Platinum Gazette 21 October 2011

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21 October 2011


21 OCTOBER 2011


740 Illegal shacks removed On Monday morning 06:00 the recently illegally occupied land next to the R37, across the Steelpoort river from Burgersfort were as busy as an anthill. Red Ant Security Services started to break down and remove more than 740 illegal shacks on the stretch next to the river up to the Bothashoek road. Most of them were unoccupied and the nine families who did live

in some of the shacks moved out on Sunday, 17 October. It took the 350 Red Ant workers less than eight hours to remove the corrugated iron and poles of the shacks and stack it on the back of large trucks. The Red Ants worked under friendly encouragement from local residents who want the land cleared. Everything happened under the watchful eye of a large SAPS contingent.

The only incident happened mid morning. Three front-end loaders filled with sand and stone drove up the R37 and simultaneously dropped their load right across the road to try and prevent the Red Ants from leaving with the confiscated building material. The SAPS was however quick to take the three drivers of the front-end loaders off the road and to arrange for everything to be cleared up. By about 15:00 the Red Ants all came together, singing before getting onto the trucks that took them back to Gauteng. Officials from the Greater Tubatse Municipality came to check on everything before the group left. By Wednesday morning this week, a few shacks had again been reconstructed on the site. The SAPS and a few Red Ants however quickly saw to it that these were dismantled and taken away.

The decision to get the Red Ants to remove the shacks was surrounded by controversy. Opposition parties told Platinum Gazette that more than R380 000 was approved for the removal of the shacks at the last council meeting. They explained that although they feel the removal is necessary, they objected to the payment as the land apparently does not belong to the municipality and they should therefore not be responsible for payment to get the shacks removed. DA Councillor, Mr Roelof Lourens said: “How do you explain to taxpayers that there is no money for roads etc. but pay large amounts towards the removal of illegal dwellings on land that does not belong to the municipality?” By the time of going to press it was still unclear who exactly has the title deeds for the land.

SAPS keeping a watchfull eye.

One of the ‘new’ shacks being removed on Wednesday.

GTM officials, the SAPS and Red Ant Security Services at the end of the day.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147

The Red Ants ready to go home. At the back, the trucks loaded with the corrugated iron and poles are visible. This material are often again used in the construction of emergency housing after floods etc.


Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Advertising deadlines are on a Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadlines are on a Wednesday 17:00.

21 OCTOBER 2011

Mayors get to work The Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality Cllr Mogobo David Magabe convened and ordinary District Mayors Forum on 14 October at Loskop Dam, Forever Resorts. The Mayors Forum is a political InterGovernmental Relations Structure consisting of the District Mayor and Mayors from five local municipalities within the District. The Mayors Forum meets on a regular basis to make a holistic review of service delivery interventions within the district and broadly reflect on matters of local government. In attendance were Municipal Managers from all the six municipalities, representatives from the private sector and government parastatals among them Lepelle Northern Water, Eskom, Anglo America Platinum (Twickenham Mine) etc. In his opening address Cllr Magabe emphasised the centrality of government working in a coordinated and integrated manner in its quest to deliver services to communities. The Executive Mayor also elaborated on the significance of government enhancing its organisational and technical capacity to lead development working together with the private sector and other social partners. After receiving reports and presentations from various sectors and agencies, the Mayors Forum pronounced itself on the



following key resolutions for further processing and implementation: That as part of accelerating water provision, the outstanding Service Level Agreement with Lepelle Northern Water be concluded as matter of urgency. That Lepelle Northern Water as a service provider on behalf of the district, prioritise maintenance of infrastructures and attends to queries with necessary speed and urgency. The Mayors Forum took note of significant progress made around electrification of households within our district. The Mayor’s Forum urged Eskom to work closely with municipalities in attending to power failure related queries and more importantly reducing electricity backlogs. The Mayor’s Forum considered a presentation from Anglo American (Twickenham) on a new initiative, Project Alchemy. The project seeks to empower communities at selected Anglo American Platinum Limited operations (including Twickenham Mine) on issues of beneficiation. The Forum took a view that the project is a good initiative and has to be comprehensively communicated to all stakeholders. As part of giving practical meaning to government’s priority on rural development, the Mayor’s Forum received a presentation from Linkages Development on

the Draft Limpopo Rural Development Strategy. The Forum welcomed the strategic thrust of the strategy and resolved to incorporate it in their Integrated Development Plans. The Forum further declared its support for the provincial launch of the strategy on the 10 November 2011. The Mayors Forum supports the establishment of a Home Affairs led stakeholders forum. The forum seeks to enhance service delivery and serves as link between home affairs and communities. All municipalities in the district committed them towards establishing stakeholders forums by end of November 2011. The Mayors Forum expressed its support for a Golf Tournament in honour of struggle icon John Kgwana Nkadimeng to be held on the 10/12/2011 at Groblersdal Golf Course. As part of entrenching accountability and participatory democracy, the Forum resolved that quarterly reports(SDBIP) should be reported to ward committees throughout the district The Forum resolved that Municipal Public Accounts Committees (MPAC) in all municipalities within SDM should perform monthly review of section 71 reports. The Mayors of Sekhukhune District committed themselves to Operation Clean Audit and further resolved to establish a district wide clean audit team.

Everest strike ends Production at Aquarius Platinum’s Everest mine between Lydenburg (Mashishing) and Roossenekal resumed yesterday following a protected strike over organisational rights by the Association of Mining and Construction Unions (AMCU) employed by contractor Murray & Roberts Cementation (MRC). According to Aquarius Platinum an interim agreement ended the strike and the miner says it would continue to mediate in discussions between the union and MRC to reach a lasting solution to their dispute. Last week, Aquarius told shareholders that the Mining and Construction Unions (AMCU), was demanding full organizational rights from MRC in terms of the Labour Relations Act. The dispute was described as a technical one tween AMCU and MRC, and no demands were made by AMCU of Aquarius or its subsidiaries.


First Cadets at Dwarsrivier Mine Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine has started a training initiative called Cadet Schemes. The scheme involves identifying people from the local communities, who have never had experience in the mining industry, and providing them with training, free of charge, to equip them with skills needed in the mining sector. This will allow them to apply for vacancies in the mining industry that they were previously not considered for as they did not meet the minimum requirements or have the relevant experience. Some of the trainees that complete their programmes successfully will be permanently employed at Dwarsrivier Mine as vacancies arise. The rest will go back into

21 OCTOBER 2011


their communities where they are now equipped to apply for vacancies with other mines in the area. The first cadets were assessed on the 26th September 2011 and 33 cadets were successful to date. The cadets had to undergo three different assessments including, practical and theoretical assessments as well as a Dover test. The Cadet Scheme is a 3 month programme and after completion each and every cadet receives a Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine competency certificate. Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine aims to train 100 LHD and 80 RDO cadets. (Photo & Information: Dwarsrivier Mine).

North Shaft is sharp on safety Wednesday 19 October saw Modikwa Platinum Mine North shaft/Business Unit volunteering to make an extra effort to show a difference and to stand out, by demonstrating Safety and Living the Values to remind employees about the company values and safety within the Mine. The event held at the Mine Main Gate with focus on the theme: “I care for safety do you?” and “Together we can make a difference!!” Employees from Modikwa North shaft were wearing T-shirts that had messages on safety and values. With the excellent safety record at Modikwa it is also recognised that complacency may become a problem. Therefore, a decision was made to “shock” everybody’s confidence and renew the focus on the Safety effort. In this process they also wanted to make Modikwa start thinking that accidents can and do happen any time and any place. The purpose was to reach as many Modikwa employees, contractors and visitors at the main gate as possible. An intervention covering both dayshift and night shift people was held lasting about two and a half hours during the shift changeover period.

During this process employee general knowledge in safety and the mines values was tested by questioning them on values and safety. Most transport that entered the main gate was stopped and relevant questions were asked. Small incentives were awarded after questioning and everyone was wished a safe day as they departed. Mr Andre Duminy thanked the North Shaft Team for their effort. “I know we made a difference on the day! Also thanks to the rest of the Modikwa team (you should have seen to look on your faces as you drove past!) Also thanks to the Modikwa clinic and Net care 911 staff in helping us to stage the intervention!” he added. (Photograph & Information: Modikwa Communications Unit).

Employees at the gate.


Coping with the exams Its exams time again, this is seen as a stressful way to end an academic year. We, The


Pele Family don’t think so. We have a series of healthy tips to see you through. Here are tips for eating right during exams: 1. How do I eat smarter? Meeting daily vitamin and mineral requirements will make doing your best much easier. Iron and B vitamins are especially important to maintaining the physical and mental energy necessary to study well. Iron-containing foods include red meat, cereals and spinach. Foods that contain B vitamins include whole-grains, wheat germ, eggs and nuts. Fish and soy are other foods that are said to help boost your brain by providing the nutrients it needs. 2. Chewable Vitamin C is not a meal. Dietary supplements are good, but real food is better. An orange contains not only Vitamin C, but also fiber, beta carotene and other minerals — so it can’t be replaced by a pill. When you’re heading for the library, pack whole-food items like apples, bananas, carrot sticks or dried apricots. 3. Big meals keep on turning ... in your stomach. You might find that eating the standard three-big-meals-a-day slows you down mentally and physically. Consider 5 or 6 wellbalanced, smaller meals, like toast spread with peanut butter, hummus or tuna, or a piece of cheese with fruit. 4. Meet breakfast, your new study buddy. While much is said about the reasons to eat breakfast, less known are the best ways to eat smart in the morning. Coffee and a donut just don’t cut it. The idea is to get some protein, calcium, fibre and a piece of fruit or a vegetable in there. So, a bowl of cereal with milk and a piece of fruit would do the trick. Or try a cereal bar with milk. We have some additional quick breakfast ideas for you to enjoy! 5. Going bananas? Good. Fruit ranks high among the best foods you can eat for your brain. The natural sugars in fruit offer clean energy. 6. Smart snacking can enhance studying. Snack smart while studying and you may find that you retain more. Try to get two food groups into your snacks to balance the nutrients and keep your blood-sugar level stable. Some smart snack examples are banana with peanut butter, a small baked potato with cottage cheese. 7. Stay well hydrated. Choose your beverages well, though. Caffeine and sugar should be kept to a minimum. Since too much caffeine can make you jittery, try to drink moderate amounts: (500 to 625 ml). Better choices include water, fruit juice, milk, and antioxidant rich green tea.

Phelo Pele wishes you Good luck!

21 OKTOBER 2011



Milan en vroue kuier saam ‘n Groep van ongeveer 200 vroue het verlede Saterdag by Hannah Lodge bymekaar gekom vir die Laerskool Ohrigstad damestee saam met Milan Murray. Murray is ‘n bekende gesig op televisie en het ‘n komiese vertolking van

ma-wees vir die vroue op die planke gebring. Daar is natuurlik ook heerlik geëet, gekuier en na die uitstallings van klere en juweliersware gekyk (en gekoop). Die skool het almal bedank wat hulle ondersteun het.

SHOUT-IT-NOW at Phaahla Secondary The Aurum Institute went the extra mile and introduced the SHOUT-IT-NOW programme to schools and to Life Orientation teachers in particular. SHOUT-IT-NOW advises learners about

Hannah Lodge buite Ohrigstad het vir die vroue reggestaan met heerlike eetgoed en pragtig gedekte tafels. Daar was ook gelukkige trekkings en Milan (foto links) het die vroue kort-kort laat lag.

teenage pregnancy, do voluntary testing and counseling. They also use technology to ‘speak’ to learners. Phaahla Secondary School was one of the schools visited and 98% of learners were willing to get tested and know their HIV status. At Phaahla Secondary school there is also a group of girls who spread awareness of HIV/Aids in the form of Makgakgasa. They operate under the mentorship of Ms Shivhambu, Ms Makofane and the Principal Ms Lentsoane. The group also received an opportunity to showcase what they are doing to SHOUT-IT-NOW. Some of the SHOUT-IT-NOW workers were so impressed by the children that two offered to donate and give The SHOUT-IT-NOW team with Ms Makofane, Ms Lentsoane, sponsorships out of Ms Mboyane, Mr J Moshoane and one of the learners, Selota their own pocket. Lorenda. (Article and photograph: Phaahla Secondary School media facilitator, Mr J Moshoane).



21 OCTOBER 2011

Potjie-pret op Steelpoort

Steelpoort Akademie het verlede week Vrydagaand hul jaarlikse potjiekoskompetisie gehou. Dit was groot pret, met stalletjies was opgemaak is en deelnemers wat volgens hul tema aangetrek het. Die Beste Pot was: The Shack (Leani en Tallies Havenga) eerste, Bosveld Kamp (Xstrata Lion, André van Zyl en Hennie Grobler) tweede, Potjiekos (Embrich Cilliers en Suehani Friedlander) derde. Beste Stalletjie: The Shack - eerste, Bosveld Kamp - tweede. Meeste Gees: Rolmodelle in die Bos (graad 1) en The Shack - tweede. Die skool bedank almal wat ‘n pot gemaak het. Sonder dié mense sou die funksie nie gewerk het nie. Dit word opreg waardeer. Dankie vir al die borge vir die pryse en die beoordelaars vir hul deel.

21 OKTOBER 2011



Going head-on: North vs South The IRB Rugby World Cup will come to an end this weekend with the clash between New Zealand and France. South Africans were deeply disappointed when the Springboks, the previous World Champions, had to return home two weeks ago after losing to Australia. Australia will now take on Wales to determine who will be placed third in the ranks. We asked readers if they will watch the final game, which team they will support and what they think the score will be.

Games this weekend: Bronze final: Wales vs Australia 21 October 2011 at 09:30 Final: New Zealand vs France 23 October 2011 at 10:00

Mr Mahlatse Mashaba said: “I’ll support New Zealand. I’ve seen all the games. They are performing well. Yes, I will watch. The score will be 46-18. In the Australia vs Wales game I hope that Wales will win”.

Me. Drienie Nortjé sê: “Ek gaan uit beginsel vir die Franse skree, al gaan Nieu-Seeland wen. Na my mening moes ‘n Kiwi skeidsregter nooit die wedstryd tussen Australië en Suid-Afrika geblaas het nie. Hy sal mos partydig wees en die swakker span laat wen sodat NieuSeeland voordeel kan trek. Ek gaan die eindstryd met ‘n swaar hart kyk. Moontlike telling: 45-18”.

Mr Solly Skosana and Ms Theresa Skosana said: “We’ll support New Zealand. South Africa is out and the All Blacks are the best. They can take it and they have our support, but they must watch out because in 4 years, South Africa is coming again! We will watch of course. The score will be 20-15. In the other game between Australia and Wales we are supporting Australia”. Right: Mr Julius Morema said: “I support SA, but for the weekend I support the New Zealand team. They are the thoughest in the world and deserve to win. Yes, I’ll watch, I’ll be part of the game. The score: 20-10”.

Mr Phineas Nkosi and Ms Gladys Nkosi said: “We’ll support New Zealand. We like the way they play. They were from the start our second team behind the Springboks. Score: 18-12”.

Mr Desney Makofane said: “I’ll support New Zealand. They are in the Southern hemisphere - that is why I like them. Yes, I’ll watch the game. The score will be 209”. Mr Bongani Mokhawane said: “I’m disappointed in the Bokkies, but now I’ll support New Zealand for the love of rugby. I’m not sure about the score”.

Me. Lesley Oosthuizen sê: “Ek skree vir Nieu-Seeland. Ek love hulle. Hulle het lekker gees. Ja, ek gaan die wedstryd kyk en dink die telling sal so 28-10 wees”.

Ms Nthabiseng Rantho and Ms Mpho Makofane said: “The All Blacks. They are the best. They are working really hard. They do team work and good running. We’ll be watching on our big screens. Score: 20-5”.

Mr Bongani Nkosi said: “I’ll support New Zealand because they have the better squad. Ja, I’ll be watching. The All Blacks also have the advantage of playing at home. Score: 15-8”.

Mr Cedric Malapane said: “I am very disappointed. The referee robbed us in the Springboks’ last game. So I am no longer watching the Rugby World Cup. We won’t benefit anything because of robbery”.

Mnr. Jaco Lombaard sê: “Ek ondersteun die naweek die All Blacks. Hulle verdien om te wen. Hulle is definitief die beter span. Frankryk is met luck daar. Ek gaan vir seker kyk. Die score: 26-3. In die wedstryd tussen Australië en Wallis hoop ek Wallis wen”.


21 OCTOBER 2011


Letters / Briewe Express your opinion. Write a letter to the Platinum Gazette. Letters may be e-mailed, posted or faxed. Contact details are on page 2 of this issue. Spreek jou mening uit. Skrywes kan per epos, pos of faks na Platinum Gazette gestuur word. Kontakbesonderhede is op bladsy 2 van vandag se uitgawe.

Dankie vir hulp en bystand Baie dankie aan die SAPD van Burgersfort. Burgersfort Toyota wil julle graag bedank vir jul flink optrede Maandag 17 Oktober 2011na ‘n gewapende roof. ‘n Groot dank aan die Speurders en bestuurspersoneel van die SAPD vir julle ondersoek en bystand. Ook groot dank aan Oom Wol en Oom Unest vir julle dapper optrede en die kalm bly tydens die roof. Julle het dit goed hanteer. Dankie ook aan Ayob en Frik van Toyota wat saam met Hennie van Dresden Towing aan ‘n jaagtog deelgeneem het om die voertuig wat in die roof gebruik is, te vang. Dankie aan Hennie wat uitiendelik die voertuig opgespoor het. Almal se hulp, bystand en flink optrede word opreg waardeer. Burgersfort Toyota

HIV Counselling and Testing awareness at Leboeng Swaranang clinic, one the clinics in the Greater Tubatse Municipality has held a HIV Counselling and Testing (HCT) awareness campaign which was aimed at increasing the uptake of the service (to get tested and know your status). The event took place on Wednesday morning. Mr Frank Mohlala who introduced the purpose of the day said: “The community of Leboeng has identified the problem, a

burden to the community. The community often have to travel far for medical help. They decided to apply for a clinic that will help to maintain the well being of the community members. President Jacob Zuma, in his 2010 state of the nation address announced the new programme called HCT to replace to voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) which was not effective as the infection rate was still increasing. The HTC programme has started on the 1st April 2010. Responding to the

Suspects caught by Ohrigstad SAPS The Ohrigstad SAPS arrested three suspects for a series of burglaries. The three men in their thirties were arrested at Matibidi, Didimala and Apara Villages respectively. They were found in possession of stolen property. The items were stolen during burglaries at Crystal Springs Hotel in Pilgrim’s Rest, Iketla Lodge in Ohrigstad and the Matibidi area. Some of the items recovered include laptops, cell phones, cameras, clothes, shoes, bags and camera lenses. The estimated value of the goods are R250 000. The suspects also confessed to breaking in at Hannah Lodge near Ohrigstad. The property taken from the lodge was not recovered. According to the suspects the items stolen which include a video camera there was taken by a man near Burgersfort. Anyone who might have come across the goods should please contact the SAPS. The suspects appeared at the Dientjie SAPS and Pilgrim’s Rest respectively on charges of possession of stolen property and burglary. The cases were postponed to 8 and 14 November. On the case in Ohrigstad, the HIV pandemic, the Department of Health in South Africa has to take fight against HIV as a priority. The minister of health Dr Aaron Motswaledi said that South Africans needed to reduce the new infection of HIV by 50% by the end of 2011. Swaranang clinic had a target of 3060 to be reached by the end of June 2011. The clinic only managed to test approximately 1450 people, which was less than half of the set target. The purpose of the current campaign is to increase the uptake HCT opportunities and to make the community aware about the availability of anti-retrovials and encourage the community members to know their HIV status. The message of support was from the inter departmental delegates, SAPS: Const. Sibatani, Education: Nelly Matjeke, SASSA Mr. Matlakala and Home-Based Care: Maggy Mabelane. The keynote address was led by Ward 26 councillor, Ms Anna Shai.

suspects appeard in court on 13 October and will remain in custody until they were due to appear in court on 20 October 2011. By the time of going to press, no futher information was available. * In Ohrigstad a Lesotho national was arrested for theft of copper wire and irrigation sprinklers pm 12 October. The 23-year old man and his friends was allegedly found cutting cables near the farm in Grootboom. Passersby alerted the SAPS. It was about 19:45 on 11 October. The suspects managed to run away, but left the stolen cables, sprinklers and their cutting tools behind. On 12 October the Lesotho man met up with the passerby who alerted the SAPS. The man recognised him and alerted the police again. He was arrested and appeared in the Lydenburg Magistrate’s Court. He will appear in court again on 14 November 2011. He will remain om custody with no bail as he has no fixed address or legal documentation. (Compiled by: Constable Mantshwane, Ohrigstad SAPS) She represented the Greater Tubatse Mayor. Councillor Shai emphasised the importance of knowing you HIV status as this will help one from knowing whether eligible for anti-retroviral drugs. She further indicated that anti retro-viral drugs work well to improve the well being of the community. People should make the right decision to test and ensure one protect yourself and others. The event was supported by the following non-profit organisations (NPO), Aurum Institute, Family Health International SA, MK Umbrella, Kgwana Community Centre. The NPO’S were offering HIV counselling and testing on the spot. The local chiefs, traditional health practioners and church representatives from local churches were present. The event was attended by an estimated 400 people. (Reported by Mohlala F.D) ;

21 OKTOBER 2011



Joshua Students at All Africa Convention Students from the Steelpoort and Burgersfort campuses of Joshua Generation Christian School did very well at the anual All Africa Convention in Bloemfontein recently. Hundereds of students from all over Africa

attended the event. Daleen Koen received two gold and one silver medal for Needle & Thread. Robert Koen received a gold medal for Freaching (13 - 15 years), Tumelo Maputla received a 10th place

for Preaching (13 - 15 years), Nonhlanhla Mncina received a gold medal for Golden Lamb (memorizing the book of John in the Bible), Kgotso Tsie received a sixth place for Preaching (13 - 15 years) and Danelle van der

Walt a fifth place for Recorder Solo and a Gold Medal for Golden Lamb (memorizing the book of John). Daleen, Nonhlanhla and Danelle were also nominated to attend the International Student Convention next year.

Daleen Koen, Robert Koen and Danelle van der Walt from the Burgersfort campus.

Tumelo Maputla, Kgotso Tsie and Nonhlanhla Mncina are from the Steelpoort Campus.




MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: · A recognized B degree in Economic and/ or Land Development or equivalent · Five years extensive management experience · Knowledge of LED and Town Planning · Knowledge of relevant local government statutes and Bathopele Principles · Computer Literacy for the role · A valid SA motor vehicle drivers license · Well developed interpersonal skills and a high level of professional ethics and integrity

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: · A B degree or equivalent · 3 - 5 years’ experience in a risk management and auditing environment · Experience in Local Government Risk Management will be an added advantage · Broad understanding of all key areas of a Municipal environment · Knowledge of relevant legislation · Computer Literacy and Report Writing Skills · Communication and Facilitation Skills · A valid SA motor vehicle driver’s license

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Reporting to the Municipal Manager the incumbent will be responsible for the following: · Effective consultation with local business, consultants, councilors and civil society on economic development · Develop, implement and manage strategies for economic and land development within the municipality · Planning of activities relating to tourism and SMMEs · Renew and align economic and land use activities with changing legislative mandates · Ensure the efficient utilization of resources allocated in line with applicable legislation and practices · Manage budget as well as performance of staff allocated to the department


POSITION : SENIOR RISK OFFICER POST LEVEL : 03 REMUNERATION : R258, 419.13 – R259, 613.39 (Basic salary)

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: · Assist the Audit Committee and Senior Management in Establishing and communicating the municipality’s ERM objectives and direction. · Facilitate Enterprise-wide Risk Assessment and monitor priority risk assessment across the municipality · Conduct risk assessment education and training · Coordinate the establishment of committees · Assist in developing risk mitigation strategies for the municipality’s critical risks and monitoring techniques · Ensure effective alignment between the ERM process and internal audit · Other duties reasonably expected of a Senior Risk Officer

Applications accompanied by a detailed CV, certified copies of certificates and other supporting documents should be submitted to the Human Resources Offices at Greater Tubatse Municipality Civic Centre at 1 Kastania Street in Burgersfort or they can be posted to: The Municipal Manager, Greater Tubatse Municipality, P O Box 206, BURGERSFORT, 1150. No faxed or emailed applications will be considered Closing date : Enquiries :

04 November 2011 @ 16h00 Human Resources @ 013 231 1000

The selection process will be influenced by the municipality’s Employment Equity Principles. Please note that correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. Applicants who have not been contacted within 30 days after the closing date should assume that they have been unsuccessful. PHALA H L MUNICIPAL MANAGER The Municipality reserves the right not to make any appointments

10 10

October 2008 21 24 OKTOBER 2011


Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

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Kennisgewings/Notices Supply Chain Management Section ERRATUM

07 October 2011

(i). BID NAME : Burgersfort Internal Streets Phase 4: New Roads: Madiba and Riba Streets. (ii). BID NUMBER: MIG/LP0887/R,ST/08/10. 1.

The following corrections of the tender for the BURGERSFORT INTERNAL STREETS PHASE 4: NEW ROADS: MADIBA AND RIBA STREETS which was advertised in the PLATINUM GAZETTE of the 07th October 2011 and SOWETAN respectively are hereby made as follows –

1.1 ON EVALUATION AND ADJUDICATION CRITERIA. - The word “either” on line 3 should read other. 1.2 ON CLOSING DATE AND OTHER CONDITIONS FOR THE BID. 1.2.1 ITEM 1 - The tender documents will be sold at the Greater Tubatse Municipality, New Civic Centre, Burgersfort, 1st Kastania Street, Lower Ground Floor, Finance – Revenue Section. 1.2.2

ITEM 2 - The phrase “lower ground” on line 5 should read 1st Floor.


ITEM 3 - The preposition “or” on line 1 should read and, the word “reserve” should read reserves,and the word “right” should read rights.


The other information stated on the original tender advertisement and not corrected on this ERRATUM remains valid and binding to all bidders. The Greater Tubatse Municipality PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Mr. H.L Phala Tel: 013 231 1000 Municipal Manager

21 OKTOBER 2011

Boeresport(s) by Steelpoort Akademie Steelpoort Akademie het verlede week Vrydag groot pret gehad ter voorbereiding van hul jaarlikse boeresport en potjiekoskompetisie. Die kinders het in klasverband volgens verskillende temas aangetrek en het die oggend verwyl deur drie-been-hardloop, sakresies, kaskar ry en toutrek. Dit was groot pret en almal het dit gate uit geniet.

Toutrek, sakresies, driebeen hardloop en kaskar ry was deel van die pret.

Tydens die aand se byeenkoms het die volwassenes ook ‘n beurt gekry om kaskar te ry.

Steelpoort Akademie blink uit

Monique Language en Tiaan Havenga (foto links bo) het onlangs gehoor dat hulle vir die Ehlanzeni streekspan vir hokkie gekies is. Hulle vorder nou na die volgende rondte waar hulle gaan deelneem aan die provinsiale proewe. Monique het ook aan die einde September aan die Eisteddfod by Laerskool Trichardt deelgeneem.



Sy het in akrobatiese danse deelgeneem en het ‘n derde plek in die duet dans vir improvisasie gekry. Vir die solo dans het sy ‘n eerste plek behaal. In die groepdans kategorie het sy ook ‘n eerste plek gekry. Suné van Zyl (foto regs bo) het haar vlak 2 ballet eksamen voltooi en Tanya van Zyl (foto regs bo) het haar moderne danse eksamen afgelê. Albei die meisies het uitsonderlik presteer.

Misty Knights MCC Charity for Children Day On 12 November the Misty Knights MCC will be hosting a Charity for Children Day. It will take place at Winterveld Club, Steelpoort and the gates will open at 09:00. Entrance will be to donate a school starter pack at the gate (R80 per person). Cloth badges will be R20 each. There will be a cash bar, live band, food stalls, lucky draw, Dyno Machine, Wheelie Machine and a campsite will be available for those who would like to stay over. The group invites everyone to come and enjoy the day with them and help those in need. Enquiries: Alet 072 503 1378.


21 OKTOBER 2011

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Regional table tennis tournament in Steelpoort Joshua Generation Christian School hosted the SACCSA regional table tennis tournament on Saturday last week. The event was a huge success with SACCSA representatives suggestion that Joshua Generation becomes the permanent host of the tournament. The event was held at the AFM Church in Steelpoort. The Joshua students performed exceptionally well with many first, second and third places in the various age categories. Some of the children’s performances even had them qualify to go attend the national table tennis event. The school thanked everyone who participated and came to support the children on this day.

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