The non-functioning landfill in Burgersfort is burning non-stop, making for a terrible smell and pollution. We requested comment from the local municipality. Apart from other bigger problems, they also have problems with their e-mail. We will report as soon as we receive something.
Gazette What’s up with the water in Ohrigstad? Agenda Sekgogoba (in the photograph, left) of Ohrigstad resorted to collect clean and perfectly potable water for household use in Swart Street last week Friday. To be more precise, from a hole in the almost newly tarred road. “This hole and subsequent water waste somehow reflect on our meters. We now have an account of R39 000. A Mr Maepa at Sekhukhune District Municipality wants us to pay about R10 000 before they reopen our blocked supply (bottom right). If you phone them about your account or about the hole in the road, they are ‘not available’.” Platinum Gazette was not sure about the wasted water going through the meters, but when one meter on the sidewalk, that went like crazy, was closed, the water stopped. Estimated loss per second equaled one litre at this particular water meter (bottom), and we made a video to prove it. According to residents the water from the hole has been flowing for months now. It follows a path of 600 meters (we measured the distance) before disappearing in the bushes at the end of Mimosa Street. So we wrote Mr Willy Mosoma, who is the spokesperson of Sekhukhune District Municipality a letter about the issue, requesting his comment. He acknowledged receipt and now we wait. Watch this space.
Fetakgomo Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel
22 Februarie 2019
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031
22 FEBRUARY 2019
Tourism grading now made easy in Limpopo Getting a tourism grading for your tourist destination will now be made easy. Limpopo Tourism Agency (LTA) this week announced that it has a working partnership with the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa (TGCSA). Through this partnership, TGCSA has deployed Ms. Rethabile Lebethe, Provincial Quality Assurance Specialist to operate from the LTA premises with immediate effect to take
care of all tourism grading aspects that tourism products might have. “During various interactions we had with the industry and stakeholders, tourism grading featured prominently as a talking point. For that reason, we engaged TGSA on the matter and agreed that that the entity would send a representative to operate from our premises to attend to grading needs in the Province”, said
Ms. Nomasonto Ndlovu, LTA CEO. She went on further to say, “Our offices are a port of entry for tourists and the industry and with Ms. Lebethe based in our offices, applications and renewals will be swiftly attended and we are confident this will contribute to the increase of our tourism grading statistics. It should also be noted that one of the Lilizela Awards entry requirement is that participating tourism products should be graded or have a valid grading certificate. We have no doubt that this move gives us an increased number of participants in these highly contested provincial and national awards”. TGCSA was established in the year 2000. Operating as a business unit of South African Tourism, the TGCSA is still the only recognized and globally credible quality assurance body for tourism products in South Africa, which is greatly relied on, to this day. All this means is that when it comes to globally recognizable grading, they are really the one and only.
A local tourism destination’s directions on the Penge road.
Award for SDM Proverbs 18:2 NIV A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions.
On 19 February 2019, Sekhukhune District Municipality (SDM) received an award of appreciaton for their Sustainable Unqualified Audit Opinion for 5 financial years. Other municipalities to be honoured were: Capricorn District Municipality, Thulamela Municipality, Molemole Local Municipality and Maruleng Local Municipality. The awards were given at the Meropa Casino in Polokwane. “We are on course towards attaining a clean audit opinion,” said Executive Mayor, Cllr Keamotseng Stanley Ramaila. (Information and photograph: Sekhukhune District Municipality).
Steelies se redenaars gereed vir ATKV redenaars kompetisie
Steelpoort Akademie was in die afgelope twee weke bedryf met sport en kultuur. Die redenaars het in teen mekaar meegeding om in die volgende rondte van die ATKV Redenaarskompetisie in Polokwane te kan gaan deelneem. Dit gebeur op 25 April 2019. Die groep redenaars is agter: Simoné Gouws (goud), Marli Vermeulen (silwer), Ilne Kleynhans (goud), Rouxlé Kilian (goud). Voor: Zelri Vermeulen (silwer), Mianke Visagie (silwer), Leoné van Niekerk (silwer) en Marschant Reyneke. Saam met hulle is juffrou O’Dilhea Keulder. Afwesig was: Anouscka Hatting.
Ohrigstad Police on the move
The police in Ohrigstad led by the social crime prevention coordinator Sgt Kholofelo Phokane and VEP (Victim Empowerment Programme) members Adelaide Mogakala and Cresta Mashigo embarked on a community outreach programme in a form of door to door campaign this week. On Tuesday they visited Ohrigstad town entering house to house and speaking to residents about safety of their personal property that includes recording of the serial numbers of devices and appliances, creating unique marks on items, taking pictures of their items and engraving their names on items. This campaign seeks to create awareness and educate communities on crimes related to stolen goods and also aim to strengthen, promote relations and partnership amongst stakeholders in addressing stolen goods related crimes. VEP members informed the communities about their roles and their services which includes, pre-counseling, victim friendly facility and any victim support to the victims of domestic violence and sexual related crimes. They also encouraged the community members to report any domestic violence incidents to the police or to them so that they can be able to assist them. This kind of awareness campaigns will be taken to all communities in the Ohrigstad policing area including the farms and smallholdings throughout the whole year. Information and photographs: Sgt Kholofelo Phokane SAPS Ohrigstad Corporate Communication.
Have your say on traffic laws
The Traffic Law Enforcement Committee has invited members of the public to provide comments on the future and direction of road traffic law enforcement in South Africa. The Committee was set up in 2017 by the Minister of Transport. To date, it has engaged with a wide range of organisations consulting on the way forward regarding the future of traffic law enforcement in the country. Chairperson of the Committee, Dr Kesolofetse Lefenya, has indicated that the next step of the committee is to request the members of the public to offer their views. The Terms of Reference of the Committee require it to develop a blueprint for the future design of traffic law enforcement. “We are aware of the widespread view that traffic officers should be visible at every road intersection. “However, this would not be easily attainable, there would never be enough officers to deploy in all the areas. So we are asking members of the public to put forward innovative ways in which the laws might be more effectively applied,” Dr Lefenya said. The Committee is also mandated to develop the National Traffic Law Enforcement Code and the Anti-Corruption strategy.
Submissions must: be written in English, in MS Word format; contain the full name and contact details of the person making the submission; Where the submission is made on behalf of an organization, the full name of that organization; be attached to a covering e-mail, and sent to Hlulam@rtmc.; and Reach the committee by e-mail not later than 17:00 on 8 March 2019.
Juffrou O’Dilhea een van top 9 Graad R onnies in die land Juffrou O’Dilhea Keulder van Steelpoort Akademie is verlede Saterdag vereer vir haar uitmuntende werk as Graad R onderwyseres. Sy het Limpopo by die Nasionale Onderwys Toekennings (NTA - National Teaching Awards) verteenwoordig. Sy is verlede jaar na verskillende rondtes met uitdunne as die
beste Graad R onderwyseres in Limpopo aangewys. Die nasionale prysuitdelingsfunksie van verlede naweek is in Sandton gehou en is selfs opgeneem om op SABC 2 uitgesaai te word. Limpopo het met 3 eerste plekke we-
Tubatse, Praktiseer, Selala, Longtom & Kokobetja (Steelpoort) Build It Tubatse Build It Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529 or (013) 492 1031 • Praktiseer Build It, 087 287 8685 • Selala Build It, 073 139 7969
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ggestap en O’Dilhea se kategorie is deur die Noordwes provinsie opgeraap. O’Dilhea het ‘n Prestasie Toekenning ontvang met ‘n sertifikaat geteken deur Minister van Basiese Onderwys, Angie Motshekga. “Ek kan net dankie sê vir my Hemelse Vader vir hierdie ervaring en erkenning,” sê O’Dilhea. Sy is ook vol dank vir haar man Werner, skoolhoof Mnr. Anton Alberts en vir juffrou Thea Alberts wat haar vir die toekenning genomineer het. “Ek is gelukkig om my passie te kan leef en het soveel by die ander deelnemers geleer. Ons kontak met mekaar strek nou ook verder as net die kompetisie. Ek het sommer vriende geraak met van die ander provinsies se deelnemers” vertel sy. Hulle ruil nou ook van hulle werk onder mekaar uit en ondersteun mekaar om nog beter onderwys vir die Graad R leerders in hul onderskeie areas te verseker. Vir O’Dilhea was die ontvangs terug by die lughawe in Polokwane Sondag ook ‘n ervaring. “Die Departement van Onderwys het ‘n hele groep mense gehad wat ons kom verwelkom het. Dit was feestelik en almal was bly oor die prestasies van ons provinsie. Ek het die hele ervaring ongelooflik baie geniet”. O’Dilhea sal nou vir die volgende 5 jaar nie aan die kompetisie mag deelneem nie. Sy moedig egter alle ander onderwysers aan om die geleentheid te gebruik om meer te leer en kennis te deel. Tydens die formele funksie is daar ook melding gemaak van probleem areas, soos put toilette en ‘n gebrek aan dissipline in skole, waaraan die Departement aandag gee.
22 FEBRUARY 2019
Do people’s attitude towards race impact our economy? South Africa is often called the rainbow nation because of the variety of cultures living here, but all too often racial tension surfaces and tinges the bright image created after becoming a democracy. In 2019 South Africans are heading towards an election and some of the buzzwords of the day include state capture and corruption. In general most people feel that these are bad for the state of an already struggling economy. This week however, Dr. Theuns Eloff, executive director of the FW de Klerk Foundation published a plea to President Ramaphosa to make an end of race based measurements within the economy. His argument was that minority groups are less than 20% of the country’s population and they want to make a difference in the country, but based on the colour of their skin, they are excluded and deemed not fit to fill positions that require some of the skills they possess. He asked how can such a small percentage of people in the long term be a threat to the demographical majority in the workplace? He used Eskom as an example. Everyone was affected by load shedding and last week Minister Pravin Gordhan said that one of the issues at Eskom is the lack of skilled people. They are now planning to bring engineers from Italy and get skilled labour that was lost in the past, to come and assist the company. Yet, in the same week reports surface of Eskom planning to reduce the number of white employees in it’s service by 1308. This includes 336 engineers and many mid-level managers. In Eloff’s opinion piece he said that Eskom has been struggling much longer that the so-called ‘nine missing years’ as some politicians refer to the period under President Zuma’s rule. Gwen Ngwenya also penned an opinion piece published last week (www.politicsweb. She echoed that BEE at Eskom had a major impact on the current state of affairs. Her sentiment is that the current race policies upheld by the ANC is part of the problem and that competition in industry should ride above competition in policy to try and ensure better outcomes for the economy. Platinum Gazette asked readers how they feel people’s attitudes towards race impact on the economy.
Mr Dumisa Madalane said: “The education our government issue us with today is poor. We have many skilled people, but often employees are blamed for not being skilled enough when an organization does not perform well. This while the top people chowed the money. I don’t think colour has an impact on our economy. Our economy is negatively impacted because of political instability”. Right: Mr KP Malepe said: “I really believe that the race issue has a negative impact on our economy. We first need to recognize it’s negative impact and the negative impact our past had on black people. We must acknowledge that people were disadvantaged because of apartheid. We must also acknowledge that the benefit of our country comes before race. We must have more dialogue and talk about the past. I think today the government is struggling to balance all the forces. There are still people who are biased towards white people. Even if there are good enough people from black companies to do the job, they will favour whites. The race issue is playing a role and it is hurting our economy”.
Mr Douglas Mabokwane said: “I think racism affects our economy. We need to do away with this thing of colour. We are all human beings. We live on the same planet and we need each other. We don’t need to look at race when it comes to employment. We need to take people with skills and knowledge so our economy can improve”.
Me. Mariaan Jacobs sê: “Dit is baie sleg dat mense deur ras benadeel word. Baie mense word benadeel vir hulle ouers se ‘sondes’ deur apartheid. BEE is belangrik, maar dit moenie vir altyd aanhou nie. As daar meer werk was sou ras nie saak gemaak het nie. Suid-Afrika fokus te veel op wit en swart. As ‘n kleurling voel ek sommer sleg”.
Me Ané van der Merwe sê: “Ek voel nog altyd jy moet volgens jou kwalifikasie en hoe goed jy die werk kan doen aangestel word. Daar moenie gekyk word wie jy is en hoe connected jy is nie. Hou op kyk na kleur, dit is sleg vir die ekonomie. Mense wil nie meer werk nie. Dit is te maklik om iets onder die tafel deur te vat. Al kan mense nie die werk doen nie, kry hulle dit steeds”. Saam met haar is Carissa van der Merwe.
Right: Mr Raymond Seerane and Mr Kenneth Moropa said: “Our leadership in our country don’t have a vision for our economy. People should be employed to be the best that can do the job, no matter their colour. People’s attitudes are wrong about colour”.
Mr F. Ndou said: “They must look at qualification and not colour. So many people are appointed not even having the right qualification. You will find that someone is appointed to an HR job, but they have a book keeping qualification. Look at the relevant qualification and not at race, colour or political affiliation”.
Ms Paulinah Madalane, Ms Sindy Mdluli and Ms Lindiwe Khosa said: “People’s attitude is negative on our economy when they judge on skin colour and discriminate – like what is happening now at Eskom. That is like apartheid being brought back. The problem is often at management level. Perhaps training is needed.”. Ms Khosa says: “It is not only at Eskom. It is bad with things like what the EFF wants to do to take the land. I’m from Hazyview and many farms were taken and given to black people and it is no longer operating. It is not right. Those original farmers build those businesses and were creating jobs for people.”
Mr Jacob Malepe said: “BEE is something politicians use to try and please people. It is bad for the economy. They should rather empower black people to get the right qualifications and skills so they can be the best candidates for the job, instead of pushing some into a job they don’t know how to do, simply because they have the right skin colour”.
Mr Kamogelo Magagula said: “In some cases it has a negative impact on our economy. They will take someone based on skin colour and you will find they cannot do the job. These people will not be productive. They must totally withdraw BEE. They should strictly look at qualifications. We need qualifications and skills, not colour”.
Mr Ernest Kgoete said: “We live in a democratic state. Everyone must be given an opportunity. I’m black, but we need to face it that white people are often more knowledgeable with economy – maybe because of apartheid. Give everyone a chance, regardless of skin colour. We need to work together. It is our economy and it is for everyone’s benefit that it goes well with our economy. If we can work together and learn from those who are more knowledgeable to help create and manage our own businesses, then we can grow. People must be employed based on qualifications, skills and experience and not because they are black or white. If we go on about black or white we will collapse our economy”.
Above: Mr Justice Mokwena and Mr Godfrey Malatji said: “Qualification should be the most important thing. Race is not supposed to be something to exclude people. In government appointments look only at qualifications. For example, no teachers without teaching qualifications. Things like gardening and cleaning don’t need qualifications. We will have a problem if we keep looking at race instead of the right qualified people”.
22 FEBRUARY 2019
Platinum Gazette
Betrekkings/Vacancies Samancor Chrome is a progressive, innovative company with an enviable UHSXWDWLRQ IRU EHLQJ DQ HPSOR\HU RI FKRLFH :H KDYH D FOHDUO\ GHÂżQHG FRPPLWPHQW to provide growth and development opportunities and these are evident at our WZR PLQHV ÂżYH VPHOWHUV DQG RXU FRUSRUDWH KHDG RĎ’FH
Platinum Gazette contact details:
“Doing business without adverĆ&#x;sing is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else doesâ€? - Stuart Henderson
Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: BeĂĄnnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
STEELPOORT AKADEMIE The following opportunity has become available at
Eastern Chrome Mines
business unit near Steelpoort in the Limpopo Province.
MR Specialist Rock Engineering D-Lower
Vakante Beheerliggaam Onderwysposte 1. KoĂśrdineerder Buitemuurs en Fondsinsameling 2. Graad 1 Afrikaans en Engels 3. Graad 2 Afrikaans en Engels 4. Graad 3 Afrikaans en Engels 5. Graad 7 Afrikaans huistaal en Engels eerste addisionele taal
Vacant Governing Body Positions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Coordinator: Extra mural and Fundraising Grade 1 Afrikaans and English Grade 2 Afrikaans and English Grade 3 Afrikaans and English Grade 7 Afrikaans home language and English first additional language
The incumbent will be responsible to Provide Mine designs and mining optimisation service and solutions to rock engineering problems with the purpose of maximising VDIHW\ SURÂżWDELOLW\ ZLWKLQ WKH GHVLJQDWHG DUHD RI UHVSRQVLELOLW\
Vereistes: Onderwysposte - SACE geregistreer • Onderrig in Afrikaans en Engels • Volledige CV - meld bevoegdhede • Meld buitemuurse vaardighede • KoÜrdineerder Afrikaans en Engels magtig
Requirements: Educator Posts - SACE registered • Tutoring in Afrikaans and English • Complete CV - qualifications • Extra mural qualifications • Coordinator fluent in Afrikaans and English
Candidate must have a Gr 12, Degree or National Diploma in Geology and a &KDPEHU RI 0LQHV $GYDQFH 5RFN 0HFKDQLFV &HUWLÂżFDWH FRXSOHG ZLWK \HDUV UHOHYDQW H[SHULHQFH
Sluitingsdatum: 27 Februarie 2019 Diensaanvaarding: 02 April 2019
Closing date: 27 February 2019 Starting date: 02 April 2019
Stuur CV na: E-pos: Faks: 013 230 9342 Navrae: 013 230 9341
Send CV to: E-mail: Fax: 013 230 9342 Enquiries: 013 230 9341
Indien u nie binne 14 dae na die sluitingsdatum van ons gehoor het nie - was u aansoek onsuksesvol.
If you do not hear from us within 14 days after the closing date, then your application was unsuccessful.
Ref. No. SAM22313/1 To apply go to:
Metallurgy Practitioner C-Upper
Dienste/ Services
7KH LQFXPEHQW ZLOO EH UHVSRQVLEOH WR VXSHUYLVH WKH VDIH DQG FRVW HĎ‘HFWLYH H[HFXWLRQ of all Metallurgical work as well as execute minor investigative projects for process LPSURYHPHQW SXUSRVHV Candidate must have a Grade 12, National Diploma or B Tech Degree coupled with \HDUV UHOHYDQW H[SHULHQFH SUHIHUDEO\ \HDUV VXSHUYLVRU\ H[SHULHQFH Ref. No. SAM22313/2
Seize this opportunity to join Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine, a values-driven Company that unconditionally cares for its people. Our Mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60 kilometres from Lydenburg and 40 kilometres from Burgersfort, is a world-class producer of Chrome Ore.
To apply go to:
HR Administrator HRD
C1 The incumbent will be responsible to administer and facilitate all Mining training interventions in order for ECM HRD to deliver on their Human Resources 'HYHORSPHQW 3URJUDPPHV Candidate must have a Grade 12, various MQA Mining Skills Programmes: Competent Person A&B, Blasting Assistant, Rock Drill Operator, Health and Safety 5HSUHVHQWDWLYH FRXSOHG ZLWK \HDUV UHOHYDQW 0LQLQJ ([SHULHQFH Ref. No. SAM22313/3 To apply go to: Samancor Chrome shall apply the Employment Equity Principles as set out in the FRPSDQ\ÂśV (PSOR\PHQW (TXLW\ 3ROLF\ ,Q PDNLQJ WKH ÂżQDO VHOHFWLRQ FRQVLGHUDWLRQ ZLOO EH JLYHQ WR DFKLHYLQJ WKH 6DPDQFRU &KURPHÂśV HPSOR\PHQW HTXLW\ DQG the mining charter objectives. 6DPDQFRU &KURPHÂśV UHFUXLWPHQW SUDFWLFHV GR QRW LQFOXGH DVNLQJ IRU PRQH\ RU SD\PHQWV IURP DSSOLFDQWV DW DQ\ SRLQW LQ WKH UHFUXLWPHQW SURFHVV $Q\ VXFK UHTXHVWV GR QRW RULJLQDWH IURP WKH FRPSDQ\ DQG FRQVWLWXWH IUDXG To apply online go to the above link or and select careers or e-mail your CV to Closing date: 01 March 2019. If you have not been contacted within 2 weeks after the closing date, please assume that your application has been unsuccessful.
The successful applicant will report to the Shift Overseer or nominee. Minimum educational requirements: • Grade 10/Standard 8 Certificate • Permanent Blasting Certificate for Scheduled Mines/National Certificate: Hard Rock Underground • Code 08 (EB) driver’s licence • Advantageous: Competent A & B and Blasting Assistant Certificate. Experience (including but not limited to): • At least 2 years’ trackless mining experience • Advantageous: At least 2 years’ mining experience. Duties (including but not limited to): • Ensuring the effective operation of all blasting and mining activities during a shift • Supervising team activities whilst ensuring safe practices and continuous inspection of working place conditions • Planning to achieve operational targets and monitoring the availability of resources • Chapter 8 and 9 legal appointment in terms of the Mine Health & Safety Act (Act 29 of 1996) • Creating a safe work area and ensuring good housekeeping • Installing permanent and temporary support • Face preparation, marking and drilling • Being responsible for drilling and blasting operations • Being responsible for ensuring adherence to shift procedures and preparations • Accident/incident investigations operations. Selection will take place according to the Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine Recruitment Operating Procedure. A strong consideration will be the individual’s fit with the Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine Values. The successful candidate will be appointed on the Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine Conditions of Employment, which includes being certified medically fit as per the Mine Health and Safety Act, 29/1996. Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine is an equal opportunity employer, and due consideration will be taken in terms of the Company’s Employment Equity Plan and Mining Charter objectives. CVs may be submitted to Dwarsrivier Recruitment, via e-mail: or fax: 086 528 7579. Please clearly indicate the reference number on your application or in the subject line of your e-mail. All candidates must ensure that all relevant certified (certified by SAPS) qualifications, certificates, and licences are attached to their application. Short-listed candidates will be required to authenticate information provided in their CVs. Correspondence will be entered into with short-listed candidates only. Candidates may be required to undergo psychometric and other relevant assessments. Please note that criminal and credit checks may be conducted on the successful candidate. If a candidate fails to provide information or submit proof of qualifications as per the minimum requirements above the application will not be considered. No late or unsolicited applications will be considered. No recruitment agency CVs will be accepted. Closing date: 27 February 2019 at 12:00 The Working Earth 02-22313
Human Communications 145557
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Te Huur/ To Rent VIP RENTALS BURGERSFORT We have 2 and 3 bedroom units available for viewing day time and after hours. Units are situated in Aloe Ridge West, Burgersfort. Please call 082 578 6113.
SAPS plays in Capricorn District Soccer League The SAPS Limpopo Capricorn District Soccer League continued play-offs this week. On Wednesday Stream A played the following matches: SAPS Seshego 2 vs SAPS Mankweng 5; SAPS 1011 vs SAPS Senwabarwana/Mogwadi/Maleboho. SAPS Senwabarwana/Mogwadi/Maleboho
won 4-3. The Stream B games were: SAPS Tubatse/Mecklenburg/Ohrigstad 2 vs SAPS Burgersfort/Sekhukhune/Leboeng 7. SAPS Motetema/Groblersdal/Rakgoadi 6 vs SAPS Dennilton/Marble Hall 1. (Information and photographs: Sergeant Mvundlela)
Pulana Maroga league results Pulana Maroga Soccer League results for last weekend: 16 February 2019 - Tearing Ground: Morethe Young Dribblers: 3 vs Lebalelo Hungry Vultures: 1. Tearing Lions: 1 vs Stone Breakers: 0. Lebalelo ground: Bafaladi: 3 vs Lenareng: 1. Happy Stars: 2 vsBarcelona: 0. Mighty Bucks ground: Bull Bull: 4 vs Mangabane: 3. Mighty Bucks: 2 vs Real Touch: 1. Results for 17 February 2019 - Lebalelo ground: Bull Bull: 0 vs Mighty Blues: 1.
Tearing Lions: 0 vs Mighty Bucks: 1. Lebalelo Hungry Vultures: 3 vs Golden Spears: 5. Stone ground: Mohlophi Fast 11 Jnr: 1 vs Bafaladi: 6. Lenareng: 0 vs Tshakanya Mighty Rovers: 2. Stone Breakers: 0 vs Happy Stars: 3. Driekop FC ground: Mathipa Happy Fighters Jnr: 0 vs Mangabane: 1. Morethe Young Dribblers: 1 vs Maruleng: 1. Driekop FC: 1 vs Barcelona: 0. (Information and photographs: Pulana Maroga Soccer League)
Dwarsrivier Chrome FC vs Maribeng FC On Tuesday, 19 February Dwarsrivier Chrome FC played a friendly game against Maribeng FC. The game was played at Kalkfontein (Nokaneng). The game ended in favour of Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine’s team with a score of 4-0. (Information & photographs: Mmushi Kgopane)
22 FEBRUARY 2019
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Modikwa runners do CDM 4 in 1 On Saturday 16 February the Modikwa Marathon Club runners headed to the Capricorn District Mayor’s 4-in-1 race in Polokwane. The weather was perfect for running and runners finished with good times. This was a Comrades Marathon qualifier race and the runners competing in the 42,2km race could post seeding time for this year’s Comrades on 9 June. The team thanked Modikwa for the continued support. The results were: 42km: Justice Phokane 3:26:40; Solomon Masedi 3:51:36; Elvis Madiba 3:53:24; Alfred Tlaka 4:28:09; Donald Netshifhefhe 4:43:30; Violet Mabitla 4:53:22. 21km race: Rudolph Mokgomola 1:30:16; Thapelo Kgoete 1:52:20; Themba Mahumane 1:53:28; Craig Shokane 1:53:31: Peter Molapo 1:59:16; Obed Magabe 2:18:33; Charles Mohlahlana 2:53:33. 10km race: Alpheus Maimela 00:46:46; Adolph Boshego 1:03:50; Hezekiel Makwana 1:14:00. (Information & photographs: Willem Montgomery)
Burgersfort Masters FC faces Praktiseer Masters FC Soccer teams in the area are back to playing friendly games as often as possible. Last week Sunday, the Burgersfort Masters FC played a friendly game against the Praktiseer Masters FC. The game was played at the Mochening sports ground. Teams were very evenly matched. Both scored goals and kept up the pace. The final score for the game was 3-3. The Burgersfort Masters are inviting teams who would like to play against them to contact Mr Makgopa on 072 506 7616. (Information and photographs: Mr Makgopa).