Platinum Gazette 23 November 2012

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Coming clean about the environment - p 3

Š Platinum Gazette

23 November 2012


23 NOVEMBER 2012


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23 NOVEMBER 2012



Government, parastatals and private sector unite for the environment Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, the Limpopo Provincial Government in the form of the Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism, Eskom, waste management concerns and mining companies by the names of Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine, Mototolo Platinum Mine and Xstrata Lion pooled their efforts on Wednesday in Praktiseer to make the community more aware of the environment they live in. Various speakers told the community at Ba Tubatse Primary School that because of the large concentration of people, a place like Praktiseer is prone to get dirty quickly. Because of the rapid development in the area, township establishment has not been concluded in all areas and services are only rendered on a ad hoc basis. Through partnerships the municipality has managed to put mass containers for rubbish in a large number of areas and they requested the public to make use of these facilities. Speakers form the private sector and the provincial government also stressed that it is important not only to make sure the environment is kept clean, but that everyone makes an effort to enhance the environment, such as actively contributing to greening the planet by planting trees. A large number of trees was also planted on Tuesday and councillors and the public actively took part in an effort to collect some of the rubbish in Praktiseer. Apart from seeing what is happening at their school, pupils of Ba Tubatse were also treated to a reptile exhibition and a cultural performance by a cultural group in the area.

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23 NOVEMBER 2012


Cosatu Provincial Rally at Nthame Costatu held a provincial rally at Nthame Primary School on Saturday last week. The event had a slow start, but local branches took to singing while they waited for their comrades from other areas in the province. The programme included a welcoming address by Provincial Chairperson, Mr Essob Mokgonyana, the

ECM year-end function Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines held their year-end function on Saturday last week. More than a 1200 employees attended the event that was hosted at Winterveld Recreational Club. Each employee received free drinks and a braai back. They were also served pap and sheba and bread rolls. The day was also packed the entertainment from DJ’s and artists such as Professor. The day’s extreme heat had people bundle into the shade, but it did not damped their party spirit.

acknowledgement of guests by the Tubatse Local Chairperson, Mr Phillip Mankge and messages of support from the PYA, SANCO, ANC and SACP. According to national media reports the event was disturbed by a group of young people, but during Platinum Gazette’s visit to the rally everything seemed peaceful.

23 NOVEMBER 2012



New board for Sekhukhune Development Agency The Sekhukhune Development Agency (SDA) had their new board members introduced to the media at a special breakfast last Friday. The SDA was established in terms of the Municipal Systems Act and Municipal Finance Management Act to unlock, identify, facilitate, develop, implement, promote and support sustainable economic development initiatives and projects that will add value towards local creation of employment and investment opportunities in the Sekhukhune District Municipality (SDM). The event took place at Jorge’s Resort near Steelpoort.

SDM Executive Mayor, Cllr. MD Magabe thanked the outgoing board members and welcomed the new ones. The new board will be working under the leadership of the new chairperson, Mr CC Nkadimeng (photograph below third from left). The outgoing and new board chairpersons each addressed the audience and a presentation of work by the SDA was delivered. Their activities focus primarily on these economic sectors: mining, agriculture, manufacturing and trourism and environment.Between all the work, there was also time to feast on a delicious breakfast.

The public can contact the SDA in GTM on 013 231 1000 or the district office on 013 626 7300. Left: The new board for the Sekhukhune Development Agency was introduced at the event. Their new chairperson is Mr CC Nkadimeng (standing third from the left) on this photograph. Right: Greater Tubatse Municipality Mayor, Cllr. NJ Mahlake also attended the media breakfast.

SDM Executive Mayor, Cllr. MD Magabe thanks the outgoing board members.


23 NOVEMBER 2012


To debate or not? The DA parliamentary leader, Lindiwe Mazibuko has gone to court to try and get a debate and vote on a motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma scheduled in the National Assembly. The DA is backed by seven other opposition parties in this bid to debate the leadership of the President. Their grounds for the motion were: “Under his leadership the justice system has been politicised and weakened; corruption has spiralled out of control; unemployment continues to increase, the economy is weakening, and the right to access to quality education has been violated”. The constitution provides for a motion of no confidence to be brought against a president of the country. If this motion is supported by the majority of the members of the National Assembly - 50% + 1, the president must resign and his cabinet and deputy ministers with him. The opposition parties rejected a proposal by ANC Chief Whip Mathole Motshekga to debate the motion of no confidence in President Jacob Zuma in February 2013. By the time of going to press the court ruling was not yet available. We asked readers what they think about this issue.

Ms Sebotsa Choma and Mr Daniël Phetla said: “It is necessary to debate President Jacob Zuma’s leadership position. If this motion of no confidence goes through and the vote decides that he must be replaced, he should be replaced by Kgalema Mohlanthe”.

Ms. Jackey Henriques and Mr Keith Henriques said: “The DA and the other opposition parties are wasting their time because the debate will only stay in the house. They should all leave and there should come new people. They should decide that ‘this house will serve the Lord!’ Then they will find that there is so much money that previously went into corruption, that they can now spend on orphans and the elderly. Yes, there is a problem with the leadership when you look at the state of the hospitals etc. Children are also affected through their education, or the lack of it. They should focus on bringing the country together and helping the children”.

Mnr. Manny Antunes sê: “Dis ‘n mors van tyd. Hul timing is uit. Hulle moes gewag het dat die ANC se interne verkiesing verbykom. As Jacob Zuma dan weer die leier is kan hulle mos die mosie ingedien het”.

Me. Marlé Steyn sê: “Dit is dom om die president nou te wil uitskop. Dit is tog nie asof hy in die volgende paar maande tot die parlement weer oopmaak ‘n verskil gaan maak nie. Hulle kon gewag het tot volgende jaar met hul mosie van wantroue”.

Mr Elia Mahlangu said: “There is nothing wrong with the leadership of President Jacob Zuma. I am proud of him. The DA must not try to get another president in his place”. Mr Thabo Mmole said: “Zuma must stay on. They must not do this motion of no confidence. The things that are wrong - like corruption - is not Zuma’s fault”. Left: Mr James Rato Maile said: “I don’t have a problem with President Jacob Zuma. There is no need to debate his leadership or try to replace him”.

Ms Gloria Komane said: “They must talk and vote about this as soon as possible. They must discuss it then maybe after that things will go well”.

Mr Isaac Mohlala said: “They are just wasting their own time with this motion. The ideal would be if we could get a president from another party”.

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Ms Mavis Tshehla, Ms Tina Makgabo and Ms Welma Maruma said: “The opposition parties must just make sure how the people they represent feel about it. We think it will be good to discuss it. So far Zuma did not do very well, so maybe someone else can do better”.

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Mr Calvin Matjeke, Mr Charles Ramaube and Mr Lennox Ngwatle said: “We want them to discuss this motion of no confidence. It is good that there is no confidence in the president. We feel Zuma has done nothing and that he should learn from Nelson Mandela. Under Zuma’s leadership the nation corrupted”.

23 NOVEMBER 2012



You can still win at Tubatse SUPERSPAR Tubatse SUPERSPAR is celebrating their first birthday and customers can win big in their lucky draw competition.If you buy for more than R200 you can enter your till slip into the entry box in store. Every week until 24 December lucky winners are drawn and Mr Silas Molobela from Mahlatjie was the lucky winner of a R1000 shopping voucher. Ms Onica Fertyn handed him his prize.

Mr Nakedi Seanego from Moroke was a R1000 shopping voucher winner. His prize was handed to him by Ms Mhlatse Mokwena from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

Doing the washing became easy for Mr Sello Mohlala from Elephants Hill in Burgersfort. He was the lucky winner of a Defy Washing Machine in the Tubatse SUPERSPAR first birthday celebration competition. His prize was handed to him by Ms Merry Letageng from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact BeĂĄnnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or e-mail her at

Truck causes traffic tension A truck that broke down last weekend caused massive traffic problems in Burgersfort. The truck stood more than a day at the intersection towards Autozone and the new Burgersfort Mall taxi rank. It displayed no warning signs such as the legally required triangle making it difficult to spot during the night. Vehicles also had to use the slipway to get into the street (photograph below). Attempts to contact the owners of the truck were unsuccessful.

Mr Jafta Mashabela from Ga-Mashabela won a Defy Microwave. With him is Gloria Komane from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

wonderful prizes handed out. You can enter as many times as you like until the 24th of December when the competition will come to an end. On the left are some of last week’s lucky winners with their prizes. (Photographs supplied by: Tubatse SUPERSPAR).


Wedding bells for Alfred and Deborah Last week Saturday was a happy occasion when Alfred and Deborah Phahlane were married at Moroke. The happy couple held their wedding at the Moroke Nursery area. They were joined by friends and family on their big day. They even invited Australian visitors to the area to come witness them being bound in marriage. (Photographs & information supplied by: Jenny Phala).

Piercing the night sky The photograph above was taken by Steven McGregor during a thunderstorm last weekend. It was taken near Steelpoort.

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23 NOVEMBER 2012


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Phelo Hair Salon celebrates five years Phelo Hair Salon recently celebrated their five year anniversary. The staff and clients enjoyed a massive celebration cake and some super special deals. On the photograph on the right are owners Abednico Makina and his wife Onica Makina as well as Nhlanhla Maponya. Below: Oupa Matjie, Frans Mogofe, Mpho Mokwena, Ncami Shongwe, Nhlanhla Maponya and Magnolia Mahlo. (Photographs supplied by Phelo Hair Salon)

23 NOVEMBER 2012



Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/ Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Te Huur/ To Let One bedroom bachelor flat to let in Burgersfort.Available 1 December 2012. Contact: 076 666 1100 Small office to let in Burgersfort. Contact Lionel: 082 923 4744 or 013 231 7470 Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation Mooifontein Guesthouse Overnight accommodation available in Burgersfort. Restaurant, washing, safe parking, truck parking, aircons, fridge in rooms, coffee/tea facilities in room. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 Bread: 076 772 7607 Gloria: 082 614 3619

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Umvagati Private Admin Services Trading in Limpopo Area ( Situated in Phalaborwa ) For your general admin work ( filing ) Registrations of VAT/ PAYE/Labour/ Workman Compensation Monthly Payroll services to SARS Monthly book services such as processing bank statements and petty cash. For quotation and price list, e-mail to or contact at 072 694 0635

10. Te Koop/ For Sale “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

Betrekkings/ Vacacies Vacancy A vacancy exist for someone with the skills to handle a reception area, do purchasing & stock control. Previous experience will be an advantage. Fax your CV with traceable references to: 086 644 3859


Thorburn Security Solutions (Northern Region): Vacancy Vacancies exist in the Driekop/Maandagshoek/ Steelpoort/Tubatse Area for Grade D Security Officers. Successful applicants must have matric or an equivalent qualification and be registered with PSIRA as at least Grade “D” Security Officer. Candidates must present the necessary competency certificates. It would be an added advantage if the candidate resides in the area or be prepared to relocate to the area. The remuneration will be discussed with the candidates during the selection interviews. Applications can be sent to: or Applications can also be faxed to: 086 756 1245

Kennisgewings/Notices Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676 Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


23 NOVEMBER 2012


1 000 IFS for Mototolo Mine Xstrata’s Mototolo Mine recently celebrated reaching 1000 injury free shifts (IFS) in 2012. Each of the sections received a special


Above: Borwa back shift BSouth: Cingisisa Dunana, Patrick Sipho Angus, Phineas Machete Malatji, Oupa Johannes Mosehla, Themba Mackson Masinga, Sehlango Frank Nkosi, Samuel Phaswane, Ramphelane Maruane, Eric Mabogoana, Lizwabe Jotham Nkosi, Mmathinyane Fortune Selane, Ben Khoza, Thabo Robinson Phadi, Mothibi Mattthews Sechele, Willem Petrus Van Vuuren, Dalton Mfana Mabelane, Killing Alpheus Ndlovu, Dithema Judas Molapo, Saint Nkateko Nkuna, Sipho Thomas Madalane, Visitor Lesese, Marvel Mhlanga, Minority Minora Makola, Nkosana Ephraim Moahloli, Plesha Albert Shabangu, Oubrey Hlanyane Makola, Solomon Mbongane Khoza Wisani Currine Kubayi, Dominic Oly Vukeya, Thabiso Gregen Shai, Freddy David Mkhabela, Johannes Leseilane Ntobeng, Albert Nkuna, Ntate Eddy Matshebele Musa, Richard Mgiba, Phillip Sibusiso Khumalo, Nthlamothane Stephansie Mahlake, Anton Basson.

Each of the employees received a certificate to mark the milestone they’ve reached.

reward and a certificate for the milestone. (Photographs & Information: Stella van Niekerk, Mototolo Mine).

Lebowa Rig 2: Witers Komana, Sepadi Eden Swafo , Mapula Maeko Bulelani Zweni , Judith Nomagugu Thwala , Lebakang Sunnyboy Madiba , Jacobeth Mabore Mabelane , Deyzel Cedrick Mokhwelepa , Lizzy Shabangu , Joseph Malefane Nyapuli, Thunthwane Aaron Molangoane, Thara Titus Matheane, Alfred Mphuti Mokoena, Thimothy Rikhotso, Dimakatso Betty Mabuza, Theodore Salomane, Lucas Kgwedisoro Leshaba, Moses Alfred Leshaba, Johannes Rogisho Doek, Kleinbooi Master Magagula, Menzi Liberty Nkambule, Makate Victor Mokgabudi, Gert Aderjan Britz, Mongameli John Mabena, Moleseng Eric Moreku, Isak Thomas Mafale, Ronnie Raganya, Mvuyile Mtimane, Sekobo Richard Kgoete, Elmon Batshabilena Mtimane, Sarel Nkosi, Martin Van Biljon.

Lebowa Back Sift, A- South: Mokgethwa Lance Sello, Mankhedi Silas Mohlahlo, Pitso John Khechane, Edwin Mahlomola Mosotho, George Feleng Dlamini, Tlou Joseph Mamabolo, Kleinbooi Mohlahlo, Phillip Moraba, Mantjito Johannes Lerutla, Alfred Mtutuzeli Nonyinga, Molato Samuel Maupa, Justice Mogakala, Calvin Ntabo, Moruokwane Ronny Raganya, Mogakolodi Roy Isaiah Tshekiso, Tsakane Silva Manyika, Stephen Magagula, Magatswi Cavin Nkgabane, Johannes Mokete Magashiya, Matric Manyaka, Bethuel Nchaupe Maphori, Ntweshi Isaac Kgagara, Pumlani Mgqibane, Puwe Edward Rikhotso, Mapongwane Mmadi, Letlala Simon Mohapi, Donald Komape, Samuel Mamabolo, Douglas Makhubele, Vusi Jimmy Gumede, Ngwako Joseph Masiya, Mmapakane Thabiso Mashegoane, David Seshike Phoshoko, Thabo Joseph Mokwena, Nkeeng Abisai Montwedi Zacharia Mokgotlo.

Lebowa Back Shift, B- North: Willy Masinga, Lindile Ngqindiva, Lawrence Ngwato, Mponyane Motau, Rabogajane Morgan Malepe, Sitjalala Maseko, Mzonzima Pezlei Sigoxo, Tshepo Ntuli, Cindy Bayi, Themba Josiah Mnisi, Saziso Gogotya, Esiso Ellet Mteza, Vujani Mana, Lucas Katedi Ntobeng, Karabo Komana, Patrick Shiburi, Lesole Malepe, Frank Ubisi, Victor Mzukule, Jan Mribe Ngwenya, Wiseman Malinge Jiya, France Phellimon Khoza, Joshua Makgata Seleki, Philip Molapo Lefa Makgata, Dick December, Bikisha Solomon Mnisi, Thobani Timothy Senong, Richard Matukane, Mashupe Andrew Maila, Gabriel Mmoledi Selahle, Justice Mathelala, Phihlela Joseph Ratladi.

23 NOVEMBER 2012

Local Polokwane City Player laid to rest On Sunday last week Sylvester Khomotso Mpaketsane (Beckham as he was affectionately known) was laid to rest at Seelane Village near Twickenham Mine. Sylvester passed away together with three of his team mates in a motor accident near Polokwane two weeks ago. They were on their way back after a game at the University of Limpopo. His team drew 1-1 against FC AK on the day. Sylvester was born on 13 April 1985 and started his soccer career with the local team Manchester United. His football skills were recognised whenhe

became the leading goal scorer in the SAFA SAB Sekhukhune Region during the 2007/ 2008 season. At the time he was playing for the Hungry Lions Football Club. Sylvester went to Lephalale to play fro Cosmos FC in the Vodacom league after his team, the Hungry Lions were sold out. He went on to play for Winners Park (also Vodacom league) where he took only five months before he was recruited by the then Bay United (now known as Polokwane City FC) in NFD. Sylvester’s funeral was attended by local players, municipal representatives, people from different royal houses, club owners and many more. The dignitaries included Mr Thokwane (Chairperson SAFA SAB Sekhukhune Region), Mr Masha Killer (Secretary SAFA SAB Sekhukhune Region), Mr Abel Rakoma (SAFA NEC), Mr Tema (SAFA Acting CEO), PSL Life President Dr Leepile Taunyane. Polokwane City FC attendees were led by former Orlando Pirates goalkeeper Makweni Mayala. Also present were: Mr Jonny Mogaladi (Club owner), Mr Vladislav Heric (Head coach), Mr Molepo (General Manager), Mr Jacky Styles Ledwaba (Mentor) and Mr Lovers Mohlala (Trainer). “What a loss to South Africans. Sylvester was seen as a possible future Bafana striker. May his soul rest in peace,” said Mr Jimmy Makola, Information gathered and compiled by: Jimmy Makola (PRO for Hungry Lions). and Jabu Stanley Mpaketsane(family representative).

Oval Track coming Motor sport enthusiasts will take pleasure in the news that Lydenburg’s own Oval Track will be opening in the near future. On 4 December a meeting will take place where this will be discussed. The purpose of the meeting is to gather all motor sport enthusiasts and interested competitors, to determine the desire for such a track. The Promoter of the mentioned Oval Track, Charlie Rothman is a distinguished competitor amongst various clubs throughout the country and has obtained the SA No.1 title in the V8 Flexi class in the year 2010. He competes in the 1660 class as well. His wife Arista Rothman is a qualified COC (Clerk of Course). She will manage and sustain the track rules and regulations. The public is invited to come and join them for a short, informal yet insightful meeting where



the different racing classes will be discussed as well as advertisement possibilities, sponsors, equipment requirements and any questions raised. “Please note that this racing track will not only be for the “manne” but also for the wife and children, being a family friendly affair, our goal is to give back to the community and help families bond!” the organisers said. “The kids will love the go-kart track we are planning to host with the track and ladies, you are more than welcome to compete in the woman’s class. Be it for the trophies or just to better your driving skills. For any enquiries contact Arista Rothman at 082 5747 819 or VENUE: Rooikat Park (Light snacks and cash bar available) DATE: 4 December 2012 TIME: 19H00

Maatlopo United vs Leboa Brothers Maatlopo United FC squared off with Leboa Brothers last weekend. The two teams played in front of an enthusiastic crowd. The severe heat did not deter the teams to give it their best and goals were not easy to come by. Get the full report and more photographs of the game on page 12 of this newspaper.

Maatlopo United played in the white and Leboa Brothers in the red and green kit.


23 NOVEMBER 2012

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Maatlopo United held to a draw Maatlopo United was held to a draw by Leboa Brothers on Saturday last week. The game was played at Moroke Stadium and the visitors from Alverton scored first. During the second half both teams tried their best to score. Success came for Maatlopo in the 67th minute when Wisdom Mafolo scored with a powerful shot that game the opposition’s keeper no chance. The game ended 1-1. Maatlopo United chose Daniel Mampuru, their new goalkeeper as Player of the Day. His excellent goalkeeping denied the visitors to go home with three points on the log. This week Maatlopo United will not be playing due to the Nedbank Cup games. (Information: Jimmy Makola, Maatlopo United Public Relations Officer). Maatlopo United played in the white and Leboa Brothers in the red and green.

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