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Shop where Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P ark Park South Africa shops! Tel: (013) 231 7227
Land claim appeal dismissed The Supreme Court of Appeal has dismissed an appeal by the Manok Family Trust to have a land claim allowed with regard to the Farm Aapiesdoorndraai (No 298 KT) adjacent to Burgersfort town, where inter alia the Motaganeng Light Industrial Park is now in development. Judgment in the matter between the Manok Family Trust and amongst others, Blue Horison Investments 10, Cranbrook Property Projects and the Regional Land Claims Commissioners of Limpopo and Mpumalanga respectively, was delivered last week Friday after the matter was heard on 06 March this year. The court concluded that the decision of the Regional Land Claims Commissioner not to publish a notice of a land claim in the Government Gazette in 2000 on the grounds that certain preconditions in the Restitution of Land Rights Act precluded the registration of a claim, was correct as the claimants laid claim on the whole farm, while it never owned the whole farm, but only one part of three parts. Thus they tried to claim land they never possessed and they were never dispossessed of the land they owned.
This decision of the Regional Land Claims Commissioner was reversed after political interference in 2008 and notice of a land claim was published. Blue Horison Investments 10 (Pty) Ltd, a subsidiary of Cranbrook Limited, took the matter to the Land Claims Court and the court decided in the company’s favour in 2012, meaning that the decision to allow a claim, was reversed. It is against this decision that the appeal was lodged. The Supreme Court of Appeal pointed out the Land Claims Court was correct in reversing this decision as the decision was in accordance with relevant legislation, which stipulates that a decision by a Regional Land Claims Commissioner not to allow a claim on the grounds of preclusion (and after the relevant notices had been served) cannot be reversed, although on the other hand a claim can be reversed later if the conditions of preclusion can be proved. CEO of Cranbrook Limited, Hoffman Prinsloo, says he is relieved at the outcome of the court case and satisfied that the constitutionality of the issue was thoroughly tested towards all the parties’ benefit.
Baffling For at least a day you will be able to ‘toe the line’ while the potholes in Burgersfort’s Morone Street is still filled with loose soil. Otherwhise the newly painted white line here and on other streets is kind of pointless and a waste of money, don’t you agree?
© Platinum Gazette
20 June 2014
20 JUNE 2014
Dwarsrivier Mine Dwarsrivier Mine supports a crime free community On Thursday 13 June the Ngwaabe community gathered at Ngwaabe Combined School for a Crime Awareness Campaign. Various stakeholders and Dwarsrivier Mine as one of the main sponsors supported the day. The purpose of the day was to create awareness in the community about crime and the structures available to those who are victims of abuse or domestic violence. Speakers included representatives from Home based Care, Victim Empowerment Programmes (VEP), YAC, Community Policing Forum (CPF), Ngwaabe Combined School Principal – Mr Motene, the LRC president, Mega Bus Transport, Dwarsrivier Mine, Glencore, Booysendal Mine, Tubatse Municipality, Department of Health, Department of Social Development and a keynote address by Captain Seabi from the SAPS Lebowakgomo cluster.
The day’s programme was not only filled with speeches but also had lively items by artists, SKfm and learners from schools and crèches in the area. The health and safety of communities surrounding the mines is very important to the company. Mr Themba Sibanyoni from Dwarsrivier Mine encouraged those present to work with the SAPS to root out crime, to stay away from drugs and rather focus on studying and creating a better future for themselves. Residents were encouraged to make use of the various support structures available to victims of crime and to report criminal activities. This event was the second crime awareness campaign with Dwarsrivier Mine as one of the main sponsors. Earlier the year a similar event was hosted at Mashishing in Thaba Chweu Municipality.
20 JUNIE 2014
Protest at Ga-Motodi Clinic On Friday 13 June the Ga-Motodi community marched to the Naboomkoppies Clinic in protest of a new security company at the clinic. According to the community the new company brought their own employees from Venda and other areas, while the local security officers previously employed at the clinic lost their jobs. Residents were upset that local people with the same qualifications were not taken in. Left and below: Peacefully protesting at the clinic.
The company that received the contract is apparently underway to negotiate with the locals so that the issue can be resolved as soon as possible. “We just want the people of Sekhukhune to get preferance for job opportunities in our area, especially when there are qualified people living right next to the places of employment,� the community said. (Information and photographs: Melvin Seroka)
Take a girl child to work
Children learn the SAPS are their friends
The Burgersfort SAPS showed young girls what is being done by police officers during a “Take a girl child to work” campaign. Constable Maluleka, the station’s social crime coordinator organised the local campaign. Schools that participated include: Manoke High School, Calvin College, Mogale Wa Bogale and St. Thomas. Five girls from each school attended the campaign. They visited the cells and a visit to the dog unit was part of the day. They learned everything from fingerprinting to case specific procedures. (Information and Photographs: Burgersfort SAPS).
Child Protection Week celebrated The Burgersfort SAPS gave special attention to Child Protection Week. The Community Policing Unit held a crime awareness campaign at Twinkle Kids. The theme of the day was “Breaking the silence on child abuse”. Schools were competing with poems and choral verses related to fighting crime. Constable Maluleka, Social Crime Coordinator elaborated that lots of the children are being abused even though they are still very young. She told the children they need to know the disadvantages of keeping silent when they are being abused. Many girls are being sexually abused by family members and this must be reported. “We want children to know that nobody is above the law. Even if a family member or any other person threatens to kill them, they must report the abuse because the police is there to protect them. They must grow up knowing the police are their friends”. (Photographs and information: Burgersfort SAPS).
STATE OF THE PROVINCE ADDRESS The Premier of Limpopo, Honourable Chupu Stanley Mathabatha will deliver his State of the Province Address during the opening of the Legislature as follows: DATE: 26 JUNE 2014 VENUE:
All guests are kindly requested to be seated at 09:30. The Legislature shall broadcast the proceedings live on Parliament’s DSTV Channel 408, SABC and Community Radio Stations in the Province. VENUES FOR BIG SCREENS DISTRICT
20 JUNE 2014
For more information on Big Screens kindly contact: Mr Lufuno Mudzanani at 015 633 8076 / 082 331 8027 or Ms Maphishane Molepo at 015 633 8108 / 082 418 6282.
20 JUNIE 2014
Tyd vir basaar op Ohrigstad
Six months without water Residents from Ga-Motodi Moshate Section had been collecting water from the Tswetiane river approximately 3km from their homes after they were left with dry communal taps for the last 6 months. Residents have been boiling and bleaching the water to avoid becoming sick. Residents with their own boreholes sell water in the ward for R2-50 per 20 litre bucket. The root of the water problem seems to be a broken pump which required spares that have to be imported. Fed-up residents told the newspaper that they were tired (and thirsty) while waiting for water to be restored. This led to a group digging up existing pipes that are feeding water to other sections of the village. The water taken from these pipes brought relief to women walking to collect water for cooking, washing and doing laundry. One, only identified as Tebogo said: “The water problems even forced my daughter to move to another village”. Another woman added “for six months we’ve been drinking with the animals, but this temporary solution from pipeline is bringing us relief”.
Die NG Kerk op Ohrigstad hou volgende week Saterdag 28 Junie hulle jaarlikse basaar. Almal in die kontrei word uitgenooi om te kom saam kuier en die dag te geniet. Die basaar word op die terrein langs Ohrigstad Restaurant gehou. Daar sal Vrydag vanaf 18:00 braaivleis en bykosse by Laerskool Ohrigstad te koop wees. Saterdag om 09:00 skop die basaar af en om 10:00 sal daar ‘n veiling wees met ‘n groot verskeidenheid items. Die publiek kan kom smul aan heerlike pannekoeke, sosaties, boereworsrolle en nog baie meer. Daar sal stalletjies wees wat vleis verkoop, koeke, terte, groente en plante sal ook te koop aangebied word. Die teetuin is elke jaar ‘n rustige hawe vir almal wat iets wil eet of drink. Skryf in vir die mode-parade of kom neem deel aan een van die vele speletjies wat deur die dag aangebied word. Kom geniet die dag saam met die Ohrigstadters!
Above: Residents wait for a turn at the pipeline that has be opened up. (Photographs above and information: Melvin Seroka)
Sarah needs your help Exposed to the elements in winter Ms Sarah Mmeya is one of the GaMadiseng village residents near Riba Cross that has not had a good year so far. In December last year her house collapsed during a violent storm (photograph at the bottom). Since then
she and her six children have stayed in a corrugated make-shift home. In May a damaging wind blew this shelter apart. Now in the depth of winter she and the children are living in a shack with many bended corrugated iron pieces and holes. This home was put together with what could be salvaged after the windstorm. Her neighbours approached the newpaper with her plight. She is currently stuffing clothing and other items into the holes of her shelter. She is unemployed and struggling to provide for herself and her children. Mr Jeffrey Lesese, her neighbour said: “I am working and although most of us are struggling Sarah deserves some help. We are all trying our best and piece by piece we build our homes”. Anyone who will be able to assist in one way or another with building material, clothing, blankets, food an other essential items can contact Mr Lesese on 079 103 2043.
20 JUNE 2014
Winter specials!
Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Tel: (013) 231 7529
the Be at his t store ay! rd Satu Lots of fun
Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
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R335 40 Mopanie TRV Bricks - R3 each Fynbos Geel Bricks -
Prices valid from 19/06/14 - 25/06/14 All prices incl. VAT. Delivery excluded
20 JUNIE 2014
Do you care about the label? New draft food labeling legislation is aiming to protect consumers and provide better information. The document is currently open for comments from the public and it addresses issues such as foods claiming to be “diet” products or “health” foods. All the health claims such as “high in vitamin C” will have to be substantiated. The proposed regulation will force manufacturers to put not only a list of ingredients on the packaging, but also the nutritional value e.g. the carbohydrate, protein and fat content per serving. The proposal is not without controversy. A drink using artificial sweeteners instead of sugar will not be able to use the word “Zero” or “Diet” on its label. Shops stocking food with religious endorsements such as “kosher” or “halal” will have to also stock identical products without the endorsements on the label. The draft claims that this will provide consumers with their constitutional right of choice. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think of the proposed legislation and whether they care about reading the labels of the food they buy.
Mr Johannes Mabelane said: “No, I never read the labels. I have no time. I am always in a hurry. If they improve the information on the labels it will be good”. Mr Juda Mojalefa said: “I sometimes read the labels of food packaging. It will work if they give the people more choice with regards to the wrapping and religious logos. It will show respect for the various religions”.
Mr Ezzy Mosoma said: “Ja, I read the labels. People need all the information. It is good that they regulate our foods. I don’t think they have to put the food in different wrappers for the different endorsements. Keep things like they are, just add the additional information”.
Mr Isaac Malatji said: “Not really. I only read to see pork or no pork. We would like different packaging for the different religious endorsements. I think it is a good idea”.
Mnr. Terrence Roberts: “Hulle is simpel! Dis nie nodig om so ver te gaan en die verpakkings vir elke geloof te gaan verander nie”.
Me. Joyce Komane en Me. Thandi Moriri sê: “Nee, dit sal te veel wees as hulle alles vir elke logo apart wil verpak. Hou dit soos dit is, maar dit is goed om te weet hoeveel suiker ens. in die produkte is. Mense met allergies en siektes moet kan sien wat om te kies. Dis goed dat hulle gesondheidskos en dieetkos beter wil beheer”.
Mr Ally Mathole said: “Sometimes I read the labels. I’ve stopped regularly reading the information on the label because in the past you believe it and then find out that the manufacturers have lied about what they put inside. So what is the use of reading it? I do care about what they put in the food, but how can you be sure? It is a good idea to provide different wrappings for the different endorsements”.
Mnr. Willem Montgomery sê: “Dis onprakties om die verskillende labels te hê. Dis wel goed om al die inligting op die labels te sit – veral vir mense wat allergies vir sekere goed is. Dis overkill om verskillende verpakkings vir die verskillende logos te hê”.
Ms. Eudif Diale and Mr Elvis Nkuna said: “They must change it so that people will understand what they are buying. Keep one packaging for the endorsements. People are tolerant, just have all the logo’s and information on the label”.
Mr Lawrence Kgoete said: “Yes, I read the labels of the things I buy. I think the additional information that will be on the label will be nice. I don’t think it is necessary for separate wrappers for each religious endorsement”.
Ms Motlatso Lekubu said: “Yes, I read the labels. I would like to have different wrappers with the separate religious endorsement logos. We need all the information to be able to know the product is good”.
Mr Mike Kgwete, Mr Thato Serage and Mr Aubrey Moela said: “If we go fish, we go to the river. We know we will get fish there. If we go to the shop, we know what we would like to buy. We want to know all the information about the products as some of us are allergic to things. We read all the ingredients and would appreciate the nutritional value of the food being on the packaging. It is absolutely necessary to get different packaging for the different religious endorsements”.
Me. Katryn de Jonge sê: “Hoekom moet die verpakking vir jou alles sê? Mense moet self verantwoordelikheid vat. Nee, ek lees nie die labels nie”.
Mr Dumisa Madalane said: “I read the labels. I look for the low-fat products and want to trust that if it says that it is low-fat or that there is no pork in it, it is true. You know, many of us don’t eat pork. It is good to try and accommodate everyone but people also need to be practical. Shops don’t have enough space to stock one product in three or four different wrappers”.
Mr SM Sehlabela said: “Yes, I read the labels. It is good that they’ll need to add the nutritional information because people have different diets. People must be tolerant of each other and their religions so just keep the packaging with the endorsements as it is”.
Mr Rufus Malepe said: “I read the labels. I would like the nutritional value on all the labels of the things I buy. Packaging with endorsements are fine like they are currently being done”.
Platinum Gazette
20 JUNE 2014
We drive the Chevrolet Captiva If you are not in the market for a lorry size 4 x 4 , but needs something larger than a car, say for six people, or four people and a dog (theirs or yours) and a parrot or cat, then maybe the Chevrolet Captiva from General Motors South Africa can be your vehicle of choice. Keyless entry with a fob in your pocket opened the specimen we took delivery of from Westvaal Steelpoort earlier this week. Turn a fixed key like knob where the key usually goes, and of you go. Steelpoort equals bumps and potholes, but the two-wheel drive manual shift (six gears) LT version we were sitting in, did not encounter any problem with that. The car may not look like a Ferrari, and may seem a bit uninspiring from the outside, but get in behind the steering wheel and your perception changes. The car / crossover is certainly not a true bundu basher, but for rough roads and gravel it is perfect, large, comfortable and even luxurious. The 2.4 16 valve Ecotec engine will not let you catch the Ferrari, but it is lively enough for the purpose of the vehicle. (Rephrase – the Ferrari will struggle to catch you, as it is not really designed for Steelpoort). The vehicle is large, but not too large, it rides well, have enough space for seven people and even the two jump seats at the back are very comfortable and easily accessible for adults. Flipping up the mid row of seats is an easy one-lever operation and the access space is wide. Or you can fold everything down for a massive load bay (we noticed a cargo net in the cubby hole). It is kind of useless to list everything the car has and can do as none of our readers are walking acronym dictionaries. It is easier to say that the car has practically everything to keep you safe (airbags, all the brake things) and entertained (USB slot, bluetooth, 3.5 mm audio jack, radio etc). Directional stability is very good, and thanks to the guy in the large bakkie who took a chance and almost drove into us outside town, we also tested the brakes thoroughly. They work very well and the vehicle did not flinch (we did). The Chevrolet Captiva is certainly a very comfortable family car for the bigger family, with a few capabilities surpassing that of cars and if you really want to go for everything the diesel powered all-wheel drive is available. For the family man or woman (illuminated vanity mirror on the driver’s side) the Captiva is a natural candidate if you need just a little more extra without breaking the bank completely. It is available from Westvaal Steelpoort if you have R345100. Phone them at 013 230 9230.
Fast and tasty Carida Fast Foods opened their doors in May this year and has since become a popular take-away destination in Burgersfort. The friendly team at Carida Fast Foods prepare fresh food of only best quality ingredients. Their menu covers a wide range of dishes such as sandwiches, fish and chips, hamburgers, pap and vleis or pap and chicken and much more. They do deliveries in town and is open from 08:00 in the morning until 18:00 at night. Owners Carl and Alida Lourens invite everyone to treat their taste buds and visit them next to Burgersfort Toyota.
Tubatse SUPERSPAR customers smile all the way Tubatse SUPERSPAR is making customers smile with their great prices, friendly service and wonderful competitions. Last weekend Mr Piliso Nkoana was the lucky winner in the Wild Weekend Competition. He received a R500 shopping voucher. It was handed to him by Ms Nonjabulo Mbiza from Spar.
Eduborde verbeter leerervaring by Laerskool Atokia The Carida Fast Foods team.
Laerskool Atokia het onlangs hul leerlinge se leerervaring tot ‘n nuwe vlak geneem deur Eduborde in 5 van die skool se klaskamers te laat installeer. Klasse word nou visueel aangebied en plaas leerders midde in die onderwerp van aanbieding. Die opgradering van die klasse maak Laerskool Atokia een van die land se klein skole wat op die voorpunt van tegnologiese integrasie staan. Die onderwysers het almal ‘n kursus ontvang om die nuwe toerusting ten beste te benut. Die skool bedank almal wat die opgradering help moontlik maak het. (Inligting en foto: Laerskool Atokia)
20 JUNIE 2014
Platinum Gazette
Kennisgewings/ Notices Public Notice TO ALL OWNERS AND TENANTS Due to references on the bank statements that is not correct, Greater Tubatse Municipality has several credit amounts/ payments done by owners/tenants that are not allocated to their accounts. Please look to your debtors account, monthly received from the Municipality, for any payments made by you that is not allocated to your account. If there is any please contact the office or the following officials hence that we can allocate the credit amounts to the right account. Please contact the following officials for more information: R Van Wyk 013-231 1294; LC Phasha 013-231 1132; L duPreez 013-231 1122; J Van Der Walt 013-231 1128 Please take note that all payments that was received up to end June 2013 and that are still showing as unallocated on 30 June2014, will be transferred to the accumulated account of the Municipality Please if you make any internet or direct payment into the Municipality bank account , make sure that the account number, 7 digits, starting with a 1 reflect as reference. Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; MA MONYEAPAO Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER Website:
Vacancies: Mining Industry VACANCY: TECHNICIANS – INSTRUMENTATION / ELECTRONICS, IT, LAMPSMAN, LAMPROOM ATTENDANTS AND ADMINISTRATORS. REQUIREMENTS: · Matric · 3-5 years experience in electronics / instrumentation · Willing to work on the mine underground · Own Vehicle and valid drivers licence essential IT Technician: · 3-5 years experience in IT · Downloading of systems / problem solving · Software and hardware experience Lampsman: · Lampsman certificates · Must be familiar with safe-lite, Lamps/AMS and all duties of attendants Lamproom Attendants: · Be able to speak English and willing to work shifts · Be familiar with Lamps, GDI, battery charging equipment, maintenance and repair equipment Administrators: · Knowledge of Microsoft word, Excell and Powerpoint · Have at least five years experience in administrator Please send your detailed CV with certificates to: For queries please phone Mary-Jane at 083 661 8777 (Mon – Fri from 08:00 – 16:30)
20 JUNE 2014
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation
Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3680 of (013) 231-7899.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website:
2 x One Bedroom flats in Burgersfort. Available immediately. Contact: 076 666 1100
Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
2 Slaapkamer ten volle toegeruste rondawel beskikbaar op plaas, 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad vir R5500pm. Kontak Drienie 082-461-8808.
MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)
Burgersfort Office Lydenburg Office Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054 E-mail:
VACANCY Greater Tubatse Municipality, situated in Limpopo Province within the Sekhukhune District, invites applications from potential candidates for the following position that exist at its Municipal Offices in Burgersfort. Position Remuneration
: Municipal Manager : Negotiable in line with upper limits as per Government Gazette no. 37500 / 2014 Duration of Contract : Five Year Performance Based Contract
R55 000 Contact: 072 209 0176
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Washing machine broken? Get the spare parts here! Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader
9. Te Huur/ For Rent
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Betrekkings/Vacancies BURGERSFORT Vakante betrekkings/Vacancies: Verkoopsman/Salesman - Vereistes/Requirements: • Moet matriek hê/Must have matric • Moet ‘n geldige bestuurderslisensie hê./Must be in possession of a valid drivers license • Vorige verkoopsondervinding sal in die persoon se guns tel/Previous sales experience will be an advantage • Moet rekenaargeletterd wees/Must be computer literate • Moet goeie kommunikasievaardighede hê en as deel van ‘n span, maar ook op eie inisiatief kan werk/Must have good communication skills and be a team player but also have the ability to work on own initiative • Moet verkoopsdoelwitte kan bereik en die ekstra myl gaan/Must be able to reach sales targets while being willing to go the extra mile.
Drywer/Driver - Vereistes/Requirements: • Moet ‘n Kode 14 bestuurderslisensie hê/Must have a valid Code 14 DRivers license • Moet ‘n PDP hê/Must have a PDP • Goeie kommunikasie vaardighede/Good communication skills. ‘n Volledige CV met opvolgbare verwysings kan by Burgersfort Supa Quick ingehandig word of gefaks word na: 086 597 9792 of e-pos na A complete CV with traceable references can be handed in at Burgersfort Supa Quick or faxed to: 086 597 9792 or e-mail to Sluitingsdatum/Closing date: 27 June 2014 Indien jy binne 21 dae nie van die maatskappy gehoor het nie was u aansoek onsuksesvol. If you have not heard from the company within 21 days from the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
Minimum Requirements : · A Degree in Public Administration /Political Science/Social Sciences / Law or equivalent · Certificate in Municipal Finance Management (SAQA ID : 48965) will be an added advantage · A minimum of 5 years relevant experience at Senior Management Level · Proven successful institutional transformation within public or private sector · Basic understanding of municipal environment will be an added advantage · Extensive knowledge and understanding of relevant policies and local government legislation · Advanced understanding on institutional governance systems and performance management · Advanced understanding of council operations and delegations of powers · Knowledge of good governance · Knowledge of audit and risk management establishment and functionality · Knowledge of budget and finance management · Strong leadership and people management skills · Proven ability to communicate and negotiate in all levels of Government · Service delivery innovations and strategic capabilities · Computer literacy will be an added advantage · A valid SA motor vehicle dirver’s licence · Well developed interpersonal skills · A high level of professional ethics and integrity Key Performance Areas : 1. Strategic Leadership and Management · Provide and direct a vision of the institution and deploy on others to deliver on strategic institutional mandate · Be able to formulate and influence short, medium and long term service delivery plans to deliver on municipal strategies and goals 2. Strategic Financial Management · Be able to guide management of an effective, economic and efficient finance function, supported by effective financial management policies and practices · Be able to forecast revenue and expenditure and assess the impact thereof of a municipality’s financial position and performance 3. Operational Financial Management · Be able to commission and operate financial systems · Maintain sufficient working capital(cash flow/short term liquidity)to meet the needs of the municipality · Manage the budget preparation and implementation process of the municipality 4. Governance, ethics and values in financial management · Support and implement good governance with the area of responsibility 5. Financial and Performance Reporting · Implement and manage the financial reporting process of the municipality · Implement and manage the performance reporting of the municipality 6. Risk and Change management · Be able to understand risk and guide the management of risk for the municipality within the area of responsibility 7. Legislation and policy implementation · Support and contribute to the formulation of policies and by-laws by the municipal council · Implement, manage and oversee the implementation of legislation and policy within the area of responsibility 8. Stakeholder relations : · Within the area of responsibility be able to guide, establish and maintain appropriate stakeholder relations 9. Supply Chain Management · Manage and oversee a fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost effective supply chain management function Applications must be submitted on the Official Application Form as prescribed in terms of Government Notice no. 37245 for Regulations on Appointment and Conditions of Employment of Senior Managers. The form must be accompanied by a detailed cv, certified copies of certificates and other supporting documents. The applications must be submitted to the Human Resources Management Offices at Greater Tubatse Municipality Civic Centre at 1 Kastania street, Burgersfort or they can be posted to : The Acting Municipal Manager Greater Tubatse Municipality, P.O Box 206, Burgersfort,1150 NB: No faxed or emailed applications will be considered . Closing date for submission: 04 July 2014 Enquiries: Human Resource Unit @ 013 231 1123 The selection process will be influenced by the Municipality’s Employment Equity principles and policies Please note that correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. Applicants who have not been contacted within 30 days after the closing date should assume that their applications were unsuccessful. Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to screening and vetting. The Municipality reserves the right not to make any appointment. MA MONYEAPAO ACTING MUNICIPAL MANAGER
20 JUNIE 2014
Busy weekend for Masters Women play at Ga-Motodi Men and Women teams play soccer On Thursday 12 June 2014 Tubatse Masters visited the lecturers at the Sekhukhune FET College in Praktiseer to play a friendly soccer game. On the day the masters managed to win the 5-1. Welcome Mokoo, Lefa Muroa, Kruger Sikhakhane, Thapelo Maredi and Mpho Mokgohloa scored for the Masters. (Photographs: TRT Malatji) * On Saturday 14 June the Masters played against Show ground F.C in Praktiseer at Itirele Primary School. Tubatse Masters won 4-1 . The goal scorers for the Masters were Thapelo Maredi with three goals and one by Ally Maimela. On the same day Masters hosted Tibeka Seshego Oldies F.C. They home team managed to won the game 4-2. Louis Matuludi, Jerial Movundlela, Search Magabane and Seun Maroga scored for the Masters. Earlier in the day the Seshego oldies (Grannies team) played against Riba Cross Ladies team and the match ended with a draw of 1-1. (Photographs: Derrick Phokane & Mpho Mokgohloa) * On Monday 16 June 2014 Tubatse Masters visited Juniors F.C. They are a local team in Ga Mokgotho village just outside Penge. The hosts team started the game with a fast pace and managed to score first. But the Masters fought back and managed to level the score through Lekgotla Motswiane. The hosts continued dominating the game and scored their second goal. Later in the first half the Masters started dominating the game and managed to score two goals by Lekgotla Motswiane and Jury Semono to make the score 3-2 at halftime in favour of the Masters. In the second half, the local team managed to score another goal to make the score 3-3. The masters were very strong in the second half and managed to score another two goals by Jury Semono and Jerial Movundlela to make the final score 5-3 in favour of the Masters. (Photographs: Motene) (All Information: Jerial Movundlela).
Soccer fever caused by the Soccer World Cup has spread to Ga-Matodi. On 14 June the Marota Happy Kings Women team played a friendly match agaings Show Women team at Ga-Motodi. The game was played at the Kings’ ground. The visitors were well prepared and dominated the first half. By half time they were leading 1-0. In the second half the Marota Happy Kings Women’s team fought back managed to level the score. A lost opportunity late in the game saw the Happy Kings lose their last chance for a win. The game ended 1-1. The Woman of the Match for Happy Kings was Nthabiseng (CR 7) Mahlake. She also scored her team’s goal. The Show Women team’s best player for the day was Tebogo who scored for them. Fiadora Pilusa, Happy Kings’ captain said: “I would like to thank everyone who came to support us”. The Kings’ coach, Tizoro France (Sir Alex) Mongwe encouraged the women to rather participate in sport than get involved with crime and other negative activities. He said that determination was the key to not losing the game. Anyone who would like the Women’s Team can contact Precious Matome on
079 733 6479. (Information and photographs: Melvin Seroka).
Promising athlete needs your help
Tato with Principal P Ntladi and Makua Marathon.
Daniël Makua (Makua Marathon) is a mentor to young Tato Makakula (11 years old) from Nkokwane Primary School, in GaMampuru. She is a long distance runner and has set herself apart as one that aims for gold. She is however in need of various sponsorships to keep on participating. Anyone who can assist can contact Daniël on 076 266 5031.
20 JUNE 2014
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Katlego Mashego inspires learners Katlego Mashego of Mamelodi Sundowns visited Bogwasha Primary School and Leolo High School in Praktiseer last week. Katlego grew up in Praktiseer and started his primary schooling at Bogwasha Primary. He then moved to Leolo High School. Katlego returned to his roots, to give a little back where he received his education. He also established the “Katlego Mashego Football Legacy” at the schools. Through this he is asisting in the development of learners’ soccer talent. “I am not here to nodate to you, I am here to share with you. When you donate, you give to needy people. We are sharing and engaging and I would like to share my experiences in sport and some of the things I have with you,” he told the learners at the two schools. He told the learners at Bogwasha that he started playing soccer at the age of 5 and made it to where he is today through determination, hard work and ambition. He told both schools’
learners that they should identify their passion and follow it with all their hearts. Both schools received a framed and signed jersey from Katlego to remind them they can achieve their goals. The schools are also very proud of the soccer kit and foundation phase learning equipment they received. At Leolo High School talent scouting for promising soccer players are also taking place. Boys showing talent now have a shot at playing professionally one day. The girls were not forgotten. The top academic achiever from the girls in each grade at the end of the year can look forward to a visit to Johannesburg and shadowing the team of talent managers. The top girl in this year’s matric class will also receive R5000 towards her tertiary education next year. Both schools expressed their gratitude and appreciation for Katlego’s gifts and visit. (Bogwasha photographs and information supplied by Bogwasha Primary School).
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