Merafe Glencore joint venture production up
Merafe Resources has announced that attributable ferrochrome production from the Glencore Merafe Chrome Venture for the first nine months of 2015 increased by 14.5% compared to the comparative 2014 period. This increase was primarily attributable to the additional production from the Project Lion II furnaces near Steelpoort. The venture’s operating capacity utilisation for the nine months ended 30 September 2015 was 85% (77% of installed capacity).
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
23 October 2015
Tel Fax
Siyakha Learning Lab, which is situated in Tubatse Crossing Mall, participated for the first time in a career expo for grade 9 learners at Winterveld Club in Steelpoort this week. Their ‘Instagram’ app booth proved to be immensely popular among the young ones. More about the expo on pages 6 and 7. The expo was hosted by Eastern Chrome Mines.
0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
23 OCTOBER 2015
Green light for traffic control All but one traffic light in Burgersfort has been fixed and is now in working order. Mmala-Kotse Projects (Pty) Ltd this week met with Mr. Moses Mosoma from Greater Tubatse Municipality to shake hands on a job well done. They will however in the coming three to four months still be fine tuning the sincronisation of the sets of lights - especially during heavy traffic. Pointsmen may still be on duty to assits during these times and motorists are requested to obey the rules applying to both the traffic lights and the pointsmen. The robot at the taxi rank is also in process of being fixed - an electrical calbe is the problem there.
Getting animals off the roads
Stray animals in Burgersfort town and the surrounding areas are one of the major causes of accidents and deaths on the roads. The Burgersfort SAPS is in the process of planning an operation in conjunction with Nature Conservation. During this operation animals roaming free next to the roads or are found on the road will be impounded. These animal owners may lose the animals or they could be fined for not properly looking after their live stock. That is why the SAPS is appealing to all owners of cattle, goats, donkeys and other animals to make sure they are safely fenced in and not a danger on the roads.
A step in the right direction towards nature conservation The Fraaiuitzicht Conservancy was recently established. This conservancy came after
various meetings between the farm owners, the municipality and other authorities. The aim is to try and preserve some of the natural beauty in the area. Visitors to the area should be careful to keep to the conservancy rules.
Modikwa is ISO 14001 cerƟfied Modikwa PlaƟnum Mine has been cerƟfied by the DQS UL cerƟfying body for the ISO 14001:2004 for the successful implementaƟon and maintenance of the Environmental Management System (EMS). The cerƟficate was awarded to the Mine’s Environmental department together with the Engineers who were behind the whole process. Each engineer was appointed as an EMS champion within their area of responsibility; Reuben Mosi-
ane- Concentrator plant, Dirk Potgieter- South 2 shaŌ, Isaac Nchupetsang- North shaŌ, Paul van der WaltCentral workshop, Johannes Pretorius- South 1 shaŌ, and James Ndou the Environmental Leader who was overseeing the implementaƟon and maintenance of the Environmental Management System on the mine. On Tuesday, 20 October 2015 the Business Area Leader: Sustainable Development, Mr Hope Tyira handed over the cerƟficate to the Business Leader, Mr
Mthi Mtshengu. Mr Hope Tyira said ISO14001 cerƟfied EMS indeed set the framework for legal compliance, and polluƟon prevenƟon. The mine now has a cerƟfied process which will ensure conƟnual improvement of our environmental performance. A properly designed environmental management system (EMS) is a tool which enables an organizaƟon to achieve and systematically control its level of environmental performance The mine management applauded the Modikwa community for their environmental compliance.
23 OCTOBER 2015
1 Samuel 17:46-48 (NIV) “46 This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47 All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.” 48 As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him”.
Contact Platinum Gazette with your news and events. Call 013 231 7147 or 083 271 9151 or 083 543 1676 or e-mail to
Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Wiinterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529
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23 OKTOBER 2015
Sewing together for a bright future On Wednesday, 21 October 2015 the Ma matjatji Sewing Factory was officially launched with a formal func on. The event was the culmina on of years of planning, hard work and determina on from a whole group of people. The project was ini ated in 2011 and was one of the dreams of Mr. Vishnu Pillay, Anglo Pla num JVs Head Execu ve. He was also present on Wednesday to celebrate the official ‘birth’ of the project. The Ma matjatji Sewing Factory is a partnership between DEVCO, Select PPE, and Quality Safety which will be manufacturing and supplying a range of PPE products to Modikwa Pla num Mine and other markets. The first overall manufactured at the site in Ma matjatji Village was handed to Mr. Pillay by Miss. Nomsa Nkosi from DEVCO. Modikwa Business Leader, Mr. Mthi Mtshengu assured the audience that the Mine is determined to con nue crea ng sustainable partnerships with the communi es surrounding the mine. He also congratulated everyone on the hard work that finally took shape in the reality of a factory that currently employs 16 people. As the project grows it can eventually provide job opportuni es for up to 40 people on the site officially opened on Wednesday. Mr. Pillay added that through these partnerships the Mine is commi ed to help create economic freedom that is much needed in the area. Mr. Simon Makofane, the sec on 21 Manager appealed to the community to work with the mine and make use of opportuni es. Modikwa has a life of mine of approximately 100 years and the aim is to con nue crea ng opportuni es and do skills development to empower communi es. The factory will not only supply to the mine, but is open to all customers in the area. The public is welcome to get in touch with Miss. Nkosi on nkosinomsa79@ for quota ons. The formali es of the day ended with a tour of the factory and a lunch fit for the occasion.
23 OCTOBER 2015
Creating the opportunity to start a dream Thousands of children from schools all over the area visited the annual Grade 9 Career Expo held at Winterveld this week Wednesday and Thursday. This expo serves as an injection for their dreams about qualifying themselves for specific positions in the future. The learners are exposed to a variety of mining and related industry career opportunities through the expo. They are also able to ask questions about the necessary subjects and minimum achievement in subjects such as Mathematics and Science needed for further studies. Mr Pieter Brits from Samancor ECM told the audience during the formal opening of the event that they invest in things such as the career expo because they want to employ as many local people as possible. That is why education is one of the important values for Samancor ECM. Through education the learners can create a better future for themselves and be able to apply for opportunities at the mines in the future. The local Circuit Manager of the Department of Education, Mr M.E. Seloane said that it worries the department that a large group of learners do not progress to matric on schedule. A large chunk of learners ‘disappear’ between Grade 9 and matric and this is an issue they are trying to address. They are also appreciating the relationship between themselves and the mines. Mr Mankge from the Mining Qualifications
Authority told them that they are already starting to screen learners for bursaries from grade 9. The expo was a joint effort between Samancor ECM, Bokoni Platinum Mine, Modikwa Platinum Mine, Glencore’s Mines, Twickenham Platinum Mine, Khuphuka, their suppliers and other stakeholders. The learners each received a boerewors roll and cold drink upon arrival before being guided through the different stands. Fun exhibitions and representatives at the different stalls made sure that dreams about specific jobs were coloured with the right amount of reality to encourage learners to work hard and keep their ears open for opportunities that are available to them for further studies. The Siyakha Learning Lab stall was not only fun, but learners were made aware of opportunities for free courses and access to free internet - something that comes in handy when they have to do projects and eventually apply for bursaries or for acceptance to a tertiary institution. Learners rotated through the different stalls and exhibitions while asking questions about some of the career opportunities.
Mr. Pieter Brits from Samancor ECM.
Mr. Mankge from the Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA).
Mr. M.E. Seloane from the Department of Education’s Circuit Office.
23 OKTOBER 2015
Grade 9 career expo at Winterveld
Open day at Steelpoort Academy Steelpoort Academy hosted two open days this week. Prospective learners and their parents visited the school, met the teachers and completed all the necessary application forms for submission in 2016. A day with an English presentation and another for Afrikaans speaking
learners took place. Ms. Olga Gouws gave the parents a presentation while the soon to be learners, visited classrooms and met some new friends. They were all smiles when the newspaper visited and quick to show they think this school-thing is going to be “sharp!�. They are already looking forward to next year.
23 OCTOBER 2015
23 OKTOBER 2015
Betrekkings/ Vacancies GET ALL THE BENEFITS Advertise in Platinum Gazette and you will not only reach our readings getting hold of the free hard copy every week. More than 2500 e-mail subscribers from all over are also reading the newspaper, while hundreds of reads are clocked on the website every week. To book your advertisement contact Beánnla Celliers on 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676 or e-mail to
Let us know about your news and events! Contact 013 231 7147 or 083543 1676 or 083 271 9151. You can also e-mail to The deadline is Wednesday 17:00 every week.
“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford
Platinum Gazette
VACANCY ADT OPERATOR (1) Powers and Phuti Industrial Suppliers cc. Dynamic local Earth-moving company looking to fill permanent position for an ADT Operator in Lydenburg (CMI), Mpumalanga. Minimum requirements: 1. Grade 12. 2. Minimum 2 years experience with references. 3. Code 10 drivers’ license 4. Applicants will be submitted to a Skills test 5. Honorable and trustworthy 6. For transport and tipping of material Job Type:
VACANCY FEL OPERATOR (1) Powers and Phuti Industrial Suppliers cc. Dynamic local Earth-moving company looking to fill permanent position for an ADT Operator in Lydenburg (CMI), Mpumalanga. Minimum requirements: 1. Grade 12. 2. Minimum 2 years experience with references. 3. Code 10 drivers’ license 4. Applicants will be submitted to a Skills test 5. Honorable and trustworthy 6. For hauling and loading of material Job Type:
Required experience: • At least 1-2 years as FEL Operator Required education: • Grade 12 • Code 10 drivers’ license Closing date: • Friday 23/10/2015
Required experience: • At least 1-2 years as ADT Operator Required education: • Grade 12 • Code 10 drivers’ license
Please e-Mail CV’s to: or Fax: to 086 763 6364. No calls.
Closing date: • Friday 23/10/2015 Please e-Mail CV’s to: or Fax: to 086 763 6364. No calls.
Notice/Kennisgewing Public Notice Invitation to Miss GTM 2015 Greater Tubatse Municipality is inviting girls between the ages of 15 and 25 to enter for Miss GTM 2015 Beauty pageant cluster eliminations scheduled as follows;
You will be based at our offices situated between Burgersfort and Lydenburg. Reporting to the Financial & Area Manager, the successful candidate must have a minimum of grade-12 school qualification. A suitable tertiary qualification will be an advantage backed by a minimum of 3 years experience in all aspects including payroll systems, managing general ledger, managing all financial input documentation, stock reconciliations, assisting with annual budgets and general office administration. The right candidate must be computer literate in Excel, MS Word, Outlook and electronic banking. We offer a highly competitive remuneration package with excellent career development opportunities for hardworking and committed individuals. Please forward your CV by fax or e-mail to: Fax No: 086 550 0819 E-mail:
24 October 2015, Manyaka Hall for Dilokong Cluster 1 25 October 2015, Ga-Ragopola Hall for Dilokong Cluster 2
Please consider your application unsuccessful if not contacted on or before the 30th November 2015.
24 October 2015, Ga-Malekane Hall for Steelpoort Cluster 31 October 2015, Batubatse Primary School for Eastern
Closing date: 30 October 2015
Tubatse Cluster 1 1 November 2015, Tshabelang Dinoko Secondary School for Eastern Tubatse Cluster 2 Those who are interested to participate must collect registration forms at Schools, Tribal Offices, Municipal Offices and from Ward Councillors and must return them on the date of the cluster eliminations For and more information please contact Hlase ML @ 013 231 1195 or 082 447 4618 Mohlala JNT Municipal Manager
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
23 OCTOBER 2015
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.
Two Bedroom Apartments available from R4750 to R5 000 including lights and water. Three bedrooms available from R7000 to R7500. All above available between Aloe Ridge East and West. Viewing available after hours. Please call from more information: 082 578 6113.
Notice/Kennisgewing H Hennies i T Towing i C Contractor t t and d St Storage iis urgently looking for the following people: 1. Lovemore - Blue Audi A4 with registration: STH107GP. 2. Mishack - Golden BMW with registration: VNJ862GP. Please contact us on 081 441 9077 / 083 720 3240 or 072 618 9799 or 071 449 8362. Please contact us within 21 days of the first publication of this advertisement after which the company will start the process to sell the mentioned vehicles to recover costs.
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Original Venter Camper Trailer for sale. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954 Aluminium African Outback kappie vir Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500. Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954
Platinum Gazette 013 231 7147 Advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadline is every Wednesday 17:00.
Marone bricks offers great quality building block bricks for sale! We can all live in a strong home at affordable prices. Wholesale directly to the public. Cement building blocks R7.80 each. Stock bricks R1.60 each. Pavers R1.80 each. Contact: 073 022 5256
Get your hard copy of the newspaper here: * Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing * Temba Garage * Dunlop * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Boxer Khadima Centre * Phelo Pharmacy Khadima Centre * Cheap Cheap #2 * Tubatse Superspar * Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort * Choppies Burgersfort * Magaba Filling Station * Burgersforn SAPS * Aloe Foods * Praktiseer SAPS * Ohrigstad SAPS * Pick n Pay Steelpoort * Winterveld Village * Tubatse Village * Dwarsrivier Mine * Mototolo * Morena’s Tavern (Steel Bridge)
* Glencore Eastern Limb Training Centre * Sediman Tuck Shop - Kalkfontein * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Dilokong Chrome Mine (ASA Metals) * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Dr. Lorna’s Surgery Burgersfort * Pret Liquor * Pret Butchery * CTM Burgersfort * Madeleen Willers Attorneys * Lebowa Panel Beaters * Hendrk’s Panelbeaters * Department of Education Circuit Office Burgersfort * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Laerskool Burgersfort * Supa Save * Build It Tubatse * A1 Food Store Twin City
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest stanards with regard to design and reproduction.
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or
NGULULU BULK CARRIERS Steelpoort We are urgently looking for a highly motivated, passionate and self-driven person who is looking for a challenge and is willing to make a difference. The following opportunity has become available at NBC situated in Steelpoort.
Debtors Clerk The Debtors Clerk plays an important role within the business and will be responsible for keeping the Debtors book up to date. TKY Trading is an engineering company situated at Burgersfort R37 – Mashifane Park servicing both the public and private sectors. We specialize with the repairs and supply of engineering components (both mechanical and electrical) and also offers general maintenance services. Job Title: Sales Administrator Position Overview TKY Trading is offering an employment opportunity to qualified and / or experienced incumbents in Sales and Marketing to act as a Sales Administrator to our sales team in our Burgersfort Branch who will be responsible in ensuring the smooth running of the sales department. Key Responsibilities: • Professional Administration of Sales Department in accordance to the job description. • Adherence to quality and safety standards and regulations in place for our workshop environment Qualifications / experience / abilities • Matric • Sales and Marketing Diploma • Minimum 1 years’ experience in Sales administration for experienced incumbents • Driver’s license will be advantageous • Working knowledge of various types of office tools and equipment • Knowledge of safe working procedures and awareness of general safety procedures Remuneration Market related remuneration package with full company benefits. Preference will be given to individuals residing in communities around our area of operation (Greater Tubatse municipality). Closing Date for all applications: 28 October 2015. Suitable applications to be sent to or Fax: 0865199444 or drop off at our office. Enquiries Tel: 013 007 0789.
Excellence is our Business!
To apply fax a 2-page CV to 013-230 5856 or e-mail it to Please note that should you not meet the necessary requirements, you should not apply. Shortlisted candidates can bring all original documents with them to the interview. Background checks and validation of experience with previous employers may be part of the selection process. Closing date: 1 November 2015 (If you have not received a response within 15 days of the closing date, please assume your application was not successful). Performance outputs: · By keeping the Debtors Book up to date management will be able to make decisions based on the outputs received from the Debtors Clerk. · The Debtors Clerk will be expected to keep the outstanding debtors book within acceptable levels and allerting relevant management about any problems that may be encountered. Knowledge and Skills required: · Bilingual (in English and Afrikaans will be advantageous) · Very good matric results with English and mathematics above 50% · Diploma or Higher in Accounting · Computer literate (With knowledge of Pastel, Excel and other programs in the Office Package) · Good interpersonal skills · Analytical · Attention to detail · Knowledge of document control · Excellent administrative skills · Good communication skills · Telephone etiquette · Be target driven and able to work on without permanent supervision. · 2 Years experience as a Debtors Clerk will be advantageous. · The ideal candidate will be willing to go the extra mile and also assist any other areas where he/she may be able to make a difference. The Company offers a competitive remuneration package.
23 OKTOBER 2015
Playing in pairs On Saturday last week a few enthusiastic golf players participated in the “pairs” golf day at Tubatse Chrome Club. Husband and wife or any other type of “pair” entered as a team for a fun day. Coming up at the Club are a few golf days to look forward to. The first is on 31 October when it will be the Roossenekal Tourist Association Golf Day. Tee-off is at 08:00 and
registration will be from 07:00. It will be an IPS format game and green fees are R250 per player. A wildebeest and kudu are amongst the prizes that can be won. On 6 November there will be Night Golf. Only 36 spots are available and the entry fee is R200 per player. Entry fees must be done and paid by 25 October 2015 to ensure your spot. On 14 November players can also support a good cause. The Toy Run Charity Golf Day will take place (see advert to the right). Funds raised will go towards making sure that underprivileged kids have a nice Christmas.
Building relaƟonships through sport Northam Pla num Booysendal Mine visited Polokwane with their soccer and netball teams for matches against teams from the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR). The men played two games. The first was between DMR Masters and Booysendal Mine and it ended in a 1-1 draw. The winner was decided through penalty shoot-out. This match was won 5-3 by the DMR team. The second game was played between another DMR team and Booysendal Mine. The DMR won 4-2. The netball was also a tough game and the women lost
with only one point in the end. The final score was 10-11 in favour of the DMR. Pius Monyela represen ng Booysendal Mine handed over the trophies and kit to Thina Ravhughoni (Mine Economist); Nthando Dlamini (Deputy Director MLA) and Aron Kharivhe (Regional Manager). The day’s relaxed compe on gave the Mine and DMR an opportunity to build their rela onship on a different level to create a be er understanding of each other and in the end a be er working rela onship.
23 OCTOBER 2015
It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
Thinus shines at Sun City Thinus Labuschagne from Burgersfort was one of the players who qualified to play in the Sanlam CANSA Golf Challenge this week. This annual golf tournament raises funds for the Cancer Association of South Africa and this year an unbelievable R3,5 million was raised through golf days all over the country. Tubatse Chrome Golf Club contributed R25 000 towards this. Thinus told Platinum Gazette that he enjoyed every moment of the event. “It is unbelievable how much pressure the Supersport TV cameras and other media can add to such an event”. He came 7th overall and in the A-division he played himself into 4th place. “I really did my best, but I also realised that my current state of fitness was a handicap” he said. “Next year I will work extra hard to make to the Sun City final again. I would really like to make Chrome Club proud and carry their name high. I would like to say thank you to Jesus for the talent he gave me and I would like to thank my family and friends who stood by my through this journey. Every message and call meant the world to me. This was an amazing experience and I truly enjoyed every moment” he said. (Photographs: Thinus Labuschagne).