Platinum Gazette 24 Feb 2012

Page 1

Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

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Jeering, not cheering p2 jeering: present participle of jeer (Verb). Verb: Make rude and mocking remarks, typically in a loud voice. Shout such remarks at (someone).

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© Platinum Gazette

24 February 2012


24 FEBRUARY 2012


‘It is about everything in Praktiseer’ Attendees at the imbizo actually had to register outside before entering the hall on Sunday (top). Bottom: Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe (left), and Greater Tubatse Municipality Mayor, Nkosi Josias Mahlake, share a word while they listen to community complaints.

Deadlines Advertising deadlines are on a Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadlines are on a Wednesday 17:00. Enquiries: 013 231 7147

“Have you washed today madam?” The question as the Platinum Gazette’s journalist left the community meeting that was held on Sunday in Praktiseer, was unexpected. An answer in the affirmative was met by the response “you are lucky, we did not wash today nor for a while now, because we struggle with water supply. Despite what they say, we still have no water in parts of Praktiseer and surrounds”. What became clear on Sunday at Batubatse Primary School is that although the water or lack of supply thereof in Praktiseer was a huge problem, the whole riot thing that happened last week was not only about the water, but service delivery in general. Residents at the imbizo made good use of the opportunity to speak their minds. The meeting started early and it was soon evident that it was going to be a long day. Residents were not at all happy with what they perceive as political office bearers and officials driving around in grand cars and doing nothing about service delivery. Responding to the community’s complaints, Greater Tubatse Municipality Mayor, Nkosi Josias Mahlake and Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor, Mogobo David Magabe, explained that in some instances their various arms of government are not directly responsible for certain services, such as electricity, but will engage with Eskom and check through the Integrated Development Plan to see if something can be done with regards to electricity supply. They also apologised for the lack of water reticulation due to broken pumps after the heavy rains and pledged to normalise the situation as soon as possible. The mayors will also investigate the possible regravelling of internal streets as well as engage with the MEC for Health in Limpopo to see if the clincic’s operating hours can be extended beyond 16:00 in the afternoon. With regards to RDP housing the mayors told their audience that a priority list has been compiled, but that they have no direct control over these housing projects. People also requested a sports stadium in Praktiseer and it was announced that talks with the traditional leader in the area is in progress to obtain land for such a project, whereafter the issue will be further pursued with te Deparement of Sport Arts and Culture.

Accommodation @ Riba Cross Rooms available next to the road

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147

Facilities: Shower, toilet, basin, build-in (wall) wardrobe and zink. Including water and electricity.

Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep.

Price: Start at R1500 per month.

Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Contact: 082 558 7643

Ca$h Trader Behind old ABSA bank, near Cheap Cheap. Tel: (013) 231 7140




Evraz Mapochs Mine honours employees Evraz Mapochs Mine near Roossenekal this week honoured some of their employees. At a function held at Lomas Creek Lodge, employees with 10 - 35 years of service were rewarded for their hard work. Achievers in the mine’s ABET programme also received certificates. Certificates were given to: Denise Gardiner (10 years service), Solly Marebane (20 years service), Michael Mmamarwa (35 years service) and Abel Mohlahlo (35 years service). ABET certificates were given to: Maria Mahlangu, Sophie Mamaru, Margaret Kokutsa and Rifilwe Thlakole. The evening concluded with dinner on the lodge’s stoep.

Morone Centre, Burgersfort Tel: (013) 231 8090 or 087 151 1491 OK Minimark TTel: el: (013) 231 7227


24 FEBRUARY 2012


Tubatse Chrome maps the way for 2012 Mr Desmond McManus, General Manager of Tubatse Chrome, places a lot of value in keeping people informed on the direction the Company is embarking on. From 20-22 February a Road Show was held at Tubatse Chrome in an attempt to reach every single employee. The Tubatse Chrome mascot, Zhazi (Zero Harm and Zero Injuries) was introduced. Desmond explained to employees that 2012 would be

a challenging year, especially due to economic circumstances. He emphasized the importance of Zero Harm as a value to the company, which is one of the reasons that Zhazi has been introduced. He forms part of a continued effort to create a mindset of safety in the business. Furthermore Desmond encouraged employees to “come to work with a sense of purpose and to leave with a sense of achievement and pride”

Getting the seasonal flu

(which is the vision of Tubatse Chrome). Desmond reinforced that Tubatse Chrome does not just produce ferrochrome for the sake of production, but also to make a difference in people’s lives by contributing to the manufacturing of clean, safe and strong stainless steel. After providing feedback on the Company results for 2011 and sharing strategic focus areas for 2012, the event was closed off with an industrial theatre on HIV/AIDS (following the AIDS testing that was done the previous week). Employees who participated in the AIDS testing were entered into a lucky draw, and six lucky winners were announced at the road show. HR Manager, Andries Nieuwoudt, remarked that “the Company was extremely happy with the interest of employees to get tested. A healthy workforce is a key to the productivity of our business. We will continue to go out of our way to support

our employees to live a healthy and safe lifestyle”. (Information and photographs: Davida van der Walt, Tubatse Chrome)


Flu (or influenza) is a viral infection. While the word flu is often used to described a mild illness such as a cold or stomach virus, the real flu is different. It is worse than a cold and lasts longer and it does not cause vomiting or diarrhea in adults. Causes It is caused by influenza viruses A and B. There are different strains of the flu virus every year. Symptoms Symptoms include a fever, body aches, a headache, a dry cough, a sore and dry throat. Loss of appitite. The symptoms are very bad during the first few days and can take weeks to completely go away. It can take 1 - 4 days for the symptoms to start showing if you’ve been around someone with the flu virus. Flu can also lead to bacterial infections such as sinus, or ear infections. It can also cause bronchitis. In rare cases the flu can cause pneumonia.

No Sir, you may not sit down...

Especially young children, pregnant women and elderly people are at risk of contracting the flu. People with long-term illnesses or with weak immune systems are also at risk. Treatment Most people can treat flu symptoms at home. The treatment includes resting, drinking plenty of fluids and taking medicine to lower any fever. Doctors sometimes also prescribe medicine to reduce the symptoms. You can help to prevent getting the flu by getting a flu vaccination every year. Get the vaccination as soon as it becomes available. Everyone at risk of getting the flu is encouraged to get vaccinated. Also people who work with persons who are sick such as health care workers. The vaccine usually prevents most cases of the flu, but even if you get it after you’ve had the vaccine, your symptoms will be milder and you’ll have less chance of problems from the flu. You cannot get the flu from the flu vaccine.

The newly installed concrete poles around the robots in town are not the latest resting place while waiting for a taxi. These poles are intended to protect the robots that are continuously run-over by reckless drivers.

Bokoni Platinum Mine back in production Bokoni Platinum Mine have resumed production on Friday last week. The mine was served a Section 54 notice

on Wednesday after a fall-of-rock incident. All work was stopped after the notice. One employee died in the incident.




Know your local sector policemen

1.What is Sector Policing ? Sector Policing means policing that focuses on small manageable sectors of a police station area. Sector Policing is a tool to implement Community Policing. 2.What is the role of the Sector Commander? To mobilize and organize the community in the sector to take action against local crime together with the police. To act as liaison between the community of the sector and the local police station. To act as a crime

Tubatse SAPS: Capt Letebele Maepa sector manager: sector 1. Bothashoek and Masha-mothane. Cell no: 082 534 8235

Tubatse SAPS: Capt Alpheus Ramolotja - manager: sector 4. Praktiseer, Alverton, GaMotodi, Mahlashi, Kgotlopong,Ga Matokomane, Mafarafara and Taung. Cell no: 083 699 7709

prevention officer, which involves being responsible for all plans and projects to address crime in the sector . 3.What is the role of the community? Attend the Community Police Sub Forum meetings to discuss action plans with the sector commander in order to deal with crime in the sector. Participate in neighbourhood initiatives to safeguard the area in which they live, work and play . To take ownership of community policing and support the SAPS in the enforcement of the law.

Tubatse SAPS: Capt George Ntoampe - manager: sector 2. Madiseng, Riba cross and GaRiba. Cell no: 082 468 8714

Leboeng SAPS: Warrant Officer TS Segabutla Leboeng Sector. Cell no: 072 064 8408

Temosho Ledwaba from Maokeng High School won the Junior Vispol Head title, Karabo Molapo from Tshabelang Dinoko High School won the Junior Detective Commander title and Innocent Moime from Tshabelang Dinoko High School won the Junior Support Head title. The station commander encouraged the youth to participate in activities such as this. He also emphasized that many young people become involved with crime because they don’t participate in sporting activities in their spare time. He warned them to stay away from crime as this will impact on their future. (Information and photographs: Const. MA Sibatana, Leboeng SAPS).

Tubatse SAPS: Capt Sepitle Phasha - manager: sector 3. Mabocha, Ga-Makofane, GaMoraba, Ga-Motshan, Penge, Maretlwaneng, Ga-Mokgotho, Ga Mamogolo, Mankele, Segorong and Ga-Malepe. Cell no: 073 759 6054

Leboeng SAPS: Warrant Officer GE Mashile - Phiring Sector. Cell no: 072 773 3450

Eight year old Puseletso Jack Ngobeni from Lepelle Village next to the Strydom tunnel drowned in the Lepelle river on Saturday last week. The boy and his brother went into the river to swim. When Puseletso started showing signs of distress his brother ran home to fetch their mother. When he returned with his uncle they took him out of the water and called the police and emergency services, but Puseletso could not be revived. The SAPS warns people to be vigilant and stay away from the rivers.


TIMBER RAFTER 38 x 114 x 6m

0.3mm x 3.6m



The Leboeng SAPS held a crime prevention campaign last week Friday. The event took place at Tshabelang Dinoko High School. The station commander of Leboeng SAPS, Capt. Solomon Moholane presented the participants of the Junior Commissioner’s project with certificates. Lerato Manzini from Kgaola Secondary School won the title of Junior Cluster Support Head. She was awarded a trophy, medal and certificate. The following learners also received certificates for their achievements:

Child drowns in river Left: Leboeng SAPS: Warrant Officer MP Malapane Kgautswane Sector. Cell no: 076 897 8310


Leboeng hosts crime prevention campaign

LIGHT DUTY STEEL DOOR FRAME 813mm x 2032mm x 115mm

12995 149995





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24 FEBRUARY 2012



Stakeholders engage for a brighter future On Wednesday last week Dwarsrivier Mine held their Senior General Manager’s Bi-Annual Stakeholder Breakfast at Didingwe Lodge. Various stakeholders from surrounding communities, business enterprises, government and the media attended the event. Francois Uys, Senior General Manager at Dwarsrivier Mine, in a presentation explained what the mine’s management looks like, where

the company fits into the mining industry and how they are involved in development of the communities and area. He explained the social programmes run by the Mine, their stakeholder engagement activities, employment strategies, development of the mine and how this impacts on local business. He also gave summaries of the donations and other spend of the mine during the 2011/2012 budget year. During the 2011/2012 budget year Dwarsrivier Mine donated to the John Nkadiment Golf Day, the Itirileng Football Club, Kalkfontein Disaster relief after a storm, GTM Land fill site action plan, Sekhukhune Mayor’s Marathon, Shalom Créche (Machadodorp), Ngwaabe Police Station and towards a Lydenburg School. These donations varied from R10 000 to more that R330 000 in value.

Mnr. Francois Uys, Senior General Manager at Dwarsrivier Mine with Executive Mayor of Sekhukhune District Municipality, Cllr. David Mogobe Magabe and Greater Tubatse Municipality Mayor, Cllr. NJ Mahlake during the engagement session last week.

Tents that were bought during a disaster relief campaign at the end of November last year will be collected and stored to be ready for any other emergency that may arise in future. The communities surrounding the mine have serious problems with access to clean drinking water, access roads, electrification and a shortage of portable skills. Uys told the group that the Southern Cluster of Mine Managers are committed to help enhance progress at ground level. They are in the process of appointing a Project Manager that will be in charge of (Water, Electricity, Road and HRD projects) that will ensure undivided focus on delivering projects from conception to work done on the ground. SLP community projects includes the Peer Educator Programme, the Olive Tree Project, The Early Childhood Development Project, Crusher, Infrastructure for water, roads and electrification. The total budget for 2012 is R6 540 000. Employment is always an issue as poverty and a lack of skills in surrounding communities often prevails. “Dwarsrivier believes that unemployment is a national problem facing our country and particularly our immediate communities,” Uys said. That is why they’ve set themselves targets to create a local impact. Out of a total of 1272 employees, 667 are employed from within Tubatse. 62 mployees are from the Greater Sekhukhune area (outside of Tubatse). 31 are from other areas of Limpopo and 376 people from other provinces of

South Africa. 136 Employees are from other areas outside South Africa. Uys explained the historical background to the employee source differences and how they are in the process of including more locally based people with the necessary skills as positions open up. The company has also embarked on skills development in terms of cadets that are being trained for a fixed period of time. Those who use the opportunity well and pass their courses, will be able to go out into the market and find themselves a job at any mining company. The idea is not to only train people to be employed by Dwarsrivier Mine. Unfortunately only a limited amount of positions are available at the mine itself, but in an attempt to uplift the communities in which it operates, Dwarsrivier Mine is also training additional cadets who can go back to their communities with skills they did not have before, opening doors to employment opportunities at different companies. Apart from Uys’ presentation, the stakeholders were also granted an opportunity to ask questions, communicate any concerns and deliver praise for work well done. Sekhukhune District Mayor, Cllr. David Mogobo Magabe and Greater Tubatse Mayor, Cllr Nkosi Mahlaki attended the morning’s proceedings. Cllr. Magabe encouraged Dwarsrivier to continue working towards the empowerment and development of the area. Praise was also given for efforts to date. They told the other stakeholders to make use of opportunities offered by the mine and work together towards achieving more.

This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine




DWARSRIVIER MINE Plans for the future

Skills development

Dwarsrivier Mine focuses on Mine related skills development. The cadet training scheme creates a pool of people from which Dwarsrivier and other mines can draw skilled employees. This scheme seeks to enhance the employability of people in the area. 13 SMME received business skills training through LIBSA. Three have been awarded various contracts at the Mine and others have been assisted by the Mine to register a cooperative which will do underground road construction among key Mine opportunities.

Portable skills development to date

Assmang decided to focus on enterprise among its core business imperatives. Through enterprise development an effort is made to reduce the level of poverty in the Sekhukhune area, especially the immediate communities surrounding Dwarsrivier Mine. Strategic initiatives have been put in place to ensure effective economic participation for the surrounding communities. Although such opportunities will not meet all expectations or completely eradicate poverty in these communities, it is a step in the right direction. Some of the opportunities that are currently being used include a carwash at Dwarsrivier Mine, a canteen where employees can buy food, the development of the underground road infrastructure as well as the surface infrastructure of the mine. Employee transportation services as well as the road transportation of ore.




RDO Cadets



Belt Attendant Cadets



Laboratory Cadets



Process Cadets



LHD Cadets





ABET 31 81 People have been trained at a cost of R4 454 040.27 to the Company.

Engineering Mine wide

Mine’s employment strategy Source area

Target %

Total to date

% Progress





















Total employees




RSA Province (Excluding

Housing development scheme for employees

Dwarsrivier Mine is currently developing a housing scheme through which they will assist employees to buy their own homes. The employees will receive a subsidy as an incentive for buying a house and will also be provided with good financial advice. They will not be restricted in buying something specific. They will be given guidance with

budgeting and planning for the future and repayments on the property. The idea is not only to empower people to own their homes, but to have it serve as an incentive to stay with the company. Some houses will be constructed in Lydenburg, but the bulk of the construction will take place in Burgersfort. Negotiations with developers in the area is

currently being underway. The buying of the land is expected to be finalised by March 2012. The first construction of stock homes in Lydenburg is expected to start by March this year. Construction in Burgersfort is envisioned to start during July 2012. The whole home ownership initiative is expected to be finalised and on track by April this year.

Did you know? • Dwarsrivier Mine recently celebrated 1 000 000 Fatality Free Shifts. It took the mine three years to achieve this milestone as the number of people employed at the mine are not as many as at many larger mines. • During this three year period 6 employees lost their lives on the public roads. • Dwarsrivier Mine management therefore takes the condition of our roads as well as driver behaviour, especially of employees of the company very seriously. Should an employee be spotted driving recklessly, management will engage the offender help ensure that everyone who travels Arrive Alive.

This page was sponsored by Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine




Brand new bakkie for Magdeline Ms Mathumi Magdeline Digoro was the lucky winner of the brand new Nissan NP 200 bakkie at OK Grocer in Burgersfort. Nationally OK gave away eight bakkies. OK Grocer Burgersfort was one of the lucky stores who got a chance to give away one of the bakkies. The handover of the bakkie took place on Saturday last week. A festive atmosphere was

created with music, a jumping castle and boerewors rolls that were on sale. A cake decorating competition for the children was a firm favourite. OK Grocer also ran a special in-store competition with specific products and lucky draw winners walked away with hundreds of rands in gift vouchers and other products. Ms Digoro is from Burgersfort and sells ‘pap

en vleis’ at the taxi rank near OK Grocer. She was very excited about her prize. She will now use the bakkie for her business she said.

Mr Vonnie Craffert, one of the owners and manager of OK Grocer in Burgersfort thanked all their clients for their loyal support.

Right: Mr Vonnie Craffert congratulates Ms Mathumi Magdeline Digoro.

Love is in the air Valentine’s Day was made extra special at the Tubatse Chrome Club. The Club management went out of their way to create a special atmosphere with soothing music and charming décor. A few couples also had the privilege of taking a golf cart onto the golf course and having a romantic picnic at sunset on the golf course. What an enchanting evening! (Photographs and information: Davida van der Walt).

De Wet & Rita Conradie enjoyed the evening at the Club.

Looking after their health whole aim of the campaign was to motivate employees to From 16 to 17 February Tubatse Chrome offered free Health Risk Assessments and HIV/AIDS Testing know their health status as well as their HIV/AIDS status. Knowledge is power. By knowing your status, you are to their employees and on-site contractors. The empowered to take action and work towards good health. Tubatse Chrome is proud to report that 252 employees participated in this initiative. (Information: Davida van der Walt)

Employees supported the HIV/Aids Testing and Health Risk Assessments.

Right: Reuben Ramela won a flat screen TV in the Aids Testing Lucky Draw Competition. He has 31 years’ service with Tubatse Chrome. Mr Desmond McManus handed him his prize. (Photograph: Davida van der Walt).




REDPATH MINING (SOUTH AFRICA) (PTY) LIMITED Multi-disciplined International Mining Contracting Company

As the first Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Company with two North American listing as well as a South African listing, we are the choice employer in the field. The following vacancy now exists at the Bokoni Platinum Mine in the Limpopo Province:


JOB POSTING: MINE OVERSEER Minimum qualifications and skills: Grade 12 & Mine Overseer’s Certificate – Metalliferous Mines; 5-7 years experience in managerial position in a trackless, decline sinking & conventional mining environment; proven track record in achieving production & safety targets; computer literate & medically fit. (ref.MO0114)

JOB POSTING: SURVEYOR Minimum qualifications and skills: Grade 12 & Surveying Diploma or Certificate of competence in Mine Survey, Elementary Mine Survey Government Ticket ; 3-5 years experience as a Surveyor in a trackless, decline shaft & conventional mining environment; computer literate & medically fit. Experience in AutoCAD and/or relevant electronic survey programmes is essential. (ref.SUR0115) Redpath Mining South Africa is an Equal Opportunity Employer CLOSING DATE: Wednesday, 29 February 2012

The Shaft Manager has the Legal accountability with a 3.1 appointment in terms of the Minerals Act and Regulations and is required to assist the manager in the control, management and direction of the underground workings of the mine, as stipulated by the regulations. The main responsibility of this role is to ensure that the operational process in a defined area of the mine operates effectively through the; - Control of the working environment and promotion of ‘Zero Tolerance’ principles. - Proper allocation, development and utilisation of human resources. - Utilisation of new technology, financial, logistical and material assets. - Management of the process of ore body exposure and stripping and the administration of these functions, and is, - Accountable for the well being of the workforce and the sustained Profitability of the operation, with a time frame of 1-3 years. Minimum Requirements · · · ·

Key Responsibilities · · · ·

Interested applicants must forward a 2-3 PAGE RESUME to: The Recruitment Department E-Mail: or Fax: 0866486745

· · ·

Please refer to the reference number when applying for the position. If you do not receive a response within 14 days after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.


Mining degree/diploma. At least three years mining experience and be in management position at metalliferous mines. Mine manager’s certificate & Blasting Certificate. Computer literate.

· ·

“Zero Tolerance” principles are implemented, measured and responded to throughout the entire area of responsibility. Legal and Management specifics are adhered to. All statistical and progressive production figures required by working procedures and sitespecific systems are completed and available. Required reef horizons are identified and the necessary development to expose them planned and scheduled with the development team. Production forecasts are quantified and planning to achieve targets completed with the stoping team. Interaction of relevant departments and the mining team is co-ordinated, monitored and optimised. Production targets for reef exposure and stripping are met within defined parameters of quantity and quality. Operating costs throughout the process are kept within budget limitations. The performance of the workforce is monitored and improved through the development of skills and behavior.

Interested persons can forward their applications to the Recruitment Office E-mail to closing date 29 February 2012. “Bokoni Platinum” shall apply the affirmative action principles as set out in the company’s employment equity policy. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, your application shall be deemed to be unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful applications shall not be returned.




Multi-disciplined International Mining Contracting Company Shaft Sinking / Mine Development / Contract Mining / Raiseboring / Raise Mining / Underground Construction / Engineering & Technical Services / Speciality Services

MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: · A recognized B degree in Economic and/or Land Development or equivalent · Five years extensive management experience · Knowledge of LED and Town Planning · Knowledge of relevant local government statutes and Bathopele Principles · Computer Literacy for the role · A valid SA motor vehicle drivers license · Well developed interpersonal skills and a high level of professional ethics and integrity KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Reporting to the Municipal Manager the incumbent will be responsible for the following; · Effective consultation with local business, consultants, councilors and civil society on economic development · Develop, implement and manage strategies for economic and land development within the municipality · Planning of activities relating to tourism and SMMEs · Renew and align economic and land use activities with changing legislative mandates · Ensure the efficient utilization of resources allocated in line with applicable legislation and practices · Manage budget as well as performance of staff allocated to the department · Other responsibilities deemed relevant to the position Applications accompanied by a detailed CV, certified copies of certificates and other supporting documents should be submitted to the Human Resources Offices at Greater Tubatse Municipality Civic Centre at: 1 Kastania Street in Burgersfort or they can be posted to: The Municipal Manager, Greater Tubatse Municipality, P O Box 206, BURGERSFORT, 1150


Applications are invited for the following positions:

JOB POSTING: FOREMAN – TUNNELLING: Grade 10 & Blasting Certificate, Metalliferous Mines; 5-8 years experience in a supervisory position in a construction, tunnelling and conventional mining environment; proven track record in achieving production & safety targets; computer literate & medically fit. Decline sinking experience will be an added advantage. Reference: TF.Ghaghoo15 Please note: A copy of your CV must be accompanied by certified copies of all relevant qualifications/certificates required for the selected position, CLOSING DATE: Friday, 09 March 2012

No faxed or emailed applications will be considered. NB: Those who applied before do not need to re - apply. Closing date Enquiries :

: 09 March 2012 @ 16h00 Human Resources @ 013 231 1000

The selection process will be influenced by the municipality’s Employment Equity Principles. Please note that correspondence will be limited to shortlisted candidates only. Applicants who have not been contacted within 30 days after the closing date should assume that they have been unsuccessful. PHALA H L MUNICIPAL MANAGER The Municipality reserves the right not to make any appointments

The Recruitment Department E-Mail: or Fax: 0866486745 Redpath Mining is an equal opportunities employer. We offer competitive / market related packages. Please refer to the reference number when applying for the position. If you do not receive a response within 14 days after the closing date please consider your application unsuccessful.



Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation

5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

Calvin Prep School Calvin Prep School in Burgersfort needs a Grade R Teacher. Candidates who have a stable and successful track record, experience in teaching in a similar environment, and contactable references will be at an advantage. Minimum requirements: * Legal entitlement to work in SA * Tertiary education * The ability to communicate clearly and professionally in English and Afrikaans * The ability to teach at Foundation Phase level * Computer literacy and a working knowledge of Windows * A well-constructed, well presented CV with no factual or other errors. Should you be interested in applying for the above position, please forward your Curriculum Vitae, together with names and telephone numbers of two references to: Headmaster, P.O. Box 2018, Burgersfort or e-mail: or fax: 086 564 1322. Closing date: 9 March 2012.

9. Te Huur/ To Rent

10. Te Koop/ For Sale

Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.

Beds from R1000, Bedroom Suites from R1000, Home Theatre Speakers (small) from R150, 54cm TV from R450,

Gevestigde besigheid in Burgersfort is opsoek na ‘n Administratiewe persoon. Vereistes: • Moet boekhou agtergrond en ondervinding hê • Moet betroubaar, hardwerkend, lojaal,doelgerig wees en moet kan leiding neem in die kantoor • ‘n Goeie persoonlikheid en moet met verskillende ouderdomme mense kan werk • Moet onder druk kan werk • Pastel ondervinding en ‘n bestuurderslisensie is ‘n bonus • Verkieslik geen rokers • Moet ten volle tweetalig wees. Stuur verkorte CV wat slegs betrekking tot die pos het na 086 614 3767.

ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236

Platinum Gazette

Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

SALES REPRESENTATIVES SENIOR ADMIN CLERK Vacancies for Sales Reps exist in the Steelpoort, Polokwane area. Relevant experience will be advantageous in above positions. A vacancy also exists for a Senior Admin Clerk with relevant experience in computer skills, Pastel / IQ Enterprise, book keeping and accounting, organizing the daily office operation of a new branch in the Steelpoort office park situated across the road from Lion Smelter. Minimum experience of 3-5 years is required in similar position for this vacancy. Self-motivated individuals with relevant qualifications, own transport and experience can fax CV to: 014 592 1169 Market related basic salary with commission and benefits will be applicable. Standard conditions of employment apply.

Vakante pos

Filing cupboard from R600, Office Chairs from R300. Much more in store! New and secondhand furniture. Visit Furniture Traders Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old

Vacancy Established company in Burgersfort is looking for an Area Sales Representative & Project controller in the HVAC Industry. Must have a Valid driver’s licence. Must be presentable, bilingual and well mannered. Only fax CV’s with relevance to the position to 086 614 3767


As the first Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Company with two North American listing as well as a South African listing, we are the choice employer in the field. The following vacancy now exists at the Bokoni Platinum Mine in the Limpopo Province:


Work Description

The HR Manager – Labour Management is a direct report to the Senior HR Manager departmental head position in the Operational Unit. The role is responsible for ensuring high quality delivery of HR service to the shafts, particularly in the area of labour management. Minimum Requirements · · · · ·

BA – Personnel Management or equivalent Diploma. At least seven years management experience at least five of which should be in an operational mining environment. Competent in mine HR systems and related legislation. Skills - Problem solving and Computer literate. Company generic training: IT systems, Specific HR systems and procedures, Finance for non-financial managers, Supervisory skills and Conflict management.

Key Responsibilities · · · · · ·

SAP HR systems. Training and development. Shaft labour planning. Employee information systems. Labour reporting. Labour management.

Interested persons can forward their applications to the Recruitment Office by E-mail to closing date 29 February 2012. “Bokoni Platinum” shall apply the affirmative action principles as set out in the company’s employment equity policy. In the event that you do not hear from the Company within a period of 21 days after the closing date of applications, your application shall be deemed to be unsuccessful. The CV’s of unsuccessful applications shall not be returned.




Evraz Mapochs Myn (Edms.) Bpk. is ‘n ysterertsmyn wat geleë is naby die dorp Roossenekal in Limpopo. Die myn beskik oor bestaande klubfasiliteite in die dorp. Die klub is nie tans in bedryf nie, maar die geboue en geriewe word onderhou. Die myn wil graag die klub heropen om aan die behoeftes van die werknemers en van die omliggende gemeenskappe te voldoen. Die geriewe bestaan uit ‘n klubhuis, restaurant met kroegfasiliteite, ‘n buitelug braaiarea, ‘n saal vir funksies en ontspanningsaktiwiteite, ‘n swembad met kleedkamers, tennisbane en ‘n gholfbaan. Mapochs Myn (Edms.) Bpk. nooi geskikte tenderaars uit om volledige voorstelle voor te lê van hoe die tenderaar beplan om die fasiliteit as ‘n lopende besigheid te bedryf.

Evraz Mapochs Mine (Pty) Ltd. is an iron ore mine situated near the town of Roossenekal, Limpopo. The mine has existing club facilities situated in the town. The club is not currently operational, but maintained. The mine wishes to open the club for the benefit of employees and the surrounding communities. The facilities comprise the club house, restaurant and bar, outside braai area, function/recreational hall, swimming pool and change house, tennis courts and golf course. Mapochs Mine (Pty) Ltd. invites suitable bidders to submit detailed proposals as to how the successful bidder is going to operate the facility as a going concern.

Belangrike inligting: 1. Keerdatum vir tenders: Vrydag, 23 Maart 2012 2. ‘n Terreinvergadering sal gehou word op: • Datum: Donderdag, 1 Maart 2012 • Plek: Mapochs Ontspanningsklub, Roossenekal • Tyd: 11:00 3. Tenders moet ingedien word by: Tender Faksnommer: 0866744716 of E-pos:, of plaas u tender in ‘n verseëlde koevert in die Tenderhouer in die Administrasiegebou te Evraz Highveld Steel (Emalahleni). Kontakpersoon: Maatskappy: Telefoon:

Mnr. Siphiwe Sangweni Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium Edms (Bpk.) (013) 690 9333

Important information: 1. Tender Closing Date: Friday,23 March 2012 2. Site meeting to be held on: • Date: Thursday,01 March 2012 • Venue: Mapochs Recreational Club, Roossenekal • Time: 11H00 3. Tenders to be submitted to: Tender Fax Number: 0866744716 or Email: or Tender Box in the Administration Building at Evraz Highveld Steel (Emalahleni) in a sealed envelop. Contact person: Company: Telephone:

Mr. Siphiwe Sangweni Evraz Highveld Steel and Vanadium Pty (Ltd) (013) 690 9333




Atletiek by Laerskool Burgersfort Die Burgersfort Toyota atletiekbyeenkoms het verlede Saterdag by Laerskool Burgersfort plaasgevind. Plaaslike

skole het teen mekaar deelgeneem en Burgersfort Toyota het die nuwe Toyota Avanza kom uitstal. Nog foto’s op bladsy 12.

Get the newspaper here! * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Burgersfort Toyota * Hendrik’s Panelbeaters * Mecklenburg SAPS * Tubatse Village * Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court * Penge * Factory Shop * Dwarsrivier Mine * 4U Office National - Burgersfort * Ingwe Safety Equipment * One Stop Motor Spares - Steelpoort * Fingerprint of Africa * Try Me Dealers Ohrigstad * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Vyfster Slaghuis * Sasol Delight Convenience Store - Steelpoort * Department of Agriculture Praktiseer * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs * Merensky Real Estate * Pret Liqour

Betrekkings/Vacancies Platinum Gazette

VAKATURE: BESTUURDER VAN LANDGOEDERE Die Direksies van Motaganeng en Spekboom landgoedere nooi belangstellendes om aansoek te doen vir die pos van Bestuurder van beide aangrensende landgoedere Verantwoordelikhede sluit in:

HRD MINING FACILITATOR Role Purpose: To contribute towards business success by actively improving the competency levels of the employees in mining and contribute towards business success by facilitating the implementation of all activities required to ensure the smooth completion of the training cycle within the company and to contribute toward the achievement of the HR strategy. Responsibilities: The incumbent will be responsible for on the job coaching. He or she must be a hands on individual with good written and verbal English communication skills. Effectively communicate to learners. Conduct outcomes based assessment and moderation. Conduct competency and skills refreshers. conduct workplace follow-ups. Be effective and efficient with presentation facilitation skills. Requirements: In order to apply, you will need a Grade 12 Certificate or equivalent. Preferably HRD qualification NQF level 3 or studying towards HRD qualification. Facilitation Certificate. Assessor Certificate. Moderator certificate will be advantageous. Valid blasting certificate/Rock breaking qualification level 3. At least 2 years underground mining experience. A strategic thinker with the ability to align training needs with competency profiles, skills audits and training needs analysis. Competent in MS Office software packages. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint.

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.

• Sekuriteit • Instandhouding van tuine, paaie en landgoedeiendom • Die bou van verhoudings met inwoners en hantering van klagtes • Bestuur en die nakoming van die landgoedreëls • Finansies en begroting • Die bestuur van werknemers • Administrasie • Skakeling met die owerhede en ander partye Vaardighede: Leierskap en bestuur, mensekennis, beplanning en organisering en konflikbestuur. Rekenaarvaardigheid (Word en Excell) verpligtend • Aansoekers moet verkieslik in Burgersfort.woon • Salaris: Onderhandelbaar. • Werksure: 08.00 tot 17.00, Maandag tot Vrydag. Mag verwag word om oor naweke van tyd tot tyd beskikbaar te wees. Verkorte CV’s kan gerig word aan: Mamre Property Management Vir aandag Willem Louw E-pos Navrae: Willem Louw Tel: 087 701 7261 Sluitingsdatum: 16,00 op 2 Maart 2012

NOTICE OF PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS & INVITATION TO REGISTER AS AN INTERESTED AND AFFECTED PARTY Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulations 54(2) (c) (i) of Government Notice R. 543 of 2010 promulgated in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998) as amended.

Please forward your application to the HR Recruitment Assistan H Chego, at e-mail:

The proposed development entails the construction of a 8000m2 shopping centre on 20ha land at Ga-Rantho village within the Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, Greater Sekhukhune District. The proposed activity will take place on the Farm Steelpoort Park 366KT.

Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

The project triggers Listed Activities No. 23 (ii) provided for in Government Notice R.544 of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) (Act No. 107 of 1998). An application for environmental authorization has been lodged on the 13th February 2012 with the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) – LEDET REF. 12/1/9/1-GS47. Interested and affected parties (I&APs) are invited to present written comments together with their name, contact details and an indication of any direct business, financial, personal or other interest which they have in the application to the contact person indicated below within 40 days (i.e. on or before the 6th April 2012) of the publishing of this notice.

ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PRACTITIONERS Vhu Hone Hawe Trading Enterprise cc Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP): Mr. Lucas Moifo PO. Box 2414 Tel: 015 298 9066 POLOKWANE Fax: 086 604 0476 0700 E-mail:



Platinum Gazette

SPORT Toyota byeenkoms ‘n groot sukses Laerskool Burgersfort het verlede week Saterdag die vriendskaplike Burgersfort Toyota atletiekbyeenkoms aangebied. Laerskool Burgersfort, Laerskool Ohrigstad en Calvin Prep School het teen mekaar meegeding.

Depressed about debt? Visit a registered Debt Counsellor as soon as your debt gets out of hand to help you make a plan to eventually be debt free.

© Platinum Gazette

Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 E-mail:

(RegNo: No:NCRDC NCRDC487) 487) (Reg

Ouers kon ook ‘n kans kry om die nuwe Toyota Avanza the bewonder. Dié voertuig sal ook vandag by die Interlaer by Laerskool Burgersfort te sien wees. Laerskool Burgersfort het almal bedank wat gehelp het om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak. Veral Toyota en die Netcare ambulansdienste is spesiaal bedank. Die publiek word uitgenooi om die area se jong atlete by die interlaer te kom ondersteun. Dit begin reeds vroeg vanoggend by Laerskool Burgersfort se sportgronde.

Bo: Die tydhouers het van verskillende skole gekom. Onder: Vir elke item is medaljes uitgedeel vir die eerste drie plekke.

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