Platinum Gazette 21 July 2017

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Illegal Mining : Limpopo Government supports Police and suggests ‘research’



The Limpopo Provincial Executive Council say the Provincial Government is concerned about occurrence of illegal mine in Sekhukhune. In a post-Exo meeting statement the Office of the Premier said last week Thursday that the magnitude of this illegal mining is a concern and “as government we are working on this as a matter of urgency. We support the intervention by the South African Police Services in dealing with the problem of illegal mining. The Provincial Government will approach both the University of Venda and Limpopo to conduct a research on the socio economic impact”.

For Madiba - p 2, 3 Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse (FGTM) Local Municipality Mayor, Cllr Johannes Phokane, cutting a Nelson Mandela Birthday Cake at Ga Kgwete village in the company of children in the area. (Photograph - FGTM Communications Unit)

Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

21 Julie 2017

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21 JULY 2017


Making a real difference on Mandela Day 2017 O

n Tuesday 18 July, the world commemorated Mandela Day. Everyone is encouraged to give at least 67 minutes of their time to make a difference in their communities in honour of the late Nelson Mandela who gave 67 years of his life in service for a new South Africa. Twickenham Mine identified the Dilokong Protective Workshop for the Disabled as an organisation that could use their assistance. A

group of employees that included different Heads of Departments (HODs) took the day to paint three buildings at the centre and construct two wheelchair ramps at an ablution facility. They also donated groceries and provided a delicious lunch to the members of the workshop. Their efforts were supplemented by one of Twickenham Mine’s community partners - Namudi Mining Investments who also donated groceries. The Twickenham team made a real difference through their work and donations on the day. Although the 18th of July is marked as Mandela Day, Twickenham Mine’s involvement stretches much further than just one day. They recently handed over major SLP Projects worth millions of rands that will be making a difference in various communities. Twickenham Mine believe that every day should be a ‘Mandela Day’ where everyone should give their best to make a difference.

Apart from the painting, wheelchair ramp construction and grocery donation, Twickhenham Mine also provided the members of the Dilokong Protective Workshop for the Disabled with a delicious lunch.

Above: Working hard on some of the buildings that were in urgent need of paint.

Twickenham Mine donated groceries to the Dilokong Protective Workshop for Disabled in Moroke. They also painted three buildings and constructed ramps to provide wheelchair access to an ablution block.

Twickenham Mine employees with Namudi Mining Investments who also contributed meat and groceries to the centre. They are standing in front of one of the newly painted buildings Twickenham employees painted during the morning.

21 JULIE 2017



67 Minutes of service on Mandela Day On 18 July the world commemorated the life and work of Nelson Mandela. Everyone was encouraged to selflessly give at least 67 minutes of their time to do something in their communities. The Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Municipality (FGTM) was very busy with councillors, mayor J.M. Phokane and staff members heading in different directions for different acts of service. They collected rubbish in various spots, painted and planted at the Lehlaba Centre for the Disabled in Riba Cross and in Ga-Kgwete Village 100 pairs of shoes were donated to school children in a joint effort with Youth Connection. Tubatse, Praktiseer and Selala Build It also supported the effort with their donations being used for gardening and revamping the Lehlaba Disabled Centre.

Joyful celebrations at the Lehlaba Disabled Centre in a joint effort with Tubatse, Praktiseer and Selala Build It.



21 JULY 2017


Mining Expo at Winterveld The MTE Mining Expo took place in Steelpoort last week. The hibits first displayed at Thorncliffe Mine before heading to Winterveld Recreational Club in Steelpoort on Thursday. The exhibitors included various suppliers of mining products and services as well as

hardware, construction and powertools. Some of the exhibits included demonstrations of the products. Visitors had a hands-on experience talking directly to the different suppliers and seeing new products and services while having all of their questions answered.

Heading off in a new direction This week Tubatse SUPERSPAR said farewell to Mr. Denzil Sophie (store manager) and Ms. Phindiwe Mnisi (assistant manager). They managed the store over the past 9 years, but will be heading towards a Spar at Elukwatini. Mr. Papi Makgate on Wednesday handed a gift to them on behalf of the store merchandisers. The pair thanked the staff and community for their years of support in Burgersfort.

Ondersteun Helpende Hand en maak ‘n verskil by ‘n skool Helpende Hand het ‘n projek waardeur behoeftige skole gehelp word. Die organisasie doen ‘n beroep op gemeenskappe om betrokke te raak. Deur ‘n maandelikse skenking van R50 kan daar ‘n verskil gemaak word. Vir elke 10 of meer R50 skenkings word ‘n krat met hulpmiddele vir graad R/graad 1’s geskenk. Die krat of skatkis bevat skryfbehoeftes, pragtige Afrikaanse plakkate, legkaarte, blokkies en ’n springtou. Verder is daar ook ’n verskeidenheid handleidings in die kis. Die waarde van so ’n Skatkis is ongeveer R4000 en die volledige kis is slegs by Helpende Hand beskikbaar. Die hoogtepunt van die skatkis is die opvoedkundige hulpmiddels soos die Skillie Skilpad-reeks, ’n hulpprogram vir Afrikaans wat op die KABV-kurrikulum gerig is. Die

reeks ontwikkel die leerders se ouditiewe taalontwikkeling deur rympies, liedjies, stories, vrae en geluide. Die WriteRight-reeks is ook in die kis om met behulp van helderkleurige houtprodukte die skryfvaardighede van die leerders te verbeter. Saam met die skatkis ontvang elke skool ook lidmaatskap tot die Vereniging van Afrikaanse Wiskundeonderwysers (V.A.W.), Helpende Hand se vakvereniging, sowel as lidmaatskap tot die Genootskap vir Regte Afrikaanse Taalonderwysers (GeRAT). Lidmaatskap by die verenigings sluit gratis opleiding deur Afrikaanse en wiskunde vakspesialiste in, sowel as werkkaarte en geleenthede om kongresse en kursusse by te woon. Vir meer inligting oor hoe om betrokke te raak kontak 012 644 4390.

21 JULIE 2017



To change the provinces or not? At the recent ANC policy conference the reconfiguration of provinces came into the spotlight again. There were calls for a presidential commission to be set up and complete its work on this project before the party’s elective conference in December. In 2007 the ANC already took a decision to reduce the number of provinces from nine to six. It was said that this move will improve service delivery. “We have to harmonise powers and functions of provinces and local government because, in some areas, there is contestation of space,” said Obed Bapela a member of the National Executive Committee (NEC). Opposition parties are not taking this suggestion lightly. They claim that this is a ploy from the ruling party to remain in power. This after the ANC has received fewer and fewer votes since the 2009 elections. In provinces like Gauteng they only received 54% of the votes and they lost control of various metros including Johannesburg and Tshwane. Bapela told the media that the renewed effort to reduce the provinces has nothing to do with staying in power in the 2019 elections. “This is a Polokwane resolution, it is as old as that, it has nothing to do with 2019”. He added that the motivation was the concentration of resources at provincial level. Platinum Gazette asked readers their opinion on this issue.

Mev. Michelle Wolmarans sê: “Hoe meer geld daar is, hoe meer kan wegraak. Hoekom verander wat nie gebreek is nie? Kry eerder mense wat bevoeg is oral om die werk te doen. Gebruik die geld wat deur so ‘n verandering geraak word om elke provinsie se paaie reg te maak. Deur ‘n bal rond te skuif sal dit steeds ‘n bal bly – fokus eerder op dienslewering wat steeds ‘n probleem bly”.

Ms. Khali Mtsweni said: “The ANC has failed with service delivery. Give another party a chance. Don’t change our provinces, it will only waste money”. Mr. Excellent Mhlala said: “The ANC have shown the people only lies. They promised us jobs for all. This is their plan B because they are sinking. They want to do this to stay in power. They failed and it is time for other parties to take over. The ruling party is not the only party. The ANC has done a lot, but they also failed to control crime and they failed to control our borders. We are not against foreigners, but they must come into our country legally. The ANC also failed the children of this country – look at our education system. This move will not improve service delivery. Other parties may also not be able to do everything, but they will do what the ANC never did”.

Mr Sipho Hlakudi said: “It won’t make a difference to service delivery. They are afraid of losing the elections in 2019”.

Ms. Mmabatho Maphanga said: “It is not worth it. I think they are afraid of losing to the opposition parties. There will not be better service delivery if they change our provinces”.

Mr. Patrick Mudau said: “Service delivery will improve if there are less provinces. I hope it gets implemented later on”.

Ms Mthokazi Nkosi said: “It’s all about service delivery – whether they streamline or not, but changing the provinces is useless. Rather put the money that will be used for renaming and administration of the changes into our current municipalities and go do the work. Keep everything as it is and just deliver”. Mr Theo Matjie said: “Don’t change our provinces. It is government’s duty to give service delivery. I think they are afraid of the DA. Look at Cape Town – there is more service delivery and less corruption. Maybe service delivery will be better if they took over”.

Left: Mr Peniel Marule said: “No, it won’t improve service delivery. They are trying to minimise the provinces to give themselves a louder voice. Service delivery will remain the same. It won’t help”.

Mr Audicious Mafoyo and Mr Copper Magomane said: “It will only be a waste of money. It will not improve service delivery. The country is too big to give proper service delivery. They are afraid of losing in the next election against the opposition parties”.

Right: Rev. M.A. Montjane said: “I think they must leave the provinces as they are. It won’t improve service delivery”.

Mr Johannes Mashego and Ms Rejoice Phasha said: “They are scared of losing power and that is why they want to do this. It is like with our municipality. They were scared of losing Fetakgomo to the EFF in the previous election so they merged it with Greater Tubatse to remain in power. They just have to accept their defeat. It will not improve anything by changing the provinces”. With them is Phenyo.


21 JULY 2017

Platinum Gazette

Arandis FC is this season’s new champions The finals of the Pulana Maroga Soccer League’s 2016/17 season took place on 15 July. Arandis FC beat Zacharia Lenareng FC 2-0 to clinch the title and R10 000 cash. They also received a trophy, soccer kit and soccer ball. They are now promoted to LFA. (Information & photographs: Chego).

Isaiah 61:7 (NIV) Instead of your shame you will receive a double portion, and instead of disgrace you will rejoice in your inheritance. And so you will inherit a double portion in your land, and everlasting joy will be yours.

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10. Te Koop/ For Sale PRET LIQUOR SPORTS BAR AND BOTTLE STORE FOR SALE. Contact owners on: 074 565 6231 or 071 410 1664.

Enquiries regarding the notice can be directed to below e-mail and or fax:

E-Mail: Submission of Documents Documents are to be submitted: 1.1 in an envelope which is sealed and which reflects: Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine and are to be handed in or posted to reach: 372 Kt Dwarsrivier farm Sekhukhune Road Steelpoort Area 1133 ATTENTION: The Procurement Department (TM 1706/03 Load Testing) by no later than 15h00 on 28 July 2017

* Pret Liquor * Boxer Steelpoort * Build It Praktiseer * Themba Filling Station * Madeleen Willers Attorneys * Bubbles Car Wash * Supa Dry Cleaners Burgersfort * Dr Phetla Medical Practice

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Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine seeks reputable Companies to submit Company Profiles. Our mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60km from Lydenburg and 40km from Burgersfort, is a member of the Assore Group and world-class producer of Chrome Ore.

Pre-Qualifying Requirements

* A1 Food Store * Bronrich Slaghuis * Tubatse Build It * Vyfster Slaghuis * Burgersfort Pharmacy *Fouché Medical Practice * Mooifontein Kafee * Mahlasedi Health * Health Zone Gym * Cheap Cheap * CTM

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Pre-Qualifying Tender – Load Testing of Lifting Equipment

Kindly submit the following Pre-Qualifying documentation on or before closing date below: • Certified Copy of Valid BEE Certificate – minimum 51% Black Ownership • Certified Copies of Share Certificates • Copy of Company Registration (CK 1 / 2) • Comprehensive Company Profile • Previous and current client references and details of work undertaken including Project values • Certified Valid Copy of Company Vat Registration Certificate • Certified Copy of Valid Tax Clearance Certificate stating Good Standing • Certified copy of Valid Workman’s Compensation Certificate of Good Standing • Company Organogram • Certified Copy or Proof of Public Liability Insurance • Names and Curriculum Vitae of Key Personnel to be dedicated to the Works • Baseline Risk Assessment of company

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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Notices/Kennisgewings Notice of application for and environmental impact assessment, waste license and additional integrated water use licence on the farm Annesley 109 KT, The farm Holfontein 126 KT, the farm Morgenzon 125 KT, Sekhukhune District Municipality and Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, Limpopo Province Applicant: Imerys Refractory Minerals South Africa (Pty) Ltd – Annesley Andalusite Mine Nature of proposed activities, applicable legislation, and listed activities applied for: Environmental impact assessment: Construction of a catchment/settling point to catch dirty water from the plant area. Activity 6 of GNR 984 of 8 December 2014

(as amended) in terms of National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No 107 of 1998) (NEMA): The development of facilities or infrastructure for any process or activity which requires a permit or licence or an amended permit or licence in terms of national or provincial legislation governing the generation or release of emissions, pollution or effluent. Diversion of a river for the continuation of mining activities. Activity 12 of GNR 983 of 8 December 2014 (as amended) in terms of NEMA. The development of infrastructure or structures with a physical footprint of 100m² or more; where such development occurs within a watercourse. Waste licence: Backfilling of Quarries 6

& 7 with mine residue. Category B(11) of GNR 921 of 29 November 2013 (as amended) in terms of National Environmental Management Waste Act, 2008 (Act No 59 of 2008) (NEMWA) (as amended, and NEMA. The establishment or reclamation of a residue stockpile or residue deposit resulting from activities which require a mining right, exploration right or production right in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002). Integrated water use licence: Backfilling of Quarries 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, Segorong Quarry; Segorong overburden and WRD; HMS waste dump from plant; Settling / catchment point; Settling ponds, one additional overburden dump at Quarry

7. Section 21g of the National Water Act, 1998 (No. 36 of 1998) (as amended) (NWA). Competent authorities and relevant reference number: EIA and waste licence application: Limpopo DMR: LP30/5/1/2/3/2/1/ (73) EM. Water use licence application: Mpumalanga Department of Water and Sanitation regional office Additional information: A scoping and environmental impact assessment procedure as well as water use licencing procedure wil be followed. Letters will be send to all I&APs and stakeholders on or before 25 July 2017. Site notices will be placed at the mine and two other places in the area on 25 July 2017. Register as an interest-

ed and affected party (I&AP): To register as an I&AP of this project, to obtain more information, or submit comments, please request a Registration Form from BECS and return it to the details provided below, on or before 25 August 2017. Invitation to a public meeting: You are invited to attend the public meeting to be held on the 25th August 2017 at 11h00 at Annesley Mine. Contact details for more information: To obtain additional information, please contact the EAP. BECS Environmental (Pty) Ltd, Salome Beeslaar, (Cell) 072 191 6074, (Fax) 012 361 0645, salome@becsenv., PO Box 72960, Lynnwood Ridge, 0040

21 JULIE 2017



Netball at Youth Month tournament Part of the Youth Month Tournament that took place at Ngwaabe was a netball tournament. On Sunday the following teams played for the top spots. Jane Furse 13 vs Brazil 11; Shining 7 vs Bahlakwane 18; Shining 7 vs Brazil 25 and Bahlakwane 10 vs Jane Furse. Jane Furse walked away as the winners with a prize of R2000 a trophy and medals. Get the soccer results on page 8 of this newspaper.

Mokaila has ‘vasbyt’ Mokaila Tjia from Modikwa Marathon Club competed in the Pretoria Afriforum Springbok Vasbyt 25, 10km and 5km race. He ran the 25km and finished in a time of 02:16:32. The race was well organised and he enjoyed the bagpipes played as entertainment. The race was also started with a canon blast. (Photo & Information: Willem Montgomery)

Busy soccer week for SAPS On Wednesday 19 July, the SAPS ORS (in yellow) hosted SAPS Mankweng/Sebayeng in Seshego for a Capricorn district soccer league match. The men from Mankweng/Sebayeng managed to score four goals by Constable Mogashoa (2), Constable Mamaregane and Constable Fisha to win the match 4-2. The two goals for SAPS ORS were scored by Constable Mavunele and Capt Selolo. On the same day, SAPS Tubatse/Mecklenburg/Ohrigstad played a friendly match against Tubatse Masters in Praktiseer. Tubatse Masters managed to score one goal by Phillip Kgapane to win the match by 1-0. In another friendly match, SAPS Matlala/ Mashashane played against Knobel hospital at Kgabo Park sports grouds. The final score was 4-2 in favour of the men from the hospital. SAPS Burgersfort/Sekhukhune/Leboeng also played a friendly match in Ga Moretsele village when they visited Moretsele FC. The SAPS team managed to win the match 4-0. Constable Lekgogola (2), Secretary Nkadimeng and Cleaner Nkadimeng were on the scoresheet for SAPS team.

(Information: Sergeant Mvundlela S.J; Photographs: Constable Mamaregane & Sergeant Seshoka)


21 JULY 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Madikgwadi FC tops in Youth Month tournament The Youth Month Top 32 Soccer Tournament organised by The Masters Sports Academy had its final round of play last weekend. The event took place at the Ga-Malekane Sportsground near Steel Bridge and despite unpleasant windy conditions the teams and crowd turned out to participate and support. The day kicked off with a friendly game between the Sekhukhune SAPS and the Old Croack Squad. The SAPS won 2-0. The game to determine the third and fourth place in the tournament was played between Bahlakwane FC and P. Juventus FC. This was won by P. Juventus FC with a 2-0 score. The final was between Bakoni FC and Madikgwadi FC. Madikgwadi walked away vitorious with a 4-2 score. The walked away with a prize of R25 000 and a trophy. Second place got R15 000 and third R7 000. They all also received medals. Fourth place received R5 000.

Among the supporters were a few of the local municipal councillors.

Madikgwadi FC (photo right) walked away as the winners of the tournament. The organisers of the tournament thanked every player, supporter and sponsor for their effort in making the event a success. They look forward to next year’s games.

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