Inside: Mandela Day in style
Agreement - p 2
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
24 July 2015
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
Two weeks of burning and blocking of roads between De Hoop Dam and Steelpoort came to an abrupt halt on Wednesday evening when the communities along the R555 road reached a preliminary agreement with captains of the mining industry in the area, local governments and Mineral Resources Minister, Advocate Ngoako Ramatlhodi, who came to the area on Tuesday to propose a plan between all stakeholders involved in the fracas, including the Department of Minerals Resources, Department of Water and Sanitation, Office of the Premier of Limpopo, Sekhukhune District Municipality, Greater Tubatse Local Municipality, Fetakgomo Local Municipality and some Traditional leaders. The communities’ grievances were about a tarred road which Sekhukhune District Municipality together with the Department of Public Works have met by introducing and appointing a contractor whom was handed over to the community on 15 July 2015. On the table on Tuesday and Wednesday were demands by residents of these communities to be employed by neighbouring mines after their demand for the tarred road was met. The meeting took place on Tuesday at the Greater Tubatse Municipality chambers where the residents of Phasha Mampuru got
a chance to relate their challenges to the Minister. Some of the issues raised were unemployment and the mines’ inability to transform their communities through social labour plans and the need to create business opportunities for locals in the mines’ supply chains. Tuesday’s talks broke down and a convoy from the communities moved to Burgersfort on Wednesday (see front page where the convoy moved through Steelpoort on its way to Burgersfort). Another meeting was held at the Thaba Moshate Hotel, Casino and Convention Resort. A long one. After it turned dark on Wednesday feedback was given. Mr Thabiso Mokoena from Greater Tubatse Municipality (Communications Manager) told Platinum Gazette the essence of the agreement is that labour brokers will not be used and that 239 post that are available at the mines (all levels) will be filled by locals as soon as possible. Mines will also review their social labour plans and a task team comprising the Department of Mineral Resources, municipalities and communities will check on the process. Meanwhile the violence and disturbances will cease with immediate effect.
While the talks at the casino (top) went on on Wednesday, Burgersfort was on knife’s edge and businesses closed for a while until the tension subsided (bottom). Most people did not know what was going on or what they were waiting for, while the convoy only wanted to go back to Tukakgomo to report back as soon as the negotiations concluded.
DWARSRIVIER MINE Mandela Day focus on sport development
Mandela Day celebra ons in Mashishing had a focus on sport development. Dwarsrivier Mine joined the Mayor of Thaba Chweu Municipality, Cllr. BM Ngongwane and other stakeholders to highlight the importance of spor ng development. They were joined by Love Life, the Local Aids Council, SASSA, African Bank, Road Accident Fund officials, various spor ng teams as well as members of the community. Dwarsrivier Mine donated soccer kits to four teams, netball a re to two teams, 8 soccer balls and 2 netball balls. Mr. Remember Mmbengwa, SD Manager at Dwarsrivier Mine encouraged the teams to use sport as a method to not only keep themselves healthy, but also develop themselves and keep them safe. He emphasised the values of the Mine and how important the
surrounding communi es are to them. A local ar st’s impressions with quotes of Nelson Mandela could be seen everywhere. The event also included the dona on of a wheelchair and other spor ng equipment such as hoola hoops from other stakeholders. The day also included a fun walk and games hosted by Love Life.
24 JULY 2015
24 JULIE 2015
GTM walk the talk on Mandela Day Greater Tubatse Municipality had four special activities on Mandela Day. Politicians and officials visited the Moroke Disability Centre, Mecklenburg Hospital, Dilokong Hospital and the Lehlaba Disabled Workshop. At each of the venues they gave donations. A special cake was also cut. At the Lehlaba Disabled Workshop the Mayor, Cllr. Mamekoa (right) got down and dirty doing some painting. Gifts and food were also distributed.
Tubatse Build It reaches out Tubatse Build It reached out to Lehlaba Disabled Workshop at Riba Cross on 18 July 2015 Mandela Day. Tubatse Build It donated paint, brushes and other tools to give the buildings a whole new look. Employees of Tubatse Build It were joined by politicians and officials of the Greater Tubatse Municipality in their efforts to complete the painting - even the Mayor, Cllr. Mamekoa showed his skills with a paint brush. Lehlaba Disabled Workshop cares for and aims to empower people in the area with disabilities. They were very thankful for the assistance.
24 JULY 2015
DWARSRIVIER MINE Giving more than 67 minutes on Mandela Day Schools benefit from Dwarsrivier Mine’s efforts on Mandela Day and beyond Dwarsrivier Mine has always been a keen supporter of educa on in the communi es surrounding the mine. This year, in the spirit of Mandela Day, they visited three schools in the Ngwaabe area. Each school has a different project or dona on that Dwarsrivier Mine drives. On Monday 20 July 2015 when the schools opened a er the winter holidays, employees from Dwarsrivier Mine were joined by officials and poli cians from Greater Tubatse Municipality and SK Fm and the Mine Community Forum visited Maphopha Primary School, Masago Primary School and Ngwaabe Comprehensive High School. At Maphopha Primary School a dona on of 100 school desks and chairs as well as office furniture for educators were delivered. At Masago Primary School a project is underway for the construc on of 20 toilets, 16 for learners and 4 for teachers. This project will be completed by a contractor appointed by Dwarsrivier Mine. Dwarsrivier employees and their guests completed the day by doing renova ons at Ngwaabe Comprehensive School, by repairing windows and replacing doors to 10 classrooms, as well as pain ng 3 classrooms. This gave the old classrooms a new look. This is also a mayor project and a contractor appointed by Dwarsrivier Mine will be finishing the work. At every school the teachers, principals and members of the SGB joined the visitors. Short ceremonies gave everyone an opportunity to express their gra tude and also remember Nelson Mandela who is being honoured with the Nelson Mandela Day ac vi es. Mr Remember Mmbengwa, SD Manager at Dwarsrivier Mine told the groups how important educa on is to the mine. They see this as an opportunity to help upli the communi es in the mine and a way through which the learners can create a be er future for themselves and even work towards being Mine employees in future. in apprecia on of the development done by Dwarsrivier Mine, members of the community forum also extended their gra tude for the Mine to have established the ABET programme, as this will go a long way in changing the beneficiaries’ lives for the be er. Everyone appealed to the learners to take care of the property being donated. “Don’t break the windows, doors or write on the walls. Take care of the desks and focus on your studies”.
24 JULIE 2015
Tubatse SUPERSPAR cares Tubatse SUPERSPAR in Burgersfort showed they care when they reached out to three institutions in the spirit of Mandela Day. Employees who volunteered visited Praktiseer Home
Community Based Care Centre, Five Cent Day Care Centre and Selemagae Creche. At each of these a warm meal was served to the children and workers before cutting a huge Mandela Day celebration cake. At each of the visited venues Tubatse SUPERSPAR was praised for their commitment towards the community. (Some photographs supplied by Tubatse SUPERSPAR).
The Tubatse SUPERSPAR team of volunteers who reached out on Mandela Day 2015.
24 JULY 2015
A1 Food Store celebrates Mandela Day
A1 Food Store at the Twin City Complex in Burgersfort celebrated Mandela Day on Saturday last week. The store served their clients a specially baked cake with an image of the late Nelson Mandela on it. The store employees were also eager to assist clients and spread the love on Mandela Day. (Photograph: A1 Food Store Burgersfort).
Marula Platinum Mine gives 67 minutes 11
“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; 12 they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone�. - Psalm 91:11-12 (NIV)
Marula Platinum Mine celebrated Mandela Day on 18 July by giving 67 minutes to renovate classes at Majoe A Kgoro Primary School at Ga-Kgoete village. (Photograph & Information: Justice Mahlakoana)
24 JULY 2014
Tubatse Crossing Mall makes a difference on Mandela Day 2015 Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort reached The group consisting of volunteers from tenout to Maboeletse Primary School at Ga-Maro- ants, Siyakha Learning Lab as well as Mall manga on Mandela Day. agement painted a classroom block at the school. They also worked in the garden to get everything ready before the school started on Monday.
The school’s principal and SGB thanked Tubatse Crossing for their time and effort and support.
Door to door for Mandela Day On Friday 17 July 2015 the Tubatse SAPS, Tubatse VEP, Substance Abuse Unit, CPF and Tubatse Youth Community Development held a door to door campaign in Praktiseer. The campaign was part of their Mandela Day celebrations and was led by social crime prevention coordinators Const. Olga Chauke and Const. Nicodemus Letsoalo. The community had the ooportunity to talk to the police about their challenges and any crime related matters. The police on the other hand took the opportunity to sensitize the community about crime. Crime prevention pamphlets were also distributed.
(Information: Const. Jerial Mvundlela, Tubatse SAPS).
24 JULIE 2015
Kom hou die naweek saam Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag Saterdag 25 Julie 2015 is dit Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag. Almal word uitgenooi om die dag saam te kom geniet. 120 Voertuie sal die baan by PLM Boerdery op die R37 tussen Burgersfort en Lydenburg aandurg. Daar sal ook ‘n groep van 20 voertuie wees wat die Morone Berg Roete gaan ry. Dit begin by Khumula Lodge op die Steelpoortpad en gaan oor die berge tot dit uiteindelik by die aktiwiteite op die
baan aansluit. Die toegang is R30 per voertuig en R10 per persoon. Daar is iets vir almal - van die baan se aksie, ‘n verskeidenheid stalletjie, kunstenaars en ‘n kontant kroeg. Geen koelhouers sal toegelaat word nie. Daar sal gratis vervoer vir toeskouers tussen die verskillende punte wees. Die Wildevy Manne nooi almal om hierdie jaar se 4x4 dag te ondersteun en so ook ‘n goeie doel te ondersteun.
Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Wiinterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529
Open Monday’s - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
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Buy 8 pallets or more of bricks OR buy for R7000 or more and get FREE Local 30km radius delivery!
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MOUNT GEYSER 150Lt (with drainBUILD IT STANDARD MASONITE DOOR cock and TP valve) SABS approved 813mm x 2032mm
Promotion valid from 23 July 2015 - 8 August 2015. All prices incl. VAT. Delivery exclude. E.&O.E.
24 JULY 2015
Platinum Gazette
Kom neem deel of kom kyk, maar wees daar! Môre, 25 Julie 2015 is dit weer Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag en daarmee saam ook die Wildevy Bergfiets Wedren (MTB). Bison Falls Spur is een van die hoof borge by die fietsry. Die oggend skop vroeg af met die fietsryers wat vir 50km se uitdagende maar ook mooi paaie kans sien. Daar is egter voorsiening gemaak dat oud en jonk, fiks en minder fiks sal kan deelneem. Daar is ook ‘n 20km rit, 10km rit en ‘n 2,5km rit. Die eerste wedren skop begin om 08:00 en daarna vind dit in intervalle plaas. Die laaste groep trek om 8:45 weg. Die fietsryers begin by PLM Boskamp. Neem die Morone afdraai op die R37 en volg die aanwysings. Inskrywingsfooie wissel tussen R170 en R30 vir die fietsry. Daar sal ook tydelike daglisensies beskikbaar wees vir die wedren wat R35 elk kos. Fietsryers kry gratis toegang tot die Wildevy 4x4 Dag. Die begin ook vroeg aan die ander kant van die grondpad by PLM Boerdery. Daar is voorsiening gemaak vir genoeg kos en ander stalletjies. Kom kry byvoorbeeld jou eie Wildevy ‘branded’ hemp of ander klere. Daar is ook ‘n unieke reeks vir kinders beskikbaar. Die kindervermaak is hierdie jaar groot met ‘n een-van-’n-soort tuimeltrein (‘roller coaster’). Die reuse pret-rit en vele ander sal by die dag beskikbaar wees, so kom kry jou adrenalien-ervaring by die pretpark of op die baan. Ingang is R10 per persoon en
R30 per voertuig. Program 25 Julie 2015 07:00 - 02:00: 07:00 - 4x4 Voertuig Baanvaardighed kompetisie. Wildevy MTB - Bergfiets resies - PLM Boskamp: 08:00 50km wegspring 08:15 20km wegspring 08:30 10km wegspring 08:45 2,5km wegspring 10:00 - Prysuitdeling van Wildevy MTB bergfietswedren. 08:00 - Kosstalletjies en ander uitstallers 10:00 - Biertent maak oop 16:00 - “Show stopper” - Watergat uitdaging 17:00 - Kampvuur met potjiekos 18:00 - Prysuitdeling - 4x4 kompetisie 19:00 - Sanger: Charne Grabie 20:00 - Sanger: Henri Alant 21:00 - Sanger: Hans Drommedaris
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332
Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899. Drie slaapkamer meenthuis met dubbel garage te huur vir R7500 per maand. Kopers ook welkom. Kontak . Skakel: 083 232 8625. Two bedroom apartment available. R5000 with lights and water, Aloe Ridge West. 3 Bedroom - R6500 with water. Pre-paid electricity. Call 082 578 6113
10. Te Koop/ For Sale
9. Te Huur/ For Rent
TE KOOP Ohrigstad eiendom. 2733vk meter. Woonstel en beskadigde huis. R440 000. Skakel Dirk: 082 890 1986 / 013 691 1082. dirkjsmit@telkomsa. net
Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite
Platinum Gazette
“Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford
Platinum Gazette
Tel: 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in åYou know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Burgersfort - To Rent:
FOR HIRING OF EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT PART 1 - INVITATION TO QUOTE Aurecon Ndodana Joint Venture (ANJV) has been appointed by the Trans Caledon Tunnel Authority (TCTA) to design the Olifants River Water Resources Development Project – Phase 2 (ORWRDP-2). ANJV intends to undertake limited field inves ga ons for the ORWRDP-2 project in the Tubatse Local Muncipality in the vicinity of the Steelpoort town. For this purpose, ANJV, represented by Dr Danie Nel, invites quota ons for the provision of earthmoving equipment, a lowbed truck and labourers. The Quota on Document will be available as from 24 July 2015 and can be collected at the following address: ANJV Offices House 70 Marlo Lodge On Road R555 (between Steelpoort and Burgersfort) Steelpoort Limpopo For direc ons contact Jessica Sekhukhune on 013 230 4131 or on 078 411 1306. Queries rela ng to the issuing of this document may be addressed to: Contact person: Dr Danie Nel Tel: 012 643 9000 / 082 389 0313 Fax: 086 545 3802 Email: No clarifica on mee ng will be held. The closing me and date for the receipt of quota ons is 12:00 on 04 August 2015.
1x 3 Bedroom Townhouse R6500 1x 2 Bedroom Townhouse R6000 Contact Jolene/Mazilda: 084 582 0385 / 013 231 7618
Quota on documents should be delivered in the tender box located at ANJV’s site office boardroom at the address as stated above. Prospec ve tenderer’s can contact Ms. M Moeletsi at 013 230 4101 to arrange for access to the boardroom prior to deposi ng their tender document into the tender box. Telephonic, facsimile, email and late quota ons will not be accepted. Quota ons may only be submi ed on the Quota on Document that is issued.
24 JULIE 2015
Ohrigstad Rugby Klub speel laaste ligawedstryd vir seisoen Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het verlede week in die finaal van hulle liga teen Komatipoort gespeel. Dit was ‘n harde wedstryd, maar die manne het hul bes gegee. Lees meer op bladsy 12. (Foto’s: Jana van Heerden)
SAPS Tubatse Cluster is tops On Wednesday 22 July the Department of Agriculture Sekhukhune District played a friendly soccer match against a team from the SAPS Tubatse Cluster. The match was played at the Peter Nchabeleng Sports Ground. The men in blue were the stronger team on the day. They walked away the winners after scoring 6 goals. The goals were scored by Const. Casius Kwinda (4 goals), Const. Noko TRT Malatjie and Const. Tebogo Letsoalo. The final score was 6-0. The match was good preparation for the next fixture against the SAPS Phalaborwa Cluster next week Wednesday in Phalaborwa. (Information: Const. Norman Matsimela, Tubatse SAPS).
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
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Stripping Jetta
Mashifane Park, R37 Road Burgersfort/Polokwane * Cell: 076 848 3936 * Tel: 013 007 0836 * Burgersfort Stripping
For Sale
24 JULY 2015 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Ohrigstad tweede in liga Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het verlede naweek teen in die finaal van hulle liga gespeel. Die wedstryd het op Komatipoort teen ‘n span van Komatipoort plaasgevind. Die span het hard gewerk om tot in die finaal te kom en het ook deur die wedstryd hul bes gelewer. Ohrigstad se punte is deur Martin van den Berg wat ‘n strafskop oorgesit het, WK de Jonge wat ‘n drie gedruk het en Juan van Zyl wat die drie verdoel het, gemaak. Die eindtelling van die wedstryd was 25-10 in die guns van Komatipoort. Die spanbestuur is baie tevrede met die vlak waartoe die span oor die afgelope Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het in die finaal van hulle rugbyliga teen die Impalas van Komatipoort te staan gekom. Dit was ‘n strawwe wedstryd, maar die manne het nie opgegee voor die eindfluitjie geblaas het nie.
(Inligting verskaf deur Quartus du Toit, Ohrigstad Rugby Klub. Foto’s: Jana van Heerden.)
vier jaar uitgestyg het. “Dit vat baie van ‘n span om tot in die finaal van die liga te kom. Ons is trots op elke speler wat ‘n bydrae gemaak het vir die Klub om tot in die finaal te kom,” sê Quartus du Toit. Die span bedank ook graag hulle borge. Sonder die borge sou dit nie vir die span moontlik gewees het om oral te gaan deelneem nie. Die Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het hierdie naweek ‘n stalletjie by die Wildevy 4x4 Dag - juis om geld in te samel vir al die kostes verbonde aan die sport. Die publiek word genooi om hulle te kom ondersteun terwyl die dag se pret en aksie dopgehou word.