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Gazette Your expectations noted?
The Greater Tubatse Municipality this past week concluded its public participation programme / consultative meetings with the general public, businesses and industries in the municipality to receive input on matters regarding service delivery and infratructure projects in the area. The presentation by the municipality looked as far ahead as 2021. According to the council’s documents, what is needed until 2021 is immense when compared to the feedback report, which gives encouraging information about projects completed, especially in terms of electricity infrastructure in villages. Whether the electricity will be available and affordable was not in the scope of the planning ... In the photograph the ‘completed’ foundation of the Burgersfort flea market, as mentioned in the council documents can be seen. From the documents it is not clear what the next step or budget for the project is.
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
22 April 2016
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
22 APRIL 2016
DWARSRIVIER MINE Taking hands against crime in Thaba Chweu
#drugsmusƞall Taking on the fight against crime and drugs in Mashishing
On Thursday 14 April 2016 Dwarsrivier Mine sponsored a crime awareness campaign in Mashishing. Learners from Mashishing High School and Skhila Secondary School a ended the event and the focus fell heavily on preven on of drug use, abuse and criminal ac vi es surrounding this. The SAPS appealed to everyone to assist them by repor ng suspicious or known criminal ac vi es. Various stakeholders also encouraged them to turn down crime and focus on educa on. The learners were warned about the dangers of drugs and becoming involved with crime. Dwarsrivier Mine cares about communi es and the future of residents in the area surrounding the mine. That is why they get involved with these crime awareness campaigns. Recently they also sponsored a campaign in the Ngwaabe area in Sekhukhune. Mr Remember Mmbengwa from
Dwarsrivier Mine warned learners that their chances of one day securing jobs at ins tu ons such as Dwarsrivier will be wiped out by crime. “If you have a criminal record, employers will not trust you. It is not worth it to risk your future now with crime. Rather focus on your studies as this is the way to a be er future. In the past many people were not worried about obtaining qualifica ons, but these days it is necessary to show that you are not only willing to do the job, but also the best qualified candidate for it”. Col. Pu er, the Lydenburg SAPS Sta on Commander told the learners that they need their help in erradica ng crime from the area. He also provided them with a special number where they can leave p-offs about any criminal ac vi es. The number is 071 623 6840. He referred to drugs in the community as monsters they need to fight. A er the formal programme the learners each received a delicious lunch.
22 APRIL 2016
Make sure your car is locked when leaving Thieves using remote controls are taking advantage of motorists who do not check that their vehicles are properly locked when walking away. The Burgersfort SAPS this week arrested a man after he took the opportunity to ‘jam’ the locks of a vehicle at Shoprite Castle Square. It happened at about 15:10 when the woman driving the vehicle used her car’s remote to lock and did not check that her car is properly locked before going into the shop. The left her cellphone in the vehicle which was taken by the suspect upon her return. The SAPS acted quickly and arrested a 39-year old man in possession of the complainant’s phone as well as a remote control used to keep vehicles from locking. The SAPS is appealing to the public to make sure that their vehicles are locked when they leave. Do not leave any valuables in your vehicle that can attract criminals. In another incident the Burgersfort SAPS arrested a 39year old man in possession of coins and money suspected to have been taken during a business burglarly.
The man was arrested in Burgersfort extention 10 on 19 April 2016. The money was connected to a burglarly that happened at the Twin City Complex between 17 and 18 April 2016. The suspect appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court and was granted R500 bail. The police also arrested motorists who were driving under the influence of alcohol on 16 April 2016. Men between the ages of 22 and 44 were arrested for driving recklessly under the influence of liquor. Many of the arrests were made near the traffic lights on the R555. Others were at the taxi rank traffic lights near KFC. (Information & photographs: Const. Victoria Maluleka, Burgersfort SAPS)
Two women raped over the weekend The Tubatse Police are investigating rape and house robbery cases which occurred in Praktiseer. In the one case the complainant alleged that on 16 April 2016 at 02h30 in the morning while she was sleeping with her boyfriend, she receive a phone call from one of the tenants telling her that she heard the sound of footsteps outside. She tried to listen, but she did not hear anything. She then went to the bathroom. When she opened the door, she saw a tall unknown man standing next to her door wearing a blue cap. According to the report he suddenly pointed her with a firearm and ordered her not to scream. Thereafter the man, with another man searched all the rooms and took the victim’s cellphones and cash of R50. After that both men raped her outside the rooms. They took her back to her room pointing her with a firearm before fleeing the scene. The matter was reported at the Tubatse Police and a case of rape as well as house robbery were opened for further investigations. No arrests
Man killed by angry mob Tubatse Police are investigating a murder case that occurred in Praktiseer. On 18 April 2016 at about 09H30, the Tubatse Police received a complaint that a mob has attacked an unknown man in Praktiseer (Shushumela Mabitleng). Upon their arrival they found a group of people gathered there and a man lying down with serious injuries. There were stones and bricks around the victim. It was alleged that the victim was trying to rob a woman. The victim was taken to Praktiseer clinic where it was confirmed that he died of his injuries. Police opened a case of murder for further investigation. No arrests have been made at this stage. The Police would like to appeal to the community not to assault the people if they’ve committed a crime. The community are urged to report all criminal activities to the Police. (Information: Const. Mvundlela S.J, Tubatse SAPS)
have been made at this stage. The Police appeal to anyone who can assist with information that may lead to the arrests of suspects to contact the police on 013 216 8500. In a second case the Tubatse SAPS is investigating a case of statutory rape. A 20-year old woman allege that her younger sister (14) eft home to visit her friend. She met with a 24-year old man who took her from Burgersfort to his shack at Bothashoek where he allegedly repeatedly raped her. The matter was reported at the Tubatse Police Station on 17 April 2016 and the suspect was arrested on the same day. The incident occurred between 16 April 2016 at 14:00 and 17 April 2016 07:00. It was reported on 17 April 2016. The suspect appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on 18 April 2016. He was remanded in custody until 25 April. (Information: Const. Jerial Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS)
Crime snippets In on of the successes of 17 April the Tubatse Police arrested a 25-years old man in connection with Burglary at a business premises that occurred at Riba cross. The complainant allege that on Thursday 14 April 2016 at 19h00 she locked all doors and closed the windows at her tuck shop and went to sleep. The following day on 15 April 2016 at 06h00 when she woke-up, she found that her tuck shop was broken into and some of the stock was missing. She further alleged that with the information from community members, she managed to get information about the suspect who broke into the tuck shop. The matter was reported to Tubatse Police on 17 April 2016 and the suspect was arrested on the same day. The suspect appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on 18 April 2016. He was remanded in custody until 25 April 2016 (Information: Const. Mvundlela S.J, Tubatse SAPS)
Beware of cheque fraudsters The police at Ohrigstad are investigating a case of theft under false pretense following the fraudulence activities that saw community Home Based Care from Kgautswane losing money. The Home Based Care received a call on Thursday 14 April 2016 from an unknown man pretending to be from Amakhosi cultural group in Gauteng. He told her that he saw their website that says they provide catering and requested her to prepare catering for 60 people to be served at Ohrigstad Greater Tubatse Municipal offices on Monday 18 April 2016. They on a price and the client were to pay R15 000 into their account. On Friday the suspect deposited R19 900 by cheque into the account.
Later the suspect called and said that he deposited extra money into the account by mistake and requested that they refund this via money market to him. Unsuspectingly the victim went to Burgersfort and deposited the amount of R2000 promising to give the rest when the cheque cleared. The man never arrived for the meeting and did not answer any further calls. The bank also contacted her with the news that it was a stolen cheque and thus not valid. They lost the money and the cost for the catering. A case was opened at Ohrigstad and will be forwarded to the Commercial crimes Unit for further handling and investigation. (Information: Const. Phokane, Ohrigstad SAPS)
To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083543 1676 or e-mail to adverts@ Advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00.
Full steam ahead for Jubilee tailings
22 APRIL 2016 Photographs obtained from Jubilee website gallery
Jubilee Platinum has announced that all matters relating to its chrome processing development and operations are progressing satisfactory and report increased throughput capacity together with operational control of the ASA project at Dilokong, about 30 km from Burgersfort. Jubilee says since the company assumed operational control of all chrome processing capability at ASA, overall processing capability at ASA increased from 25,000 tpm to 75,000 tpm; This paves the way for increased third party material importation. Currently the company is processing 55 tonnes feed per hour, which will increase over the coming weeks. Operating margins per tonne will not be compromised and could potentially improve, based on only modest change, to the fixed cost component of the overall cost structure. Leon Coetzer, CEO said: “We are very pleased with progress on our tailings projects, particularly the increased chrome processing capability together with full operational control. This scenario will undoubtedly positively impact on all aspects of our chrome treatment business.”
Update: Ohrigstad sport complex Although not mentioned at all in the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality’s IDP presentation prepared for the recent consultative meetings, it seems that after two years the project is about roof level. On grassroots level there is no grass yet, although the wild grasses is threatening the newly constructed netball an tennis court. Estimated time of completion: unknown. (Platinum Gazette previously tried to engage with the contractor, but to no avail).
The missing stop signs in Burgersfort seems to have been replaced and cemented into the ground. How long they will stay put is anybody’s guess. Damaging it, putting advertising signs on it, driving over it, using it in constructing your house and shooting at it, is illegal and the law will deal with you. All you may do, is obey the signs.
What to do? What do you do when a concrete mixer truck is spilling it’s contents on the road like this one between Ohrigstad and Burgerfort recently? You try and flag the driver, who in ignorance just kept on driving. According to a spokesperson for the company who were contacted by e-mail, the company must clean the surface after the spillage (which it did not do). You can can also claim from the company if your vehicle was damaged because of the spillage if you can prove it. Meanwhile it seems that the adminsitrastion of justice around the transporting of anything in the area is almost non-existing. As long as you have your license (legal or bought) with you and your vehicle is roadworthy and you keep to the speed limit where they can see you, everything is fine.
22 APRIL 2016
What do you think about the The South African Police Service has announced that the training for new recruits will be shortened to 8 months. This means the time these recruits will be spending in training will shorten by more than half than previously done. Previously they spend 24 months being trained. According to Brig. Hangwani Mulaudzi, the shortened course will be much more intense and aimed at providing a more “pro-active” policing qualification. The new system kicked in on 11 April and these recruits will be ready for deployment by December 2016 – the same time as when the last of those completing the old training will be ready. It is expected that 8000 new young police officers will be ready for deployment by December this year. The new programme is said to place emphasis on a dedicated, disciplined and professional police service working together with the public. They will receive both practical and theoretical training and will do service at community service centers close to training centers across the country. The announcement of the changed training was met with mixed responses from the public. Some criticized it for not giving enough time for proper training while others focus more on the quality of the training. 1992 police officers received only six months of training at a college before being placed at a station. There they received further training while working with a field training officer. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about the new training time for police recruits.
Ms Portia Mokgotho said: “Eight months of training is ok, but it must be quality training and they must really want to be police officers”.
Mr Sipho Mahlakwana said: “It is important for South Africa to look at other countries with a low crime rate. We should see how they train and for how long they train their police officers. We should check their systems and strategies and copy it. I don’t think reducing the training time will be a solution for crime”.
Me Carla van der Walt sê: “Hulle behoort langer opleiding te ontvang want vandag is hulle so roekeloos – veral met hulle vuurwapens. Hulle sit sommer op hulle wapens. Reëls behoort te verander en dissipline te verbeter. Hoe moet hulle leer om verantwoordelik te wees as hulle net agt maande opleiding kry?”
Mr Bush Shai said: “Eight months is not enough. At least 24 months is needed. They also have to do physical training because some police officers are too fat”. With him is Ms Lebo Shai.
Mr Elliot Makofane said: “This is not long enough. They must get physical and academic training. Eight months is not long enough for all of that”.
Ms Kholofelo Magabane said: “It is not long enough to train them in eight months, but we also need more police officers urgently. The quality of the training is important”. With her is Ntimba.
Right: Mr Tomile Headman said: “It is ok to train them only 8 months, as long as the training is good”.
Mr Peter Twala said: “Twenty-four months is what their training should be. They need thorough training for their job. Eight months is too short for them”.
Mr Lenox Mmadi said: “Eight months is too short. It should be at least two years. They should have kept it like it was. If they don’t get proper training how can they deliver? If they get enough time to train, they can deliver”.
22 APRIL 2016
shortened SAPS training?
Mnr. Vantie Eloff en Mnr. Jean O’Neill sê: “Opleiding help hulle in elk geval nie, dit maak nie saak hoe lank nie. Hulle moet mense wat weet hoe, kry om die opleiding te kom doen. Ons mense weet duidelik nie. Die ander kant is ook – wat kan jy hulle leer as die krimineel meer regte as die polisieman het?”
Mr Daniël Malepe said: “It depends on the quality of the training. The values they implement is a problem. The problem in the SAPS is the values and not the training. Training does not matter. If they have values and don’t do bribery it will be good, but now they only look after their stomachs”.
Mr Thumelo Mashile said: “Eight months is not enough. Before they trained 24 months. Now they will know nothing. They should be able to know the difference between the different types of cases. They need time to train and learn. Sometimes they also need to go to court as part of their training. They should experience different things like conducting a road block”.
Ms Velry Ngobeni and Mr David Mashabela said: “Eight months is ok. Even the biggest companies gives you the opportunity to prove yourself and this they should do when given the opportunity. Eight months is fine as long as it is quality training”.
Mr Gert Rantho said: “One and a half years is what their training should be. They need more time to learn how to work as a police officer. Now they just go to work to go and sleep”.
Mnr Daniël Kgotle sê: “Agt maande is lank genoeg as dit goeie opleiding is, maar ongelukkig is die meeste mense te sleg om regtig te leer en te werk. Die mense dink hulle kan net kry, maar hulle wil nie leer en gee nie”.
Mr Patrick Malepe and Mr Collen Malepe said: “They will not be able to do the job. It is too short. Some of them will take bribes. They must be competent. The new recruits must have a passion to fight crime and not just want a job. Then they won’t take bribes and will work well, no matter the training. They must understand their jobs”.
Ms Sabina Mpinga said: “They should be trained longer. Eight months is too short. They will not have all the knowledge in eight months. Longer training will result in them knowing better how to combat crime”.
Mr Colman Magoma said: “It is too short. Even after 24 months the SAPS is not properly trained. Eight months won’t work”. Mr Christopher Mokoena and Mr Frederick Lesenya said: “It depends. They must train 24 months because when you look at how things are now, the system of training is poor. They must also be competent in handling firearms and must know the laws. When selecting recruits they should also give preference to reservists. Eight months is too short. They must be trained in different environments. It is also important that the selection must not be done on a political base”. Left: Mr Dennis Malepe said: “In our community we need quality training for the police officers. Government is now looking at cutting expenses in training police officers and not at the quality of the officers they’ll be producing. They need at least 18 months of training so they can give proper service. What will now happen is that people will say they don’t want to give a proper service while the reality is that they received poor training on how to give a proper service”.
Right: Mr Sello Skosana said: “We need proper training for our SAPS. Eight months is not enough. At least two years is necessary. They should also improve the quality of training given because our communities have a lot of challenges”.
22 APRIL 2016
Platinum Gazette
Genesis 28:20-22 (NIV) 20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, “If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear 21 so that I return safely to my father’s household, then the Lord[a] will be my God 22 and[b] this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God’s house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.”
(The photograph was taken by Platinum Gazette reader, Ruben Zwart in December 2015 at Port Edward)
Casual Day ambassadors are ready The Casual Day theme for 2016 is Up Your Game and will be celebrated on Friday 2 September 2016. Casual Day beneficiaries would like to thank public donors and fundraisers for their massive support for the project in 2015. Says Vanessa du Plessis, Casual Day project leader: “The public have been incredibly generous and we thank them. However, we must not be complacent in our understanding of the great need for funding in this area. Organisations in the disability sector are invited to register with us and raise funds for themselves via our infrastructure. We are embarking on a countrywide roadshow, so look out for one near you. “This funding will benefit thousands of persons with disabilities through the branches of its 12 beneficiary organisations in every region. The public donated an overall amount of R27 million – R18 million was raised
by the NGO sector, while the remaining R9 million was raised through the corporate sector. “The beneficiaries of the funds, collected via a donation for a R10 sticker, on the first Friday in September each year, include 500 schools and organisations that render services to persons with disabilities. In a spirit of transparency, the public must also know that a portion of the funds go to running costs, but we keep them as low as possible,” she concludes. Casual Day is the flagship project of the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in SA (NCPPDSA). And now for 2016: Let the fun and games begin! 2016 is a year of sport and the public is invited to join in the activities.You can contact the organisers of the project on 011 609 7006 or visit the website at The funds are raised as a result of a R10 donation for a Casual Day sticker. CasualDaySA Twitter: @CasualDay_SA #CasualDay
LEBALELO WATER USER ASSOCIATION Established in terms of Section 92(1) of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No 36 of 1998) Government Gazette No. 89/23053
TENDER BID: LWUA 01/04/16 PROVISION OF SECURITY SERVICES TO PROTECT THE PROPERTY, ASSETS, EMPLOYEES AND CLIENTS OF THE ASSOCIATION AT DESIGNATED SITES OF THE SCHEME FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS. The services of appropriately qualified security service provider(s) and accredited security personnel are required to perform security duties at designated sites on the property associated with the reticulation network of the scheme. Guarding services will entail the patrolling of premises, access control, escorting of personnel and/or members of public where required, the protection of buildings and assets/risk alert and general crime prevention. Tender documents are immediately obtainable from: Venue for collection of tender document: Physical locality: Havercroft 99KT S24 18 44.3; E30 10 29.8 Office hours: Non-refundable fee: Closing date of tender submissions: Enquiries:
Main reception area of the LWUA Administration Offices, Havercroft Main Pump Station. Havercroft/Olifants River bulk water utility, 120km southeast of Polokwane and 80 km northwest of Burgersfort (Route R37). Limpopo Province. 07h30 to 16h30 (Monday to Thursday) 07h30 to 12h00 (Friday) R 250,00 Strictly - 24 May 2016 @ 10h00! Technical Superintendant Mobile: 082 462 7378 E-mail:
Casual Day ambassadors Top - Bongi Mdluli, Patrick Mashegwana, Taryn Zoe Gurr, Simba Gozo. Bottom - Khumo Moyane, Jonathan Groenewald and Nonhlanhla ‘Adoword’ Ntuli.
KENNISGEWINGS/ NOTICES PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW CITRUS ORCHARDS ON THE REMAINDER OF PORTION 6 OF THE FARM WILDEBEESTHOEK 389-KT NEAR BURGERSFORT, LIMPOPO PROVINCE Polygon Environmental Planning CC has been appointed by Indigo Fruit Farming (Naranja division) to conduct a Basic Environmental Assessment (BA) for the proposed establishment of new citrus orchards on the Remainder of Portion 6 of the farm Wildebeesthoek 389-KT near Burgersfort, Limpopo Province. Please note that the Basic Assessment Report (BAR) is available for public review and comment at the Naranja Packhouse (along the R37 Burgersfort-Lydenburg road, entrance L51C) and at Polygon’s offices at 21C Peace Street, Tzaneen, from 25 April to 28 May 2016. Electronic copies of the report are also available from Polygon upon request during this period. Any comments, queries or concerns regarding the project or the BAR must be received before or on 28 May 2016 in order to be incorporated into the final BAR for submission to the decision-making authority, the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LDEDET).
šIšINYO YA TLHOMO YA CITRUS ORCHARDS YE MPSHA GO MAšALEDI A KAROLO 6 POLASENG YA WILDEBEESTHOEK 389-KT, KGAUSWI LE BURGERSFORT, POROFENSENG YA LIMPOPO Polygon Environmental Planning CC e kgethilwe ke Indigo Fruit Farming (karonyo Naranja) go laola Motheo wa Tshekatsheko ya Tikologo (BA) go šišinyo ya tlhomo ya citrus orchards ye mpsha go mašaledi a Karolo 6 Polaseng ya Wildebeesthoek 389-KT, kgauswi le Burgersfort, porofenseng ya Limpopo. O kgopelwa o tsebe gore Pego ya kgopolo ya Motheo wa Tshekatsheko (BAR) e gona go bonwa Fao go Pakiwago Naranja (Naranja Packhouse) (kgauswi le mmila wa R37 Burgersfort-Lydenburg, matseno L51C) le ofising tša Polygon mo 21C Peace Street, Tzaneen, go thoma ka di 25 Aporele go fihla 28 Mmei 2016. Dikopi tša eleketoroniki tša pego le tšona di a hwetšagala go tšwa go Polygon ka kgopelo nakong yona ye. Ditlaleletšo, dipotšišo goba dipelaelo tše dingwe le tše dingwe mabapi le projeke goba BAR ditswanetše go amogelwa pele goba ka di 28 Mmei 2016 gore di tle di dirišwe go BAR ya mafelelo go ka išwa go ba bolaodi bja go tšea sephetho, Kgoro ya Limpopo ya Hlabollo ya Maruo, Hlago le Boeti (LDEDET). Contact / Motsereganyi: Telephone / Nomoro ya mogala: Fax / Nomoro ya faks: E-mail / Aterese ya e-mail: Post / Aterese ya poso:
Mrs Louise Agenbag 015 307 3606 015 307 3080 / 086 527 0012 PO Box 1935, Tzaneen, 0850
22 APRIL 2016
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Dienste/ Services PRET LIQUOR Gas and Ice for sale. Ice available to individuals and wholesale. Delivery available (terms and conditions). ORYX GAS refill exchange for 9kg, 19kg or 48kg bottle. Contact: 074 565 6231 or 082 072 0051.
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.
Platinum Gazette Office: 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676
FOR SALE Two stands for sale by owner in Motaganeng Estate, Burgersfort. 1) Stand 2903A - 881m2 2) Stand 3634A - 555m2 R75 000 per stand - includes approved building plans. Contact: Jannie - 082 929 5722
Platinum Gazette
9. Te Huur/ For Rent HOUSE TO LET Two bedroom houses available from R4500 and R5000. Water and lights included.(Full time security). Three bedroom house available from R6500, Aloe Ridge East and Aloe Ridge West. Viewing available after hours. Please call or what’s app 082 578 6113.
Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
NGULULU BULK CARRIERS Steelpoort We are urgently looking for highly motivated, passionate and self-driven people who are looking for a challenge and is willing to make a difference. The following opportunity has become available at our Steelpoort depot in Limpopo.
HR/Payroll Officer We are looking for a competent HR/Payroll Officer EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: • Relevant degree/diploma in Human Relations • Must be up to date on latest regulations and labour acts • Must be able to deal with all areas of the job, including unions, disciplinary action and other relevant tasks • Computer literate (Pastel Payroll) • Excellent communication skills • Previous management experience will be an advantage
TE HUUR Ten volle toegeruste 2 slaapkamer Rondawel 10 km uit Burgersfort op plaas. Geen troeteldiere toegelaat. R5500.00 per maand. Kontak Drienie 084 461 8808
“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford
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NGULULU BULK CARRIERS Steelpoort We are urgently looking for a highly motivated, passionate and self-driven person who is looking for a challenge and is willing to make a difference. The following opportunity has become available at NBC situated in Steelpoort.
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)
Creditors Clerk Please note that should you not meet the necessary requirements, you should not apply. Shortlisted candidates can bring all original documents with them to the interview. Background checks and validation of experience with previous employers may be part of the selection process. Performance outputs: · By keeping the Creditors Book up to date management will be able to make decisions based on the outputs received from the Creditors Clerk. · The Creditors Clerk will be expected to assist with any queries or problems received fr from creditors
• Diesel Mechanic Trade Test a must • NTC 3 in Motor/Diesel Trade • Previous Mercedes Benz experience will be an advantage. • Code 10 drivers license is a must • Must have experience working on trucks
Knowledge and Skills required: · Bilingual (in English and Afrikaans will be advantageous) · Very good matric results with English and mathematics above 50% · Diploma or Higher in Accounting · Computer literate (With knowledge of Pastel, Excel and other programs in the Office Package) · Good interpersonal skills · Analytical · Attention to detail · Knowledge of document control · Excellent administrative skills · Good communication skills · Telephone etiquette · Be target driven and able to work on without permanent supervision. · 2 Years experience as a Creditors Clerk will be advantageous. · The ideal candidate will be willing to go the extra mile and also assist any other areas where he/she may be able to make a difference.
Kindly send all applications to:
The Company offers a competitive remuneration package.
If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks after submitting your CV, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful.
If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks after submitting your CV, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful.
We are urgently looking for highly motivated, passionate and self-driven people who are looking for a challenge and is willing to make a difference. The following opportunity has become available at our Steelpoort depot in Limpopo.
Diesel Mechanics (x 2) We are looking for two qualified diesel mechanics EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS:
BETREKKINGS/ VACANCIES STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? Enquire about our first advert special for start-up businesses. If you’ve started a new business and would like to advertise it: E-mail: adverts@platinumgazette. com or call Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147.
NGULULU BULK CARRIERS Steelpoort We are urgently looking for highly motivated, passionate and self-driven people who are looking for a challenge and is willing to make a difference. The following opportunity has become available at our Steelpoort depot in Limpopo.
Quality Controller We are looking for one quality controller EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: • Good administrative skills • Computer literate Kindly send all applications to: E-mail: If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks after submitting your CV, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful.
NGULULU BULK CARRIERS Steelpoort We are urgently looking for highly motivated, passionate and self-driven people who are looking for a challenge and is willing to make a difference. The following opportunity has become available at our Steelpoort depot in Limpopo.
Store Manager We are looking for a skilled Store Manager EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: • Relevant degree/diploma • Knowledge of basic accounting principles • Be familiar with stock control and maintenance • Must be able to work under pressure and do good housekeeping in order for smooth running of the business • Computer literate • Excellent communication skills • Previous management experience will be an advantage Kindly send all applications to: E-mail: If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks after submitting your CV, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful.
Platinum Gazette
22 APRIL 2016
22 APRIL 2016
Veldskiet is groot pret
Die Bosbok Tak van die Jagters Vereeniging van Suid-Afrika en die Waterval CVO skool het verlede naweek saamgespan om ‘n Veldskietdag aan te bied. Die dag is by PLM Boerdery gehou en verskillende bane is uitgelê. Daar is op verskillende afstande na verskillende teikens asook boog en gongskiet gedoen. Die idee van die dag is om pret te hê, die publiek ‘n kans te gee om betrokke te raak en meer te leer terwyl lede wat regmaak vir die jagseisoen solank ‘n bietjie kon oefen. Tussen die dag se aktiwiteite deur het die CVO skool gesorg vir heerlike kos en ‘n paar uitstallers het alles en nog wat gehad vir jagters en skuts.
Girls With Guns was een van die vrouespanne wat deelgeneem het.
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22 APRIL 2016
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Platinum Gazette
Modikwa athletes at Loskop Marathon
Justice Phokane and Sonia Makoua.
The Modikwa Marathon Club participated in the Loskop Ultra Marathon and 21km race. Jeffrey Nkuna made everyone proud when he also qualified to start in batch A at the Comrades Marathon. His time was 03:37:20 and he was 83rd overall. Justice Mautlane and Portia Mabena also ran again after struggling with injuries in 2015. The team thanked Modikwa Management and employees for their support. They especially thanked Jomo Kwadi for his assistance. The team’s results: Jeffrey Nkuna - 03:37; Capri Maluleke - 04:38; Albert Twala - 5:10. 21km: Sonia Makoua - 01:37; Justice Phokane - 01:53; Adolph Boshego - 01:55; Elvis Madiba - 01:57; Justice Mautlane - 01:59; Victoria Thotse - 02:20; Portia Mabena 02:51. (Information & photo: Willem Montgomery)
Riding for Modikwa It was a busy weekend for Modikwa Cycle Club (MCC) members with two races taking place. It was a difficult choice between a mountain bike race at Swadini Forever Resort and a road race in Polokwane. Most members opted for the latter, while Bev Rieck chose to represent the club at Swadini.The Swadini race was held on Saturday the 16th of April at Swadini Forever Resort near Hoedspruit. The other race that took place during the weekend was the Annual Mayoral Cycle Race on Sunday, 17th of April at Polokwane. Members who participated were Darren McDonald, Ilse McDonald, Helgaard Prins,
Juanita Prins, Andre Duminy, Carene Duminy, Nicole Duminy and Reneilwe Nong. Members opted for the 45 km route. All MCC members completed the race without incidents or injuries well before the cut off time and received medals. A special word of thanks must be extended to Modikwa Mine Management and the Sport Club for their involvement in obtaining cycling kits for the members. They were all very proud to be wearing it for the first time during the race and to be representing Modikwa Mine at such a big event. (Information & photographs: Willem Montgomery).
Game after game for Masters On Friday 15 April, Tubatse Masters visited Batau United Brothers in Driekop for a friendly soccer match. The game ended in a 2-2 draw. Thapelo Maredi and Themba Mohubedu scored for Tubatse Masters. On Sunday 17 April the Masters hosted SBV Burgersfort at the Leolo Secondary School sports ground in Praktiseer for a friendly soccer match. Tubatse Masters managed to score 7 goals and the visitors replied with 3 goals.
Kumfu Selahle (x2), Phillip Kgapane (x2), Pitso Sehlabela (x2) and Lekgotla Motswiane scored for the Masters. In another match On Tuesday 19 April, Masters hosted a local team from Praktiseer - Dark City Movers at the Leolo Secondary school. Tubatse Masters managed to win the match by 5-3. Thapelo Maredi (x2), Dollar Molobela, Tebogo Letsoalo and Tomas Lubisi scored for Masters. (Photograph & Information: Jerial Mvundlela)