Bruised Gazette Burgersfort and and surrounds, after a week of scorching heat, were severely bruised last Sunday by a hailstorm of a magnitude rarely experienced in this area. But the drought is not yet broken as this photograph after the storm testifies with the dust still blowing on the horizon. See inside how readers experienced the storm and more photographs.
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
20 November 2015
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20 NOVEMBER 2015
De Hoop Dam - be warned The De Hoop Dam between Steelpoort and Roossenekal was completed in December 2013. The dam was commissioned by President of Zuma on 24 March 2014. The dam spilled over in February 2015 and now stands at 96%. Mr Tsebe Johannes Segafa of the Department of Water Affairs and Sanitation (DWS) this week said the dam has fishes, however fishing, boating, hunting and wood harvesting are currently not allowed; yet there is a high volume of illegal activities around these. These activities are at the moment strictly prohibited. The dam is still classified as under construction, as there are still some mechanical works being done. People are therefore requested to desist from these activities. The DWS is in contact with the law enforcement agencies to remedy the situation. The DWS employed Engineerex Company to do the Dam Resource Management Plan (RMP). The RMP deals with issues of potential tourism and property development around the dam, especially on government land, including the Government Water Works. Mr Segafa says the DWS wishes to further remind the communities downstream of the dam that it is that time of the year that South Africa in general, and Limpopo in particular, experiences a high volume of rainfall. It is therefore expected that the dam can spill over again. The appeal is for our communities crossing the river downstream of the dam, including those using the access bridge next to the purification plant at Ga-Malekana, to always be careful as the river might exceed its normal flow. “Treat the infrastructure and the resource with respect, such that all unnecessary fatalities can be avoided. The De Hoop Dam will be of use to all communities, industries and mining in due course” he said. Meanwhile, Sekhukhune District Municipality Executive Mayor, Mogobe David Magabe, told media in the district on Monday that installation of the reticulation pipes are progressing well, and that where it is completed, Eskom still has to supply electricity to the pump network before any bulk water can be delivered.
Fetakgomo / Greater Tubatse ‘marriage’ preparations on a roll Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality, Councillor Mogobo David Magabe, says the Sekhukhune District Municipality under the stewardship of the Department of Cooperative Governance, Housing and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA) has progressed well towards full implementation of the the Demarcation Board’s decision to almalgamate Fetakgomo Local Municipality and Greater Tubatse Local Municipality. This process must be completed come the local government elections next year. To date two committeesnamely a Technical Change management Committee and an Political Change Management Committee have been established. The technical committee is chaired by the District Municipal Manager and consists of the the municipal managers from both Fetakgomo and Greater Tubtatse. In this committee they are supported by their directors from all departments and the aim of the committee is to set up all administrative systems before and during the merger. The political committee gets its mandate from MEC Makurupetje of CoGHSTA andcludes the District Executive Mayor and the Mayors of the two affected municipalities. This committee is tasked with the political responsibility of the new almalgamated municipality and work in this regard has already started. Mayor Magabe said the merger is going ahaid as planned and the government will soon embark on public participation and stake-holder engagements.
20 NOVEMBER 2015
Gala Awards for Tubatse Chrome employees The annual Tubatse Chrome Gala Awards evening was held on the 12th of November. The purpose of this function is to acknowledge employees’ outstanding achievements in their various areas of work
throughout the year. The recipient of the coveted ‘Employee of the Year’ award was Bernadette Beyleveld.
Nominees for Artisan of the Year with Manager Michael Ngobeni and GM Andor Esbach.
Employee of the Year, Bernadette Beyleveld with Andor Esbach (GM)
Looking bleak for Bokoni Atlatsa Resources Corporation announced on 16 November that it is still not in a position to file its unaudited interim financial statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2015, the related management’s discussion and analysis, and related Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer certificates (collectively, the “Q3 Financial Disclosure”). As previously announced on August 14, 2015, Atlatsa has not been able to file its unaudited interim financial statements for the three and six months ended June 30, 2015, the related management’s discussion and analysis and related Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer certificates (collectively, the “Q2 Financial Disclosure”). The delay in filing the Q3 Financial Disclosure is a result of the delay in filing the Q2 Financial Disclosure. The delay in filing the Q2 Financial Disclosure is due to the uncertainties surrounding the Company’s financial condition and the state of commodity markets. At this time it remains uncertain as to when the Company will be able to finalize its Q2 Financial Disclosure and Q3 Financial Disclosure. The company says technical evaluation done in collaboration with joint venture partner, Anglo American Platinum Limited to review the Bokoni Mine extraction strategy and develop a path towards a sustainable and optimised mine operation has been concluded. Implementation of the operational and financial restructure plan announced on September 16, 2015 has commenced with the consultation process on the contemplated retrenchments of certain of Bokoni Mine employees taking place in compliance with Section 189A of the Labour Relations Act. Atlatsa says it continues to be in discussions with Anglo Platinum in relation to sourcing additional financial support for the Company, having regard to the current bearish commodity price environment; results of the completed technical evaluation; anticipated outcomes of the Restructure Plan at Bokoni Mine and Anglo Platinum’s announced intent to divest from Bokoni Mine and Atlatsa. The company says as previously disclosed in Section 1.11 “Liquidity” of the MD&A of Financial Condition and Results of Operations for the year ended December 31, 2014 and note 2 “Going Concern” of the Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2014, significant doubt remains regarding the company’s ability to continue as a going concern. No assurances can be given that the issues being faced by the Company will be resolved.
20 NOVEMBER 2015
Rural ExploXion helps to fight cancer Do you want to assist them? The Rural ExploXion, a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO), registered with the Department of Social Developments as such, together with a globally recognised organisation known as the Childhood Cancer Foundation South Africa: (Awareness Campaign) are hosting childhood cancer workshop from the 30 November 2015 to the 11 December 2015 around Tubatse region. Rural ExploXion was established with four objectives: Education, Health, Moral Conscious and Conscience, and Societal Wellness activities. The aim of the Rural ExploXion team is to reshape the face of Tubatse by partnering with like-minded organisations, who are orderly, visionary and have a driven passion to improve the lives of people genuinely. Furthermore, Rural ExploXion is founded on the notion of wanting to achieve a collective success for all people. T he name Rural ExploXion was inspired by the fact that all its members come from poor backgrounds, but yet they did not confine themselves to their circumstances and environments, but broke all boundaries of limitations to succeed. Mr Pabalelo Mabilo is its incumbent Chairperson and the vision bearer, assisted by eleven (11) equally talented young people. Childhood Cancer Foundation South Africa, started in 2011 and have so far managed to train 13 000 people about childhood cancer. They train in the following categories: 1.Clinics and Hospitals-Nurses and Clinic Managers and if possible Doctors; 2.Home Based Care Workers and other Health Professionals; 3.Teachers (especially, Pre-school and Primary Schools); 4.Traditional Healers and Herbalists; 5.Communities at large and Churches. During the planned workshop, they’re to offer trainings, marketing materials and training materials, data projector, screen and laptop, free of charge. The abovementioned categories are all invited to attend this important workshop. The workshop will take place around Tubatse region but the group will be greatful if they can be assited with a venue and other logistics. More information about the group and its can be obtained from Mr Pabalelo Mabilo on 076 862 7154 or send an email to
Teams receive their cerƟficates
Modikwa Pla num Mine held the cer fica on ceremony of Boseka Boeja and A-Team crews on Friday, November 13. The event was a ended by the mine management team, the staff, and the family members of the crews. The crew members thanked the mine management for the Are Yeng Kamoka Team Development ini a ve because it helped them to understand the mine and know each other much be er. They added that the skills they have acquired will help them on the mine and outside the mine. They also commi ed to improve produc on amongst
other things. The opera ons leader of sec on 6 at north sha , Mr Berry Majara said, the mine has invested in its employees to get out of the mud. He encouraged the crews to perform to make Modikwa achieve produc on targets and be sustainable. The Human Resources Leader, Mr Jomo Kwadi thanked the crews for undergoing the program. He expressed his hope that the teams are not going to be the same as they were before because he believes that the Are Yeng Kamoka program has shaped them to be be er teams.
20 NOVEMBER 2015
Mangabane Primary School says farewell On 6 November 2015, the Mangabane Primary School had a function to say farewell to all teachers who worked tirelessly at the school and have now retired. It was also a farewell to the current crop of grade 7 learners who will be starting their next year in high school. The school thanked their former educators - Mrs Matlala and Mr Kobe for all their selfless
(Information & photographs: Lifi Tlaka)
Prayers answered Lutendo Ramakuwela writes: “I am a fan of Platinum Gazette and as a believer in Jesus Christ and God. I couldn’t help noticing the cry for water on the paper. Hence myself and other prayer mates of mine put this cry before God. And we are greatful for the rain that poured on Sunday and the cool weather we are having this week. Our prayer has been answered and it is only wise to ttgank the almighty God for
what He has done. He is an understanding and a loving God. The rain was a miracle. Hence it rained like it has never happened before. In giving thanks, let us not forget those who lost their homes due to heavy rain. Let’s keep them in our prayers and not just pray for them but help them with whatever we can to meet their needs. Pope Fransis said “Do not just pray for the hungry, pray for them and feed them. That’s love”.
contributions. The function was well attended by both parents and delegates from various walks of life. The principal thanked everyone who made it possible for the event to materialise. He also wished all the grade 7 learners and the retiring teachers well in their endeavours. Numerous learners scooped awards when certificates and trophies were handed out as a reward for their hard work throughout the year. Pastor Tlaka was the speaker of the day and encouraged parents to be fully involved in their children’s education. He also urged parents to rally behind their children.
20 NOVEMBER 2015
Burgersfort and the super hailstorm After a period of extreme heat and drought in the area everyone was relieved to see some thunder clouds on the horizon on Sunday afternoon. This storm was however one for the history books. In a very short period of time more than 30mm of rain fell accompanied by a mega hailstorm. The hailstorm turned Burgersfort into a snow-like landscape, but it also brought major damages and destruction over a wide area. Period showers continued during most of the week with noticeable cooler weather. Readers told Platinum Gazette what how they’ve experienced this super hailstorm.
Right: Mr Joseph Mnisi said: “We sell porridge here in town and our shacks were broken. The tree fell over. We lose money because of this storm. We cannot cook again before we have fixed all of this. My house in Riba Cross is also damaged. There were too many hailstones”. Left: Ms Portia Mabana said: “I was at home in Praktiseer when the storm hit. I did not experience any damage to my property. I wish I was in town because I would have loved to see Burgersfort looking like a European snow covered town. I saw pictures of it on Facebook”.
Mr Oliver Khumalo and Mr Peter Mdhluli said: “It was very scary. It was unusual. The rumbling, the hail and the wind were just out of this world. Everything was shaking. We grew up here and it is the first time we’ve seen something like this. It looked like snow. We were the lucky ones. We did not have damages. We know of houses that were damaged and roofs that were blown off”.
Mr Ephraim Selowe said: “It was horrible, but we needed it. We needed the rain. It had to come or we would have died. We can fix houses but we cannot make rain. I enjoyed seeing ice on the streets of Burgersfort. I felt like I could do some ice skating. I think it made history in Burgersfort”.
Mr Lesiba Ramashala said: “I was at home at Aloe Ridge West when the storm came. I’m here for 6 months now and it was the first time I’ve seen hail in Burgersfort. Some of my house’s roof tiles were damaged and the rain came in after that”.
Mr Omega Mudondo and Mr Brian Munthali said: “It took everyone by surprise. Nobody expected it to be that bad and last that long. Fortunately we were at home at the time so we had some shelter. Windows were broken and water came running into the house. Our neighbours’ roofing was blown away and most of their house’s windows smashed. This was in Mashifane Park. It looked like snow in Burgersfort. The road to town was also littered with stones that washed onto the surface, it was a struggle and dangerous to go to work on Monday”. Links: Mnr. Vincent Smit sê: “Daar was baie hael. Ons skadu-afdak is daarmee heen. Ek dink die dorp het nogal baie skade gekry. Almal kla daaroor. Ons bly in Aloe Ridge Oos”.
Mr Joe Maile said: “I was at Praktiseer when the storm hit. It was not so bad there as it was at Dresden. Only the wind was very strong. Some people’s mkuku (corrugated iron homes) were damaged by the wind”.
20 NOVEMBER 2015
- how you’ve experienced it
Mr Sonners Mahumani said: “I was at work and on my way back I passed Steelpoort. The hail covered the mountain and leaves were all over the road. I stay in Praktiseer and here the wind damaged my garage that fell in on my black Corsa car”. With him is Ms Sibulelo Mahumani.
Mr John Marule said: “We were at home when the storm came. I live at the Mkuku at the back of Boxer in Burgersfort. The zink (corrugate iron sheets) were flying and I was trying to hold it. I also grabbed my comforter to try and keep it dry so that I could still sleep that night. Everything got wet. Shoes, clothes – everything was in the water. When we came back to our car wash on Monday there was a lot of damage. The shade net is torn and lots of mud and stones washed onto our wash bay. Now we are trying to solve all these problems. We don’t have support from anyone. We just do our best”. With him are Ms Mmabatho Manso, Ms Paseka Selahle and Mr Christopher Mnisi.
Mnr. André de Klerk sê: “Hier is groot skade by Pret Vleis Lapa in Burgersfort. Baie dankie vir almal in die Le Grange familie wat Sondag hier kom help het. Die hael was enkeldiep en strome water is hier deur. Die meeste skade is by die vrieskamers se kompressors. Hopelik kan ons teen volgende naweek weer handel dryf. Sterkte vir almal wat skade gehad het”.
Mr Victor Magatsela said: “We were at a wedding and it got disturbed by the weather. The tent got torn off the anchor ropes and blew away. It was hell. This happened in the Driekop area. There was a lot of rain and wind”.
Mr Patson Sekgobela said: “At my house in Spekboom there was no damage, but the hail was knee-deep there was water all over the place. That kind of storm I’ve last seen in 1984 in the Atok area. My neighbours’ house was damaged. It was hell in town. Water was all over town”.
Mr Invert Mathonsi said: “At CTM in Burgersfort it was extremely chaotic. The storm broke our gates. It is a mess. The stock got wet. Windows got broken and furniture damaged. I was locked outside as the hail blocked the entrance”.
Ms Letabo Serage said: “We were at home at Ga-Mashamothane when the storm came. There was lots of damage. Windows were broken and the roof went flying. I’ve been here almost 25 years and this was the worst storm I’ve seen”.
Me. Louise Jacobs sê: “Ons bly in Aloe Ridge Wes en die hael het ons huis se agterste ruite uitgeslaan. Die hael was so groot soos ghoens en die water het enkeldiep in ons yard gestaan. My bediende se huis het ook weggewaai en ons vriende se swembadpomp is deur die hael stukkend geslaan. Die swembad het ook oorgeloop na die storm en die Creepy kon nie met al die modder daarin cope nie, so die het ook gebreek”. By haar is Chevon en Miah.
Ms Sindile Mnisi, Ms Abigail Lewele and Ms Liesbeth Thakeng said: “We were at home when it happened. We work at the Osman Building in Burgersfort and there was a lot of damage. Today (Wednesday) the ceiling is still wet and smelly. On Monday we only started work at 11:00 because of blockages caused by the storm”.
20 NOVEMBER 2015
Storm in pictures On Sunday afternoon Burgersfort turned from a hot 40 degree summer day into a white covered landscape resembling snow. A massive hail storm hit the area accompanied by strong winds and rain. Many businesses and individuals suffered damage to their property while many residents simply marveled at the snow-like sights.
Shops became flooded with rainwater. In Eddie Sedibe Street One Stop Motor Spares was flooded. CTM in Burgersfort was flooded with water while mud washed up in front of the building. Damage to windows, gates and furniture was all part of the ordeal.
Vehicles caught outside in the hail were left stuck in the ice that in places were so thick that vehicle doors could not open without removing some of the ice. Above is Morone Centre. This week was a busy week at Panelbeaters and repair shops in the area as vehicle owners try to repair storm damage.
Streets in Burgersfort turned to rivers.
Various readers assisted with the photographs on this page. Thank you to Magda and Kobus Pienaar, Leani Havenga and Invert Mathonsi. Additional photographs Platinum Gazette and Facebook.
Meanwhile adding to the chaos was when a transformer at Eskom’s Merensky substation in Steelpoort caught fire. This left some areas without electricity for more than a day.
20 NOVEMBER 2015
Bikers show they care The annual Limpopo Valley Toyrun was and the public on Saturday 14 Nowell supported by various Biker Clubs vember 2015. This year it took place at Tubatse Chrome Club. Toys were collected and funds raised to help make Christmas something special for underprivilaged children in the area. Jakkals Oosthuizen was the lucky
winner of a new tyre sponsored by Supa Quick Burgersfort for the best burnout on the day. Joggie Prinsloo handed him his prize. The organisers thanked enveryone for their support and look forward to seeing everyone there next year.
Spekboom Driving Range now open The Spekboom Driving Range officially opened on Saturday 14 November 2015. For Flippie NortjÊ, a registered PGA member, this is a dream come true. The driving range is the ideal place to come and relax, bring the children for golf lessons or get some coaching yourself. The range was opened with a ball hit by Flippie’s grandfather Flip who taught him how to play golf as a little boy. The driving range is situated approximately 10km out of Burgersfort on the R37 towards Lydenburg. (Take the Fraaiuitzicht turn-off torwards Gethlane Lodge. Just after the bridge on the left you will find the driving range). It costs R30 for 50 balls. Bring along your own clubs and enjoy driving off a few balls or work on your skills.
Adding to the facilities at the driving range is a bar with a great view of the range. Drink a cold beer after a work-out on the driving range or arrange your next function there to include a fun day on the range. The whole family is welcome and if everyone is not interested in hitting off a few balls, they can relax on the pation overlooking the driving range. Flippie has a passion for golf and coaches young and old. He has a few junior clubs (up to 14 years) available. This means parents who would like their children to learn how to play golf can take them for lessons without buying the expensive equipment from the start. The driving range is open 7 days a week from 10:00 to 20:00. For more information, booking a coaching session or more contact Flippie on 071 710 1746. The opening of Spekboom Driving Range is only the start. This venue is set to become an ultimate destination for golf lovers and those seeking a quick getaway from bustling town life.
20 NOVEMBER 2015
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. Two Bedroom Apartments available from R4750 to R5 000 including lights and water. Three bedrooms available from R7000 to R7500. All above available between Aloe Ridge East and West. Viewing available after hours. Please call from more information: 082 578 6113. 1 Bedroom Flat R3 500.00 2 Bedroom Flat R4 500.00 Burgersfort Contact Steve 071 886 9359
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954
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* Tubatse Superspar * Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort * Choppies Burgersfort * Magaba Filling Station * Burgersforn SAPS * Aloe Foods
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Marone bricks offers great quality building block bricks for sale! We can all live in a strong home at affordable prices. Wholesale directly to the public. Cement building blocks R7.80 each. Stock bricks R1.60 each. Pavers R1.80 each. Contact: 073 022 5256
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Limb Training Centre * Sediman Tuck Shop - Kalkfontein * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Dilokong Chrome Mine (ASA Metals) * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Dr. Lorna’s Surgery
Our client a Mining Company in Steelpoort, Mpumalanga is seeking for the following trade vacancies:
013 231 7147
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Shift Supervisors Developers (Miner) Drill Rig Operators Boltec Operators LHD Operators UV Operators HPE Drill Rig Operators Loader Operators
The above trades are specific to Mechanised Mining and previous experience is essential for low profile mining practices. Please send CV’s, Qualifications, ID/ Valid Passport/Work Permit to 011 693 6667/; Closing date 30 Nov 2015. If you receive no response by 15 December, your application has been unsuccessful. Interviews will be held on site at the mining offices. RMS specialises in People to Projects
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00)
20 NOVEMBER 2015
Golfers support Toyrun Charity Golf Day On Saturday last week the annual Toyrun charity event took place at Tubatse Chrome Club.
This year a golf day was included in the day’s line-up. It was well supported and the Toyrun organisers thanked everyone for their participation and support.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: BeĂĄnnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
20 NOVEMBER 2015
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Platinum Gazette
Running at Bela Bela Chiefs and Pirate fans
(Information & photographs: Willem Montgomery).
On 14 November runners from Modikwa Marathon Club participated in the Bela Bela Marathon. It took place at the beautiful Aventure Resort in Bela Bela and three distance categories were available. Modikwa athletes participated in the 21,1km and the 10km races. The race was well organised and the route not too challenging. The runners utilised the facilities at the resort and finished the day off with a braai. Modikwa Management congratulates them with their good times and wish them well for the races in the rest of the year. The athletes thanked Modikwa Management for their continued support. Results: Herman Mogale - 01:40 (21,1km); Violet Mabitla - 03:30 (21,1km); Mminah Chulu - 02:37 (21,1km); Winnie Tovhakale - 02:58 (21,1km); Victoria Thotse - 02:59 (21,1km); Sonia Makoua - 00:33 (10km) and Salome Makuoa - 01:15 (10km).
take each other on On Sunday 15 November 2015 Tubatse Masters, Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates fans played a friendly soccer match at the Leolo Secondary School in Praktiseer. The Buccaneers’ team dominated the match in the first half and managed to score one goal by Ally Maimela to take a 1-0 lead at half time. In the second half Amakhosi came back very strong and managed to score two goals by Seun Maroga and Andrew Skosana to make the final score 2-1 in favour of Amakhosi. (Photographs and information: Jerial Mvundlela)