Platinum Gazette 21 October 2016

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Through the looking glass:



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Sekhukhune District Municipality issued the following statement about the water situation in the area: Notice to residents within Sekhukhune District Municipality of the severe water drought in the Country. Burgersfort town is severely affected by the drought and the impact is felt. The municipality is abstracting 5.7Ml/d instead of 13Ml/d from Spekboom river and this is a result of the National Water restrictions imposed the Department of Water Sanitation. We pumping 4.9M/d to Burgersfort residents instead of the 13M/d demand. This means that if water is not used sparingly the communities in Burgersfort will experience low water pressure and some residents may not receive water at all. The recorded reservoir levels on Friday, 14 October 2016 were: Main reservoir level= 90% Reservoir No.1 = 26% Reservoir No.2 = 46% Reservoir No.3 = 21% Ohrigstad

Spekboom River at Fraaiuitsicht just outside Burgersfort on Wednesday.


The upper reservoir level is at present 69% and the booster Pumpstation at reservoir at 53%

Communities are therefore encouraged to use water sparingly especially those that are living where the water levels are very low and Sekhukhune District Municipality will continue to provide water tanks where there is no water at all. Water use efficiency programme entails the following: · · · · · · ·

Taking a shower instead of a full bath No irrigation of garden at all including those using borehole water supply. No washing of paving and driveways with a hose. No washing of vehicle using a hose, instead use a bucket or alternative foam wash and any other available technology on the market. No brushing of teeth on full running tap. Install dual flush system instead large flush which uses 9 litres, whilst the small flush uses 4 litres per flush. Not everything must be flushed in the toilet, dispose sanitary towels in bins instead of a flush in toilet.

Flag Boshielo The current 20.2% dam level will last the up to February 2017 if no rainfall situation does not improve. We have reduced the raw water abstraction by 30% to the entire communities receiving water from Flag Boshielo Dam.

Greater Tubatse/Fetakgomo Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

21 October 2016

Tel Fax

0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147



21 OCTOBER 2016


‘1000 Madoda must be returned to Britain and Switzerland’ Community members and former (retrenched) workers marched upon Anglo American Platinum’s Twickenham mine near Moroke (50 kilometres from Burgersfort) on Wednesday to hand over a lengthy memorandum comprising more than 60 grievances against the company. The legal and peaceful gathering did not differ much from similar marches in the past and reported on by Platinum Gazette. The memorandum focused on the mine’s involvement in community development, the alleged fact that communities do not benefit from the Lebalelo Water Project, shoddy workmanship where community projects were erected in the past, alleged bribing of traditional leaders and local councillors and employment issues such as the fact that local people allegedly do not get preferential treatment and that the community are not informed enough about the mine’s project as far as social responsibility goes, with even, it is alleged, that certain documents remain confidential and secret whereas the community have a right to access it. What took centre stage at Wednesday’s gathering is Anglo American Platinum’s decision the mechanise mining at the Twickenham project, with the memorandum stating that local people lost 200 jobs as the machines, nicknamed 1000 Madoda, mine or develop 30 metres per day where humans can only mine about two metres per day, killing the local economy. After reading the memorandum to representatives of the mine at Twickenham’s Hackney shaft, the memorandum was handed over and signed by the parties and a representative undertook to get back to the marchers in due course. The marchers demanded that feedback be given within 14 days.

Another hiccup for Nkwe Platinum Securities of Nkwe Platinum has been placed in trading halt by the Australian Stock Exchange as result of a request by the company, who also filed a request for voluntary suspension of all the company’s fully quoted securities listed on the ASX after a notice was received from the South African Department of Mineral Resources that the company’s mining right at it’s Garatouw project near Burgersfort is about to be cancelled. According to Nkwe the DMR says that in terms of Section 47 of the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Development Act the company failed to meet certain provisions of the Act as well as terms and conditions of the mining right . The Department said the company failed to provide it with adequate information regarding the commitments on the Social and Labour Plan which include LED projects, Employment Equity, Human Resources Development, Housing and Living Conditions during an inspection on 22 September this year. The company also failed to submit annual and mining charter reports as required according to the DMR. Nkwe’s Managing Director, Mr Tielong Tan said the company is currently working with the DMR to address and resolve the issues and make a presentation to the DMR on or before 11 November. Nkwe, now Part of the Zijn mining group, holds 74 percent interest in the Garatouw 282KT mining right.

21 OCTOBER 2016



Storm brewing over Maepa Primary “We as a school only have authority to where our fence goes and we cannot chase Mr Mohomane away. What if he wins the land claim and then chases us away?”

The disputed corrugated iron structure.

The document indicating the coordinates of the servitude on which the school is located.

? Platinum Gazette took the liberty to plot the sides of the servitude (in metres) on a Google Earth Image of the school(approximate). This may or may not be correct, but indicates that the structure (at the untitled placemark) is at least partially on school grounds. The newspaper took the existing western and southern fence as basis.

A corrugated iron structure next to Maepa Primary School near Ohrigstad has been a subject of controversy over the past few months. To the extent that some of the school’s major sponsors have withdrawn their financial support for the school unless the structure is removed. The school started off as a Lutheran Missionary School and farmers in the area agreed that the land on which the school is situated be proclaimed a servitude. The title deed reads that should it no longer be used as a school, the land must fall back as the property of the farm owner. The structure under dispute is outside the fenced off schoolyard, but this is where the disagreement comes in. Some stakeholders claim that the coordinates of the servitude includes the land on which it was erected, making the school, its management and Department of Education responsible for what is happening there. Others argue that the school’s fence is where the responsibility of the school stops and that the structure is on one of the neighbouring farmers’ land. Platinum Gazette spoke to the various stakeholders about the structure. Mr. S.T. Gumede from the school’s SGB said: “We’ve had a meeting with everyone involved in May this year. Mr R. Mohomane who constructed the disputed structure brought along land claim papers. Mr De Jager, the one neighbouring farm owner produced a document claiming that this is a servitude. He explained that a servitude does not belong to anyone. We as a school only have authority to where our fence goes and we cannot chase Mr Mohomane away. What if he wins the land claim and then chases us away? We don’t know what to do. We will always cooperate, but feel that our sponsors want us to fight their fights for them. We did not give permission for anyone to do things there”. One of the things that apparently transpired during the meeting in May was the fact that Mr Mohomane is accepted as a type of caretaker at the school. Mr Johan De Jager who also attended the meeting said: “At the meeting the school’s representatives said that they’ve given Mr Mohomane permission to build there as he is a caretaker at the school. This means that he has been appointed by the Department and that the structure is part of the school. Should they not want him there, they should write a letter and then the case

can take the legal route to have Mr Mohomane evicted”. According to Mr De Jager the structure’s position falls within the boundaries of the servitude and not on his land. When the newspaper spoke to Mr Mohomane, owner of the structure, he explained that he is in the process of claiming various parts of farms in the area. He said that he is the fourth generation Mohomane living there and that he constructed the structure at the exact location his great grandfather had his home. He also said that he was appointed as a caretaker to the school. “It was all agreed at that meeting in May. I am not the EFF that will just go and take land”. He allegedly tried speaking to the various landowners around the school, including Hannah Game Lodge, Iketla Lodge, Mr De Jager, Ms Vallerie Truter and Mr Jan Ferreira. “After funding to the school was stopped the local community wanted to chase the Kinnears of Hannah Game Lodge away, but I’ve stopped them because the Kinnears are employing local people and also doing things to help the community. They have helped with water supply etc. before”. Ms. Ronnie Ferreira of Hannah Trust told the newspaper that Mr Mohomane was very negative and threatening towards her employers (Hannah Trust, linked to the Kinnears of Hannah Game Lodge) and that they’ve had a very unpleasant encounter just outside the school earlier this year. She confirmed that subsequently the financial support had been terminated until the school takes steps to have Mr Mohomane’s structure removed from the school property. The different sides also dispute the validity of each other’s documents. With the one group saying that the documentation Mr Mohomane produced to support his land claim is only a paper confirming that he did visit the Land Claims office and received a number that will be followed up. Mr Mohomane in turn believes that the surveyor’s documents produced at the May meeting showing the coordinates of the servitude is not valid as it is not a letter of occupation or a title deed. The school’s principal was this week in the process of formally informing the Department of Education about the situation and the effect thereof on the financial support the school receives. All the sides Platinum Gazette spoke to was willing to have another meeting to try and resolve the issue.



21 OCTOBER 2016

Walk the walk, talk the talk - for wellness


odikwa PlaƟnum Mine hosted a Wellness Week last week. The campaign focused on both employees and the community. Employees had the opportunity to get their blood pressure and blood glucose tested. TesƟng and counseling for HIV was also done. SupporƟng businesses also aƩended the days giving informaƟon on financial planning, funeral policies, donaƟon of blood and medical aids. On Friday morning employees took part in a fun run, fun walk or cycle challenge. This was well supported and

started with loud cheers from employees waiƟng to go underground at South ShaŌ. Aerobics sessions were also started during the week and will conƟnue with employees taking the lead with classes twice a week. Modikwa’s commitment stretches not only towards creating a healthy environment for employees at work, but their total wellbeing. That is why Care Ways is also involved with seeing that not only the physical, but also emoƟonal, financial and social wellbeing is balanced to help every employee on their way to a fulfilled and balanced life. On Friday the Mine also reached out to the Driekop and Mooihoek communiƟes with a team doing health tests and counseling at Bonwankwe Primary School. Through consistently walking the walk towards wellness Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine strives for Zero Harm and happy, healthy employees and communiƟes.

21 OKTOBER 2016



Blown away

Hosea 14:4-5 NIV 4 “I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for my anger has turned away from them. 5 I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like a lily. Like a cedar of Lebanon he will send down his roots;

Career day at Makgakantshe Primary Makgakantshe Primary School held their annual career dress up day recently. It is hosted every year with the grade six and seven learners. Grade six are invited to learn how things are done since the following year will be their turn to perform. Mrs Mamphoke, the principal of the school explains that the motivation behind the day is to motivate, educate and challenge learners to dream big. In order for the learners to make quality decisions on which career path to follow, they need to be clued up. For them to be clued up, they need different people from different walks of life to come and share some tips regarding their current work, what they do, what are the required qualifications if one aspire to be where they are. The school invited different delegates from various departments, companies and NGOs. Amongst them were Mr JT Morote, Mr MJ Mabelane, Mr D Mphogo, Mr Moshwana from Morote construction. Mrs Manamela, Mrs Mphahlele from the Department of Education Sekhukhune District Office, Miss Dikeledi Sekgala, Mr Peter Rantho from Capitec Bank Burgersfort and Mr Lifi Tlaka from Kohin. Mr Ngele SH, Mrs Mamphoke MC, Mr Komane MM and Mrs Moropanefrom fromMagakantshe Primary all had a chance to speak. The principal wishes to extent special thank you message to all that made the day possible. She also wishes that this event may grow with years and continue to impact learners in a positive manner now and in the future. (Information and photographs: Mr Lifi Tlaka).

Sunday evening gale force winds ripped through the Watervalsrivier Valley and parts of Greater Tubatse. Not much rain accompanied the wind with only 6mm recorded in Burgersfort, 6mm in Ohrigstad and 2mm in Lydenburg. Some of the most severly damaged areas included Buffelsvley Guest Lodge and the Naranja Packhouse outside Burgersfort. In a press statement issued by Indigo Fruit Farming the damage is described as follow: “Gale force winds on the eve of 16 October caused severe damage to the fruit receiving section of the Naranja Packhouse outside Burgersfort. According to AJ Esser, Indigo Fruit Farming’s CEO, the roof over two receiving bays collapsed, and roofs of nearby employee housing blew off. “We are thankful that no one was injured and we could immediately organise alternative accommodation for our workers. Fortunately little machinery was damaged and this came at the end of our

successful citrus harvest,” he says. The packhouse, one of the most technically advanced citrus packhouses in South Africa, has just handled its first bumper crop. “We were not the only ones at the receiving end of destruction as the storm uprooted trees, and many more roofs and structures in the area also bore the brunt of the storm.” Immediate steps taken included the safeguarding of all water and electrical systems, and the appointment of professionals who handled the potentially risky demolishment of the damaged sections. “We aim to have all repair work finalised by the end of the financial year,” says AJ. “We’d like to thank colleagues, neighbours and other partners for all the offers of assistance and the general goodwill expressed.” During the course of the week damage assessment and repairs continued over the area while cloudy weather carried the promise of rain without delivering much relief.


21 OCTOBER 2016

Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Vacancies/ Betrekkings

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale 11. Birthdays/Verjaarsdae

3. Dienste/ Services PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available

to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.

9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere

toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808 TE HUUR Twee slaapkamer woonstel in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossiing Mall in Burgersfort. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954. TO LET Accommodation in Mashifane Park - 3 Bedroom, two bathroom house to let. Double Garage. Water included, with prepaid electricity meter. R5500-00 per month. Available immediately. Contact: 082 461 1381 or 073 115 1405.

11. Birthdays/ Verjaarsdae May this birthday of yours bring you good luck and fortune, but even more than that - may it bring you oodles of true love and friendship. Happy Birthday Leboeng SAPS Spokesperson Sergeant Andrew Sibatana. (Birthday: 22 October).

Place your birthday wishes for family and friends in the classifieds! Contact Beánnla Celliers to find out how. Tel: 0835431676 Submit your stories and invitations to the Editor at editorial @platinumgazette. com or fax: 013 231 7147.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail:

Vacancies/ Betrekkings VACANCY Westvaal Steelpoort is looking for a Vehicle Sales Consultant Requirements: • Must have relevant sales experience in vehicle sales • Be computer literate • Have a valid drivers’ license • Proven track record Renumeration: Market related salary & excellent commission structure and company benefits.

Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Submit your CV with references via e-mail at: Closing date: 28 October 2016 If you have not heard from the company within 2 weeks of the closing date, please consider your application as unsuccessful.

Invitation to Tender Supply of Binder (Clay) to Glencore Eastern Limb Smelters Tender No: 16/P120/2/SL/PN/aw Glencore Lion Smelter would like to invite registered service providers to be part of the tender process for the supply of binder (clay) to be used in the Premus process of Lion and Lydenburg Smelters, situated respectively in Steelpoort (Limpopo Province) and Lydenburg (Mpumalanga Province). Registration:

Platinum Gazette Office: 013 231 7147

Interested parties should register by Thursday, 27 October 2016 at 12:00 via e-mail to using their preferred e-mail address. All communication will take place electronically.

Further enquiries: Ms Amanda Wheeler, e-mail: Human Communications 130895

Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)

21 OKTOBER 2016



Ratels vereer spelers vir prestasies in 2016 Die Ratels Rugby Klub het verlede Saterdagaand heerlik by Die Plaashuis in Burgersfort gekuier en sommer ook hul afsluitings- en toekenningsfunksie gehou. Verskeie trofees is toegeken en die harde werk van die spelers raakgesien en vereer. Verskeie lede van die Puma Rugby Unie het ook die aand bygewoon en trofees oorhandig. Lees weer oor die funksie en pryswenners op bladsy 8.

Jannie Oosthuizen is as die mees lojale speler vir die jaar gekies.

Elke speler wat in die finaal van die Reserwe Liga gespeel het, het ‘n klein trofee ontvang.

Verskeie kort toesprake en bedankings was deel van die toekenningseremonie.

Daandre Oosthuizen het die beste gevorder.

Martin van den Berg het die meeste punte deur die seisoen aangeteken.

Die bestuurs- en afrigtingspan van die Ratels het erkenning ontvang vir hul bydraes.

Juan van Zyl - Tar en Llewellyn Richards - Panda het die meeste drieĂŤ in 2016 gedruk.

Karel Beetge is as afrigter van die span vereer.


21 OCTOBER 2016

It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Ratels sluit 2016 af Bo: Willem le Grange is die Speler van die Jaar saam met Johan Gouws en Johan Scott wat dit oorhandig. Links: Karel Beetge ontvang die Puma Trofee vanaf Arrie Myburg. Regs: Martin van den Berg ontvang die Laeveld Trofee vanaf Roelof Kotze.

Die Ratels Rugby Klub het verlede Saterdagaand hul jaareindfunksie gehou. Die geleentheid het by Die Plaashuis plaasgevind en die span en bestuur is beloon vir hul harde werk deur die jaar. Die funksie is ook deur verskeie Puma Rugby Unie verteenwoordigers bygewoon. Tydens die geleentheid is die Laeveld Trofee vir die finaal tussen die Ratels en die Pumbas aan Martin van den Berg oorhandig. Die Puma Trofee vir die finaal teen Ermelo waar die span as die Puma Reserwe Liga wenners gekroon is, is aan Karel Beetge oorhandig. Martin van der Berg is aangewys as die speler wat die meeste punte deur die jaar aangeteken het. Juan Zyl - Tar en Llewellyn Richards - Panda, het die prys vir die meeste drieë gedeel. Karel Beetge ontvang ‘n trofee as afrigter van

die span. Die mees lojale speler vir die jaar was Jannie Oosthuizen. Die trofee vir beste vordering deur die jaar is aan Daandré Oosthuizen toegeken. Willem le Grange is as die Speler van die Jaar aangewys. Die klub het hulle ondersteuners en borge bedank vir hul lojaliteit gedurende 2016. Borge wat bedank is sluit die volgende in: Khumula, Quick Fix, Flames Signs, Tubatse Mall, Nutech, Plaashuis, Tyre Corporation, 2YK Construction, Coastal Hire, Kobus Beetge, Tafelkop Water, Westvaal Mashishing, Electro Diesel, Burgersfort Electrical and Plumbing, Lamb & Ale asook Steelpoort Mining Services. Die span sien uit om in die volgende seisoen op te skuif na ‘n ander liga en daar hul staal te gaan wys. Rugby entoesiaste wat wil aansluit kan die media dop vir wanneer hulle weer begin oefen.

Elke speler en die span se bestuur het ‘n klein trofee ontvang as the Puma Reserwe Liga wenners.

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