Platinum Gazette 26 April 2013

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© Platinum Gazette

26 April 2013



Inner city taxi owners and hawkers in Burgersfort on Wednesday started to ‘repair’ the potholes in Morone Street (the portion next to Supa Save, which more often than not resembles a war zone) by filling the craters with a cement mixture (top photograph). “The municipality mean nothing. They do not repair this road”, one of the taxi drivers told the newspaper. “We damage our cars and it is difficult for hawkers to trade here when customers cannot use this road. Now we fix it ourselves, we and the hawkers” he said. Meanwhile elsewhere in Burgersfort large blocks had been cut out where potholes were due to be repaired, even before it started raining last weekend. No warning signs were erected and the blocks became deeper and deeper ... By Wednesday repair work has started and repair teams even worked into the night (one photograph was taken at 19:30) (and it will be interesting to see who did a more thorough job - editor).

26 APRIL 2013


26 APRIL 2013


New traffic rules for Burgersfort? Skipping stop signs Traffic in Burgersfort is one of the major complaints residents have, yet many are guilty of disobeying the rules. Platinum Gazette’s reporter happened to be near the third stop sign as you enter Burgersfort from Lydenburg on the R37. As he stood camera in hand a white vehicle quickly drove past, ignoring the traffic sign. The camera was switched on motor drive and captured 10 frames per second of how this traffic sign was ignored. The next moment a Burgersfort SAPS vehicle approached. No blue lights or siren switched on. Going between 40 and 60km per hour the police vehicle also ignored the stop sign. It rushed past while being photographed at 10 frames per second. (Photographs above) Following the lead of the police vehicle a blue vehicle and a red Uno did not even slow down as it approached the stop street. (Photographs left). Platinum Gazette approached Burgersfort SAPS Station Commander, Colonel RM van Niekerk about the photographs and driver’s behaviour. He agreed that this is not the example that the SAPS should be setting in town. He added that appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken to deal with misconduct while assuring the newspaper that they are trying to root out misbehaviour by members of the SAPS. The public should take note that stop streets’ purpose is reflected in their name. It is a place where you should stop. (All photographs taken in sequences of 10 per second are in possession of the newspaper, even though only single frames are published here).




26 APRIL 2013

Tubatse Aids Council launched On Tuesday this week the Tubatse Aids Council was officially launched. This event at the Greater Tubatse Municipality was attended by various stakeholders including NGO’s such as the Aurum Institute, representatives from mines in the area, councillors and the Greater Tubatse Youth Council. It is a joint effort between the district municipality and GTM. This council will work together to create awareness about the prevention of HIV/Aids and assist in taking care of HIV orphans in the area. Anyone wishing to become involved can contact Roelof Lourens on 072 209 0176.

Talking health issues at the Tubatse Aids Council launch.

26 APRIL 2013

Win one, lose one

Big white elephant The bridge providing a walkway over the busy intersection towards the Khadima Centre/Burgersfort Mall and Shoprite/The Palace on the other side is probably one of the most expensive advertising boards ever created. This is about the only use the bridge is currently getting. The millions spend on constructing the bridge seems to have been wasted. Pedestrians still choose to rather

The ANC lost one ward and gained another in the by-elections held on 24 April. In Ward 20 an independent councillor passed away and in Ward 23 the ANC councillor previously representing the area resigned. The Ward 20 candidates contesting the seat were Enoch Mashego (independent candidate), Putina Joel Hlatywayo (ANC) and Jabu Rhythmn Mohlala (PAC). In this ward the ANC received the most votes and Putina Joel Hlatywayo will be the new councillor. Ward 23 was contested by Alfred Welly Mboyane (independent candidate), Vusi Amos Malibe (independent candidate), Sipho Green Nkosi (ANC), Lekatsona Lazarus Mamogale (COPE) and Shema Thabo Marobane (PAC). Alfred Welly Mboyane received 43.78% of the votes in Ward 20.

Taxi driver arrested for rape of 12-year old girl A 41-year old taxi driver was arrested after he allegedly raped a 12-year old girl on 20 April. The girl was on her way to school in Riba Cross when the taxi driver stopped and told her that he would give her a lift to her school. It was a rainy morning and the girl climbed into the taxi. The man then drove off with her towards Burgersfort, but turned off towards a village and stopped in the bushes. The man the allegedly assaulted the girl with a belt and told her to undress before he raped her. The taxi driver took the girl’s cell phone and books and dropped her at Mooihoek village. A women found the girl and assisted her in contacting the police. A case of rape was opened. On the following day the girl and her father identified the taxi driver at Steelpoort cross in Riba Cross and called the police. The police was able to arrest the taxi driver and recovered the girl’s books and cell phone. The accused appeared in the Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court on 23 April on a charge of rape. He was not granted bail and the case will be in court again on 2 May 2013.

make their way between the cars towards the opposite side. The municipality does not fine people for jaywalking in this area. Jaywalking in especially this area is a major concern as crime has escalated to a very serious point at this intersection. Various cases of ‘smash-and-grab’ or theft through an open window have occurred here.

What is jaywalking? “Jaywalking is a term originating in the United States and widely used elsewhere that refers to illegal or reckless pedestrian crossing of a roadway. Example: a pedestrian crossing between intersections without yielding to drivers” -

And then the (traffic) lights went out The traffic light at the crossing between Kastania Street and Dirk Winterbach Street towards the Greater Tubatse Municipal buildings had been knocked down. The sign alerting motorists of the traffic light had also been knocked over. Vandalism of traffic signs is a major headache for the municipality. It is a criminal act to remove or tamper with a road traffic sign and offenders, if caught, could face prosecution. Vandalism can be reported to the Chief traffic officer, Mr Lekwadu at the municipality on 013 231 1000.

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26 APRIL 2013

How will you be saving energy this South Africans will have to save even more energy than before as winter approaches. This is the call from both Eskom and Minister of Public Enterprises, Malusi Gigaba. 2013 will be the year in which Eskom will be doing maintenance at old power stations during the winter. “We have reached a point where we cannot defer planned maintenance on the fleet,” said Mr Brian Dames, CEO of Eskom this week. Maintenance will be conducted on nine of Eskoms power supply units. Loadshedding is a real possibility. “We will take whatever measures we need. It means if we get close, we will drop the load. We will drop the customers and protect the country” Mr Dames told the media on Monday this week. That is why Eskom is calling on all energy users to save and only make use of electricity for essential things during peak periods. In 2008 coal shortages and maintenance at power plants forced Eskom to cut electricity to mines. This caused the economy take a serious drop. Eskom usually does maintenance on power plants during the summer, but during the first few months of the year the power stations were stretched to make up for lost output. The national grid has been operating on a 1.5% reserve margin for the past few months. Koeberg’s Unit 1 has been down for maintenance since November last year and this forced Eskom to use open-cycle gas turbines to replace the lost output. Eskom generates 95% of South Africa’s electricity and was hit by a lack of supply from Mozambique. Disruptions due to floods at the Cahora Bassa power plant caused a drop in the power generated and supplied to South Africa. Low quality coal also reduced the capacity at the Tutuka power station in Mpumalanga. Eskom plans to use a maintenance strategy that will provide 80% power availability, 10% planned maintenance and 10% planned outages over the next five years. The newly constructed Medupi power station is only expected to come into operation by December this year. Despite the real possibility of loadshedding the Energy Intensive Users Group and the Chamber of Mines supports Eskom’s decision to do maintenance. “Our view is that Eskom is doing the right thing, since they have been postponing the maintenance of their power stations,” said Mr Mike Rossouw, chairman of the Energy Intensive Users Group. We asked readers if they will be saving energy during the winter and how they plan to do so.

Mnr. Stephen van der Walt sê: “Die mense met kaggels moet dit eerder as verwarmers gebruik hierdie winter”.

Mr Itumeleng Moloto said: “I’m already saving energy. I’m switching off my geyser in the morning and I switch off all appliances and lights I’m not using”.

Mr Bernard Ndlovu said: “I will try to save energy this winter. We don’t have an option. since the prices of electricity escalated so much I’ve been saving. I switch off what I’m not using and buy energy saving globes”.

Me. Ashley Groenewald sê: “Ek gebruik nie baie krag nie. Ek en my man werk altwee deur die dag en ons bly in ‘n parkhome wat lekker warm bly. Ons spaar ook deur die geyser net ‘n uur op ‘n dag aan te sit”.

Mr Godfrey Malepe said: “The best thing to do while we are in a rural area is to collect wood and make a fire. Close your home’s windows early and take a bath and go to bed early. Then you won’t need a heater. That is the best way to save electricity”.

Mr Silas Konopi said: “There are a few things like using energy saving bulbs, regulate the geyser temperature and switching it off when you are not at home that I do. Perhaps I should get more blankets this winter to keep warm. I’ll maybe try to only use the heater while I am awake and to switch it off when I go to sleep. I will also switch off the TV at night”.

Me Margareth Malebie sê: “Ek probeer om nie te mors nie. Die krag is baie duur, ons moet spaar”.

Mr Leeroy Topera said: “This winter we are going to use the geyser, but only switch it on for an hour or so and then switch it off after I’ve had my bath. During the day we also use the solar energy and sometimes the generator”.

Mr Calvin Mametja (right) said: “I switch off the lights when I don’t use it. Sometimes we even switch off our fridge, but not every day. The stove is the only electric thing we use”. With him is Mr Lloyd Bostander.

26 APRIL 2013



winter to help avoid loadshedding?

Mr Thabo Sere said: “I will try to save energy this winter. It is actually an ongoing process. I’m already contributing my bit to prevent loadshedding”.

Dr Elias Lubunga Iyadi said: “I’m saving already by switching off machines after use. I also switch off the computer and screen of the computer before leaving the practice at night”.

Me Katryn de Jonge (regs) sê: “Aircons is uit en in my huis is nie ‘n heater nie, so ek weet nie waar hulle wil hê ons moet nog spaar nie”. By haar is Me. Madelyn Lingenfelder.

Mnr. Louis Pieterse sê: “Ek sal probeer spaar as die Greater Tubatse Munisipaliteit ook hul gebou se ligte aan die binnekant in die aand sal afsit. As hulle sal krag spaar, sal ek ook”. By hom is Me. Valerie van der Merwe. Mr Elmon Makgopa said: “It is a continuous process for me. We are saving every day. Electricity is expensive so we have to save that is home economy. We are teaching our children to unplug all equipment after use”.

Mnr. Jannie van der Walt sê: “Ek sal die geyser ‘n bietjie afsit en die familie aansê om die ligte minder te gebruik”.

Ms Diphuo Mabuza and Ms Bongani Moyo said: “We’ll try to save by switching off the geysers during the day and to use gas heaters instead of electric ones. We’ll also switch off the lights when possible”.

Mr Josaya Nkoana said: “You can’t save in winter - you need warm water and a heater. It is very difficult to save”.

Mr Joseph Magoma said: “Where I am staying now we use a solar geyser. Basic things like fridges need to be on. Me and my family try to switch off the lights when we are not using it. So I am already saving. Eskom must deliver the message of energy saving practice to every community. People must know they should save and how to save. In South Africa I am afraid that when you start having a problem with things like electricity or potholes you have a lifetime problem. It is not something that gets better. Perhaps our government has the wrong approach”.



26 APRIL 2013

Speel-speel aan die leer Waterval CVO het van 11 tot 13 April heerlik veldskool en leierskamp by Bon Amanzi gehou. Die graad 6 leerlinge was op die leierskamp en die graad 7 leerlinge op veldskool. Daar was baie aktiwiteite wat wissel van probleemoplossings, hindernisse, speletjies, modder en nog baie meer. Van die skool se oud-leerlinge, Frank en Hendry was fasiliteerders tydens die kamp. Die skool bedank graag Bon Amanzi vir die moeite en die wonderlike geleenteheid om deel van die natuur en God se skepping te kon wees. (Foto’s en inligting: Waterval CVO).

Become Debt FREE! No need to cry, help is available! Since June 2007 consumers have help at hand when their spending left them unable to re-pay their debt. If you earn an income and is over-indebted, debt counselling could help you regain a debt free life! Debt Counseling offers protection from legal action from creditors and the long term effects from being placed under personal administration. Through Debt Counselling a budget is worked out so that the consumer will may one monthly amount towards repaying his or her debt and still be able to afford living expenses such as food, housing and utility bills. Going to a registered debt counsellor could help you retain your house and car. A debt counsellor will need to know about all your debt. They will negotiate on your behalf with the creditors for better repayment terms and if necessary go to court to get the best possible solution for you. It is important to go to a Debt Counsellor that is registered with the National Credit Regulator. Debt Counsellors that are registered are subjected to follow a specific set of guidelines in their conduct and one call to the National Credit Regulator could to check that your Debt Counsellor is registered could ensure that you do not lose money along the way or is charged

unnecessary fees. Consumers are sometimes taken advantage of by unregistered and unqualified people offering assistance. This is something that an over-indebted person can truly not afford. The Debt Counsellor will assist in drawing up a budget that will allow you to repay your debts, but also still make a living. While you are under debt review, creditors will not be able to just come and take back your vehicle or repossess your home. After all your debt has been repaid, you will have a clean name at the Credit Bureau. The important thing about debt counselling is that you should seek it as soon as you realize your debt is getting out of hand. The faster you give attention to it, the quicker, you will be able to regain a debt free life. Confidentiality is key to professional debt counsellors and consumers are able to trust them to assist in getting the best possible solution. (Information:

Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator

(Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: 087 151 1034 E-mail: Website:

26 APRIL 2013



NG Kerk hou basaar

Join the blanket run

Die NG Kerk op Burgersfort hou op 1 Mei basaar by die kerkterrein. Die pret en plesier begin reeds om 07:00 die oggend. Die geleentheid sal ‘n tradisionele basaar wees met al die lekkernye soos koek, pannekoek, poeding, heerlike kos en ander items te koop. Daar sal heerlike vermaak vir die kleingoed wees en daar sal potjiekos verkoop word. Bestellings vir ‘n lamspotjie op Dinsdag 30 April en ‘n afvalpotjie op Woensdag 1 Mei kan by die kerkkantoor geplaas word. Die gehele gemeenskap, ongeag hul kerkverband word uitgenooi om die dag te kom geniet . Navrae: Kerkkantoor, 013 231 7627.

Slippery waste The many informal motor mechanic workshops in Burgersfort are leaving a messy mark on the environment. Oil is being dumped at random and at certain areas the soil has absorbed it to capacity. This practice could eventually lead to contamination of the ground water found in the area.

The Christian Motorcycle Association will be participating in a blanket run on 1 May 2013. They invite all bikers in the area to join them. They will be heading towards Misty Mountain on the Longtom Pass. A buffet breakfast will be available at R60 per person. The entry fee for the day is free, but a blanket or donation is requested. The run will start at 10:00. All the blankets collected with this charity effort will be given to Estralita School in Lydenburg. Enquiries: Deon, 079 880 3330 or Willy: 084 608 8747.

Steelpoort rugbyspelers blink uit Sewe van Steelpoort Akademie se o/13 rugbyseuns is in die Ehlanzeni rugbyspan ingesluit wat aan die semi-finale van die Mpumalanga rugbyproewe gaan deelneem. Die proewe is op

3 en 4 Mei. Dit is die eerste keer dat so baie van die skool se rugbyspelers by die span ingesluit is. Die skool wens graag die span en hul afrigter mnr. Anton Erasmus geluk.

Learning about farm animals Joshua Generation’s level 0 learners visited Burgersfort Animal Farm. The group had a lovely picnic and were treated to petting of the farm animals. The school would like to thank Mr and Mrs Beukes for making the day not only educational, but also fun for everyone. (Photographs & information: Joshua Generation).

Voor: Godwin Mapalakanye, Andries Vorster, Tiaan Havenga. Agter: Thabiso Moraba, Tumi Maroke, Christiaan Kruger en Arrie Heyl. (Foto & inligting: Cornelia Ebersôhn, Steelpoort Akademie).

Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529 Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

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Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

coffee/tea facilities in room. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221

7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 CIS Electrical Alle elektriese herstelwerk en instandhouding Christo:0766399858 Ina:0791017894

3. Te Huur/ To Let Luxurious bachelor flat to let in Burgersfort.Available at the end of the month. Contact: 082 922 3909

Bargain properties for sale. Tel: 082 496 4312

Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

Luxurious two bedroom flat to let in Burgersfort.Available at the end of the month. Contact: 082 922 3909 Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.

Mooifontein Guesthouse Overnight accommodation available in Burgersfort. Restaurant, washing, safe parking, truck parking, aircons, fridge in rooms,

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

10. Te Koop/ For Sale

One bedroom bachelor flat to let in Burgersfort. Available 1 May 2013. Contact: 076 666 1100

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation

Platinum Gazette

Got some news? Contact us on 083 271 9151 with your news and events. Editorial deadline: Wednesday at 17:00

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

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“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson

26 APRIL 2013

26 APRIL 2013



Steelpoort Academy golf day

The rain did not stop players attending the Steelpoort Academy golf day from trying to play their rounds. By midmorning on Saturday last week, the rain made play impossible and the players returned to the Club House. There they were served their halfway meal and took the decision to postpone the event to the next available date. Read more on page 12.

Tubatse SAPS soccer team on the ball The Tubatse Police soccer team played a friendly soccer game against Modikwa Plant on Tuesday 23 April. The game was played at the Montrose soccer field. The Police won the game 3-0. They were leading 2-0 at halftime and scored the third

goal during the second half. The goals were scored by Const. Mogowane, Const. Mokgohloa and Const. Skhosana. Any team who would like to play against the police team can contact Const. Mokgohloa on 072 301 1217.

Beating for Tubatse United FC Tubatse United from Praktiseer took a beating last week Sunday when they lost 10-0 to Maatlopo United Football Club. The game was played at Ntoampe Stadium. Tubatse United is currently fighting to avoid relegation. Masokolara is still the leading team in the SAB regional league with 57 points from 26 games. Makgalanoto Young Chiefs is second with 53 points from 29 games and Maatlopo United third with 53 points from 27 games. This means Masokolara is on course to represent the region at the provincial playoffs. This week Maatlopo will play against Mooihoek Real Touch. The game will be on 27 April and on 1

May the team will host Phasha City Rocks at Moroke Stadium. Enquiries: Makola, MJ, 071 035 4246. Platinum Gazette invitessoccer teams to invite us to their games. Invitations (with proper directions, a contact person and number, time, date and which teams are playing) should reach the newspaper by a Wednesday. Teams can also submit game reports with the names of goal scorers, the Man of the Match and other detail of what happened by a Wednesday. Forward your reports or invitations to: or fax it to 086 554 9031/013 231 7147. You can also sms invitations to: 083 271 9151.

Support this charity golf day Huizemark will be hosting a charity golf day on 27 April 2013. The day will be in aid of the Lydenburg Animal Protection Service and Rescue (LAPSAR) in Lydenburg. The whole family is invited to come and attend the day. The golf will kick-off at 07:00 and will be in better ball format. After the golf players and people who came to support the day will be treated to live entertainment and dance the night away. A spitbraai will be prepared and a cash bar will be available. Jumping Castles and other fun activities will keep the children entertained while their parents enjoy themselves. The day will be hosted at the Tubatse Chrome Club. Donations towards Lapsar is also welcome. Players, sponsors and animal lovers can come and donate cat or dog food, blankets and other animal accessories needed to care for the dogs and cats taken in by Lapsar. Should you still be interested to become a sponsor at one of the holes or put up a stall at the club you are welcome to contact Louis on 082 496 4312 or 079 894 2944. Teams are still welcome to enter. The cost is R2000 per team of four people and this includes the spitbraai dinner. To book your place contact Martin on 072 564 2811.


26 APRIL 2013

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Wet, wet, wet at the golf Steelpoort Academy’s annual golf day took place on Saturday last week. The day was hosted at Tubatse Chrome Club. Heavy rain all over the region prevented players from finishing or even getting enough play to make a decision about the winners. This resulted in the postponement until 1 June 2013. All players are asked to keep that date open

to come and take another shot at the competition. Although rain slowed the greens and ensured players are drenched and cold, a stall hosted by the teachers provided something warm before heading towards the ninth hole.The school thanked everyone for their support and trouble despite the weather. More photographs on page 11.

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