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Š Platinum Gazette
24 June 2011
Fltr are Dario Negri, Cobus Mouton, Mandla Nxumalo (Business Leader), Alan Peers, Godwin Hungwe and Tumi Molapo, proud members of Modikwa Management.
Photograph: Modikwa Communication Unit
... p 2
24 JUNE 2011
Modikwa Platinum Mine achieves the unreachable - 8 Million Fatality Free Shifts THULA UMTHWALO ADMINISTRATORS
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Mines’ annual wage talks go into full swing The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has rejected a 5,5% wage offer from the world ‘s number two platinum producer, Impala Platinum earlier this week. NUM demands a 14 per cent wage increment for lower categories and a 13, 5% wage increment for higher categories. The union further demands all these on a one year deal whilst Impala argues for a three year deal with inflation plus one percent on year two and year three. “We are extremely disappointed with such proposals, 5,5% is a no-no for us, a three year deal is not even a consideration for us” says Eddie Majadibodu, the NUM ‘s Chief Negotiator at Impala Platinum. The union is demanding a one-year deal, while Implats is motivating for a three-year deal with inflation plus 1% increases in the second and third years. “We are extremely disappointed with such proposals, 5.5% is a no-no for us and a
three year deal is not even a consideration,” Majadibodu said. NUM was set to continue with its engagement with Impala Platinum to try and find an amicable solution. “If they want us to marshal our forces, they must just tell us rather than send us from pillar to post” says Majadibodu. The National Union of Mineworkers is determined to ensure that workers get a living wage out of the 2011 wage negotiations. “We are approaching our 30th year anniversary and it cannot be right that in 30 years of our existence we still have companies that pay our workers peanuts” says Majadibodu. NUM also said it will demand a pay rise of 20% on basic wages when it begins its negotiations with world number-one platinum producer Anglo American Platinum.
Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
At 14:00 on 21t June 2011 Modikwa Platinum Mine reached a milestone that has never before been seen in this industry by achieving 8 000 000 consecutive fatality free man shifts. Now the mine is aiming to continue to lead the industry in injury prevention and beyond as it strives towrds reaching 9 000 000 fatality free shifts towards the end of March 2012. All employees and contractors at Modikwa have over the past 63 months continuously worked with safety as their first and foremost concern, in doing so they have converted their “Passion” into this wonderful achievement, thus ensuring that any person who works at Modikwa can honestly say that they will return home to their families and loved ones at the end of their shift without harm. Modikwa employees say they follow a fairly simple strategy to drive their safety performance that hinges on the three concepts of a Zero Mindset, No Repeats and Simple Standards. They say now that they have achieved eight million fatality free shifts, their greatest challenge is to work harder to maintain consistent improvement. According to Modikwa an achievement of this nature is the result of dedicated leadership, unconditional commitment from the labour organizations and sustained effort on the part of everyone on the mine, and is a justifiable cause for pride and satisfaction. Every employee and contractor deserves the highest praise for their conscious effort to preserve safety in the mine and that of their fellow workers, saying in a statement from the mine “Through this achievement we are continuing to set a benchmark for the platinum mining industry! It is through empathy and teamwork from our Management team and Labour representatives in ensuring our core ideology of Caring for our people, and the full commitment of our employees and contractors to our total compliance safety strategies, coupled to the dedication shown by them towards the elimination of unsafe acts and conditions that has pushed us beyond what is commonly accepted as the unreachable and made this possible, and the vision of Zero injuries achievable. Through the continuation of a zero mindset towards injuries, prevention of reoccurrence of injuries, and compliance to set safety standards and rules, Modikwa will continue to lead the industry in injury prevention and beyond as we reach our next milestone of 9 000 000 Fatality Free Shifts towards the end of March 2012.”
Telephone: (013) 231 8227 or 073 318 2163
Tel:(013) 2317948 or 082 558 7643 Consulting rooms: Shop 38, Twin City Complex, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach Street, Ohrigstad Road, Burgersfort.
Negotiations was set to start earlier this week. NUM deputy general secretary Oupa Komane said on Tuesday that the union believed that its wage demands from Anglo American Platinum were “not only reasonable, but also reachable”. “We are quite hopeful that we are not going to be negotiating forever. We should meet once, or twice and then agree,” he said in a statement. Besides an above-inflation wage hike, the NUM is also demanding that the company extend its thirteenth cheque to all workers, increase its medical aid contribution to R2 000 a month and convert its hostels to family units. On leave, the NUM is demanding seven months fully-paid maternity leave, family responsibility leave of 15 days and study leave of three days before examination.
24 JUNIE 2011
Plan met grafte Op pad Ohrigstad toe van Burgersfort af as daar deesdae ‘n gewoel en ‘n gewerkskaf by die historiese Voortrekker begraafplaas. Op die oog af word net ‘n muur om die grafte gebou, maar mnr Jan Ferreira, se die projek is van ‘n groter omvang. Volgens hom is twee jaar gelede ‘n taakspan op Ohrigstad op die been gebring om te kyk na die bewaring van die terrein. Die terrein was tot voor 16 Desember (Geloftedag) verlede jaar redelik verwaarloos. ‘n Paar vrywilligers het egter ingespring en die terrein netjies gekry vir die Geloftefeesplegtigheid wat elke jaar by die begrafplaas gehou word. Mr Ferreira sê dit was egter nie genoeg nie. “Die ou grafstene, ook die los stene in die tentwa is van leiklkip en dit verweer en word verniel. Ons het in oorleg met die Erfenisstigting (wat ook in beheer van die Voortrekkermonument is) besluit om die los stene in die Potgietersaal by Ohrigstad te gaan bewaar en om te begin om die ou voortrekkerdeel van die begraafplaas van die rest van die terrein te skei deur ‘n muur daarom te bou. Die muur soos hy nou daar gebou word is duur en die hele projek om die terrein opte gradeer en vir die nageslag te bewaar, gaan ‘n hele paar rand kos. Ons sal die gemeenskap op hoogte hou van hoe ons vorder en ook laat weet hoe hulle ‘n bydrae kan maak om ons met die projek te help.” Mnr Ferreira sê wat onder meer beplan word, is ‘n bekleding vir die muur met afdrukke van die oorspronklike grafstene van Voortrekkers wat in boë ten toon gestel sal word.
Thieves target Burgersfort businesses During the past week, thieves targeted at least three central Burgersfort businesses. According to local security company Protect Security, Supa Save supermarket was targeted on 19 June. According to the security company this thieves in this case allegedly made use of women who befriended security guards posted at this business and other businesses in the immediate vicinity and offered them cold drinks to drink. The company says these drinks must have been spiked, because it rendered guards incapable to do their work. Thieves then gained access to the premises through a window. The alarm was triggered, but quickly restored by the intruders. The security company, however, had enough time to react. On the premises a bag with various tools, such as a grinder with discs was found as if the intruders were on their way to cut open a safe. Unfortunately the thieves fled and nobody was arrested. On 20 June someone tried to gain access to Mega Paints through a roll-up door and security gate at the back of the building. The individuals could in this case not succeed in entering the building and nothing was stolen. As with Supa Save, nobody was arrested. On 21 June thieves targeted Vision Meat. They gained access to the premises after overpowering the guard and breaking through the wall. The safe was opened with explosives and they fled with the safe’s contents.
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The Christian Motorcycle Association and AFM Steelpoort are reaching out to Duncia Childrens Home in Lydenburg. Recently they took the kids for lunch at a local reataurant in Lydenburg.
24 JUNE 2011
700 nuwe bome vir Motaganeng
‘n Ry nuut-aangeplante Huilboerbone langs Motaganeng se ingangspad, met die pas-voltooide sekuriteitshek van die landgoed in die agtergrond.
Honderde nuwe inheemse bome is onlangs deur Cranbrook Property Projects by die nuwe woonlandgoed in Burgersfort aangeplant as deel van die ontwikkelaar se verbintenis tot ‘groen’ woonontwikkeling. Sowat 700 Huilboerboon of Wilde Fuchsia boompies is langs al die hoofroetes van die Motaganeng Lifestyle Estate geplant om in die toekoms ‘n aanskoulike landskap te skep en skadu te verskaf. Die wetenskaplike naam van die bome is Schotia brachypetala en in die natuur kom dit voor in die droë laagliggende dele van die oos-Kaap, Limpopo en tot in Mosambiek en Zambië. Die jong blare is koperkleurig en verdiep tot ‘n blink, donkergroen later in die seisoen. Die groot en aanskoulike rooi blomme skei groot hoeveelhede nektar af wat bye, vlinders, suikerbekkies en ander voëls wat insekte vreet, lok. Die blomme self en die sade, of ‘bone’, word deur voëls, eekhorings en ape gevreet terwyl die blare, bas en wortels in die bome se natuurlike habitat deur bokke, krimpvarkies en selfs renosters gevreet word. Selfs mense kan aan die peule smul as dit gerooster word. Die
bone het ‘n lae proteïn- en vetinhoud maar is ryk aan koolhidrate. Cranbrook se besturende direkteur, Hoffman Prinsloo, sê die maatskappy het as ontwikkelaar van Motaganeng van die begin af besluit om ‘n groen benadering tot bouwerk en omgewingspraktyke te volg en dat die aanplanting en behoud van inheemse plante en bome ‘n groot deel van dié verbintenis vorm. “Ons moedig inwoners aan om ons voorbeeld te volg, nie net om hulle tuine en omgewing te verfraai nie, maar ook omdat veral volwasse bome koolstof bind wat help om weerpatrone, luggehalte en selfs aanvoelbare temperature te reguleer – en laasgenoemde is veral in Limpopo se warm somermaande baie nuttig. “Dit vorm ook deel van ons visie om aantreklike woongebiede na aan Burgersfort te skep vir die werknemers en ampslui van die talle platina- en chroommyne in die omgewing. Ons beoog om lowerryke woonlandgoedere te vestig waar inwoners die natuurlike bosveldomgewing ten volle kan geniet.”
24 JUNIE 2011
Fun for all at Wildevy 4x4 day
Dr Lorna on BBC radio Dr Lorna Maphuthuma of Burgersfort was this week interviewed for a BBC radio documentary. The documentary is about Anglo American Platinum’s involvement in communities around the world. Locally Anglo American Platinum assisted Dr Lorna when she bought her practice from Dr Mattelaer a few years ago. According to the team she is one of their success stories. She has been doing work for Anglo American Platinum for the past three years. Dr Lorna said that she is privileged to have such a good working relationship with them and values the assistance they’ve given her.
“We would to like invite all 4x4 enthusiasts and general public to join us on the 30th of July 2011 on the farm “PLM Boerderye”, 10km outside of Burgersfort on the Lydenburg road” said Mr Willem Montgomery, chairman of the Wildevy Manne as the planning for the day heats up. “The Wildevy Manne is a non-profit organization driven by a few men in our community that raises money for charity by holding a 4x4 Day once a year. This day gets the whole community involved in conjunction with other businesses and mines in making it an enjoyable day for the whole family. “This event grows tremendously every year. In 2010 we had 122 participating vehicles and about 7000 visitors enjoying the family day. The track is very challenging and interesting, however not intended on damaging your normal 4x4 vehicle. Along the route there are all kinds of fun challenges for the whole family to participate in such as pellet shooting, throwing oranges, spot the wild etc. “This year we include an Eco route for people not wanting to do the 4x4 challenge” Montgommery adds. There are big prizes to be won. This event is like a festival with various stalls supplying homemade food and beverages and other goods and exhibitors. Upcoming music artists can contact them to book a spot on stage. This year they will again be hosting the Miss and Mr Wildevy beauty pageant, entry form available on the website, and Susan Kruger (contact details below). “We also cater for fun events involving the children with jumping castles and target shooting were a “Rooibok” can be won. Transport between 4x4 challenges for the spectators will be in the form of a tractor and trailer; this is a free service to the public. Camping space is also available. tomtom tomtom To enter the 4x4 fun day it will cost Go Live Start R500.00, this includes a shirt for both the driver and co-driver. 1000 @ Blue In the afternoon there will be having the R3199 Bulls @ traditional SHOW STOPPER. Here a R1500 selected few vehicles will be showing what they can do in the mud bath in view of all, tomtom this is always a winner, do not miss this tomtom White event! Start @ Pearl @ “We are sorry to inform all that no Quad bikes are allowed in and around the event. R1295 R1995 No cool boxes will allowed at the event, a bar service with reasonable prices will be Many more available! available”. For more information visit the website or contact Susan Kruger on 013 231 7498/9 or 013 231 7462 and e-mail: Visit Cash Trader behind ABSA bank, near Cheap Cheap
Ca$h Trader Tel: (013) 231 7140
The team who interviewed her flew to Burgersfort on Tuesday and spend only a few days in the country.
Would like to congratulate Modikwa Platinum Mine on their
8 000 000 fatality free shifts achievement. Working together for a safer mining environment.
Thorburn Security Solutions Eastern Limb Office, Block 6, Shop 13, Rodium Drive, Steelpoort
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24 JUNE 2011
What will the effect of nationalisation be? Last weekend at the national conference for the ANC Youth League, Mr Julius Malema again called for the nationalisation of the mines, banks and the expropriation of farms. This week Mining Weekly reported that wellknown mining lawyer, Mr Peter Leon, considers full-blown nationalisation as one of the worst things for mineworkers. He said: “The R52-billion that was wiped off the Johannesburg Stock exchange (JSE) in 72 hours when the Mining Charter was leaked in 2002 will look like a ‘storm in a teacup’ compared with the adoption of fullblown nationalisation of South Africa’s mining industry”. He warned that mineworkers’ pension funds are widely invested in the JSE. According to the latest report from the Centre for Development and Entrepreneurship (CDE), South Africa will have to find alternatives to grow the economy and reduce unemployment. The report states that South Africa has the lowest recorded employment growth record in the world. Only 41% of South Africans between 16 and 64 are doing any type of work. In developed countries 60% of adults are working. In China they have a 70% employment rate and in Brazil and Indonesia 65%. The CDE suggests that employment can be increased without the threshhold of a minimum income. They take the textile industry in Newcastle as an example. Workers were prepared to earn less, as long as they earn something. Minimum income regulations forced many factories in the area to close and leave hundreds of workers unemployed. Many of these workers are unschooled an find it difficult to find work elsewhere. We asked readers if they believe that nationalisation will happen and what they think the affect on the economy will be?
Mr Dennis Dikotope said: “When Malema takes over we will have more opportunities for jobs. We, the youth are taking Malema’s advice and will prefer if he takes over government. The economy will grow because there will be more jobs. Large companies will not leave the country. They will come up with something to work together. They cannot just pull out. A solution is always everywhere”.
Me. Maria Tebele sê: “Die mense sal meer werk kry as hulle nasionaliseer. Ek dink wat Malema wil hê sal nog gebeur”.
Mr Isaac Maphake said: “I believe what Malema wants will happen. The economy will grow because government will run everything better than the private companies”.
Mr Lucky Sello and Mr Janson Machipa said: “It will be good if it happens because more people will find jobs. Government will employ more people than the private companies”.
Mr Desmond Zitha said: “No, I don’t think Malema’s threats will happen in reality. If it happens the owners of businesses will run away and go make business somewhere else”. Mnr. CJ van der Merwe sê: “Malema se grondonteieningsdreigemente is teenstrydig met ons huidige demokratiese regte wat deur ons huidige verkose regering gesteun word. As dit sou gebeur dat hulle nasionaliseer sal die hoof belastingbetalers uit Suid-Afrika onttrek”.
Mnr. Riaan Steyn sê: “In die laaste 25 jaar besit Suid-Afrikaners eiendom uit verdienste en nie uit apartheid-tipe onteiening nie. Boeregemeenskappe gaan vou met ‘n soortgelyke situasie soos wat in Zimbabwe gebeur het”.
Me. Wilna Volschenk sê: “Dit sal nie goed wees as dit gebeur nie. Buitelandse beleggers sal onttrek as dit deurgevoer word”. By haar is Chanelle en Yoné.
Me Maureen Knoetze sê: “Groot maatskappye sal definitief uit Suid-Afrika onttrek as hulle begin nasionaliseer en onteien. Dit sal ‘n gemors wees. Die ongeluk is dat daar so baie keer vir mense leë beloftes oor werk gemaak word”.
Mr Isaac Dikotope said: “I believe what Malema wants will happen. It will be good. We believe everyone will then have a job”.
Mr Paul Nxumalo said: “I believe they will nationalize the mines, farms and banks. People who are not working, will maybe get jobs and that will be good for the economy”.
24 JUNIE 2011
ECM celebrates Youth Day Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) celebrated Youth Day with their employees by arranging a fun filled Soccer Day at the Winterveld Recreational Club. The different sections played mini soccer against one another and had great fun. Eight teams participated in the event and more than 150 employees took part in the festivities. Everyone had great fun, either playing soccer or cheering their teams with great excitement. The overall winning teams were, Doornbosch 1ST PRIZE Lannex 2ND PRIZE Tweefontein 3RD PRIZE Shared Services 4TH PRIZE
SHEQ a priority for ECM ECM shine during a recent audit. DQS South Africa is the Certification Body that specializes in Safety, Health, Environment and Quality(SHEQ) Management System Certification that assists South African and multinational organizations in realizing their SHEQ Management System objectives. Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) had DQS surveillance audits during the week of 6 to 10 June 2011 to evaluate the various management systems and to retain the relevant certifications(ISO 14001:2004, ISO 9001:2008, BS OHSAS 18001:2007). ECM achieved 10 commendations and 5 minor findings. The findings were closed out and confirmed by the auditors before the auditors completed their audit. General Manager Emile Britz expressed his gratitude towards all ECM employees who are constantly showing their commitment to ensuring that Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality requirements are continuously improved and met. ECM General Manager, Emile Britz. (Photograph: Davida van der Walt)
Photographs: Davida van der Walt
Fast and furious Bush Babies The Bush Babies from Tubatse Chrome came first in the Middelburg Ferrochrome Boxcart race on Saturday 4 June 2011. The team raced against teams from ECM and Middelburg. The staff and management of Tubatse are proud of you!
Care in Driekop prevails In 2007, in a joint effort between the Modikwa Platinum Mine Protection Services Manager and Thorburn Security Solutions the support of a non-profit organization, People Against the Spread of HIV Aids and Starvation (PASAS) in Driekop near Burgersfort commenced. The first aid started in the form of food parcels to 150 orphans on World Aids Day 2007. Since then regular and almost monthly maize donations by Thorburn Security Solutions took place, a blanket project was launched and every World Aids Day was made special to the orphans. Almost four years later in June 2011 nothing has changed – another 450 kg of maize was donated by Thorburn Security Solutions to PASAS. PASAS now care for more than 160 orphans in the Driekop environment and also support the foster parents of many of these children. “We have now engaged in two similar projects, one at Eerstegeluk near Steelpoort and also Lulekani near Phalabora in Limpopo Province. Of the three projects this PASAS project is the most in need when comparing organization, structure and facilities. We ask businesses and organizations to become involved in PASAS as our monthly maize donation is not enough. They need structure and facilities. We try our best to get involved in the communities”, Thorburn MD Dolf Scheepers commented.
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24 JUNE 2011
Letters / Briewe Express your opinion. Write a letter to the Platinum Gazette. Letters may be e-mailed, posted or faxed. Contact details are on page 2 of this issue. Spreek jou mening uit. Skrywes kan per epos, pos of faks na Platinum Gazette gestuur word. Kontakbesonderhede is op bladsy 2 van vandag se uitgawe.
Dagboek / Diary To submit your diary entry. Fax or e-mail all the details to us at (fax) 013 231 7147 or (e-mail) This is a free service.
Crearé Training Program Between 24 July and 5 August 2011 this program will take place at the Burgersfort NG Church. Choose 1-4 subjects per week in one or more of the following Academics: Music, Drama, Dance, Art, Multimedia, Worship, Church Planting & Missions, Skills, Prophetic and Word. For more information contact Jeanette de Jager on 013 231 7627 or 179 502 6501. Op-en-Wakker Senior Burger-konsert Die Op-en-Wakker groep vir bejaardes hou op 13 Julie 2011 weer hul jaarlikse konsert vir senior burgers. Die konsert begin om 10:00 by die Potgietersaal net buite Ohrigstad en almal is welkom. Golfdae om te onthou 8 Julie 2011 - Nag golf. Navrae en besprekings: Martin van Rooyen - 082 816 4833. Vlooimark Op 25 Junie vier die OK Minimark hul verjaarsdag met ‘n reuse vlooimark. Kom deel in die feestelikheid. Bespreek nou jou stalletjie en kom verkoop jou produkte of bemark jou besigheid. Daar is reeds stalletjies vir kos, speelgoed, vars gebakte produkte, leefstyl en handwerk items en vele meer. Daar sal hope pret, musiek en goeie gees wees! Die kleinspan kan vir Buddy kom ontmoet en aan verskillende kompetisies soos koekversier en ‘n talentkompetisie deelneem. Navrae by die OK Minimark, Andries Human. Fotografie Klub Die Burgersfort Fotografie Klub se volgende vergadering vind Maandag, 4 Julie plaas. Alle lede sowel as belangstellendes is welkom om dit by te woon. Dit sal om 18:00 by die AGS Kerk in Steelpoort wees. Die maand se foto tema is Street Photography. Vir meer navrae kontak Ruan Kleynhans by 083 276 1643; Daryll Geddes by 083 612 2021; Braam Matthysen by 083 324 1214; Jaco Smith by 079 697 7356 of Mark Geddes by 083 601 6158. Bobby van Jaarsveld Op 16 Julie 2011 is Bobby van Jaarsveld by Tubatse Chroom Klub. Kaartjies kos R120 vir volwassenes en R90 per laerskoolkind. Kaartjies is by die klub beskikbaar. Zak van Niekerk by Laerskool Burgersfort Zak van Niekerk is op 6 Augustus by Laerskool Burgersfort. Die hekke maak 15:00 oop en die konsert begin om 19:00. Daar sal ‘n biertent, stalletjie en baie meer wees. Daar is nog staanplekke vir stalletjies. Navrae: 013 231 7609 Trompoppie Feesdag Die Trompoppies samel geld in vir hulle deelname aan die nasionale kampioenskappe. Hulle sal by Winterveld ‘n feesdag op 25 Junie hou. Daar sal verskillende aktiwiteite, musiek, rugby, motorfietse, kompetisies, stalletjies en nog baie meer wees. Vir navrae en besprekings van stalletjies kontak Belinda Veldsman by 076 554 8357. Op-Wakker-Groep padstalverkope Die Op-en-Wakker groep vir bejaardes staan weer die laaste Vrydag van die maand by die Pure Plaas plaasstal buite Ohrigstad met hul kosverkope. Daar is heerlike vetkoek, pannekoek, gemmerbier, koeksisters, vars gebak en jaffles te koop. Die fondse word tussen liefdadigheid en die bejaardes se toer na Namakwaland verdeel.
w w w
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People watching from the Tubatse Chrome Club rooftop during the Dale Hayes Golf Clinic on Wednesday.
Kitsgids na jou SAPD/ Important numbers: Burgersfort Ohrigstad Roossenekal Mecklenburg Eerstegeluk Tubatse Sekhukhune Leboeng Maartinshoop
(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041
Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic Water & Sanitation Disaster Management (Ambulance & Fire) Electricity (Eskom)
(013) 2147265 (013) 615 0204 (013) 2317843 082 900 4449 0800 330 022 0860 037 566
Thought for the week “He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know.” - Lao-tzu (604 BC - 531 BC) Chinese philosopher
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.
24 JUNIE 2011
Golf ten bate van Pro 20 Krieket Verledeweek Donderdag is ‘n gholf dag ten bate van die Pro 20 Krieket wat in Steelpoort begin gaan word gehou. Die geld wat gemaak is sal gebruik word om vir die Pro 20 toerusting aan te koop vir die spel.Die Pro 20 sal Winterveld Klub begin word.Die uitslae was as volg:
Longest Drive - Embrich Cilliers Nearest to the Pin - Louw Du Plessis 1ste Johan Dreyer/Johan Swannepoel 2de Pierre van Staden/Embrich Cilliers 3de Jacques Ismay/Don Ismay 4de Martin van Rooyen/Willemien Potgieter (Foto’s en inligting: Martin van Rooyen)
Join the fun and play cricket Mr. Johan van Tonder, General Manager of Mototolo Mine, established an Eastern Limb Cricket Competition between the local mines and businesses in the area. The aim of the project is to promote community involvement and to provide families with a fun Current log standings: Group A Team Tyre Corp Mototolo 1 Two Rivers 1 Modikwa Lae Veldbou Smokey Hill Thorncliffe Group B Team Dullstroom Mototolo 2 Everest Helena Pre Crete Two Rivers 2 Zizwe Teams
activity to do together. Each mine / business is responsible for their team’s own sponsors and expenses. The response has been very positive. People who would like to join in the fun can contact Theresa Boshoff on 013 230 6864 for more information.
Played 2 2 2 1 2 2 3
Won 2 2 1 1 1 0 0
Lost 0 0 1 0 1 2 3
Played 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
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24 JUNIE 2011
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. Email: • Fax: 086 554 9031
GSKA Karate Maandae & Woensdae van 17h30 – 19h00 by Calvin College. Almal welkom van 6 jaar en ouer. Op Dinsdae word daar nou ook selfverdedigingsklasse aangebied. Dit is ook by Calvin College tussen 17:30 en 19:00 Skakel Jolanda Hietbrink by 082 859 9681.
3. Dienste/ Services ALL & ALL SERVICES We do it all: Installations & repairs. Aircons, stoves, fridges, washing machines, freezers, geysers. For a free quotation call: 079 492 5780.
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous KENNISGEWING TEN OPSIGTE VAN VERKOOP VAN VOERTUIG. Hiermee gee ek Mnr. JJ Brown h/a Magnum Services kennis dat die volgende voertuig, ‘n Mercedes Benz 1413 met registrasie nommer HDY 568 NW verkoop sal word om kostes vir herstelwerk en berging te dek indien die wettige eienaars nie binne 30 dae van publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing die volle uitstaande rekening vereffen en die voertuig kom haal nie. Navrae: 082 927 3517 NOTICE OF SALE OF VEHICLE. Herewith I, Mr JJ Brown, t/a Magnum Services give notice that the following vehicle, a Mercedes Benz 1413 with registration number HDY 568 NW will be sold to cover costs incurred for repairs and storage should the lawful owners not come and settle the full outstanding
account and collect the vehicle within 30 days from publication of this advertisement. Enquiries: 082 927 3517.
9. Te Huur/ To Let Burgersfort. Bachelor flat. Available end June 2011. Contact: 076 666 1100
10 . Te Koop/ For Sale
for industrial steel sales company. Matric + computer literacy a must. Fluent in Afrikaans & English. Must have previous steel sales experience. Own vehicle & cell phone essential. Basic + commission. Mail cv to Closing date 24/06/2011. Ref: js/AS/esc
Counter sales consultant needed
Yard Controller needed
for industrial steel sales company. Matric + computer literacy a must. Fluent in Afrikaans & English. Must have previous steel sales experience. Basic + commission. Mail cv to Closing date 24/06/2011 Ref: js/AS/csc
for industrial steel sales company. Matric + computer literacy a must. Fluent in Afrikaans & English. Must have previous steel experience. Basic + commission. Mail cv to Closing date 24/06/2011. Ref: js/AS/yc
Planthuis. 6m x ongeveer 3m. Gemaak van "square tubing" met ‘n nok dak. Oorgetrek met 50%skadunet. Ideaal vir tamaties ens. Ongeveer 4 maande oud. Ongeveer 30 saai laaie (128) plus ‘n paar sakkies saailing mengsel. Rede vir verkoop Het verhuis KZN toe. Prys R7000 of naaste aanbod. Kontak no van seun: M Pieterse, 0826957632
This could have been your business brought to the attention of potential customers.
1. Sport Klubs/ Sport Clubs
External sales consultant needed
1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale
To place your advertisement call Beánnla on 083 543 1676.
Betrekkings/ Vacancies
A vacancy exists for an Auto Electrician Requirements:
• • • • • • •
Must be qualified with trade test certificates. Must be able to repair alternators and starters. Must be familiar with batteries Must be familiar with earth moving equipment. Must be familiar with Burgersfort and surroundings (at least a 50km radius from Burgersfort). Must have a valid drivers licence. Must be bilingual in Afrikaans and English.
To apply fax your CV to 013 231 7115 or e-mail: or drop it off at the PnP Battery House in Burgersfort. Closing date: 1 July 2011
Need to advertise a vacancy? Get double value with our e-mail and online editions! To place your vacancy advertisement call Beánnla on 083 543 1676.
Some of the places we distribute newspapers: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Burgersfort Toyota * Hendrik’s Panelbeaters
* Mecklenburg SAPS * Tubatse Village * Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court * Penge * Factory Shop * Dwarsrivier Mine * 4U Office National - Burgersfort * Ingwe Safety Equipment * One Stop Motor Spares - Steelpoort * Fingerprint of Africa * Try Me Dealers Ohrigstad * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Vyfster Slaghuis * Sasol Delight Convenience Store Steelpoort * Department of Agriculture - Praktiseer * Madeleen Willers Prokureurs * Merensky Real Estate * Pret Liqour * Plaasvars Groentewinkel * Kubu Tavern * Ngwaabe Community Forum * Shoprite Jane Furse
Platinum Gazette now available at
Jane Furse
24 JUNIE 2011
Chroom B deur na finaal Tubatse Chroom Gholfklub se B-span het verlede week Saterdag hul liga wedstryd teen Sabie met 6-2 gewen. Daarmee het hulle vir hulself ‘n plek in die finaal bespreek. Die groep sal teen Lydenburg in die finaal op Nelspruit speel. Dit is die eerste keer in baie jare wat
Chroom B in die liga finaal sal wees. Die klub nooi spelers uit om lid te word en lede om aan die liga deel te neem. Van die span se ligaspelers verhuis en die klub is altyd opsoek na spelers wat graag liga wil speel. Die finaal vind op 16 Julie plaas.
24 JUNIE 2011
Platinum Gazette
Dale Hayes & Supersport at Tubatse Chrome Dale Hayes and Supersport visited Tubatse Chrome Club on Wednesday this week. The group filmed the course, interviewed the golf committee and then more than 60 players teed-off for a round of golf. After all was said and done, Dale entertained everyone with a quick golf clinic (photographs above and right). Dale started his golfing career as a little boy. His father was a professional player and in 1969 Dale won the 15-17 boys category in the Junior World Golf championships. He quickly made a name for himself as professional player. He won more than a dozen events in South Africa and was the runner up on the
Lettuce heads
Granny Smith Apples 1.5kg
South African Tour Order of Merit in 1974, 1975, 1976 and 1979. In 1976 he won the World Cup of Golf for South Africa with his partner Bobby Cole. At the age of 18 he also won the Spanish Open. This made him the youngest winner on the European Tour - a record that stood until 2009 when Danny Lee won the Johnnie Walker Classic. He has also worked as a broadcaster, started and edited a golf magazine and was one of the founders of a golf internet shopping business. He is also involved in golf course design - specifically the marketing and public relations aspects. He also works as a public speaker and gives golf clinics.
Diamond 2 plate electric stove
Goldi Mixed Portions 2kg
R28-99 Cadbury Slabs 90g/100g