Platinum Gazette 24 August 2012

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

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Stoves prove to be hot property On 20 August the Tubatse police arrested two men, aged 20 and 21 years, in connection with house breaking and theft and also arrested three women aged 29,39 and 47 years in connection with possession of suspected stolen property. The two arrested men allegedly broke into empty the new houses near the Ga-Matodi cross. These houses are build for the Segorong community, which is to be relocated by Rhino Minerals to enable the Top: Constable Portia Shai, Constable Zinhle Khosa mine to exploit the Segorong area near Penge for andulusite. and Constable Thabiso Monareng with the stolen The empty houses are already equipped with stoves. Bottom: Constable Maphuthi Morifi with the stoves, which proved very desirabvle for the two men. fridge that took a ride on a wheelbarrow. The have allegedly stolen a couple of stoves. After their arrest and further investigion, the men took the Police to three women to whom they have sold the stoves. Three women, in three different dwellings were arrested for posession of stolen property. The five suspects are expected to appear in the Praktiseer Magistrate‘s Court soon. On the same day the Tubatse Poice also arrested a 29-year old man in connection with possession of suspected stolen property. At about 01:00 in the morning the Police received a tip-off about a man who was loading a fridge on a wheelbarrow in Praktiseer. The police made followups and on their arrival the man ran away. The Police gave chase and maneged to arrest the suspect. Several items, including the fridge, wheelbarrow, pots and blankets were confiscated for further investigation. The accused, Charles Nkosi, appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate‘s Court on 20 August and he was granted bail of R500. The case was postponed to 3 September 2012. (Photographs and information: Constable Jerial Movundlela, Tubatse Police)

© Platinum Gazette

24 August 2012

Regular readers of this publication will remember that we reported on the broken valve of the reservoir at the Fire Station in Burgersfort on 27 January this year (see page 8’s thumbnail on bottom photograph). This publication cannot say that it was never fixed, but if it was, it is defective again. And a nice dam has developed. Not that the cattle that roam the area mind. Now you know why they are always crossing the road to Ohrigstad late in the afternoon. They are thirsty and on their way to quench their thirst. You ask about the state of the Fire Station? Not this week, that is another story ...

Now it is a watering hole



24 AUGUST 2012

This lecture ‘rocked’ Members of the Eastern Bushveld Branch of the Geological Society of South Africa coverged at a conference venue of Two Rivers Platinum Mine on Tuesday for the 2012 A L du Toit Memorial Lecture. The Lectureship was awarded to Professor Nicholas Arndt of the Universite de Grenoble in France. Professor Arndt’ research interests include petrology and geochemistry of mafic an ultramafic rocks, magmatic ore deposits and the early-Earth environment, and among his accomplishments he is also a director of the International Continental Drilling Project (ICDP) “Scientific drilling in the Babrton belt”, wich started in 2009 and is still ongoing, making the professor a frequent visitor to South Africa. The title of Professor Arndt’s lecture to the geologists was “Baberton Komatiites: creation and crystallization of the world’s hottest magmas”. In this lecture he furnished them with the most recent research findings, which is also contained in a new book he authored with other researchers and updated them with regard to the Baberton drilling project. Far from being a boring academic lecture, Professor Arndt gripped his audience’s attention with his clear, entertaining and logical manner of speaking before giving and opportunity for questions.

Thorburn promoting a Career in Security Promoting a career in security was the objective of the Thorburn participation in the Eastern Limb Mines Career Expo held at the Samancor Eastern Chromes Mines near Steelpoort recently. It is not the only Thorburn aim to find talent amongst the local scholars, but to assist the expected 8 000 children who visited the exhibition to make future career choices. Children in grades 9 and 10 from about 56 schools in the area passed through the exhibition between 14 and 17 August 2012. The focus of the career expo is on mining careers and this is the first time that security was presented at the expo as a career. Various mines (Modikwa, Twickenham, Eastern Chrome Mines, ASA Metals, Marula Mine, Mototolo Mine and others) participated in the expo. This initiative is part of the Thorburn’s focus on communities, support and training and development. In Steelpoort, Thorburn provide specialized and advanced security training to staff and recently embarked on a leadership-training programme for smaller, local security companies in Steelpoort. Thorburn Holdings Executive Director Thabang Moropa and Northern Region Managing Director, Dolf Scheepers, visited the exhibition on the opening day.

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Platinum Gazette Deadlines: Editorial: Wednesdays at 17:00 Advertisements: Tuesdays at 17:00

24 AUGUSTUS 2012


Focus on enterprise development


Tubatse Chrome (Samancor) held an enterprise development open day last week Friday in Steelpoort. The open day was held in cooperation with government agencies such as the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) and large businesses such as commercial banks. Lots of literature was available to participants at the open day and Tubatse Chrome explained Samancor’s stance towards enterprise development. One of the main objectives of enterprise development according to the company, is to create sustainable business enterprises that achieve growth in order to create jobs and to grow the economy. The Company explained that enterprise development encompasses microfinance, entrepreneurship development, investment and growth in small, medium and micro enterprises. The company explained that enterprise development initiatives range from providing equity for small start-up businesses through providing skills development through mentoring and expansion and loans for existing businesses. The company also explained the differences between enterprise development, preferential procurement and corporate social investment, which is aimed towards communities.



24 AUGUSTUS 2012

Two years injury free at Concentrator The Modikwa Platinum Mine Concentrator plant has recently lived up to Modikwa’s safety principle of Zero harm by achieving a 2 year injury free milestone. This achievement is the second this year after the Plant achieved a 2 year LTI free milestone in March 2012. The Concentrator Plant aims to sustain this performance and demonstrate to the Platinum Industry that zero injury is possible. “We are determined to achieve the next milestone provide we stop being complacent,”

the team said. Mr. Reuben on behalf of the Concentrator Plant Leader congratulated the team for their safety achievement and encouraged them to continue with their safe work. He further encouraged staff members

to apply safety and vigilance during the coming festive season. Mr. Erick Ndukula Chief Safety Officer commented Plant management for establishing the solid base for safety at

Modikwa with the rest of the personnel, also the unions and contractors who individually play crucial roles in the mine’s safety record. (Photograph & information: Modikwa Communication Unit).

‘Get on board’ for Casual Day Every year Casual Day raises funds and awareness for people with disabilities. Last year more than R20 million was raised.

This year the theme of the day will be “Get on board - Captains and sailors, with your crew. Wear a sticker or two, and something blue. Together we take to the high seas in support of persons with disabilities”. Give a donation of R10 for the official Casual Day sticker (see example on the right) and give towards a great fundraising project. Casual Day is the initiative of the National Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in South Africa. Beneficiaries include Epilepsy SA, DEAFSAm SA National Council for the Blind, SA Federation for Mental Health, Disabled People SA as well as the NCPPDSA. You can get your Casual Day sticker from any ABSA branch.

7 September 2012

Contact Platinum Gazette on 083 271 9151 with your news and events. Or e-mail us at editorial@ platinum Fax: 086 554 9031 Editorial deadline: 17:00 on a Wednesday.

24 AUGUSTUS 2012



Tubatse Chrome to generate their own electricity Tubatse Chrome is one of the Samancor Chrome Smelting Operations situated in Steelpoort. It is caught in the vice of Eskom’s price demand and the security of supply that limits it’s production capacities. It is from these challenges that the innovative capacity of Tubatse Chrome was induced; Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency initiatives were born to save energy and preserve the environment. Tubatse has the capacity to produce 420kt of Chrome per annum with an energy consumption of 1600 GWh/a. In the production of Chrome from the six submerged arc furnaces at Tubatse, about 996000Nm3/h fume gas at 550° C is lost to the atmosphere with an equivalent of 42MVA of

Library officially opened The newly constructed Mapodile Library was officially opened on World Book Day on 23 April.

The container in which the library was previously housed has now been replaced by a R2.8 million state of the art building sponsored by Tubatse Chrome. The building does not only have books, but also computers, a conference room and tables to study or just sit and read. It was opened by the MEC for Arts, Sports and Culture in Limpopo, Ms Dipuo Letsatsi-Duba and Samancor CEO, Mr Jürgen Schalamon (photograph above). Samancor Transformation manager Mr Archie Palane and General Manager of Tubatse Chrome, Mr Desmond McManus were also present.

energy. The energy can be equated to 126kt of coal used to produce electricity. Tubatse Chrome has come up with an innovative solution by building a power plant which will recover some of the lost heat energy from the furnaces and converting it to electric power. The selected technology also preserves the use of water. Tubatse Chrome will be producing their own clean energy by August 2013! The project will enable Tubatse to remain technologically competitive, reduce the Tubatse energy consumption by 18.76%, lay a solid foundation for the sustainable development of the business, reduce the carbon footprint by over 200,000 tCO2e per annum and create approximately 30 sustainable professional employment opportunities.

Getting involved Senior personnel at Tubatse Chrome decided to get to know the communities around Steelpoort where

First Eco-Races

the company operate better. These personnel could be found in community vegetable garden projects, and in kitchens at schools, assisting in preparing the food of feeding schemes. One was even caught with his cellphone next to his ear, running his office, while in the other hand he had a rake, tending the earth around newly planted cabbage. They also assisted with dishing out the food, used brooms to sweep, interacted with children and gave valuable talks to senior learners about subject choices and careers in the mining industry. “Together we worked as teams in getting to now what it is all about in our local communities. Our eyes where opened, in certain aspects it could be described as life changing” was the comment from one of the ‘community workers’.

The first ever Samancor Chrome Eco Races took place at the end of June. The races was sponsored by Tubatse Chrome and Eastern Chrome Mines. Roelf Coetee, Chairperson of Road Running, Limpopo Athletics and adjudicator of the races commented after the race: “We believe that this event has the potential to grow into one of the most prestigious road running events on the Limpopo race calendar”. The 21.1km Half Marathon was won by Anthony Godongwana from Celtic Harriers in a time of 70:28. The 10km race was won by Precious Mashele from Transnet in 33:36.

67 Minutes of goodwill Tubatse Chrome’s PSP team chose to spend their 67 minutes on Mandela Day at Mogoshadi Day care and learning Centre. This care centre was established in 1997 with 37 children. Now the owner and principal, Mrs Glen Malekane, is taking care of 152 children (includeng four disabled). The PSP team and their manager, Mr Jaco Pieterse, assisted in the school’s vegetable garden and fetched water from the river to fill up the Jojo tank. Tubatse employees had lots of fun with the children and ended the day singing Madiba’s birthday song, eating hotdogs and drinking cool drinks in the sun.

Tubatse Chrome Lab receives SANAS accreditation The Tubatse Chrome Lab has been awarded ISO17025 accreditation by SANAS. The Lab is proud to be the first in Samancor to achieve this status.

SANAS (South African National Accreditation System) accreditation gives formal and independent recognition that the Laboratory is competent to carry out specific tasks and conforms to relevant international/national standards. Laboratory accreditation is highly regarded both nationally and internationally as a reliable indicator of technical competence. Many customers prefer suppliers who can provide analysis from an accredited laboratory. Tubatse GM, Desmond McManus congratulating Lab Specialist Lesego Sebata.

Women remembered The female employees of Tubatse Chrome was last week treated to a special day of fun as part of the company’s Women’s Month activities. They enjoyed a day of playful team building at Tubatse Chrome Club.


24 AUGUST 2012


CVO Skool vol presteerders

Die leerlingevan Waterval CVO in die foto bo het aan die OosTransvaalse Kultuur kampioenskappe deelgeneem. Die medalje wenners en kategorie wenners is die afgelope week bekend gemaak. Hulle is agter: Johan Bester (brons medalje), Arno Griesel (silwer), Michael Kaplan (silwer). Tweede ry van regs: Melissa Germishuizen (silwer), Tanya Kruger (silwer), Andreas Fouche (silwer). Derde ry: Marlene Venter (goud, kategorie wenner), Carla Hanekom (goud, kategorie wenner), Annemie Kaplan (goud, kategorie wenner), Kluge Bester (goud, kategorie wenner). Voor: Eduan Herselman (silwer), Ankia Erasmus (goud, kategorie wenner), Reinhardt Roberts (goud, kategorie wenner),

Johan en Kluge Bester het saam met Sulandri van der Linde aan die Landloop Kampioenskappe by Amajuba deelgeneem. Johan was vierde, Sulandri tweede en Kluge vierde in hul ouderdomskategorieë. Hulle gaan aan die SA Kampioenskappe in September in Greylingstad deelneem.

Johan Bester en Kluge Bester het verlede week op Volksrus aan die Oos-Transvaalse Skaakkampioenskappe deelgeneem. Johan was derde en Kluge vyfde. Hulle gaan aan die SA Kampioenskappe in September deelneem. Dit word by Brakpan gehou.

Megan Griesel (bo) en Aldoné Geldenhuys gaan aan die landswye Kultuur en Redenaarskompetisie deelneem. Megan is gekies vir kultuur en Aldoné vir redenaars.

Calvin’s prefects Calvin College announced their new prefects last week Friday. The group of leaders were chosen through the school and teachers’ votes. They will be attending a

special camp at Machadodorp to prepare them for their task ahead. Photo below: They are back: Amod Imraan (Deputy Headboy), Mashilane Tshegofatso and Marobane Johnnie. Second row: Ennesie Sithole, Iris Knoza, Ramaepadi Kaebetswe (Deputy Headgirl), Mungweni Tanaka (Headboy), Front: Miss Tafudzwa Manozho, Lekwadu Maranatha, Cheou Lefentse, Nkwana Jeanette, (Headgirl), Lekgeu Batseba. Absent: Gori Suhail, Muhammad Faizzal).

Leboeng active on Women’s Day The Leboeng SAPS celebrated Women’s Day with a variety of activities. Last week a full report was published, but the photographs unfortunately reached the newspaper too late for publication. Herewith a view of some of the action in pictures.

24 AUGUSTUS 2012



Hykie Berg bring ‘n boodskap vir plaaslike vroue Vroue van die Burgersfort en Steelpoort area het verlede Saterdag ‘n damestee by Winterveld Ontspanningsklub bygewoon. Die gasspreker van die dag was Hykie Berg (foto heel regs). Hy het met staaltjies en getuienis vir die vroue ‘n blik gegee op wat ‘n

iemand ‘n suksesvolle mens maak. Die sentrale fokus van sy praatjie was geloof en hoe dit nie vir gelowiges maklik is of dat alles maklik raak wanneer hulle tot bekering kom nie. Hoe groei en afstand van selfsug nodig is. Hy het ook voorbeelde uit sy eie lewe gebruik om sy punt oor te dra. Hykie wat deesdae ‘n suksesvolle akteur en motiveringspreker is, het self ‘n stryd teen dwelms, misdaad en baie meer gevoer. Deel van die boodskap was dat Christene se groei deur swaarkry soms deel

van hul volwassewording en getuienis is. Die dag is deur Charlien Ras gereël. Sy het ‘n projek begin om vroue van die omgewing wat met depressie en moeilike omstandighede sukkel by te staan. Haar doelwit is om hulle by te staan om die positiewe uit hul negatiewe omstandighede te haal. Met die projek wil sy graag deurlopende ondersteuning bied. Persone wat graag betrokke wil raak by haar projek kan haar by 083 656 7437 kontak.

Get something to smile about! Visit a REGISTERED Debt Counsellor as soon as your debt gets out of hand to help you make a plan to be debt free. Don’t wait ‘till it’s too late!

© Platinum Gazette

Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator

Fondsinsameling vir Laerskool Ohrigstad Laerskool Ohrigstad het verlede week Vrydag ‘n fondsinsamelingsnaweek afgeskop toe ‘n groep veteraanmotor en motorfiets liefhebbers op Ohrigstad aangedoen het. Die res van die naweek was tarentaaljag hoog op die agenda. Dertien mans het aan die jag deelgeneem. Hulle het by Ruurd’s Lodge tuisgegaan en op verskillende plekke in die

vallei onder leiding van Paul Erasmus gaan tarentale skiet. Die skool se ouers het gesorg dat die motor entoesiaste en die jagters almal lekker eet. Die wins wat met die tarentaaljag gemaak is, word deur Laerskool Ohrigstad en die plaaslike NG Kerk gedeel. Die skool bedank almal vir hul bydrae om die naweek ‘n sukses te maak.

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 E-mail:

(RegNo: No:NCRDC NCRDC487) 487) (Reg

PUBLIC NOTICE Public Notice for schedule of meetings of the Municipal Council and Executive Committee. Notice is hereby given in Section 19 of the Municipal Systems Act No 32 of 200 that schedule of meetings for the financial year 2012 / 2013 are arranged as follows: MUNICIPAL COUNCIL MEETINGS Date




1st Council Meeting



Municipal Chamber



Municipal Chamber



Municipal Chamber



Municipal Chamber

31 October 2012 2nd Council Meeting 31 January 2013 3rd Council Meeting 30 April 2013 4th Council Meeting 31 July 2013






27 July 2012


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom


30 August 2012


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom


27 September 2012


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom


30 October 2012


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom


29 November 2012


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom


13 December 2012


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom


30 January 2013


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom


28 February 2013


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom


28 March 2013


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom


25 April 2013


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom


29 May 2013


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom


27 June 2013


3rd Floor ExCo Boardroom

The time and date are subject to changes. For more information, kindly contact the Secretary of the Municipal Council of the Greater Tubatse Municipality, Mr M L Komane @ 013-231-1131. Address: Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:

H.L Phala Municipal Manager



24 AUGUST 2012

Marikana massacre: Your opinions Last week Thursday went down in South African history as one of the most violent days since the fall of apartheid. Approximately 3000 armed strikers from the Marikana Platinum Mine near Rustenburg went head on with a tactical unit from the South African Police Force. 34 Strikers were killed when the SAPS opened fire on them. More than 70 were wounded and 269 were arrested. The strikers consisted mostly out of rock drill operators who went on strike due to wage increase demands and conflict between unions on the mine. The strike became violent before the Thursday

Mnr. Pieter Mokgwatsane sê: “Die Unions is dié wat die mense verkoop. Die Unions is nie goed nie. Die goewerment moet by wees wanneer almal praat en sorg dat die onderhandelinge goed gaan”.

Mnr. Jaco Smith sê: “Na die twee polisiemanne vroeër week met pangas doodgekap is, was dit selfverdediging van die polisie toe die klomp stakers op hulle afstorm. Dit was bietjie geweldadig, maar wat anders kon hulle doen? Om te keer dat dit weer gebeur moet die mense praat en reg praat. Moenie in die veld gaan wegkruip en bymekaarkom nie. Gaan sit in ‘n gebou waar daar om ‘n tafel gepraat kan word sonder enige wapens naby. Wapens is nie vrede nie”.

clash. 10 People, including two policemen had already died before Thursday’s bloodshed. We asked readers what they think about the whole Marikana massacre. And being situated in an area with many mines where strikes are commonplace, how a similar incident can be prevented in future.

Mr Eric Ramulongo said: “That kind of situation you cannot prevent. Our politicians are failing us. I was shocked! How can 34 people get killed at the same time? Something went very wrong”.

Mr Alfred Matjie said: “The way to prevent a similar thing in future is to have good communication with our leaders. There must be communication between the shareholders of mines, directors, communities and employees. The mines must also look after the environment and development. The whole thing last week was not right. Negotiations are good, we should not fight each other”.

Mr Justice Mphahlele said: “The main problem is the police. They must work according to their parameters. They must not take the law into their own hands - killing people using live bullets. They are not the military. Those found guilty of shooting the strikers must be fired as an example to others. People must negotiate. Those in power on both sides must be able to find an amicable solution”.

Mr Stephen Mashaba said: “What we’ve heard is that those unions - the one feel they must also be recognised. They were not recognised and that is why there was bloodshed. If all mineworkers are under one union like public servants, maybe they will have a greater voice and things such as this will be in the past. I condemn all violence. People should not fight”.

Ms Khensane Nkuna said: “I think those actions were just unnecessary. It is due to a lack of knowledge that it happened. If they (the strikers) were better educated they would not have acted like that. It is unfair that they say nothing about the two policemen who were killed. They only go on about the thirty-something strikers who were killed. If someone is attacking you, you have to protect yourself. They should get rid of this law allowing people to strike. They have to learn to talk and have proper meetings with their leaders”.

Mr David Mashaba said: “The best way to avoid such things is to have patience, trust and negotiations. On that side last week (Marikana), the people were not negotiating in faith and some people felt cheated. It is not a good idea to extort to violence”.

Mnr. Eric van Staden sê: “Almal moet leer uit wat gebeur het en in daardie opsig is dit goed dat dit gebeur het”.

24 AUGUSTUS 2012



and suggestions for the future

Mr Alfred Makofane said: “To prevent a similar thing in the future there is just one word - responsibility. Government, owners of mines, unions and leaders of unions need to be responsible. If lives are in danger the police should act as they did, but if not, they should not shoot with live bullets”

Mr Andries Mkhawane and Mr Harry Malahlela said: “We heard Julius Malema is the one who stopped the strike. The Police are violent yes, but sometimes when we protest we are also capable of being violent. People should rather talk and not protest. I (Andries) would rather resign than protest. We can’t afford to lose our jobs because of strikes. They should not strike because then everyone loses”.

Mr George Kholofelo said: “They must form a new union so that things will go well. The police must use rubber bullets and not real ones that kill our brothers. They must also give at least five warning shots because often they just arrive and start shooting”.


No photo religious reasons

Mr Ahmed Abdullah said: “That was very bad. It is so sad that in this day and age something like this happened. There must be better communication between mine owners and workers. Share more. I don’t agree with the police taking those measures”.

Mr Edward Mokoo said: “I blame the police. Why did they use their power? Government also only came after many people died while they knew there was a problem long before. I also blame the leaders of the unions. Why did they allow their people to kill policemen? The Union must tell their people not to carry weapons and not to be violent because the police will react”.

Mr Aubrey Ratau said: “The problem is with our government. They only care about the mines and not the employees. Government must sort it out. Government makes promises but don’t fulfill it. They must sit down with the mines to sort out this issue of strikes. The government sent the police to make peace. Those strikers were hungry and angry and can’t listen. Those in NUM are also politicians. It is about politics and not people and that is the problem”.

Mr Jerry Mabilo said: “The leaders of the Unions must control protesters. They must not picket with weapons. Marches must be without weapons and violence. The police must also allow people to protest and give a warning before they start shooting. Those leaders must ensure there are no weapons and that their people don’t take the law into their own hands”.

Mnr. Piet Thulare sê: “Hulle moet keer dat dit weer gebeur. Ons mense - hulle vertel ‘n ding vir die ander en sê maak so en so en dan gaan almal saam. Maar ek sal nie saam gaan met so ‘n groep nie. Hier by ons baklei ons baie waar ons bly. Die mense van Limpopo mag nie in Mpumalanga by die myn werk nie en die van Mpumalanga mag nie dié van Limpopo se werk vat nie. Nou het almal geskrik. Die polisie moet nie so skiet op mense soos laas week nie”.

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24 AUGUSTUS 2012


Klein Advertensies • Smalls

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation

9. Te Huur/ To Rent One Bedroom Flat (Bachelor flat) to let in Burgersfort. In secure complex. Available end of the month. Contact: 076 666 1100

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 TE KOOP 1994 Mercedes 200E te koop – goed opgepas, 3 nuwe bande. Prys R40 000 Kontak: 084 661 6598

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What’s happening? Let us know about your news and events on 083 271 9151

Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS Ohrigstad SAPS Roossenekal SAPS Mecklenburg SAPS Eerstegeluk SAPS Tubatse SAPS Sekhukhune SAPS Leboeng SAPS Maartinshoop SAPS

(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041

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Platinum Gazette Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

To advertise an advertisement in the classified section of the newspaper, simply fax, e-mail or call us to place the advert. Smalls or classifieds are great to advertise your product or service in an inexpensive way, but reach a large number or readers.

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.


Kennisgewings/Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. Estate No: 5676/ 2012. Master’s Office: Polokwane

Surname: Phetla First names: Sydney Morudi Phetla Date of birth: 193412-29 Identity number: 3412295172088 Last address: Portion 23 of Erf 1205, Lydenburg, 1120 Date of death: 2006-04-29 The deceased was married in community of property/

subject to the accrual system. First names and surname of surviving spouse: Lettie Maloeeng Phetla Date of birth: 1942-03-12 Identity number: 4203120363086 Name and address of the Executor or authorised agent: Jeff Mathabatha Incorporated Attorneys

Period for lodgement of claims: 30 Days Advertiser and address: Jeff Mathabatha Incorporated Attorneys, Office No 5, Medina Centre, PO Box 2199, Burgersfort, 1150 Ref: K.N.S/B1839 Date: 17 August 2012 Tel: 082 457 3505

Kennisgewings/Notices Thorburn Security Solutions (Northern Region): Vacancy

Vacancies for Grade D Security Officers in the Driekop/Maandagshoek Area Vacancies exist in the Driekop/Maandagshoek Area for Grade D Security Officers. Applicants must be registered with PSIRA as Grade “D” Security Officer. Candidates must present the necessary competency certificates. Candidate must reside in the area. The remuneration will be discussed with the candidates during the selection interviews. Applications can be sent to: Applications can also be faxed to: 086 756 1245

NOTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS & INVITATION TO REGISTER AS AN INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTY Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulations 54(2) (c) (i) of Government Notice R. 543 of 2010 promulgated in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998) as amended. The proposed area for the production of clay bricks and slate is on Farm No.1 Ohrigstad 443KT on a 20ha land within the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, Greater Sekhukhune District. The project triggers Listed Activity No.23 (ii) provided for in Government Notice R.544 of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998). An application for environmental authorization has been lodged on the 06 August 2012 with the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) – LEDET REF.12/1/9/1-GS54 Interested and affected parties (I&APs) are invited to present written comments together with their name, contact details and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which they have in the application to the contact person indicated below within 40 days (i.e. on or before the 19th October 2012) of the publishing of this notice.

ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PRACTITIONERS Vhu Hone Hawe Trading Enterprise cc Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP): Mr. Moifo M.L. PO. Box 2414 Tel: 015 298 9066 POLOKWANE Fax: 086 604 0476 0700 E-mail:

24 AUGUSTUS 2012



Rugby action at Winterveld

Golf ten bate van Allen Verlede week Saterdag is daar Goslett by Tubatse Chroom Klub ‘n golfdag ten bate van Allen gehou. 58 Spelers het deelgeneem en daar is deur die dag ongeveer R31 000 ingesamel. Dit sal deel vorm van die fonds om vir Allen ‘n spesiale rystoel te koop. Persone of besighede wat nog wil bydra is welkom om Martin van Rooyen by 082 816 4833 te kontak. Die dag se uitslae: 1ste - JJ van der Walt en Werner Byleveldt met 51 punte; 2de - David en Christiaan met 45 punte; 3de - Pierre en Izelle van Staden met 45 punte.

Winterveld Rugby Club and Ohrigstad Rugby Club played league games last week Saturday. Read more about this on page 12. Ohrigstad played in orange and black and Winterveld in blue and grey.

Young Dedrei Viljoen could not wait for her grandfather, Karel Beetge to finish his game for Ohrigstad.

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24 AUGUST 2012

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Going to semi-finals Last week Saturday was another big day in local rugby. Ohrigstad Rugby Club an d Winterveld Rugby Club (Buffels) faced teams from Louis Trichardt at Winterveld

Recreational Club. “It is with great pride that I can announce that the Buffels won this game and qualified to participate in the semi-finals. It wasn’t a very easy game to win or goal to achieve” said Charl van der Merwe of the Buffels. He explains: “ There was a 4 point difference on the log between Louis Trichardt and the Buffels, Louis Trichardt being ontop of the Buffels on the log. But within the first half, the Buffels scored four

tries, obtained their bonus point and kept Louis Trichardt from scoring any points on the log. The final score was 36-10. Almost every player in the backline scored a try, with the exception of one loose forward scoring a try. Well done lads, let’s keep ourselves motivated and focused because from here on forward, the road is going to become tough! Thank you to all our supporters”. Ohrigstad Rugby Club had been on the high enough on the log to automatically go through to the semi-finals. They unfortunately lost their game 27-12. Charl would like to thank the following sponsors, making it possible for them to participate: Pick n Pay Steelpoort, the personnel and management of the Winterveld recreation club, Tubatse emergency services for the ambulance and paramedics, Lumcor, Mopane

café, the Steelpoort AFM for the use of the bus, Samancor’s Estates department for the field and facilities and to Stevan from Ohrigstad who made the music during the games. “All of the best for Ohrigstad rugby club who also qualified in their division for the semi-final. Both clubs, Buffels and Ohrigstad, are currently fourth on the log and will play against Noordelikes in Polokwane on the 1st of September. Good luck to all the teams” Charl added. Ohrigstad Rugby Club is already looking forward to the next season and invites all the rugby enthusiasts in their area to join the club. For more information about the club and to register with them contact Stevan on 084 589 0344 or Karel on 072 511 0934. They also thanked everyone who contributed to their successful season and look forward to building on it next year.

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