The green ID book is not dead (but it will die, eventually)
The department of Home Affairs says it has taken noteof a message purported to be from the department announcing that the lifespan of the green barcoded ID book comes to an end on 31 March 2018, saying: “No such announcement has been made by the Department. We wish to make it clear that the green barcoded ID bookremains a legal form of identification and will continue to be until such time that the Live Capture System is rolled out to all Home Affairs offices to enable South Africans to apply for Smart ID cards at their nearest offices. The Department has developed a plan to systematically phase out the green ID book and ultimately consolidate the restoration, common citizenship, identity and dignity to South Africans. To this end, we call on South Africans to apply for Smart ID cards atany of the 180 offices that are equipped with the Live Capture System. In addition, the Department has established a partnership with FNB, Standard Bank, Nedbank and ABSA to create an online portal where clients can lodge their application without visiting a Home Affairs office. To apply, visit the Home Affairs website, and click on the eHomeAffairs icon”.
Tubatse Alloy brings hope Then: The 07 August 2009 front page
One day in August 2009, the editor of Platinum Gazette found himself on a beam just below the roof of the brand new pelletising plant of the new smelter at ASA Metals at Dilokong, part of ‘Project Sunrise’, that equipped the area with state-of the-art technology to boost ferrochrome production. In the editor’s hand was a tiny but excellent Leica camera which he still uses. His mission on that day: a front page photograph that would bring hope. Alas the company saw it’s demise because of various factors, such as a poor economy and an unstable community and labour environment. This week the newspaper was summoned at short notice, again to bring a message of hope. The plant at Dilokong is going to rise from the ashes and the smelter is going to go into production again with the name ‘Tubatse Alloy’ under the ownership of Samancor Chrome. Samancor Chrome’s Chief Operating Officer, Mr Desmond McManus and the company’s Human Resources chief, Ms Leandra van der Merwe, met up with representatives of the Pulana Maroga community (which hails from the Dilokong area) at Samancor’s Tubatse Club outside Steelpoort to sign the ‘Terms of Reference’ for recruitment at the resurrected venture. This terms of reference amongst other things not only spell out the company’s role and responsibilities with regard to the recruitment process, but also the community’s reponsibility in taking part in the process. ‘Phase One’ will also require of the community to take part in a skills assessment in order to determine what training is required and will be required in future, not only in terms of the core business, but also other needs in terms of more specialised skills. The essence of a stable community environment was stressed as well as the possible influence of the future economic climate and legislation may have on expansion and future recruitment.
Fetakgomo Greater Tubatse Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
24 November 2017
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031
24 NOVEMBER 2017
CelebraƟng 4 Million Fatality Free ShiŌs D
Ms. René Joubert handed the Mines Health and Safety Council trophy to Mr Rian Burger, general manager of Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine.
Ms P. Sedidi received the trophy for Best Safety Performance Process. Mr K. Mokgatlha handed it to her.
warsrivier Chrome Mine (DCM) celebrated their 4 Million Fatality Free Shi (FFS) milestone last week. This achievement and outstanding safety performances by employees were honoured at a func on at Dunkeld Country Estate in Dullstroom on 15 November 2017. This remarkable achievement took close to nine years to reach. Mr Rian Burger, General Manager of DCM accepted the trophy on behalf of the Mine. He gave thanks to everyone involved who worked hard and safe to reach this important milestone. DCM has been in existence for 17 years. In this me the mine suffered two fatali es. The last one was in January 2009. Burger has been at the mine for approximately 15 years and saw the culture of safety develop and grow. He said: “We want our employees to go back home feeling
Mr J. Bodenstein received the trophy for Best Safety Performance Mining.
Mr J. Beyneveldt received the trophy for Best Safety Performance Engineering. Mr K. Mokgatlha handed it to him.
Mr S. Hlapolosa received the trophy for Best Safety Performance Services. Mr K. Mokgatlha handed it to him.
red but sa sfied from the work they’ve done, but also cared for and safe. We care about their hearts and minds just as much as their skills”. He added that safety can always be improved and this is a priority that will never become less important. He also gave honour and thanks to God for this achievement. Various stakeholders a ended the event. Mr Carles Walters, CEO of Assore commended the team on their hard work and clean safety record. He encouraged them to keep flying the company flag high when it comes to safety and performance. The company also recognised outstanding safety efforts within the different sec ons of the opera on. Cer ficates and trophies for Outstanding Safety Performances in Services, Process, Mining and Engineering were handed over. The recipients were S. Hlapolosa, P. Sedidi, Q. Enslin and J. Bodenstein. The event concluded with entertainment from a live band and a meal fit for the occasion.
Trophies, including new floa ng trophies for outstanding safety performances by employees were handed out at the func on.
24 NOVEMBER 2017
Life in abundance celebrated at Fascinating Womanhood The Fascinating Womanhood group held their annual graduation and conference last weekend at Tubatse Chrome Club. Women attending the classes through the
year are led to learn more about themselves, their roles as women, wifes, mothers and sisters according to the Bible and grow both spiritually and mentally in fellowship with oth-
Samancor ECM makes life easier for ‘Little Angels’ The Little Angels of Planet Earth was established in December 2013 after realising the need to help children who are mentally and physically challenged. The founder filled a necessary gap by providing a shelter for these children which has become a permanent home for some. The centre house children from many villages around the Sekhukhune District Municipality. With this responsibility comes a lot of expenses and often the need arise to replace some crucial items. Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines responded to the request from the shelter and swiftly attended by providing some of the basic stuff that will improve the quality of life of many of the children. Mattresses and blankets were recently delivered to the institution and ECM is proud of the support they could provide. (Photographs & information: Mariska Stickling, ECM)
er women of the area. It is not denomination specific and anyone is welcome. The conference focussed on gaining life in abundance here on earth through knowledge of God’s word. A special message was brought to the group by Isabelle Ng’ambi from Zambia. Local pastors C. Pandala and M.S. Phiri were the hosts. There was also a session for ‘Men of Valor’ that focussed on the men in these women’s lives. Women are encouraged to take the step and join the Fascinating Womanhood in 2018.
24 NOVEMBER 2017
24 NOVEMBER 2017
24 NOVEMBER 2017
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
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heining en alarm sisteem wat huurder kan laat moniteer. Afdak vir voertuig. Water en elektrisiteit is ingesluit by huur tot op ‘n vasgestelde hoeveelheid eenhede. Verdere verbruik word saam met huur ingevorder. Billike huur. Huis beskikbaar vanaf 1 Desember 2017. Kontak Mike by 082 357 1954
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TE HUUR 3 Slaapkamer huis in klein sekuriteitskompleks naby Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort. Elektriese
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in the Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or (Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00.)
Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
24 NOVEMBER 2017
NUUS Psalm 126 A song of ascents. 1
When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. 2 Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.� 3 The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.
Pulana Maroga Soccer league going strong Mangabane F.C. and Mooihoek All Stars played to a draw ib 18 November 2017.
The Pulana Maroga Soccer league is going strong and teams played again on 18 November 2017. Games played at Arandis Grounds were: Maruleng FC: 1 vs Morethe Young Dribblers: 3.Mangabane FC: 0 vs Mooihoek All Stars: 0. Arandis Jnr: 4 vs Stone breakers: 1. Games played at the Lebalelo Grounds were: Driekop FC: 2 vs Mathipa Happy Fighters: 3. Mighty Blues: 3 vs Golden Spears: 2. Lenareng FC: 2 vs Tshakanya Mighty Rovers: 2. The previous week teams played on 12 November. The results were: Mighty Blues Ground: Barcelona: 2 vs Mangabane FC: 0 Mathipa Happy Fighters Jnr: 3 vs Mooihoke All Stars Jnr: 1. Mighty Blues: 2 vs Real Madrid: 0. Morethe Ground: Golden Spears: 4 vs Driekop Happy Stars: 1. Stone Breakers: 1 vs Tearing Lions: 1. Morethe Young Dribblers: 1 vs Lenareng: 2. Driekop Ground: Mighty Bucks: 6 vs Arandis Jnr: 0. Moisele: 2 vs Kampeng United: 1. Driekop FC: 1 vs Batau: 5. Maruleng Ground: Mophlophi Fast 11 Jnr: 1 vs Tshakanya Mighty Rovers: 2. Bullbull: 3 vs Mooihoek Real Touch: 0. Maruleng FC: 2 vs Bafaladi FC: 3. (Information & photographs: Pulana Maroga Soccer League).
24 NOVEMBER 2017 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Wildevy Manne sluit jaar af Die Wildevy Manne het die jaar verlede Saterdag afgesluit met ‘n bring-en-braai vir die hele gesin. Dié groep manne organiseer jaarliks die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag asook ‘n golfdag en kleiduif skietdag om fondse vir liefdadigheid in te samel. Hierdie jaar het hulle meer as R140 000 vir liefdadigheid geskenk. Van die projekte wat deur hulle ondersteun is sluit in: RATA Ondersteuningsraad, Laerskool Waterval CVO, Laerskool Ohrigstad
en Laerskool Burgersfort (hulle ontvang gazebos en ‘tear drop’ banniere), Lydenburg Rusoord, Wenakker, Loskopvallei Tehuis, Huis Ebenheaser, Magnolia Senior Groep, Jesus Factor - Burgersfort Jeug Aksie, Cansa, Epilepsie Suid-Afrika, die Rapport Onderwys Fonds asook die Voortrekkers en Landsdiens in Burgersfort. Tydens Saterdag se afsluiting het elke lid ‘n knipmes ontvang om dankie te sê vir die jaar se harde werk. Daar is ook ‘n skenking van R1000 vir die Help Hanna projek gedoen. Dié projek samel sanitêre ware vir behoeftige vroue in. Skenkings vir dié projek kan by Supa Quick Burgersfort afgegee word. (Navrae daaroor kan aan Ilze gerig word by 013 231 7499). Daar is spesiaal dankie gesê aan die manne se vrouens wat baie geduld het wanneer die manne deur die jaar vergader en werk om van die projekte ‘n sukses te maak. Na die formaliteite is daar lekker saam gekuier en gebraai. Die manne sien uit daarna om volgende jaar vars te begin en weer ‘n verskil te maak.