Platinum Gazette 22 March 2013

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Update “Construction is almost completed and De Hoop Dam will probably be ready for its official opening within the next few months” says Mr Jaco van Niekerk, the contractor’s representative at yesterday’s National Water Week celebrations at the new dam. The photographs are certainly impressive, as the dam is now about six percent full. “Technically it is not impoundment yet” says Mr van Niekerk, explaining that “we equalise the Steelpoort/ Tubatse River’s flow according to the average level for March every year by


regulating the outflow from the dam though one open sluice gate.” Meanwile a dwelling is still in the way of water and the resident needs to relocate, otherwise it is only the outlet works control house on top af the 88 metre high (from lowest foundation level) and the uttermost top part of the wall itself that need to be completed. Eventually the surface area of the dam when full, will encompass about 1690 hectares. The total lenght of the dam wall is 1020 metres.

© Platinum Gazette

22 March 2013


22 MARCH 2013



Celebrated at De Hoop Dam Dwarsrivier Mine shows their commitment towards communities, education and conservation Water is Life - Respect it, Conserve it, Enjoy it

Trees were donated to schools attending the event.

Mr Remember Mmbengwa handing out some of the gifts to the learners.

“Water is life. If you had to choose between any of the basic services that you have a right to receive, water would be one of the top priorities. That is why it is important to save water”. This was one of the messages delivered at the Water Week celebrations that took place at De Hoop Dam on Wednesday this week. Dwarsrivier Mine was one of the main sponsors of the event. Mr Remember Mmbengwa, relieving SD Manager at the mine delivered a message of conservation to the learners from various schools in the area. The day’s programme included messages of water conservation, careers guidance, more about the De Hoop Dam and some educational entertainment. Speakers for the day included the Acting Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune, Cllr. F Lekola and Acting Mayor of Greater Tubatse Municipality, Cllr. MD Nkosi. Both speakers encouraged the learners to use water sparingly as this

is a water scarce district. Indiginous trees were donated to the various schools present. One of the highlights of the day was a surprise visit by actors from Zone 14 and Chisa. Bongani Masondo, Chris Kubeka, Innocent Masuku and Les Maada entertained the group with fun water conservation dramas and messages. The day was also supported by many Dwarsrivier employees as well as heads of department in order to highlight the importance of Water conservation and education. Some of the management representatives present were Remember Mmbengwa (relieving SD Manager), Corrie Kempenaars (Engineering Manager) and Wendy Venter (relieving HR Manager). At the conclusion of the day’s activities Dwarsrivier’s team handed learners special gifts and a T-shirt to commemorate Water Week 2013.

Left: Acting Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District, Cllr. F Above: Acting GTM Lekola. Mayor, Cllr. MD Nkosi.

A surprise visit from the Zone 14 and Chisa actors was part of the programme.

The Dwarsrivier Mine team at the De Hoop Dam Water Week event on 20 March 2013.

This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine

22 MARCH 2013

‘We have it, and we spend it’

Municipal Manager, Lemon Phala (left) and the municipality’s Communications Manager, Thabiso Mokoena, addressing the media. the next money of the grant. As municipal manager I send them the requested report and they visited the municipality to make sure we are on track and we received the money” Mr Phala said. “What happened is that with roll over projects more money is normally spend by the end of December every year. This year we had spend less money at the end of December because the consultation process and planning of new projects takes time before money can be spend. We needed to explain this to CoGHSTA and we did. We are on track to spend 100 percent of the grant by the end of the financial year in June, just like in previous years. Residents can go and look at our record. We spend all the money on the allocated projects. What a councillor unfortunately saw was only a part of the administrative history of a process we had reported on,” he concluded. Answering a question by Platinum Gazette, Mr Phala said councillors get the agenda about seven days before a council meeting and should communicate in time with the relevant role players before throwing an issue that is not an issue into the public domain via the media. The work of the council’s portfolio committees as also open to the public an councillors alike, who should attend if they want to see the process in action.

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“We have it, and we spend it. Nothing is withheld,” says Greater Tubatse Municipality Municipal Manager, Mr Lemon Phala. Reacting to allegations that the municipality does not do it work as far as spending government grants from the Limpopo Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs (CoGHSTA) go, Mr Phala told local media on Wednesday that certain councillors do not realise that what they see in Council agendas are the whole history of a process and not necessarily still valid on the day of the quarterly council meeting. Mr Phala explained that the issue and paying of the grants to the municipality do not happen in one go, it happens in increments, with the administrative arm of the municipality, headed by the municipal manager, responsible for reporting to the provincial authority what the progress with projects are and how much money were spend before another payment is made. “They want to make sure that we keep on track with our spend on projects, because it does not help that we do not spend while they pay the next increment. What a councillor saw in the agenda for the March council meeting is a letter by CoGHSTA , requesting a progress report on our spend before they pay us



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IDP / Budget explained

Sekhukhune District Municipality Executive Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe, is currently touring the district explaining the draft IDP/ Budget for 2013/2014 to communities, business and industries. Last week Saturday Cllr Magabe visited Alverton Between Burgersfort and Kgautswane (Rietfontein) in Greater Tubatse Municipality where he explained the powers and functions of the district municipality as well as the mayoral priorities in the district. In this regard he said economic growth, development and job creation, access too basic services and infrastructure, community development and social cohesion, spatial development and sustainable land use

management, active community participation and inter-governmental alignment as well as effective, accountable and clean government stand out as priorities. He told those present that the capital budget of the district (money to be spoend on projects such as water and sanitation) has increased from R814 282 000 to R842 045 000, while the operation budget has increased from R453 559 600 to R457 598 640. This money is usually used for expenditure such as salaries, repairs and maintenance and general expenses. Those present in Alverton carefully listened to what the Mayor had to say before making suggestions about their own needs in their community.


22 MARCH 2013


Taung to get connected Hanging up their cellphones up the trees or going up the nearest hilltop to get a network signal is a thing of the past for the community of Taung near Burgersfort. This was after GCIS in collaboration with ICASA heeded the community’s plea to bring communication services to this deep remote village. They arranged a Consumer Rights Day event on 15 March and invited all institutions responsible for providing communication networks to outline their plans for the community. Khudu Lekubu, who is a pensioner, could not hide his excitement. “A network service will assist a lot. We used to struggle to call an ambulance when someone was ill in the village. The nearest hospital is about 70km away and this was making our lives difficult,” he said. Although he was concerned that it took five years to activate the network tower, he said it was worth waiting for. The community also did not receive post office services. The community used to travel about

50km to get their letters. The Post Office has promised to bring a Retail Postal Agency to the village. Other institutions such as MTN, Vodacom, Cell C, Capricorn FM, Thobela FM, SABC and Tubatse FM, said they were in the process to empower their networks so that the communities living far from towns can access them. Mavhungu Makatu from ICASA said the network service providers have the obligation to enable communication means to communities including those living in deep remote rural villages. He said the idea was not only to get the community’s views, but provide education and awareness information to the public and consumers. “It was also aimed at providing access to communication services, benefits of consumer choice, consumer regulations, compliance processes, complaints handling processes and opportunities available in respect to Corporate Social Responsibilities and Investment (CSI) offered by licensees”, he said.

(Information and photographs: Doc Marebane: GCIS)

Yes, you see a school, and yes you see dagga. Yes, you see dagga in the school yard! On Monday 2013-03-18 the police uprooted three dagga plants that were growing in Leboeng Primary School’s yard. This was after the Police were alerted by the school principal about suspicious dagga plants in her school yard. When the Police investigated they found the healthy dasgga growing in the school yards. Lebeng Police say “We would like to warn other schools to check and clean their yards properly because we cannot allow this continue. We are still investigating this matter”.

22 MARCH 2013



Local schools benefit from ECM annual golf day

Tubatse Chrome Festival already being planned Tubatse Chrome Festival will be taking place on 27 and 28 September 2013. The festival committee is already busy with the planning. They recently held a function to thank all of last year’s sponsors. Businesses and individuals who would like to get involved with this year’s event can contact them on email: ChromeFestivalTubatse The festival is a highlight in the area’s social calendar and an excellent way for a business to get some marketing exposure.

Through last year’s golf day, Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines were availe to raise funds for much needed projects in the area. The money raised on 2 November last year was used for the “Back to School” packs amongst Grade R children of Itireleng Primary School, Mangabane Primary School, Boerboomkraal Primary School and Dithamaga Primary School. Samancor ECM would like to thank all the sponsors who made this project possible. (Photographs and information: Mariska Stickling, Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines Communication Unit).

Mr De Wet Conradie thanked last year’s sponsors.

“Back to School” backpacks were distributed at various schools.

Contact Mr Embrich Cilliers or Ms Maureen Knoetze to get involved in this year’s event.

Last year’s sponsors were treated to a delicious meal at the function.



22 MARCH 2013

Steelpoort Academy’s rugby and netball teams ready to go on tour The first netball and rugby teams of Steelpoort Academy will be travelling to Stellenbosch in the Western Cape during the Easter holidays. They will be participating in a competition there and

will also tour the area. Other the last week their preperations and fund raising came to an end. Both teams hosted their sponsors at a braai. The girls sold tickets for a diamond as their main fund raising activity. Mr Embrich Cilliers was the lucky winner of this .707 carats diamond. The two teams would like to thank the following sponsors: Pieter and Karina Botma for the diamond, Tubatse Chrome, Luan

The tention in the hall was high as Mr John Owens, a Mr South Africa Finalist drew the winning ticket in the diamond give-away competition. Mr Embrich Cilliers was the lucky winner of this diamond. (See photograph top left). Embrich (on the right) received the diamond from Mr Gert Cronje.

Steelpoort Academy’s first netball team.

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Some of the sponsors of the first rugby team.

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Steelpoort Academy’s first rugby team.

Lombard, Mr John Owens, Clabo Beleggings (KFC), JS Precast, 1 Stop Motor Spares, Parts Incorporated, Marensky Real Estate, Supa Quick Burgersfort, Mauchsberg Promotions, Pierre Lombard, Piet de Jager, Fraser Alexander, Shield Safety, Samancor ECM, GPMS, LYN BD Matore, Manny, Mpumalanga copiers. Thank you also to all the teachers who assited and will be going on tour with the learners.

22 MAART 2013



Should Top TV be allowed to show porn? Top TV, one of South Africa’s pay TV channel service providers has applied to the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (Icasa) for permission to broadcast three subscription pornography channels. They would like to broadcast the channels Playboy, Desire and Private Spice between 20:00 at night and 05:00 in the morning. Various Christian and civil groups have united in an effort to stop Top TV from obtaining permission to broadcast porn. We asked readers what they think about the application to broadcast porn.

Mr Sharief Phiri said: “It must be allowed. Everyone must be able to choose what they want to watch”.

Me. Maureen Beukes sê: “Dit moet BAIE streng beheer word. Daar is seker mense wat daarna wil kyk, maar ek weet darem nie of dit toegelaat moet word nie”.

Mnr. Johan Vorster sê”: “Ek dink dis verkeerd. Hulle moenie toegelaat word om dit te wys nie. Daar is klaar kanale wat pornografie wys wat kinders kan kyk en nie behoort te sien nie. Tot e-TV het al laataand goed gewys wat kinders nie behoort te kyk nie”. By hom is Megan.

Mr Steve Mosoma said: “No, it is important not to play porn on TV. This will encourage children to become sexually active before the time comes. If they want to play it, they must put it on DVD so older people can buy it for themselves”.

Ms Pamela Fabi said: “No, they should not be allowed to do that. It is not Biblical and it will cause more sin in the world. It is ungodly”.

Mnr. Roelof Lourens sê: “Ek dink nie dis goed nie. Ek dink verkragtings sal toeneem. Dit is in beginsel verkeerd om so ‘n kanaal toe te laat. Mense raak verslaaf daaraan en misdaad sal daardeur toeneem. Kinders sal ook aan die einde van die dag toegang daartoe kan kry”.

Mr Percy Mogapi and Mr Zani Ledwaba said: “They can be allowed to show it, but it must start at 01:00 until 04:00 at night. 20:00 is too early. Most of our kids are not asleep. Kids are clever, they’ll figure out codes to keep them away from that channel. Personally we don’t think it is good, but for those who want to watch, start a bit later”. Mnr. Willem Montgomery, Mnr. Steven Jacobs en Me. Nicolene Olivier sê: “Nee, of daar nou porn of TV is en of mense dit op die internet kry. Die wat daarna wil kyk sal dit kry”. By hulle is Nadine.

Bo: Mnr. Nico Erasmus en Mnr. Gert Loots sê: “Nee, daar is te veel jong skoolkinders wat dit sal kan kyk. Jy kry pa’s wat die blok vir die kinders sal verwyder. Die kinders sal alle belangstelling in skool en die wêreld verloor”. Mr Petrus Mahlomola Mahlake said: “I don’t think it is appropriate because the young generation must still learn what is right. If it was later at night, maybe 24:00 it would be better. Then children are asleep. I actually think it must be banned as it is sexually demoralizing our community. Government is also giving a bad example, it looks like they support promiscuity. That is unacceptable”.

Mr Lipton Kgohloane said: “No! It must not be granted to them. You will spoil the children. If they get the license to screen porn, it must only start after 01:00 at night”.

Me. Bokkie La Cock sê: “Nee, onder geen omstandighede moet dit toegelaat word nie. Hoeveel kinders sal verkrag word? Hulle sien dit, word blootgestel en dan is hulle maklike teikens vir verkragters”. By haar is Donna en Christiaan.

Ms Josephine Zondani and Ms Nancy Maroga said: “No, they are just spoiling the children and putting teenagers’ lives at risk. It will disturb students - they will lose focus on their work if porn is available on TV”.

Mr Volcano Mmopane (left) said: “No, they must not get a license to broadcast pornography. They will be destroying our children. It will become Sodom and Gomorra. Mr Emmanuel Mmopane (right) said: “No, no, no. Kids will get access to that. It is not good at all. I totally think they must not be allowed to broadcast it”.

Mr Gilbert Manaso said: “No, we have children. Once they view that we will not be able to control them in the family. It is also against the Constitution for kids to view such things”.

Ms Dimakatso Mosoma and Ms Sanelisa Mkhondo said: “Kids are still up by eight. So, no. They should not be granted that license. If it is given to them, they should start broadcasting between 2 and 3 at night”.

Mr Moses Kyakuwa, Mr Nicholas Abdul and Ms Pinky Koloane said: “They must not be allowed to screen pornography. It is a bad influence for kids and young people. Youngsters will think that it is the right way of life”.

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Calvinite writing herself to the top Tbatso Molaopo, a grade 11 learner from Calvin College, has made it to the top. She has won the Boxer Superstores Youth Leadership Programme Essay Competition. The essay competition is part of the “Ubuntu Projects” that is sponsored by Boxer Superstores as part of its corporate social investment. Tebatso will be flying to Kwa-Zulu Natal where she will join forty other learners from the whole country on 30 March

2013. Every year Boxer Superstores sponsors this programme, select the best essays nationally. The winners have the opportunity to attend leadership courses, obstacles courses, abseiling, archery, high ropes and many more. This takes place at Suela Zimbili Adventure Centre in Zinkwazi in Durban. This year’s topic was: THANKS TO HUMAN RIGHTS DAY… “I can’t even believe it! This is actually the greatest moment of my life to date. It’s really inspiring to know that my English essay was one of the best in Mzansi….” said the elated Tebatso. “Tebatso has made our school proud, She is a hard working and dedicated learner. We urge all other learners in our community to take part in such national programmes and to have a keen interest in writing,” said her coach and English Home Language educator at school, Mr. Ronald Mavhaire. (Article and picture from Partson Ngwarai, Calvin College).

Tbatso Molaopo and Mr Ronald Mavhaire.

Joshua Generation reaching out Joshua Generation’s reach out project for this term was helping the Lydenrust rural farm school by supplying them with much needed stationery. The parents and children donated stationery as well as money. The money was used to buy additional stationery. (Photo’s: Joshua Generation).

The Principal of Lydenrust Farm School with all the stationery that they received from Joshua Generation. Leaders from Joshua Generation with money that was used to buy additional stationery.

Leaders from Joshua Generation with stationery and educational equipment that was donated to Lydenrust Farm School

22 MARCH 2013

Inter-school gala at Burgersfort Last week Thursday Laerskool Burgersfort hosted an inter-school gala. Mariepskop Primary and Steelpoort Academy visited Laerskool Burgersfort forthe event. The learners competed in various styles and the first three places received medals for their efforts.

22 MARCH 2013



Colourful spectacle

Twickenham proud of Hlabang’s bronze

When Mr Carl Lourens and his Wife Alida recently attended a Total function in Durban, they had the chance to visit a Bird Sanctuary. Not only indigenous birds were on display, but also these colourful ones. Some, like the bird below have little hairs on their tongue and even allowed Alida to touch it.

Busy week for Maatlopo United FC Maatlopo United Football Club last week played against Sekhukhune Arsenal. The game ended in a draw 11. On Sunday last week they also faced Mpheleng Sweepers and won the game 2-0. Billy Mpaketsane was the star of the game. This win ensure three points for the team on the log. Yesterday they were due to face Masokolara at Moroke Stadium. Masokolara is still leading the log with 45 points. Maatlopo is second with 44 points and Makgolanotho Young Chiefs third with 43 points. By the time of going to press the results of this game was not available. On Saturday Maatlopo will play away at Ga Phaahla against Kingborn. (Information: Jimmy Makola, Maatlopo United FC PRO)

Hlabang Shaun Pilusa (29) is employed at Twickenham Platinum Mine and participated in the Anglo American athletic championships that recently took place in Welkom. He participated in the 10km event and came third. He finished in a brilliant time of 38 minutes. He received a bronze medal. Hlabang is looking forward to his next athletics event. “We are very proud of him,” Twickenham Platinum Mine’s management said. (Information and photograph: Twickenham Platinum Mine)

Carl Lourens with one of the colourful birds on his head. (All photographs: Alida Lourens)

Hermaans ran around the dam Hermaans Mogale, captain of the Modikwa Marathon Club participated in the “Om die Dam” race at Hartebeespoort Dam in North West. This race covers 50km. It was Hermaans’ first ultra marathon and he enjoyed the race in his home town very much. He found the last 6km very challenging and eventually finished a time of 04:47:04. “We would like to wish him well with his training and future races in the build up to his first Comrades Marathon,” the club management said. (Information: Willem Montgomery, Modikwa Marathon Club)

Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529 Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

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22 MARCH 2013


Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

2. Betrekking/ Vacancy

3. Te Huur/ To Let One bedroom bachelor flat to let in Burgersfort. Contact: 076 666 1100

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation Mooifontein Guesthouse Overnight accommodation available in Burgersfort. Restaurant, washing, safe parking, truck parking, aircons, fridge in rooms, coffee/tea facilities in room. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 Bread: 076 772 7607 Gloria: 082 614 3619

Air Conditioning Technician wanted. Contact: 082 443 9751

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous

3. Te Huur/ To Let

We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old

Two bedroom flats to let in Burgersfort. In secure complex. Contact: 076 666 1100

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Bargain properties for sale. Tel: 082 496 4312

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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

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Easter 2013 Due to the Easter long weekend the next week Platinum Gazette will be printing a day earlier. The Tuesday deadline for advertisements and editorial will be strictly enforced. So, if you want to place an advert for next week, make sure everything gets finalised by 26 March 2013. Be in time, make your bookings now!


Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS

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Betrekkings/Vacancies “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Admin post available in Steelpoort Industrial Area Requirements: Grade 12; Afrikaans & English literate Experience in the following: Microsoft Excel, Office & Pastel E-mail your CV to:

22 MARCH 2013




Dwarsrivier vs DMR Building relationships through sport On 2 March 2013 Dwarsrivier Mine participated in a sportsday against the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) in Polokwane. The day’s activities took place at the Military Base sports complex and was aimed at building sustainable relationships between DMR and Dwarsrivier Mine. Three games were played, including a netball game where the ladies could show their skill on

the court. The first football game was between the ‘masters’ of both sides. The DMR Regional Masters against the Dwarsrivier Masters. The team from Dwarsrivier was packed with senior management members such as the Senior General Manager Mthi Mtshengu, Technical Manager Silas Hlapolosa, Selieving SD Manager Remember Mmbenwa, Relieving Metalurgical Manager Malvern Kamusoko and other very talented players. The Dwarsrivier team did their best, butcould not outwit the DMR team. The Dwarsrivier Netball team put up a brave fight, but DMR’s ladies shined on the day and ensured a win for the Regional office.

The final game of the day saw Dwarsrivier playing some excellent football. Dwarsrivier made sure that their team was a winning combination and eventually walked away victorious with a score of 3-0. The day was however not only about the sport. It was also about getting to know each other and enjoy some fun time together. This meant that after the official prizegiving ceremony where medals and trophies were handed out, a social braai event took place. The idea is to make this an annual event between Dwarsrivier Mine and the DMR Regional Office. “Thank you to all the Dwarsrivier team members who were committed to making the day a success. We look forward to making everyone proud at next year’s event!”

This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine


22 MARCH 2013

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Club champions crowned Tubatse Chrome Golf Club held their annual Club Championships last weekend. The competition stretches over two days of play with 18 holes each. This year’s event was better attended than last year. The new Club Champions are: Dalene du

Preez for the ladies and Martin van Rooyen for the men. This is the third win for Martin.

The activity on the golf course what not limited to that of the players. A Blue Wildebeest ran past hole 1 and 9 towards his lunch in the rough nearby.

Rudi Conrad (Club Captain) with Martin van Rooyen.

Rudi Conrad (Club Captain) with Dalene du Preez.

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