Platinum Gazette 22 July 2011

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A time to give time ... Mandela Day was widely celebrated in the Greater Tubatse Municipal area this week, with government intitutions, companies and schools contributing their part to do good to others. In most instances the ‘67 minutes’ was ignored as people spent much more time, money and effort to make the plight of those in need easier. Greater Tubatse Mayor and his entourage did their Mandela Day stint on Sunday, visiting

hospitals and home based care institutions in the area, along the way comforting patients, dishing out flowers and giving toys to the little ones hospitalized. In the photograph (right), the mayor, Cllr Nkosi Josias Mahlake, becomes (for a Mandela moment) the most important person in this little patient’s life. See more Mandela Day pictures and stories in this issue of Platinum Gazette. Photograph: Kubane Tolo (GTM)

Nice, nice, nice

No more hired Discoveries for the Mayor. The new Mercedes has arrived and it is going places by the looks of the dust, taking its passenger to the problem spots...

Don’t let debt ruin your life... get help

Visit a registered Debt Counsellor as soon as your debt gets out of hand to help you make a plan to eventually be debt free. © Platinum Gazette

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© Platinum Gazette

22 July 2011


22 JULY 2011


Cigarette smugglers nabbed

Thusong Service centre handed over Xstrata Alloys handed the first phase (serviced buliding) of the new Thusong Service Centre in Mapodile (Eerstegeluk) to the Greater Tubatse Municipality on Tuesday. The service centre in located adjacent to the clinic. The Corporate Social Responsibility Manager (Eastern Limb) of Xstrata Alloys, Mr Moffet Mabelane, told the Mayor, Cllr Nkosi Josias Mahlake, that a number of jobs were created during contruction of the building of R8 million. Cllr Mahlake expressed his gratitude towards Xstrata Alloys as a partner of the local government in the social upliftment of the area. The mayor said it took six years for the project to come to fruition after it was decided that a service centre should be established, in the area, but various problems, such as finding suitable land and floods in the area hamprered progress. After these type of problems were solved, the building was erected in a record time and the Council are now ready to embark on phase 2 of the project with Xstrata Alloys as a partner. Cllr Mahlake said the local council has a open door policy and companies should engage with the council on crucial matters to everybody’s benefit. All the guests toured the inside of the still empty building before the ceremonial handing over of the keys.

Two suspects a Zimbabwean man(25) and a South African woman(26) were arrested on Tuesday in connection with the smuggling of illegal cigarettes. The two suspects were arrested during a road block which was held in Zebediela at about 09:00.It is reported the suspects were travelling in a Colt bakkie fully loaded with smuggled cigarettes from Zimbabwe. It is alleged the suspects were travelling from Musina to Mokopane when stopped by the police. The Zimbabwean man tried to flee when police stopped the bakkie. Police gave chase and he was immediately arrested together with the driver. The South African woman who is from Ga-Madiseng village in Burgersfort, was using her relative’s bakkie to transport the smuggled cigarettes. The value of the smuggled cigarettes is estimated to be R200 000. The suspects will appear before the Mokopane Magistrates’ court on Monday. Police investigations are continuing.

So, let’s talk ...

Photograph: Kubane Tolo (GTM)

Cosatu gives

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail:

On Monday the Cosatu Tubatse Local Branch did their part for Mandela Day when they gave a helping hand to the Mokoena family in Dresden village, outside Burgersfort. The trade union organisation donated food, washing powder, gift vouchers and blankets to this family of a union member who was retrenched and have no income at the moment. A spokesman told the newspaper some of the family members applied for IDs in Rustenburg from where they relocated, but it could not be collected. Small children in the family as a result, do not have birth certificates. Younger family members cannot qualify for grants without this documents and they have difficulty in finding jobs. Apart from the food and household neccessities, Cosatu will now assist them in getting their IDs and the children’s birth certificates from the department of Home Affairs. Apart from the local Cosatu office bearers and various local union representatives, the provincial organiser of Cosatu also attened the handing over of the goods.

Platinum Gazette

Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail:


Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Telephone: (013) 231 8227 or 073 318 2163

Tel:(013) 2317948 or 082 558 7643 Consulting rooms: Shop 38, Twin City Complex, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach Street, Ohrigstad Road, Burgersfort.

Advertising deadlines are on a Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadlines are on a Wednesday 17:00.

22 JULIE 2011



SAPS Women’s Networking busy doing good On Thursday 14July 2011 Tubatse cluster women’s network held a campaign in Burgersfort. The cluster women’s network includes five Police stations: Tubatse SAPS, Burgersfort SAPS, Mecklenburg SAPS, Leboeng SAPS and Ohrigstad SAPS. The campaign was led by the station commander of Tubatse SAPS col Jane Letsoalo. The activities of the day started with a stop and search along the road between Burgersfort and Steelpoort. Later on the day the women proceeded to Dithamaga village where the needy family of Khathazile Mabuza was identified and they were donated food parcels and blankets. Tubatse FM also donated some clothes to the family.

After that they proceeded to Elephants Hill in Burgersfort where the family of Mr and Mrs van Niekerk was received a donation.After that they proceeded to Elephants Hill in Burgersfort The Tebele family in Dreseden and the Mnisi family in Makgemeng also received food parcels. The station commander of Tubatse SAPS Col Jane Letsoalo is urging the entire liquor licence holders to ensure that they comply with the conditions of their liquor Act licences. The licence holders must ensure that their customers must also comply with the conditions of the liquor licence. Failure to comply with the conditions of their licences they will be charged with non-compliance of liquor act and their licences may also be taken. And she further warned our community to stop drinking liquor in public and stop walking around the streets while they are drunk. The will be arrested and charged for public drinking and also charged for drunkenness. The station commander also urged our community to report domestic violence or any abuse to the Police. Examples of abuse are including sexual abuse- if your partner is having sex with you against your will, damaging your property, stopping you from working, taking your money, refusing to provide enough money to buy household, spending household income on alcohol, drugs or gambling controlling your movements, abusing your children, assaulting you, threatening to assault or kill your or stalking at you- following you wherever you go. If you are being abused you can report at your local Police station and you can also apply for a protection order at your Local Police station or Magistrate’s offices. For more information or help with a problem of domestic violence you can talk to a health worker at your local clinic, talk to a counselor from your local welfare office. And you can call: The national toll-free Stop Women abuse hotline 0800 150 150. SAPS crime stop 08600 10111. Local Police - Tubatse SAPS 013 216 8500. ACT Against Crime Together and report abuse.

Shares fall more than 7% - Merafe Resources On Wednesday JSE listed Merafe Resources shares fell more than 7% when the company announced that its interim earnings would fall and that their venture with Xstrata would operate at 50% of its capacity until August. The Company also advised their shareholders that the financial results for the six months ending 30 June will differ by at least 20% from those of teh prior comparative period. This compares with earnings per share of 8 cents and headline earnings per share of 7 cents for the prior comparative period. They also said that shareholders should keep in mind that the finanicial information on their trading statemetn has not yet been reveiwed or reported on by Merafe’s external auditors. The finanicial results for the interim period ended 30 June 2011 are expected to be released on SENS on 2 August 2011. The Company’s revised production plans were “due to current market conditions”. During the months of June to August routine maintenance are done at the plants. Internationally the price of ferrochrome fell as the demand from stainless steel makers were lower. The Merafe-Xstrata joint venture supplied approximately 16% of the world’s ferrochrome and has a capacity of 1.98 million tons of ferrochrome per year.

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Vroue leer van tokreen ‘n Paar dames het op Saterdag 16 Julie by MIGMUG koffiewinkel bymekaar gekom om te leer hoe om Tokreen te doen. Daar het hulle geleer wat dit is, en wat alles met hierdie Arts & Crafts-medium gedoen kan word. Rosemarie Steyn het die klas aangebied en gou-gou het al die dames die tegniek onder die knie gehad en hul kunsinnigheid vrye teuels gegee. Tokreen is ‘n medium wat op alle oppervlakte gebruik kan word en waarmee enige persoon iets besonders kan maak. Die medium is beskikbaar by FANTASIA (Lebowa Business Park). Almal het heerlik gesels, ontspan en die dag geniet terwyl hulle lekker koffie gedrink en aan eetgoed gesmul het. (Foto’s en storie: Santie Carelse)

22 JULY 2011

Skryf in vir die Wildevy 4x4 dag se skoonheidskompetisie Elke jaar by die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag word daar ook ‘n skoonheidskompetisie gehou. Die dag vind hierdie jaar op 30 Julie 2011 plaas. Daar kan reeds vir hierdie jaar se kompetisie ingeskryf word. Daar is kategorieë vir die volgende ouderdomsgroepe: Mej. Mini - 4 tot 7 jaar oud Mej. Junior - 8 tot 12 jaar oud Mej. Tiener - 13 tot 17 jaar oud Mnr. Junior - 7 tot 13 jaar oud. Vir inskrywings en meer inligting oor die dag skakel Jacky Boshoff by 082 374 9501 of e-pos:

Armed robbery suspect arrested The Jane Furse SAPS arrested a 21-year old man on Wednesday 13 July after a massive manhunt was launched on Monday last week. The suspect allegedly robbed a 36-year old man of his cell phone and R2800 cash. The victim was robbed after he gave the suspect and his companion a lift to Madibong Village. The suspect is known to the victim. The suspect was arrested at his house, but his companion is still at large. The SAPS recovered an unlicensed Barretta pistol, 14 ammunition, two cell phones and one air time vending machine. The firearm was allegedly stolen from the Villieria policing area in Pretoria. The suspect was also linked to a business robbery that happened on 12 July at Jane Furse RDP section. A 27-year old businessman was robbed of R1500 at gunpoint. His three cell phones were also stolen. The suspect appeared in the Sekhukhune Magistrate’s court on 15 July and the case was postponed for a formal bail application. (Information: Constable MR Molepo)

22 JULIE 2011



Bobby by Tubatse

Bobby van Jaarsveld en Band het verlede week Saterdag by Tubatse Chroom Klub opgetree. Die opgeknapte en nuwe fasiliteite het bygedra tot ‘n lekker warm atmosfeer wat die aand se koue verdryf het. Bobby was ‘n groot treffer en het nuwe en ou gunstelinge gesing.


New look for Magaba Garage

Public Notice for schedule of Meetings of the Municipal Council and Executive Committee for the financial year 2011/2012. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 19 of the Municipal Systems Act No 32 of 2000. The Schedule of meetings of the Executive Committee and the Municipal Council for the financial year 2011/2012 are arranged as follows:

Magaba Garage is in the process of being knocked down, but one of the beacons in Burgersfort will soon be back with bigger and better facilities. Within a few months, the service station will be rebuild and will then include a Steers, Bonjour, car wash and larger driveway to ensure easier access at the petrol pumps.

Know your rights: “Tow truck drivers, or operators, take certain measures to ensure that their service is used above that of competitors. You are not required to use the first towing company to arrive on the seen – it’s not first come first serve. According to the National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996, no one is allowed to move a vehicle without the permission of the driver or operator of the vehicle, unless to clear traffic. Before allowing your vehicle to be towed, contact your insurance company and ask them how to proceed. Often they will send a towing company for assistance. For William John Wynand this reason keep the number of your insurance and their 072 986 5954 072 359 3784 073 299 2676 towing company handy. Gather as much information about the towing company as possible before agreeing to Towing with a pick-up or either a their assistance. Details to take note of are: name of the 4 ton rollback or 9 ton rollback. company, name of the driver, registration of the tow truck, Approved by all major insurance physical address and companies. phone number (not cell phone)”. (From: www.carandhome .za)

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DATE 26 July 2011

TIME 10:00am

VENUE 3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom

2 3

30 August 2011 27 September 2011

10:00am 10:00am

3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom 3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom

4 5 6

25 October 2011 29 November 2011 13 December 2011

10:00am 10:00am 10:00am

3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom 3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom 3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom

7 8

24 January 2012 21 February 2012

10:00am 10:00am

3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom 3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom

9 10 11

27 March 2012 24 April 2012 29 May 2012

10:00am 10:00am 10:00am

3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom 3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom 3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom


26 June 2012


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom

ITEM 1st Council Meeting

DATE 04 October 2011

TIME 10:00am

VENUE Council Chamber (Burgersfort)

2nd Council Meeting

17 January 2012


Council Chamber (Burgersfort)

3rd Council Meeting

17 April 2012


4th Council Meeting

17 July 2012


Council Chamber (Burgersfort) Council Chamber (Burgersfort)

The time and date are subject to changes. For more information, kindly contact the Secretary of the Municipal Council of the Greater Tubatse Municipality, Mr M L Komane @ 013 231 1131/1000. Address: Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:

H.L Phala Acting Municipal Manager


22 JULY 2011


Safety first at ECM Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) takes safety very seriously. At the ECM monthly safety meeting that was held in July, the SHEQ team did a demonstration using injury mock ups. The meeting is attended by employees as well as ECM contractors. Accidents were staged where employees were asked to respond and treat the “accident victims”. As the injured were treated, it was highlighted to the attendees what the first aiders should have done correctly as well as differently to ensure the patients got the best first aid treatment possible. The importance of first aid training was highlighted. By having done first aid training and responding in the correct manner to the injured, one can be sure to save a life! It was also emphasized that first aid kits

should be checked regularly and should always contain all the required contents. The ECM Training Centre is proud to have trained more than 1300 employees since January 2011 on Basic First Aid Training. (Photograph & Information: Davida van der Walt).

Training Centre in progress

The Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) Training Centre was previously accredited by the MQA for Engineering, Metallurgical and Mineral Excavation (Mining) Training. The Training Centre also received a scope extension on the Mineral Excavation accreditation to include Occupational Health and Safety. As reported before, ECM is also in progress with the construction of an Engineering Training Centre that will be utilised for Engineering learnerships as well as Operative Training. This building is progressing fast.

Mandela Day at Modikwa Platinum Mine

Mandela Day on 18 July was celebrated by Modikwa Platinum Mine’s HRD team through donating computers to two local schools, painting the Maandagshoek homebased care centre and putting up netting at the Lehlaba Disabled Project’s agricultural project. They gave 67 minutes and more with a smile!

ECM says happy birthday Madiba! On Mandela Day (18 July 2011) Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) took on the 67 minute challenge! Patrick Sichlangu and Davida van der Walt left the Winterveld Offices at 14h00 with the intent to deliver food to the local communities. They first visited Itereleng Home Based Care who is situated in Makgemeng Village. Theresia Makofane and Shonaphi were very happy to except the food donation on behalf of ECM. From there they went to the Civil Society Development Initiative (CSDI) based in Riba Cross. Solly Ramogayane expressed their sincere gratitude to ECM. Pieter Brits, HR Manager at ECM says that “if everyone can take 67 minutes to make a difference, we can all together change the world!” (Photograph and information: Davida van der Walt).

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Let us know about your news and events. Call 083 271 9151 or e-mail: editorial@ platinumgazette. com

Editorial deadline is on a Wednesday at 17:00.

22 JULIE 2011



What do you think should happen now? Ms Thuli Madonsela, the Public Protector last week released a report in which it was found that national Police Commissioner Bheki Cele’s actions in connection with two controversial building leases were unlawful, improper and constituted maladministration. She found that although Cele did not sign the leases himself, he in his capacity as chief accounting officer gave authorisation to the department of Public Works to proceed. Over 10 years the lease in Durban would amount to more than R1.16 thousand million while the building in Pretoria over the same period would amount to over R604 million. Last week’s report investigated the Transnet Building in Durban’s lease and this followed an earlier report by her office in February this year. The first report covered the lease of the Middestad Building in Pretoria. It was found that Cele’s actions with regards to this lease was also unlawful, improper and amounted to maladministration. Her recommendations were that Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa should take discplinary action against those mentioned in her report. She also recommended that President Jacob Zuma should take action agains Ms Gwen Mahlangu-Nkabinde, the Public Works minister. She failed to cooperate with the investigation into the two controversial leases. Madonsela warned that her report should not be the end of the road. “It should be over until the remedial action is fully implemented,” she said. The role of the Public Protector is to reconcile the state with its citizens and make sure that people do not have to stage violent protests to be heard by the government. We asked readers what they think about the whole issue regarding the reports and their findings.

Mr German Molobela said: “They must arrest the guilty ones according to the report. They must investigate more if necessary. They must not only be fired. They must be arrested and charged and judged for what they did. It must be a lesson”.

Mnr Given Mmdebele sê: “Hulle moet werk. Die polisie werk nie. Hulle moet Cele fire en ‘n ander polisieman kry vir daai werk. Daar is baie wat wil werk en dit reg sal doen”.

Me. Alet van Wyk sê: “Waar ‘n rokie is, is daar ‘n vuurtjie. Dit moet verder ondersoek word en verdere stappe moet geneem word. Te veel mense kom weg met bedrog en goed wat net onder die mat gevee word”. Regs: Me. Corrie Rootman sê: “Hulle moet hom dadelik ontslaan”.

Below: Mr William Lekubu and Mr Aron Ngele said: “They must investigate it further. If Cele is found guilty, they must fire him”. Mr Ephraim Hlatswayo said: “He must lead by example. No-one is above the law. They must investigate him and if he is found guilty, treat him the same as others”.

Right: Mr Collen Duma said: “They must have proof that he did something wrong. Then they must arrest him. I don’t know what will happen as time goes on”.

Mr Luciano Gomez said: “If someone did what we think Cele did, he must go. The leader must lead by example”. Me. Reinette Breedt sê: “Wat nie reg is nie, is nie reg nie. Ek moet by my werk die gevolge dra as ek iets verkeerd doen hulle moet ook”.

Ms Caroline Mashitwa said: “The Police is not working because of this corruption. It is good they are investigated”.

Mr Asaph Morwaswi said the steps that must be followed are: “A full investigation must be done and made public. If the report finds someone guilty - they must go. Just like they would do with me at work if they found I am not doing things properly. You can’t be a white elephant at work”.

Mr Moses Phiri said: “It is good that they looked into this saga. Not only for government, but for the masses. There must be transparancy. We must know where our government funds are going”.


22 JULY 2011


Happy birthday Tata! Calvin College students celebrated Nelson Mandela’s birthday by joining approximately 12 million children country wide in singing Happy Birthday to the former president. All schools were instructed by the Department of Education

Thorburn showed they care

Thorburn Security Solutions honored the 93rd birthday of former President Nelson Mandela in various ways. The traditional Thorburn Saturday night “Lotto” rewards system was extended to 18:00 on 18 July to coincide with Madiba Day, pamphlets was distributed to contracted sites, reminder sms send to all staff the morning of 18 July and a special food donation took place near Palaborwa. Thorburn client Rio Tinto Palabora Mining Company (PMC) praised Thorburn for the noteworthy achievement in the 67 minutes of note. In 2011 food were donated on Madiba Day to the People Against the Spread of HIV Aids and Starvation (PASAS) in Driekop near Modikwa Platinum Mine. “Security Services accompanied Thorburn Security Solutions in support of their monthly donation to Lulekani Home Base Care Centre. Food was donated to the centre and formed part of the Nelson Mandela International Day celebrations. We thank Thorburn Security Solutions for their outreach to the local community on this eventful day” said Chandre Klaase, Security Specialist Rio Tinto PMC. (Photograph and information: Thornburn Security Solutions)

Anglo American Mototolo Concentrator gave 67 minutes On Monday, 18th July, Anglo American Mototolo Concentrator showed their commitment to spending 67 minutes on Nelson Mandela’s birthday to make a difference. A bus full of employees went to the Masha Goseba pre-school centre in Nokaneng with two truck loads full of paint, food, supplies, toys, mattresses and school equipment. This was truly a day that the little children and teachers will never forget. The centre was painted inside and out, a jungle gym repaired and spraypainted, food was handed out and everyone worked very hard to get the place in tip-top condition. It was a hot, tired but happy bunch that returned back to the office knowing that they did their best to do something for the children that Madiba love so much. Happy birthday Madiba! (Photographs and information: Anglo American Mototolo Concentrator).

Makua Marathon gave 67 minutes for Mandela Day Daniël Makua or Makua Marathon gave his bit to celebrate Mandela’s birthday. He raked and helped to clean the hall at Dilokong.To him it is very important that everyone gets involved in their

communities and help to create a better future. This was also the message with which he encouraged others to join in and give 67 minutes of their time.

to at 08:05 on Monday morning sing a special song in celebration. The first part is the normal happy birthday, but it ends: Happy Birthday dear Tata! The school was also decorated in celebration.

Chess champion Abigail Digama, a grade 10 learner of Calvin College participated in a chess tournament at Northern Academy in Polokwane on 9 July. A total of 18 schools participated after the pre-liminary rounds were held at Capricorn High School. In the preliminary rounds Calvin College came third. On the 9th, Abigail came first. Her toughest opposition was from Settlers High School.

SAPS giving 67 minutes The Tubatse SAPS Cluster gave their 67 minutes for Mandela Day on Monday this week by cleaning the taxi rank in Burgersfort. The SAPS members were cheerfully dressed and took to picking up rubbish with a smile.

22 JULIE 2011



Steelpoort Akademie was op ‘n hokkietoer

Steelpoort Akademie se o/9 tot o/13 hokkiespelers het die afgelope vakansie met ‘n hokkietoer na Mariepskop gegaan. Daar is die spelers deur oudspringbokspelers afgerig en het hulle teen mekaar geoefen en speel. Daar was 20 verskillende skole by die afrigtingskurses tussen 13 en 16 Julie. Die skool bedank graag al die borge, veral Bard en Colleen Language asook Ilips Steelpoort. (Foto’s: Steelpoort Akademie).

REDPATH MINING (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LIMITED Multi-disciplined International Mining Contracting Company JOB POSTING: SHIFTBOSS - MOOIHOEK Reporting to: Mine Overseer Minimum qualifications and skills: Matric certificate or equivalent; Blasting Certificate; Shiftboss Course; Valid Driver’s License; Medically fit Experience: 5 years experience in underground mine as Shiftboss; Development and Stopping experience; Understanding of underground mining procedures; Planning, organizing, leading and controlling Responsibilities: Health and Safety; Production and equipment; Manpower planning and discipline; Early and late shift inspections; Drilling and blasting; Training and coaching; Risk assessment; Reporting Redpath Mining South Africa is an Equal Opportunity Employer CLOSING DATE: Friday, 29 July 2011 Interested applicants must forward a 2-3 PAGE RESUME to: The Recruitment Department E-Mail: or Fax: 0866486745 Please refer to this reference number when applying for the position. REF NO: SH-0151-MH If you do not receive a response within 14 days after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.

Platinum Gazette

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22 JULIE 2011

Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. Email: • Fax: 086 554 9031 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale

Wysigingskema Kennisgewings NOTICE OF PROPOSED LAND DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION LIMPOPO DEVELOPMENT TRIBUNAL: REFERENCE LH12/1/ 4/3/1/3/6(DO) (Regulation 21(10) of the Development Facilitation Regulations in terms of the Development Facilitation Act, 1995) I, Peter John Dacomb of PlanPractice Pretoria CC, acting on behalf of the Dolphin Whisper Trading 10 (Pty) Ltd, being the registered owners of the Remaining Extent of the Farm Grootboom 336, Registration Division KT, Limpopo Province, (Greater Tubatse municipal jurisdiction) have lodged an application in terms of the Development Facilitation Act, 1995 (the Act) for the establishment of a land development area on said farm portion to be known as Steelpoort Estate. The Remaining Extent of the farm Grootboom 336, Registration Division KT, Limpopo Province is situated to the south-east of the existing Steelpoort Urban Area and straddles the R555 Provincial Road (linking Steelpoort to, inter alia, Middelburg). The subject property fronts on the Steelpoort River along its north-western boundary and extends to higher lying ground further to the southeast. The land development area will consist of the following:  The total land development area will measure approximately 97.74ha ha in extent and will provide for 831 individual erven and public roads.  The larger development area will be developed in incremental phases (7 phases in total).  A total of 774 erven will be set aside for Residential purposes.  Approximately 14.79ha of land will be set aside for typical

grouphousing development (Residential 2) at a density of 50 units per hectare.  Approximately 5.09ha of land will be set aside for higher density residential development (Residential 3) subject to a density of 90 units per hectare.  A total of 2 Erven will be set aside for business purposes (including retail) on which approximately 11 600m² of floor area may be developed.  A total of 5 erven to be set aside for Institutional/ educational/social halls and private open space purposes, through Burgersfort and at the last robot turn left onto the Steelpoort road (R555). After 4km the gate to Khumula Game Lodge will be on the left. GPS Co-ordinates: S 24° 40.345 E 030° 17.003 Any person having an interest in the application should please note: 1. You may, within 21 days from date of the first publication of this notice, provide to the Designated Officer/ Registrar any written objection or representation; or 2. If your comments constitute an objection to any aspect of the land development application, you must appear in person or through a representative before the Tribunal on the dates mentioned above. Any written objection or representation must be delivered to the Designated Officer/ Registrar (Reference T. Netshitomboni, Limpopo Development Tribunal, 23 Market Street, Cnr of Landros Maree and Rabe street, Hensa Towers Building, Polokwane, 0700 and you may contact the Designated Officer/ Registrar if you have any queries on Telephone no 015 295 6851 or 072 185 6197 or e-mail at

10 . Te Koop/ For Sale Sunbed for sale. Price R5500. Contact: 084 521 2459

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Wysigingskema Kennisgewings Details of Applicant: PlanPractice Town Planners, PO Box 35895, Menlo Park, 0102 Tel: 012 362 1741, Fax: 012 362 0983 Email:

Ref: 600/521 STEELPOORT ESTATE KENNISGEWING: VOORGESTELDE GRONDONTWIKKELINGSGEBIEDLIMPOPO ONTWIKKELINGSTRIBUNAAL: VERWYSING LH12/1/ 4/3/1/3/6(DO) (Regulasie 21(10) van die Ontwikkeling Fasiliteringsregulasies ingevolge die Wet op Ontwikkelingsfasilitering, 1995). Ek, Peter John Dacomb van Planpraktyk Pretoria BK, tree op namens Dolphin Whisper Trading 10 (Edms) Bpk, synde die geregistreerde eienaar van die Resterende Gedeelte van die Plaas Grootboom 336, Registrasie Afdeling KT, Limpopo Provinsie en het ‘n aansoek ingevolge die Wet op Ontwikkelingsfasilitering, 1995 (die Wet) ingedien vir die vestiging van ‘n Grondontwikkelingsgebied op die bogenoemde plaasgedeelte wat bekend sal staan as Steelpoort Estate. Die Resterende Gedeelte van die Plaas Grootboom 336 KT is geleë suid-oos van die Steelpoort stedelike gebied en begrens die R555 Provinsiale pad wat Steelpoort met, onder andere Middelburg verbind. Die plaasgedeelte word deur die Steelpoort Rivier langs sy noord-westelike grens begrens en strek na hoër geleë grond na die suidooste. Die Grondontwikkelingsgebied sal uit die volgende bestaan: · Die ontwikkelingsgebied sal ongeveer 97.7ha in beslag neem en sal voorsiening maak vir die vestiging van 831 individuele erwe en openbare paaie. Die groter

ontwikkelingsgebied sal in 7 fases ontwikkel word. ‘n Totaal van 774 erwe sal vir Residensieel 1 doeleindes opsy gesit word. Ongeveer 14.79ha grond sal vir Groepsbehuising (Residensieel 2) met ‘n digtheid van 50 eenhede per hektaar opsy gesit word. · Ongeveer 5.09ha grond sal vir hoë digtheid behuising (Residensieel 3) met ‘n digtheid van 90 eenhede per hektaar opsy gesit word; · Twee erwe sal opsy gesit word vir besigheidsdoeleindes (insluited kleinhandel) waarop ongeveer 11 600m² vloeroppervlakte ontwikkel kan word. · 5 erwe sal opsy gesit word vir inrigting/ opvoedkundige doeleindes of geselligheidsaal en privaat oopruimte en sal ongeveer 8600m² opneem;GPS Koordinate:S 24° 40.345 E 030° 17.003 Persone wat belang het by die aansoek moet kennis neem dat: 1. U binne 21 dae vanaf die datum van die eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing u beswaar en of vertoë skriftelik by die Aangewese Beampte kan indien. 2. Indien u kommentaar ‘n beswaar teen die aansoek vir die vestiging van die ontwikkelingsgebied is, moet u of u verteenwoordiger op genoemde datums voor die Tribunaal verskyn. Enige skriftelike besware of vertoë moet aan die Aangewese Beampte Mr. T. Netshitomboni, Limpopo Ontwikkelingstribunaal, 23 Marketstraat, h/v Landros Maree en Rabestraat, Hensa Towers Gebou, Polokwane, 0700 gerig word. Die Aangewese Beampte kan ook gekontak word by Telefoon nommer 015 295 6851 of 072 185 6197 of per e-pos by NetshitomboniHT@ indien u

enige navrae het.

Betrekkings/Vacancies Daar is ‘n vakante betrekking vir ‘n administratiewe dame: Vereistes: Die persoon moet matriek hê, rekenaarvaardig wees en ‘n geldige bestuurslisensie hê. Die persoon moet ondervinding met kantoor adiministrasie hê. Die kandidaat moet goed tweetalig in Engels en Afrikaans wees. Ondervinding in MS Office programme sal ‘n aanwins wees. Salaris onderhandelbaar. ‘n Volledige CV met opvolgbare verwysings kan by Burgersfort Supa Quick ingehandig word of na 086 505 3994 gefaks word. Sluitingsdatum: 25 Julie 2011 Indien u binne 21 dae na die sluitingsdatum nog niks gehoor het nie, moet u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

Wysigingskema Kennisgewings Besonderhede van Applikant: Planpraktyk, H/v Brooklynweg en Eerstestraat, Menlo Park Tel:012-3621741, Faks: 012-3620983 Epos: Ons Verw: 600/521

Some of the places we distribute newspapers: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS

22 JULIE 2011



Mototolo Inter-mines cricket log standings Drummies at Group A Team




Group B 6’s








Tyre Corp












Mototolo 1












Two Rivers 1






Mototolo 2












Two Rivers 2






Smokey Hill












Lae Veldbou






Pre Crete


















nationals The Steelpoort Drummies attended the National Championships in Durban from 7 to 9 July. The team participated in the President Category. They came sixth in their division and 13th overall. The Winterveld Drummie Club is in the process of being formed and will be open to everyone in the Greater Tubatse area. The monthly fee will be R280 per member and the first meeting will be on 27 August at Steelpoort bottom village. Ages from grade 1 - 12 and a senior squad for ages 18 - 23 will be accommodated. Enquiries: Belinda Veldsman, 076 554 8357.

Local SAPS faces Seshego crime fighters The Tubatse SAPS played a soccer game against the Seshego SAPS. Read more on page 12.

Fitter - Pelletising Plant

Boilermaker - Beneficiation Plant

Role Purpose: To contribute towards business success by ensuring that maintenance and breakdowns are dealt with in such a way that the availability and reliability of the equipment in the work area is optimised.

Role Purpose: To contribute towards business success by ensuring that maintenance and breakdowns are dealt with in such a way that the availability and reliability of the equipment in the work area is optimised.

Responsibilities: The incumbent will conduct faultfinding on specified equipment and execute repairs or replacements. Conduct regular routine and planned inspections of specific equipment and execute planned maintenance according to specific maintenance schedules and standards. Assemble and install specified spare parts on equipment or machines. Improve the overall performance of the workplace to ensure optimum service delivery.

Responsibilities: The incumbent will conduct faultfinding on specified equipment and execute repairs or replacements. Conduct regular routine and planned inspections of specific equipment and execute planned maintenance according to specific maintenance schedules and standards. He/she will be designing, assembling and installing specified spare parts for equipment or machines. Starting, operating and stopping specific equipment and machines. Improving the overall performance of the workplace to ensure optimum service delivery. Adhere to safety standards and procedures.

Requirements: In order to apply, you will need a qualification in the field of Fitter or a Fitter and Turner with a recognised Trade Test Certificate. A minimum of 5 years experience on Pelletising and/or Beneficiation Plants. Must have specialist experience on Warman and KSB pumps. Work knowledge of Conveyors, Air Compressor systems, Fans and Hydraulic systems. Knowledge of general maintenance systems. Knowledge of risk assessment and hazard identification. Must have own transport with a valid drivers license and avail him/ her self to perform standby and call out duties. Must be medically fit to perform duties. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preferance will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application, quoting the post title, to the HR Department, at fax: 086 750 4941 or e-mail: Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days of the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

Requirements: In order to apply, you will need a qualification in the field of Boilermaker with a recognised Trade Test Certificate. Preferably 2 years Boiler Making experience in Beneficiation plant and Pelletising plant. Knowledge of risk assessment and hazard identification. Must have own transport with a valid drivers license and avail him/her self to perform standby and call out duties. Must be medically fit to perform duties. Must have proven welding experience. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preferance will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application, quoting the post title, to the HR Department, at fax: 086 750 4941 or e-mail: Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days of the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.


22 JULIE 2011

Phelo Wood & Interior Kitchen units; Bedroom cupboards, Build-in cupboards; Studies; Chest of drawers; Office furniture

Ceiling fans, Decorative Lights. 3D Designs for woodwork. Open Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00 Contact: 082 569 4677 • Burgersfort main road next to Kia Motors.

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Tubatse SAPS vs Seshego SAPS The Tubatse SAPS hosted the Seshego SAPS for a soccer game on Wednesday this week. The Tubatse SAPS is a team to be reckoned with and regularly play games to keep fit. The game was played at the Sekhukhune FET College - CN Phatudi College.

It was a tough game with both sides showing holes in their defence. This allowed the opposition to take advantage and get the ball in the net. The final score for the game was 5-5. The Tubatse SAPS played in the the yellow and blue and Seshego in blue and white.

Tubatse SAPS played in yellow and blue.


SPAR Baked Beans 410g


Sunbake Brown Bread Sliced 700g


Stewing Beef per kg

Potatoes 7kg bag


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