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Š Platinum Gazette
25 July 2014
67 minutes - why?
This question arose in the mind of this newspaper’s editor when he could not sleep, wondering how he will accomodate all the good stories of people, businesses and large companies doing good on Mandela Day that literally swamped the available space in Platinum Gazette this week. Newspapers are businesses and more pages cannot simply be added without the means to pay for it. The other difficult question was, what to put on the front page? As the editor travelled through the area this week, what he saw made him baulk. The dirt that was not cleaned (and is still piling up), the neglect and vandalising of public amenities and the fact that nobody seems to care about stuff like traffic lights not working for months and raw sewerage literally flowing through the streets in Burgersfort’s central business area (top photograph). So there you have it, just a few photographs to remind everybody that 67 minutes once a year is a good idea, but that much more will be needed from government, companies and ordinary people to create a good living evironment for all. Top, right is the side of the road between Burgersfort and Praktiseer, a terrible dumping site on both sides of the road and the Leboeng Community Hall (right), with not a single door or electrical plug or fitting left, animal waste all over the floor, only two windows not vandalised. The blade cuts in all directions. Read the good stories inside.
25 JULY 2014
Dwarsrivier Mine Dwarsrivier Mine honours Mandela Day by giving back
Mr Mthi Mtshengu (above), Senior General Manager at Dwarsrivier Mine and his management team also contributed their 67 minutes in honour of Mandela Day.
Dwarsrivier Mine honoured Mandela Day on 18 July 2014 by renovating Nkotwane Secondary School in Ngwaabe. The school was in dire need of some tender loving care and Dwarsrivier Mine brought that along. A new coat of paint for the inside and outside of the school as well as the replacement of all the broken windows had been done. Some broken classroom doors were replaced and the school grounds were cleaned and the grass cut. In a short ceremony speakers called on the school’s learners, teachers, the governing body and community to take care of the school. Dwarsrivier Mine underlined their commitment towards creating a better future for communities surrounding the mine. Local contractors appointed by Dwarsrivier Mine will complete the work that was not finished on 18 July. Dwarsrivier employees gave more than the called for 67 minutes to help make the world a better place. They also joined forces with Greater Tubatse Councillors, Kgoshi, teachers, community members and learners to pick up rubbish in the area. This task was one President Jacob Zuma requested and all over the country communities cleaned their environment. SK FM ensured that everything happened to a beat and delicious boerewors rolls and cold drinks prepared by Dwarsrivier employees ensured that nobody who pitched in to renovate was left hungry.
15 JULIE 2014
Please heed this sign on the Abel Erasmus Pass near Strydom Tunnel. This new barrier was demolished on Monday by a truck.
35 households of Dithabaneng Section in Ga-Motodi village near Praktiseer decided to do something about water provision at their houses. After taking delivery of a five thousand litre water tank from the Department of Water Affairs, they installed the tank on a self-constructed platform at Ms Maria Phashwane’s house. They also acquired their own pipes for reticulation to their houses and to connect the tank to a nearby borehole. They now fill the tank once a weekand has vowed to use the water for household purposes only (no irrigation). They also also say theu will be diligent about leakages in an effort to conserve the valuable resource. (Information and cellphone photograph by Melvin (Rooney) Seroka – tel 0760218707)
Vegetable farmers in the Leboeng area last week Thursday held a farmers day at Makgelane village. The farmers, who are mainly involved in subsistence farming, were addressed by officials of the Limpopo Department of Agriculture and also other upcoming vegetable farmers in the region. They were given information about various crops, irrigation, seeds and how and where to market their produce. The event was very well attended and the farmers took time to celebrate Mandela Day, inter alia by singing a birthday song to Madiba.
No to cable theft! Leboeng Police under the leadership of the Station Commander, Captain Solomon Moholane, recently visited Ga-Mabelane village at Leboeng after a spate of electrical cable theft in the area. Captain Moholane gave the community tips on how to prevent this crime and also how they can interact with the Police to eradicate this and other crimes from their community. A street committee and Community Policing Forum under the Chairmanship of Mr Prince Thobejane was also elected.
25 JULY 2014
Modikwa - a mine that cares for communities Modikwa Platinum Mine employees showed more than their mining skills when they volunteered their time to clean the Bonankwe Primary School in Driekop as an endeavour to assist the less fortunate on Mandela Day. The Mine, along with the Hwashi Difagate Trust and the Section 21 staff members proved to be pillars to local communities when they spent their 67 minutes scraping floors and tidying the premises of Bonankwe. The Modikwa delegation included the organised labour, the National Union of Mine Workers and the United Association of South Africa, was led by the Business leader, Mr Gerhard Van Niekerk. They joined forces with local Councillors and the Greater Tubatse Municipality (GTM) Mayor, Mr Ralepane Mamekoa to undertake this good deed.The delegation assembled at Modikwa Central (HRD Lapa) to outline their plans for the day. When the team arrived at the school, they wasted no time in cleaning the bushy school leaving it spotless. The team proceeded from Bonankwe Primary to Dilokong Hospital where they joined the Business Leader, Mr Van Niekerk in donating toys, food parcels, tennis balls and rackets on behalf of the Mine. The
delegation went further. They cooked for the orphans and the disadvantaged children who reside at the hospital’s Children Centre. Mr Van Niekerk said that Modikwa took the needs of their surrounding communities serious and that the Mine was determined to continue ploughing back to the people. “As we all know, Madiba dedicated his life to children and the elderly, we felt like it was suitable for Modikwa to make a difference in the lives of these kids. Our aim was to put smiles on their faces, and I believe we have achieved that. We will continue striving to give back to our communities,” he said. Local residents praised Modikwa for their consideration of the community’s needs. “With the help of the Mine, we wish to eradicate poverty and try by all means to provide job opportunities to the locals. We have already identified the biggest problem - poverty, and our challenge is to combat this scourge,” one of the community attending the day’s proceedings remarked. The spokesman for the Dilokong hospital, Mr. William Makola thanked Modikwa for having considered the hospital for their 67 minutes in honour of Mandela Day.
25 JULIE 2014
Samancor ECM invests in local education On Wednesday 23 July 2014 Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) visited Sehlaku High School and Mogolo Secondary School. Both schools will benefit from ECM’s generosity and drive to enhace education in the area. At Sehlaku High School in Driekop a sod turning ceremony took place for a school hall. The hall will be able to accommodate up to 1500 people. Other future projects at the school include the upgrade of science
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laboratories and eventually an engineering workshop. At Mogolo Secondary School in Riba Cross, 8 classrooms will be constructed. The sod turning ceremony for this project also took place during the visit. ECM was praised for their care and involvement with the schools. ECM General Manager, Mr Emile Brtiz encouraged the learners to work hard and look after the facilities because the mine will one day need their expertise as possible employees.
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25 JULY 2014
Ngululu Bulk Carriers continues to care for the elderly
Praktiseer hawkers are not forgotten Hawkers in Praktiseer will also benefit from the Greater Tubatse Municipality’s projects to construct modern flea market facilities.
During the past week, the hawkers adjacent to the police station and taxi rank had to move before the construction can start.
Ngululu Bulk Carriers (NBC) Steelpoort donated 300 blankets to elderly people from six different communities in the area. The old people were transported to Winterveld Recreational Club where the annual function took place. The event fell together with Mandela Day on 18 July 2014. The elders each received a blanket and were served a meal and cold drink at the end of the event. NBC employees, Mr Walter Ramugondo and Ms Lebo Malapane (photograph left) also gave a blanket to one of the royal houses that attended the day. (Photographs & Information: NBC)
The winter became a little warmer with Ngululu Bulk Carriers’ annual donation of blankets to the elderly in the communities surrounding the NBC operations.
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25 JULIE 2014
Mandela Day celebrated all over Visiting Home Caregivers
On Friday 18 July communities all over Greater Tubatse Municipality joined forces with businesses and civic organisations to reach out to the poor, clean the environment and contribute time and resources in honour of the late Mandela’s birthday. The Mandela Day movement calls on people to donate 67 minutes of their time (the same as the years Mandela gave in service of humanity).
Dr Lorna Maphuthuma and her staff joined forces with the youth from St Paul Catholic Church in Burgersfort and Phelopele Pharmacy. They visited Mahubehube Home Community Care in Bothashoek on Mandela Day.They were 71 kids and 45 health care givers and took lots of clothes along as donations.
ASA Metals doing their bit C shift from the Pelletising plant at ASA Metals visited the HC Boshoff Clinic as their contribution towards Mandela Day. The women cleaned the window, and the men worked in the gardens. Diboneng Kgwetiane, a Peer Educator at ASA Metals, gave a lecture on HIV Aids awareness to the patients in the waiting area. See the photographs below and directly to the right. (Photographs and information: ASA Metals).
It is winter again and the common cold is one of the most seen ailments this time of the year. The common cold is an infection of your upper respiratory tract - in other words, your nose and throat. Anyone of more than a 100 viruses can cause a common cold. It is usually harmless although it may not feel that way. Some of the symptoms include a runny nose, sore throat, watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, mild fatigue, slight body aches or a mild headache, congestion and even a low-grade fever. Especially pre-school children are at risk of frequent colds, but even healthy adults can experience it once of twice a year. Most people recover from the common cold within two weeks. If the symptoms do not improve it is recommended that you visit your doctor. Often a common cold can be treated with over the counter medicines and immune boosters. Pain relievers, decongestant nasal sprays, cough syrups and other products are available from your pharmacy. Visit your nearest Kalapeng Pharmacy for assistance should you Thea Layton-McCann is your friendly need over the counter medicine for a common cold. pharmacist at Steelpoort Pharmacy.
More than 100 viruses can cause the common cold and most people suffer from it at least once a year.
Mapodile community benefits from donations The Mapodile community benefitted on Mandela Day. Helping Hand Food Bank and GCIS helped organise and event for this day.
Mototolo and Thorncliff mines donated more than 8 000 blankets, food parcels and clothes. Steelpoort Pick n Pay, Tubatse Steel HUB, Letaba Milling and Supa Save also made contributions. A local farmer donated oranges. The event started with a cleaning campaign. On the day the Community Works Programme (CWP) nominated 10 women and men to take care of the gardens at two local schools. (Photograph and information: Helping Hand Food Bank).
Samancor ECM contribute their 67 minutes
25 JULY 2014
Ikhwezi Lukusa gets renovated Local businesses, banks, GTM and Tubatse SUPERSPAR assisted with the renovation of the school situated in Aloe Ridge, Burgersfort on Mandela Day. A fresh coat of paint turned the school into a bright place for the coming school term.
Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) participated in Mandela Day with a clean-up campaign of the Steelpoort/Polokwane road. The themed their day’s effort: “Our Place,,,Our Planet...Our Responsibility”.
Volunteers made a commitment to continue taking responsibility for the environment and to continue working with Samancor in achieving a zero harm environment. (Photograph and information: ECM).
Tubatse SUPERSPAR gives more than 67 minutes
Greater Tubatse Municipal employees clean the town
Greater Tubatse Municipality’s employees contributed 67 minutes to clean Burgersfort town. They walked the length of town picking up rubbish.
Tubatse SUPERSPAR did more than their share on Mandela Day. Their staff split into three groups that visited Bothashoek, the Christian Assembly Place of Care in Ext. 10 Burgersfort and Ikhwezi Lukusa in Aloe Ridge. They took food along to feed the hungry, dished out cake and assisted with renovating a school. Everywhere they visited the community thanked them for their contributions.
25 JULIE 2014
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Washing machine broken? Get the spare parts here! Your number one outlet for fridge compressors, gas refill and other fridge/freezer/stove & washing machine components! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 076 111 8405
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation
9. Te Huur/ For Rent Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3680 of (013) 231-7899.
MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Dadelik beskikbaar. Skakel: 082 3571954 / 083 244 6005
2 Slaapkamer ten volle toegeruste rondawel beskikbaar op plaas, 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad vir R5500pm. Kontak Drienie 082-461-8808. 1 Bedroom Flat for rent Conveniently situated in central Burgersfort, 45 Marone Street next to Nalito’s Restaurant. R4000 per month. R6000 deposit required. (Price negotiable) Water and lights excluded from rent. Long term tenants welcome. No more than 2 people staying in flat, please. Available immediately. Contact: 082 923 4744.
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Mercedes Benz 1994 200E te koop. Grys, 200 000km, goeie toestand, sentrale sluitstelsel, Becker radio, sondak = R30 000. Skakel: 084 571 3008.
3 Volstruise van ‘n jaar oud te koop. Skakel Dave Wessels vir verdere inligting by 083 297 4102.
Let us know about your news and events! Call 083 271 9151 or 013 231 7147 or fax 013 231 7147 or e-mail your information to editorial@ platinum gazette. com The editorial deadline is every Wednesday at 17:00.
Notice and Invitation to Tender for Construction EOH invites tenders for the extensions and renovations of Voluntary Counselling and Testing Clinics in the Northern Cape and Limpopo provinces. It is estimated that tenderers must have a CIDB contractor grading designation of 4 or higher. South African firms must be registered with CIDB in a GB class of construction works. In the case of Non-South African firms a comparable qualification is required. Preference will be given to tenderers with extensive experience in construction of small facilities in rural/remote areas. Tenders must attend either one of the two compulsory site clarification meetings with a representative of the Employer which will take place as follows: Limpopo: 05 August 2014 at 11:00am, Department of Health, 18 College Street, Polokwane. GPS: 23° 53´ 30.26" S; 29° 27´ 42.93" E Northern Cape: 07 August 2014 at 11:00am, Department of Health, 144 Du Toitspan Road, Kimberley. GPS::28° 44´ 37.56" S; 24° 46´ 13.62" E Electronic documents are available free of charge and hard copies are available at R750.00 each. Banking details: Standard Bank; Account name: EOH Mthombo (Pty) Ltd; Account no. 001858416; Branch code: 004105 Requests and queries should be emailed to Ms Ivy Hlalele, email: The cut off time and date for the receipt of queries is 11:00am Wednesday 27 August 2014. The closing time and date for receipt of tenders is 11:00 am Wednesday 03 September 2014. Telegraphic, telephonic, telex, facsimile, e-mail and/or late tenders will not be accepted.
To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or e-mail: adverts@ platinumgazette. com The advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00.
Golden Dividend240 (Pty) Ltd PO Box 169 Burgersfort 1150
Reg no. 05/034292/02 Farm Mooihoek Driekop
RFP 2004 - 1
Contracts for construction of Voluntary Counselling and Testing Clinics Phase II
INTERNAL / EXTERNAL BURSARIES FOR 2015 (MRP) THE COMPANY Golden Dividend 240 (Pty) Ltd, a joint venture between the Ga-Maroga Community and ASA Metals, was formed in 2007 in the Limpopo province. The main purpose of this joint venture was to recover FeCr from ASA Metals historic slag stockpiles as well as the current arising. ROLE PURPOSE As part of its corporate social responsibility, the company wishes to offer bursaries in aid of developing and building capacity within the youth of the community of Ga-Maroga. The company is awarding bursaries to candidates intending to study at recognised Higher Education Universities of Technology in South Africa. Successful candidates will be granted bursaries and enter into a contract agreement with Golden Dividend to afford them the opportunity to complete their degree/diploma. Two (2) opportunities exist in the Metallurgical and Chemical Engineering field. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS · Must be a South African Citizen · Must have completed grade 12 with Maths and Physical Science or about to complete grade 12 this year · Must be interested in a career in the Mining Industry · Certified copy of ID document and stamp from Maroga Labour Centre · Results of grade 12 for 2nd and 3rd quarter
The EOH’s selection of qualifying tenders will be at EOH’s sole discretion and will be final. EOH does not bind itself to accept any particular tender. Correspondence will be entered into with the successful tenderer.
A world-class opportunity in Mining and Beneficiation The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore beneficiation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.
Panel Miner (C1) - X1 (Fixed term) Role Purpose: Contribute towards the success of the business by ensuring health and safety of people working under his/her supervision by complying to the waiting place procedure, entry examination and declaring the working place safely to allow the full blasting circle to take place, and be in charge of explosive control. Role Responsibilities: Waiting place safety meeting by miner and conducting entry examination with entry examination team, declare the work place safe. Plan how the task of the day will be performed, organise material required for the task, lead the team to perform the task and schedule time frame to complete the task. Receive and store explosive, prepare for primers, deal with misfires and sockets, conduct charging up plus timing, initiating the blast. Lead, supervise and manage production crew in the underground working area. Comply to mine STD and work instruction and procedure of the company. Manage time and attendance, ensure role calls and leave schedule is in place. Maintain company disciplinary procedure and policies. Conduct risk assessment in area of responsibility. Ensure correct marking, charging, connecting and initiating of the blast is in compliance with standard, procedure and legal requirement. Allocate task to all role players in a team and ensure compliance with task allocated. Ensure the safe efficient removal of rock from work place. Measure and record stopping face advance. Ensure optimum team effectiveness through motivating, coaching and monitoring and be in a position of solving daily workplace problems. Conduct incident / accident investigation. Requirements: Grade 12 certificate / ABET Level 4 Blasting Certificate or NQF Level 3 Rock Breaking Certificate Competency A and B Certificates are required. At least 3 years mining experience in Stope and Development areas. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of themethods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint.
CLOSING DATE: 8 August 2014
Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail: or by fax: 086 269 5572.
HOW TO APPLY: Please forward your applications with a covering letter to the HR Office. Applicants who are from Maroga community must submit their CV’s to Maroga Labour Centre.
Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
Closing date: 1 August 2014
GENERAL: · Golden Dividend 240 (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer · Assessments may be one of the methods utilized to determine the successful candidates. · The company reserves the right not to make an appointment. · This being a Maroga Community Project, preference will be given to applicants from the maroga Coimmunity. · Applicants who have not heard from the company within 30 days of sending a CV could accept that their application were not successful.
25 JULY 2014
Ohrigstad SAPS give 67 minutes
Tubatse SAPS cleaned for Mandela Day On Friday 18 July the Tubatse SAPS took part in Mandela Day by cleaning the police station. Members of the SAPS, Community Policing Forum, Victim Empowerment Programme and the youth desks took part in the cleaning campaign. The event was led by the station commander of Tubatse SAPS, Colonel MF Leopeng. All the members and volunteers were urged to ensure good service delivery and work hard every day, not only on Mandela Day. (Photographs and Information: Const. Nicodemus Letsoalo).
Members of the Ohrigstad SAPS visited Ngwanatsela Creché on Mandela Day. They were joined by the CPF, VEP and some NGO’s. Const. Phokane from the Ohrigstad Social Crime Prevention unit visited the school at Maepa village where they cleaned the school yard. The Ohrigstad SAPS encouraged everyone to make every day Mandela Day and in that way take care of their communities. (Information and photographs: Kholofelo Phokane).
Leboeng SAPS active The Leboeng SAPS in partnership with the CPF, youth desk, Social Development, SASSA, Home based care and the Department of Education’s Drakensig Circuit spend 67 minutes cleaning the Thushong Service Centre. They also washed government vehicles, including police vans and ambulances. Rubbish was picked up and some gardening done. The cleaning ended with a friendly soccer game between the elderly. Phedishi Old Age Club defeated Gankoana Old Age Club 1-0. The game was lots of fun and very entertaining.
Support for victims of crime on Mandela Day The Burgersfort SAPS, Youth Against Crime, Burgersfort CPF and Pastors Against Crime visited victims of crime in the Tukakgomo area on Mandela Day. The group spend 67 minutes withthe victims to encourage them that they are not alone and should not lose hope. “There is life after anything that might have happened,” Const. Victory Maluleka from the Social Crime Prevention in Burgersfort said. She also encouraged those who are being victimised or become victims of crime to report it to the SAPS. The group distributed food parcels and donated clothes to the victims they visited. The SAPS in Burgersfort thanked everyone who contributed towards the donations. (Photographs & Information: Burgersfort SAPS).
(Photographs and Information: Const. Andrew Maimela Sibatana).
At it again! Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Makua Marathon, one of the area’s motivational characters is training hard for his next marathon after he recovered from injuries. He is looking for sponsorships to assist him in his efforts. Anyone interested in helping Makua can contact him on 076 266 5031.
25 JULIE 2014
Dis tyd vir Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag Saterdag 26 Julie 2014 is dit die jaarlikse Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag. Dit vind by PLM Boerdery (sowat 10km op die Lydenburg pad) plaas. Almal word uitgenooi om te kom deel in die dag se pret. Kom kyk hoe 120 4x4 voertuie deur verskillende hindernisse gaan. Modder, stof en uitdagings soos lemoengooi is deel van die pret. Daar sal heerlike kos te koop wees en ander stalletjies met handwerk en ander vlooimark items sal uitstal. Die dag skop af met die jaarlikse Bergfiets Wedren. Daar is verskillende afstande so almal kan deel in die pret (2km - 70km). Die eerste wedren spring weg om 08:00 by die Waterval CVO skool. Vir meer inligting hieroor skakel: Pieter Heyns by 082 806 5622. Daar sal soos elke jaar ‘n wa en trekker wees wat besoekers tussen die verskillende punte op die 4x4 baan vervoer. Dit is ‘n gratis diens en beteken niemand hoef enige van die aksie mis te loop nie. ‘n Kroeg met billike pryse sal beskikbaar wees. Geen koelhouers sal toegelaat word nie. Die dag se 4x4 aktiwiteit sal afgesluit word met die “Show Stopper” waar ‘n paar uitsoek voertuie hul passies deur die modder doen. Die aand is daar verskillende sangers in aksie op die verhoog so moenie die dag misloop nie!
Kindervermaak Hierdie jaar is daar kindervermaak in die oortreffende trap. Arty Tots Workshop, Wildrides Amusements (wat onlangs by Tubatse Crossing Mall was), Burgersfort Animal Farm en nog baie aktiwiteite sal deel van die dag wees. Daar sal ook ‘n boogskiet en windbuksskiet kompetisie wees. Persone met hul eie boog is welkom om dit saam te bring. Die jaarlikse inkleurkompetisie se wenners sal om 16:00 die middag aangekondig word. Daar is verskillende ouderdomskategorieë, so indien u kind ingeskryf het, maak seker u is daar!
Verhoogprogram Saterdagaand: 18:30 - Kim 19:30 - Dixie Hillbillies 20:30 - David Fourie 21:30 - Dixie Hillbillies
Verskeie inkleurprentjies is ontvang. Kom kyk of jou kind ‘n wenner is.
Re-build engines for sale W G NO PIN P I R ST • Fenders • Bonnets • Grills • Bumpers • Head & Tail Lights • CV Joints • Brake Pads • Aircon fans • Radiator fans • Condensers • Carburettors •
Tubatse Towing 24 Hour Towing Services, including insurance Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) registered • Cell: 076 848 3936 vehicles
For sale
25 JULY 2014
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Platinum Gazette
Ohrigstad seëvier tuis Ohrigstad Rugby Klub het verlede week Saterdag teen Nelspruit (3) gespeel.
Ohrigstad het die wedstryd 16-5 gewen. Die halftydtelling was 16-0. SP Fourie het ‘n drie gedruk en Donvanan Erasmus het dit verdoel en ook 3 strafskoppe oorgesit. Die Speler van die wedstryd was Boela van Tonder (voorspeler) en Janus Weber (agterspeler). Dit was die laaste liga wedstryd van die jaar, maar die span gaan nog ‘n paar vriendskaplike wedstryde speel. Een daarvan sal ‘n toerspan uit Duitsland wees. (Inligting: Andries Human).
Tubatse Masters’ Lucky is a lucky charm for scoring goals Tubatse Masters vs Sandvik FC On Saturday 19 July the Tubatse Masters hosted the Sanvik Football Club at the Sekhukhune FET College in Praktiseer.
The two teams went into half time with a 1-1 score as both teams were playing a balanced game. Bonny Ribbery Manaka received a pass from Mpho Mokgohloa to score the first goal for the Masters. Later in the first half the visitors leveled the score. In the second half the Masters made a few changes and Lucky Lubisi placing the ball in the back of the visitors’ net three times. He was also named Man of the Match after the goals he scored. The changes to the Masters’ team also changed the dynamics of the game with the Masters sharing the ball with no pressure. Later in the second half the visitors were awarded a penalty to make the score 4-2. Time was running out, but Lucky created the Masters’ fifth goal opportunity. It was netted by Thapelo Maredi. The final score was 5-2 in favour of the Tubatse Masters. (Photograph: Pitso Sehlabela; Information: Shine Mokibelo Pholoane).
Waterval CVO skool hou gholfdag Die Waterval CVO skool het op Saterdag 19 Julie hul gholfdag ten bate van die skool gehou. Spelers het die by tye winderige weer by Tubatse Chrome Klub trotseer. Die dag se wenners was Nardus Gouws en Hurbert Kraftt met 74 punte. Die tweede plek is deur David Digoro en Tim Marobane met 73 punte geneem. Die skool het almal bedank wat gehelp het om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak. * Tubatse Chroom Gholf Klub herinner spelers om hul plek vir die nag gholf op 8 Augustus te bespreek. Vir meer inligting skakel: 072 564 2811. (Inligting: Tubatse Chroom Gholf Klub).