Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
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Photograph of the R37 route from Burgersfort to Polokwane taken from the new Tubatse Crossing Mall (16:52 on Tuesday, this week).
Š Platinum Gazette
21 June 2013
21 JUNE 2013
They are old, but this winter not cold Ngululu Bulk Carriers in Steelpoort last week showed they continue to care about the community in which they operate. At a special function for approximately 200 elderly people from the area, blankets were donated to keep them warm this winter. The blanket gifts were accepted with songs and dance of thanks and praise. The function was attended by various big names within the company, including Mr Freddy Sinthumule (CEO), advocate Sivhaga Netshitomboni and Mr Walter Ramugondo. At the end of the function the old people were treated to a warm meal. Ngululu Bulk Carriers would like to thank Winterveld Recreational Club for all their trouble with the function. (Photographs & Information: Theresa Hartzer, Ngululu Bulk Carriers).
200 Blankets were handed over by Ngululu Bulk Carriers Steelpoort.
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Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) • Cell: 076 848 3936
21 JUNIE 2013
The Limpopo’s 142 permitted initiation schools have commenced on the 14 June 2013 and will end on the 13 July 2013. The turnout is still low due to the fact that academic schools have not yet closed. The Limpopo House of Traditional Leaders has dispatched a team to investigate allegations of illegal schools opened in Capricorn, Waterberg, Sekhukhune and Mopani Districts. The MEC for CoGHSTA, Mr. Clifford Motsepe called on all permit holders to adhere to initiation school prescripts and encouraged parents to verify the legitimacy of initiation schools they intend sending their children to with their respective Traditional Authorities. All these efforts are to ensure that the epochal practice achieves the intended cultural objectives - without anyone giving it a bad name. The Working Committee on Initiation Schools meets on a weekly basis to consider reports compiled by frontline staff from various initiation school sites. The front line staff is from CoGHSTA, the Health Department and Police respectively. Their role is to monitor these initiation schools to ensure an incident free season. Currently there is no incidents reported. The Department appreciates the cooperation of Traditional Leaders for their support in ensuring that Limpopo is ready to host initiates and to have death free initiation season. Once again the Department strongly requests communities, particularly parents or guardians to send their children to the approved initiation schools in the five districts of the Limpopo Province. For the approved or legitimate name list please do not hesitate to contact the departmental call center on 0800 687 432.
Initiation schools kick off
Khosi Netshimbupfe Munyadziwa Alpheus of Tshimbupfe Traditional Council passes away CoGHSTA has announced that the former Deputy Chairperson of the Limpopo House of Traditional Leaders, Khosi Netshimbupfe M.A passed away on 17 June 2013. In a media release the Department says “The department has in deed lost one of its committed leaders with a passion for transforming traditional communities. The MEC for CoGHSTA, Mr Clifford Motsepe sends his sincere condolences to the family, friends, colleagues and people of Limpopo. We honored and revered Khosi Netshimbupfe – our brother, father. May his soul Rest In Peace. His memories will remain with us forever”.
Funeral arrangements are planned as follows: Date: Time: Venue:
22 June 2013 09:00 Tshimbupfe-Thondoni, Makhado Municipality
Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529 Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
WELDED FENCE MESH 1.8m x 100mm x 100mm x 1.8mm x 30m CORRUGATED IRON 0.3mm x 3.6m... 0.3mm x 4.2m...
00 75 GALVINIZED WIRE 3.15mm x 5kg
RAFTER 2790 TIMBER 7990 TIMBER BRANDERING 38 x 114 x 6.0m 38 x 38 x 6.0m STEEL DOOR 90 89 FRAME HEAVY HOUSE 00 ECONOMY DUTY WIRE 195 POST 2.4mm
813mm x 2032mm x 115mm
ECONOMY STAYS 2400mm x 34mm x 0.9mm 90
3.6m x 1.2m NON SABS UNGALVANIZED BRICKFORCE 75mm or 150mm x 2mm x 15m rolls
1.5mm x 100mm rolls SABS approved white, blue, green/yellow, red
2.5mm x 100mm rolls
NUTEC BARGE BOARDS 3.0m x 200mm x 80mm
All prices incl. VAT. Delivery excluded
21 JUNE 2013
Fun day with Leboeng Police On Thursday 2013-06-13 children from Mokgalapula Crèche of Leboeng (Ga Mabelane village) and Motshabeng Creche from Ga Mashamothane visited Leboeng SAPS. The young ones enjoyed their day with the station commander, Captain Solomon Moholane. The purpose of their visit was to inform them about the Police and show them in practice what the Police do to keep citizens safe. Their teacher, Mrs Salmina Mashele says the children are always asking to see police officials and most of them said they want to become police officers when they are grown up. Then they want to arrest the criminals .... Constable Ando Maake guided the toddlers through the Police station and showed them the inside of a Police van, creating much exitement. Captain Moholane say “This partnerships with learners help us to eradicate the root causes of crime. Most of the youth find themselves behind bars at an early age.” In the photograph posing with the little ones are Captain Moholane, Constable Maake, Mrs Mashele, Mrs Lindiwe Mogakala and Mrs Maitana Sedibe.
“As the valleys are they spread forth, as gardens by the river’s side, as the trees of aloes which the Lord hath planted, [and] as cedar trees beside the waters.” Numbers 24:6 Aloe Marlothii is a large, perennial, succulent, single-stemmed aloe, usually 2-4 m tall (occasionally up to 6 m), with old dried leaves remaining on the stem below the upper living leaves. Leaves are large, broad and succulent, light green to greyish green to bluegreen, up to 1500 x 250 mm, having a broad base tapering to a sharp point, covered with spines on upper and lower surfaces and maroon- coloured teeth with orange tips along leaf margins. Aloe Marlothii occurs from the North-West Province, Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumulanga, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Mozambique to KwaZulu-Natal north of Durban, from sea level to 1 600 m. In Platinum Gazette’s distribution area, they are very common.
21 JUNIE 2013
Netbal- en rugbysterre by Steelpoort Akademie Hierdie drie seuns is in die Mpumalanga Cravenweekspan ingesluit en sal in die vakansie aan die rugbyweek te BellaBella deelneem. Hulle is: Andries Vorster, Tumi Maroke en Arrie Heyl. (Foto & inligting: Cornelia Ebersöhn)
Steelpoort Akademie se o/13 dogter netbalspan het ‘n uitstekende seisoen agter die blad. Hulle het aan die A2 Mpumalanga spanproewe deelgeneem en as naaswenners uit die stryd getree. Die span is:
Agter: Cheyenne du Preez; Monique Language; Chris-Marie Ebersohn, Nicole Language; Katrien le Grange. Voor: Tabeel Zeeman; Juffrou Thea Alberts (afrigter); Kgothatso Makhabela. (Foto & inligting: Cornelia Ebersöhn)
Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag 10 jaar oud Die Wildevy Manne is ‘n nie-winsgewende organisasie wat bestaan uit manne in die gemeenskap wat fondse insamel vir minderbevoorregtes in die area. Die 4x4 Gesinsdag is slegs een van die projekte wat deur die jaar aangebied word, maar beslis een van die hoogtepunte. Die manne nooi alle 4x4 entoesiaste en die publiek om te kom deel wees van die dag wat hierdie jaar op 28 Julie by PLM Boerdery op die R37 na Lydenburg plaasvind. Die hele gemeenskap word genooi om betrokke te raak en die dag so lekker moontlik te maak. Die 4x4 dag is hierdie jaar 10 jaar oud en besoekergetalle het oor die jare al hoe meer geword. Daar gaan ongeveer 10 000 mense deur die hekke op daardie dag. Die dag se 4x4 aktiwiteit is so ontwerp dat dit nie gewone viertrek voertuie sal beskadig nie. Die roete is uiteengesit sodat die hele gesin kan deelneem aan pret uitdagings soos lemoene gooi, windbuks skiet en ander 4x4 verwante uitdagings. Daar is groot pryse te wen. Hierdie jaar word die Marone bergroete ook bekendgestel. Dit sluit ‘n begeleide toer deur die wildskamp en die uitdagende roete teen die Marone berg uit. Op die berg sal daar vir deelnemers heerlike eetgoed
en ander verversings aangebied word. Inskrywings vir hierdie roete kos R1000 per voertuig en slegs ‘n beperkte hoeveelheid plekke is vir hierdie roete beskikbaar. Na die sukses van die Wildevy MTB bergfiets wedren in 2012 word die 10de bestaanjaar van die dag gevier met ‘n 70km, 35km, 10km roete vir 2013. Daar is ook ‘n 2km pret trap vir kinders onder 12 jaar. Vir meer inligting oor die bergfietsrenne skakel Pieter Heyns by 082 806 5622 of besoek Die dag se vermaak sluit gaskunstenaars soos Quintin Prinsloo, Zandré, Henri Alant en Handré in. Daar sal weer stalletjies, kos en ‘n biertent beskikbaar wees. Vir die jongspan is daar ook baie pret op hierdie dag. Daar sal soos altyd vir mense wat nie aan die uitdagings deelneem nie ‘n trekker en sleepwa wees om hulle tussen punte te vervoer. Hierdie diens is gratis. Mense wat van ver kom kuier kan van die kampgeriewe gebruik maak. Inskrywingsgeld vir die 4x4 dag is R700 per voertuig en sluit ‘n spesiale hemp vir die bestuurder en sy assistent in. Die tradisionele “Show Stopper” sal soos altyd in die middag plaasvind. Met hierdie aktiwiteit ry ‘n paar uitgesoekte voertuie deur ‘n modderbad wat baie al laat les op sê het. Geen koelhouers word op die terrein toegelaat nie en ‘n kroeg met billike pryse is beskikbaar. Vir meer inligting besoek www. burbande. of skakel Chantelle Goodburn by 013 231 7498/ 9 of 013 231 7462 of e-pos by chantelleg @burbande Die moddergat wat baie laat sukkel tydens die “Show Stopper”.
Godwin Mapalakanye, Christiaan Kruger en Tiaan Havenga is ingesluit in die Mpumalanga vyftientalspan en sal die vakansie deelneem aan die rugby week op Sasolburg. Die skool wil ook die o/13 rugbyspan sterkte toewens. Hulle speel ook in die finaal van die middelskole Bondedag. (Foto & inligting: Cornelia Ebersöhn)
21 JUNE 2013
Is debt a problem in the Consumers are struggling to keep their credit record clean. According to the National Credit Regulator the number of impaired records is now standing at 9.53 million. Impaired records are those consumers who are three or more payments or months in arrears, or has been handed over or written off, or against which a judgement/administration order has been obtained. Government is currently considering credit amnesty for financially impaired consumers. Banks are however objecting to this as consumers could walk out with a ‘clean slate’ and this will make judging the risk of lending money to them in future much more difficult. According to the TransUnion’s quarterly consumer credit index, credit health has deteriorated in South Africa for the fourth consequtive quarter. Only 10.55 million consumers in South Africa are currently being rated as in good credit standing. Research shows that consumers tend to default on school fees first, then on rent and insurance. Unsecured lending over the past five years also contributed to the current situation. Approximately R30 thousand million in unsecured loans were granted like this in the past year. The interest rate on such unsecured loans is very high and contributes to the repayment struggle. According to Ms. Bernadene de Clercq, head of Unisa’s personal finance unit especially low income groups need the debt to finance their living expenses. “They need it to survive due to the increases in living costs”. They are not necessarily wasting money through the debt they obtain, they are merely trying to survive, she explained. Recently during the State of the Local Municipality Address the people of Tubatse was said to have employment and money, hence the efforts to bring shopping malls and a casino to the area. We asked readers if they think the people in this area also struggle with debt and why they have that opinion.
Mr Brisco Matlala said: “The majority of people in this area are low-income people and the standard of living is very high. They are bound tight with all their debt. They make debt for necessities. Food is expensive”.
Mr Karim Dadie said: “Yes, I work at Burgersfort Pharmacy. I’ve been here for a month or so now. I see that if a patient walks in and needs something that is not on medical aid, they will not take R10 to buy it out of their pockets. If you have disposable income, you are willing to take the cash for necessities. This is to me the indication of people in the area’s debt and cash flow situation”.
Mr Delphas Malatji said: “Ja, debt here is a big problem. The problem is people use money they don’t really have. The furniture stores are also guilty. They screen people for credit, but still give it to people who are not going to be able to pay it back”.
Mr Zacharia Setshabe said: People in this area have a problem with debt as well. Sometimes people want things they did not plan for. People want new cars and clothes etc. Then they open accounts to get it”.
Mnr. Frans Maphanga sê: “Dis ‘n probleem. By Burgersfort is die geld baie, maar die mense wil altyd nuwe goed hê en dan maak hulle skuld. Hulle koop op die rekening of credit card”.
Mr Shadreck Pandala said: “It is a problem. We do not live in a separate South Africa. Economic conditions affect everyone. Not everyone in this area works for a mine. Things go up and people’s income is not enough. You go into a shop with R1000 and come out with nothing. There is money in Tubatse but it is in the hands of a few”.
Ms Boledi Masete said: “Many people offer loans. Cash loans and loans for buying furniture. I think these people are a problem. A lot of people also have cash loans they have to repay and this makes them struggle. They don’t plan to get through on the money they earn”. Mr Eric Ndukula said: “I’m not sure about the debt problem here, but in general people have a lot of debt. People don’t check that they will be able to pay loans back. People end up paying debt with debt. We have to learn to save. People should stop going for credit. Teach the kids to start saving”. With him is Tshepo.
Links: Mnr. Hendrik Heyneke sê: “Skuld is maar ‘n probleem oral. As jy net sien hoe die mense in Burgersfort bly dan kan jy sien skuld is ‘n probleem. Mikrolenings is net so ‘n groot probleem”. By hom is Laroshall Heyneke, Dylan, Aiden en Jessica asook Yolandie Erasmus.
21 JUNIE 2013
Burgersfort area?
Mr Phillip Mushaikwa said: “It is in general a problem. If you look at South Africa the economy is consumer driven. Burgersfort is a mining area and salaries tend to be high. People are given big buying power and they use it whether they have the money in hand or not. Businesses here also seem to raise prices and things are seldom bought with cash. A lot needs to be done in this area in terms of financial literacy. You must first work and then earn”.
Mr Maxy Selahle said: “It is a problem here. We spend money to impress others. Just to compete people buy things. Many young people work in the mines and don’t know how to wisely spend their money. They don’t think about the future. What will happen if the place where you work have to scale down due to the tough economy? Will you have savings?”
Mnr. Assie van Aswegen sê: “Die hele Limpopo is vrot van die skuld. Alles wat gebou word is tot voordeel van kontrakteurs. Die geld gaan nie na plaaslike mense nie, maar na kontrakteurs. Mense het nie geld nie”.
Mnr Jan Rammutla sê: “Die mense het nie geld hier by ons nie. Ons het baie skuld. Cashloans vat baie van die geld”.
Ms Samantha Matete said: “People are alright around here. They don’t owe too much money and know how to save”.
Mr Given Kgoete (right) said: “People of Burgersfort get too much money. They don’t owe that much. Debt is not a problem here”. Mr Frans Lewele said: “People here don’t have money. It often works that a boss gets R25 000 a month and the worker only R1500 a month. How can you live on R1500 a month and provide for your family? We go to the cashloans to survive”.
Ms Patricia Riba said: “There is a lot of debt in Burgersfort. Clothing accounts is a problem. People want all the new things”.
Ms Jane Malepe said: “People have lots of loans here. They struggle to pay it back. They want to stay in a nice house and have a nice car so they have too many accounts”.
Above: Mr Petrus Mohlala said: “There is debt around here. This is because of the shortage of jobs. People don’t have experience here and the open spaces are filled with people from other areas. People here try to survive on loans. They get too many loans”.
Regs: Mnr. Leon Lombard sê: “Skuld hier is nie so ‘n groot probleem soos in die stad nie. Mense hier verdien meer as in die stad. Ek het op die radio gehoor hulle sê mense kry krediet al is hulle op die swartlys en dit is ‘n probleem. Wat plaaslike ontwikkeling betref dink ek hoe meer besighede hier kom hoe beter”. By hom is Renique en Edward.
21 JUNE 2013
Work and play at Joshua Generation Public speaking On 4 June, Joshua Steelpoort had a Public Speaking evening to which students and parents were invited to see some of the students present their Orals to the parents and other students. The Level 0’s were also invited to say the scripture they learned for the 2nd term. Tips were given on how and what a good oral should look and sound like by Ms. Leigh van der Walt, Administrator of Joshua Generation
School. Afterwards soup and bread were served. The students did very well and the parents were glad they were able to attend and learn about effective reporting for their children’s orals. Thank you to the AFM Church, Pastors Neels and Tinie and staff of the Church in Steelpoort for allowing the school to use their facilities. You are a great blessing to the community.
Soccer & Netball On 6 June, Joshua Generation School and Entheos ACE Christian School from Lydenburg, participated in a friendly match of netball and soccer. Both school’s teams did well. The shools are proud of the children for participating and enjoying the day. Thank you to Steelpoort Academy for allowing the schools to use their sport fields and to Entheos for participating.
(Photographs & Information: Joshua Generation).
Yes, believe it! You can become debt free!
Entrepreneurs at Joshua Generation
Visit a registered Debt Counsellor for assistance
Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 E-mail:
To Rent Burgersfort Residential Properties from: R4 400 - R8 500 Commercial Properties from: R5 500 - R14 500 Contact our friendly, professional rental agent today to avoid disappointment.
Wesley - 082 744 8573 • Office Tel: 079 894 2944 • E-mail: • Website:
Joshua Generation Level 4 students recently held an entrepreneurs day at the Steelpoort campus. This is done to teach the children to become self-sufficient and to learn about economics, profit and loss, market research etc. This was a fun-filled day and the children sold food items, sweets, cake, ice-creams and played games. The school thanks all the parents who supported the children and helped them to set up.
(Photographs & information: Joshua Generation).
21 JUNIE 2013
Please ensure that the position title is written in bold on the front page of your CV Closing Date: 27 June 2013 Crusher, Foundry, HMS, Milling, Plant, Preparation plant, Spiral, Thickener and Waste belt attendants The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English written language. Previous metallurgical and chrome plant experience will be an advantage.
Machine Operator (Bobcat, TLB, Dumptruck & FEL) The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English written language. Previous experience as a licensed operator would be an advantage.
HDPE Welder Aid The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination; have grade 12 and proven abilities to communicate in English spoken and written language. Previous plant HDPE pipe experience would be an advantage.
Lab Assistants The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination; have grade 12 and proven abilities to communicate in English spoken and written language. Laboratory qualification and experience would be an advantage.
Weighbridge Attendant The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and proven abilities to communicate in English spoken and written language. Previous weighbridge experience would be an advantage.
Underground sanitation
The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English written language. Previous working experience on conveyer belt systems within the underground trackless mining environment is essential.
The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English written language. Previous underground trackless mining experience will be an advantage
The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination; have grade 12 and proven abilities to communicate in English spoken and written language. Valid Code EB license is essential.
Explosives receiver
Strata Control Assistant
The candidates who apply for these positions must have police clearance, be fit to work underground, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English written language. Previous underground trackless mining experience and competent C qualification will be an advantage
The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and proven abilities to communicate in English spoken and written language and must be busy study towards a rock engineering qualification. Mining experience would be an advantage.
Welding Operative The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and a welding qualification recognized by the MQA. Must be proficient in English written language. Previous underground trackless engineering experience will be an advantage.
Planning Data Clerk The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12. Proven ability in report writing and the recording and calculation of information is essential. Previous SAP experience and work experience in the planned maintenance environment will be an advantage.
Control Room Operator The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12. Proven ability in written English language. Previous work experience in a control room as well as experience in Scada / Adroit operating systems will be an advantage.
Miners Assistant The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English written language. Previous underground trackless mining experience as a miner’s assistant with competent C qualification will be an advantage
The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination; have grade 12 and proven abilities to communicate in English spoken and written language. Proven Computer literacy is essential. Plant control room operations experience would be an advantage.
The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English written language. Previous underground trackless mining experience in pipe, ventilation and support installation will be an advantage.
Belt Attendant, Chairlift Attendant, Refuel Attendant
Pump attendant
Lamproom Attendant The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English written language. Previous relevant experience would be an advantage.
Artisan Aids The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12, and function independently. N3 engineering qualification and experience in trackless mining environment would be an advantage.
The Eastern Chrome Mines Complex, comprising the Helena, Thorncliffe and Magareng Chrome Mines, located near Lydenburg, Mpumalanga on the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex, is part of the GlencoreXstrata Group. The following vacancies exist at Helena, Thorncliffe and Magareng Chrome Mines.
Belt Supervisor
Process Team Leader
The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English written language. Previous underground trackless mining will be an advantage.
The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English written language. Previous underground trackless mining experience will be an advantage.
Roadway Maintenance The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English written language. Previous underground trackless mining experience will be an advantage
Tip Attendant The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English written language. Previous underground trackless mining experience and LHD operator experience will be an advantage
Support Installer The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination; have a Grade 12 and proven abilities to communicate effectively in English. Previous experience as a Rock drill operator would be an advantage.
LHD Operator The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination; have a Grade 12 and proven abilities to communicate effectively in English. Previous experience as a LHD operator is essential. Mechanical background would be an advantage.
Transport Driver The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination; have a Grade 12 and proven abilities to communicate effectively in English. Previous experience as a Transport driver underground is essential. Competent C qualification and trackless mining experience would be an advantage.
Drill Rig Operator The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination; have a Grade 12 and proven abilities to communicate effectively in English. Previous experience as a Drill Rig Operator is essential. Mechanical background would be an advantage.
Team Leader The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination; have a Grade 12 and proven abilities to communicate effectively in written and spoken English. Mechanized mining experience as a Team Leader in a mechanized environment with competent A qualification is essential.
Change House attendant, Stores Assistants The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination, have grade 12 and must be proficient in English. Previous relevant experience would be an advantage.
HRD Facilitators The candidates who apply for these positions must pass a medical fitness examination; have grade 12 and proven abilities to communicate in English spoken and written language. Theoretical and practical competence in his field of training is essential. Must have done all appropriate Unit standards in his field of training as well as an assessor and train the trainer course.
Important: · In addition to merit on the basis of qualifications, experience and proven achievements, preference will be given to applicants from the historically disadvantaged groups. · The Company offers a competitive remuneration package with a Medical Benefit Fund and a Retirement Provident Fund. · Possible candidates must be willing to attend interviews · Possible candidates must be willing to work any of the following 3 shifts arrangements according to a shift roster at different times: o 5 day work week, or, o an 11 shifts per fortnight, or, o a Full Calendar operation (FULCO) · Those who wish to apply must submit a comprehensive CV stating their relevant experience, educational qualification and position applied for. NOTE: Please note that Eastern Chrome Mines should not be approached directly and all correspondence must happen as per submission methods stipulated below: Electronic submission & internal applications Fax: 086546093
External applications & Manual submissions Phoenix Security station drop box – Thorncliffe T-Junctions Eastern Limb – CSI Offices · Submission not complying with submission Issuer / Receiver arrangements will not be considered The candidates who apply for these positions must · Applicants that do not hear from the pass a medical fitness examination; have grade 12 Company within a period of 21 days after the and proven abilities to communicate in English closing date of application can accept that spoken and written language. Previous stores their application was unsuccessful. experience is essential. Computer literacy and The CV’s of unsuccessful candidates will not forklift driving license would be an advantage be returned.
21 JUNIE 2013
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Dienste/ Services Divorces-quick, professional from R500+ contact Jani 072 415 2656/
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar opening soon. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277. Khutso Guest House Luxury accommodation Tea/coffee station in rooms, swimming pool, meals on request. Contact: 013 231 7313/ 0765808934
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous DREAM HEADBOARDS!! Give your bedroom a facelift with Excellent quality, Professional finishes, 5 sizes, designs and colours to choose from, Easy D-I-Y Installation, at VERY Affordable Prices!! For enquiries, quotes and orders Contact us on 071 643 6645 E-mail: We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236
9. Te Huur/ To Let
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Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS
Premises to let 840 sqm Industrial area Burgersfort
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Platinum Gazette
INVITATION TO HISTORICALLY DISADVANTAGED INDIVIDUALS AND COMPANIES Historically disadvantaged individuals and companies residing in the Steelpoort/ Lydenburg area are hereby invited to submit their resumes for consideration for participation and ownership in an Office Products supplies company to be established in the area. Reply with full details to: Advertiser Box 4138 Rivonia 2128 Closing date for applications: 30 June 2013.
A Global Consultancy house is looking for the following permanent resources: Mining Engineering, Maintenance and Supply Chain resources required with the following experience: *
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Start date to be discussed during interview. Please forward all CV’s to:
Electrician Pelletising Plant (C3) Role Purpose: Ensuring the optimum availability of specified engineering equipment at the lowest cost and at the optimum reliability levels. Role Responsibilities: The incumbent will read and interpret Electrical drawings. Install and commission electrical equipment and control devices, AC Machines and control gear, DC Machines and control gear. Install, joint and terminate Low and Medium Voltage cables and conductors. Maintain, fault find and repair single/three phase AC machines and control gear. Prepare to work shift from time to time and perform standby duties. Diagnose and repair faults on equipment and machinery during production/operations. Conduct a continuous risk assessment in the workplace. Requirements: NQF Level 4 qualification in the Electrician Field. Trade Test Qualified: Electrician. Valid drivers licence and own transport. At least 3 years experience in the engineering environment as an Electrician. At least 2 years experience on Arc Furnaces will be an advantage. Conduct faultfinding on specified equipment and executing repairs or replacements. The ability to work in a technical environment and apply technical knowledge and skills to a new and changing situation. The ability to apply rational process thinking and analytical skills towards identifying the root cause of problems. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application to on e-mail to: or by Fax to: 086 269 5572. Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
21 JUNIE 2013
Action Cricket Pro-20 Golf Day cricket finals On 29 June a golf day in aid of the Action Cricket Club will be hosted at Tubatse Chrome Club. The competition will take on a Better Ball format - Cross Country with lots of twists and surprises. Tee-off time will be 08:00 and the green fee: R200. Limited space is available so book your space in advance. Contact Martin van Rooyen to book your game on 072 564 2811.
On Saturday 22 June the final and the losers final for the local Pro-20 Cricket league will be played. The action will take place at the sportsgrounds of Laerskool Burgersfort and the public is invited to come and support the top teams. The first game will start at 11:00 and the final is scheduled for 13:30. Enquiries: Whity Ludic, 082 468 6332.
Big rugby at Winterveld A massive rugby day is planned for 29 June at Winterveld Recreational Club. Five different clubs will come together to play against each other with the Winterveld Buffels as the hosts. Two school teams will also get a chance on the field. The aim of the day is to raise funds, but also create awareness for the game in the
area. The public is invited to come and support the teams who will be playing, but also buy tickets to attend the evening’s function after all the action. Die Broers and Jaco Labuschagne will be entertaining the crowd and a warm meal will be served. Tickets are limited, so get yours now. Enquiries: Charl van der Merwe, 079 690 0858.
Makua Marathon celebrates the youth of Ga-Mampuru Local runner, DaniĂŤl Makua (Marathon Makua) brought the children of GaMampuru a special Youth Month message last weekend. This role model in the Mampuru community told the children of his village that they should stay away from drugs, alcohol and go to school to get a good education. He also encourages them to take part in sports, especially running. He believes that sport will keep them away from crime and is good for their bodies.
Soccer at Mangabane Village Rham United FC and Tubatse Masters played against each other last weekend. Get
Rham United FC playing in white. Tubatse Masters playing in yellow and blue.
more photographs and the results on page 12.
21 JUNIE 2013
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Rham United faces off with Tubatse Masters Rham United FC from Magabane Village hosted Tubatse Masters FC on Sunday afternoon at the Mangabane soccer stadium. The game was the first Rham United played in their new uniform (white clothes on the photographs). Rham United scored the first goal, but the Tubatse Masters was not going to make a win easy for the home team. Their defence was good and they missed on a few opportunities to score. In the end it was however Rham United who took the lead on the scoreboard. They won the game 3-4. Anyone who would like to organise a game against Rham United FC from Mangabane can contact Ephraim on 072 748 4987. (Information: Rham United FC).