Platinum Gazette 21 April 2017

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More taxi war arrests - suspects out on bail Following the recent taxi feuds between the Ohrigstad taxi Association and Eastern Leolo Taxi Association, which left one taxi driver dead, the police in Ohrigstad has finally arrested all nine suspects between the ages of 33-54 years in connection with the murder of the taxi driver who was shot in the head. The first suspect was arrested on 2017-03-27 while still sleeping at his home, the other three suspects were arrested on 2017-04-03 after they handed themselves to the police, Another two suspects were arrested on 2017-04-04 after they have also handed themselves in, while the last three suspects were arrested on 2017-04-11 when they also finally handed themselves to the police. Police have recovered two firearms which were taken for further investigation. All nine suspects have since appeared in court on different dates and they are all out on R1000 bail until their next appearance in court on 2017-06-09 pending the decision of the senior public prosecutor. The station commander of SAPS Ohrigstad Captain G.P. Mashego has commended the team of investigators led by Detective Warrant Officer J.M. Masuku and the cluster crime intelligence unit for the sterling job they did in making sure that all nine suspects are brought to book.

Morone Street to get better - major fixing underway What seems to be difficult to believe, are true. It is happening right in front of our eyes. They are fixing up Morone Street in Burgersfort and the work will continue until the end of May this year (2017 – important), subject to weather conditions. According to the local municipality the work on the street from Cheap Cheap butchery to the Supa Quick four way stop with Eland Street is part of the of the road maintenance programme that includes the rehabilitation of the street, including resurfacing. Loge Construction is the contractor and the work will require temporary lane restrictions (read: severe traffic mayhem, gridlock and chaos, especially around payday). Access to residences and businesses will be maintained during road works. The municipality requests residents to use caution and pay attention to flaggers and road sign directions during the project.

Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

21 April 2017

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147



21 APRIL 2017


Road safety starts with you T

Above: Twickenham General Manager, Daan Breet and FGTM Traffic Chief, Victor Lekwadu.

wickenham Mine hosted their annual Easter Arrive Alive Road Safety Campaign in conjunction with the Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipal (FGTM) Traffic Department on 13 April 2017. The campaign saw traffic on the R37 directed by the traffic officers go through spot checks for outstanding fines, valid vehicle licenses and the roadworthiness of vehicles. The campaign started at 06:00 the morning to ensure that road safety messages reached drivers before they embarked on their Easter weekend journeys to various destinations. The traffic officers came prepared with a computer system on which drivers’ ID numbers were checked for any outstanding fines and warrants of arrests. Anyone caught with outstanding fines or warrants of arrest against their names had the opportunity to pay either spot fines or were taken to the Mecklenburg police station where they were held in custody until the fines were paid in full. A zero tolerance approach was taken to ensure maximum road safety on the R37 during the Easter weekend. Employees of Twickenham Mine, including various different Heads of Departments (HOD’s) participated in the campaign. A thousand key rings and a thousand bottles of water were handed out to motorists during the course of the morning. The key rings, branded with

Twickenham Mine’s details also contained emergency road traffic information that motorists should always have near them. Motorists enjoyed receiving something special just before Easter and most were very cooperative with the traffic officers conducting the official part of the campaign. Twickenham Mine has always taken a key interest in the safety of everyone on the R37. Their commitment over the years has not been limited to the annual Easter Arrive Alive Campaign, but also in sponsoring other road safety campaigns and even donating a special lazer speed measuring device to the FGTM traffic department to assist with implementing speed control measures. Twickenham Mine General Manager, Daan Breet thanked traffic chief, Victor Lekwadu for their assistance and both expressed the importance of working together to ensure road safety within communities. Lekwadu’s team kicked off a full day of roadblocks and road law enforcement with the Twickenham campaign. Employees of Twickenham Mine, including various different Heads of Departments (HOD’s) furthermore participated in filling 98 potholes along the D4220 road that includes the portion from the R37 to Hackney Shaft. Drivers were encouraged to not only be vigilant on the roads during Easter, but practice good road manners and safety during the rest of the year too.

Traffic near the turn-off towards Twickenham Mine in both directions were directed through a traffic stop-and-go at which traffic officers conducted spot checks and Twickenham employees handed out bottled water and key rings with road safety information. A total of 98 potholes were also fixed by Twickenham Mine employees.

21 APRIL 2017



Robbed Magaba Filling Station in Burgersfort was robbed at gunpoint on Tuesday evening. Five men armed with a 9mm pistol, Uzi and hunting rifle entered the Bonjour shop at the filling station just after two in the morning. The men tied the attendant up with wire. They fled the scene with hundreds of packets of cigarettes and some cash. The Magaba employees were left trauma-

Local artists thrive Local artists recently hosted a very successful music festival at Nthame Primary School Hall. Local artists participated in showcasing their musical talent across different music genres. The organisers would like to thank Mr. Godfrey Choma, Tubatse FM manager Ms.Bongi Sekgobela and Dj Slander Guy. The audience enjoyed watching live music being performed and this not only included singing, but also traditional dancing. “People should know their local artists. As

they say, charity begins at home� said Mr Douglas Mabokwane who organised the event with his team. He also thanked the community for the support they received from the audiences. The idea is to bring together all genres, races, ages and let local music ring out loud. Anyone who would like to become involved with local music development and show casing of it can contact Douglas Mabokwane on 076 0952 086 or 071 0352 116. He can also be contacted for bookings.

tised, but unharmed. It is suspected that the men were involved in a number of recent robberies and that the hunting rifle used in the incident was stolen during a recent housebreaking. The SAPS appeals to the community to assist in catching these criminals. Anyone with information about the suspects can contact Constable Mmotla on 082 745 2059.



21 APRIL 2017

Mining industry sheds less jobs in 2016 - COM The Chamber of Mines says the latest quarterly employment (survey) data released on Friday, 7 April 2017 by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) for the final quarter of 2016 shows that job losses in the mining sector have slowed down substantially compared to two years ago. Nearly 40,000 jobs were lost from the beginning of 2015 to the end of 2016. When comparing the average number of people employed between 2015 and 2016, about 21500 employees lost their livelihoods. However, the rate of job losses hasslowed down. Between the end of 2015 and the end of 2016, job losses amounted to only 4162. During 2016, this slowed down even further to 2651 but, disappointingly, increased to 2902 between the last two quarters of 2016. Percentage wise, job losses between 2015 and 2016 amounted to 4.5% of the workforce (on average). As the actual numbers suggest, less than 1% of jobs were lost between the last two quarters of 2016, and compared to the last quarter of 2015. The Chamber of mines says it has clarified the sequence of leading indicators that, if positive, would signal improvement in the mining sector as follows: World economic growth must continue to recover in order to stimulate demand for commodities. Commodity prices, although volatile, have in general continued to move upwards. The latest reports on profits before taxes indicate that companies have felt the ‘windfall’ effect of better prices. The next indicator that should respond is mining production. Data for January 2017 showed an improvement of almost 2% on December and February and a further 2.9% improvement on January, bringing 2017 growth to 3.2% on the same period last year.

Helpende Hand vrywilligers vergader Byna 100 vrywilligers het van heinde en verre na Middelburg gestroom om Solidariteit Helpende Hand se Mpumalanga-streeksraadvergadering by te woon. Die streeksraadvergadering vind drie keer per jaar plaas en die doel daarvan is om Helpende Hand se vrywilligers se hande sterk te maak vir die reusagtige taak voor hulle. Op 4 Maart 2017 het 22 takke in die Mpumalanga-streek by die bekende Midway Inn op Middelburg bymekaargekom. Lede het van sovêr as Pretoria, Komatipoort, Volksrust en Standerton gekom om die geleentheid by te woon. Daar was ‘n verskeidenheid van sprekers, insluitend die bekende dr. Gustav Gouws. Hy het die vraag gevra, wie versorg die versorger? Hy het dit beklemtoon dat die vrywilligers wat by Helpende Hand en ander organisasies betrokke is, meeste van die tyd die ekstra myl loop en soms ook uitgeput en oorlaai voel. Dis dan belangrik om na hulself om te sien anders kan dit op lang termyn skade en uitbranding beteken. Isabel Faure, Solidariteit Helpende Hand se maatskaplike werksterhet die takke ingelig oor belangrike maatskaplike sake waarmee hulle te doen kry. Sy het onlangs ‘n Maatskaplike gids vrygestel wat gebruikersvriendelik is vir vrywilligers wat op grondvlak soms met moeilike vrae gekonfronteer word. Riaan du Plooy, adjunk-uitvoerende hoof van Helpende Hand het die takke opnuut laat dink oor die belangrikheid van reg gee. Die #geeReg-beginsel laat mense weer dink oor die rede hoekom jy gee. Hy het gesê moenie iets vir iemand anders doen wat hy vir homself kan doen nie en moet ook nie vir iemand iets doen nie maar doen dit saam met hulle. Hierdie beginsel is baie belangrik wanneer Helpende Hand projekte aangepak word. Takke het hulle suksesverhale gedeel en mekaar bemoedig om ‘n verskil in hulle gemeenskappe te gaan maak. Burgersfort/Steelpoort/ Ohrigstad tak het ook hierdie geleentheid bygewoon en hulle is daar weg met klomp idees om ‘n verskil te gaan maak. Indien jy betrokke wil raak by die Burgersfort / Steelpoort Ohrigstad tak, kontak gerus Ilze Pretorius 082 944 7192. Vir meer inligting oor die projekte wat Helpende Hand in jou dorp het, besoek gerus die Mpumalanga-streek se Facebook-blad by Solidariteit Helpende Hand Mpumalanga Streek.

AlphaGlobal Capital puts Eastplats in a fix British Virgin Islands company AlphaGlobal Capital has applied in the Gauteng Division of the High Court in Pretoria for the winding-up of Eastern Platinum (Eastplats), a platinum group metals (PGM) company listed in Canada and South Africa, which is said in filed court papers to be unable to pay its debts. The application filed states that Eastplats has terminated its mining and construction operations and describes the company’s corporate profile claim of having a strong balance sheet as being outdated and no longer accurate. It says that Eastplats’ capital preservation endeavours in the protracted recession affecting PGM products have not been successful and that its share price is currently a fraction of what it traded at in the late 2013 period, illustrating diminished shareholder sentiments. Unsuccessful and troubled endeavours, it adds, have been made to dispose of the company’s dormant assets with financial statements pointing to the company no longer being able to operate as a going concern. The filed application contends that unless the company is placed in the hands of a liquidator empowered to dispose of assets for the benefit of creditors and shareholders, the continued actions of opportunistic operators will squander and deplete assets to the prejudice of all interested parties. Eastplats in turn said in a press release that it was opposing ‘a claim’ filed by AlphaGlobal against it relating to a 2007 agreement, under which AlphaGlobal was to have received R30.79-million, but failed to mention that an application had been filed for the winding-up of the company. Eastplats says it had taken steps to have the claim struck as frivolous and vexatious and was of the view that no amount was owing to AlphaGlobal. Eastplats subsequently entered a notice to oppose but has not as yet filed its answering affidavits. Eastplats has more than one uncompleted mining and concentrator project near Steelpoort, which is ldormant at the moment.

21 APRIL 2017


NUUS Hebrews 10:22 (NIV) 22

let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

Nuwe gesigte op Steelpoort Steelpoort Akademie spog met ‘n paar nuwe gesigte by die skool. Mnr. Willie Oosthuizen is as die nuwe Adjunkhoof aangestel. Hy is bekend met die omgewing want hy het 11 jaar gelede ook hier skoolgehou. Op die foto is hy by sy vrou, Petro. Me. Martonette de Jager is die skool se nuwe sekretaresse.

Oranje knopies om op trots te wees Steelpoort Akademie het meriete toekennings vir goeie gedrag toegeken. Dié leerders het oranje knopies ontvang. Van hulle is op die foto’s hier geplaas.

Oranje balkies vir Graad 7A. Me. Colleen Language saam met Stephan Language,DJ Knoesen, Juan Barnard, Izél Joubert, Angelika Fischer. Agter Luhan Gouws, Jano Pool, Anco van Staden en Megan Mey.

Oranje balkies vir Graad 4A - Xander Herbst en Brandon Pullinger saam met juffrou Danelle Davel.

Orange badges: Grade 4E3. Tshepo, Bonolo, Nigel with Miss Elsabé de Jager.

Oranje balkies: Graad 6 A. Darius Potgieter, Alyza Kleynhans, Corli Vermeulen, Gideon Muller saam met Me. Joanel Potgieter.

Orange badges for Grade 1 E1: Angelo Maskos, Jessica Masinge, Anelé Maphanga, Koketso Ratseke, Presious Bitsulu. 2nd Nontobeko Nkosi, Todiwa Madanire, Khutsiso Moloto, Back: Paul Schaefer, Lemmington Zamba. with them is Mrs. Lindi Cronjé. (Photographs and information: Steelpoort Academy)


21 APRIL 2017

Platinum Gazette

Steelies as ambassadeurs Leerders van Steelpoort Akademie is onlangs beloon vir goeie werk. Die skool gee erkenning vir goeie gedrag en meriete toekennings word gedoen wanneer leerders genoeg merietes versamel het - 15 merietes kry ‘n oranje knopie en sertifikaat, 30 merietes kry ‘n silwer balkie en sertifikaat en 50 merietes kry ‘n goue balkie en sertifikaat. Die skool sê: “Kinders tree by die skool op as ambassadeurs van hulle huise en baie ouers kan met reg trots wees”. (Foto’s en inligting: Marianie Kleynhans, Steelpoort Akademie).



Me. Danelle Davel saam met Ilne Kleynhans wat ‘n goue balkie ontvang het.

Grade 4E2 Mrs. Christine Smulders with Bridget Masha who received a silver badge.

Orange badges for Grade 6 E2. Mrs. Sterretjie Gouws, Thapelo Mahlake, Rati Mogodiri, Hllefa Phetla

Steelpoort Akademie benodig baie dringend onderwysers om diens te aanvaar op 1 Mei en 1 Junie 2017 vir die volgende poste. Pos 1 Graad 5 - Afrikaans HT en Afrikaans EAT Sluitingsdatum: 25 April 2017 Diens aanvaar: 1 Mei 2017 Pos 2 Graad 6 Afrikaans HT Graad 5 en 6 Wiskunde Graad 7 tot 9 Tegnologie

Links: Graad 4A Ilne Kleynhans, Megan Graham, Henru Knoesen, Me. Danelle Davel, Marli Vermeulen. Hulle het almal silwer balkies ontvang.

Sluitingsdatum: 2 Mei 2017 Diens aanvaar: 1 Junie 2017 Vereistes: • Taalmedium Afrikaans en Engels • SACE Registrasie • Buitemuurse aktiwiteite Meld asseblief alle bevoegdhede en buite kurrikulêre bevoegdhede in CV. Navrae: 013 230 9341 Faks CV na: 013 230 9341

BLACK CHROME MINE Black Chrome Mine near Burgersfort has an opportunity within their Mining Department. Suitable applicants are invited to apply for the following vacancies: Drill Rig Operators (X2) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: • Grade 10 Certificate • Drill Rig Operator Certificate • Competent B Certificate (Competent A will be an advantage) • National Drivers’ license • 5 Years’ experience working in an underground mine • 2 Years’ experience operating a SANDVIK SINGLE BOOM DRILL RIG • Medically fit DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The successful candidate will be responsible for: • Ensuring that the machine is in a good and safe working condition before it is used • Moving (driving) the machine from one point to another • Efficiently drilling as per instructions • Reporting to your supervisor any possible hazards WRITTEN APPLICATIONS (CV) SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO: Human Resources Officer: Attention: Tshidi Thobejane at: CLOSING DATE: 26 April 2017 Preference will be given to candidates from the designated groups in line with the provisions of the Employment Equity Act, the Company’s recruitment policy and employment equity plan. PLEASE STATE CLEARLY THE POSITION FOR WHICH APPLICATION IS MADE. CV’S MUST INCLUDE COPIES OF QUALIFICATIONS. INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED. In the event that you do not hear from the Human Resources Department within a period of 15 days after the closing date of applications, your application can be viewed as unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful applicants shall not be returned unless timorously requested by the applicant.

Left: Grade 5E3 Reenetse Mkhabela, Mrs. Rozelle Cronjé. She received an orange badge.

Mrs. Eunice Changwara with Mmthabo Rama who received a silver badge.

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale 11. Birthdays/ Verjaarsdae

3. Dienste/ Services PARTIES MADE EASY For any occasion - Invitations, party centre pieces, movie tray packs, milestone posters, banners. Any theme. Contact: Elis, 082 432 4285 PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and condi-

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

tions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.

9. Te Huur/ To Rent TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer huis in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Huis beskikbaar vanaf

einde April 2017. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954.

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21 APRIL 2017



Steelpoort Academy give merit awards Continued from page 6...

Grade 7E2 - Orange badges: Mrs. Danhiel Kruger withTjatji Mmashai, Refentse Nhlanhla. Back: Nokwanda Hlomuka, Dakalo Lebakeng, Mpumelelo Maseko.

Games for everyone On Sunday 16 April, Tubatse Masters played in a top four soccer tournament played at the Sekhukhune TVET college sports grounds in Praktiseer. In the first match Bothashoek Masters won 3-2 against Motodi Masters. In second match of the day,Tubatse Masters won by 8-2 against Mokgetla Masters and booked their place in the final against Bothashoek Masters. Norman Jannetjies, Mashudu Netshilindi (x 2), Lekgotla Motswiane (x3), Mbesuma Mabaso and Rally Mmola scored for Tubatse Masters. In the final Tubatse Masters played against Bothashoek Masters and both teams failed to score. The match ended with a 0-0 draw. The match was decided in a penalty shoot out and Bothashoek Masters won 5-4. On Wednesday 19 April, Tubatse Masters hosted Phoenix Security from Marula Mine for a friendly soccer match in Ga Mashamothane. Tubatse Masters won the match 3-1. Isaac Mndawe, Mike Malatji and Mersi Malatji scored for Tubatse Masters. (Information: Jerial Mvundlela; Photographs: Suprise Godi)

SAPS games Oranje balkies - Me. Colleen Language saam met leerders van Graad 7A: DJ Knoesen, Louise Aukamp en Chanika van der Merwe.

Orange badges for Grade 4 E1. Mrs. Alechia Hurter with Tebatso Tau, Onthatile Segooa, Fifi Sekoati, Anastatia Africa. Back: Mashoto moela, Roxanne Raphele, Comfort Leshaba, Lefa Kgwetiane, Olwethu Bayisa.

Oranje balkies vir Graad 2 A. Zelmari de Beer, Dianco Myburgh, Carli Stoltz, Melissa Olivier. 2de ry Karmi Nel, SimonĂŠ Theron en Mianke Visagie. By hulle is Me. Christelle Vorster.

Orange badges: Grade 1E4 Karabo Mokwena, Masechaba Muntsoane, Kamogelo Sekwane. Mrs. Ina Joubert is standing with them.

On Wednesday 19 April, the SAPS Burgersfort/Sekhukhune/ Leboeng (photo left) visited Real Madibele FC in Kutullo village and played a friendly soccer match. The SAPS managed to score 5 goals by Const. Skosana (2), Const. Lekoloane, Const. Sekgobela and Const. Malepe to win the match by 5-0.

(Information and photograph: Const Maimela and Const Skosana)



21 APRIL 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Modikwa athletes at Two Oceans Marathon A group of Modikwa Marathon Club athletes headed to Cape Town last week where they participated in the Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon. They enjoyed the race and all of them completed it. The race consists of a 56km Ultra Marathon, half marathon, trail runs and fun runs. As the Comrades Marathon is know for being the ultimate test of human endurance, the Two Oceans Marathon is said to be the most beautiful marathon in the world with breathtaking scenery along the route. The local athletes participated in the ultra marathon. Jeffrey Nkuna came in at number 156 with a time of 4:02. He missed getting a silver medal by two minutes. Capri Maluleke ran a time of 5:25 to come in at position 2066. Adolph Boshego ran a time of 6:58. Mminah Chulu completed the race, but missed the final gun for a medal. These races are part of the group’s preperation for the Comrades Marathon in a bit more than a month’s time. They thanked Modikwa Mine’s management for their support and are aiming to be at their best when the time for Comrades Marathon arrives. (Information & photographs: Willem Montgomery).

Kom ondersteun die Hervormde Kerk se jaarlikse golf dag Die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk op Steelpoort se jaarlikse golf dag word weer op 13 Mei hierdie jaar aangebied. Dit is altyd ‘n prettige dag en golfspelers word uitgenooi om solank in te skryf. Die kompetisie word by Tubatse Chrome se golfbaan gehou en spanne met 4 spelers kan inskryf vir die “Four Ball Alliance” formaat. Inskrywingsfooie is R1000 per span. Enige golfspelers kan inskryf, jy hoef nie ‘n lid van die klub te wees om deel te neem nie. Daar word beplan om teen 08:00 die oggend af te slaan en die finale reëlings vir die dag sal vanaf 07:30 deurgegee word. Persone wat graag as borge by die dag wil optree of wat wil inskryf is welkom om die volgende persone te kontak: Karel Hattingh (072 799 3566) of Ds. Herman Meyer (082 925 9424).

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