Platinum Gazette 24 April 2015

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

24 April 2015

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147


33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.’” Leviticus 19:33-34 (Bible, NIV)

iPhone photograph taken on Monday by Platinum Gazette through the window of a SA Airlink Bombardier CRJ700 aircraft en route to Port Elizabeth - See our General Motors special report on pages 8 and 9.


24 APRIL 2015


Learning about the Voortrekkers in Ohrigstad Grade 12 learners from Matshaile High School and their teacher Mr Sam Mogane visited the Voortrekker graveyard and monuments in Ohrigstad last week. “Following attacks on Afrikaner statues in the country the learners decided that they want to thoroughly know who these Voortrekkers were,” said Mr Mogane. Mr. Jan Ferreira and Mrs. Ronnie Ferreira acted as tour guides for the group and gave them the history of

the monuments and the role the Voortrekkers played in the area. This visit forms part of the learners’ history heritage assignment. “The defacing of statues around the country really displeased my learners,” Mogane added. The group would like to thank the Ferreiras for their time and trouble. (Information & photographs: Sam Mogane).

Pro-active teachers Ms. Patricia Mokoena from Gowe Primary School, Ms. Norah Mashilo from Phogole Primary and Ms. Martha Makogane from Riba Primary School joined forces to address problem behaviour in their schools. The three women are studying at the University of the Free State and as part of their studies started a project with which they take learners to the local library and the Tubatse Crossing Learning Lab. On Tuesday they were at the library. With them (below) are librarians Ms. Makgolane Dimakatso and Ms. Sheila Dinkwanyane.



Bokoni Mine’s results looking good

Marafe still going strong Merafe Resources says attributable ferrochrome production from the Glencore Merafe Chrome Venture increased by 15% period on period in the three months to the end of March. This increase was primarily attributable to the additional production from the Project Lion II furnaces. The company says the ramp-up of Project Lion II continues to be on track with these furnaces already producing above 80% of operating capacity. The Venture’s total operating capacity utilisation for the first quarter of 2015 was 94% with attributable production of 99 kilotonnes compared 86 kilotonnes for the same period last year.

24 APRIL 2015

AtlatsaResources has announced that the company’s Bokoni Mine Between Polokwane and Burgersfort has increased tonnes milled by 14.3% to 1,743,781 tonnes, resulting in an increased production of 194,036 4E PGM ounces in the 2014 fiscal compared to 170,295 4E PGM ounces during the 2013 financial year. This increase is attributable to better operating efficiencies, improved mining flexibility and improved grade control. The company says development decreased by 2.9% year-on-year to 10,735 metres as planned, following a strategic decision to reduce development to a level sufficient to meet the Bokoni Mine’s stoping flexibility requirements. More emphasis is being placed on pothole management with a focus on secondary development to improve face length available for mining.Recoveries at the concentrator plant decreased by 0.2% to 89.6% and 1.3% to 85.6% for the Merensky and UG2 concentrate, respectively, as a result of an increase in throughput and processing of lower grade ore from the opencast operation. The Brakfontein Merensky and Middelpunt Hill UG2 development shafts remain in their ramp-up phase as per the mine plan and are on target to achieve steady state production levels of 100,000tpm and 60,000tpm, respectively, by 2018. The mill gap between installed processing capacity (160,000tpm) and current underground ore production (140,000tpm) will continue to be filled by ore generated from the opencast operation, which will be managed on a flexible volume basis to produce sufficient material for this purpose. Revenue increased 21.4% year-on-year to $237.4 million as a result of the 13.9% increase in total 4E PGM ounces produced (194,036 compared to 170,295), and was boosted by a 12.4% weakening of the average ZAR against the US$ over the period, from ZAR9.65/US$ in 2013 to ZAR10.85/US$ in 2014. The average US$ price realised during the current period declined marginally by 0.5% from US$1,112 per 4E PGM ounce to US$1,107 per 4E PGM ounce. Total cash operating costs were 16.4% higher reflecting the higher volumes sold. A 31.5% decrease in capital expenditure is as a result of a strategic decision by management to employ a “just in time” approach to capital development at the operations in an effort to reduce cash flow expenditure through improved capital discipline, without compromising Bokoni mine’s development plan. Atltsa says the Bokoni Mine remains an operation in development with its key Brakfontein Merensky and Middelpunt Hill UG2 development shafts remaining in their ramp-up phase and on target to achieve planned steady state production by 2018, saying “In a challenging economic environment for South African PGM producers, mine management continues to focus on various initiatives to improve operational efficiencies, disciplined capital allocation and cost management, without comprising Bokoni Mine’s existing ramp up plan”. With regards to health and safety the comany says Bokoni Mine’s LTIFR was 0.98 per 200,000 hours worked compared to 0.90 in 2013, a decrease of 8.9%. Five Section 54 safety stoppages were imposed by the Department of Mineral Resources at the operations, resulting in a loss of 1,622 4E PGM ounces. The disappointing safety performance was largely attributable to employee behaviour of not adhering to safety standards and procedures. The Bokoni Mine management has intensified safety awareness and training at the operations and continues to re-iterate the principle of zero harm to all stakeholders. On October 8, 2014, Bokoni suspended operations at its Klipfontein opencast mine as a result of a fatal injury to a community member from the Mosotsi community village. Investigations into the incident are still under way to determine whether the fatality was as a result of mining operations. Operations at the western section of the Klipfontein opencast mine resumed on November 3, 2014, while operations at the eastern section, which is in close proximity to the Mosotsi Village, remain suspended. The DMR has scheduled an inquiry into the incident for the end of April 2015. Atlatsa says it is pleased with the 70% increase in voluntary enrolment for HIV/Aids counselling and testing as well as a 12% decrease in reportable tuberculosis cases as a result of various heightened awareness campaigns on health and wellness.

24 APRIL 2015



Joshua Generations staff completes training

Waterval CVO atlete neem nasionaal deel

Three of Joshua Generation’s staff members completed their ACE training in Nelspruit over the holidays. They are Estelle Visagie, Lillian Mogebiza and Talitha Rautenbach. The school congratulates them. (Information & photograph: Joshua Generation)

Onthou dié datum - 1 Mei 2015 Op 1 Mei 2015 kan die hele vallei saam gaan fees hou by die Waterval CVO skool se sportgronde. Die Kavuki Dag word dan gehou. Dit is deel van ‘n fondsinsamelingsprojek vir die Waterval CVO skool. Die dag sal om 08:00 afskop en eers teen 23:00 ten einde loop. Ingangsfooie is R50 vir volwassenes, R20 vir kinders onder 12 en gratis vir voorskoolse kinders. Aktiwiteite by die dag sluit onder meer stal-

letjies, ‘n potjiekoskompetisie, Mej. Kavuki in die ouderdomsgroepe 15 - 20; 10 - 14; en 20 - 100. In die laasgenoemde groep word ook ‘n Mnr. Kavuki aangewys. Uitstallers is welkom om stalletjies te bespreek en die publiek word hartlik uitgenooi om die dag saam te kom geniet. Navrae: Hennie - 078 057 4181; Henk - 076 193 9127; Louisca - 072 721 1027 of Christo - 082 603 6875.

Atlete van Waterval CVO het op 20 en 21 Maart aan die nasionale kampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Dit het in Sasolburg plaasgevind. Die atlete was agter: Karlien Labuschagne, Clairice Greef, Marli Labuschagne, Elze Mike Greef, Leoné Stoltz. Middel: Andreas Fouché, Ankia Erasmus, Leané Fouché, Ricardo Korf. Voor: Will de Meillon, Eduaan Herselman, Violet Taljaard, Mecayla Coetzee en Estian Herselman.


Mr. Simon Makola, Mr. Victor Mabelane and Mr. Sydney Mashego said: “Government is doing the right thing with this. South Africans behaved in a bad way. We should stop. We also have interests in other countries”.

NEWS Xenophobic violence sweeping through different areas in South Africa over the last three weeks left 7 people dead and thousands displaced. This week government took the decision to send the army into hotspots around the country to help regain peace. In the meantime different organisations turned to the streets to march against xenophobia. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about the wide spread xenophobia in South Africa and the way government is handling the situation. Many foreigners living in Tubatse declined to comment because they fear that someone might start harassing them.

Mr. Emmanuel Mampho, Mr. Lucas Makhubedu and Mr. Mike Mampho said: “It is not good. We don’t support it. Our family and brothers are outside South Africa what will happen to them if we are treating people bad here? The way government is handling the situation is good”.

Mr. Thabo Mnisi, Mr. Mpho Mabuza and Mr. Dan Mampane said: “We think government is handling it the right way. This xenophobia is very bad. We are all Africans! This should not be allowed – it is crime. Yes, to peace – it’s simple”.

24 APRIL 2015

Xenophobia -

Mr. Tumai Nyamurowa and Mr. Kuziva Nyamurowa who are from Harare in Zimbabwe said: “Beggars are not choosers. Many foreigners will be silent, but it does not mean they are happy. Limpopo is actually very peaceful and civilized. It is like Limpopo is not part of South Africa. That is why this region is blessed with plenty of minerals. Government is handling the situation to the best they can. It is not everyone who supports them in their effort. We are now feeling safer. There may be threatening individuals, but the majority of people are peaceful. People must remember that in every country there is a foreigner. The world is small. One day South Africa will be different. We don’t know what the economy will look like in 10 years’ time, but in the meantime we are also paying tax here in South Africa”. Mr. Fickson Mahungela and Mr. Isaiah Malepe said: “That is not good. It must stop immediately. It is like a racial issue and that is not good. Government is trying but a lot needs to be done. The fire is blazing. They need to put in more of an effort”. Mr. Papi Makgate said: “We should stop it. Mr. Sipho Nzimande and Ms. Lucia We are all Africans. Those coming here doing Maleka said: “Government is not dodrugs should however be stopped because ing well because they allow illegal that is one of the causes of the problem. We immigrants to live here. That causes need to make sure everyone coming here conflict. Communities should rememare legal. We must live in peace. As Mandela ber that many of us were in exile dursaid – we must be one nation. We are a raining apartheid – we were foreigners bow nation because we are all different”. in other countries. I am saying that the legal ones are welcome and we Left: Mr. Monde should treat them well. But don’t go Mbuyane said: to the extreme where you will have a “Government foreign president. We want a Viljoen is trying. This or Nzimande president, not a foreign xenophobia one”. is not good. If will affect our Ms. Mashoto Molopo said: “`I’m against economy. We xenophobia. I don’t understand why it is are all brothers. happening. We are all Africans. We are It’s rumoured not independent. We need other counthat they are tries. If we don’t want them here, how now chasing can our brothers live there? Governaway shops like ment is not handling it well. I’m disapPep Stores in our neighbouring countries. It is pointed in South Africa. Government not good”. should punish these people severely. It happened in 2008 and now again – should have been dealt with better”.

24 APRIL 2015



what you think about it Ms. Mammie Dube said: “Government should do more to stop the xenophobia. Xenophobia is happening more that people know. It happens because there are so many foreigners. Some of them steal and others take jobs that South Africans want”. Ms. Rose-Mary Pansegrouw said: “I don’t like xenophobia. Foreigners are also people like us. South Africa invests in other countries and some of our people live and work in other countries. People must remember that. I don’t think government is handling the situation very well. They should have handled it properly in 2008 and this would not have happened”.

Mr. Steve Mosoma said: “This thing of xenophobia should not be accepted. We are all Africans. We need to live together. There are of our people working in Zimbabwe, Malawi and other countries. If we kill their people, they’ll kill our family there. We need to live in peace. Government should educate people more. It looks like they did not learn from the experience in 2008. They look like they are confronted with this xenophobia problem for the first time now”.

Ms. Patricia Pitjadi said: “It’s a very bad thing, but government is handling it well. The President became involved and told the people to stop. We are all Africans before we are South Africans”.

Links: Mnr. Juan-André Joubert sê: “Die regering doen nie genoeg nie. Mense is selfsugtig. Kyk wat het in die buiteland al vir ons gedoen. Hierdie xenofobiese geweld is nie wie ons is nie en is nie wat die buiteland moet sien nie. Ons is ‘n oop nasie waar almal welkom is. Daar moet meer bewusmaking wees”.

Left: Mr. Ralph Kgwete said: “The people from outside South Africa should be here legally. Those who are illegal steal, rob and murder and they cannot be traced, as they are illegal. Xenophobia is happening because there are too many illegal immigrants. Those people want stands and shacks while South Africans also want it. Government is not doing enough to stop it. They are not solving problems with the way they are now handling things. I say put the illegals in a camp and control them”.

Regs: Mnr. Johannes Siwela sê: “Die problem is ons share en maak saam besigheid met die mense van buite ons country. Wat kan ons doen? Ons moet onthou ons is dieselfde as daai mense”.


BOKONI PLATINUM MINE VACANCY ENGINEERING SPECIALIST ELECTRICAL (D2) Work Description The Engineering Specialist Electrical is a 2.9.2 appointment in terms of the MHS Act and is responsible for providing an operational service to the Engineering Department with a two year planning horizon. The role ensures effective and safe operation and maintenance of all MV substations and electrical reticulation. Minimum Requirements • Grade 12 or equivalent. • Trade qualification Electrical or Millwright. • Engineering Specialist Certificate or Senior Engineering Foreman Certificate working toward ESC. • Basic computer literacy. • Medium Voltage Certified • Minimum 5 Years Engineering Foreman Experience. • Electrical Drawing understanding. • Service environment, English literate and valid driving license code 08. • Sound knowledge on maintenance of High voltage systems and protection systems. Key Responsibilities • Assist the Engineering Department in developing an operational plan for the year to support the achievement of throughput objectives. • Undertake to plan, up to 1-2 years ahead, the budget requirements according to the planned maintenance schedules verses operational targets. • Liaise with the Engineering Manager and appointed shaft and concentrator Engineers regularly regarding progress to agreed plans, budget and operational targets. • Regularly communicate progress of section against operational targets and objectives. • Allocate labour resources and equipment to schedule and prioritize activities so as to maintain and ensure high levels of performance standards and system availability. • Establish procedures for abnormal work requirements which fall outside of normal standard procedures. • Prepare ad-hoc reports for management or other information customers. • Completion of audits and administration and Ensure that technical data is accurate. • Ensure that engineering administration requirements are complied with. • Liaise with the other Shaft Engineers and Foremen to ensure that any problems that could overlap with other sections are pro-actively identified and discussed and mitigated. • Will execute any reasonable work instruction provided by any senior or team members to ensure the effective and safe completion of a task or making safe of an area. • Oversee the development of a healthy spirit of co-operation within the section. • Identify operational priorities within the section that would ensure the optimization of the sections performance. • Ensure that all the data captured on the operational and technical management information and control systems are accurate and timeous. • Regularly review operational and technical data to extract trends, identify problems and compile management reports. • Ensure safety and engineering policies are adhered to and Comply with Environmental Policies. • Provides high level of technical support to the electrical foremen on the shafts and concentrator. • Oversee the quality of workmanship and conduct regular inspections around the section. Interested persons can forward their applications to the Recruitment Office by E-mail to closing date 15 May 2015. “Bokoni Platinum” shall apply the affirmative action principles as set out in the company’s employment equity policy. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, your application shall be deemed to be unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful applications shall not be returned. Applicants must be prepared to undergo certain job related assessments, if required as part of the selection process. Credit, criminal and reference checks may be done by the Mine if deemed necessary.





- Events Management (Events management)


R200.00 Each (Non-Refundable)

Companies registered for Events Management

- Marketing & Branding


R200.00 Each (Non-Refundable)

Companies registered for Marketing and Branding

• Compulsory Briefing Session 29th April 2015 at 10h00 at Municipal Council Chamber, No.1 Kastania Streets, Burgersfort

EVALUATION AND ADJUDICATION CRITERIA Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with Greater Tubatse Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000, responsiveness to the bid document(s), and on a 80/20 points system, of which the 80 points will be for Price and 20 points for B-BBEE level

CLOSING DATE AND OTHER CONDITIONS 1 This bid is restricted to the service providers registered for events management and bid documents will be on sale from 29th April 2015 for a non-refundable fee of R200.00 each at cashier’s office, No 1 Kastania Street, Greater Tubatse Municipal Civic Centre lower ground from 8h30 to 15h00 Monday to Friday. 2 Bids will be closed and opened in public on the 15th May 2015 at 12h00 and must be fully priced, signed and sealed in and envelope, appropriately marked the bid proposing for and deposited into Municipal Tender Box which is available 24/7 days a week at the reception of Greater Tubatse Municipality, 1st Kastania Street, Burgersfort. No faxed, e-mailed, telephonic or late bids will be accepted. 3 The Municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and or collectively to execute the above contract, and negotiate further conditions and requirements with the successful bidder. 4 In terms of National Treasury’ Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the persons in the service of state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document will be submitting non-responsive bids. 90 working days after the bid closing date is our validity period 5 All bidding enquiries should be directed during working hours from 7h30 to 16h00 to MM Malepe A.L at 013 2311230 or and for technical enquiries to AT Mokoena at 013 231 1187 or Moja MM Acting Municipal Manager



24 APRIL 2015

General Motors : Special Report Dealers of General Motors South Africa converged on Port Elizabeth this week to attend the official launch of the 2015 Chevrolet Cruze in South Africa, and at the same tame getting the opportunity to know the company better by visiting various plants in the city. Lo and behold, Platinum Gazette and Highlands Panorama News, two of your local reads were also invited as guests of Westvaal Mashishing and Westvaal Steelpoort, only to discover upon arrival in the friendly city that we are the only media present. The visit started off with a briefing of the new car at the GM assembly plant in Struandale, where the quests were divided into teams to discover CSI style what GM and the new Cruze is all about with the programme called ‘Chevrolet Cruze Special Investigation (CCSI)’. Our team first visited the assembly plant were a number of models from Opel, Isuzu and Chevrolet literally takes shape. Participants then drove per instruction sheet and route indications to the other GM facilities, like the parts and distribution depot. The details are too numerous to report, save to say that the progress General Motors is striving to attain with regard to precision, quality, reliability, after sales maintenance and service were evident everywhere, with large graphs against the walls to prove that the company is definitely on the right track. Through all the plants personnel were very friendly, everything was squeaky clean and organized and the company is placing a high premium on safety and employee comfort and facilities, from cafeterias to medical emergency services. The single message that emerged was that General Motors certainly does built quality, reliable vehicles. We witnessed it, we were there.

General Motors dealers (top) ready themselves for the day to listen to the brief from the mock CSI team (left) at the company’s Struandale plant in Port Elizabeth. The real Macoy, super sleuth Piet Byleveld (bottom right) told guests at the function that evening what CSI work actually entails.

Tomothy Chowles (Westvaal Steelpoort), André Coetzee (Highlands Panorama News) and Jehane Claase (Westvaal Mashishing) enjoying a bedtime snack after the flight from Nelspruit to OR Tambo International Sunday evening before the next flight to Port Elizabeth the next day.

Tender NoƟce

Assmang Limited – Dwarsrivier Mine seeks suitable Companies to submit proposals for the Underground Roadway ConstrucƟon and Belt Cleaning. Our mine, situated in the Limpopo Province about 60km from Lydenburg and 40km form Burgersfort, is a member of the Assmang Group and world-class producer of Chrome Ore and was nominated as Top Employer 2014. Tender Number: TM 1504/02 DescripƟon: Underground Roadway ConstrucƟon and Belt Cleaning Terms of reference/specificaƟons and tender documentaƟon can be downloaded from the below portal: hƩp:// Enquiries regarding the tender can be directed to below e-mail and fax. E-Mail: Fax: 0866 101 887 Please quote the relevant tender number in the subject line of your e-mail or fax. No telephonic queries will be entertained. Tender briefing Date and Time: 8 May 2015 at 09:00 Venue: Dwarsrivier Training Centre Closing Date and Time of Tender: 15 May 2015 2015 at 12:00

Big warehouse. GM parts store, 120 metres by 300 metres with parts for your vehicle (top). They also service Africa. Bottom: New cars. If you have cash or if your bank approves, they transport your car form here.

24 APRIL 2015


General Motors : Special Report

Although the new Chevrolet Cruze looks almost the same as the old one, it is different, a little more style with subtle changes to the exterior on the sedan and hatchback. The car comes only with petrol engines, naturally aspirated 1600’s and a 1.4 turbo, the same one you would find in the Opel turbo. The car achieved top marks for safety in all tests and creature comforts are for the most part better and more than in similarly priced competitors, making the vehicle exceptional value for money if you are in the market for a medium sized family car. Because of the nature of the visit a thorough test was not possible, save to say that when Platinum Gazette drove the car on the backroads between the distribution plant and the parts depot, we came away impressed. The back seat passenger, who is 1.87 metres tall, fitted in with space to spare, and his head did not touch the roof. We drove the 1.4 turbo automatic and what Platinum Gazette missed was a footrest for the left foot. The infotainment system in the car works very well, the seats are comfortable, visibility is good. The turbo pulls like a train and the suppleness of the old car is retained, but with improved road holding. It also stops on a dime. A lasting impression of the whole trip is that Port Elizabeth’s drivers certainly are more behaved than the local drivers in Burgersfort, but we live in South Africa and amid the less but certain dangerous conditions, the Cruze did not falter once. And it comes with a 5 years 120 000 km warranty and free 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year roadside assistance (yes, for 5 years).



24 APRIL 2015

Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

9. Te Huur/ For Rent


Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.

There will be no Platinum Gazette on 1 May 2015. The office will however be open and the newspaper will be published as normal on 8 May 2015.

One and two bedroom flats available. Morone Street 45, Burgersfort. Only 1 person for the 1 bedroom and no more than 2 people in the 2 bedroom flat please. No pets. Contact Lionel: 082 923 4744. Business premises to let. Morone Street 45, Burgersfort. Ideal for small office - used to house a computer school. Enquiries: 082 923 4744.

Enquiries: 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676 or

Betrekkings/Vacancies To place your advertisement, contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 013 231 7147. E-mail to: The deadline for placing advertisements is on a Tuesday 17:00. Get noticed, advertise your business now!

A world-class opportunity in Mining and Beneficiation

9. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 0723377332

9. Te Huur/ For Rent A 2 and 1 Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort In security complex. Close to town. Contact: 076 666 1100 Bachelor and two bedroom flats to let in Burgersfort Contact: 082 922 3909 Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Skakel: 082 357 1954 / 083 244 6005

The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.

Shift Supervisor (C3) - Ben Plant x1 ROLE PURPOSE:To contribute towards business success by ensuring that daily documents are done. These include five minutes safety talks, checklist, mini risk assessments and time and attendance. Supervise all operation in accordance to the set production targets. Prepare a shift report. Participate in the working activities of the Ben Plant thus contributing to the final product of the company. ROLE REQUIREMENTS: • Grade 12 Certificate with Maths or Science, or equivalent • At least 2 years experience in a Beneficiation Plant • At least 1 year experience in Supply Chain Management • Previous supervisory experience is beneficial • Computer literate with advance Microsoft office. • Good English communication and writing skills ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES: • Supervision of all tasks that need to be performed at the Beneficiation Plant. • Ensure that all section attendants, Sampler, sorters and assistants conduct their tasks accurately and efficiently and conduct PTO’s and ensure good housekeeping. • Ensure that SHEQ requirements and systems are adhered to at all times. • Ensure the effective maintenance of the Beneficiation Plant by the creation of all necessary work orders as the need thereof may arise from daily check lists. • Complete shiftily production reports and daily production summaries as well as the updating of shift data to the production graphs and the updating of notice boards. • Conduct task allocated by seniors or Foreman in line with the nature of the job. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail: Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

Closing date: 8 May 2015



24 APRIL 2015



A draw for both teams Tubatse Chrome Club’s league A and C golf players took to the course last Saturday against teams from Nelspruit and White River. The course was still very wet after the heavy rains from Friday. It was a tough day on the course and both teams landed a draw against their opposition with 4 each. A few golf club members also joined the players during the day to improve their own skills. (Information: Willem Montgomery, Tubatse Chrome Golf Club).

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Wiinterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529



Open Monday’s - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00






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24 APRIL 2015

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Ohrigstad vs Belfast Ohrigstad Rugby Klub is besig om hulself as gewiste teenstanders te vestig. Hulle het verlede naweek ‘n ligawedstryd teen Belfast op Belfast gespeel. Teen halftyd was die telling 28-3 in Ohrigstad se guns. Die wedstryd het uiteindelik 35-10 in Ohrigstad se guns geëindig. Die span se drieë is deur Ruan Stey, Janus Weber en WK De Jonge gedruk. WK het 2 gedruk. Sia Mbangi het 3 van die drieë verdoel en Juan van Zyl het een skepskop oorgesit. Die weer was baie nat en koud, maar dit het nie die span van stryk gebring nie. Hulle het ook net lof vir die skeidsregter se hantering van die wedstryd. Die Klub bedank graag hul borge waarsonder hul deelname maar moeilik sou wees: EC Blaauw Transport, Bolt and Engineering, Steelpoort Mining Services en Eric van der Vyver. Die volgende tuiswedstryd is op 9 Mei op Ohrigstad. (Foto’s en Inligting: Ohrigstad Rugby Klub)

Athletes at Loskop Marathon Local athletes participated in the annual Forever Loskop Marathon that took place last week Saturday. The Modikwa Marathon Club was well represented and 14 runners competed in 3 races the 50km Ultra-marathon from Middelburg to Loskop Dam, the 21,2km Wild Challenge and the 5km fun run for the less competitive runners. This was the last race where athletes can hand in their times for final seeding in the Comrades Marathon and Comrades representatives were at the finish to caputure the information. Leboka Noto did the best of the team with a time of 03:11, followed by Peter Molapo in a time of 04:07. Peter is in good shape and is expected to peak just in time for the Comrades Marathon. Jeanette Setshabe ran her second 21.2km race and showed great determination. The athletes would like to thank Modikwa management for their great support. A special thank you to Mr. Hope Tyira and Chris Storm for their effort to see that the team gets to the race. The group’s race times were: Leboka Noto 50km, 03:11; Peter Molapo 50km 04:07; Herman Mogale 50km 04:11; Jeffrey Nkuna 50km 04:17; Capri Maluleke 50km 04:17; Albert Twala 50km 04:33; Adolph Boshego 50km 04:47; James Mohlala 21,2km 01:30; Sonia Makoua 21,2km 01:31; Elvis Madiba 21,2km 01:38; Frans Manoga 21,2km 01:28; Violet Mabitla 21,2km 02:28; Jeanette Setshabe 21,2km 05:00; Saloma Makuoa 5km 0;32. (Information & Photographs: Modikwa Platinum Mine).

Jeanette Setshabe (above) and Elvis Madiba (below) at the race.

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