Platinum Gazette 20 January 2017

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The extreme stress experienced by the mining sector since 2006 is clear. This is borne out by the very low base of net profits having prevailed since the middle of 2012. Over a 12 month period between the middle of 2015 and the middle of 2016 the sector lost nearly R40 billion. This graph brings together the ‘bottom line’ of all positive and negative drivers having an impact on the mining sector (Source: Chamber of Mines).


Gazette Very good! The Police in the area partnered with Community Policing Forums and the Youth Community Outreach Programme have kick-started the Back to School Campaign by visiting various schools in the area. The programme will continue until the end of next Month. The Police focus on the importance of education and issues such as bullying and abuse. In the photograph Sergeant Kholofelo Phokane of Ohrigstad Pilice interact with little ones at Ngwanatsela Creche at Maepa Village. More of this Police programme on page 6.

Greater Tubatse Fetakgomo Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

But ... page 5

20 Januarie 2017

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INVITATION FOR BURSARY APPLICATION FOR 2017 ACADEMIC YEAR MODIKWA PLATINUM MINE BURSARY FUNDING ALLOCATION FOR 2017 Modikwa Platinum Mine invites students to apply for Bursary Funding for the academic year 2017. The Bursary will be available to students intending to study full time at South African Learning Institutions. To qualify for financial assistance, students should meet the following the selection criteria: 1. 2. 3.


5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

The student must have passed grade 12 with “exemption”. The student should have a letter of acceptance from the learning institution, e.g. University More focus shall be given to mining related courses. However that doesn’t exclude other fields that are not mining related, e.g. Environment, Health and Safety Preference shall be given to the mine’s host communities (specifically seven villages including Hwashi-Difagate community Trust), Greater Tubatse and Sekhukhune District Municipality. Mine employees’ kids also do qualify for bursaries but point 4 above takes preference. Family background of the kids shall also be taken into consideration, e.g. qualifying kids whose guardians are pensioners or not working shall be given preference. Students who funded their first year at tertiary institution and passed well will be considered. Due to limited funding the mine reserves the right to add more selection criteria as it deems fit. Successful students will sign a Memorandum of Understanding with Modikwa Platinum Mine.

Applications will be close on 31 January 2017 and no late application will be considered. Applicants who have not been contacted by Modikwa Platinum Mine within 28 days should consider their application as being unsuccessful. The awarding of bursaries is at the sole discretion of the Modikwa Platinum Mine. The mine has a right to withdraw the bursary assistance if the student has other bursary arrangements. Send application letter with copies of your matric/university results to: Email: or Hand Deliver at Modikwa Platinum Mine Central Offices For more information please contact: Sam Kgoetsiane Tel: 013 230 2070 082 606 2655

20 JANUARY 2017

Bursaries for locals Modikwa strives to change the lives of locals for the be er, and as part of the Social and Labour Plan and the idea to invest in educa on the mine gave twelve local students bursaries to further their studies. On 22 December 2016, Modikwa Management team held a session with the bursars to reflect on their academic year in the light of the #Feesmus all campaign. The bursars shared their challenges and victories while management encouraged and provided guidance to overcome. The mine also gave Malebo Napo, Metallurgy student at Wits a voca onal work at the Plant to get workplace exposure. Tumelo Mohlala, Mechanical Engineering graduate thanked Modikwa for helping him to pursue his studies. “I struggled financially to further my studies and I dropped out of the university because I couldn’t afford to pay

tui on fees and Modikwa came to my rescue and offered me a bursary”, he said. The SD Leader, Hope Tyira gave students a mo va onal talk, and told them to be posi ve and never give up. “Surround yourselves with posi ve people and move towards your des na on”, he added. In closing, the Business Leader, Mthi Mtshengu also advised them to focus more on their studies and not do things that will distract them from studying.

20 JANUARIE 2017


Robbers nabbed Quick reaction leads to 7 arrests The SAPS arrested seven suspected members of a crime syndicate on Saturday evening. The Police received information about a possible business robbery being planned by a group of criminals in the Burgersfort area and reacted swiftly. A special operation was immediately established composed of the Provincial Tracking Team, Polokwane TRT and the Provincial Detectives and subsequently two vehicles were observed and stopped near Tubatse Crossing Mall while enroute to the said targeted businesses in Burgersfort. A Toyota Corolla and a Toyota Tazz with seven suspects inside were searched and the following items were recovered: 14 signal jamming devices. Two 9 mm pistols with two magazines and 16 live rounds of ammunition. 2 Angle grinders. One compressor. One Jack hammer. 18 grinder cutting discs. Two electric extention cords. One heavy duty tool. Five balaclavas. Five pairs of handgloves and one dust mask. Both the Toyota Corolla and Toyota Tazz had their engine numbers tampered

with. The seven suspects aged between 24 and 53 years old were arrested and they are facing the following charges: Conspiracy to commit bussiness robberry and housebreaking and theft at business premises. Possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition. Possession of housebreaking equipment. Possession of signal jamming devices. Possession of suspected stolen motor vehicles. The SAPS were profiling the suspects to see if any of them were wanted for other crimes. Police investigations are still continuing. The Provincial Commissioner Lieutenant General Nneke Ledwaba commended the SAPS members for their sterling proactive Police work. He thanked community members for assisting the Police in foiling these crimes and urged them to continue doing so in order to rid this Province of any form of criminality. (Photographs: Police Pics and Clips)



20 JANUARY 2017



While residents is some villages had taken it upon themselves in speeding up the government’s development plan by beginning to construct access to their homes themselves, some others are lucky. This access bridge at Mabocha near Praktiseer is nearing completion.

NECT and SADTU teams up for better education The National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT) has entered into a partnership with teacher union, South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) in an attempt to inter alia find practical solutions to improve the quantity and quality of learning in schools. The first phase of the initiative will take place in two districts; Butterworth in the Eastern Cape and Sekhukhune in Limpopo. The collaboration aims to target348 primary schools and secondary schools in the first district and 437 primary and combined schools in the latter area. NECT CEO Godwin Khosa explains that the partnerships aims “To start small with pilots and then gradually take feasible, affordable and sustainable innovations to scale.” According to Khosa the partnership owes its genesis to a demand from stakeholders in the teaching fraternity for assistance, “In that sense the collaboration is a direct response to demand driven interventions from teachers, SMTs and district officials.” The initiative will involve a total of 700 teachers, 390 from Limpopo and the balance from the Eastern Cape, the total number includes 160 primary school principals, and aims to also advance the goals of the NDP of 90% of learners master at least 50% of curriculum by 2030 and create a better balance between unionism and professionalism. SADTU will employ its own criteria to identify the relevant Lead Teachers and Lead Principals, once this process has been finalised, the NECT will step in to conduct the first level training of Lead Teachers and Principals and also provide the materials: hard copy and soft copies to each Lead Teachers/Principals. SADTU explains that the initiative is undergirded by ‘Collaboration Principles’ that seek to amongst others; promote co-creation in improving learning outcomes towards achievement of the NDP goals. The programme The Expanded Public Works Programme is in line with one of is currently busy taming the encroaching the pillars in SADbushes on roads in the area after all the TU’s 203O Vision rains. Which is a good thing. But, it is not always safe (for the workers and motorPillars: Servicing ists). Heed the orange traffic cones, keep Union members and to the speed limit and be aware that the Creating a Learning flag wavers are not always where they Nation. It will take should be. Don’t be caught unawares in a sharp turn when there is only one lane forward SADTU’s open. already existing initiatives.

Careful now

Matthew 4:19 (NIV) “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

20 JANUARIE 2017



Is drugs a problem in Burgersfort? Multiple SAPS awareness campaigns at schools, welfare campaigns with a focus on addiction, drug and alcohol abuse do not seem to have a major local impact. On 14 January 2017, a local resident, Raff Marule posted on his Facebook wall: “I’m breaking the silence once and for all. Apologies for those who feel offended by my status but someone have to stand up and take action. It seems as if our people are ignorant or scared to speak out while our future generation are dying in silence. There is a huge issue in Limpopo (Burgersfort) which is the effect of high crime rate & unusual activities, that thing have conquered more than 60 percent of our youth. Our beautiful town has turned to small Jozi and the scary part is parents are clueless about what’s happening around because they still have that mentality that Burgersfort is peaceful whereas our children are dying slowly in front of our eyes. There is a drug called “Cat” in our town and 60 percent are addicted to this and no one is talking about it. If you don’t believe me you must go behind the Burgersfort Clinic and you will see where our future is heading to! LOL it’s the only place where they sell iPhone 6 for R200. Remember we don’t have Rehabilitation centers in our area what will happen to this CAT users 3 years from now? Let’s save our motherland before it’s too late” (sic) He continues to share the symptoms of addiction before appealing to people to share his status with their friends to try and save the youth of the area. His facebook status had within a few days received more than 170 shares, many likes and a string of comments ranging from support to thanking him for the awareness he created. Platinum Gazette asked readers if they think drugs is a problem in the area and what they think about the issue.

What are these drugs? * Nyaope is a cocktail of dagga, heroin, Anti-retro-viral drugs, rat poison and acid. Nyaope, also known as Whoonga, is a uniquely South African street drug that is highly addictive and destructive. It is a fine white powder that is usually combined with marijuana (dagga) and smoked. * CAT or Methcathinone is a derivative of a naturally occurring stimulant drug, cathinone, which is found in the khat plant, Cathula edulis, which is native to the horn of Africa and southern Arabian peninsula. Methcathinone was first synthesized in Germany in 1928. It was used medically in the Soviet Union as an anti-depressant during the 1930’s and 1940’s. Methcathinone has reportedly been used as a recreational drug in the Soviet Union since the late 1960’s. Methcathinone (sometimes called “cat” or “jeff” or “catnip” or “intash” ) is a monoamine alkaloid and psychoactive stimulant. It is used as a recreational drug due to its potent stimulant and euphoric effects and is considered to be addictive, with both physical and psychological withdrawal occurring if its use is discontinued after prolonged or high-dosage administration. It is usually snorted, but can be smoked, injected, or taken orally.

Mr Thabo Molapo said: “Yes, there is a drug problem. I know of people using drugs. The police must help so that the drug lords get arrested and those who are addicted can go to rehab. Nyaope is the drug they use. It is all over town. As community members we must continue to report those selling drugs”.

Mr Isaac Mampo said: “I know two people who are using drugs at Alverton Village. They smoke dagga. The police are not doing enough to arrest those who sell the drugs. We as community members must help by calling the police when we know who sells the drugs”.

Mr Promise Masolo said: “It is true. It is happening day and night. The police should get more Community Policing Forum (CPF) members from the youth. The old people don’t know what is happening with these drugs. The police should actually hire us young people to serve as CPF members to help them get rid of this problem. The drugs are increasing poverty and crime. The dealers are mixing dagga with ‘lebaki’ or ‘kanisa’ (name in Isizulu). Then they smoke it. The ‘lebaki’ is a tree you get around here. The police don’t do their job very well. They should arrest those selling drugs. They are too fat to catch the people selling drugs. People should be careful, drugs are everywhere. You can easily get it from those people selling small things at the speed humps in town or to the taxis at the taxi rank. Those people walking selling pens and small stuff are often also selling drugs. They are all types of people – South Africans, foreigners – everyone”.

Me. Maruné Briel sê: “Ek ken nie persoonlik iemand wat deur dwelms of die afhanklikheid daaraan geraak word nie, maar ek hoor dit is ‘n probleem. Die polisie moet betrek word. Mense moet dit rapporteer as hulle daarvan weet. Dalk moet die polisie ook by die verskillende kuierplekke in die dorp opdaag en dit deursoek”.

Mnr. Abram Maroga sê: “Ons moet ‘n plan maak met die kinders wat drink en dwelms gebruik. Ons weet wie hulle is. Grootmense, ouer mense soos ek moet met hulle praat en verduidelik dat ons hulle nie wil laat doodgaan nie. Hulle sal vir ouer mense luister. Die drank en drugs maak hulle koppe draaidraai. Dit kos ook baie geld. Ons moet almal saam met die polisie werk om daai ouens wat die drugs verkoop te vang”.

Left: Mr Thabiso Mphahlele said: “It is a problem. Disclosure should be done. We should talk about this and open up. You can only get help if you talk. If you know someone selling drugs you have to report it to the police so they can be arrested. I know drugs are a problem in Burgersfort. The unemployed youth are the biggest target”.

Mr Victor Mnisi said: “I know about people abusing drugs in Ext. 10. There should be better visibility of the police. Between 20:00 and 22:00 in the evening there are lots of people selling and buying drugs around KFC near the taxi rank. The police must go around there regularly and arrest them. Maybe then the problem will ease. I think there is enough help for people who are addicted, but if they don’t come forward, nobody can see they have a problem”.

Mr Israel Morena said: “The mkuku’s behind Boxer is a big problem. They are packed. People hide there. The police cannot penetrate there. If the municipality can give those people living in Ext. 10 RDP houses, then the police can easily clean up the place. I know people selling and using drugs are staying there in those shacks because they’ve told me”.

Mr Stanley Kgoete said: “I know a lot of people who are addicted to drugs. A lot of them are staying behind Boxer in Ext. 10. Women are selling their bodies to buy drugs and alcohol. Dagga, Nyaope and Benzine are popular. The community must help the police to apprehend those selling drugs. The police are also taking bribes in Burgersfort. They go and ‘arrest’ people selling drugs, but then just release them after the bribe has been paid. Different stakeholders need to take part to clean this town. We also need health inspectors and people to help clean Ext. 10 up, it is a health hazard at the moment”.

Ms Regina Jange said: “The drugs are too much in Burgersfort. I know of people with drug problems, but you cannot talk about it because you will die. They will do something to you. All we can do is to talk to the police and hope they will do something”. Left: Ms Olga Sekgobela and Ms Jamela Nkuna said: “There is a big problem with drugs. We know of people who are addicted. They use dagga and nyaope. The problem is that there are no jobs and they just want to relieve their stress. That is why they use it. People will steal money to buy nyaope. The police are part of the problem. When you call them they will go there and take a ‘jojo’ (bribe). Government should give free higher education then it might be better with young people having a future”.

Mr Simon Masinga said: “Drugs are taken by the police as well as our children. How will the police control it if they are spreading it? As parents we are also not taking enough control of our children. There are not enough centers for entertainment of young people that will help to keep them away from drugs and keep them busy. I know most of the people taking or selling drugs are staying behind Boxer in Ext. 10”.


20 JANUARY 2017


Going back to school with the SAPS The SAPS started the year with Back-toSchool campaigns accross the policing area of the cluster. The different stations partnered with their CPF, YCOP, VEP, and the Department of Social Development to visit schools and create awareness of crime, drug use and to motivate the learners to study hard during 2017. These campaigns are aiming to check the level of attendance by learners so that the SAPS can do door to door campaigns to speak to parents and guardians encouraging them to take their kids back to school. These campaigns will be running until the end of February. The police at Ohrigstad partnered with their CPF and YCOP and visited two schools at Maepa village on Thursday 12 January 2017. The first school visited was Ngwanatsela Crèche and the young ones where told that they must love school as education is the future. There after the team proceeded to Maepa Primary School where the grade seven learners where addressed by Sgt Phokane and the CPF. The Burgersfort SAPS team visited Mangabane Primary School, Magakantshi Primary School and Joshua Generation. The team also distibuted colouring books and rulers to learners participating through answering questions. The Burgersfort team will be heading to the farm schools next. The Tubatse SAPS headed to Mogolo High School and Batau High School at Sector 2 on 16 January. Const. Chauke addressed the learners about taking education serious and general tips.. W/O Kgasago spoke to them about the learners’ code of conduct at each school. The learners were encouraged to be friends with their books, bullying was also explained to them and they were informed to report any form of abuse by learners, teachers or anyone at home to their principal or to the police. The police’s contact numbers and the numbers of the communicating officer Sgt Phokane were given to the learners. (Information & photographs: Sgt Kholofelo Phokane - Ohrigstad SAPS; Const. Victoria Maluleka - Burgersfort SAPS, Const. B.E. Ngwana - Tubatse SAPS)

Schools that had been visited include: Ngwanatsela Crèche, Maepa Primary School, Mangabane Primary School, Mgakantshi Primary School, Joshua Generation, Mogolo High School and Batau Hight School.

The Burgersfort SAPS team asked questions after each of their visits and the learners who got the answers right could win a colouring book or ruler. The focus fell on everything crime related - from reporting abuse, keeping away from crime and drugs to bullying.

20 JANUARIE 2017 Submit your stories and invitations to the Editor at or fax: 086 554 9031


Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale 11. Birthdays/ Verjaarsdae

2. Betrekkings/ Vacancies Volkswagen Burgersfort is recruiting for a MasterCars sales consultant. Requirements: - 3 - 5 Years automotive experience with a successful track record in a target-driven sales environment. - Matric qualification. - Valid driver’s licence. - Professional,

dynamic and results-driven individual. Please send your CV to Closing date for applications: 30 January 2017 If you have not heard from us within two weeks of the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.

3. Dienste/ Services PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.

9. Te Huur/ To Rent Lang en kort L k t termyn t verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad.

Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808 TO LET Accommodation in Mashifane Park - 3 Bedroom, two bathroom house to let. Double Garage. Water included, with prepaid electricity meter. R5500-00 per month. Available immediately. Contact: 082 461 1381 or 073 115 1405. TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer huis in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Kompleks is toegerus met elektriese heining en huis beskik oor ‘n alarmsisteem wat die huurder kan laat moniteer. Huis is goed toegerus met ‘n heerlike kuier kombuis, afdak met

braai area en dubbel afdakke vir voertuie. Moderne teël vloere en blindings rond die huis mooi af. Huur per maand is R7500 - sluit water en krag - tot op ‘n vasgestelde hoeveelheid eenhede in, addisionele verbruik word saam met die huurgeld ingevorder). Betroubare boorgatwater word voorsien. Huis is dadelik beskikbaar. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954.

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Get your hard copy of the newspaper here: * Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing * Shoprite Tubatse Crossing * Temba Garage * Dunlop * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Boxer Khadima Centre * Phelo Pharmacy Khadima Centre * Cheap Cheap #2 * Tubatse Superspar * Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort * Choppies Burgersfort * Magaba Filling Station * Burgersfort SAPS * Aloe Foods * Praktiseer SAPS * Ohrigstad SAPS * Pick n Pay Steelpoort * Winterveld Village * Tubatse Village * Dwarsrivier Mine * Mototolo * Morena’s Tavern (Steel Bridge) * Glencore Eastern Limb Training Centre * Madiba’s Mini Market - Kalkfontein * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Twickenham Plati-

Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.) num Mine * Dr. Lorna’s Surgery Burgersfort * Pret Liquor * Pret Butchery * CTM Burgersfort * Madeleen Willers Attorneys * Lebowa Panel Beaters * Hendrk’s Panelbeaters * Department of Education Circuit Office Burgersfort * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Laerskool Burgersfort * Supa Save * Build It Tubatse * A1 Food Store Twin City * Tiezers Meat Pantry * Bronrich Slaghuis * 1 Stop Midas Burgersfort

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


20 JANUARY 2017

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Platinum Gazette


Local SAPS, Traffic and EMS guide cyclists over the mountains The Mpumalanga Cycle Tour 2017 took place this week. A multi-disciplinary operation comprising of Burgersfort cluster police, Giyane cluster police, Provincial Tactical Response Team, Fetakgomo-Greater Tubatse Traffic, Limpopo provincial Traffic, Mpumalanga police and traffic, emergency personnel, CPF and YCOP has ensured that the annual Mpumalanga cycle tour 2017 was a success. The two days operation started on Monday 16 January and ended on Tuesday. The combination of SAPS and other services saw to it that cyclists participating in the race that started at Mount Sheba at Pilgrims Rest were escorted safely along the R533 and R36 roads until they reached Swadini Forever Resort outside Hoedspruit. On Tuesday the operational members placed at strategic points on the route ensured that the cyclists begins their race from Swadini back to the R532 Graskop road until they finish at Blyde Canyon Forever Resort in Matibidi. “We would like to thank all our road users for the patience and understanding as we

were forced to close some of these roads for periods of time to allow our cyclists safe travelling. We are very proud as the Burgersfort cluster SAPS to have coordinated and monitored such an important event successfully. W/O Beetge from the cluster office who drafted the plan for the operation was also given a special award for this well planned operation, This goes to show that we have dedicated members who are ready to serve and protect at any level”. (Information and photographs: Sgt Kholofelo Phokane, Ohrigstad SAPS).

Masters vs SAPS On Wednesday 18 January the Tubatse Masters played a friendly soccer match against SAPS Tubatse/Burgersfort in Praktiseer. The SAPS played in blue and the Masters in black. Tubatse Masters managed to win the game 3-2. Tomas Lubisi (2) and Dollar Molobela scored for the Masters. Const. Letsoalo scored for the SAPS team. (Information and photographs: Derrick Phokane).

Tubatse Masters at Ga-Madiseng Below: The multi-disciplinary team getting ready for the day’s work guiding the cyclists along the route.

On Saturday 14 January 2017, Tubatse Masters played two friendly soccer matches in Ga Madiseng village. In the first match Tubatse Masters played against Mpumalanga United. Tubatse Masters managed to win 4-1. Andrew Skosana (2), Pitso Sehlabela and Malose Thobejane scored for Tubatse Masters. In the second match Tubatse Masters played against the hosting team Green Aces. Tubatse Masters won the match 5-1. Given Thabethe (2), Pitso Sehlabela, Sello Skosana and Andrew Skosana scored for Tubatse Masters. (Information: Judas Motswiane; Photographs: Malose Thobejane)

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