Platinum Gazette 20 September 2013

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Heritage and tourism - p 4

Š Platinum Gazette

20 September 2013




So it continues ...

Better, safer The large dangerous hole in the road on the Abel Erasmus Pass between Leboeng and Strydom Tunnel is now clearly signposted, in contrast to our article on 06 September 2013. A warning sign, 60 km/h speed limit and a sign indicating a narrowing of the road were erected, as well as sturdy reflector plates around the deep donga. At the bottom of the hole, gabions (sturdy wire netting with stones in it) were packed to contain further damage (rehabilitate perhaps). Now the onus is on you when approaching. Read the signs, slow down, vere to the right, keep an eye on oncoming fast traffic and pass the hole safely. Complete rehabilitation - anybody’s guess.

The NUMSA driven strike countrywide seemed to continue unabated this past week, with matters getting worse in Burgersfort and Steelpoort. Intimidation has taken place at such an extend that filling station owners decided to close their businesses during business hours last week Friday, resulting in chaos. Magaba Filling Station came to the rescue of emergency, traffic and Police vehicles and filled up their tanks. After a short while the filling station was swamped by motorists who hoped to get some petrol or diesel. Interestingly enough, the filling station at Riba Cross did not close and large lines of vehicles lined up to fill up at this filling station. Some filling stations in Burgersfort and Steelpoort did not open for the whole week, while others only opened for a few hours every day, a tough one for businesses, taxis and ordinary motorists (hope you get your newspaper in the light of this. Newspapers also need fuel!). Photographs: Magaba Filling Station

Reeking of a protest somewehere, billowing black smoke over Burgersfort last week Friday turned out to be a larrge fire outside the gates of the town’s official landfill site. Mass containers in the vicinity were quickly moved by mass container trucks. The fire started in a large pile of rubbish dumped outside the landfill site. Messy.







Media discovers Sekhukhune’s tourism spots The Sekhukhune District Municipality’s Media Tour took a group of 30 journalists and heritage enthusiasts on a two day visit through the district. This event was hosted in conjuction with the Limpopo Tourism Agency and kicked-off on Thursday last week. The trip started off in Marble Hall and took the group to Flag Boshielo Dam. This dam is one of the country’s Strategic Infrastructure Projects (SIPs). This dam was named after the 1950s Sebatakgomo activist and uMkhonto Wesizwe Luthuli Detachment’s combatant Ntate Marutle Flag Boshielo. Activities at the dam include fishing, Nile crocodile rearing, camping and other outdoor experiences. The next stop was the Tšate valley. This is the area’s most documented battlefield of wars of resistance against colonialism. The valley has been home to humans since the early Iron age. The Tšate Heritage Site is also the place where King Sekwati, the only surviving son of the great King Thulare (hence tšhaba sa Thulare) after the carnage of Mzilikazi campaigning, and later his son the warrior King Sekhukhune I, united a large number of communities in a formidable Pedi empire. Some of the fights fought at the site included attacks of Boer Commandos and a combined assault from British troops and Swazi Impis. The tour concluded at De Hoop Dam which is currently at the impounding stage. This dam is expected to deliver water to approximately 800 000 households and help unlock the economic potential of the area. Friday concluded with a gala dinner where members of the District Mayoral Committee were joined by the Chief Executive of the

Limpopo Tourism Agency, Mr Nox Seabi. The media was left with the message to spread the word about Sekhukhune as a heritage and tourism destination as well as to encourage communities to seize opportunities to develop their areas into tourism destinations. The tour ended in a festive spirit at Hlogotlou Stadium at Monsterlus where the Sekhukhune Heritage Festival took place. The festival kicked off with a colourful carnival and moved to the stadium where displays of crafts and live entertainment celebrating the area’s heritage intertwined with the official programme.

Photographs above and top right: Sekhukhune District Municipality

Festive heritage celebrations On Saturday last week the Sekhukhune Heritage Festival had Monsterlus abuzz from early. The festival was hosted at the Hlogotlou Stadium and started with a colourful carnival through Monsterlus. Visitors to the festival dressed in traditional attire and a mix of amaNdebele, Bapedi, BaKopa, BaNtwane, Tswana and Afrikaner food, cultural displays and dress-to-kill participants added to the day’s excitement. The theme of the day was “Celebrating Sekhukhune’s Diverse Heritage - Protecting our common future”. Approximately 5000 community members attended the day and were joined by the Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality, Cllr Mogobo David Magabe. He said: “Yesterday we had a resounding tour to heritage tourism destinations in all five local municipalities of our district with the media entourage. They are my witnesses, it’s really fun to travel, and there are numerous benefits

to travelling our beautiful district”. “Travel enables you to share with your friend and family the places that you have been to and the things you have done. Travelling Sekhukhune is easy to do and affordable, and there are affordable packages, engineered for all South Africans on all budgets. We are working closely with the Limpopo Tourism Agency (LTA) to show you how. “We are saying through the tour that end in this festival that all this fun is available to you all. Take a ‘Shot-Left’ too and know your district better because travel is an awesome investment in yourself”. The festival’s performance line-up included the Batho le Setšo, Thaba Leboto Boys Ndebele music crew, the nationally celebrated Saaiplaas Boys and a whole range of cultural performances. Selaelo Selota performed a 60 minute non-stop recital with his live band. The introduction of a serenading female vocalist was another highlight.




Culture and diversity enjoyed The Sekhukhune Heritage Festival took place on Saturday last week. It was a colourful spectacle with a central message of creating a common future. Performers and

exhibitors came from all five municipalities within the district to display their talent. The day was also attended by traditional and royal houses.

Executive Mayor, Cllr. Mogobo David Magabe have a look at some fo the locally manufactured crafts on display.

A variety of entertainers performed at the Heritage Festival and show cased the diversity of the area. The children were as always kept safe and busy with fun and games.




Drinking and driving: a new legal A change in legislation may set a reduced legal blood alcohol limit for drivers in South Africa. This week Transport Minister Diphuo Peters told media that reducing the legal blood alcohol limit is one of the ways government is looking at reducing the high accident rate. This means that the National Road Traffic Act will be amended to reduce the legal alcohol content limit to 0.02% for drivers. The current limit is 0.05%. Public transport drivers such as taxi drivers and bus drivers as well as drivers of heavy vehicles will not be permitted to drink any alcohol. There are also plans to introduce a two year probation period for newly licenced drivers. This will mean no alcohol in the blood of drivers with a new licence. Peters added: “We need laws within the South African motoring community”. In South Africa 43 out of every 100 000 people are killed through road accidents where alcohol played a role. In the United Kingdom this figure is 6 for every 100 000 people. In Australia 8 in every 100 000 people are killed in road accidents and 14 out of every 100 000 people in the United States of America are killed this way annually. In South Africa drinking and driving kills 18 000 people annually and 150 000 are severly injured according to the Medical Research Council. On a daily basis, 45 people die and 410 are injured with 25 people becoming paralyzed. Road crashes are the main cause of death for young people between the ages of 5 and 29. Road traffic accidents costs South Africa annually R309 thousand million. According to Arrive Alive the chances of being involved in an accident doubles after only one drink as your reaction time is halved and in some people impairment of coordination and euphoria influencing behaviour may already set in. Statistics from 2007 shows that one in every 7 drivers on the road at night are over the legal limit when driving. It is expected that this figure steadily increased over the last few years, although updated research is not available. The most recent crime statistics show that the Western Cape has the highest percentage of drunk driver arrests. This however should not be seen in isolation as the level of law enforcement and drives to hold people driving under the influence of alcohol accountable differs from province to province. After the release of the figures earlier this year the City of Cape Town’s mayoral committee told the media that these figures are a result of their dedication to policing drunk drivers. Mr JP Smith, a mayoral committee member said: “Lower figures mean lower policing”. There is currently a drive to reinstate the “Name and Shame” campaign. Through this campaign recently convicted drunk drivers’ names are captured on the eNatis system which will make the data available immediately at road blocks equipped with a system link. A previously convicted drunk driver will then immediately be identified. We asked readers what they think about the possible lower legal blood alcohol limit and other new measures to police drinking and driving that is in the pipeline.

Mr Arabia Mohlala said: “It will reduce accidents if they do this. The people will be scared to drink and drive. I support government in this effort”.

Me. Willemien Potgieter sê: “Ja, ek dink dit sal baie help as hulle hierdie maatreëls instel. Ons protospanne wat op ongelukstonele uithelp sien watse invloed drank het. By tussen 75% en 80% van ongelukke in hierdie area waarby ons help het drank ‘n rol gespeel. Dikwels is daar nog drank in die voertuig wanneer die ongeluk gebeur. Dit sal ook help as ons beter infrastruktuur kan kry. Daar is bv. in plekke soos Richardsbaai ‘n fasiliteit waarvan mense kan gebruik maak om veilig te ry - ‘n soort taxi of “call-a-friend”. Die polisie daar sluit ook die mense summier toe wanneer hulle dronk agter die stuur gevang word. Die minimum boete is dan R3000 voor die persoon vrygelaat word.

Ms Pontsho Malapane said: “They must take away people’s licences if they are caught driving under the influence of alcohol. This is a good thing from government, but police officers must not take bribes from the drivers - only then will it work”.

Mr Maikana Kgwete said: “It is good to put these measures in place. Normally accidents happen on weekends when the people come from the taverns. This new legal limit and probation of new drivers will help. They must do more spot checks on weekends, especially in the Burgersfort area to catch people drinking and driving. They must lock people up if they’ve been drinking so that they can learn the law is written clearly black on white”.

Ms Constance Phokane said: “The majority of accidents that happen is because of alcohol. We’ve lost so many relatives because of drinking and driving. They go to the taverns on the weekends and then drive. We will now see a big change. It is a huge improvement to change the law. Awesome!”

Mr Wonder Mokwena said: “It will help to reduce drinking and driving incidents. They must however not just take away someone’s licence if they are caught driving under the influence, they must first get a warning”.

Ms Anita Mampho said: “It could reduce the amount of accidents. Drunk people don’t dim their lights when they are driving. Then the oncoming people cannot see the donkey in the road. Government must first clean on their own steps and then the people will follow. If I have a friend in government who is drinking and driving, why should I do it different?”

Mr Naison Machaya said: “It will increase corruption. If they want to take away the licence after catching someone drinking and driving, the people will just pay the police and go back to the road. A good example is those taxis in Burgersfort. Very few of them have licences, but they know the traffic cops and just pay them when they need to”.




limit on the cards. Your opinion...

Mr Rickson Mabunda said: “The main thing is that the law is too soft. The discipline from government is too soft. They fine people and let them go. This generation has too many rights. Die mense koop hul licence want daar is baie korrupsie. Die gekoopte licence is ‘n groot probleem. Kyk ook hoe baie taverns is next to the road tussen Burgersfort en Moroke. Die mense gaan na die tavern en is daarna in die pad. Dis ‘n probleem. Government must enforce the law and then people will follow the law”.

Ms Euphenia Marule said: “It is a good thing. It will reduce the accidents we see every weekend. If they will lose their licence the people will be scared to drink and drive”. With her is baby Mashudu.

Mr Thomas Mdluli said: “It is a good idea. Alcohol causes so many accidents. Drunk people often cause accidents that kill innocent people”.

Mnr Monti Masalane sê: “Hulle moet bysit by die wet dat hulle die mense se licence sal vat as hulle drink. Dan mag hulle nie meer bestuur nie. Yes, dis ‘n goeie verandering dié”.

Mnr. Boetie Denoroonha sê: “Dit sal help dat daar minder ongelukke op die pad is. Dis goed so”.

Mnr. Koos van der Merwe en me. Martie van der Merwe sê: “So ‘n verandering kan ‘n impak hê. As die wetgewing net toegepas word sal dit ‘n impak hê. Hulle moet sommer terugbring dat die trokke na 18:00 in die aand nie meer op die pad mag wees nie. Dit sal net ‘n positiewe ding wees”.

Ms Thandi Mnisi said: “It is good. It will reduce accidents. People will be scared to drink and drive. If they are caught they must also lose their licence as well as do some jail time. That will help”.

Mnr Tyran Wallace sê: “Dis ‘n goeie ding. Solank die wet goed toegepas word”.

Mnr. Roedolf Lingenfelder sê: “Die mense hou te veel van drink. Hulle gaan nie by die 0.02 bly nie. Mense sal die wet challenge”.

Mnr. Michael Seatlanyane sê: “Die probleem is daar is klaar so baie reëls. As hulle dit nie police nie, wat help dit? Mense word vermaan maar doen dit steeds”.

Mr Peter Mnisi said: “It is good because drinking and driving is not good”.




Volgende week is dit feestyd by Tubatse Tubatse Chrome Festival 2013 vind weer volgende week by Tubatse Chrome Club plaas. ‘n Groot verskeidenheid kunstenaars tree vanaf Vrydag 27 September op en soos altyd sal daar heerlike kos te koop wees, ‘n biertent en stalletjies met alles en nog wat. Daar is ook nie ‘n tekort aan kindervermaak nie. Besighede wat graag nog as borge betrokke wil raak is welkom om die klub te kontak. Daar is ook nog stalletjies beskikbaar. Almal wat belangstel om meer uit te vind kan Tubatse Chroom Klub skakel by 013 2365112.




Top achievers Steelpoort Academy recently announced their top academic achievers. The high school achievers were as follows:

New winners at Tubatse SUPERSPAR Winning is easy at Tubatse SUPERSPAR. Lucky draws take place every week in their Win-A-Car competition and entrants stand a chance

to win a VW Polo at the end of the competition in December. Enter in store and stand a chance to win!

Ms Eunice Sekgala from Ga-Ragopola won a Samsung Microwave oven. Ms Selina Mphogo handed over the prize.

Ms Hlengiwe Dlamini from Mashifane won a R500 shopping voucher. Ms Martha Shai handed over the prize.

Ms Silviah Mathebula from Riba-Cross won a Russell Hobbs Kettle. Her prize was handed to her by Ms Faith Rakolota from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

Mr Mapoka Mabelane from Praktiseer was the winner of a R500 shopping voucher. Ms Precious Mabelane handed him the prize.

Top 5 – Grade 8: Back: Ettolia Mabanna(4th) , Emmanuel Mapalakanye(5th). Front: Kekeletso Kgwetiane(1st), Lebogang Makgolane(2nd) , Millenium Kgoete(3rd).

Top 5 – Grade 9: Back: Lefihlile Kgoete(1st), Elaine Mahlobogoane(4th), Nate Phetla(2nd). Front: Khomotso Mojalefa(5th), Darren Zeeman(3rd).

Top 5 – High School: Back: Nate Phetla(77%). Front: Millenium Kgoete (79%), Kekeletso Kgwetiane(86%), Darren Zeeman(77%), Lebogang Makgolane(82%), Lefihlile Kgoete(78%). (All photographs: Steelpoort Academy)

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Potjie-pret by Laerskool Atokia Laerskool Atokia het op 7 September ‘n potjiekoskompetisie ten bate van die skool gehou. Die dag was vol pret en heerlike potjies is tussendeur gemaak. Die skool bedank graag al die borge, donateurs en ‘n spesiale dank aan Bokoni Platinum Myn en Mnr. David Stander vir hul bydraes en ondersteuning. Die spanne het met altesaam R6 000 se pryse weggeloop.

Bo: Mnr Beukes van Zyl (links), skoolhoof van Laerskool Atokia het van die pryse oorhandig. Spanne het met arms vol pryse weggestap. (Alle foto’s en inligting: Laerskool Atokia).

ANCYL shares cake with learners On 15 September the ANC Youth League (ANCYL) celebrated teh 69th birthday of the organisation with a Rally in Sheshego. The birthday cake was shared with learners living with special needs at Mahlasedi Special School in Lebowakgomo Zone A. The ANC Youth League Provincial Task Team as well as other ANC dignitaries joined learners for a taste of the anniversary cake. (Photograph: ANCYL Limpopo).


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7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277. MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

9. Te Huur/ To Let Flats for rent One/Two or Three bedroom flats available. Stands for sale. Warehouse to let. Contact: 074 354 1274 To Let in Burgersfort 400m2 warehouse R25 000p/m. Contact: 013 231 8203 or 072 770 3662 Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.

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Notice/ Kennisgewing

URGENT SALE Stand in Motaganeng estate. Erf 2704 Size: 564 m² Price: R200 000 Contact: Herman 0832299765

closing date of 30th Sep 2013: Razita Mining Resources Pty Ltd P O Box 786573 Sandton 2146 brian@ razitaminingresources or Tel:+27 11 656 5447

Two x three bedroom flats for sale. Situated in Burgersfort. Brand new! Contact: 076 666 1100 FOR SALE Original DVD’s (movies) at discount prices. Display racks Popcorn machine Contact: Adri van Rooyen 0826725811

Notice/ Kennisgewing FARM:TIVOLI 98 KT Notice is hereby given that Razita Mining Resources Pty Ltd application for Prospecting Right with reference No. (LP 30/5/1/1/2/11562 PR) has been accepted on the 10th of July 2013 by Department of Mineral Resources (Limpopo Province), for Coal, Nickel, Copper, Cobalt, Iron, Silver, Sulphur, Uranium, PGM and Chrome. In terms of regulation 7(1) of the Regulations under the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002). Interest and Affected Parties are hereby requested to raise their comments, consent, objections and issues to Brian Nyezi on the following address or email address by the

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Mototolo Mine beat Tubatse Masters Mototolo Mine played a friendly soccer game agains the Tubatse Masters FC on Saturday 14 September 2013. Mototolo came prepared and the hosts defended well, but in the end the score was 2-1 in favour of Mototolo Mine. (Photographs and information: Jerial Movundlela).

Hengel by Grootdraaidam Die Mpumalanga Ligte Gerei Boothengel sal die gasheer wees vir die Binnelandse Kampioenskappe vir 2013 vanaf 25 - 28 September by Grootdraaidam naby Standerton. Daar sal sewe provinsies en 130 hengelaars deelneem. Dit sluit in veterane, dames en juniors wat meeding om as die binnelandse kampioene vereer te word. Die vorige Binnelandse Kampioenskappe is in 2005 aangebied. Woensdagaand is die verwelkomingsfunksie. Op Donderdag 26 September is die oefendag en die amptelike hengeldae is Vrydag 27 September vanaf 07H00 tot 15H00 en Saterdag 28 September vanaf 07H00 tot 14H00. Elke boot word met ‘n geel merker toegerus en sal na afloop vandie kompetisie verwyder word. Slegs 4kg IGFA goedgekeurde lyn word mee gehengel. Die publiek is welkom om te kom kyk wanneer die visse ingeweeg word. Die vis sal vir gemeenskapsprojekte geskenk word. Navrae: Peter Ansara 082 318 4302 of Joyce Farrell 082 854 9304.

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