Platinum Gazette 22 November 2013

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

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Shop where Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P ark Park South Africa shops! Tel: (013) 231 7227 A child in Dresden outside Burgersfort negotiates the slippery dirt road into his village with a single tyre (who needs 4 x 4?) after a heavy storm last week Thursday. Across the road from Dresden the storm caused some damage to a farming concern nearer to Manoke (see inside).

After the rain ...

Š Platinum Gazette

22 November 2013


22 NOVEMBER 2013


Businesses elect steering committee

Mr Du Toit of AHi busy with his presentation (left), and one of the slides he used (right) to explain why a business chamber can be beneficial to local businesses

Representatives of businesses in the Tubatse area who attended a meeting on Tuesday in Burgersfort with a view on the establishment of a business chamber for formal businesses, elected a steering committee consisting of 12 members to further facilitate the proscess of establishing a busniness chamber. The meeting was held on Tuesday at Laerskool Burgersfort, with local busninessman, Mr Carl Lourens explaining to all present why a business chamber is neccessary. He introduced Mr Corinus du Toit of AHi (a national multi-sectoral business organisation consisting of corporate, medium and small businesses and affiliated business chambers) to the meeting. Mr Du Toit, after explaining what AHi does, also elaborated on what a business chamber could gain when affiliated with AHi and how the organisation interacts with other business groups on regional, provincial and national level. He also explained the heft the organisation has with regard to interaction with large players in industry and government on all levels. The meeting decided that the steering committee, under the leadership of Mr Lourens (Magaba Filling Station) will investigate future affiliation with AHi and also advise a public meeting (to be held early 2014) on the next step towards a business chamber for formal businesses in the area. Absa Bank’s representative at the meeting, Mr Neville Brown, said the bank could sponsor affiliation fees of a fledgling business chamber at AHi for an initial period. Interested businesses who missed Tuesday’s meeting can contact Mr Lourens at 082 257 8082 for more information.

R200 thousand or 4 years for illegal cigarettes A man who had been arrested in February this year at Ohrigstad in connection with illegal cigarettes, pleaded guilty on a charge of posession of illegal cigarettes in the Lydenburg Regional Court last week Friday. Abdul Ramdera was sentenced to pay a fine of R200 thousand or to go to jail for four years.

Warrant Officer André Coetzee of Ohrigstad Police Station said people should not be caught with storing, transporting or having illegal cigarettes in their posession (smuggling) as the law will not be tolerant towards them. Ramdera was accused of having 2162 cartons of illegal cigaresttes in his posession.

Ga Malepe is (not) getting a bridge? Platinum Gazette’s reporter, visiting Ga Malepe on Wednesday, noticed that all work on a new access bridge in the village has stopped. Enquiring from residents about the reason, they told the newspaper “the people building the bridge said they will be back by the first week in November, but now they stay away, we do not know why”. As it was just before deadline, the newspaper also doesn’t know and had no time to investigate. Maybe they are just slow?

22 NOVEMBER 2013




22 NOVEMBER 2013


Dwarsrivier Mine Dwarsrivier Mine brings Christmas joy to Shaga Primary School Dwarsrivier Mine spread some Christmas joy at Shaga Primary School close to the mine on Wednesday this week. The Dwarsrivier team that included the Senior General Manager Mr Mthi Mtshengu and his various departmental heads wanted to make sure that this year’s Christmas is special to the children attending the school. They brought along a Christmas tree and decorations. Every learner was able to put a decoration on the tree. The tree will now stay at the school and the children will every year be able to decorate their own Christmas tree. A surprise visit from Father Christmas was greeted with cheers and excitement. Gifts were handed out to the various grades and every child also received a snack box. Singing and a bit of poetry were also included into the program. Mr Mtshengu and his team told the learners that they are the future and they should work hard, but also that they are special and must remember that God loves children. Every gift contained a special Bible verse (see colour box to the right) to help the children to remember the Dwarsrivier Mine Senior General Manager Mr message brought to them. The School Principal, Mthi Mtshengu told the learners that they are Mama Sarah thanked the mine for their visit and happy to visit them and celebrate the joy of everything they brought along. Christmas with them.

Mark 10:13-16 “People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them”.

Mr Mthi Mtshengu helps to hand out snack boxes to the learners.

The Dwarsrivier team visited Shaga Primary School and brought Santa with them.

Every learner received a gift. Different gifts were given to the various age groups who attend the school. This varied from educational toys for the small ones to a specially packed toiletry bag for the older children. Everyone also received a snack box with sweet treats, juice and chips.

22 NOVEMBER 2013



The season of wind and rain The rainy season has just started and the first bit of storm damage has already occured. On last week Thursday afternoon a storm passed through Alverton, Praktiseer, Dresden and Burgersfort. It left a trail of destruction in some areas. Wind damaged a poultry farm near Dresden and large pools of water gathered next to the road. Directly after the storm the owners of the farm was not around to assess the damage.

Stop flat Stop signs on the Dirk Winterbach road leading out of town towards Lydenburg has been vandalised and pushed flat to the ground (again!). Should anyone have information regarding the vandalisation of these traffic signs they can contact Mr Victor Lekwadu at the Greater Tubatse Municipality on 013 231 1000. Tampering with road traffic signs is a punishable offence and if found guilty a hefty fine could be given to the culprit.

Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529 Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00




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Electricity problems a headache for businesses in Burgersfort Business in central Burgersfort was frustrated and angered by an interruption of their electricity this week. The power went out on Sunday evening at about 22:30 and various business owners including Magaba Filling Station, Glass King Hardware and Mooifontein Kafee reported the problem. Conflicting messages from Eskom came back to the business owners reporting that the power had been restored while it in fact had not. Some business owners, like Mr Carl Lourens from Magaba Filling Station ended up with three reference numbers after speaking to Eskom seven times. In Burgersfort’s blistering heat the

businesses were running on generators to keep essential parts of their operations going. After almost 24 hours without electricity the fault was discovered. A tripped switch, that could have been flipped within an hour after the first report of the power failure was logged. A Platinum Gazette reader this week also reported that street lights in the Aloe Ridge and Elephants Hill area are constantly on. Perhaps the recent problems with electricity confused the automatic switches that should have the lights switch on at night and off in the day?

22 NOVEMBER 2013

Customers smile big with winnings Tubatse SUPERSPAR customers are still winning in the weekly draws of the Win-A-Car competition. The comptition will run until just before Christmas when the big prize, a VW Polo will be drawn. Customers can still enter the competition. Buy for R300 or more and enter your till slip in store. You can enter as many times as you like. Weekly draws are also making winners of lucky shoppers.

Left: Ms Bongy Sekgobela from Praktiseer won a R500 shopping voucher in the competition. Mr Papi Makgate handed it to her.

Mr Gabriel SErage from Ga-Motodi won a R500 shopping voucher from Tubatse SUPERSPAR in the Win-A-Car competition that is currently running in store. His prize was handed to him by Ms Motlatso Lekubu.

Mr Tyalisisu Dubekile was one of the lucky draw winners who won a R500 Spar shopping voucher. He is a resident from Montrose. His prize was handed to him by Ms Dimakatso Lengwati from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

Ms Karabo Nkwana from Mahlashi won a R500 shopping voucher from Tubatse SUPERSPAR. Her prize was handed to her by Ms Kholofelo Mdluli.

22 NOVEMBER 2013



Reuse, reduce and recycle A recycling project was launched at Mogolo Secondary School in conjunction with Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines and The New Reclamation Group (Reclam). The purpose of the initiative is to raise Waste Management Awareness and generate revenue through waste recycling. An Environmental educational talk was presented to the learners. In this the focus fell on the importance of recycling and the 2022 Polokwane declaration on waste management (zero waste disposal by 2022, stabilize waste generation and reduce waste disposal by 50% by 2012). It was also highlighted that learners are free to bring recyclable items from home to school in order to improve and reduce illegal dumping sites in communities adjacent to the school and in this way generate more revenue. Four recycling stations were donated to the school for

recycling purposes (i.e. papers, glasses, tins and plastic) and two additional 6m3 skips were also donated for scrap metal recycling. The principal of Mogolo Secondary School, Mr Nkambule is very pleased that his school was selected for the launch of this pilot project. The project has the potential to be extended to other surrounding schools within the operating area of Samancor Eastern Crhome Mines and Reclam operations. Learners were treated to a light lunch and soft drinks donated by Reclam. Monthly competitions will be launched from January 2013 to ensure project sustainability and continual environmental awareness. (Information and Photographs: Samancor ECM).



Blarney Brothers help celebrate new deck On Friday last week the Blarney Brothers played at Winterveld Recreational Club. The Club has recently upgraded many of its facilities and Friday was the official

opening of the new deck. The expansion makes this the ideal venue for functions or to just relax with family and friends. The Club is not exclusive to residents and members of the public can inquire at the Club Office regarding membership. The Club’s restaurant is also upgraded with more kitchen renovations in the pipeline. This makes them equip to serve some of the best meals around. A large number of lucky draws (photograph left) took place last week Friday and the audience danced, singed and partied until late with the entertaining trio from the Blarney Brothers. The Club would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the evening.

22 NOVEMBER 2013

Laerskool Ohrigstad hou prysuitdeling Op 6 November het Laerskool Ohrigstad hul jaarlikse prysuitdeling gehou. Tydens die geleentheid is daar toekennings vir akademiese prestasie, sportprestasies en kultuurprestasies gemaak. Verskeie sertifikate en trofees is tydens die geleentheid uitgedeel. Die skool het almal bedank vir die jaar se ondersteuning.

In Graad 2 het JJ van Niekerk en Jolene van Aswegen die pryse vir die beste akademiese prestasie ontvang.

Morgan Wood en Dory Burger het die pryse ontvang vir die beste akademiese prestasie in Graad 1. Regs: Gerrit Jacobs en Pierre Naudé was die beste akademiese presteerders in Graad 3.

Die Graad R leerlinge het gegradueer na die ‘groot skool’ toe. Hulle is Ni-Nha Beetge, Nadine Lubbe, Dihan Beetge, Flippie Janse van Rensburg, Jacobus le Roux, Wesley Tshiloane, TeeJacy van der Walt, Juanro van Wyngaard en Joshua Weber.

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22 NOVEMBER 2013



Presteerders by Laerskool Ohrigstad beloon

Ronel Jacobs was die beste presteerder in Graad 4. Ansie Bylsma was die beste akademiese presteerder in Graad 7. Sy is ook aangewys as die skool se Dux-leerling. Sy was ook die beste dogtersatleet in die senior afdeling. Sy het goue sertifikate en trofees ontvang vir haar prestasie in Ekonomiese en Bestuurswetenskappe, Wiskunde, Sosiale Wetenskappe, Tegnologie, Kuns en Kultuur en Afrikaans.

Vir rugby is baie pryse toegeken. JJ van Nieker was die Beste Bulletjie Speler. Joshua Weber was die Beste O/6 Speler. Abram Mametjie was die Beste O/7 Speler. DeWalt le Roux en Dihan Beetge was die O/6 spelers met die beste vordering. Christoffel Esterhuizen was die O/ 7 leerling met die beste vordering. Gerrit Jacobs was die Beste O/9 Speler en Pierre Naudé en Ruben Erasmus het die beste vordering in die O/9-span getoon. Joshua Weber het die meeste punte gedurende die seisoen aangeteken.

Juandré Jacquet was die beste presteerder in Graad 5.

Juané Langenhoven Kruger het ‘n sertifikaat en trofee ontvang as die beste dogter met atletiek in die junior afdeling.

Sipho Ndlovu was die Rugbyspeler van die Jaar. Mnr. Tol Bekker oorhandig sy trofee aan hom.

Neo Ndlovu was die beste presteerder in Graad 6. Sy het ook die beste prestasie in Sosiale Wetenskappe vir Graad 5 en 6 gehad. Daarvoor het sy ‘n goue sertifikaat en trofee ontvang. Links: Nandie Masilela was die Beste Junior Hokkie speelster vir 2013 in die junior afdeling. Pabalelo Mashego en Nthabeleng Marobane was die Sy ontvang ‘n beste junior en senior netbal speelsters in die skool. sertifikaat en trofee vir haar prestasies.

Regs: Sipho Ndlovu en Arnold Ndlovu het die Vasbyt Trofee ontvang. Hulle het ook goue sertifikate gekry.

Vir hul prestasies in krieket het Keegan Wood ‘n sertifikaat vir die Beste boulwerk en een vir die beste kolfwerk. Vir Mini-krieket het Marco Erasmus ‘n sertifikaat vir die Beste boulwerk en Pierre Naudé vir die Beste kolfwerk gekry. Juan-Pierre Graves het die beste vordering met krieket gemaak.

In Graad 7 het Keona Bradley Garcia en Arnold Ndlovu was onderskeidelik Naicker goue sertifikate die beste senior voorspeler en die beste senior en trofees ontvang vir agterspeler in rugby. haar prestasies in Natuur Wetenskappe en Engels.


22 NOVEMBER 2013


Hard work rewarded at Atokia Laerskool Atokia held their annual prize giving ceremony on 31 October. In the various grades gold certificates were awarded to the following learners for their achievements: Grade R Afrikaans: Keagan Hales, Diane Jacobs and Sue-Marie Tennant.Grade R English: Amara Majoka.Gold was also awarded for their progress to: Lethabo Mathabatha, Amogelang Matheba, Tshiamo Matheba, Desiree Mathipa, Mabuti Mokgotho and Shibu Riba. Grade R Afrikaans: Carole Griffiths. Grade 1 English: Olorato Motsumi, Wiseman Phashe, Moketse Teka and Tsakani Zulu. Grade 2 English: Tumelo Motsumi. Grade 3 English: Benzu Letsoalo, Tshegofatso Mathabatha, Natasha Mokgotho. Grade 4 Afrikaans: Brandon Hales. Grade 4 Afrikaans: Daniel Kajokota, Lesedi Phasha.Grade 5 English: Asanda Bhulungu, Kgadi Madutlela.Grade 6

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Afrikaans: Rune Paxton. In grade 7 the best achievers in the various subjects (80% or more) were: Afrikaans Home Language - Bianca Burger, Mathematics - Bianca Burger, Life Orientation - Bianca Burger, Economic and Management Science Bianca Burger. Awards were also given to learners who performed well on the sport field. Many of them were part of the Limpopo Cross Country team who participated at national level. The Grade 7 learners each received a special farewell gift from the school. The whole grade 6 class has been appointed as monitors. They will undergo leadership development and by the end of the first term of 2014 a head boy and head girl will be selected. The school principal, Mr Beukes van Zyl thanked everyone who attended the evening, contributed in any way and supports the school to grow and be a place where the learners can reach their potential.

Karabo Mseteka (above) and Philly Matheba (left) were the head boy and girl for 2013. They gave a farewell message. Teachers were assisted by some of the school governing body members to hand over certificates and trophies to the learners. Bronze, silver and gold certificates were awarded.

The church hall was packed with parents who came to support their children at the prize giving ceremony.

22 NOVEMBER 2013



To advertise alcohol or not? Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi’s controversial suggested changes to the law to ban advertising of alcohol is in its final stages. Motsoaledi told eNews Channel Africa: “Why do kids need nannies? Because there are certain things they can’t do for themselves they need someone to take care of them. We (the state) are playing that role”. This law comes at the expense of the media industry, the expense of the development of sport, arts and culture which depends on sponsorships and at the expense of employees of small wine farms, breweries and bars. According to Econometrix who conducted a study for the Industry Association for Responsible Alcohol Use 12 000 jobs will be lost if the ban on alcohol advertising takes effect. It will also cause a loss of R1.7 thousand million in tax revenue and half that in imports and exports. A loss of R7.4 thousand million GDP is expected. It is being claimed that a ban on alcohol advertising will reduce consumption. However a lack of evidence for this claim saw Canada, Denmark, New Zealand and Finland review their bans on alcohol advertising. We asked readers what they think about the proposed changes and their impact.

Mr Mervyn Reddy said: “It will have no effect if you ban the adverts. Taking alcohol off the market is a diffirent story, but taking away the advertising will have no impact to stop people from drinking. People will still drink. It will only be negative for sports sponsorships”.

Mr David Tebele said: “The economy will go down because sponsorships, jobs etc. will be lost if there is no longer alcohol advertising. People will still drink. They’ll just go straight to the shop and buy alcohol without any advertisements”.

Mr Patson Sekgobela said: “Cigarettes are better than alcohol. One cigarette will not have the same damaging effects as one drink of liquor. 75% of all deaths on the roads are because of liquor. We can go without liquor sponsorships. Banks must start to sponsor sports”.

Mr Prince Shongwe and Mr Collins Zamba said: “Alcohol is a business who helps many charities and do lots of sponsorships. They also create jobs. Drinking will not stop if there is no longer any advertisements for alcohol. People will still buy it. Young people learn to drink from their brothers, not from advertisements”.

Mr Tlou Marutha said: “They must not stop the adverts. If people want to drink, they want to drink. You can’t stop them. Everyone needs to entertain themselves”. Mnr Keith Henriques sê: “Gewoonlik sê hulle wat die die oog nie sien nie, maak die hart nie seer nie, maar ek dink mense sal steeds drink. Daar is goed en sleg aan die wegneem van advertensies. Dis sleg dat ons sponsorships sal verloor. It will make us suffer”.

Left: Mr Meclecntic Mphahlele said: “People will still smoke and drink - no matter if it is being advertised or not. If this law goes through many of the country’s sports will have to find new sponsors. Everyone likes sport”.

Me Annette Esterhuyse sê: “Dit gaan nie die verbruik minder maak nie. Dis sleg vir sport want die drankmaatskappye is die main sponsors van baie sporte”.

Mr Stephen Mphego said: “We must take our time. Rushing things is not good. The community at large must also get a chance to comment. We don’t want to promote things like alcoholism, but people taking a sip and consuming alcohol responsibly is fine. Don’t just stop companies from advertising”.

Mr Petrus Mosehla said: “Advertisements must stay, just manage it properly”.

Me. Priscilla Baird en Mnr. Theo Baird sê: “Hulle moet glad nie die advertensies wegneem nie. Die ekonomie sal daaronder ly en dit sal sosiaal geen verskil maak nie”. Left: Ms Lebo Ramaube said: “It will be like with cigarettes. People will still continue to consume alcohol with or without advertising. The sporting community will suffer if they don’t get other sponsorships”.


22 NOVEMBER 2013

Platinum Gazette

Betrekking/Vacancy BOKONI PLATINUM MINE As the first Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Company with two North American listing as well as a South African listing, we are the employer of choice in the mining field. The following vacancy now exists at the Bokoni Platinum Mine in the Limpopo Province:

HR COORDINATOR OPERATIONS (D2) Work Description This role is a generalist role within the HR structure responsible for effective deployment and development of shaft labour as well as good employee relations. The HR Coordinator Operations role forms an integral part of the Shaft Management team, with the responsibility of ensuring the effectiveness of the human resources within the Shaft. The incumbent is responsible for HR Service delivery to the production manager.

Minimum Requirements

 Human Resources related degree.  At least three years management experience of which at least one should be in a mining environment.  Competent in mine HR systems and related legislation.  Computer literacy for role including SAP HR and Microsoft package.  Code 8 Driver’s license  Proficient in English.


Key Responsibilities  Selection  Labour planning  Performance management  Employee information management  Employee development management  Employee relations management  HR efficiency analysis  SAP HR system and  Organisational effectiveness at the shaft. Interested persons can forward their applications to the Recruitment Office by E-mail to closing date 29 November 2013. “Bokoni Platinum” shall apply the affirmative action principles as set out in the company’s employment equity policy. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, your application shall be deemed to be unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful applications shall not be returned.

Besige Bytjies kleuterskool bevat leerders tussen 0 en 5 jaar. Die volgende geleentheid is tans beskikbaar:


Pre-primêre skool Onderwyseres

Public Notice

Die kandidate op die kortlys moet oor ‘n relevante Graad of Technikon Diploma beskik. ‘n Minimum van 3 jaar ervaring is nodig. Alle kandidate kan hulle CV’s in vertroulikheid e-pos aan of faks na 013 230 8433 met die verwysingsnommer duidelik op die CV aangedui. Sluitingsdatum: 03 Desember 2013. Indien jy binne 21 werksdae vanaf die sluitingsdatum nog geen reaksie op jou aansoek ontvang het nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was.

NGULULU BULK CARRIERS Steelpoort We are urgently looking for a highly motivated, passionate and self-driven person who is looking for a challenge and is willing to make a difference. The following opportunity has become available at NBC situated in Steelpoort.

Tyre Manager We are looking for a dynamic person to manage the tyres of our fleet which consist of 297 extra heavy vehicle combinations. The candidate must have Grade 12 or N3 qualification with computer literacy, be bilingual and must have at least 5 years experience in tyre management. The successful candidate must have training and experience to be fully conversant with all expects of tyre management. A Competitive salary package shall be negotiated to attract a suitable candidate. Candidates who wish to apply must submit a comprehensive CV with ID, driver’s license stating their relevant experience and educational qualifications to Ngululu Bulk Carriers e-mail: fax: 013 230 9184 Applications received without having met this requirement will not be considered.

MAYOR’S BURSARY SCHEME FOR THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS FOR THE 2013 ACADEMIC YEAR Greater Tubatse Municipality is offering financial assistance to needy learners and students within its vicinity, to study in a tertiary institution of their choice i.e. University or University of Technology for 2014 Academic year. Minimum requirements for the suitable candidates will be: • Copy of Grade 12 June Examination results • Copy of Senior Certificate or Statement of symbols with admission to a bachelor’s degree or diploma, with at least level 5 in English and level 4 in Mathematics, level 4 Physical Science/Accountancy and two (2) other content subjects including Life Orientation. • Certified copies of salary advice of parent/s or guardian and affidavit indicating employment status of the parents/guardian • Certified copies of identity documents of both applicant and parents/ guardian • Copy of University or University of Technology admission letter for 2014 Academic year Preferred field of studies are: • Civil Engineering • Finance • Information Technology Applications forms are obtainable from the Greater Tubatse Municipal Offices and or Ward Councilor as from the 14 October 2013. It will be responsibility of the learner to return the application forms to Office of Director Corporate Services, 2nd Floor, Greater Tubatse Municipality, Civic Centre, 1 Kastania Street, and Burgersfort. CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS 13 DECEMBER 2013 Correspondence will be made with successful applicants only

Closing date: 4 December 2013 If you have not received a response within 15 days of the closing date, please assume your application was not successful.

Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:


22 NOVEMBER 2013


Platinum Gazette

Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR

* Phelo Pele Pharmacy

Steelpoort * Laerskool

* Winterveld Village

* Dilokong/ASA Metals

Prokureurs * Merensky Real

Burgersfort * Burgersfort

* Supa Save Burgersfort

* Boxer Stores Burgersfort

* Burgersfort Pharmacy

Burgersfort * Tingeling

* Ohrigstad SAPS

* Dwarsrivier Mine

Estate * Laerskool

Toyota * Sediman

* Nalito’s Restaurant

* OK Grocer

* Laerskool

Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark

* Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS

* Kubu Tavern * Morena’s

Ohrigstad * Vyfster

Tuckshop Kalkfontein

Burgersfort * Twickenham

* Greater Tubatse

* Praktiseer SAPS

Tavern * Magaba

Slaghuis Steelpoort

* Supa Quick Burgersfort

Platinum Mine * Cheap Cheap

Municipality * CTM

* Burgersfort SAPS

Garage * Mooifontein

* One Stop Motor Spares

* Build It Burgersfort

Butchery #2 Burgerfort

* Modikwa

* Magaba



* AC

* Bronrich

Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay

Garage * Vision Meat

* Madeleen Willers

* GMC Debt Solutions

Supermarket & Hardware

Slaghuis * CTM

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Contact her on 083 543 1676 or

VACANCY A reputable agricultural group has 2 positions available. The successful incumbents will report to the Financial Manager and will be based in Burgersfort.

Financial Accountant Minimum Qualifications: BCom (Accounting)/BCompt or higher Experience: Completed articles at an accounting firm. Key Responsibilities: Prepare the monthly trail balance for management accounts. Prepare monthend reviews and present findings to financial manager. Prepare for the annual external audit. Assist in the preparation of the annual budget. Assist in inventory control. Implement all financial procedures as set out by the financial manager. Income tax, Employee tax and VAT administration. Skills Required: Advanced Excel skills. Attention to detail.

Instrumentation Technician Smelter Engineering (C3) (Fixed Term Contract) Role Purpose: To continuously add value to the company’s vision by safetly monitoring and controlling all instrumentation activities in the production sections, managing deviations so as to ensure the overall performance targets are achieved. Role Responsibilities: The incumbent will conduct Plant/Process fault finding via programmable logic controllers. Install, test and configure field instruments to engineering standards. Diagnose and repair faults on equipment and machinery during production/operations. Read and interpret instrumentation drawings. Install, test, commission and maintain an electro-pneumatic system. Conduct continuous risk assessment in the workplace. Execute any ad-hoc task within his/her knowledge/experience as given by the supervisor. Fault find, install and test a bus system. Improve the overall performance of the workplace to ensure optimum service delivery. Requirements: NQF Level 4 qualification in the Instrumentation Field. Recognized trade certificate as an Instrument Mechanician. 2 Years Instrumentation plant/process experience. Excellent knowledge of all field instruments. Programming experience on Siemens S7 PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) and Profibus networks. Experience on WinCC, Citect and Adroit Scada systems. Experience on Open and Close Arc Furnaces, Pelletising and Sinter plants. Drivers licence and own transport.

Minimum Qualifications: Accounting diploma or higher.

General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given tohistorically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. Thecompany offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint.

Experience: A minimum of 5 years’ experience in a role as bookkeeper.

Please forward your application to on e-mail to: or by Fax to: 086 269 5572.


Key Responsibilities: All capturing of suppliers. All capturing of bank statements. Assist production manager with production reports. Prepare Fixed assets register. Prepare Inventory lists. Manage the monthly wage payroll. Skills Required: Pastel partner, Payroll system, Advanced Excel skills and attention to detail. Please forward your application to Closing date: 29 November 2013

Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

Fitter - Smelter (Fixed Term Contract) Role Purpose: Ensuring the optimum availability of specified engineering equipment at the lowest cost and at the optimum reliability levels. Role Responsibilities: The incumbent will be conducting fault finding on specified equipment including hydraulic equipment and execute repairs or replacements. Conducting regular routine and planned inspections of specific equipment and executing planned maintenance according to specific maintenance schedules and standards. Assemble and install specified spare parts on equipment or machines. Cut, drill, punch, assemble and mechanically join structural steel work. Fault find and maintain power transmissions including Compressors and Hydraulics/Pneumatic systems. Remove, replace and overhaul power transmissions. Inspect, maintain, replace and commission bearings, gearboxes, couplings, belt/chain drives and displacement pumps. Do basic rigging. Read and interpret Engineering drawings. Conduct a continuous risk assessment in the workplace. Requirements: NQF Level 4 qualification in the Mechanical Field. Trade Test Qualified: Fitter. Valid drivers licence and owntransport. At least 3 years experience in the engineeringenvironment as a Fitter. At least 2 yearsexperience on Arc Furnaces will be an advantage. Knowledge of plant processes (starting, operating and stopping specified equipment and machines).The ability to work in a technical environment and apply technical knowledge and skills to a new and changingsituation. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given tohistorically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. Thecompany offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application to on e-mail to: or by Fax to: 086 269 5572. Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.


22 NOVEMBER 2013


Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation

loer gerus in! Navrae: 082 308 9221

9. Te Huur/ To Let Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129. Flats for rent One/Two or Three bedroom flats available. Stands for sale. Warehouse to let. Contact: 074 354 1274

VIP Rentals Two and Three Bedroom Units available Please phone: 074 354 1274

MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

URGENT SALE Stand in Motaganeng estate. Erf 2704 Size: 564 m² Price: R195 000 Contact: Herman 0832299765

We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 Nuwe Restaurant en Bar in Burgersfort. Lekker kos en gesellige atmosfeer. Agter Burgersfort Drankwinkel. Kom

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

FOR SALE Ford Falcon, Model - 1996 Contact: Adri van Rooyen, 0826725811


One bedroom flat in Burgersfort. Available 1 December 2013. Contact: 076 666 1100

ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277.

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous

Platinum Gazette

To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147 or email adverts@ platinumgazette. com Advertising deadline is on a Tuesday at 17:00.

10. Te Koop/ For Sale

For Sale Two stands for sale in Ohrigstad. Both are approximately 630m2 in size and are adjacent to each other. Contact: Johan, 082 922 7617 FOR SALE Acer laptops with warranty from R3900. Contact: 074 270 0404 SAMOOSAS Good quality samoosas available from Aloe Ridge East. Week days and weekends. Also cater for functions. Contact: 076 615 8607

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Electrician - Smelter (Fixed Term Contract)

Boilermaker - Smelter (Fixed Term Contract)

Role Purpose: Ensuring the optimum availability of specified engineering equipment at the lowest cost and at the optimum reliability levels.

Role Purpose: Ensuring the optimum availability of specified engineering equipment at the lowest cost and at the optimum reliability levels.

Role Responsibilities: The incumbent will read and interpretElectrical drawings. Install and commission electricalequipment and control devices, AC Machines and control gear, DC Machines and control gear. Install, joint and terminate Low and Medium Voltage cables and conductors. Maintain, fault find and repair single/three phase AC machines and control gear. Prepare to work shifts from time to time and perform standby duties. Diagnose and repair faults on equipment and machinery during production/ operations. Conduct a continuous risk assessment in a workplace.

Role Responsibilities: The incumbent will assemble and mechanically join sheet, plate, tube, pipe and steel sections. Cut, drill and punch mechanically join structural steel work. Perform destructive testing on welded specimens. Mechanically cut, drull, punch and assemble fabrication materials using powered machinery. Form and shape sheet, plate, pipe and structural section using power machinery. Remover metals using air-carbon arc gouging processes. Remover material with the shields metal arc gouging processes. Do basic rigging. Conduct fault finding on specified equipment and executing repairs or replacements. Perform any ADHoc task within his knowledge and experience given by his Supervisor.

Requirements: NQF Level 4 qualification in the Electrician Field. Trade Test Qualified: Electrician. Valid drivers licence and owntransport. At least 3 years experience in the engineeringenvironment as an electrician. At least 2 yearsexperience on Arc Furnaces will be an advantage. Conduct faultfinding on specified equipment and executing repairs orreplacements. The ability to work in a technical environment and apply technical knowledge and skills to a new and changingsituation. The ability to apply rational process thinking and analytical skills towards identifying the root cause of problems.

Requirements: NQF Level 4 qualification in the Mechanical Field. Trade Test Qualified: Boilermaker. Valid drivers licence and owntransport. At least 3 years experience in the engineering environment as a Boilermaker. At least 2 years experience on Arc Furnaces will be an advantage. The ability to work in a technical environment and apply technical knowledge and skills to a new and changingsituation.

General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given tohistorically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. Thecompany offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint.

General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given tohistorically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. Thecompany offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint.

Please forward your application to on e-mail to: or by Fax to: 086 269 5572.

Please forward your application to on e-mail to: or by Fax to: 086 269 5572.

Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

22 NOVEMBER 2013



Saints and Masters square off The teams were very evenly matched On Tuesday this week the Tubatse Masters Football Club from Praktiseer played a friendly game of soccer against Saints Football Club at Riba-Cross. The teams were very evenly matched and both were good on the defence and attack. The final score was 3-2 in favour of the Saints. The Saints played in red and blue while the Tubatse Masters played in black, yellow and blue. (Photographs and Information: Jerial Movundlela)

Sekhukhune Legendary Golf Challenge On Saturday 23 November the 2013 Sekhukhune Legendary Golf Challenge will take place at the Groblersdal Golf Club. The day is a collaboration between Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor Cll Mogobo David Magabe, MTN SA Foundation and Lepelle Northern Water. The Premier of Limpopo, Mr Stanley Chupu Mathabatha is also expected to attend the event. This is the third year the golf day is being

Platinum Gazette annual Christmas closure Platinum Gazette will be closing over the Christmas holiday period. The last publication for 2013 will be on 13 December 2013 and the office will open again on 6 January 2014. The first publication for 2014 will be on 10 January 2014.

hosted and funds raised through the effort goes towards orphanages, bursary schemes and other social upliftment initiatives within the municipality. Players and teams who would like to attend the day can contact the Sekhukhune Municipality Head of Communication Mr Kgopelo Phasha on 013 262 7336 or 082 777 5435 or Mr Willy Mosoma Municipal Spokesperson on 082 777 8774. Tee-off is at 07:00 at Groblersdal Golf Club.


22 NOVEMBER 2013

It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum

Platinum Gazette


Tubatse Masters faces Coca Cola Football Club The Tubatse Masters Football Club (yellow jerseys) visited Coca Cola Football Club in Bothashoek on Sunday 17 November. The teams played a friendly game, and their efforts were not hampered by a thunderstorm bringing rain to the grounds. The hosts dominated the firls half and managed to score one goal. In the second half they scored another goal, but Tubatse Masters came back strongly and managed to secure four goals before the end of play. The goals were scored by Lekgotla

Motswiane (2), Jerial Movundlela and Louis Matuludi. The final score was 4-2 in favour of Tubatse Masters from Praktiseer. (Photographs & Information: Jerial Movundlela).

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