament the Portfolio Committee on Labour convened this week and heated debates was heard surrounding the National Minimum Wage Bill. The Committee has reopened the opportunity to make oral submissions on the National Minimum Wage Bill and related pieces of legislations. The Acting Chairperson of the Committee, Ms Sharome van Schalkwyk, said it was crucial for the committee to hear the presentations from stakeholders. “The committee received requests during recess for oral submissions from the South African Federation of Trade Unions (Saftu) and other organisations that are here, but also written submissions were received. Although the committee had passed the stage of oral submissions, it is critical that the committee makes the process as inclusive as possible,” she said. On Wednesday the process heated up as a definite divide was seen between the different parties involved. The DA is opposing the proposed legislation saying it may cost as much as 750 000 jobs if it goes through in the current format. The EFF is saying that a minimum wage of at least R5000 is non-negotiable regardless of what type of work the person is doing. While the ANC is proposing a minimum wage of R20 per hour with some exceptions for domestic workers, farm workers and workers forming part of the expanded public works programme. Some of the submissions under review came from Agri SA and Forestry SA. These organisations submitted that economic growth is needed for the improvement of wages for labourers. Agri SA also indicated that the effect of the drought in many areas of South Africa is making it difficult for farmers to pay the minimum wage. The Department of Labour advised them to approach government for exemption in such cases. The committee will also seek clarification from the courts on the definition on ‘employer’ and ‘employee’. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about the discussions around the minimum wage and related legislation.
Mnr Sam Mphogo sê: “Ek sal hou daarvan as die minimum wage R5000 kan word. Dan kan ons school fees betaal. Die government het mos ook gesê dat hulle die myne almal gaan oopmaak en dan sal ons almal kan werk kry”.
Mr Thabo Sekgobela said: “I don’t think a R5000 minimum wage is good. It will cause job losses. Perhaps rather something like R3 500”.
Ms Maggie Ramatabana and Ms Shirley Malepe said: “If you don’t work full time make it a minimum wage of R2 500 and full time R4000. If they make it R5 000 people will lose their jobs. Nobody can afford to pay people R5000 per month. If you at least get R2 500 you can pay school fees and some other expenses. We also think that the Department of Labour should do more inspections. We know of ladies working as domestic workers for as little as R1200”.
Mr Frans Malesa said: “I don’t want people to lose their jobs if the employers can no longer afford the minimum wage. I think even if the minimum wage is less, it is fine, just so people can keep their jobs”.
Mnr Amon Makhubedu sê: “Ek het 15ha grond by Aapiesdoorn. Daar is nie krag nie en ek sukkel. Die regering moet boere soos ek ‘n kans gee om mense te betaal wat ek kan. As iemand bereid is om vir R1000 wat ek kan betaal te werk, dan is dit reg. R1000 is beter as niks vir daai een. As my oes van aartappels, geel en wit mielies, kool, patats en sorghum inkom dan kan ek hulle meer betaal”.
Mnr Jan Groenewald sê: “’n Minimum loon wat te hoog is, gaan enige besigheid se ondergang beteken. Hulle moet versigtig wees daarvoor. Jy kan nie net gee en gee en gee nie”.
20 APRIL 2018
of the Minimum Wage Bill
Ms Isabella Nkosi, Mr Tshifhiwa Phosa and Ms Lethabo Mokoka said: “R5000 minimum wage is not fair for a lot of people and companies. The current economic situation is tough and many people will be let go if they go this route. Around R3000 is fair for farm workers and security officers. We must also be careful not to allow any rate as this will ensure that jobs are taken by foreigners willing to work for as little as R1000 per month”.
Mr Johannes Mokwena said: “I feel good about the R5000 minimum wage the EFF is proposing. I don’t think it will cause job losses. It will just make life easier”. Ms Mologadi Mamogale said: “You should earn as you work. The harder you work, the more you should get. Pay people per hour. A big minimum wage can cause job losses. Train people to work with their hands and create apprenticeships so there can be more entrepreneurs”.
Mr Khumbelo Sirakalala said: “This minimum wage won’t work. People like myself, our income is not enough to pay someone like a domestic worker a minimum wage. On paper it is fine, but not in reality. I know many farms are not making profits either. Employers should evaluate what they can pay and workers can then decide for themselves if they take it or not. This thing will cause job losses”. With him is Wanga.
Mr Michael Machichila said: “It must be kept in mind that people can maybe afford R3 500 per month as wages, but not R5 000. Even if people earn less, at least they will be working and earning something. R5000 per month will just result in job losses. We should keep the economic cycle alive and have people earn an income – even if it is less. We are suffering enough with this 15% VAT since the beginning of April”. Left: Mr Robert Songo said: “They should forget everything and go for a R10 000 minimum wage for employees of companies. All companies can afford a minimum wage of R10 000 a month. Things in South Africa are not cheap. We need to pay many things. Paying a car can be affordable on a R10 000 a month minimum wage. I feel this should be for the lowest qualified people at a company as well as domestic workers and farm workers”. Right: Mr Abel Molangoane said: “I have a small company. I don’t have jobs all the time. I do development of especially women, to do paving. I think government should allow for everyone to work on commission. It will benefit the employer and the employee because then they can earn more than the minimum wage if they have work and do it well. Scrap the minimum wage for companies like mine”.
Mr ML Serage said: “You can’t adjust the minimum wage to R5000 without taking a variety of things into account. They should keep things as they are and they should just slightly adjust it to accommodate inflation etc. They should evaluate what small companies can pay, declare it to the government and even if it is less than the minimum wage, if someone is willing to work for that it will be better for them to earn a little than nothing. Adjust this as the company grows”.
Ms Amanda Sibiya said: “They must just be careful to not create joblessness with this. I can’t afford to pay a domestic worker R5000 a month. I also only earn a salary and don’t own a company”.
Right: Ms Hunadi Maile said: “The mimum wage of at least R5 000 would be nice, but if they do this many people will lose their jobs as people cannot afford to pay workers that much. It is then better to maybe get R3 500 than nothing. Crime is too high and better wages will improve the crime rate as people won’t have to steal to survive”. With her is Keorapetse.
Mr Kgaogelo Malapane said: “The minimum wage should be around R3500. Perhaps domestic workers can get from R1500 a month. If government is too strict about this, people may lose their jobs as the employers will not be able to afford to pay them and they should also consider that when talking about this”.
20 APRIL 2018
Platinum Gazette
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20 APRIL 2018
SAPS teams compete On Wednesday 18 April 2018, the SAPS Sekgosese/Botlokwa/ Morebeng hosted the SAPS Limpopo Provincial office at Botlokwa in a stream A Saps Capricorn district soccer league match. Provincial office managed to win the match by 6-0. Cleaner Sekwaila x4, Const Teffu and Capt Magwai scored the goals for the day. Other Stream A results: SAPS Matlala/Mashashane 0 vs SAPS Senwabarwana/Mogwadi/Maleboho 1 (goal: Const Mahwai). SAPS ORS 3 (goals: Sergt Seshoka x2, Const Ranoto) vs SAPS PSS 0.
(Photographs and information: Sergeant Mvundlela S.J)
Betrekkings/ Vacancies Administration Assistant Required Requirements: • Minimum 5 years’ (multifunctional) administration experience • Valid drivers’ license • No criminal record(s) • Able to speak, write, read and understand English and Afrikaans • Fully computer literate and able to handle pressure well • Proficient in VIP Payroll • Medically fit Recruitment will be done in line with the Equity Plan for the Lodge. E-mail comprehensive CV’s to: before Friday, 30 April 2018. The Lodge reserves the right to decide if, how and when any advertised position(s) will be filled.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Top 4 tournament in Atok On Saturday 14 April, the Semana Masters hosted a top 4 friendly soccer tournament in Atok village. The participating teams were: Ledwaba-Makotse Masters, Semana Masters, Tubatse Masters and Malokela Masters. Results for the day: First match: Ledwaba-Makotse Masters 4 (goals: Abram Mothiba, Alfred Motaung x2, China Marema) vs Semana Masters 2 (goals: Dona Shoba, Jeffrey Moeti). Second match: Tubatse Masters 0 vs Malokela Masters 1 (goal: Oscar Ramoroka) Third match: Tubatse Masters 1 (goal: Velly Malaka) vs Semana Masters 2 (goals: Tiger Talana, Bashin Theka) Final match: Ledwaba-Makotse Masters 4 (goals: China Marema, Peinaar Ledwaba, Abram Mothiba, Samora Letsoalo) vs Malokela Masters 0.
(Photographs and information: Jerial Mvundlela)
Pulana Maroga Soccer League Results Pulana Maroga Soccer League teams played again last Saturday and Sunday. The results for Saturday’s play are: Stars ground: Barcelona FC: 1 vs Bull Bull: 2; Batau FC: 2 vs Mighty Blues: 1; Happy Stars: 5 vs Arandis Jnr: 2. All Stars ground: Lenareng FC: 0 vs Golden Spears: 2; Mohlophi Jnr: 0 vs Real Touch: 2; All Stars Jnr: 1 vs Bafaladi: 0. Madrid ground: Morethe Young Dribblers: 3 vs Maruleng: 0; Tshakanya Mighty Rovers: 1 vs Stone Breakers: 1; Madrid: 0 vs Mathipa Happy Fighters: 2. Kampeng United ground: Mangabane: 0 vs Driekop FC: 0; Moisele: 2 vs Mighty Bucks: 1; Kampeng United: 1 vs Tearing Lions: 1. Results for Sunday’s play: Tearing ground: Golden Spears: 1 vs Mighty Bucks: 2; Happy Stars: 0 vs Stone Breakers: 0; Tearing Lions: 2 vs Bafaladi: 0. Batau ground: Moisele: 2 vs Bull Bull: 0; Maruleng: 1 vs Mohlophi Jnr: 1. Batau: 6 vs Arandis Jnr: 2. Mathipa ground: Madrid: 2 vs Kampeng United: 0; Barcelona: 1 vs All Stars: 1; Mathipa: 5 vs Driekop FC: 2. Morethe ground: Mangabane: 3 vs Mighty Blues: 1; Tshakanya: 4 vs Real Touch:1; Morethe: 2 vs Lenareng: 1. (Information: Pulana Maroga Soccer League).
20 APRIL 2018 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
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SPORT Cameron the new Chrome Open Champion
Cameron Nesmith with Thinuse Labuschagne. (Photo: Facebook)
Tubatse Chrome Golf Club hosted their annual Chrome Open Golf Championships. This year Cameron Nesmith from Kameeldoring Golf Club walked away with a record win. In second place was Stephan de Beer and third, local player Thinus Labuschagne. Dean van Staden, Martin van Rooyen and Tyron Luck followed the top line-up. The gruelling competition is determined over 36 holes in one day. Players battle heat and fatigue to do their best on the course.