Platinum Gazette 25 April 2014

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Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

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Shop where Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P ark Park South Africa shops! Tel: (013) 231 7227

P5 Arrive what?

Despite the fact that the R37 road through Burgersfort is in a terrible condition around the intersection with Eland Street (and very,very busy), this truck driver had the audacity to bring his vehicle to a standstill, blocking traffic from behind and creating a very dangerous situation for vehicles coming out of the slipway. His ‘emergency stop’ was only to pick up a passenger (see open door).

© Platinum Gazette

25 April 2014


25 APRIL 2014


Dwarsrivier Mine Beating crime together in Mashishing The Crime Awareness March kicked off the day’s activities as it went through the streets of Mashishing. People were invited along the way to join the group. The drum majorettes led the procession.

The SAPS, Dwarsrivier Mine, Thaba Chweu Munilcipality and various stakeholders organised a crime awareness day last week Wednesday in Mashishing. Health and safety of employees and the communities around the mine’s operations is very important to Dwarsrivier Mine. The day’s event was aimed at addressing specifically substance abuse and burglary which are two problem areas for both the police and residents. The programme kicked off with a mass march through Mashishing. The march, led by drum majorettes snaked through the streets and people joined the group as they moved to the community hall where the formal programme took place. The South African Police Service (SAPS) and various stakeholders shared the floor while learners from nearby schools delivered items as entertainment, but also with educational messages. Stakeholders that participated include the Department of Education, Department of Social Services,

Above: Mr Themba Sibanyoni from Dwarsrivier Mine. Right: Learners from various schools in action. Below: “This is what dagga makes you feel like!” Constable Nkwinika giving is talk.

Department of Health, Thaba Chweu Municipality, members from various units within the SAPS ,Dwarsrivier Mine as well as the Christelik-Maatskaplike Raad. One of the highlights of the morning was when Constable Nkwinika gave a talk about dagga and other drugs. He is from the K9 unit and even had a dagga plant to show the audience what to look out for and report to the SAPS. He explained in good humour a very serious subject. Mr Themba Sibanyoni from Dwarsrivier Mine emphasised the mine’s commitment towards fighting crime and enhancing the lives of communities. He encouraged those present to take the messages to heart and help the SAPS to fight crime in the area. He encouraged the learners to focus on their education and keep away from crime so that they can grow up to be citizens South Africa that can be proud of. The day concluded with a warm lunch that was welcomed in the cold and rainy weather.

25 APRIL 2014



Merafe keeps shining

Lion smelters at night Merafe’s attributable ferrochrome production from the Glencore-Merafe Chrome Venture increased by 28% period on period for the first quarter of the year. The company says this significant increase was primarily attributable to a stronger market, the impact of the non-recurring Eskom buy-back agreements and the good performance of the venture’s furnaces. The Rustenburg smelter continues to operate efficiently due to the positive impact of the Tswelopele pelletising and sintering plant. The venture’s operating capacity utilisation for the first quarter of 2014 was 95% compared to 74% for the comparative period. Ferrochrome sales volumes for the first quarter of 2014 increased by 9% period on period. The comapny says the ongoing strike in the platinum industry has resulted in reduced UG2 production and higher chrome ore input costs at the venture’s furnaces during the first quarter of 2014, as a consequence of a higher percentage of own mined ore compared to UG2 Merafe also announced that production from the first furnace of the venture’s R5000 million Project Lion II commenced on 6 April 2014, saying ferrochrome production at the plant will ramp up gradually and it is envisaged that the smelter will be fully operational toward the middle of 2014. The project has an excellent safety record with more than 8.5 million man hours worked, without a lost time injury.

Anglo American looking good in first quarter -except platinum



25 APRIL 2014

Arrive Alive messages all over at Easter

The Sekhukhune District Municipality kicked off their Arrive Alive campaign at Tubatse Crossing Mall taxi rank last week Wednesday.

Sekhukhune District Municipality held their Arrive Alive launch in Burgersfort last week. The day’s programme included messages of support from local taxi associations, provincial and local traffic department, SAPS, EMS, RAF as well as Fire and Disaster Management. They also included entertainment and distribution of safety tips.

Road Safety Awareness on R37 at Twickenham Mines have in recent months teamed up the local traffic department to improve road safety. Twickenham led a campaign on Thursday last week to create awareness of road safety before the Easter long weekend. Greater Tubatse Municipality’s chief traffic officer, Victor Lekwadu told Platinum Gazette that the morning was a big success and the goals set out during the planning phases were achieved. He applauded everyone for their hard work and commitment. Encouraging everyone to stay alert on the roads and arrive alive.

25 APRIL 2014



Songs from the Highlands at Tonteldoos this Easter The Scottish Highlands Festival took place at Tonteldoos last week Saturday. You’d have been forgiven for thinking you landed somewhere on the British Isles for the day, although the southern sun kept reality in check. This fun festival

celebrates the Scottish and Irish through music and games. The programme was filled with bagpipe band performances and items such as tossing the caber, tugof-war and putting the shot. Beer tents made sure that nobody had to be thirsty and proudly served the darker varieties of beer in honour of the highlands tradition. The festival drew a large crowd that consisted of a mix between locals and visitors from the city.

These two got the dress code for the Scottish and Irish themed day all wrong (bet they had fun too) - hey, back to long boat!

The festival offered loads of fun activities like donkey cart rides, stalls and an animal petting area. Delicious food was also on sale.

Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529 Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 TD678 F7 STEEL WINDOW FRAME

COMING SOON! Watch this space for Re-launch Specials!


BUILD IT ACRYLIC ROOF PAINT (Assorted colours. except green) 20 Lt


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Promotion prices valid until 10 May 2014

All prices incl. VAT. Delivery excluded


25 APRIL 2014


New faces at Tubatse Chrome Club Tubatse Chrome Club has two new faces that are set to not only provide Club visitors with an even better experience, but also give

attention to the detail that visitors might miss at first glance. Jacqueline Engelbrecht and Wickus Viljoen are originally from the Free State, but have been in the area for about three years. They were at a Guest Farm on the R37 road before joining the Tubatse Chrome team. Jacqueline is the new Club Coordinator and Wickus is the Assistant Club Manager. Between Jacqueline’s eye for detail and natural ability to help even the most difficult functions run smoothly and Wickus’ skills to straighten out problems and work with people, the Club is set to fly even higher when it comes to catering for functions, weddings, golf days, conferences and special days. They are already

working on some changes to the menu and the new Tubatse Chrome Club website is also their handy work. Everything related to the club can be seen on this site. “Tubatse Chrome Club has so much to offer and our aim is to market that and do the best we can to make every function, event or even meal that a visitor or client have the best it can be” they told the newspaper. Tubatse Chrome Club is constantly striving to improve the quality of the experience people have at the Club. Anyone can apply to become a member and get the membership benefits, but the club is not limited exclusively for members. Anyone can book a conference, function, golf day or wedding. Value for money, great people that knows how to give you the best and let you focus on what you need to do. Contact them on: 013 236 5112.

Jacqueline Engelbrecht and Wickus Viljoen are the new faces at Tubatse Chrome Club. They’ve also started the Tubatse Chrome Club website (right).

What a hole!

Driving through Steelpoort has become a whole or rather ‘hole’ nightmare. The size of the potholes are even forcing trucks to drive around them rather than through it (see photograph below). Attempts to fix some of the holes on

the internal streets has been underway, but the best that has been done to the main section with the most traffic is some soil filling. Road markings are also non-existent having crumbled and washed away with the road.

25 APRIL 2014



Opinion: challenges ahead This week experts compiled a list of challenges South Africa will face in the next 20 years of democracy. We asked readers what challenges they see ahead.

Me. Melany Kroon sê: “Die misdaad! Dit sluit die regering in. Hulle moet voor hulle eie voordeur gaan kyk en regmaak dan sal dinge baie beter gaan”.

Ms Lizzy Nkosi said: “Fix the roads and rails! In most towns there are potholes. People cannot drive from their houses to town. It is very hazardous. Yes, I’ll take this into consideration when I decide who to vote for”. Mr Aubrey Makomane said: “Crime is the most pressing challenge. The reason is that our government controls the police. The police is not controlling the people. The criminals have too many rights. This will not influence my vote”. Ms Nancy Seganye and Ms M Nemaitoni said: “All 7 challenges the experts identified are important, but they should start by creating jobs. It will make the rest easier. Yes, we’ll think about this when we go to vote”.

Mr Matthews Seerane said: “Stop corruption within government. If they stop the corruption the rest will fall into place. If they can stop corruption in the police the crime will also be addressed much better”. With him is Mr Moses Ndlovu.

Mr Lazarus Maphanga said: “Lack of water is the biggest challenge that should get the most attention. So many poor people are still without water. Poor road management and untrustworthy government officials paired with empty promises are also challenges. I’ll vote but I don’t know how much these things will influence me”.

Ms Busisiwe Motjeka said: “Creating jobs will be the biggest challenge. A lot has been done with bursaries, learnerships etc. Even if you do not get your dream job, to providing something for everyone will be a challenge. Yes, I’ll consider this when I cast my vote”.

Mr Patrick Mongadi said: “They must fix the roads. That is not being well done at the moment. Robots are also not being fixed. Potholes and those things will be a big challenge in the future. Will it influence my vote? It is a problem because I don’t think any party will be able to fix it”.

Me. Magda Botes sê: “Stop korrupsie! Alles sal beter gaan wanneer daar meer geld is wat nie gesteel of verduister word nie en alles op die regte manier gedoen word”.

Mr Donald Stephans said: “Job creation is the most important challenge. We are unemployed and moving around looking for money. We end up stealing. Yes, it will influence my vote”.

Mnr. Pieter Dreyer sê: “Die paaie want dit lyk soos die hond se dinges van al die gate. Sommige plekke lyk dit na ‘n kat in die pad wanneer die bees in ‘n slaggat staan”.

Mr Gamira Kuda said: “Crime! It is happening everywhere. I think it is one of the biggest challenges. Yes, I’ll think who will be able to take on the crime when I go to vote”.

Mnr. Rocky Haverley sê: “Die paaie. Hulle moet sommer eerste met Burgersfort en Stofberg se paaie begin wanneer hulle regmaak. Dit is die belangrikste uitdaging”.

Mr George Mathe said: “Stop corruption. I know then the money they take from us as taxpayers will go back to building schools, roads, creating jobs etc. Yes, I’ll take all of this into account when I cast my vote”.

Get Debt Free In these difficult financial times it is easy to get into debt and let it spiral out of control. Once you realize that you will not be able to pay all your bills immediately visit a registered Debt Counsellor for assistance. If you are placed under Debt Review you wil not be able to make new debt, but the Debt Counsellor will on your behalf negotiate for better repay-

ment terms and help you work out a budget on which you will be able to pay back the money you owe, but still be able to pay for food, transport and other essential things. While you are under Debt Review your possessions cannot just be taken back by the bank or store from which you bought it. So, you don’t have to lose you vehicle or home. The key is to make sure that you get help from a registered Debt Counsellor with the NCR as you will be paying once off amounts to the Debt Counsellor who will pay all the other creditors. Many people have lost money through trusting unregistered individuals. Get the help you need to become financially free again! Don’t wait until it is too late - the sooner you get help the easier it will be to become financially debt free again.

Office in Lydenburg now also open!

Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054 E-mail:



Sonic RS Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: BeĂĄnnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

Maintenance & Upgrades Due to system maintenance and upgrades Platinum Gazette will not have a publication next week 2 May 2014. The next newspaper will be published on 10 May 2014. Staff are still on duty and quotes and artwork for the next issue can be submitted. Events and news coverage will continue as normal. Enquiries: 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676.

No, RS does not stand for Rocket Ship, rather Rally Sport, which is a perfect description for the new turbocharged and sportier Chevrolet Sonic RS. R225000 buys you the newest performance offering from General Motors South Africa and Platinum Gazette had the opportunity to sample a specimen from Westvaal Steelpoort this week. Orange Rock Metallic with subdued, yet prominent RS nomenclature, the car is striking from the outside, lying low (with lowered suspension) on attractive 17 inch alloys. Large air dam in front and trapezoidal exhaust at the back, the RS is unquestionably attractive and looks like it means to put the fun back into driving. The 1.4 litre turbo petrol engine fitted to the car does not necessarily make more fire than the same powerplant in other GM models distributed here, but the tuned suspension ups handling prowess, while the six speed gearbox moves like a dream and the short final ratio makes for loads of fun. The fit and finish of the body panels and trim are up there with the best and mirrored in the quality of the materials on the inside. Black leather and suede, red stitching, red trim everywhere you look (not too much, just enough to liven up the almost all black luxury of the rest of the inside) and aluminum pedals. A sport style steering wheel with a flat bottom frames a large analog rev counter and digital speedometer. Very nice. The steering wheel is a multi function affair and brings some of the functionality of the new extensive infotainment system to your fingertips.

25 APRIL 2014 Called MyLink, it brings smartphone functionality to the car and the system is an integration of the most popular and advanced infotainment functions incorporated into an easy-to-use, attractive and effective interface which transforms the Chevrolet Sonic RS into a connected entertainment hub while on the move. And moves it does. Turning out of Steelpoort on the tarred road towards Mashishing the turbocharged ECOTEC petrol engine makes good use of 103 kW at 6 000 rpm and 200 Nm at 4 000 rpm. Audibly exciting as well, the tuned exhaust system allows the improved performance to be heard while still maintaining comfortable noise levels at all times. And it sits. The turbocharged performance is according to the manufacturer good for a 0-100 km/h sprint time of 9.5 seconds and a top speed of 197 km/h. We did not try this with the brand new car, but easily dodged every pothole in the greatest comfort – the car did not lurch once and at speed it is as steady as a rock. The car is not a heavy hitter like some more expensive offerings in the market, but the ideal vehicle for someone who has the urge for something sportier than the normal and top quality and safety. Safety equipment includes disc brakes all-round with ABS, EBD and BAS, ESC and Traction Control, a full-size spare wheel, ISOFIX child seat anchors and four airbags. The RS is available as standard with a 5-year/ 120 000 km warranty and a 3-year/ 60 000 km service plan linked to service intervals of 15 000 km. Phone Westvaal Mashishing on 013 230 9519.

25 APRIL 2014



Prefekte vir Atokia

Paasfees by skool gevier Die skoolhoof van Laerskool Atokia, mnr. Beukes van Zyl en sy personeel het verlede week baie moeite gedoen om seker te maakd at die leerlinge by die skool die belangrikheid van Paasfees besef. Mnr. van Zyl het saam met Juffrou Ina Burger die simboliek van Paasfees verduidelik. Die skool het ook almal lekker aan paaseiers gesmul na die leerproses. (Alle Laerskool Atokia foto’s en inligting verskaf deur Laerskool Atokia).

Laerskool Atokia het onlangs hul nuwe prefekte aangewys. Die hele graad 7 klas het gedurende die eerste kwartaal geleentheid gehad om hul leierseienskappe te wys en ontwikkel. Die finale groep prefekte is agter: Juffrou Lisa (voog), Fortune Letsoalo (hoofseun), Lienkie Combrinck (hoofdogter) en Mnr. Beukes van Zyl (skoolhoof). Tweede van agter: Arlinka Viljoen, Anusca Halloway, John O’Shann. Derde ry: Dimpho Kodibona, Shoko Mathemba, Runé Paxton. Voor: Diané Steyn, Hennie Wolmerans en Henru Paxton.

Landlopers presteer Laerskool Atokia se landloopatlete het weer goed presteer toe hulle medaljes op ‘n byeenkoms verower het. Hulle is: Juffrou Alta en Juffrou Isabel, Eureka Selepe, Meta Modutlela, Kgadi Modutlela, De-Gracia Letsoalo en Belle Letsoalo.

Prayers answered

Ms Catherine Butler, Pastor Neels Beukes and Ms S’bongile Mnisi from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.

The AFM Church in Steelpoort felt their prayers being answered when an appeal for donations did not go unanswered. Tubatse SUPERSPAR donated food parcels to them. Their offices are a well known place in the community where everyone in need seeks assistance - not only congregation members. Times are tough and the cupboards were bare. Pastor Neels Beukes thanked Tubatse SUPERSPAR for caring and giving back to the community where it is needed most.

Celebrating 20 years of democracy - Makua Marathon style Makua Marathon (Daniël Makua), one of the area’s well known runners and motivational personalities this week celebrated 20 years of democracy by showing he cares. In 2012 he brought the case of Ms Lebjana and her 8 children to the newspaper. Ms Lebjana has been waiting for an RDP house in the Ga-Mampuru area since 1994. This week Makua Marathon donated two beds to Ms Lebjana. “I am worried about them” Makua said. Right: Daniël Makua with family members of Ms Lebjana in front of their home in Ga-Mampuru. This photograph was published in Platinum Gazette on 10 August 2012.

“They are still waiting for a RDP house, she cares for 8 children and they were all sleeping on the floor”. Makua added that he felt privileged to be able to celebrate the country’s democracy through assisting someone in need. He also appealed to government to truly give attention to cases such as Ms Lebjana.

Colourful fun at Bison Falls Spur

Ms Ntokozo Motsileng with the winners, Corli Vermeulen, Ntando Nkosi and Shadoné Myburg.

Bison Falls Spur at Tubatse Crossing Mall in Burgersfort hosted a colouring competition for the young ones in their ‘tribe’. Lots of fun was at stake with the first prize being a jumping castle. Before the competition started on Wednesday this week the group of children first ‘tested’ the jumping castle before heading inside the Spur to show off their creative skills. The children enjoyed colouring in the pictures very much and excitement ran high as the Spur staff selected random customers to assist with the judging and ensure the winners are selected in a fair manner. The winners were: first place - Corli Vermeulen (8), second place Ntando Nkosi (10) and third place Shadoné Myburgh (8). Mr Powers Motsileng, owner of the Bison Falls Spur told the children that they should remember to colour in when they visit the Spur and not only play in the play area. He added that they can receive certificates for their colouring efforts. The rest of the competition participants did not go home empty handed. Lucky draw gifts were also handed out and everyone had a nice meal as part of the Spur experience. It was a Wednesday filled with fun. Visit Bison Falls Spur and become part of the family where food is their passion.


25 APRIL 2014

Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

Platinum Gazette

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous

9. Te Huur/ To Rent

Washing machine broken? Get the spare parts here! Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405

One Bedroom House to rent in Riba Cross. Available immediately. Stove, build-in cupboards, shower and toilet. R3 500 per month with water included. Pre-paid electricity. Contact: 082 859 6043

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Contact her on or 013 231 7147/083 5431676

Notice/Kennisgewing Due to system maintenance and upgrades Platinum Gazette will not have a publication next week 2 May 2014. The next newspaper will be published on 10 May 2014. Staff are still on duty and quotes and artwork for the next issue can be submitted. Events and news coverage will continue as normal. Enquiries: 013 231 7147 or 083 543 1676.

PULANA MAROGA COMMUNITY TRUST ADVERTISEMENT FOR RENOVATING TRAINING CENTRE The abovementioned trust is looking for a Building contractor to renovate the old dilapidated training centre at Maroga Training centre. The training centre is situated 27 km west of Burgersfort town. Requirements: The building contractor must have the following requirements. 1. Company registration document 2. Registered with national housing registered council(NHRC) 3. Valid insurance 4. Have more than 5 years traceable experience 5. Have C.O.C qualifications 6. Valid Tax Clearance 7. BEE certificate is of paramount importance. N:B. The compulsory site meeting is scheduled as follows: Time: 30th April 2014 Venue: Maroga Training & Development Centre (Pagos) Time: 10H00am Enq:

Tshigo M.W 013 214 9921/079 835 0599 Mohubedu M.P Tel: 013 214 9921/076 395 1688

INVITATION TO TENDER ENQUIRY NO: TM 1404/02 The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.

Creditors Clerk (C2) - Finance Role Purpose: Perform administrative functions of a Finance Section within the framework of the company Management Systems and legal Requirements. Role Responsibilities: The incumbent will be processing invoices. Do monthly and weekly reconciliations. Do monthly and weekly payments. Be handling all queries related to suppliers. Do general filing tasks. Assisting auditors at year end. Do forecasts on a weekly basis. Requirements: Matric or Equivalent qualification. Good communication skills. Fully bilingual. At least 5 years experience in Creditors and Payments. Must be a team player. Computer literacy, expecially excel. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given tohistorically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. Thecompany offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application to on e-mail to: or by Fax to: 013 230 7754. Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

UNDERGROUND BELT EXTENSIONS / NEW INSTALLATIONS / RECLAMATION Assmang Limited – Dwarsrivier Mine seeks a suitable Company to submit a proposal for the Underground Belt Extensions, New Installations and Reclamation. A COMPULSORY CLARIFICATION/BRIEFING/SITE MEETING WILL BE HELD AT DWARSRIVIER MINE. VENUE: TRAINING CENTRE DATE: FRIDAY, 02nd May 2014 TIME: 10H00 SITE MEETING REQUIREMENTS: 1. Only 1 Representative per company allowed underground 2. Must bring full PPE for underground site inspection. 3. Only Companies that has registered by 30 April 2014 at 15:00, will be allowed entrance. FURTHER DETAILS REGARDING THE TENDER CAN BE REQUESTED VIA E-MAIL FROM: TELEPHONIC QUERIES WILL NOT BE ENTERTAINED. TENDER REQUIREMENTS/CRITERIA:    

Experience with U/G belt extensions. Valid Workman’s Compensation Certificate of good standing under the Compensation for Occupational Injuries Original and valid Tax Clearance Certificate Valid and original or certified copy of SANAS accredited BBBEE Certificate or an Auditor’s/Accountant’s letter confirming your EME status.

25 APRIL 2014

Chrome Golf Open The Chrome Golf Open will be played on 11 May 2014. Tee off time is at 07H00 and the competition will cover 36 holes. This will be a medal competition. The entry fee is R150 per player. This includes the morning tea/coffee and lunch. The prize giving will be at 18H00. All players are encouraged to enter this competition. Please contact Martin van Rooyen on 9 May to confirm the tee off time. Players can also inter into the competition by contacting Martin any time on 072 564 2811.

Comrades Marathon substitution process almost finished



Mines shoot it out in competition The Bosbok Branch of the SA Hunters Association facilitated a competition for the mines and companies from the area. The day was held on 12 April at the Egbert Hiemstra shooting range near Lydenburg. The event was well supported and a great networking opportunity for everyone. This was the first competition of this

nature from the Bosbok Branch side, but will not be the last. On one of these events, the winning team will win a hunting package. The animals will be hunted by the winning team and the meat will be donated to a school, old age home or other institution selected by the winners. Modikwa Platinum Mine came out tops with Glencore as number two. Samancor Eastern

Chrome Mine came in at number 6 with Modikwa’s B team at number 7. Number 8 was taken by Two Rivers Platinum Mine and Dwarsrivier Mine was in number 12. The spots in between these mines were taken by various businesses. To find out more about the next competition or the Bosbok Branch contact Johan Grimbeek on 082 378 0698.

Netball stars in the making Calvin College last week hosted the games for selection of the circuit teams who went to participate at district level. The games were played on Wednesday last week. The games were difficult and rain eventually forced the teams to stop playing. The last few games were played the next day. The selected teams went to participate at district level on Tuesday this week. This competition took place in Groblersdal. At the Groblersdal meet players were again selected to go and represent the district at provincial level in Polokwane. Teams and players for every age category were selected. The Calvin College players performed very well and made their school proud. A group of them were also included to join the teams in Polokwane for the provincial play offs.

With 40 days to go to the world’s biggest and oldest ultra-marathon, the Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) has reminded South African runners who were unable to enter the 2014 race during the official entry period (1 September – 30 November 2013) to try and secure their place on the Start line. The 2014 Substitution process runs for the month of April and allows for a runner who has not entered to substitute for an entrant who has withdrawn; or intends to withdraw from the 2014 edition of The Ultimate Human Race. The Comrades Marathon Substitution Rule was introduced for the very first time in 2012 and now forms part of the CMA’s official race rules. The Substitution process officially opened on 1 April and closes on 30 April 2014. The completed application forms as specified in the Substitution Rule must reach the CMA office by 30 April 2014. There will be no extension of this deadline. Athletes still intending to submit Substitution application forms are advised to visit the official Comrades Marathon website at for the downloadable forms and the comprehensive list of rules and regulations which govern the Substitution process. Race Director Rowyn James says, ‘The applications for Substitutions are coming in thick and fast. Runners must remember to send in their completed application forms to the CMA before the 30th of April. We look forward to seeing more runners on the Start line for yet another fantastic Comrades Marathon on 1 June 2014.’

Locals turn out for Chiefs’ game in Polokwane Mr Jenny Mogolane Phala was one of the local soccer enthusiasts who attended the 16 April soccer game between Polokwane City and Kaizer Chiefs at the Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane. Chiefs won 2-0, but the supporter turn-out was disappointing. Mr Phala (far left) took these photographs at the event.


25 APRIL 2014

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Platinum Gazette


Dwarsrivier runners perform

Leboka is fifth veteran home Leboka Noto, a Modikwa Platinum Mine employee, showed at last week’s Old Mutual Two Oceans Ultra Marathon why he is a force to be reckoned with. He was the fifth veteran over the finish and took 23rd position overall. He is still training to participate in the Comrades Marathon later this year and says that his performance at the Two Oceans is on par with his goals towards the Comrades Marathon. Other Modikwa Marathon Club athletes that participated in the race for the first time was Sonia Makoua, Jeffrey Nkuna and Herman Mogale. The race took them along the scenic route that includes areas such as Chapman’s Peak

Members of the Dwarsrivier Mine Marathon Club participated in the Loskop Ultra Marathon that took place two weeks ago. The day’s running was divided into the Ultra Marathon, a half marathon and 10km as well as a fun run. The race is one of the highlights on the running calander and take the ultra marathon participants from the heart of Middelburg to the Forever Resort Loskop Dam. The Dwarsrivier Marathon Club runners enjoyed the day very much and are looking forward to compete in more races. The photograph above is of the team that participated. On the left are Patrick Hlongwane and Abe Maake. Both of them work in the financial department at Dwarsrivier Mine and ran 2:15 in the 21.1km race. (Photographs and information: Dwarsrivier Mine).

and Houtbay. They say that the last big hill at Constantia, approximately 7km from the finish was a proper endurance tester. This was also the place where the winners battled it out and the winner from Lesotho pulled away from the rest of the front runners. The team’s times were: Leboka Noto 3:23:15; Sonia Makoua 4:28:03; Jeffrey Nkuna 4:53:04 and Herman Mogale 5:08:20. All of them ran the 56km race. Modikwa Platinum Mine is very proud of their team and wish them all the best in their preparation towards the Comrades Marathon. (Information: Willem Montgomery, Modikwa Platinum Mine).

Rainy circuit netball selections Various schools gathered at Calvin College last week Wednesday to participate in the circuit selection process for teams to represent the circuit at the next level. As rain started pouring the teams played on until they could finally not properly handle the ball in the wet weather. Read more and get more photographs on page 11.


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