Platinum Gazette 24 January 2014

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

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Shop where Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P ark Park South Africa shops! Tel: (013) 231 7227

Human settlement grant released The Human Settlement grant of the Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs in Limpopo (CoGHSTA) has been released. The R1,3 thousand million grant was with-held by the National Department of Human Settlements following a forensic investigation conducted in relation to the awarding of the human settlements tender for the construction of low cost houses (RDP) for the financial year 2013/14. The findings of the investigation found that there was non-adherence to the specified bid evaluation and adjudication criteria during the procurement processes. The Department was given some specific recommendations to implement before the grant could be released. Amongst some of the recommendations implemented are the following: Termination of the said tender for the construction of low cost houses (RDP) for the financial year 2013/14 financial year and its contracts due to non-compliance with prescripts that govern procurement in the public service

Disciplinary action taken against officials involved in the awarding of the said tender Reviewing of the Human Settlement procurement process to avoid recurrence or repeat of this situation The Department has since implemented all recommendations hence the release of the grant. Contractors for all stalled projects following the with-holding of the grant have since been directed to take sites for completion of their projects. The Department thanked beneficiaries of these stalled projects for the patience they have exercised. “It was a trying moment and their conduct in this regard is highly appreciated. We would further like to urge our contractors to do everything in their power and strength to complete all outstanding projects before the end of the financial year” says the department. Meanwhile, procurement for the 2014/15 human settlement projects has commenced. In terms of the plan, this process has to be completed by March 2014 so that contractors could take site by April 2014.


© Platinum Gazette

24 January 2014

Ordinary people can understand potholes caused by too much rain (even the feeble effforts to fix it) and water cuts because of all sorts of problems. But, and it is a long shot, it is a little bit far fecthed to expect them to understand non-removal of the town’s rubbish (Burgersfort). Bad roads, heat and no water are enough. Please keep the filth at bay (hope this was also discussed by the municipal Exco Lekgotla at Blydepoort this week).


24 JANUARY 2014


No more school in a shack On Monday this week Maepa Primary School near Ohrigstad celebrated the new addition to their school with an official opening ceremony. Over the past two years Hannah Game Lodge near Maepa has invested in upgrading the school. Previously the grade R and grade 1 classes were housed in a corrugated iron shack. Now the school has a classroom for each grade and proper ablution facilities. Mr Ryan Wood, manager at Hannah Game Lodge told the learners that they are very important to Hannah Game Lodge. He asked them to look after their school and to work hard to create a bright future for themselves and South Africa. He thanked all

the donors and individuals who assisted in giving Maepa the new buildings. “A special mention to our donors from Canada for all they’ve done,” he added. 2YK was the contractors who constructed the new buildings. Mr Natie Coetzer from 2YK and Mr Ryan Wood cut a ceremonial ribbon at the opening function. Mr Steven Mkhabela, principal of Maepa Primary School thanked everyone for his or her contributions. Last year at the beginning of February the school’s roof was stolen overnight. If Hannah Game Lodge and 2YK had not assisted, the school would still be in dire need of attention.

After all the formalities the learners received a snack parcel from Hannah Game Lodge.

Back to school happiness at Kalkfontein Kalkfontein Mining Supplies delivered heaps of smiles to the faces of learners at Mmahlagare Combined School in Kalkfontein. The company donated stationery sets to every learner in the school. Ms Salminah Maloma, manager of

Kalkfontein Mining Supplies said that this was their bit of giving back to the community. Their company is less than a year old, but realised their social responsibility from the start. The Principal, Ms Kothibe Masha thanked them for their kindness.


Contact Platinum Gazette with your news and events: 013 231 7147

Ms Salminah Maloma, Ms Albertinah Kgagara and Mr Amos Magaba from Kalkfontein Mining Supplies with Ms Kothibe Masha and the grade 3 learners.

24 JANUARIE 2014



Safer Schools On Monday 20 January the Tubatse SAPS started their Back-to-School campaign at Mmiditsi Secondary School in Bothashoek village. They also visited Mohlarutse Secondary School at Riba Cross on Tuesday and Lehlaba Secondary School on Wednesday. Const. Nicodemus Letsoalo of the Tubatse SAPS Social Crime Prevention unit led the campaign. Other roleplayers such as sector commanders, VEP, CPF, the Department of Health and Social Development were also involved.

Learners were addressed about safer schools and warned not to bring dangerous or illegal items such as weapons to school. They also received a warning about the use of drugs. Crime prevention pamphlets were also distributed. Yesterday the campaign moved to Leolo Secondary School in Praktiseer, today it is scheduled for Batau Secondary School in Ga Mashamothane and on 27 January Moukangoe Secondary School in Ga Motodi will be visited. (Photographs and information: Const. Jerial Movundlela)



The SAPS needs your assistance The Tubatse SAPS is looking for Mr Shackson Moshalagae Molangoana of Riba Cross Village. They believe he will be able to assist them with their investigation into a murder that happened at Riba Cross during December 2013. The SAPS is requesting the community

to assist them with information that could help them find Mr Molangoana. The SAPS believes that Mr Molangoana may be staying somewhere in Riba Cross or Ga Riba village. Anyone with information can contact Capt. Freddie Mogane on 076 796 7033.

The Department of Water Affairs (DWA) in partnership with the Sekhukhune District Municipality (SDM) intend embarking on a process of public participation for the naming of De Hoop Dam. The public participation process is aimed at giving all affected and interested parties an opportunity to have their voices heard and suggest an appropriate name for the dam. The entire naming process is guided by the South African Geographical Names Council Act No 118 of 1998 and the SDM Geographical Names Policy. All residents of Sekhukhune District Municipality are urged to participate in the process of giving the De Hoop Dam an official name. The public participation programme will cover all five local municipalities within the District and is scheduled as follows: Municipality/Venue Fetakgomo Venue: Moses Mabotha Civic Hall

Date 21 January 2014

Time 11h00

Makhuduthamaga Venue: Jane Furse 22 January


Comprehensive Ephraim MogalVenue: Marble Hall

2014 23 January


Town Hall Elias Motsoaledi Venue: Bosele

2014 28 January


(Monsterlus) 2014 Greater Tubatse Venue: C.N Phathudi 29 January


FET College


For more information on how to get involved please contact: Mr. Mawela T.S on (013) 262 7300 or 082 460 4433


24 JANUARY 2014


Mining bursaries available The Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA) has bursaries available for students planning to study in 2014. The bursaries will be available to students intending to study full time at a South African university, University of Technology or Further Education and Training College (FET) in the following core mining and other related disciplines: Mining Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering (Extractive only), Mechanical Engineering, Electro-Mechanical Engineering, Mining Survey, Geology, Electrical Engineering (Heavy Current only), Chemical Engineering (Mineral Processing), Industrial Engineering and Jewellery Design and Manufacturing. Special preference will however be given to applicants persuing studies in the following fields: Environmental Health and Management, Analytical Chemistry and Rock Engineering. The bursary program offers financial aid to students covering the following: Full tuition, Accommodation, Meals and Prescribed book allowances. The bursary is renewable annually based on academic performance and results, subjected to the MQA bursary policy. To be considered for a bursary, the applicant must be a current student registered with a South African university, University of Technology or Further Education and Training College in any of the above mentioned disciplines or a student

who have completed grade 12 during 2012 results with a minimum academic required entry levels in Pure Mathematics, Physical Science and English. Preference will also be given to financially needy applicants from previously disadvantaged groups and with the focus on the following categories: female applicants, applicants from rural areas and persons living with a disability. Applicants who had been approved for another bursary program by another organisation/institution at the time of application for MQA bursary will not be considered. Prospective students my apply via the MQA Bursary Management System on the MQA website and upload the following documents: an application form, CV, motivation letter not longer than one page, certified copies of grade 12 results or full academic report for students already registered at a tertiary institution, copy of ID and proof of accpetance or registration as a student at a South African tertiary institution. Shortlisted applicants may also be subjected to a selection interview. Applications will close on 3 February at 12:00. No late applications will be considered. For further information e-mail: or or

Modikwa’s South Shaft celebrates 1 000 000 FFS

Modikwa Platinum Mine’s South Shaft achieved a 1 000 000 fatality free shift (FFS) milestone on Wednesday this week. This took almost two years to achieve. “Safety begins with me” is the slogan the shaft has adopted. During a celebration gathering the Shaft leaders expressed their appreciation to Modikwa employees, contractor employees and representatives from government and the mine management for their contributions towards this achievement.

“No one comes to Modikwa South to be injured but to work safely. For us no job is so important that it cannot be done safely and we believe in togetherness for us to achieve results, “ Business Area Leader Sipho Zwane said. He added that the commitment towards safety is appreciated and that employees should continue to build on the foundation of this 1 000 000 fatality free shifts milestone. Otto, the safety mascot ( musha) was also ready to bring congratulations to the shaft’s employees.

(Photographs & Information: Modikwa Platinum Mine)

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24 JANUARIE 2014



Starting school at Joshua Generation

Nuwe Tokkies by Laerskool Atokia Laerskool Atokia spog met ‘n groot groep nuwelinge in die ‘groot skool’. (Foto’s en inligting: Laerskool Atokia).

The grade 1 classes at Joshua Generation for 2014.

New principal Ms Dorothy Moyo is the new Principal at the Joshua Generation Burgersfort Campus. The school welcome her and wish her a long and blessed time with them.

New teachers for Joshua Generation Joshua Generation welcomed new staff members at their Steelpoort campus – Heleen Greyling, Michelle van Rooyen, Annatjie de Lange and Samantha van Rensburg.

Joshua Generation has a Steelpoort and Burgersfort campus.

(All Joshua Generation photographs and Information on this page was supplied by the school).

Baie dankie vir die ondersteuning Joey Howard se kinders en man, Hennie Howard van Burgersfort skryf: Dankie aan die publiek vir al die hulp en ondersteuning by die ongelukstoneel van ons ma, Joey Howard op Sondag 19 Januarie. ‘n Spesiale woord van dank aan die bejaarde man met die geel hemp. U het in die niet verdwyn voor ons u kon bedank. Dankie aan Pastoor Neels en die AGS

Steelpoort gemeente. Dankie aan al die vriende en kennisse vir al die oproepe en boodskappe. ‘n Groot dankie aan ons broer Hennie en sus Katrien asook Erna en gesin. Hulle is van Benoni en Pretoria en beide het gekom om ons te ondersteun. Joey is tans in Pretoria in die hospitaal waar sy dringende mediese aandag ontvang.

Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529 Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00













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24 JANUARY 2014


Is your human rights under threat? The international organisation Human Rights Watch this week released the South African section of their World Report 2014. They warn that though South Africa had done a lot to protect against human rights abuses in Africa, it had “failed consistently to protect human rights at home”. Mr Tiseke Kasambala, the Southern African director of the organisation said: “In an election year, we can probably expect to see more protests, we’re warning the South African government that human rights might take a turn for the worse in the coming year”. He explained that: “Mismanagement and corruption, especially at local-government level, are affecting social service delivery in this country and that is what is leading to the protests”. Some of what is mentioned in the report include xenophobic attacks, gender equality as well as violence towards lesbians and transgender men and the failure to within a set time frame investigate the 2012 Marikana killings. “South Africa’s constitution provides strong protection for human rights and yet people are being attacked because of their sexual orientation, or refugee or migrant status. To make matters worse, the government is supporting legislation that would curb the rights to freedom of information and expression. There should be a serious concern about the possibility of a breakdown of the rule of law in South Africa because of the increasing incidence of police brutality,” Human Rights Watch said. The ministry responded to the report by saying that “each public protest takes a different dynamic, whether peaceful or violent”. Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa’s spokesperson Zweli Mnisi said that the report creates the impression that all police were brutal. “We wish to reiterate the point that, as the ministry of police, we are concerned when we hear about the reports of police who abuse their powers. We are equally concerned when we hear about police officers who are killed while responding to crime call-outs. We are a caring government and therefore there is no carte blanche that we give our officers to kill innocent people who protest”. He acknowledged that the South African Police Service has its rotten apples, but said that they were being dealt with by the law. We asked readers what they think about the report and government’s response to it.

Mr Raymond Motisse, Mr Mkansi and Mr Silas Mahlangu said: “The police is right to do things. Killing people is not right - government failed the people at Marikana”.

Ms. Rachel Molobela said: “I think we should be concerned about our human rights. In South Africa we are all Africans and we should treat each other equal. Government is lying that all is in control. They should do something. The corrupt people in government should leave”.

Mr Daniël Moshoana said: ‘Government is not right to implement that act that enable them to classify information. They are trying to not be transparent about corruption. The Human Rights Watch is right. In South Africa there is too much brutality. South Africans are also victimising foreigners while we are actually all Africans”.


Ms Delani Moropane, Mr Sarona Mashaba, Ms Suzan Moraba and Ms Florah Moimane said: “This human rights thing is not working. The police kill people, women are being raped. People should be concerned and government should take note”.

Mr Joseph Mashile said: “Unfortunately goverment were mistaken with things like Marikana. Our SAPS should get better training. In future government will develop better strategies that this does not happen again. Our human rights are in danger because of things like Marikana”.

Mr Sam Malatjie and Mr Collen Mahlo said: “The police are just doing their jobs. If they act, they are just protecting themselves. We agree with government that things are not that bad”.

Mnr. William Henderson sê: “Ons menseregte word beslis geskend. Kyk net die karre wat die politici ry dan weet jy waar ons geld gaan. Die regering moet erken daar is ‘n probleem en ouens soos die Valke moet hul werk begin doen”.

Mnr. Anton Mauer sê: “Ons het baie rede tot kommer - veral met die polisie. Mense word dikwels onnodig hard hanteer”.

Mr Petros Mohlala said: “Women must now be 50/50 with men. We have good human rights. The police is not doing their jobs well. If you have money they don’t catch you, you just pay them. If you don’t have money they arrest you”.

Mr Mago Tumai said: “People have human rights but some are abusing it - like some policemen. People don’t always know what is the meaning of their human rights. People must be educated”.

Mr Kuziva Nyamurowa said: “People have freedom of speech but it is fading. There are traces of truth on all sides. Government is doing things but not enough - we are starting to lose our human rights”.

Mnr. Stefan Pienaar en Me. Chelsea Pienaar sê: “Die land is korrup. Die polisie is erger as die res. Hier kom hulle weg met moord. Ons stem saam met Human Rights Watch”.

Mnr. Rudolf Lingenfelder sê: “Menseregte is klaar daarmee heen. Die polisie dink hulle het alle reg om mense seer te maak. Die regering moet hul feite agtermekaar kry”.

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Mr Zacharia Mashaba said: “We should be concerned. The law should protect each and everyone and we should follow it. Incidents mentioned by Human Rights Watch were valid examples of why we should be concerned”.

Mr Charles Mmala said: “Government cannot say that they care. Government is wrong to make people revolt against them. They should belong to the people”.

Mr Phillip Mushaikwa said: “I don’t think it is bad. Humankind have struggles. The perception I have is that they concentrate too much on the negative and then there won’t be peace. On the ground people are doing their best. The South African government is doing very well given their challenges and background”.

Mr Jabulane Cele and Mr Piki Machubeng said: “We do have a human rights threat. The Human Rights Watch is right. When there is police there is a lot to worry about”.

24 JANUARIE 2014


This is the one


Building your business is important to you Advertise your product or service to reach your clients. If you are starting a business, inquire about our start-up rate for your first advertisement. Contact: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676 or


Vacancies/Betrekkings The Booysendal platinum mine is situated on the border of the Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces near the towns of Mashishing (Lydenburg), Roossenekal and Steelpoort. The mine is located on the southernmost exposure of the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex. This new and exciting platinum project will rely on trackless mechanised mining, to produce some 150 000 ounces (3PGM+Au) at steady state. Booysendal is a division of the JSE-listed Northam Platinum Limited, a well-established, mid-tier independent and integrated platinum group metals producer with a strong tradition of innovation and technical expertise in the sector.

LEARNERSHIPS HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Learnership opportunities are offered for self-motivated suitable students in the following fields of study:

6 x Mining Learnerships (REF: BDHRL1/14) Minimum Requirements:

Look no further than the Isuzu KB250 LE 4x2 extended cab bakkie if you investigate the plethora of offerings on the market when searching for a workhorse with a litlle bit of extra space. We like this one when compared with the more expensive 3 litre LX we took a spin with two weeks ago. First the “less”. Less protection in a crash. The vehicle has driver and passenger side airbags, but no side or curtain airbags. Less power and you will have trouble towing more than two tonnes (why do you want to do that most of the time anyway). No climate control, but very effective manual airconditioning (in Burgersfort, Steelpoort and Ohrigstad, as long as it makes cold - no problem). No steering wheel control for anything (not a big problem as everything is still in reach and easily understandable). Female drivers beware, no mirror in the driver’s sunshade. The positives are that although the engine delivers less power and torque than the KB300 big brother, it is still enough for most applications (what do you want to drive, a rocket?). No fancy stuff and much less bling on the inside (to us it is a plus, no shiny plastic chrome shining in your eyes on a long trip in harsh sunshine (even with sunglasses on it can be distracting and irritating). The diff lock remains, the radio and CD player with USB and MP3 3.5 mm input remains, and bluetooth is still available. Central locking and electric side mirror adjustment also remain (but the switch is not located on a very comfortable place to reach while on the move). Noise, vibration and harshness levels are well under control on all speeds and the bakkie is extremely comfortable on any road, especially dirt. And the steel panels on the body are thicker than most. So there you have it. This one is impressive and if you can’t or won’t afford R360 000 for the KB300, you will not make a mistake with the KB250 LE, which is just shy of R300 000. Nice bakkie!

• Grade 12 (National Certificate), Maths and Science. • All applicants must provide certified copies of all qualifications and results. • The Learner must be willing to commit him/herself to the full training period stipulated on the learnership contract. Preference will be given to applicants from local communities and the Sekhukhune district.

Fitter Learnerships (REF: BDHRL3/14) Minimum Requirements: • Grade 12 (National Certificate), N2 Mathematics • N2 Engineering Science • N2 Engineering Drawing • N2 Fitting and machining trade theory • All applicants must provide certified copies of all qualifications and results. • The Learner must be willing to commit him/herself to the full training period stipulated on the learnership contract. Preference will be given to applicants from local communities and the Sekhukhune district.

3 x Plater/Welder Learnerships (REF: BDHRL2/14) Minimum Requirements: • Grade 12 (National Certificate), N2 Mathematics • N2 Engineering Science • N2 Plating & Structural Steel Drawing • N2 Plater’s theory • All applicants must provide certified copies of all qualifications and results. • The Learner must be willing to commit him/herself to the full training period stipulated on the learnership contract. Preference will be given to applicants from local communities and the Sekhukhune district.

3 x Rigger Learnerships Learnerships (REF: BDHRL4/14) Minimum Requirements: • Grade 12 (National Certificate), N2 Mathematics • N2 Engineering Science • N2 Engineering Drawing • N2 Rigging theory • All applicants must provide certified copies of all qualifications and results. • The Learner must be willing to commit him/herself to the full training period stipulated on the learnership contract. Preference will be given to applicants from local communities and the Sekhukhune district.

BURSARIES HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT 1. Rock Engineering (2 Students) 2. Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (1 Student) 3. Mining Engineering (1 Student) Minimum Requirements: • Candidate should have passed all subjects at 2nd Year of S1 & S2 level at University • All applicants must provide certified copies of all Qualifications and Results. • The Bursar must be prepared to undertake full-time employment with Booysendal, for each year the bursary is renewed. Preference will be given to applicants from local communities and the Sekhukhune district. Applications close: 7 February 2014 Booysendal Platinum Mine is an equal employment opportunity employer and reserves the right to make appointments in line with its Employment Equity Policy. Applicants are requested to forward a comprehensive CV to the HR Manager of Northam Platinum Limited Booysendal Division Mine to Please quote the Position Title and Reference Number in the subject box of the e-mail. For Bursary applications interested individuals should submit their applications (Please specify for which field of study you are applying for) to the HR Manager of Booysendal Platinum Limited at CV’s/Applications received in any form after the closing date and time will not be considered. If you have not been contacted within three (3) weeks of the closing date, know that your application was unsuccessful.


24 JANUARY 2014


Do you have some news? Contact Platinum Gazette on E-mail:, Fax: 013 231 7147 or Tel: 013 231 7147/083 271 9151 with your news and events. Editorial deadline: Wednesdays at 17:00


The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.

Instrumentation Technician (C4) - Smelter x2


Role Purpose: To continuously add value to the company’s vision by safely monitoring and controlling all instrumentation activities in the production sections, managing deviations so as to ensure the overall performance targets are achieved.

Golden Dividend240 (Pty) Ltd

Role Responsibilities: The incumbent will conduct Plant/Process faultfinding via programmable logic controllers. Install, test and configure field instruments to engineering standards. Diagnose and repair faults on equipment and machinery during production/operations. Read and interpret instrumentation drawings. Install, test, commission and maintain an electro-pneumatic system. Conduct continuous risk assessment in the workplace. Execute any ad-hoc task within his/her knowledge/experience as given by the supervisor. Fault find, install and test a bus system. Improve the overall performance of the workplace to ensure optimum service delivery.

Reg no. 05/034292/02 Farm Mooihoek Driekop

Requirements: NQF Level 4 qualification in the Instrumentation field. Recognized trade certificate as an Instrument Mechanician. Four (4) years Instrumentation plant/process experience. Excellent knowledge of all field instruments. 2 Years programming experience on Siemens S7 PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) and Profibus networks. 2 Years programming experience on WinCC, Citect and Adroit Scada systems. Experience on Open and Close Arc Furnaces, Pelletising and Sinter plants. Drivers licence and own transport.

ROLE PURPOSE To contribute toward business success by ensuring the overall optimum operation of the metllurgical process with respect to Metal Recovery to the required Chrome levels per customer request at the lowest cost.

Services Engineering Foreman (C5) - Smelter x1 Role Purpose: Ensuring the optimum availability of specified specified engineering equipment at the lowest cost and at the optimum reliability levels. Role Responsibilities: The incumbent will ensure that day to day performance is measured and reviewed and corrective actions initiated and monitored. Ensures that ongoing team and individual performance measurement and review takes place within the section. Ensure the day to day resources is effectively and efficiently utilised. Improving the overall performance of the workplace to ensure optimum service delivery. Schedules the use of resources on a day to day basis. Conducting fault finding on specified equipment and executing repairs or replacements. Read and interpret engineering drawings. Conduct on job coaching. Advises on equipment replacements when needed. Requirements: NQF Level 5 qualification in the Mechanical and Electrical field or National Diploma. Trade Test in both Mechanical and Electrical or suitably qualified Millwright. Supervisory Qualification required. At least 5 years experience in the engineering environment. At least 3 years experience in Crushing and Screening Plant essential. Microsoft office and Quality Management Systems. The ability to facilitate effective and action orientated performance review activities involving all required stakeholders. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given tohistorically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. Thecompany offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application to on e-mail to: or by Fax to: 086 269 5572. Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

PO Box 169 Burgersfort 1150


ROLE REQUIREMENTS · Grade 12 with Maths and Science. · External training - Production Management Diploma. · Microsoft Office and Quality Management System. · Ability to perform inspection to comply with legal requirements. · Supervisory Qualification required. · Ability to apply safe standards when work is conducted. · The ability to facilitate effective action orientated performance review activities involving all required stakeholders. · Maintaining ISO 9001, 14000, 18000 system · 5 Years experience in Crushing, Screening and Jigging Plant is essential. · Adhere to Mine Health and Safety Act. KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS · Ensure that decisions are implemented in the correct manner and that the standards of the specific function are maintained and adhere to. · Participate in the development of the departmental vision and key objectives and ensure that these objectives are cascaded and incorporated into the specific jobs of all employees in the section. · Implement and maintain effective action orientated performance management system and processes within the section and facilitates effective cross sectional partnerships. · Ensure total legal compliance within the section. · Ensure compliance with service delivery standards. · Facilitate the identification, motivation of and implementation of improved ideas. · Conduct departmental performance reviews and initiate corrective action. · Ensure the effective allocation and utilization of resources. · Investigate incidents and implement corrective procedures. · Conducts on job coaching. · Advises on equipment replacements when needed. CLOSING DATE: 31 JANUARY 2014 HOW TO APPLY: Please forward your applications to the HR Office, Fax: 013 230 7722 or e-mail

Closing date: 4 February 2014


GENERAL: · Golden Dividend 240 (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer · Assessments may be one of the methods utilized to determine the successful candidates. · The company reserves the right not to make an appointment. · Applicants who have not heard from the company within 30 days of sending a CV could accept that their application were not successful.

24 JANUARIE 2014



Get the newspaper here: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village

* Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Dilokong/ASA Metals * Dwarsrivier Mine * Kubu Tavern * Morena’s Tavern * Mooifontein Kafee * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs * Merensky Real Estate * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * One Stop Motor

Spares Steelpoort * GMC Debt Solutions Burgersfort * Burgersfort Toyota * Sediman Tuckshop Kalkfontein * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Build It Burgersfort * AC Supermarket & Hardware * Supa Save Burgersfort * Nalito’s Restaurant Burgersfort * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Cheap Cheap Butchery #2

Kitsgids na Nooddienste/ Important numbers: Burgersfort SAPS (013) 231 7231

Sekhukhune SAPS (013) 260 1007

Ohrigstad SAPS (013) 238 0128

Leboeng SAPS (013) 769 9099

Roossenekal SAPS (013) 273 0075

Maartinshoop SAPS (013) 235 4041

Mecklenburg SAPS (015) 615 0204

In case of a power failure in Burgersfort the SAPS Switchboard will not be working.

Eerstegeluk SAPS (013) 237 0011 Tubatse SAPS (013) 216 8500

Call: 082 462 2920 or 082 449 0273

Vacancies/Betrekkings Ndodana Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd Vacancy: Stakeholder Relations Manager A vacancy exists for a qualified and experienced Stakeholder Relations Manager (SRM) for a major infrastructure project near Steelpoort in Limpopo Province. This vacancy is a contract position for a period of one year and is available immediately. We offer market related, negotiable salary. Job Specification SRM will be based full time on site. Will be responsible for the development, coordination and implementation of communications, community relations, advocacy and stakeholder relations programs and strategic plans. Will work with internal and external stakeholders, the Engineer, Contractor and Client. Requirements • A Bachelor degree in a relevant program (Social Sciences) from a recognised university • 5 Years experience in public relations/ communications or marketing field • Suitable experience in supervisory/management role • Superior written and oral communication skills in Sepedi and English • Excellent interpersonal skills • Knowledge of communication protocols within the national, provincial, district and local government structures • Only SA residents or Permanent residents • Valid drivers licence. Please e-mail your CV and supporting documentation to: Queries: The Environmental Manager: 082 445 1781 If you do not hear from us by 31st January 2014 your application was not successful.

Burgerfort * Bronrich Slaghuis * Platinum Petroleum

* Wimpy Burgersfort * Nedbank Tubatse Crossing Mall

* 4 U Office National Burgersfort * Pret Vleislapa * Tubatse Apteek

* Cash Trader * Burgersfort Cluster Hawkers Office * Calvin College

* Themba Garage Burgersfort * Lehlaba Master in Motor Parts



24 JANUARY 2014

Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277. MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405 Nuwe Restaurant en Bar in Burgersfort. Lekker kos en gesellige atmosfeer. Agter Burgersfort Drankwinkel. Kom loer gerus in! Navrae: 082 308 9221

9. Te Huur/ To Let Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.

Platinum Gazette

Platinum Gazette

VIP Rentals Two and Three Bedroom Units available Please phone: 074 354 1274

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

Twee Slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby die Tubatse Crossing Mall. Beskikbaar 1 Februarie 2014 Skakel: 082 357 1954

Vacancies/Betrekkings The Booysendal platinum mine is situated on the border of the Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces near the towns of Mashishing (Lydenburg), Roossenekal and Steelpoort. The mine is located on the southernmost exposure of the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex. This new and exciting platinum project will rely on trackless mechanised mining, to produce some 150 000 ounces (3PGM+Au) at steady state. Booysendal is a division of the JSE-listed Northam Platinum Limited, a well-established, mid-tier independent and integrated platinum group metals producer with a strong tradition of innovation and technical expertise in the sector.

2 Slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Ohrigstad. Huur: R4000 per maand. Skakel: 073 909 2614

DRAUGHTSPERSON - (REF:BDMSD01/14) MINE SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENT Job Purpose: The Draughtsperson is responsible for providing effective draughting services to Mining, Mine Technical Services and other related stakeholders. He/She will be responsible for effective information system utilisation, adherence to legislative requirements and Ensure adherence and implementation to SHE Policy.

10. Te Koop/ For Sale

Key Performance Areas:

HOUSE FOR SALE Praktiseer, 616 Tubatse Township. Three bedrooms, one toilet, garage, kitchen, sitting area. Priced at R350 000.00.

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

Contact her on or 013 231 7147/083 5431676 Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

• Provide effective draughting services to Mining, Mine Technical Services and other related stakeholders • Adherence to DMR requirements • Effective information systems utilisation • Successful teamwork and collaboration with stakeholders • Ensure adherence and implementation on SHE Policy. Qualifications, Experience and Abilities: • Grade 12 National Certificate equivalent to NQF level 4 numeracy and literacy • Survey Draughting Certificate (Chamer of Mines) • Microstation qualification and experience (Compulsory requirement) • CAD/Surpac qualification will be an advantage • Three (3) years’ experience in a technical services environment and exposure in a stakeholder services environment is required. Applications close: 6 February 2014 Booysendal Platinum Mine is an equal employment opportunity employer and reserves the right to make appointments in line with its Employment Equity Policy. Applicants are requested to forward a comprehensive CV to the HR Manager of Northam Platinum Limited Booysendal Division Mine to Please quote the Position Title and Reference Number in the subject box of the e-mail. CV’s/Applications received in any form after the closing date and time will not be considered. If you have not been contacted within three (3) weeks of the closing date, know that your application was unsuccessful.

Vacancies/Betrekkings The Booysendal platinum mine is situated on the border of the Limpopo and Mpumalanga Provinces near the towns of Mashishing (Lydenburg), Roossenekal and Steelpoort. The mine is located on the southernmost exposure of the eastern limb of the Bushveld Complex. This new and exciting platinum project will rely on trackless mechanised mining, to produce some 150 000 ounces (3PGM+Au) at steady state. Booysendal is a division of the JSE-listed Northam Platinum Limited, a well-established, mid-tier independent and integrated platinum group metals producer with a strong tradition of innovation and technical expertise in the sector.

HR OFFICER - (REF:BDGR01/14) HUMAN RESOURCES Job Purpose: The HR Officer - Generalist is responsible for developing, advising and implementing policies relevant to the effective use of personnel within the organisation. He/She should ensure that the organisation employs the right balance of staff in terms of skills and experience and that the training and development opportunities are available to employees to enhance their performance and achieve organisation strategic intent. Key Performance Areas: • Effective systems management of general human resources processes/functions • Functional management support • Workplace practice • Recruitment and Selection • Conditions of employment administration • Equity and Diversity promotion • Negotiation with external work related agencies • Employee Relations • Drawing reports Qualifications, Experience and Abilities: • National Diploma/Degree in Human Resouces Management or Equivalent • Fluent in Microsoft Office • Minimum of Three (3) years’ experience with Supervisory exposure in Mining environment • Practical Experience in Manning • Practical Experience in Dispute Resolution • Practical Experience in resourcing, employee wellness, systems and processes. Applications close: 6 February 2014 Booysendal Platinum Mine is an equal employment opportunity employer and reserves the right to make appointments in line with its Employment Equity Policy. Applicants are requested to forward a comprehensive CV to the HR Manager of Northam Platinum Limited Booysendal Division Mine to Please quote the Position Title and Reference Number in the subject box of the e-mail. CV’s/Applications received in any form after the closing date and time will not be considered. If you have not been contacted within three (3) weeks of the closing date, know that your application was unsuccessful.

24 JANUARIE 2014



Tubatse Masters FC on a roll On Wednesday 22 January the Tubatse Masters visited the soccer team of Tubatse

Chrome for a friendly game. The game was played at the Winterveld Sports ground in Steelpoort. The two teams played good soccer and the hosts were first to score with a penalty. Later in the first half Luck Lubisi score two goals for the Tubatse Masters. In the second half Tubatse Chrome managed to get another penalty and convert it to make the final score 2-2. Last week the Tubatse Masters also faced Mangabane FC. The score for this game was 43 in favour of Tubatse Masters. The goals were scored by Loui Matuludi (2), Lekgotla Motswiane and Lucky Lubisi. In another

game the Tubatse Masters faced Modikwa Platinum Mine FC. Tubatse Masters lost 0-2. (Photographs and Information: Jerial Movundlela).

Bosbok tak nooi: Kom na die sosiale skietdag op Lydenburg Die Bosbok Tak van die SA Jagters hou môre, 25 Januarie 2014, ‘n sosiale skietdag. Die dag se aktiwiteite gebeur by die Lydenburg skietbaan. Die Bosbok tak bedien die Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad en Lydenburg omgewing. Enige iemand is welkom om te kom skiet of net te kom kyk. Die Lydenburg

skietbaan, ook bekend as die Egbert Hiemstra skietbaan is net buite Lydenburg so 2km op die Roossenekalpad langs die vliegveld. Laas jaar was daar ‘n oplewing in die bywoning van aktiwiteite van die tak. Die bestuur sien uit daarna dat 2014 nog beter sal wees.

Die Bosbok tak het sy bestuursvergadering op 8 Januarie 2014 by Mamotale Jagplaas naby Ohrigstad gehou. Daar is die jaar se beplanning gedoen. Die bestuur onder leiding van JB Willers is baie optimisties oor alles wat beplan word. Die tak het hulle dit ten doel gestel om die hele gesin by hul aktiwiteite te betrek. Dit

Die bestuur van die tak: Benigne le Roux, Loffie van Emmenis, JB Willers, Ramon Bell, Johan Grimbeek, Kruger van Eck. Pieter Strydom en Eduard le Roux. Links voor: Hardus Taljaardt, Rudi Stickling, Deon le Roux en Timo Briedenhann. Heel voor: Leon Visser en “Chaka” die hondjie.

sluit onder andere bewaring, opleiding, skietdae en trofeemeting in. Die SA Jagters verleen ook hulp met die lisensiëring van jagwapens. Daar sal Saterdag vlakvark en blouwildebees tabelle geskiet word. Enige boogjagter of skut is welkom om te kom skiet. Die rooibok tabel gaan met die boog geskiet word. Lede sal R20 betaal en nie-lede R50 per inskrying vir die geweer afdeling. R10 per lid en R20 vir nie-lede per inskrywing vir die boogskiet. Kom geniet die dag saam met die Bosbok Tak. Navrae: Johan Grimbeek, 082 378 0698 (skiet koördineerder), JB Willers, 082 820 1748 (voorsitter) of Leon Visser, 082 808 9641 (onder-voorsitter).


24 JANUARY 2014

It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum

Platinum Gazette


R10 000 for top team The 2013 Senyane Kodi Tournament was decided on penalties from the start to the end. The tournament took place at Ga Mphama Village in Ward 29 of Greater Tubatse. Teams drew all the way throughout the games and the winners were decided with penalty shootouts. Mpelegane Blue Birds was the best penalty kickers and eventually also emerged as the champions for 2013. The inaugural project drew 1986 spectators and the crowds handled themselves very well. No incidents were reported - football remained the winner. The organisers of the tournament would like to thank the Greater Tubatse Municipality for making it happen by grading the ground. Mr Kodi said: “I would also like to thank the SAPS from Schoonoord who came in numbers to maintain order. Also thank you to everyone who supported the initiative that will be running over 5 years”. Young soccer players who did not participate in the tournament could also benefit from coaching offered by members of the Orlando Pirates u/19 team. (Photographs & Information: Mr Kodi).

Left: Mr Senyane Kodi, organiser of the tournament congratulates Clive Lehungwane, of Mpelegane Blue Birds.

Runners-up, Mphana Black Eagles FC receiving their medals from Cllr TD Komane and Mr “One Two Makua” of Ward 29.

Orlando Pirates u/19 players visited FC Kodi White Doves during the festive season. They are Raphael Mayona, Ronie Buthane (U/19 captain), Mr Kodi, Jacky Mphekgwane and Ola Onifade.

Referees Tokelo Phaahla, Tumi Mohlala, Vembie Mohlala, Given Metlaka and paramedic Maheatse receiving their medals.

Jubilant players of Mphelegane Blue Birds after receiving their R10 000, medals and trophy as the 2013 champions.

Captain of the 2013 SEnyane Kodi Tournament Champions, Mr Sanyane Mamaile is holding the trophy with Mr “One Two” Makua, Cllr TD Komane and Ward committee member Mr Wire Mmushi and Mr Thapedi Makua.

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Mashifane Park (GaMashamothane) • Cell: 076 848 3936

The last tense moments of the penalty shootout between Mphana Black Eagles and Mpelegane Blue Birds was closely watched by the crowd.

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