Platinum Gazette 21 February 2014

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Š Platinum Gazette

21 February 2014

Protest?- no!

Fun walk. These young people of Ga-Selala (between Burgersfort and Moroke) and surrounds partook in a 10 km fun walk early last Saturday as part of a Youth Wellness Day organised by the Office of the Premier. The photograph was taken just as they spotted the Platinum Gazette lens at the end of their route. More photographs on page 2.



Focus on youth Last week Saturday saw a large event tent at Ga-Selala and vehicles from the Premier’s Office in Polokwane arriving in the village. The event was a Healthy Lifestyle Seminar organised by the the Office of the Premier with the assistance of various roleplayers, especially the Greater Tubatse Youth Council under chairmanship of Mr Themba Ngele (pointing to the camera in the top left photograph). On the agenda was a fun walk and various issues influencing the youth, such as drugs, alcohol, teenage pregnancy, substance abuse, crime and the

forthcoming national election. Adept speakers enlightened the crowd about the various issues, while entertainment was the order of the day with cultural performances, song, dance and drama. Drama of another flavour was experienced when Mr Abednico Mashabela (Secretary of the Greater Tubatse Youth Council) expressed his unhappiness towards the organisers of the event (in the Office of the Premier) for sidelining the Youth Council in organisisng the event and not giving the Youth Council a more prominent spot on the agenda. This fight took place at the back of the tent while the programme continued under the joint directorship of Mr Ngele and Tecious Mahlake (from the community). Later the newspaper was assured that it was “just a misunderstanding” and that everything went ahead as planned and that the interests of the participants took top priority.

21 FEBRUARY 2014




Bags of ...

On Thursday 13 February 2014 Tubatse Police arrested a 66 year old man in connection with cultivating of dagga. On the day at about 13:00, the Police were busy doing crime prevention duties around Ga- Mokgotho village when they got an information about dagga plants at a house around the area. Police followed up information that led them to the said homestead. Dagga trees were growing in the yard and the owner of the house was arrested. The plants were confiscated. Abram Mahlake adimitted the charge against him and paid a R200 admission of guilt fine. Warrant Officer Nakishi Mohlala and Constable Simon Mamphoke pose with the dagga plants.

Hazardous medical waste. Platinum Gazette was alerted on Thursday morning by a regular passerby of bags with medical waste next to Burgersfort’s main road. The bags were not there late on Wednesday and seems to had been dumped during the night. The photographs were taken just before going to press yesterday in the harsh sun and the red colour cast in the photograph at the bottom, right, was digitally adjusted to make the contents more visible. At the time of going to press the origin of the waste was not yet known.

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21 FEBRUARY 2014

Success stories

Empowering to grow business Two weeks ago celebrations were in the order of the day when one of the local companies, Insanita PTY took possession of equipment valued almost R20 million. Insanita is a local ore haulage company and they took possession of four 30 ton Dump Trucks, two Front end Loaders, a Grader, two TLBs and a Water Tanker. Before they were using hired plant equipment and productivity was influenced due to old equipment. Mr Strydom Makofane from Insanita is very excited about the developments within their company. “This has created 210 permanent jobs! You know we would just like to grow this company, delivery a reliable service at a competitive price and give back to the community,” he said.

Mr Strydom Makofane from Insanita PTY is very excited about the new Plant equipment they’ve recently bought. His special message of encouragement to other entrepreneurs in the area is “to use the right channels, deliver a reliable and competitive service. Never give up!”

He added: “We have a message to other mines and the community. Community Companies such as ours is here to stay. We’ve lived up to our founding mandate, which was in the first place to create jobs and in the second place make money for community development. Through the contract we have at Modikwa this is becoming a reality”. Ms Mmasaku Mohale from Modikwa Platinum Mine explained that Receiving the vehicles from Doosan were Mr Solomon Thobejane (Motlokwa), Section 21 Company Chairman Modikwa expects Mr Edwin Chiloane, Mr Francois de Wet and Mr Gys van Rooyen (Doosan), Mr Strydom Makofane, Ms Nomsa exceptional service Nkosi, Ms Evlin Nkadimeng and Mr Caiphus Magabane. from supplier Modikwa Platinum Mine, thank you to the local ownership. The company is 60% companies such as Insanita. “We’ve given SED department and Standard Bank for the owned by Motlokwa Transport and them a foot in the market and we expect support and trust”. Construction and 40% by Leahlaba them to grow bigger and supply the same “We are looking forward to start doing Construction. Standard Bank Burgersfort service to other mines in the region. work at other mines in the area such as assisted the entrepreneurs with financing Modikwa is committed to uplifting Dilokong, Twickenham and Glencore. We their new equipment. entrepreneurs in the area, but we expect are showing we have the ability and we Mr Makofane said: “We are appealing to quality service at a competitive price” she encourage other companies to follow in the kgoshi’s and communities surrounding said. “To the Insanita team - Keep up the Modikwa’s footsteps with projects like this. Modikwa to support projects in the area. good work. We did not give you a fish, we It is all about empowerment”. taught you how to catch a fish. What would Don’t barricade roads or be destructive. really make us proud is to see the company The jobs created at the mine overflows into Entrepreneurs in the area are welcome to people being economically active and being contact the Modikwa Business becoming a supplier of choice, not only in Development Officer, Mr Phineas Makuwa able to support shops in the area, pay taxi the Eastern Limb, but on the African fare or engage in other economic activities. on 013 230 2000 during office hours to continent”. Insanita exceeds Modikwa’s enquire about opportunities at the mine. Local Procurement Strategy’s guidelines for One job touches many lives. Thank you to



Studying pays at Joshua Generation Joshua Generation’s top academic achievers who are placed on the Principal’s Honour Roll enjoyed a fun filled weekend at Badplaas last week. As an incentive to study and work hard the top achievers were treated to this special outing.

Photographs and information: Joshua Generation.

Hey! Where did it go? Mr Arrie Heyl from Steelpoort submitted this photograph after he stopped a truck while losing its wheels. According to Mr Heyl, the driver wanted to know from him where the tyres, rims and brake drums went. Apparently the driver did not notice anything wrong with his vehicle.




21 FEBRUARY 2014

What do you think about global Global warming seems to be the new buzz word when it comes to climate and climate change. Over the past few weeks the weather and climate in general came under the spotlight again. In South Africa heatwaves battered the Western Cape with temperatures soaring to to the mid-thirties. Drought conditions persist in some areas with heavy rainfall in others. According to statistics this is however something that happens every few years. In the rest of the world snow and rain are part of this year’s unusual weather. The United Kingdom is receiving more rainfall than they’ve recorded in 250 years. Many towns and villages are flooded, threatening the recovery of their fragile economy. In the United States of America they are receiving unusual amounts of snow. It even fell in states that are usually sunny and not known for heavy snowfall such as Atlanta, Georgia and Florida. This while they are entering early spring. The lack of snow at the Winter Olympics in the Russian town of Sochi also caused debate, with one athlete even starting a campaign to call for action against climate change. In reality Sochi is one of Russia’s warmest cities and the Russians have been collecting and stockpiling snow high up in the mountains to ensure they will be able to host the Winter Olympics in an area where the temperatures do not go below zero. Expanding Arctic sea ice and the fact that an US Icebreaker had to free a Russian ship on a Scientific tour to Antarctica over December last year are easily talked over when sceptics of global warming start asking questions. One of the main points scientists make is that weather is not the same as climate. You could experience odd weather without it truly being a change in climate. There are many theories in the world and one of those sometimes applied to climate change is that of Karl Popper. He said: “One of the oldest dreams of mankind - the dream of prophecy, the idea that we know what the future has in store for us, and that we can profit from such knowledge by adjusting our policy to it”. This is often used to play down initiatives that raise money to combat global warming as tricks to simply fill some unknow person or corporation’s pocket. For many the change in climate is not an urgent issue, but rather some background event. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about global warming and whether they they believe that initiatives to stop climate change are necessary or of any true assistance.

Mr Roy Kmutekwa said: “There are some changes because of global warming. Normal people don’t impact on global warming but the mines in this area have an impact. They are however trying to stop global warming. Our mines care”.

Mnr. Pieter Oosthuizen en Mnr. Chris Boshoff sê: “Maatskappye wat besoedel het ‘n invloed, maar individue nie regtig nie. Ons dink nie global warming bestaan regtig nie want party plekke raak kouer in plaas van warmer”.

Mr Jan Hlungwane said: “I think global warming is a scheme. They just waste money or rather someone is making money through this”. Mr Forster Maloka said: “I believe there is global warming. Industries and emissions cause it. It affects a certain layer of our atmosphere, the ozone layer. Paying emission taxes etc. will not help. We need to be more cautious. We need to recycle etc”.

Mr Thomas Rich Baloyi said: “I think it is getting hotter because of air pollution. We must prevent it. It is good to have taxes related to global warming”.

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Mr Vince Mohlala said: “It might be because of mining processes that we have global warming. Nobody knows what the methane that builds up underground where mines are abandoned can do to global warming. I actually think they are just making money through this global warming issue”.

Mr Nelson Mashego said: “I believe there is global warming, but I don’t think we have an impact on it”.

Mnr. Johan van Dyk sê: “Die mensdom het natuurlik ‘n invloed. Global Warming bestaan wel as jy kyk na hoe erg die seisoene verander. Global Warming is ‘n beskrywing van verandering. Dis nie net vir ‘n warmer klimaat nie. Daar moet geld spandeer word om gasse te beperk soos Samancor hier by ons doen met hul prosesse. Ons as mense moet ook maar elkeen sy deel doen soos kyk na die emissiegasse van ons voertuie. Saam is ons baie mense so ons het ‘n invloed, maar fabrieke het die grootste impak”.




warming and climate change?

Mr William Manzini said: “Yes, there is global warming, but in South Africa how do you stop it? People here only want water and electricity. First give them that and then worry about global warming”.

Bo: Me. Liza Cruse en me. Jessica Hurter sê: “Ons dink dit gebeur. Die seisoene wat so deurmekaar is. Ons kry nooit hierdie tyd van die jaar reën nie en dan skielik kry ons wel reën. As almal saamwerk kan ons ‘n verskil aan global warming maak. Dit is nodig om die fabrieke te reguleer maar individue het nie ‘n groot impak nie”.

Mr Jim Ngwana said: “It might be a scheme this global warming. In South Africa there is no rain so it is hotter, but I think they may only be trying to create jobs through the taxes for global warming”.

Regs: Mnr. John van Niekerk sê: “Ja, daar is definitief iets soos global warming as ‘n mens kyk na al die snaakse dinge wat met ons gebeur. As jy mooi in die Bybel gaan lees sal jy sien dit is tekens dat alles einde se kant toe staan Nee, dit is glad nie die moeite werd om geld te spandeer om global warming te probeer bekamp nie”.

Left: Mr Moses Nkaelang said: “There is global warming. It is becoming too hot with less rain. No, I don’t think we have an impact only the smelters and other factories. It is not fair to pay emission tax for vehicles”. With him is Tshenolo.

Regs: Mnr Given Ndebele sê: “Ja, daar is global warming want ons vra nie die Here mooi vir alles nie. Mense word doodgemaak ens. Nou word dit warm as ons straf”.

Ms Malebo Lingwati said: “Yes, there is global warming. It is because of the things we don’t recycle. I don’t think the money for things like emission tax is going to the right place”.

Mr Forward Mabaso said: “I think it is something that is happening. We do have an impact on global warming. All the money they get to stop global warming is a waste. It is mostly a natural thing you cannot stop”.

Mr Frans Mmoyane said: “I think there is global warming because of the heat and no rain. At night it is so hot you cannot sleep! This is a natural thing. Perhaps it is punishment from God, we don’t know. They are just running a business to get money through this global warming. That money is going nowhere good”.



21 FEBRUARY 2014

Calvin College students on the run Athletics in the heat Calvin College hosted their annual athletics last week Thursday. The school’s teams, the Lions and Tigers, participated in various items. Bison Falls Spur also sponsored them a mid-morning meal and balloon. (Photograph far left).

Some of the officials taking a break as the Bison Falls Spur delivers the children’s food.

Tubatse Chrome Festival 2014 in the pipeline The Tubatse Chrome Festival 2014 will be taking place on 26 and 27 September this year. The Club recently hosted a thank you function at which the sponsors of last year’s event were thanked for their contributions towards making it possible. The Festival Committee is currently in the planning stages and will soon announce which artists will this year be gracing the stage at the Club. In the mean time they appeal to the business community to support the event and become involved as sponsors. This event is one of the highlights on the Steelpoort social calendar and provides something for everyone. Sponsorships are important to keep the costs for entrance to a minimum and provide the only the best entertainment and fun for the whole family. Anyone interested in finding out more about this year’s festival can contact Embrich Cilliers on 084 240 0546 or Maureen Knoetze on 076 061 6615.




Water project tour continues Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor Mogobo David Magabe continued his tour to inspect water infrastructure projects within the district. At Moutse East and West the bulk water supply, construction of pump stations, pipeline and a reservoir in progress was inspected. This includes a reservoir at Lusaka, Denilton and the construction of a 12km, 600mm diameter ductile iron pumping from Mzimadala junction to the new Lusaka reservoir as well as a 60km, 400mm

diameter gravity line from Lusaka to the Spitspunt reservoir. A pump station is also being constructed outside Groblersdal on the Marble Hall road. The pipeline from Groblersdal to the reservoir is 35% complete and the revised completion date is 28 October 2014. 30km of pipe have been installed so far. This project affected two families who had to be relocated to new homes. The project is affected by ground water around the structures being build, hard rock as well as the weather.

BURGERSFORT Vakante betrekking/Vacancy: Kantoordame/Office and Admin Lady Vereistes/Requirements: • Moet matriek hê/Must have matric. • Moet ‘n geldige bestuurderslisensie hê./Must be in possession of a valid drivers license. • Vorige kantoorondervinding met kennis van debiteure en krediteure sal in die kandidaat se guns tel/Previous office experience with knowledge of debtors and creditors will be an advantage. • Moet rekenaargeletterd wees/Must be computer literate. • Moet goeie kommunikasievaardighede hê en as deel van ‘n span, maar ook op eie inisiatief kan werk/Must have good communication skills and be a team player but also have the ability to work on own initiative. ‘n Volledige CV met opvolgbare verwysings kan by Burgersfort Supa Quick ingehandig word of gefaks word na: 086 597 9792. A complete CV with traceable references can be handed in at Burgersfort Supa Quick or faxed to: 086 597 9792. Sluitingsdatum/Closing date: 28 Februarie/February 2014 Indien jy binne 21 dae nie van die maatskappy gehoor het nie was u aansoek onsuksesvol. If you have not heard from the company within 21 days from the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

Public Notice PROPOSALS TO OPERATE THE MUNICIPAL CANTEEN Prospective Service providers are invited to submit proposals to operate the Municipal Canteen situated at the Municipal Building, 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort. The successful service provider will enter into a Two year Contract to operate the Municipal Canteen. The proposals marked‘ Bid to operate Municipal Canteen‘ should be deposited in the Tender box at the Municipal building First floor on or before 28th February 2014, 12h00. For more enquiries please contact Motha JM @ 013 231 1000 during working hours. Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:


Do you have some news? Contact Platinum Gazette on E-mail:, Fax: 013 231 7147 or Tel: 013 231 7147/083 271 9151 with your news and events.


21 FEBRUARY 2014


Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components!

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soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129. VIP Rentals Two and Three Bedroom Units available Please phone: 074 354 1274

3 bedroom house in a security village available to rent in March 2014, R10 000 pm. Please contact owner at 076 834 3457 Twee Slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby die Tubatse Crossing

Mall. Skakel: 082 357 1954

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4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Capture analysis on MIS Able to work shift Clean and maintain good housekeeping in the area of work (Lab) or Lab samples Complete Lab log sheet

General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given tohistorically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. Thecompany offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application to on e-mail to: or by Fax to: 013 230 7754. Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.



Vriendskaplike atletiek by Laerskool Ohrigstad Verlede week Woensdag het skole in die area by Laerskool Ohrigstad aan ‘n vriendskaplike atletiekbyeenkoms deelgeneem. Die dag is deur Laerskool Ohrigstad aangebied en deur Laerskool Lydenburg, Laerskool Atokia, Laerskool Burgersfort, Steelpoort Akademie en Laerskool Mariepskop bygewoon. Die kinders het aan verskillende baan en velditems deelgeneem en al die dag se aksie het in ‘n goeie gees plaasgevind.

Die besoekers aan Ohrigstad het glad nie nodig gehad om honger deel te neem nie. Bo is Mnr. Piet Steyn, een van die dorp so bobaas pannekoekbakkers in aksie.



21 FEBRUARY 2014

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Platinum Gazette


Soccer galore On Saturday last week the Tubatse Masters played a friendly soccer game against a local team from Mangabane Village. The game was played at the Mangabane Soccer field. The two teams played good football by creating scoring opportunities and managed to score six goals in the first half. Tubatse Masters was the first to score. Aubrey Malindisa from Tubatse Masters took this honour. The hosts scored next. By half time the score was 3-3. In the second half the Tubatse Masters introduced some fresh legs and dominated the game from there on. They scored four more goals. The hosts scored only one additional goal in the second half. The other goals for Tubatse Masters were scored by Mbesuma Mabaso (02) and Andrew Skosana (03). A second game was played between Socialising FC from Ga Magongoa Village just outside Mokopane and Mangabane FC. The visitors dominated teh game from the first whistle and they managed to score three goals to make the half time score 3-0. Thepo Lamola scored a brace, first goal and third goal while Andries Mafifi scored the second goal for the visitors. In the second half the visitors continued to dominate and created a few scoring opportunities. They however failed to increase their tally. Late in the second half the Mangabane Masters put in extra effort to dominate again, but only managed to score one consolation goal. The final score was 3-1 in favour of the Mokopane soccer team. (Photographs and information: Jerial Mvundlela)

Tubatse Masters Team: Mbesuma Mabaso, Lekgotla Motswiane, Mashudu Netshilidzi, Forward Mabaso, Tomas Lubisi and Mpho Mokgohloa Kumfu Selahle, Doctor Klaaste, Jimmy Maganyane, Aubrey Malindisa and Andrew Skosana.

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