Platinum Gazette 24 March 2017

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Sekhukhune District Municipality Executive mayor Cllr Keamotseng Stanley Ramaila is expected to deliver his first State of the District Address (SODA) today, 24 March 2017, at Moses Mabotha Civic Hall Fetakgomo – Greater Tubatse Local Municipality 476)) during council sitting. p y (LIM ( g a special p In his address, the and he Executive he Exec ecuti utive ve mayor is expected exp pect ected ecte e to take e stock stock stoc k of o the District’s District’ t s achievements a evem achie challenges. He will further for 2017 err highlight highl ghliight the ghlig the h District’s Distr trrict’ ct’s s programme progra progra ra amm a am mme of of action accti ction and an a nd service service vice e delivery deliv de eliv liver live ery ryy priorities prior and beyond. Cllr Ramaila’ s speech education, sp peec ech h is is also als lso so o expected expe ected to include inclu ude e issues iisssuess such su uch as as job jo ob creation, ob crreat eatio ion,, economy, ion econ healthcare, infrastructure the str s ructure ctu tu ure r development, devve elo opme pment, ment, me nt, opportunities o por op orrttunit ort unittiess for young y ung yo g people pe eople e and nd d most mos ostt importantly os im mp por provision of waterr and an nd sanitation. saniittatio attiion on. The State of the Dist District usually give tric rictt Address A is usual uallly a platform platform for f the Executive Executive i Mayor to literally lite feedback to all stakeholders of the District Municipality including Business, Labour, Traditional Leaders and members of the community to name but a few. Cllr Ramaila’s speech is scheduled for 13:00.


SODA Gazette

Who will it be? See the finalists on page 4

Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Apel

24 Maart 2017

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147



24 MARCH 2017


Stolen property found The Burgersfort SAPS recovered suspected stolen property. This came after they arrested a man from Tukakgomo Village on 12 March 2017 for possession of suspected stolen property. With the man they recovered a drilling machine valued at approximately R400 000. “We advise community members not to buy properties at their back doors as they will be arrested for possession of suspected stolen property,” said Consta-

Taking over town...

ble Victoria Maluleka of the Burgersfort SAPS. * Two bicycles were found abandoned at the R37 corner towards Bothashoek. A good Samaritan brought them to Police station. Anyone who lost the bicycles must report to Police station with receipt of their purchase. (Information and photographs: Constable Maluleka V, Burgersfort SAPS).

Cattle walking through town is nothing new, but the herd below was chased by their owner into town to roam the suburban gardens and streets, bringing on the fury of homeowners in town.

Helpende Hand in Burgersfort ‘n Tak van Solidariteit se Helpende Hand is in Februarie op Burgersfort gestig. Dié tak is gestig om na die gemeenskap se behoeftes om te sien. Helpende Hand se projekte word gedryf deur passievolle vrywilligers in 160 verskillende takke in die land. Die nuutste tak is Burgersfort waar daar deur die span van 12 ywerige vrywilligers gefokus gaan word op kinders, bejaardes en gestremdes.

Hulle sal verantwoordelik wees om die gemeenskappe van Burgersfort, Ohrigstad en Steelpoort te bedien met projekte wat Afrikaner-armoede verlig, voorkom en verbreek. Soos op talle ander kleiner dorpies is die nood groot en wil Helpende Hand graag hande vat met plaaslike organisasies en gemeentes om die nood aan te spreek. Indien iemand wil betrokke raak by hierdie nuwe tak kan hulle dit op 2 maniere doen: hulle kan inskakel by die bestuur wat een keer per maand vergader om projekte in die dorp te bespreek en aan te pak. Lede van die gemeenskap kan ook besluit om slegs ʼn ondersteuner van Helpende Hand te word. Geld wat van lidmaatskap geld kom, gaan terug na die gemeenskap in die vorm van skooltassies, sanitêre ware en kos vir behoeftige kleuters. Volgens Alisha de Lange, streeksverteenwoordiger is die area se gemeenskap vol mense wat omgee. Vir meer inligting oor wat Helpende Hand in die gemeenskap doen, kontak vir Alisha de Lange op 082 923 1438.

Taking a short left On Sunday morning this taxi decided to pass a queue of vehicles and take a turn left in front of oncoming traffic, ignoring the red traffic light. The driver had total disregard for traffic rules, despite a traffic officer sitting in a vehicle just a few vehicles further down the queue he skipped.

24 MAART 2017


Domestic violence is an issue SAPS Leboeng in partnership with Department of Safety and Security held a domestic violence stakeholders campaign on 2017-03-15 at the Kgautswana Full Gospel church. Government departments such as the department of social development, health and correctional services were invited to come and present their role in the curbing of domestic violence. The main aim of the campaign was to educate the community and stakeholders about domestic violence and the assistance they provide to the victims of domestic violence. Sergeant Maimela Sibatana (Leboeng SAPS communication officer) explained the role of the Police regarding domestic violence. He further told the crowd that as SAPS Leboeng the Police are ready to assist anyone who is the victim of domestic violence. Mr Bopape, representing the department of safety and security, told the people about the forms of abuse in domestic violence. Ms Mojela, the social worker, said their doors are open for anyone who need assistance. The community and stakeholders were also afforded the opportunity to ask questions for clarity. Brigadier Maja, the Deputy Cluster Commander of Burgersfort Cluster was among the guests. She responded to the questions that were directed to the Police. She assured the community that domestic violence is regarded as a priority by the police and no victim will be turned away without being assisted. Anyone who feels not satisfied with the assistance they got from any police station in the cluster must feel free to report the matter to the cluster office. Ward 24’s councillor, Mnisi Hluphi, thanked the community for for turning up at the campaign, saying the information forwarded was an eye opener in a certain sense. (Information and photographs supplied by Sergeant Sibatana, Leboeng SAPS).

Proverbs 18:2 NIV A fool finds no pleasure in understanding but delights in airing his own opinions.



24 MARCH 2017


Who will be Miss Riba Cross? Vote now On 1 April 2017 the new Miss Riba Cross and Face of Straight Line 2017 will be crowned. This event will be taking place at Ga Aroon (Makgemeng via Steelpoort Road. The event will start at 18:00 and entrance will be R20 per person. In the meantime readers can vote for their favourite contestants on facebook and help them get the crown. The contestants are: Keletso Serage (20) from Driekop, Mooihoek; Sehale Mahlaku (16) form Riba Cross; Makgomola Tshepiso (16) from Driekop; Ntshobe

Letshego (21) from Riba Cross; Mkhondo Ennie (14) from Riba Cross; Magabane Modipadi (14) from Riba Cross; Lucia Makofane (16) from Riba Cross; Thakane Disegwane (16) from Praktiseer; Makola Refilwe (17) from Ga Mashamthane; Kgothatso Selala (15) from Ga Mashamthane; Zinzi Pholwana (18) from Ga Madiseng Riba Cross Voting lines will close on 31 March 2017 at 23:59.To vote visit the Miss Riba Cross & Face of Straigh Line 2017 facebook page. (Photographs: EDP & Shemy Molangwana Aka Mr cash flow young movement & event hosters)

Mkhondo Ennie

Sehale Mahlaku

Ntshobe Letshego

Makgomola Tshepiso

Thakane Disegwane

Makola Refilwe

Lucia Makofane

Zinzi Pholwana

Magabane Modipadi

Keletso Serage

Kgothatso Selala

24 MAART 2017


Vrolik opportunisties Laerskool Ohrigstad hou elke jaar in Maart ‘n padverkope geleentheid om geld vir die skool in te samel. Verlede Vrydag was dit dus ‘n bedrywigheid terwyl ouers saamgestaan het om pannekoek, vetkoek en ander lek-

kernye aan verybgangers op die R36 te verkoop. Die huidige stop-en-ry wat in die dorp is terwyl daar aan die pad gewerk word, het aan toeriste die geleentheid te gee om van die heerlike kos te koop terwyl hulle wag vir hul beurt om te ry. Van die leerders het sommer bestellings by die motors geneem en aan Ohrigstad hul eerste deur-ry wegneemkos fasiliteit gegee - al was dit tydelik.

‘n Leeftyd saam

Piet en Tillie Steyn van Ohrigstad is bekende gesigte op dié dorp, maar byna net so bekend is hul geel kombi. Die paar het verlede week Saterdag, 18 Maart hul 50ste huweliksherdenking gevier, maar vertel dat die geel Volkswagen kombi net so deel is van die familie. Hulle besit hom al 41 jaar en hy loop nog met sy oorspronklike enjin wat al na ‘n half miljoen kilometer toe staan. “Ons het ons kinders in hierdie kombi grootgemaak,” vertel oom Piet. Hulle het twee kinders, ‘n seun en ‘n dogter en daar is 5 kleinkinders wat steeds die genot van dié voertuig geniet wanneer hulle by oupa en ouma kom kuier. Die Steyns is bekend vir hul heerlike pannekoeke en hulle het verlede week weer by Laerskool Ohrigstad se padverkope uitgehelp. Teen 12:00 se kant het hulle al meer as 700 pannekoeke gebak.



24 MARCH 2017

Platinum Gazette

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TE HUUR 2 Slaapkamer woonstel in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Elektriese heining en alarmsisteem wat huurder kan laat moniteer. Afdak vir voertuig. Water en elektrisiteit is ingesluit by huur. Elektrisiteit ingesluit tot op ‘n vasgestelde hoeveelheid eenhede. Verdere gebruik word saam met huur ingevorder. Woonstel is dadelik beskikbaar. Billike huur. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954.

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* Pick n Pay Tubatse Crossing * Shoprite Tubatse Crossing * Temba Garage * Dunlop * Supa Quick Burgersfort * Boxer Khadima Centre * Phelo Pharmacy Khadima Centre * Cheap Cheap #2 * Tubatse Superspar * Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort * Toyota Burgersfort * Choppies Burgersfort * Magaba Filling Station * Burgersfort SAPS * Aloe Spar * Praktiseer SAPS * Ohrigstad SAPS * Pick n Pay Steelpoort * Winterveld Village * Tubatse Village * Dwarsrivier Mine * Mototolo * Morena’s Tavern (Steel Bridge) * Glencore Eastern Limb Training Centre

* Madiba’s Mini Market Kalkfontein * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Twickenham Platinum Mine * Dr. Lorna’s Surgery Burgersfort * Pret Liquor * Pret Butchery * CTM Burgersfort * Madeleen Willers Attorneys * Lebowa Panel Beaters * Hendrk’s Panelbeaters * Department of Education Circuit Office Burgersfort * Laerskool Ohrigstad * Laerskool Burgersfort * Supa Save * Build It Tubatse * A1 Food Store Twin City * Bronrich Slaghuis * 1 Stop Midas Burgersfort * Tubatse Build It * Vyfster Slaghuis Steelpoort * Burgersfort Pharmacy *Fouché Medical Practice Burgersfort * Mooifontein Kafee

24 MAART 2017



Mayor’s Cup decided Tubatse Masters tops The Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor’s Cup final took place this week. Ngwaabe City Motors F.C. won the overall cup and they were playing against R. T Giant Killers in the final. They won with a 3 -2 score line. The event was attended by the District Mayor Ramaila and other politicials.

(Information and photographs: SDM Communications Unit).

On Saturday 18 March, Tubatse Masters played a friendly match against Tip Top soccer team at Leolo Secondary School sports ground in Praktiseer. Tubatse Masters won the match 2-1. Lekgotla Motswiane and Norman Jannetjies scored for Tubatse Masters. On Sunday 19 March Tubatse Masters visited Thorburn security soccer team for a friendly match. The match was played

at Mangabane sports grounds. Tubatse Masters also won this match by 8-7. Pitso Sehlabela x3, Phillip Kgapane x 2, Mpho Mokgohloa, Lekgotla Motswiane and Forthy Manogo scored for Tubatse Masters. On Tuesday 21 March Tubatse Masters played in a friendly Top 3 tournament arranged by the ABSA bank soccer team. The tournament played at Sekhukhune TVET college in Praktiseer. In the first match Tubatse Masters won 7-1 against Absa. Seun Maroga x 3, Norman Jannetjies x 3 and Rally Mmola scored for Tubatse Masters. The second match of the day Sekhukhune TVET lecturers won 3-1 against ABSA. The last match of the day was Tubatse Masters against Sekhukhune TVET College lecturers and Tubatse Masters won the match 5-4. Tomas Lubisi x 2, Phillip Kgapane, Seun Maroga and Judas Motswiane scored for Tubatse Masters.

(Information: Jerial Mvundlela Photographs: Motswiane and Titus Mashaba)

Kom neem deel aan die Veldskiet Dag Op 8 April 2017 word daar ‘n Veldskiet Dag by PLM Boerdery aangebied. Die dag ten bate van die Waterval CVO Skool word hierdie jaar vir die tweede keer aangebied. Verlede jaar was dit groot pret en ‘n reuse sukses. Tydens hierdie kompetisie kan skuts hulle skietvaardigheid teits en sommer kyk of hulle reg is vir die jagseisoen. Die dag word in samewerking met die Jagtersvereniging se Bosboktak aangebied. Skuts wat belangstel om deel te neem moet spring want die inskrywings is beperk tot 24 spanne. Daar is 5 skuts per span en spanne kan bestaan uit families, dames, juniors, vriende of kollegas. Die kompetisie vind oor 5 verskillende bane plaas. Storm buffel, Bobbejaan, Jakkals, Lang Ghong baan en Kort Ghong

baan. Inskrywings is R250 per persoon of R1250 per span. Ingang is verniet vir deelnemers, maar vir toeskouers is dit R20 per persoon. Daar is ook ‘n boogbaan waar daar na ondermeer 3D teikens geskiet sal word. Inskrywings hier is R100 per persoon. Die dag sal om 07:30 begin. Hierdie jaar is daar baie pryse en ook gelukkige trekkings wat sal plaasvind. Natuurlik sal daar weer heerlike kos te koop aangebied word en beide persone wat kom kyk as die skuts is welkom. Hoewel daar ‘n kroeg sal wees en kosstalletjies is daar ook ‘n bring en braai na die dag se skiet. Om in te skryf skakel vir Johan Grimbeek by 082 378 0698 or e-pos grimbeek.


24 MARCH 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Ratels looi Rooikatte op tuisveld Die Ratels van Ohrigstad het verlede naweek met die Rooikatte van Lydenburg afgereken tydens ‘n liga rugbywedstryd. Die span het met goeie tempo begin en die halftyd telling was 17-10. Hulle het egter teruggegaan op die veld om seker te maak van hule en die eindtelling was 27-13 in hul guns. Liaam Prinsloo het 2 drieë gedruk en Marko Mare druk een drie. Juan van Zyl het al drie drieë verdoel en ook 2 strafskoppe oorgesit. Die Voorspeler van die Dag was Marko Mare en die Agterspeler van die Dag was Liaam Prinsloo. Die volgende wedstryd is op 1 April teen die Impalas. Dit sal ‘n tuiswedstryd wees. Die publiek word genooi om die manne te kom ondersteun. Spelers wat belangstel om te kom saam oefen en speel is ook welkom. Vir navrae kontak Quartus du Toit by 072 341 3010.

(Inligting: Quartus du Toit, Ratels Rugby Klub)

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