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Keeping promises
Ms Keitumetse Moleleki, Errica Moholola and Ms Sharon Nkosi said in last week’s Platinum Gazette that they will visit Dilokong Hospital on Mandela Day (Wednesday this week) to cheer up patients. When the newspaper visited the hospital on Wednesday to attend other Mandela Day activities, our journalist bumped into the three friendly women, playing with the kids and doing exactly what they said! More Mandela Day photographs are published on pages 3, 4 and 5.
Š Platinum Gazette
20 Julie 2012
Crime prevention in Ga Mashamotane On Tuesday 17 July 2012 Tubatse SAPS together with members of Tubatse VEP and Lehlaba VEP conducted a door to door campaign in Ga- Mashamothane village. The aim of the campaign was to sensitise the community about the prevention of housebreaking and theft cases and they were also informed about the functioning of a neighbourhood watch. During the campaign, crime prevention hints pamphlets were also distributed. The campaign was led by constable Mohlala of Tubatse Police.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: BeĂĄnnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Platinum Gazette Deadlines: Editorial: Wednesdays at 17:00 Advertisements: Tuesdays at 17:00
20 JULY 2012
It is not only roads in the Greater Tubatse Municipality that are receiving attention lately, but also acces bridges and larger projects, of which construction is now nearing completion according to the deadlines in the Integrated Development Plan. On of these projects is the access bridge over the stream in Dresden village near Burgersfort (top photograph). When in flood in the rainy season, the full stream cuts off part of the village and residents can’t go to work, nor can the children reach the school on the other side. It seems that this problem is now something of the past .... In the bottom photograph is the new bridge over the Olifants River near Moroke on the road to Mafefe village. While traffic still have to pass through the very low river at the moment, the bridge as almost completed while construction of the access to the bridge is progressing fast. As far as Platinum Gazette could see, this bridge will also be in use by the time the first rains fall.
BAATSEBA TRUST One Day Seminar Wills & Deceased Estates
Our aim: To inform communities about the importance of having wills; How types of marriages impact on deceased estates and/or inheritances; Roles of the Master of the High Court and Magistrate Courts on Administration of Deceased Estates. Date: 28 July 2012 Time: 11H00 - 13H30 PM Venue: Sekhukhune Restaurant (Ga-Motodi, next to the Clinic) Costs: R20-00 (payable by the 27th July 2012 to confirm attendance) Snacks & still water will be provided. Please note that only 40 people can be accommodated. Contact: Ngwato S Sekhukhune - 079 522 2355/012 321 5048 E-mail: Topics that will be presented or discussed are the following: 1. Wills; 2. What are the implications of having a Will, and not having a Will; 3. Types of marriages; 4. Importance of registering Customary Marriages; 5. Deceased Estates; 6. Administration of Deceased Estates.
20 JULIE 2012
: Happy Birthday Madiba! Tubatse SUPERSPAR in Burgersfort on Wednesday showed they care for the community in which they operate when they honoured the international call to give 67 Minutes of their time to do something for others. On 18 July, former president Nelson Mandela celebrated his 94th birthday and in recognition of the 67 years he gave in public service people were encouraged to give of their time in a similar way. Tubatse SUPERSPAR had three groups of employees who volunteered their time to go and make a difference. The one group entertained approximately 50 children from the area that are vulnerable or orphaned an in the care of Home Based Workers. The second group visited Lehlaba Protective Workshop in Riba Cross. Here they were met by both children and adults from the Workshop. At Lehlaba Protective Workshop care is given to mentally and physically disabled people from the area. The third group from Tubatse SUPERSPAR visited Dilokong Hospital’s children’s ward and the Tubatse Child
and Youth Day Care Centre. They brought along blankets and soccer balls for the youth at the centre. At both Lehlaba Protective Workshop and at the Day Care Centre food parcels were donated. At all three venues a special cake was delivered and food or special fruit packs given. “Mandela has done so much for South Africans and this was our way in which we at Tubatse SUPERSPAR were able to give something back to our community. We wish Madiba a happy birthday!” said Ms Phindiwe Mnisi, Store Manager at Tubatse SUPERSPAR.
Mandela Day
20 JULY 2012
Greater Tubatse Municipality TRP on Mandela Day celebrates Mandela Day At the recent hand-over ceremony Greater Tubatse Municipality celebrated former president Nelson Mandela’s birthday by doing good all over the area. They cleaned Burgersfort town, assisted with building a house in Phiring village and also distributed food parcels. In Ga-Phala they visited the Aged centre and distributed food parcels. The day ended with visits to Mecklenburg Hospital (photographs) and Dilokong Hospital. There they had some cake with the staff and some of the patients. Cllr NJ Mahlake, GTM Mayor brought a special message to those they visited in the various areas of the municipality.
facilitated by Uzenzele Wena Home-based Care Centre based in Mashishing, Lydenburg and Thaba Chweu Municipality, 200 identified orphans and vulnerable children received pairs of school shoes from the representatives of Two Rivers PlatinumMine as part of its Each One Adopt One initiative and as their gift to the upcoming Nelson Mandela’s birthday. “ The selflessness and the unconditional love for children as well as the passionate presentation made to us by both, Cllr Mashigo from Thaba Chweu Municipality and Mrs Madonsela from Uzenzele Wena Home-based Care Centre, inspired us to remember Madiba’a love for children and his hope for the country’s future, hence our donation for school shoes to these most deserving beneficiaries, especially in this cold winter period”, said Bethrum Dzonzi, the Public and Corporate Affairs Manager at Two Rivers Platinum Mine. (Photographs & article: Bethrum Dzonzi)
20 JULIE 2012
Mandela Day
Makua Marathon honours Mandela Day
Principal MTJ Mashegoane, Makua Marathon and school general worker, Mr Martin Magolego hard at work.
Daniel Makua, better known in the area as Makua Marathon honoured Mandela Day on 18 July. He helped clean Nkoane Primary School’s yard at GaMampuru. In 2010 he bought soccer balls for the children of his community and last year volunteered at Dilokong Hospital.
Hawkers help clean on Mandela Day
Kalapeng Pharmacies doing their bit
Calvin College participates Grade 11 learners from Calvin College in Burgersfort went on a 67 minute cleaning spree.The learners cleaned the town from their school to the old taxi rank.
Hawkers from the Burgersfort cluster of the Tubatse Hawkers Association gave 67 minutes of their time to help clean the town. They joined the initiative of Greater Tubatse Municipality and were not the only business people who left their positions for a while to do some good. The group picked up bags full of rubbish which was loaded onto a truck from Greater Tubatse Municipality.
Ingwe at Dilokong
Kalapeng Pharmacies in Burgersfort gave of their time on Mandela Day when staff visited the Burgersfort Clinic to help see where they can assist for the day with emergency supplies that have run out. Mr Emmanuel Manngo (above) from Kalapeng also visited Kgautswane where he helped to deliver donations to the needy of the area.
Workers from First National Bank in Burgersfort joined forces with Calvin College to help pick up rubbish in town.
Staff from Ingwe Safety and Mining Supplies in Steelpoort visited Dilokong Hospital’s children’s ward on Wednesday. (Photo left). They sang and brought along special treat packets for the children and the caretakers who are with them at the hospital.
Debt putting stress on your relationship?
Thorburn Security Solutions giving on Mandela Day
Visit a REGISTERED Debt Counsellor as soon as your debt gets out of hand to help you make a plan to eventually be debt free. Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator © Platinum Gazette
Whilst Thorburn Security Solutions are of the believe that everyday should be Madiba Day, a few random and planned monthly social support events in mining areas where business is done were shifted to fit in with the Madiba Day festivities. Monthly food supplies to Home Based Care Centers in Maandagshoek near Modikwa Platinum Mine in the Burgersfort Area and Lulekani near Palabora, environmental protection/awareness through rubble or waste collection and to plough back to the youth were the “3 in 1” activities on Madiba Day for Thorburn Security Solutions. At Modikwa Platinum Mine near Burgersfort , Thorburn staff on day shift also received an environmentally friendly soccer ball and were encouraged to find rubble in the adjacent areas to clean the area and to fill their soccer balls. (Photographs & article: Dolf Scheepers)
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 E-mail:
(RegNo: No:NCRDC NCRDC487) 487) (Reg
20 JULY 2012
ANC’s 100 years celebrated The ANC in Sekhukhune concluded its centenary celebrations in the region last week Friday with a rally adjacent to Batubatse Primary School in Praktiseer. Keynote speaker was ANC Limpopo chairman, Premier Cassel Mathale. The event was also attended by other ANC high brass in the province and the provincial secretary, former MEC, Soviet Lekganyane (centre in bottom photograph, sharing something with Mathale on his left and regional chairman, Sekhukhune District Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe). Chairman Mathale focused his speech on three main points. Hy emphasized that party members should use the structures in the party to make grievances known and to initiate change. He called on dicipline in party ranks. With regards to the economy he reiterated that it is the party’s view that economic freedom has not been achieved and that policies should be implemented in future to achieve this goal. In this regard he stated that it is imperative that the terms of reference must be clearly spelled out to all roleplayers and that uncertainty with regard to policy should be kept to the minimum in future. In that way the road to transformation will by clear to ordinary people, investors, business and government. He said that the example of Nelson Mandela should be followed, saying “We need a Mandela, someone who’s example in deeds and character can be followed.”
Members of the press contingent at the rally is reflected in the MK veteran’s sunglasses, while he guards the stage at the rally (top). Although ANC regalia was seen everywhere at the rally, it seemed that the Boks and the Bulls (bottom) were also welcome ...
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20 JULIE 2012
Deaths from inactivity - how fit are you? South Africans are sometimes described as sport addicts. On weekends many are glued to their seats in front of the soccer, rugby and other sports on TV. In recent research it was reported that a third of adults and most adolescents are not getting the exercise they need. Inactivity is estimated to have contribute towards more than 5 million of the 57 million deaths in the world during 2008. Inactivity is responsible for a similar amount of deaths worldwide as tobacco. Inactivity is also a major contributor towards illnesses such as coronary heart disease, type-2 diabetes, breast and colon cancer. Men in general are more active than women, but physical activity goes down as people get older. We asked readers if they believe that inactivity can contribute towards people dying and what they do to keep fit.
Mr Boas Mashegoana said: “It is not possible to die from inactivity. I walk a lot on my shift and stay fit that way”.
Mr Kyle McKinley said: “I don’t keep fit in a special way. I walk and I work on the mines. I smoke to exercise my lungs”. With him are Bonita and Lily McKinley.
Mr Mushoni Bulagi, Mr MA Muroa and Mr Khumbelo Sirakalala said: “It is true. People don’t exercise and are obese. We walk, jog, train with dumbells, do taebo and aerobics. Most people drive with vehicles and don’t ever exercise”.
Mnr Stephen Carelse sê: “Nee, Ek werk om fiks te bly. Ek is ‘n breakdown mechanic vir Sandvik”. By hom is Marcus.
Mr Stephen Mphego said: “It can be the case as the research suggests. I’m going to the gym every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and sometimes on a Friday”.
Ms Lauren Nicquet said: “The more you exercise the better. I’ve just quit smoking and I could not even run across the road without being out of breath. I now play with my child and the dog to stay fit”. Mr Nic Nicquet said: “I walk up and down the mine to keep fit”.
Ms Mankutu Mangwale and Ms Pricilla Mogale said: “We dance to stay fit and walk a lot. No, we don’t think you could die of inactivity”.
Mnr Jan Wolmarans sê: “Ek werk ondergrond in die myn so ek loop baie. Ja, dis moontlik dat mense kan doodgaan van onfiksheid”.
Ms Bianca Mamabola and Mr Jacob Malepe said: “You have to exercise. We are running on some weekends and I’m (Jacob) doing push-ups. We really believe the research. Those who are not doing exercise are dying and getting fat”.
Above: Mr Vincent Phale and Ms Mary Lesenya said: “We stand the whole day and walk around”. Vincent: “I also walk to work”.
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Mr Big Masemola said: “Yes, definitely it can be true. If you exercise a lot your immune system fights illnesses. I’m into body building and lifting weights”.
Ms Mmasaku Mohale said: “I’m always thinking of doing something, but I never get off my butt. I do believe the research, we see a lot of obese people around us”.
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TRP: a gem unearthed During the recent graduation ceremony of 112, community ABET learners, held at Two Rivers Platinum Mine in Steelpoort, Limpopo, Mr Adriaan de Beer, the Business Leader of this profitable Mine, was proud to honour and award the first student to achieve 100% pass rate at all the levels. Mr. Judah Mabilo, from one of the Two River’s core communities, Kalkfontein, was assessed to be functionally illiterate when he joined the Mine in 2006. He worked as a general worker. In the past financial year Two Rivers has spent R1,290,000 on ABET only. His determination to succeed in life, inspired him to take advantage of the Two Rivers Platinum’s ABET programme and he enrolled for ABET level 1 in 2010 where he out-performed his peers. “I am proud to be at Two Rivers because Two Rivers gave me many opportunities and now as we speak they have enrolled me on a leadership course. I am doing hard-rock breaking certificate course at Bathopele Mine, in Rustenburg. To me this is a privilege I cannot misuse. After 3 to 4 years I want to be a Mine Overseer at Two Rivers and I will work hard to achieve this,” said a proud Mr Mabilo. Over the years, as attested in its close-up SLP report, Two Rivers have demonstrated that, in deed it is possible to enjoy unlimited benefits if you invest in your human capital. Over 480 employees and community members have benefitted from its ABET programme and this has proved popular within both its employees and communities within which it operates. “The only way we can respond to the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality in our society is through skills development, mentorship and empowerment. This way, everyone benefits, including our shareholders. At Two Rivers we do not only talk about our Vision, but we also allow our employees to live the Photographs & article: principles and benefit Bethrum Dzonzi from them. The Mine provides a conducive environment for individual growth and our employees take charge of their own destination. We thank Judah for his exemplary behaviour and attitude,” said Adriaan de Beer, the Business Leader at Two Rivers Platinum.
Donasie vir Steelpoort Akademie
Don’t miss the Family Health Day 28 July 2012 at Batau High School The Phelo Pele Foundation will be hosting a Family Health Day on 28 July 2012. The day will start at 10:00 and end at about 15:00. It will be hosted at Batau High School in Riba Cross near Burgersfort. The purpose of the event is to creat an environment for the entire family to gather at one place and receive health education and also participate in a range of wellness programmes. The event will also include a variety of recreational activities that will serve as edutainment while adding fun to the proceedings of the day. By using a fun-based approach, the family day will seek to achieve the following: Raise awareness in young people about HIV prevention programmes. Raise awareness about cancer prevention and treatment. Raise awareness on the benefits of male medical circumcision and HIV prevention. Raise awareness on the benefits of knowing your own blood group and donating blood. Provide screening and raise awareness on the dangers of diseases that are often lifestyle related such as Diabetes, Hypertension and coronary heart disease. Batau High School will provide a central location to an area with it own unique social, economic and health challenges, but also has the potential for the highest retuns on youth and health care development. For more information visit www. or contact, 082 700 6966.
‘n Eiendoms agentskap in Burgersfort het hul hande en harte oopgemaak en geld ten bate van Steelpoort Akademie ingesamel. Hulle het worsbroodjies verkoop om die geld in te samel. Die agentskap het al die besighede wat hul bygestaan het bedank.
Me. Susan van Aswegen van die agentskap oorhandig die donasie aan Mnr. Anton Alberts.
Losing it about trucks losing it This truck was photographed on Saturday afternoon on the R555 between Burgersfort and Steelpoort. It was losing it’s contents at a rapid pace, making driving behind it a very unpleasant and dangerous experience. It also did not keep to the speed limit, making opportunities to pass it few. Similar trucks has been photographed on the same stretch of road losing anything from slag to cement and damage to vehicles due to these are common.
Maroelaboom by Tubatse Chrome Klub Maroelaboom het verlede week Vrydagaand by Tubatse Chrome Klub opgetree. Die optrede is deur Electrodiesel Steelpoort geborg. Die gehoor het lekker vooraf gekuier en die koue afgeweer langs gesellige vure en
met hulp uit die kroeg. Daar was ook heerlike kos uit die Klub restaurant beskikbaar. Maroelaboom het vinnig die litte aan die wikkel gekry met sy treffer, Sexy Hoender. Hy het ook ‘n verskeidenheid ander liedjies gesing en goeie rapport met die gehoor gehad wat dikwels van die lag geskater het.
20 JULIE 2012
Samancor ECM Mines employees benefit from ABET training Ama Wheelies get assistance
What is ABET? ABET stands for Adult Basic Education and Training. The benefits of ABET is: - It gives workers the foundation for further skills development. - Enhances life skills - Increase knowledge and self confidence - Provides workers with the opportunities for entry into learnerships and further studies.
Samancor ECM employees were assisted by the company to receive ABET training. Employees who enrolled, had to attend classes in their spare time, and this indicate how dedicated these employees were to gain more knowledge and to empower themselves. ECM would like to congratulate these employees on their achievement and wish them well for the future.
Family Fun day at Winterveld Club In May Samancor ECM and Winterveld Recreational Club hosted an Open Family Day. The aim of the day was to promote Winterveld Recreational Club and to give the people in the surrounding community the opportunity to try out some of the sporting activities available at the Club. Competitions in darts, pool, tennis, bowls and soccer were
held. Anyone interested in joining the Club is welcome to visit the office during office hours. The Club is also open for membership to people not employed by ECM.
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines assisted Ama Wheelies by donating Personal Protective Equipment and Gardening equipment. They also made a financial donation towards a concert with Ricky Faber which they plan to raise more money. Ama Wheelies is a home designed for wheelchair bound Quadriplegics and Paraplegics developed as a multi-racial Self-Help Centre that provide suitable accommodation and work opportunities. A Paraplegic is a person that lost use of 2 limbs and a Quadriplegic is a person who, due to illness or an injury to the spinal cord, has lost full or partial use of all 4 limbs; requiring help 24 hours per day because of specific disability. Few institutions cater for quads and many quads end up in old age homes. Government help for quadriplegics and paraplegics are minimal, and they need all the assistance they can get. Ama Wheelies is a NPO 083-504 section 21 non-profit organization number (2008/021003/08) and registered in 2008. Ama Wheelies do have projects that are continuously running and needs the assistance of businesses and individuals. Barry Botes would like to thank Samancor ECM for their contribution and stated that without the help of businesses and individuals, they would not be successful.If anyone would like to assist please contact Barry Botes. Cell 079 875 5040 or email:
Investing in schools Mogolo secondary School is situated at Riba Cross Village and Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) took the initiatives to get involved. The school was in dire need for Assembly Shelter due to the weather conditions. The community are also using the facility when they have meetings or functions. The Principal Mr Ngabule Zondi expressed his gratitude to Samancor (ECM). At Magakantshe Primary School in Makgemeng Village ECM constructed an administration block and also provided the furniture for it. The principal Mr Sekgobela expressed his thanks to Samancor ECM.
20 JULY 2012
Modikwa’s North Shaft shatters records Modikwa Platinum Mine’s North Shaft is determined to keep on breaking production records. They keep records and have a friendly competition between the various teams when it comes to stoping. They have “Clubs”
which the team members join as they reach various depths - e.g. ‘20.0m Club’. These teams recently reached the following records. (Photographs and information: Andre Duminy).
Modikwa North Shaft Tramming Shift A Crew 2 (15840 Tons)
Modikwa North Shaft Section 5 - Thaita (25.9m)
Modikwa North Shaft Section 5 - Province (24.2m)
Modikwa North Shaft Section 4 - Mandla (26.8m)
Modikwa North Shaft Section 5 - Shosholoza (23m) Modikwa North Shaft Section 5 - Zola (21.3m)
Modikwa North Shaft Section 4 - Aces (25.1m)
Modikwa North Shaft Section 5 - Lungisa (22.9m)
Modikwa North Shaft Section 4 - Zenzele (25.3m)
Modikwa North Shaft Section 4 - Klerksdorp (25.6m)
Modikwa North Shaft Section 5 - Khomanane (23.3m) Modikwa North Shaft Section 7 - Fanang Diatla (21.9m) Modikwa North Shaft Section 5 - Super Sport (23.3m)
Modikwa North Shaft Section 7 - Maruma (20.5m)
Modikwa North Shaft Section 5 - Naledi (25m)
Modikwa North Shaft Sect 7 - Bulls (21.8m)
20 JULIE 2012
86 A car that says ‘waku doki’ – meaning it is built to create excitement and gets your heart racing in the words of Toyota president, Akio Toyoda. Toyota’s newest sports car the, 86, or ‘hachi roku’ in its home market, Japan, was made available to Platinum Gazette by Burgersfort Toyota this week for a photo session (unfortunately no driving, it was not fitted with permits or plates yet). Mr Toyoda earlier said of the rear-wheel-drive sports car: “I am very proud of this car. Thank you for the patience of car lovers - they are going to enjoy this car.” When seeing it in the metal for the first time, it seems that the compact 2+2 Toyota was conceived as an entirely driver-focused machine, designed to deliver the core qualities of the classic sports car experience. That means precise, instant response to the smallest throttle and steering inputs and the kind of performance that appeals to those for whom driving is a passion. The 86 is built on a new platform, with a highly aerodynamic bodyshell stretched tight over the car’s mechanical elements. Rather than fitting a heavy, large capacity powertrain, Toyota has opted instead to go back to its sporting roots, installing a compact, frontmounted, free-revving petrol engine that drives the rear wheels. This four-cylinder ‘boxer’ unit was developed in cooperation with Subaru (and it is also indicated on the plastic covering the mill) and generates 147kW at 7000 rpm. Maximum torque of 205 Nm comes in at 6600rpm, giving the 86 brisk performance. The top speed of this lightweight (around 1 200 kg), rear-wheel drive coupe is said to be just over 220 km/h and the benchmark 0-100 km/h sprint should be completed in around 7,2 seconds.
Betrekkings/Vacancies The powertrain is matched to the world’s most compact four-seat design to create a car that benefits from light weight, low inertia and a low centre of gravity to achieve the best possible power-to-weight ratio. For the driver that means lively, accessible performance and dynamic character with minimal intrusion from electronic systems. Both the powertrain and the driving position have been set as low and as far back as possible to achieve the best balance: the car has a near-perfect 53:47 front-to-rear weight distribution. The flat-four engine format and the driver’s hip point (the lowest of any current Toyota production model) together give the 86 an ultra-low centre of gravity, at just 475mm. The 86 makes the most of a light kerb weight, making it easy for drivers to exploit its nimble handling and cornering poise. The suspension features MacPherson struts at the front and double wishbones at the rear. The car rides on 17-inch wheels and is fitted with ventilated disc brakes fore and aft. Toyota has added its D-4S injection technology to the 1998 cc four-cylinder engine. This system features separate twin injectors for both direct and port injection, and a high 12.5:1 compression ratio, increasing power and torque across a wide range of engine speeds without sacrificing fuel efficiency and environmental performance. The flat-four engine has equal bore and stroke of 86.0mm and drives through either a six-speed manual or six-speed automatic transmission. The manual offers quick, precise shifts using a tactile, short-throw lever; the automatic transmission can be controlled using paddle shifts mounted on the steering wheel. Power is distributed to the rear wheels via a limited slip differential to give the best possible grip in all driving conditions. The ABS and switchable vehicle stability control systems have been tuned specifically to deliver dynamic stability at the limit of the car’s performance envelope with minimal electronic intervention to help preserve the purity of the driving experience. On board, the ergonomics and function of every element the driver interacts with have been scrutinised to make driving the car as natural, instinctive and rewarding as possible. For example, the steering wheel has a 365mm diameter, making it the smallest ever fitted to a Toyota, and it is trimmed in buckskin, developed from exhaustive feedback from test drivers on how to achieve the best steering performance and grip. The three-meter instrument cluster is arranged around a large tachometer, its design benefiting from close attention to the positioning of the displays, markings and typeface. The result is the best possible visibility and readability. The driver-focus of the cockpit is further reinforced by the carbon-effect trim, all-black roof lining, red stitching on the upholstery, aviation-style rocker switches and lightweight, aluminium pedals. The car is locally available at Burgerfort Toyota just shy of R300 000, going up midway to R400 000 depending on your individual choice. You can trade in the family saloon, but then you must shrink the kids (and baggage)! This car is definitely build for fun, it is not a hauler.
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20 JULY 2012
Get the newspaper at these distribution points! * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR
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Metals * Dwarsrivier Mine * Kubu Tavern * Morena’s Tavern * Magaba Garage * Mooifontein Kafee * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs * Merensky Real Estate * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * One Stop Motor Spares Steelpoort * GMC Debt Solutions * Burgersfort Toyota * Ohrigstad Handelshuis (Try Me Dealers) * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Burgersfort Library * Burgersfort Circuit office of Department of Education * Mecklenburg SAPS * Themba Garage *Calvin College * Excel Garage Khadima Centre (taxi rank) * Excel Garage (opposite new taxi rank) * Fast-Fit (Dunlop) Burgersfort * Supa Quick * Tubatse Build It * Twickenham Platinum Mine * AC Supermarket and Hardware * Lehlaba Master in Motorspares * Nalito’s Restaurant * Cash Trader * Smokey Hills
20 JULIE 2012
ENVIRONMENTAL BASIC ASSESSMENT PROCESS PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF THE RIBA CROSS SHOPPING CENTRE ON PORTION 1 OF THE FARM DERDE GELID 278 KT, DERDE GELID, GREATER TUBATSE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, LIMPOPO PROJECT PROPOSAL: Arlyn Investments (Pty) Ltd proposes the establishment of a rural – based Shopping Mall on Portion 1 of the Farm Derde Gelid 278 KT. An Application for an Environmental Basic Assessment (BA) has been submitted to the approving authority: Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment, Tourism (LDEDET) for the Riba Cross shopping mall project. APPLICANT: Arlyn Investments (Pty) Ltd LOCATION AND SIZE: The site for the new shopping mall measures approximately 5 hectares in extent, and is located adjacent south of the formalized rural area of Derde Gelid, on the eastern corner of the R37 and the road running south to Magakantshe Primary School, Makgemeng. The site will need to be serviced by a Sewer Treatment plant, as no sewer services are available in the area. The site is already zoned Business for the use of a shopping complex only. APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION TO UNDERTAKE THE FOLLOWING EIA ACTIVITIES: Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations 2010, promulgated in terms of sections 24 (5) and 44 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act 107 of 1998) (as amended) (“GN R543”): Listing Notice (LN) 1: Activity 9, 11, 18, 22(ii) & 23 of Government Notice (GN) No. R. 544 refer. In terms of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act,2008 (Act No 59 of 2008) the Applicant is also applying to the Department of Environmental Affairs for authorisation of an activity for which a waste management license is required in accordance with Section 20(b) of the National Environmental Management Waste Act, 2008( Act No 59 of 2008). As per GNR 718 of 3 July 2009 Category B Item 7 ‘The treatment of effluent, wastewater or sewage with an annual throughput capacity of 15 000 cubic metres or more’. SEC shall submit the Waste License Application to the DEA, simultaneously with the Basic Assessment Report. INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE EIA PROCESS: Interested and affected parties (I&APs) are hereby invited to provide written comments. I&APs must quote the project name above, and must provide their comments together with their name, contact details (telephone, e-mail address and fax number) and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which they have in the application, to the contact person indicated below within 40 days from the date of this notice: 29 August 2012. FOR MORE INFORMATION: CONTACT Stephanie Cliff at: PO Box 12460, Clubview, 0014 Pretoria. Tel: 012 654 5970 / 082 626 4117, Fax: 086 518 4885 E-mail:, on or before 29 August 2012. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PRACTITIONER: SEEDCRACKER ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING CC is undertaking the required environmental assessment and public participation processes.
Regskennisgewings/ Legal Notices
Regskennisgewings/ Legal Notices BOEDELKENNISGEWING (30 DAE) In die boedel van wyle Frank Wayne van Minnen, Identiteitsnommer 620623 5013 080, gebore 23/06/1962, oorlede 06/12/2011 van 1575 Leopardstraat Leopards Bush Burgersfort, boedelnommer 3931/2012. Krediteure en debiteure in bogenoemde boedel word versoek om hulle vorderinge in te lewer en hulle skuld te betaal by die kantoor van ondergetekende binne ‘n tydperk van dertig (30) dae.
Naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde: Anton Kruger Prokureurs Unionstraat 1, Virginia 9430. Tel 057 2125259 Datum 13 Julie 2012.
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.
Maintenance of Municipal Roads at
Bid Number
Document Fee
Briefing Session R500.00 each Greater Tubatse (Non-Refundable) Municipality, Old
Burgersfort, Ohrigstad, Penge,
Municipal Council Chamber,Corner Kort
Bothashoek, Phala Modubeng and other rural
& Eddie Sedibe Streets,Burgersfort, 26/07/2012, Thursday,
at 09H00
Bid Name
Bid Number
CIDB 3 CEPE or Higher
Maintenance of
Municipal Roads at
Document Fee
Compulsory Briefing Session
R500.00 each
Greater Tubatse
(Non-Refundable) Municipality, Old
Steelpoort, Praktiseer, Mapodile, Ngwaabe, Malokela,
Municipal Council Chamber,Corner Kort & Eddie Sedibe
Mabocha and other rural roads
Streets,Burgersfort, 26/07/2012, Thursday,
Required CIDB 3 CEPE or Higher
at 09H00
Deadlines: Advertising - Tuesdays at 17:00. Contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 Editorial - Wednesdays at 17:00. Contact William Zwart on 083 271 9151
Supply Chain Management Unit Bid Name
“Advertising is salesmanship mass produced. No one would bother to use advertising if he could talk to all his prospects face-to-face. But he can't”. - Morris Hite
Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with the Greater Tubatse Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5/2000, responsiveness to the bid documents and on a 90/10 point system – of which 90 points is for price and 10 points for B-BBEE Level Contribution as determined on the B-BBEE Certificate.
Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with the Greater Tubatse Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5/2000, responsiveness to the bid documents and on a 90/10 point system – of which 90 points is for price and 10 points for B-BBEE Level Contribution as determined on the B-BBEE Certificate.
1. Bid documents will be on sale for a non-refundable fee of R500-00 from Thursday, the 26 July 2012, at the Cashier’s Office, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Lower Ground, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort, from 8H30 to 15H00 during week-days.
1. Bid documents will be on sale for a non-refundable fee of R500-00 from Thursday, the 26 July 2012, at the Cashier’s Office, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Lower Ground, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort, from 8H30 to 15H00 during week-days.
2. All bids will be closed and opened in public on the 14 August 2012 at 12H00 and must be fully priced, signed and sealed in an envelope appropriately marked the name of the bid proposing-for and must be deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is accessible 24 hours and 07 days a week at the Reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipality, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort. No late, faxed, e-mailed, telephonic or electronically-submitted bids will be accepted for consideration.
2. All bids will be closed and opened in public on the 14 August 2012 at 12H00 and must be fully priced, signed and sealed in an envelope appropriately marked the name of the bid proposing-for and must be deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is accessible 24 hours and 07 days a week at the Reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipality, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort. No late, faxed, e-mailed, telephonic or electronically-submitted bids will be accepted for consideration.
3. The municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and/or collectively to execute the contract and negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder.
3. The municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and/or collectively to execute the contract and negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder.
4. In terms of the National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the persons in the service of the state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document shall be submitting non-responsive bids. The bid validity period from the closing date remains 90 working days.
4. In terms of the National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the persons in the service of the state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document shall be submitting non-responsive bids. The bid validity period from the closing date remains 90 working days.
5. Successful bidders who are outside the area of jurisdiction of the Greater Tubatse Municipality shall be required to sub-contract at least 30% of the total scope of work to a locally-SMME-based contractor registered on the municipal database, where applicable.
5. Successful bidders who are outside the area of jurisdiction of the Greater Tubatse Municipality shall be required to sub-contract at least 30% of the total scope of work to a locally-SMME-based contractor registered on the municipal database, where applicable.
6. Enquiries relating to the Bidding Procedure should be directed to O N Mosoma at 013 231 1000/1231 or and Technical Enquiries to D R Ntuku at 013 231 1000/1167 or during office hours (07H30 to 16H00).
6. Enquiries relating to the Bidding Procedure should be directed to O N Mosoma at 013 231 1000/1231 or and Technical Enquiries to D R Ntuku at 013 231 1000/1167 or during office hours (07H30 to 16H00).
Address: 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:
Address: 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:
H.L Phala Municipal Manager
H.L Phala Municipal Manager
20 JULY 2012
having read the documents file of record IT IS ORDERED 1. THAT a rule nisi is hereby issued calling upon the Respondents or anyone affected thereby to show cause (if any) on 7 August 2012 at 10H00 as to why an order in the following terms should not be made final: 1.1 That the First and Second Respondents are hereby interdicted and restrained from preventing the Applicant’s employees stationed at the De Hoop Dam from entering and accessing hte De Hoop Dam in Sekhukhune area, Limpopo Province; 1.2 That the First and Second Respondents are hereby interdicted and restrained from entering and picketing within the construction site at the De Hoop Dam in Sekhukhune area in Limpopo Province. 1.3 That the First and Second Respon-
dents are hereby interdicted and restrained from preventing, intimidating and threatening the employees of the Applicant stationed at the De Hoop dam in Sekhukhune area, Limpopo province in any manner whatsoever; 1.4 That the First and Second Respondents are hereby interdicted and restrained from picketing and damaging the property of the applicant at the De Hoop Dam in Sekhukhune area, Limpopo Province; 1.5 That the First and Second Respondents are hereby interdicted and restrained from picketing and protesting within the five hundred metre radius from the De Hoop Dam in Sekhukhune area in Limpopo Province; 1.6 That the Fourth and Fifth Respondents are requested and authorised to render the necessary support to the
Applicant and the Sicth Respondent to ensure the implementation of this order; 1.7 That the First and Second Respondents are hereby ordered to pay the costs of this application. 2. THAT paragraphs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 shall operate as an interim relief pending the return date, with immediate effect. 3. THAT the First and Second Respondents are intitled to anticipate rule nisi by giving the applicant not less than 48 hourse of their intention to do so.
If any of the Respondents are opposing this court order they should be in court on 7 August 2012. Publication date: 20 July 2012 NOTICE OF HIGH COURT ORDER (NORTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, PRETORIA) CASE NO: 30640/ 2012 Date: 26 June 2012 BEFORE THE HONOURABLE MR JUSTICE DE VOS In the matter between: THE MINISTER OF WATER AFFAIRS (APPLICANT) AND MR ME MAEPA (1ST
applicant(s) and having read the rule nisi issued out of this court on 31 May 2012. IT IS ORDERED: 1. That the aforesaid rule nisi against the first respondent be and is hereby
CONFIRMED. 2. THAT the Rule on the other 5 respondents is extended to 7th August 2012. BY THE COURT REGISTRAR
VAKANTE POS Kosteberamer (‘Estimator’)
‘n Goeie loopbaangeleentheid wag vir ‘n jong man wat hardwerkend, betroubaar is en graag ‘n langtermyn toekoms in Burgersfort wil bou. Werkgewersverwagtinge: Die persoon sal onder meer by ‘n besige paneelklopbesigheid met kwotasies en assesserings help. Ander take soos benodig mag ook na die persoon gedelegeer word.
Vereistes: ‘n Geldige bestuurderslisensie; eie vervoer en verblyf; goed tweetalig in Afrikaans en Engels; goeie kommunikasievaardighede; moet betroubaar wees en selfstandig, maar ook as deel van ‘n span kan werk. Vorige ervaring sal in die kandidaat se guns tel. Moet rekenaargeletterd wees. Moet noukeurig werk en oplet na ‘detail’. Moet soms onder druk kan werk. Faks of e-pos ‘n CV na: 086 686 1777 of Sluitingsdatum: 27 Julie 2012
VACANCY JOB DESCRIPTION Position: Location: Reports To:
Office Administrator Temporary Position Steelpoort Area Manager, Technical Representative
Main Responsibilities of Functions of Job · · · · · · ·
Receive all customer orders (telephonically, faxes, written, electronic mail) Processing of incoming orders on BPCS System, Purchasing, Ordering, Billing, Inventory, Receiving of stock for warehouse/stock take/ reconciliation of stocks Quote customers on price and delivery Documentation flow and control. General office administration, reception and housekeeping.
Educational Qualifications · · · ·
Grade 12 with some after school qualification in office administration. Work experience in order processing and some product knowledge. Good sales and marketing skills. Sound knowledge of general office management
Required Skills and Capabilities ·
· ·
· ·
Computer literacy and in particular a good working knowledge of MS office and Lotus Notes. Good customer relations, good telephone manner and skills Interpersonal skills to work with customers andto work as part of the customer service team. Ability to work unsupervised. Efficiency and accuracy of order processing/ invoicing into computer system
Send CV to: Closing Date : 30th July 2012.
20 JULIE 2012
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous GreaseMax Lubricators SA CC DIRECT FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE & AFRICA DISTRIBUTOR are looking for Retailers / sales agents in Steelpoort/Burgersfort area. Send your company Profile to management@ For more info WWW.GREASE MAXSA.COM
5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676
To advertise an advertisement in the classified section of the newspaper, simply fax, email or call us to place the advert. Smalls or classifieds are great to advertise your product or service in an inexpensive way, but reach a large number or readers.
For the start-up business Inquire about our special first time advertising rate for start-up businesses. Get your business in the public eye. Advertise it! Call: 083 543 1676 for more information.
Betrekkings/ Vacancies
9. Te Huur/ To Rent Office to let in Burgersfort Ideal for a Beauty Salon, Internet Cafe, TV/Computer Repairs, Showroom, Small school, Electronics shop etc. In central town Morone Street next to Builders Market and Nalito’s Restaurant. Phone Lionel: 013 231 7470 or 082 923 4744.
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 Established Gym for sale. Burgersfort. Contact: 073 779 2797
Let us know about your news and events on 083 271 9151 “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
IT System Administrator
Betrekkings/Vacancies REDPATH MINING (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LIMITED Multi-disciplined International Mining Contracting Company COO - CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Head Office Reporting to: Managing Director Main Job Purpose: To lead & effectively manage Company operations and production units in South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa in pursuit of the highest return on investment through effective optimisation of human capital, financial resources, equipment and systems & by ensuring compliance with all applicable legislation. Minimum qualifications and skills: BSc Mining Engineering Degree / B-Tech Mining Engineering Degree; Mine Managers Certificate; Member of Association of Mine Managers; MBA/MDP & Contract Law an added advantage; Strong Communication & People Skills, Leadership Skills & a TEAM Player Experience & Knowledge: 5-10 years experience in Mining Contracting; Experience in Shaft Sinking and Mine Development; Good standing within the Mining & Mining Contracting Industry Responsibilities: Manage Result Indicators; Optimise Growth Opportunities; Optimise SHEQT Programme; Manage Human Resources CLOSING DATE: 31 July 2012 Interested applicants must forward a 2-3 page resume to: The Recruitment Department E-Mail: or Fax: 0866486745 Redpath Mining is an equal opportunities employer. Salary: Negotiable Please refer to the reference number when applying for the position. REF NO: COO/16/07/HO If you do not receive a response within 14 days after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.
Role Purpose: To contribute maintain the computing environment by identifying system requirements, installing upgrades and monitoring system performance. Key Performance areas: The incumbent will apply OS patches and upgrades on a regular basis and upgrade administrative tools and utilities. Upgrade and configure system software that supports GIS infrastructure applications or Asset Management application per project or operational needs. Maintain operational, configuration or other procedures. Perform periodic performance tuning, hardware upgrades and resource optimisation as required. Configure CPU, memory and disk partitions as required. Maintain data centre environmental and monitoring equipment. Requirements: The candidate must have a grade 12 certificate. MCITP Enterprise Administrator/MCITP Server Administrator. Ability to work effectively as part of a team. Extensive experience in Server maintenance (hardware and software). Good problem solving and time management skills. 5 Years experience in the installation, configuration, upgrade, monitoring, maintenance and administration of server operating systems and hardware. Good understanding of security issues which impact IT. Must be proactive in anticipating the complexities around changes in the infrastructure. Excellent communication skills. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application to the HR Offices on or Fax: 086 750 4941 Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
13 JULY 2012
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Lion the king of the soccer field Xstrata Lion Ferrochrome, Tubatse Chrome, Modikwa Platinum Mine and Thorncliffe Mine’s soccer teams faced off in the Iemas soccer tournament at Longtill last week Saturday. Modikwa Platinum Mine and Tubatse Chrome’s teams finished with a penalty shootout to determine who will be placed third and fourth. Modikwa ended in third place. (Shoot-out photographs on this page
- Modikwa in blue and Tubatse in red). By the time of the final, failing light made photography impossible, but this did not deter the teams to play their hearts out. They played a full 90-minute game keeping their opponents away from the goal box. In a penalty shoot-out Lion Xstrata won 10 to Thorncliffe’s 9 goals. Iemas is planning to host the event every year.