Platinum Gazette 23 March 2018

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As part of efforts to stamp the authority of the state, the South African Police Services has unveiled the national PublicOrder Policing (POP) reserve units. The launch last week Friday saw the units being capacitated with human and physical resources to enable the police to mitigate situations in respect of crowd management and violent community protests in the country as well as the SADC region. Strengthening the existing POP units will ensure democratic policing under the Bill of Rights which guarantees that everyone has the right to peacefully and unarmed assemble, demonstrate, picket and present petitions, National Police Commissioner General Khehla Sitole said. At present, 41 POP units consist of four reserve units and 37 provincial units exist. “The full implementation of the POP enhancement and capacitation process will result in four established national reserve units and 50 provincial units, with a staff compliment of approximately 11 000 members,� General Sitole said on Friday. The POP has footprints in four provinces namely - KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Gauteng, and Western Cape. Speaking at the unveiling of the new units, Police Minister Bheki Cele urged the officers in the units to respond to community protests within the spirit and context of a community orientated policing model and the Bill of Rights.



Stretching to wellness Photograph: Mamagase Nchabeleng Community members from the Ngwaabe area joined Dwarsrivier Mine for a Wellness Day on Wednesday. Celebrating Human

Fetakgomo Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

Rights Day by coming together and exercising to create awareness for HIV and a general healthy lifestyle.

23 Maart 2018

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One of the day’s favourite activites was an aerobics class. This happened after a fun run on the road towards Longtill. Runners (and

walkers) however stretched before setting off on their course. Read more about the day on page 2.

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23 MARCH 2018


Making health and wellness a priority D

warsrivier Chrome Mine (DCM) in partnership with Bophelo Medical Centre, the Department of Health and SAPS hosted a Wellness Day at Ga-Malekane sportsground on Wednesday this week. It fell on Human Rights Day (21 March 2018), a day on which everyone’s right to freedom of movement, health care and a wide range of other rights are being underlined. The community came in large numbers to make use of the free health check-ups, fun run and aerobics class that formed part of the Wellness Day. The event kicked-off at 06:00 with a fun run, the community joined members of the Dwarsrivier Athle cs Club on the road. The Dwarsrivier Athle cs Club was started a few years ago as part of DCM’s commitment towards suppor ng communi es in adop ng healthy lifestyles. Since then the Club has seen many athletes make it as far as the Comrades and Two Oceans Marathons with the support they’ve received. An ac on filled aerobics class saw the community stretching together towards a healthier lifestyle. During the course of the day Gobetse High School, Ngwaabe Comprehensive Secondary School, Nkotwane Secondary School, Mashego High School, Ngwanangwato High School, Sengange Secondary School, Shorwane High School and Makgwale Secondary School par cipated in a soccer tournament. This was won by Nkotwane Secondary School, who received a full soccer gear from DCM as a congratulatory gi . At the Bophelo Medical Centre, adjacent to the sportsground the community gathered for free HIV tes ng, dental and eye screening. Ngwaabe Clinic nurses and private medical professionals offered their services. The aim of the day was not only to promote health, and a healthier lifestyle, but also to encourage the community, especially the youth, to par cipate in sports rather than ge ng involved with drugs, alcohol and crime. DCM has over the years invested in suppor ng health ini a ves, sports development and creating infrastructure through which the Ngwaabe communi es can benefit and improve their health and wellness. Ms. Tsakani Mkhabela from DCM encouraged the par cipa ng community members to take care of themselves. A healthy community is a community that can focus on crea ng development opportuni es resul ng in a be er future for everyone.

23 MAART 2018



Eerstegeluk road officially opened The Eerstegeluk road linking to the R555 near the Lannex cross was in massive disrepair, but a R20 million project by Tubatse Chrome saw it get a makeover. On Thursday, 15 March 2018 a stretch of 5.5 km of this Eerstegeluk road was officially opened. The event included a visit to the road where a ribbon was set up to be cut to symbolically open the road. A group of disgruntled residents from the area however disrupted proceedings, despite the presence of police and traffic officers. They claimed the road has not been fully completed. The second part of the event included formal speeches and after the earlier disruption, a second attempt at cutting the ribbon symbolising the opening of the newly constructed road. Mr Petrus Matji, CEO of the Road Agency Limpopo (RAL) and Mr Desmond McManus, the COO of Samancor Chrome cut the ribbon and exchanged well wishes and hopes for further engagement and a continued relationship. The project for construction of this section of road was initiated in 2014 and since then a variety of stakeholders, Samancor employees and RAL contributed through surveys, investigations, procurement and project flow, consulting and construction. Physical construction started in May last year and finished in November. The project created approximately 35 jobs. “The road is a token of the fact that Samancor believes in giving back to the communities - in a sustainable manner and with projects such as these that improve the life of our community members� McManus said. Mr Petrus Matji and Mr Desmond McManus officially cut the ribbon after being disrupted on site earlier in the day.

Mr Desmond McManus, COO of Samancor Chrome.

Mr Johan Kleynhans, General Manager of Tubatse Chrome.

Left: Mr Petrus Matji, CEO of the Road Agency Limpopo (RAL).

Luke 15:7 King James Version (KJV) I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

The Kgahlanong school choir performed at the event.

The opening was attended by a variety of stakeholders including traditional leaders, community members, political leaders, the SAPS and traffic officers.



23 MARCH 2018

Voortrekkers hou gesinsdag Die plaaslike tak van die Voortrekkers het Saterdag 17 Maart ‘n gesinsdag gehou. Die dag is gebruik om die Voortrekkers as organisasie aan ouers en kinders voor te

stel. Die geleentheid was vol pret en het onder meer boeresport, kleilatskiet, skyfskiet, ‘n noodhulp demonstrasie, die maak van stokbrood, ‘n volkspele demonstrasie, die sing van volksliedjies, ‘n vlaghysing en perde met vlag vertoning, sweepslaan en ‘n vertoning deur Armand Hofmeyr ingesluit. Daar is ook lekker potjiekos gemaak en verskillende borge het gehelp om ‘n verskeidenheid speletjies vir die kinders aan te bied en vol pret te maak. Die dag is deur verteenwoordigers van die Transvaalse Voortrekkers bygewoon. Die Voortrekkers is ‘n kultuur organisasie waar kinders baie pret kan hê, maar ook meer leer rondom hul kultuurgeskiedenis en ‘n verskeidenheid ander onderwerpe. Ouers wat graag hul kinders wil laat deel word van die plaaslike tak van die Voortrekkers kan vir Judy Winterbach kontak by 082 308 9221. Ouer persone wat ook graag betrokke wil raak is ook welkom.


23 MARCH 2018

Platinum Gazette

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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

23 MAART 2018



Mabocha Rangers is too strong for Masters On Saturday 17 March 2018 the Tubatse Masters visite Mabocha Village to play a friendly soccer match against the Mabocha Rangers. The young men from Mabocha played hard and won the game 2-1. Lekgotla Motswiane scored the only goal for the Tubatse Masters. (Photographs and information: Jerial Mvundlela).

Friendly games at Sekhukhune Tvet College

Herman at the dam

On Wednesday 21 March, the Sekhukhune Tvet college soccer team hosted the Tubatse Masters and Dilokong Hospital soccer teams for friendly matches. The matches were played at the Sekhukhune Tvet college soccer ground in Praktiseer. In the first match Dilokong Hospital played against Tubatse Masters and the final score was 3-2 in favour of Dilokong hospital. The second match of the day was between Sekhukhune Tvet college and Tubatse Masters. The match ended with a 2-2 draw. The last match of the day was Dilokong Hospital against Sekhukhune Tvet college. The match was stopped due to rain. The score was still 0-0. (Photographs: Derrick Phokane; Information: Jerial Mvundlela)

Herman Mogale from Modikwa Marathon Club participated in the ‘Om die dam’ race last weekend. He enjoyed the event and would like to thank the Club for the support. (Information & photo: Willem Montgomery)

Pulana Maroga Soccer League Results The Pulana Maroga Soccer League results for last weekend: Kampeng ground: Driekop F.C: 0 vs Tearing Lions: 1. Mighty Bucks: 0 vs Mohlophi Fast 11 Jnr: 0. Kampeng United: 0 vs Bull Bull: 1. Mighty blues ground: Moisele: 3 vs Bafaladi: 1. Arandis Jnr: 0 vs Morethe Young Dribblers: 4. Mighty Blues: 4 vs Driekop Happy Stars: 1. Stone ground: Tshakanya Mighty Rovers: 1 vs Madrid: 1. Golden Spears: 3 vs Mathipa Happy Fighters: 3. Stone Breakers: 2 vs Barcelona: 0. All Stars ground: Lenareng: 1 vs Real Touch: 4. Batau: 1 vs Mangabane: 2. All Stars: 5 vs Maruleng: 2. (Information: Pulana Maroga Soccer League)

Laerskool Burgersfort hou swemgala Laerskool Burgersfort het op 14 Maart hul jaarlikse swemgala gehou. Die skool se twee spanne, die Haaie en die Dolfyne het teen mekaar meegeding. Hierdie jaar was die Haaie die top presteerders. Die top drie swemmers in elke item het ‘n medalje ontvang. Daar is ook voorsiening gemaak vir pret saam met die kinders wat nie kan swem nie. Die onderwysers het seker gemaak dat hulle veilig bly tydens hul beurt in die water..

(Fotos en inligting: Laerskool Burgersfort).


23 MARCH 2018 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


‘That has to be one of the trickiest races in which I have competed’ - Giniel de Villiers Local motor sport enthusiasts, after a drought of more than a year, finally got the opportunity to quench their rally thirst on the Mupalanga 400 rally, the first on the 2018 calender of the South African Cross Country racing Series (SACCS), which took place in Dullstroom last week Friday and Saturday. Dakar Rally heroes Giniel de Villiers and Rob Howie, in a Toyota Gazoo Racing SA Hilux, won the Mpumalanga 400 at Dullstroom on Saturday to give the team a flying start to the new South African Cross Country Series (SACCS) season. The Toyota Gazoo Racing SA squad has dominated the series in recent seasons and de Villiers/Howie romped to victory after finishing second in Friday’s qualifying race. In cold and wet conditions with a very slippery track de Villiers and Howie also took the honours in the FIA Class and will obviously be the team to beat this year. “It was very slippery out there,” said de Villiers afterwards. “That has to be one of the trickiest races in which I have competed.” An excellent drive from Class T competitors Lance Woolridge and Ward Huxtable (Ford NWM Ranger) took them into second place where they were comfortably ahead of former South African champion Chris Visser and Philip Herselman, in the Atlas Copco Toyota Hilux, to complete the podium positions. Stefan van Pletzen and Jaco Pieterse completed the perfect weekend when they won the Special Vehicle category on the opening round of this year’s South African Cross Country Series (SACCS), the Mpumalanga 400. The Live Lesotho Chenowth crew won Friday’s qualifying race to determine grid positions and continued their good form in the race. The pair were around four minutes ahead of reigning Class P champions John Telford and Victor Ntsekhe (Calcamite BAT Warbird) who reaped a rich haul of points in their first outing in Class A. The final place on the podium went to Coetzee Labuscagne and daughter Sandra Labuscagne-Jonk in the 4x4 Mega World ARB Porter with the pair again demonstrating a flair for grinding out results. They were hampered by a lack of driver/co-driver communications for almost the entire race. “For the rest it was slip and slide,” said Labuscagne afterwards. Platinum Gazette was fortunate enough to witness all the pre-race goings-on in the pit area as well as the draw for the race, the official opening and social responsibility formalities before the cars crossed the start line in pouring rain. It was very interesting to see the answers on questions such as, where do the cars refuel? Is there really a Duster engine under the bonnet of Johan van Staden’s Elf sponsored car (not)? What do all the knobs and stuff in the car do, and why is it less luxurious than a Tazz or Citi Golf without and aircon? It was also a highlight to chat and meet drivers, navigators, technical crew, the people behind the photographs and press releases and to absorb the sheer magnitude of the organisation, and the blood, sweat and tears and money (lots of it) that goes with this special sport!

Giniel de Villiers and Rob Howie - photograph: Nadia Jordaan of Nadia@PixelArt. Bottom left: shoes for children from the motorsport fraternity. Bottom right: Giniel de Villiers meets local councillors.

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