Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
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0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031/013-231 7147
Shop where Burgersfort, Lebowa Business P ark Park South Africa shops! Tel: (013) 231 7227
Not all is well ... South Africa’s first democaratic platinum city stinks. Fact. Raw sewerage keeps raging out of manholes, leak into the fresh water streams, and expose residents of Burgersfort and those downstream to all sorts of health hazards. Although signs of repair efforts can be seen, the problems do not go away. Added to this problem is the fact that large parts of the town have the appearance of a landfill site as the dumping of rubbish anywhere, any place, seems to be a free for all. O yes, then the water. Lately the water supply is terminated late at night and only restored in the morning. According to the call centre “to fill the reservoirs after high demand during the day”. Maybe so, but no communication to paying consumers about the problem is the order of the day. Senior officials do not answer their phones and enquiries to the powers that be are also ignored.
© Platinum Gazette
25 October 2013
25 OCTOBER 2013
Empowering disabled people with knowledge of crime awareness Last week Thursday Burgersfort Police Station hosted a crime prevention campaign at Ga-Mampuru with special emphasis on the disabled. Police and other speakers addressed the audience in the Mampuru tribal hall and focused on crimes most frequently directed Left: Col. R. Van Niekerk, station commander for Burgersfort SAPS.
at the disabled such as theft and sexual abuse. Mr Mahakwa of the Greater Tubatse Municipality Disablility Desk, spoke at length to the disabled and other members of the audience. Constable Victoria Maluleka led the disabled groups in dance and learners (disabled and not disabled) of various
groups and schools entertained the audience with drama and music.
Mr Mahakwa of the Greater Tubatse Municipality Disablility Desk. Right: Constable Victoria Maluleka leading some of the learners in dance. Poetry (photograph left) was also part of the programme.
The i stands for... The red I on our masthead on the front page this week, means that Platinum Gazette is five years old. At first we only had printed papers and early in the second year decided to go to the internet (on two social reading sites) and to e-mail the newspaper in a very small file to readers. The newspaper is now standing firmly on its feet, embedded in the community it serves (be it readers or advertisers) and we cannot thank everybody enough for their support through sometimes very difficult times. We are not only read locally, but also e-mail to subscribers as far as Alaska, Ghana, Zambia and the USA, while reading statistics on the social reading sites show regular interest from all countries in Europe and the UK, India, China, Nigeria, Myanmar, Pakistan and the Soviet Union. Australia has also proved to have very loyal readers of the online newspaper. Government figures, academics, and parliamentarians (even one in the British House of Lords) also subscribe (which is free) to the e-mail version of the newspaper, while individuals in mining and industrial centres such as Middelburg, Secunda, Emalahleni (Witbank) and Rustenburg also love the e-mail version. All versions are the same, a copy of the printed one, giving you a concise summary of what happened during the week, while it is also easy to keep (printed) or stored electronically (because you or somebody you know or your family) are in the newspaper.
“Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name�. - Hebrews 13:15 ESV
25 OKTOBER 2013
Dwarsrivier Mine Dwarsrivier Mine engage with stakeholders Dwarsrivier Mine hosted the Senior General Manager’s Stakeholder Breakfast on Thursday last week. The event took place at Jorge Resort near Steelpoort and guests ranging from municipal officials, political figures, community and organisational representatives formed part of the day. The programme included a presentation by the Senior General Manager, Mr Mthi Mtshengu and messages from stakeholders such as the Department of Water Affairs as well as the Greater Tubatse Municipality and Sekhukhune District Municipality. Mr Mtshengu’s presentation included explanations about the mine’s performance, highlights and challenges the mine face and projects they are involved in. Mr Mtshengu (photograph: top right) explained that Dwarsrivier Mine had a difficult financial year that resulted in a loss, but hope to recover in the coming year. This performance influenced various projects such as the Cadet Programme that has been suspended in the short term. They are however still committed to the communities surrounding them and is currently busy with the electrification of 320 houses in the Kalkfontein Village close to the mine. Some of the highlights the Mine has experienced includes stable com-
munity relations; sound labour relations, the obtaining of new mining rights, reaching 2 000 000 fatality free shifts, receiving ISO & OHSAS Re-certification for the third time; SED projects that are progressing, a reduction of security incidents and the launch of the Mine Crime Combat Forum. Negative issues the Mine had to cope with include the difficult chrome market and labour rationalization. Mr Mtshengu highlighted the social economic development priorities they’ve set and what they are looking forward to for the rest of 2013 and 2014. Despite difficult times the Mine continues to invest in social interventions and enterprise development in the area. Some of these include: Kalkfontein Olive Tree Project; Kutullo Tyre Service Centre, Early Childhood Development Centre; Contruction of the Ngwaabe Home Based Care centre and the electrification of houses in Kalkfontein. Enterprise development is done in the following areas: underground road construction, waste management, sanitation, laundry & change house, civil construction, vegetation control, printing, ore transport, SMME capacitation, multi-national suppliers (Steelpoort fund creation), SMME portal and tyre repairs. Mr Mtshengu highlighted that the future for Dwarsrivier Mine can look good when relationships with its stakeholders are nurtured and valued. “It is relationships like these that would build the foundation for future sustainability, even during trying times” he said. Stakeholders were given a chance to ask questions and the Dwarsrivier Mine management team were on hand to provide answers. With all the formalities over the guests were treated to a delicious meal before departing with the knowledge that their relationship with Dwarsrivier The Dwarsrivier Mine team who attended the Senior General Manager’s Stakeholder Breakfast last Mine has been week. strengthened.
25 OCTOBER 2013
25 OKTOBER 2013
This story stinks! Burgersfort is in many areas a smelly place. This is no surprise when one looks at the data published by the Department of Water Affairs in what they call the Green Drop Awards system.
A district achieving very good compliance and handling of sewage can be awarded a Green Drop as a symbol of achievement. The Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality is however number 8 in the province when it comes to handling waste water. It must however also be mentioned that with 18 plants to handle waste water in the district, Sekhukhune is the area with the most plants to attend and maintain. Sekhukhune District in
which Burgersfort falls, is classified as a high risk area. In September there was only 14.95% monitoring and 7.89% compliance to microbiological guidelines. The current risk for this area is rated at 82.2% according to the Department’s data. Platinum Gazette has been approached by many readers complaining about the way sewage is left to run into streams and through residential areas. Many have complained of becoming ill and the fact that there is no clear communication from authorities when it comes to water supply and sewage handling is putting a dent in the image of the so-called Platinum City.
What readers say: Worried from Lions Rock: “That sewerage is going straight down to the river and we all drink that water again! Three members of my family has been sick after drinking the water. They must do something”. Ms Grobler from Elephants Hill said: “We’ve had lots of stomach problems every time we drink tap water in Burgersfort. The people suffer and many have been hospitalised due to this problem. Please let them have a look at the problem”. Ms Steyn from Burgersfort wrote: “We have a filtration system for our water, but my son drank water straight from the tap and became very sick. He also passed on the bug to the rest of us. My husband missed work and the children school after this”.
25 OCTOBER 2013
Focus on empowerment
Modikwa Platinum Mine’s Business Leader, Mokgosi Nkoana at the stakeholder breakfast addressing Modikwa’s Local Procurement policies and procedures.
Local procurement, community development, social responsibility and especially empowerment of people were the buzzwords at Modikwa Platinum Mine last week on Friday. The mine, an Anglo American Platinum and African Rainbow Minerals joint venture, is a business success, withstanding several recessionary storms during the last few years and looking into a bright future. Modikwa’s Business Leader, Mokgosi Nkoana, invited a large number of stakeholders from the community and villages around the mine, interest groups and government representatives to a business breakfast to enlighten everybody on the way Modikwa shared its success locally. Mr Nkoana reiterated that the business is committed to developing communities and local businesses with the mine, to give the mine the necessary strong local support it needs to be even more successful and in a position to empower people. Mr Nkoana told the audience that the mine has spend more than R80 million during this financial year and that even more is envisaged for the future. He also emphasised that the mine was committed to assist people to develop themselves and that local business ventures should engage with the mine to make sure of the mine’s needs, procedures and methods, as well as what was needed to develop as a service provider that could not be dependent on the mine alone, but could also operate independently in the local economy. Local empowerment partners as well as interest groups had their say, some of them complaining about the time the mine take to effect payment for services rendered and work done. Mr Nkoana explained that a seven day payment policy for local empowerment partners were in place, but that they also need to do their part to ensure a smooth payment process, such as making sure that all documentation is completed correctly and in time as the mine needs time to establish a full audit trail before payment can be effected. “Incomplete documentation a day before you need to pay your people will not work and you will have possible cash flow difficulties”, he said. He also took note of concerns about women and youth empowerment in the programme, telling Platinum Gazette “nothing is perfect yet and we are still developing our empowerment programme. These concerns will also get the attention it deserves”.
After the formal speeches stakeholders could ask questions. Guests were treated to a delicious breakfast and warm meal at the event held last week Friday.
Greater Tubatse Municipality’s Mayor, Cllr. Josias Nkosi Mahlake.
25 OKTOBER 2013
Success stories
Securing a future with security Company Name: Phothoma Security Pty Ltd. Started at Modikwa: 1 October 2012 in a joint venture with Protea Coin. What does the company do? Offer security services that includes guarding, escorting, armed response, event security and VIP guarding. Mr Thabo Thobejane, Mr Isaac Mmala and Mr Patric Phoku says: “Young entrepreneurs should not give up. Keep knocking on doors. It is difficult, but ultimately you will get there. People should remember that when you get a tender it does not mean that you’ve suddenly made it and is a millionaire. You have to be hands-on and involved day-to-day. It is hard work”. Challenges: “There were a lot of challenges. First we had to do the registration of the security company with CIPRO, PSIRA and all the other paperwork like SARS, Workmans Compensation etc. You’ve got to have the infrastructure to do this and it took us about 8 months before everything was in place. During that time you have to pay the office rent, your employees and everything else without being able to operate and generate an income. That was very difficult”. Achievements: “We consider ourselves lucky. We are now empowered from having nothing. We now have 47 people employed and is in a 26% joint venture with Protea Coin at Modikwa. We have a R300 000 turnover
Mr Issac Mmala.
a month now. We were also able to buy 2 cars and a Quantum for our operations. The future: “We hope that we’ll continue to grow. We want to over the next two year grow the business so that we can become millionaires. We would like to grown in every aspect of our business and would like to expand over the whole Greater Tubatse area. To Modikwa: “We appreciate it that they took us from nowhere, having literary nothing to where we are now. Thank you to Darren McDonald for how he handled us. He treated us fair and gave us an opportunity to prove ourselves. Thanks The Phineas Mokuwa, to Mmasaku Mohale, Reginald Kgoedi, Pezdi Sakuhuni from Anglo Zimele and also to the business leader, Mr Mokgosi Nkoana. To the community: “We wish young people would come together. The young ones must go to school and come back to start businesses. We also urge people not to disturb the operations of the mine. It is our livelyhood. If it is not here we will all suffer. As part of the security at the mine we appeal to the community to report criminal activities to us. Do not damage the mine’s property. Rather approach the right people through the correct channels with any problems”. Contact them: 073 872 2747/072 899 4477/013 231 8448 or
Mr Thabo Thobejane.
Mr Patrick Phoku.
Sanitation is their passion Company Name: La Fancy Kay Started at Modikwa: Since 2009. The company was registered in 2006 and got their first contract at Twickenham Platinum Mine in 2008. What does the company do? Render underground sanitation services, emptying of septic tanks, renting, selling and manufacturing of portable toilets. Mr Phineas Sithole and Ms Kholofelo Mabilo says: “The most important thing is passion. People starting a business must be determined and committed. It
does not end after getting a contract. Challenges: “Capital. Marketing campaigns are important, but when your finances are restricted it is a challenge to entrepreneurs to market themselves”. Achievements: “We are proud of our employees. We’ve managed to get the right people who are dedicated and love the job. In 2011 we were also honoured by Anglo American with a Supplier Award as an Innovation finalist. They took us to London. We are also proud to now manufacture toilets to suit the clients’ specifications and needs. The future: “We want to see ourselves giving the best service to all mining industries, government sectors and communities. We would also like to do road construction. We need to stretch to the rest of Africa. We hope to bring them the best sanitation services. We would also like to be employing as many people as possible. We want to be part of the solution to the unemployment problems of the country. We only employ local people. To Modikwa and about Modikwa: “Modikwa is patient with their suppliers. They believe in educating us through the safety officer - Willie Lundie. They take the safety of their people and their contractors very serious. Safety first. They always seek ways to resolve problems. They do not just terminate a contract. They also believe in the development of the contractors. They have an incubation programme for contractors
Waste management in local hands Company Name: Joxicom Pty Ltd Started at Modikwa: 2011as a joint venture with Reclam What does the company do? The waste managment component that includes the collection and sorting of waste on the mine. Reclam is responsible for the recycling. Mr Leshaba says: “We are a 100% black owned, black controlled and black managed company. Getting business does not fall into your lap. It is about going to the mine and knocking on the doors. You need to partner with someone who knows the process and can capacitate you like we did with Reclam. You have to have a vendor number with Anglo American Platinum. This project we are currently working on is a contract worth R24 million over five years. Anglo Zimele also came in and assisted us with R6 million to buy vehicles when we started out. I want to tell other entrepreneurs out there that it is possible for someone to come from nowhere and become a successful entrepreneur. We are this week going to another meeting at Amandelbult and we hope to close another deal. Challenges: “The finance part was the biggest challenge. It is also a competition. It is not a free ride. You have to prove to Anglo that you can do it. “ Other achievements: “We’ve also completed the construction of an access bridge to the value of R720 000 at Ga-Mamphahlane Village. This was done in two months’ time. This showed the mine we can do proper work. We are currently busy with the construction of an access road to the value of R300 000 at the back of Modikwa to the farming tunnels. This should be completed in the next two weeks. The future: “In the next five years we want to be preferred supplier of services in the Eastern Limb. We want to sustainably grow, and not only be local but do business throughout South Africa. We’ve got 27 permanent employees on site and we want to increase who are doing well and we hope to become part of that. Modikwa believes in empowerment and we’ve been empowered through them. Thank you Modikwa. We appreciate the opportunity you gave us. Thanks to all the other stakeholders who contributed to our growth. We would like to do business at Modikwa indefinitely. To the community: “People who are complaining should realise that you need to be innovative and pro-active. We had to be innovative. Now we have a system where the portable toilets have a soap dispenser, mirrors, a flushing system, a sanitary bin and lights. You need to seek a niche and jump at every opportunity. Remember there is a difference between a tenderpreneur who do not create sustainable business and an entrepreneur who Ms Kholofelo Mabilo.
Mr Patrick Leshaba from Joxicom Pty Ltd. that number to at least 50 in the next 3 years. They are all local people we employ. To Modikwa: “We want to say thank you. They had faith in and trust in us. They gave us a chance although it was our first time doing business with them. Yes, we delivered. We also thank ARM and Anglo Zimele. We wish to see many other emerging entrepreneurs get sustainable projects and partners from within the established business sector”. To the community: “We wish people would stop complaining that the mine is not doing enough. We can attest to it that they are doing enough. Go there, get a vendor number and get your things in order so that you can benefit too. We urge the youth to start their own companies and contact us for advice. We are available. Stop complaining and do something. If the mine is not here, we all go back to poverty. We’ll outline the process to the youth on how to achieve success”. Contact them: or call 076 098 7861
grows a business. Contact them: 013 231 7037/7005, visit or e-mail:
Mr Phineas Sithole.
25 OCTOBER 2013
Remember road safety
Many of the mines in the area have lost employees due to road accidents. Last week Friday morning employees and other motorists were welcomed by a large road safety campaign at the T-junction towards Mototolo, Thorncliffe and other mines in the area. The message was clear - obey the rules and put safety first - at work and on the road. Many of the mines participated, but Friday’s event was organised by Mototolo Mine.
At the Glencore stall road safety campaigners could get some water or hot refreshments to keep them going until after rush hour.
At the entrance to Dwarsrivier Mine, Senior General Manager Mr Mthi Mtshengu and some other employees made sure that those coming to work arrived in roadworthy vehicles.
Some of the Two Rivers Platinum Mine campaigners.
Get help now!
Remember that is is better to seek help as soon as possible. If your debt problems get to the point where you are receiving summons then your creditors will no longer be obliged to listen to the Debt Counsellor. Better be safe than sorry. When you apply for Debt Review It is almost month end again and for many through your Debt Counsellor it may take up to people it is a time they dread because they 60 working days to negotiate with all the don’t know how they will be able to pay all the creditors and get a court date. You will bills they have. however be protected during this period If you are in that position you should consider visiting a Debt Counsellor. They are professionals meaning the bank will not come to collect your car etc. Stop your worries and make this who will get between you and aggressive month end the best decision you can... visit a creditors to negotiate on your behalf. registered Debt Counsellor! The Debt Counsellor will negotiate for better payment terms with the bank and other creditors you owe money. You will also be covered in terms of threats to repossess your home or vehicle. It is very important that you still have an income as you will have to do monthly payments, even if the terms will be better. You and the Debt Counsellor will work out a budget according to which you will still be able to pay for food, transport, electricity and other necessities.
Steelpoort Academy choirs show their talent
Steelpoort Academy’s Intermediate Choir won the district Championship during the SASCE competition recently.
Office in Lydenburg now also open!
Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054 E-mail:
The senior choir of Steelpoort Academy won the District Championship and went further to compete in the provincial Championship. They obtained fourth position. The senior choir also participated in the National Eistedfod and was awarded a Diploma, which is the highest performance above the ideal level. The school congratulates Ms Lillian and her students. (Information & photographs: Steelpoort Academy)
25 OKTOBER 2013
Tubatse SUPERSPAR customers winning every week
Winning with Coca Cola and OK
Tubatse SUPERSPAR is still giving away weekly prizes in their Win-A-Car competition. Lucky shoppers are walking away with appliances and shopping vouchers. The big prize will be drawn just before Christmas and
this is a VW Polo. Customers can still enter the competition in store. Buy for more than R300 and enter your till slip to stand a chance to become a lucky winner in this exciting competition.
Ms Sabeta Molamudi from Ga Manoke was one of the winners of a R500 shopping voucher from Tubatse SUPERSPAR. Her prize was handed to her by Ms Promise Phasha from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.
Mr William Shabalala from Steelpoort walked away with a 500 Spar shopping voucher in the Win-A-Car competition. HIs prize was handed to him by Ms Rouder Makhudu.
Ms Tshikanda Shoni from Elephants Hill in Burgersfort was a winner of a R500 shopping voucher. The prize was handed to her by Mr Thabang Mkhawane from Tubatse SUPERSPAR.
Mr Steve Komane from Ga Mothsana was the lucky winner of a Samsung Washing Machine in the Win-ACar competition. Ms Sbongile Mnisi handed him the prize.
More than 10 lucky customers from OK Grocer and OK Minimark in Burgersfort are smiling this week. They were the winners of R1 000 shopping vouchers at these shops after they entered a Coca Cola competition in store. The winners were: Lorincia Pienaar, Rodney van der Walt, Kyle Mckinlay, Talite Pretorius, Martie Coetzer, Elizabeth la Cock Charlotte Clark, Augusta Esterhuizen, Tseise Winers Makofane, Sesina Martha Sekgobela and Jurgens Olivier. The group was not all available for a single photograph, but some of the OK Minimark winners are pictured below with Ms Pamela Fabi from OK Minimark.
Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529 Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
379900 14990
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CLASSIC CRAFT DOORS 813mm x 2032mm (Assorted styles & patterns)
WELDED FENCE MESH 1.8m x 100mm x 100mm x 1.8mm x 30m
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WISPECO ROLL UP GARAGE DOOR (Buffalo Brown Series 245)
TIMBER BRANDERING 38 x 38 x 6.0m
All prices incl. VAT. Delivery excluded
25 OCTOBER 2013
Platinum Gazette
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room.
R500 double room. Restaurant and bar. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277.
Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609
MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months
laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 Kort en langafstand vervoer beskikbaar 8 Ton platbak trok, 4
A large oil company in conjuction with the Ngwaabe Integrated Cooperative Ltd is seeking the services of Integrated Energy Centre (IeC) Manager. basis ready The main to serve objective of the customers IeCs is to bring and has all the affordable and materials sustainable required to energy services operate. and information closer to rural Business Controls communities. Underlying this is · Manage the business using a strong social the Business responsibility Controls aimed at poverty Framework as alleviation, job advised from creation and time to time capacity building.
Human Resources Management · Ensure that all staff that are employed at the centre following the appropriate Labour Law guidelines
Female aged between 30 and 45 years. Educational and Business Attributes
· Minimum Matric (where no Matric qualification exists the Personal candidate must Attributes have practical business · Passionate about management customers, experience operational including preferably in excellence and a proper Fuel (wet) retail) brand Job and dry stock · Certificate/ ambassador Description management Diploma/Degree · Good · Exercise in business interpersonal Health Safety, financial management or skills – can Security & management by related fields interact and Environment ensuring that · Entrepreneurial/ manage staff (HSSE) monthly attention to and customers business detail passion · Strong sense of · Ensure that all and financial for Retail can Values - Respect HSSE policies think in for people, reports are and procedures numbers and integrity and produced and are adhered to convert them to honesty present to the all the time on deliverables on · Attention to Board of site and site detail. Retail is directors champion a goal detail ona monthly zero approach TO APPLY: · Works hard for with all staff and basis. long hours with a customer with Forward your “can do” regards to no Customer Service attitude and work Curriculum Vitae incidents on site Management CV to: on site on a full Fax number 086 time basis Operations · Ensure that all 515 1117 or · Disciplined/self Management staff are trained Hand deliver at management – on the Customer 101 Dorp Street, can be their own · Manage the day Value Polokwane, 0699; boss to operations of Proposition Attention: · No criminal the centre and (CVP) to ensure Mr. Azwinndini record and has the security of that customers Ndou Clean credit its assets and receive superior record. ensure that site service at all Closing date · South African and the centre times. 13 November Citizen, Black are on a daily 2013 African Male or
ton platbak trok en ‘n bakkie beskikbaar om goedere te vervoer. Kwotasies op aanvraag. Kontak: 0828537417 Do your car need some panel beating, but you don’t have insurance? No problem! 15% Discount on all cash jobs. Contact: 0828537417
9. Te Huur/ To Let
10. Te Koop/ For Sale URGENT SALE Stand in Motaganeng estate. Erf 2704 Size: 564 m² Price: R195 000 Contact: Herman 0832299765 TE KOOP 6m x 6m Houthuis kompleet - R60 000 1 hektaar voledige nethuis – R150 000 2m Behandelde tamatiepale – R15 elk Kontak: 082 618 8332
Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129. Flats for rent One/Two or Three bedroom flats available. Stands for sale. Warehouse to let. Contact: 074 354 1274
PROPERTY FOR SALE House No. 616 Praktiseer 3 Bedrooms, sitting room, kitchen, 1 Inside toilet, garage and an outside toilet. Price R350 000 Contact: 082 857 8226 079 498 1932 072 454 6129 SAMOOSAS Good quality samoosas available from Aloe Ridge East. Week days and weekends. Also cater for functions. Contact: 076 615 8607
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
JOSHUA GENERATION In Steelpoort / Burgersfort is looking for suitable candidates to fill the following positions in 2014: 1. Qualified Principal (Senior Phase) Requirements for position: Be a bornagain, Spirit-filled Christian, who is passionate about teaching; Degree or 4 year Diploma in Higher Education from a recognised university or college; SACE registration required; Have the relevant teaching qualification and experience; Proficiency in English; Have a strong work ethic, with strong administration skills and be well organised; ACE experience preferable. 2. Monitor (Intermediate Phase) Requirements for position: Be a bornagain, Spirit-filled Christian, who is passionate about teaching; Have the relevant experience or teaching qualification; Proficiency in English; Have a strong work ethic, with strong administration skills and be well organised; ACE experience preferable. 3. Secretary Requirements for position: Be a bornagain, Spirit-filled Christian; Prior experience with Microsoft Office and have excellent computer skills; Have a strong work ethic, with strong administration skills and be well organised. Applicants must include a character reference and motivation letter with their CV to or fax 086 508 0530. Applications close on 14 November 2013.
Legal Notice/ Regskennis gewing NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the undermentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days from the date of publication hereof. Estate No: 6196/ 2013; Masters Office: Polokwane; Surname: Makofane; First names: Mokgokola Johannes; Date of birth: 1950-02-16; Identity No: 5002165187080; Last address: GaMotodi Village, Praktiseer District, Limpopo Province; Date of death: 201308-05. The deceased was married in community of property/subject to the accrual system. First names of surviving spouse: Nurse Joyce Makofane. Date of birth: 1961-08-23; Identity no: 6108230534088 Name and address of Executor or authorised agent: Jeff Mathabatha Inc.; PO Box 2199, Burgersfort, 1150. Period allowed for lodgement of claims: 30 Days. Advertiser’s address: Jeff Mathabatha Inc. Attorneys, Office No. 5, Medina Centre, PO Box 2199, Burgersfort, 1150. Tel: 082 457 3505. Date: 25 October 2013
25 OKTOBER 2013
Wenakker hou gholfdag Die wenners was van die span van Tyre Corporation: Kenny Labuschagne, (Middel) Chris Jankowitz en Jaco van der Merwe.
Wenakker op Lydenburg het op 12 Oktober hul jaarlikse gholfdag gehou. Die dag is by die Lydenburg Gholf Klub gehou. Dié dag word jaarliks gehou om fondse vir die tehuis in te samel. Die bestuur van Wenakker bedank almal wat deelgeneem,
Andor Esbach en Embrich Cilliers van Tubatse het ‘n derde plek behaal. Hier is hulle saam met Chris Jankowitz van Wenakker (middel).
Emile Britz & Pieter Brits van Samancor ECM.
Makua predicts a win
Mnr Adriaan de Beer van Tweeriviere Platinum Myn in aksie.
iets geborg of gehelp het om van die dag ‘n sukses te maak. “Dit was ‘n suksesvolle dag danksy al die borge en donateurs,” sê Me. Neeltje Brits van Wenakker. (Foto’s en inligting: Wenakker) Wenakker bedank graag die volgende borge wat gehelp het om die dag ‘n sukses te maak: 4 U Office; Ocean Basket; Adrie van den Heever; Pick & Pay; Amajaybee; Pionier Slaghuis; Amani Boutique Hotel; Precrete; Bakgat Biltong; Remax; Bearing Services; Roete 37 Outdoor Clothing; Beauty Box; Samancor ECM; Beauty from Home; Selco Business Services; Bistro Restaurant; Sh’zen (T Parker); C + F Printers; Silver Oaks; Creative Nails; The Barber Shop; Die Smul Hoekie; Thorburn Security; DIY Depot; Toyota; Duet Health Spa; Tubatse; Endecon Nelspruit; Tweeriviere; Francois Reinecke; Tyre Corporation; Fraser Alexander; Venter Konstruksie; Gawie Grobler Makelaars; Verloren-kloof; Gert & Andries Elektries; Volkswagen Highlands; Glencore: Lydenburg Smelter; Wimpy; Imbali Garden Centre; Westvaal; Kenshington’s; Xco Sport; Laramie Spur; Zizwe; Legends Lydenburg; Limpopo Ready Mix; LS Promotions; Maliflora; Mauch-berg; McGee Lydenburg; Mega Bus; Megapaints; National Auto Glass; Nomcebo Printers; Northlite .
This weekend is a big sporting weekend. In rugby the Currie Cup final will be played between the Western Province and the Sharks and in soccer two of the biggest names in the country will face off. On Saturday Kaizer Chiefs and Orlando Pirates will play at the FNB Stadium. Kick-off is scheduled for 15:30 in this ABSA Premiership game. Daniël Makua, a marathon runner and one of the local sporting role models is a big Kaizer Chiefs fan. He predicts a 2-0 win for his team and wishes them all the best.
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25 OCTOBER 2013
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Reaching for the cup in Ward 29 The cup and medals for the Kodi SJ 2013 Champions Cup in Ward 29 was unveiled this week. Club representatives attended the event. Mr Tebogo Phetla from Phetla Arsenal told the other teams that they should touch the cup and medals for the last time as they know that
his team is the one to beat. The tournament will stretch over five years. The 2013 section of the event will start on 21 December 2013 at the Bagakodi Sports Ground. Mr SJ Kodi is the organiser of the tournament and teams will be playing for their share of R250
Team representatives and Mr SJ Kodi at the cup unveiling.
000 over the five year period. Mr Kodi is also involved with soccer development in the area. He believes that Sekhukhune have many stars in the making and that they should be trained from a young age to reach their potential and also taught to rather turn to sport than crime.
One of the challenges these teams are facing is the grounds on which they practice. The municipality allegedly started work on it, but this was never finished. This means that there is no level ground to play on and the playable section is too small. Mr Kodi can be contacted on 082 344 5493.
Stars of the future. Mr Kodi with the u/8 and u/12 development teams.
(Photographs: Morwakodi Solas Kodi; Information: SJ Kodi).