R200 million road project MOA signed Atok to Twickenham
A strategic Memorandum of Agreement has been signed between Roads Agency Limpopo (RAL) and platinum producer, Anglo American Platinum, for the tarring of a key economic development route that connects Twickenham Platinum Mine to surrounding villages in the Sekhukhune region in the Limpopo Province. Speaking at the signing ceremony held on 18 August at the mining giant’s head office in downtown Johannesburg, RAL CEO Maselaganye Matji, said in terms of the agreement, Anglo American Platinum would contribute R46,8 million towards the design and construction of the 20km road estimated to cost R200 million, stretching from Atok, passing through Ga-Selepe, Ga-Mashabela to Twickenham Platinum Mine. RAL will be responsible for the R153,2 million balance. “We have decided to adopt a strategy to bring in partners who can assist in road construction. Once our roads are in a good condition, businesses will be interested in participating in the Limpopo economy,” he said. Of the 20 260km of road network that RAL is responsible for, about 14 300km is gravel road. In terms of its own calculations, the roads agency would need R150 billion to address the backlog, money that is not available through the fiscus. That is why such partnerships are crucial. “To build a road is not cheap,” said the RAL CEO. Indresen Pillay, executive head of projects at Anglo American Platinum, said it was the first time his company had entered into a partnership whereby they co-fund an infrastructure project with a state entity. In the past, he said, Anglo would build a clinic or a school for a community and hand over the completed project to either the Department of Education or Health. He said the company was initially concerned around issues of governance, capability, capacity and leadership. However, they were impressed by the solid management structure and expertise that exists within RAL to handle such a dynamic partnership project. “What RAL has demonstrated is that they have the governance in place, they have the capacity and capability in place and they have got the funding mechanism in place to be able to allow this to happen. When you have the stars aligning in that way, it makes it feasible to enter into these kinds of agreements,” he said. Pillay said his company was excited to share ideas and expertise with a state agency and was committed to seeing the entire project through. “This is not something where we are going to write a cheque and walk away. We will continue to be partners in the delivery of this project, and as partners we will be able to learn from one another,” he added. Progress has already been made in relation to this latest partnership with Anglo American Platinum. The project has gone out on a public tender, and once a preferred contractor has been selected, construction work could begin around September 20. Anglo American’s Twickenham Project, the company’s core platinum mine situated in the Sekhukhune region of Limpopo, has been struggling of late. The mine has been put under care and has had to reduce some of its workload. Anglo American Platinum and RAL are aiming to use this project to boost the local economy by not only employing from the communities that will be served by the road under construction, but to procure materials from locals and to develop suppliers that can be able to provide raw material to the contractor. In addition to this Memorandum of Agreement, Anglo has completed a number of road infrastructure initiatives for communities neighbouring its Twickenham Mine and the Fetakgomo/Greater Tubatse Municipality.
Joy at Marota Primary - page 3
Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
26 Augustus 2016
These include a 1,3km internal road in the Fetakgomo/Greater Tubatse Municipality connecting Ga-Makgopa and Swazimanyane villages. Another 4,3kms will be completed this year. Two access bridge roads built in close proximity to the Marapong and Dithabaneng communities, benefiting a number of road users. Contributing R20 million to the upgrade of the R37 carriageway, a crucial road that connects Sekhukhune region to the rest of the province. Mr Matji said the South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) has committed to widening the R37 carriageway into a four lane road stretching from Burgersfort to Modikwa Platinum Mine.
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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147
‘Real’ speed humps for R555 at Kutullo/Matepe
The rough heaps of gravel serving as speed humps on the R555 road through Kutullo/Matepe village between Steel Bridge and De Hoop Dam are gone. Now there are properly constructed tar ones and Platinum Gazette was just in time last week Friday to witness the construction team preparing to put the finishing touches to some of their handiwork. The humps are not high, but quite sharp, Careful with your low profiles.
Schaapkraal requests assistance Grazing on eight farms at Schaapkraal farms 42 JT went up in flames after it was allegedly set alight maliciously. The Community Comtittee on the farms requests donations from local business owners of grass and salt for the animals to survive till the raining season starts. The contact is Mr Jan Matsaung 081 068 2442, email com The farms are located near Booysendal-South Platinum Mine.
26 AUGUST 2016
Ongoing tension at illegal mines Authorities raided illegal mining operations at Tjibeng near Atok about halfway between Burgersfort and Polokwane for the second time in two months in an effort to halt the illegal mining activities. Illegal chrome mining operations were first raided in the week of 15 July this year on the farms Winterveldt 417 SK, Jagdlust 418 SK and Zeekoegat 421 SK. Mining minister Mozebenzi Zwane at that time expressed his support for the raids and efforts to put illegal mining to a stop. Illegal mining is prohibited in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act and the National Environmental Management Act. The perpetrators were operating without a mining permit, prospecting right or mining right as well as no environmental authorisation. The department said at that time it is always ready to assist communities. In terms of the MPRDA, communities can lodge a preferential prospecting or mining right and the department will assist accordingly, in cases where there are no existing applications, permits or rights. This first intervention by authorities clearly had no effect and the illegal mining continued well into this month before the most recent raid on Tuesday. Unfortunately the miners seemed to have been tipped off about the raid. A group of miners who claimed to be mining on the shoulder of Anglo Platinum’s Bokoni mine ran from the plant before police and Mineral Resources officials accompanied by a sheriff went to check out the area on Tuesday. Police said they had planned to arrest the operators but when they arrived at the site there were no officials nor mine representatives. General Maepa of Burgersfort Police said only machines were left, which were subsequently confiscated because they were used in the commission of crime. “There is a law in the country that people should respect, and if they don’t comply, they will face the Police,” added Maepa. The open-cast mine was abandoned more than four decades ago. However, some small-scale miners are apparently still trying to mine there.Recently, residents in the area started mining with and without machines, digging chrome with their spades and iron shovels. Platinum Gazette has also witnessed skorro-skorro trucks moving ore from the mining operations after dark when the ‘mines’ are at full production, creating quite a hazard on the R37.
26 AUGUSTUS 2016
Apply now for NSFAS assistance for 2017 Prospective students can apply for support from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) for the 2017 academic year. Grade 12 learners and post-matrics may submit their applications until 30 November 2016. The applications have been open since 1 August, but students who were not previously funded or not funded in 2016 will only be able to apply from 1 September 2016. All new applications must be submitted directly to NSFAS online ( za). Students who have never received NSFAS funding must apply online. All students who were previously funded by NSFAS and are not funded in 2016 must also apply online. All students who have signed their Loan Agreement Forms or Schedule of Particulars for 2016 and are currently receiving NSFAS funding do not have to reapply. All paper application forms can be sent to NSFAS Head Office in Cape Town either by e-mail to or fax 086 644 2822 or by post to: The 2017 Online Applications, NSFAS Loans & Bursaries Department, Private Bag X4, Plumstead, 7801. For further details applicants can contact the NSFAS Offices on 0860 067 327 (share call) or visit Locally applicants wishing to do online applications and who do not have access to internet can make use of the Siyakha Learning Lab’s free internet service. The Learning Lab is situated in Tubatse Crossing Mall and offers free internet and free educational courses.
Donation brings better water supply to Marota Primary School Learners at Marota Primary School in Ga-Motodi are smiling wide after a donation of R20 000 from Old Mutual bought them new Jojo tanks and piping infrastructure to provide the learners with taps from which they can drink fresh water. A new pump was also installed. The official handover ceremony took place
last week Wednesday. The school is now able to properly grow fruit and vegetables to compliment their feeding scheme. The school thanked Old Mutual for their caring and
for making a difference. Marota Primary is one of the oldest primary schools in the area.
Women honoured at Modikwa during Women’s Month celebraƟon messages to other women: Prisca Makola - Process Metallurgist “To all women: it is up to us to take advantage of that freedom and environment and make something of ourselves. Let us believe that we can be empowered, empower ourselves, then we will be viewed as assets or investments of our economy”.
Matheldah Sekgobela Metallurgist Technician “Be true to yourselves and everything will be fine”.
Nokthula Kona - Miner (North ShaŌ) “Never be afraid of challenges, aim high, be a decision maker, follow your dreams. It is also very important to know that success is in one’s own hand”.
Helen Moshoana Lampslady “Although we are in a man’s world we should always act like ladies, have self-respect, work hard, have discipline, fear God and never undermine other people”.
Dina Kale - AcƟng OperaƟons Leader “To all women: It is important to love your job and not money. Most women want to follow a career in mining not because of a love for the job, but because of the money, which is why they don’t cope when there is pressure”.
Annikie Moleke Contractor Control PracƟƟoner “Be passionate about your work, have self-respect and respect to everyone. Do not want to be treated special, but be excellent in what you do ”.
Tutu Rantho - OperaƟons Supervisor “Let’s not limit our poten al because we are women. We can do the same jobs as our male counterparts. If you dream it live it. Empower yourself and support each other, set your priori es, be a good worker but be a be er mother and best wife too”.
The honoured women with the Modikwa Management team.
26 AUGUST 2016
CelebraƟng Women in Mining Modikwa Pla num Mine celebrated Women’s Month with a special func on on Friday, 19 August 2016. The event was aimed at celebra ng the achievements of local women in mining. This also saw 7 employees being honoured for their dedica on and for being an inspira on to their peers. Each has a different story full of challenges and some mes hardship they had to overcome to fulfill their poten al and reach their dreams. The central message from the day’s speakers was that the women should take responsibility for their own growth and development in the workplace while making use of the opportuni es created in the industry. Modikwa Business Leader, Mr Mthi Mtshengu called the women the flowers of Modikwa and emphasised the importance of women in the industry and encouraged them to become the best possible version of themselves at Modikwa. The ladies were also treated to various entertainment items. Lucky draws and performances by employees completed the a ernoon’s lineup before a special lunch was served. The women also received a gi to take home with the messages of inspira on.
26 AUGUSTUS 2016
Training for new councillors can get them a national certificate Back to Basics to serve communities efficiently
Greater Tubatse/Fetakgomo councillors were sworn in last week.
After the recent local government elections a whole new group of councillors have been selected and sworn in. To assist this group of fresh faces with performing their tasks properly they will be receiving basics training. The Back to Basics programme is a government initiative to ensure that councillors serve their communities efficiently. On Tuesday during a debate in the National Assembly Corporate Governance and Traditional Affairs Deputy Minister Andries Nel said that going forward particular attention will be paid to local economic development, implementing the local integrated development framework and strengthening the district systtem. “To ensure that newly elected councillors are empowered to serve their communities, a three-year induction and training proramme based on the five pillars of the Back to Basics programme is being implemented”. The first phase will start from 5 September 2016. Councillors will be able to earn a National Certificate in Municipal Governance over the three-year period.
New laws to help protect grant beneficiaries The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has urged social grant beneficiaries to make alternative arrangements with financial service providers on how premiums will be paid going forward. This follows the amendments of the regulations of the Social Assistance Act of 2004 this year, where some social grant beneficiaries will have to make alternative arrangements regarding the payment of funeral insurance premiums. SASSA National spokesperson Kgomoco Diseko said that amending these regulations was a necessary and responsible step taken by SASSA and the Social Development Department in order to protect vulnerable beneficiaries against unscrupulous financial service providers. “The law allows for only a maximum of 10% of the grant value to be deducted and requires that SASSA should be informed whenever a beneficiary enters into a contract with a funeral insurance service provider. “In some cases, SASSA is not involved and this results in unauthorised deductions which come as a surprise to the beneficiary when the next payment cycle comes. This happens in cases where beneficiaries are approached and made to sign agreements that are not explained to them,” said Diseko. Deduction on children’s grant Beneficiaries with direct deductions for a funeral insurance/scheme from child grants will be discontinued in December 2016. “All child grant beneficiaries have been advised to make alternative payment arrangements with their financial service providers on how premiums will be paid from December 2016 onwards,” said Diseko. All affected beneficiaries are urged to make alternative arrangements with financial service providers on how premiums will be paid going forward. “If you are receiving a grant for older persons, war veterans or a permanent disability grant and would like to have the premiums for your funeral policy/scheme deducted directly from your grant, please visit the nearest SASSA office to give permission in writing and in person for these deductions to go through.
26 AUGUST 2016
Glans en styl vir matrieks van Burgersfort Hoërskool Lydenburg Matriekafskeid 2016 Hoërskool Lydenburg het nog altyd ‘n groot hoeveelheid leerders vanaf Burgersfort getrek. Verlede Vrydagaand was dit matriekafskeidtyd en die plaaslike matrieks het nie teleurgestel wanneer dit by styl, skoonheid en glans kom nie. (Foto’s: Anna Botha)
Tubatse & Praktiseer Build It, Open Monday’s - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Street, Burgersfort. Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Tel: (013) 231 7529 HARVEY TILES 00 95
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Promotion valid from 25 August 2016 to 10 September 2016. All prices incl. VAT. Delivery exclude. E.&O.E.
26 AUGUST 2016
Moripe School Soccer League nearing final A soccer tournament for local high schools in Kgautswane has been running with the support of the Kgwebong Foundation. This non-profit organisation launched the Moripe School Soccer League in which six schools are participating. The initiative has been running since 2015. This year’s league will draw to a close on 31 August when the teams will start playing at 08:00 with matches following one another before the prize giving at 13:00. A total of three soccer matches will be played on the day. The event will be hosted at the Kgautswane Thusong Centre. (Information & photos: Mashaba T.I.)
First aid now their forte
Laat hulle praat Laerskool Burgersfort het verlede week hul finale senior en junior rondtes toesprake gehad. Die kinders het goed gepraat en soos die hele jaar die skool se naam hooggehou.
First Aid is not only a handy skill to have, but essential in the workplace. During a recent course at Nosa Centurion the local top five achievers were Phala JM, Chauke G, Tshabe LNZ, Sithole TG and Charles CI. The course started on the 15 August and ended on 19 August. “I would like to compliment my facilitator, Charne Terre-blanche for the patience and hard work she had with us” said Mr Phala. (Information and photograph: Mr Jenny Mogolane Phala)
To advertise in Platinum Gazette contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 5431676 or adverts@
26 AUGUSTUS 2016
Steelpoort en Ohrigstad speel hokkie Steelpoort Akademie het Maandagmiddag Laerskool Ohrigstad besoek vir ‘n paar vriendskaplike hokkie wedstryde. Die wedstryde is deur gemengde spanne van seuns en meisies van beide skole gespeel.
Isaiah 43:2 New International Version (NIV) 2
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
26 AUGUST 2016
Platinum Gazette
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Mogolane Cleaning Services and Supply (Pty) Ltd PO Box 899, Driekop, 1129 | Stand No: 813, Ga-Mathipa Village, Drieklop, 1129, Limpopo, South Africa | Fax: 086 724 5597 | E-mail: mogolanesupply@gmail. com | Company Reg: 2014/276876/07 For all industrial, commercial and household cleaning! SERVICES: • Commercial Cleaning • Building Cleaning • Window Cleaning • Hygiene Cleaning Services • Carpet Cleaning • General Daily Cleaning • Conveyor Belt Cleaning • Waste Management • Chemical deep cleanse • Garden Cleaning Service • Electronic office equipment cleaning • Toilet Hire • Vehicle cleaning & Valet • Pest Management and much more! Professional cleaning made easy! Contact: 071 448 9293 or 071 914 4723
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Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Betrekkings/Vacancies Platinum Gazette “Stopping advertising to save money is like stopping your watch to save time.” – Henry Ford
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26 AUGUSTUS 2016
Golfdag vir J.C.
Masters on a roll in Polokwane
Verlede Saterdag 20 Augustus het ‘n klomp spelers aan ‘n golfdag ten bate van J.C. Knoetze deelgeneem. Die dag is by Tubatse Chroom Klub se baan gehou. J.C. is genooi vir die Danie Rossouw O/13 rugby toer na Namibië en die fondse wat ingesamel is help om die geleentheid vir hom moontlik te maak. Sy familie het almal bedank wat die dag ‘n sukses help maak het.
On Sunday 21 August 2016 Tubatse Masters visited Polokwane to play a few friendly soccer matches. The first match of the day Tubatse Masters played against Lebowakgomo Masters and managed to win 6-3. Lekgotla Motswiane (4), Norman Jaanetjies and Louis Matuludi scored for Tubatse Masters. In the second match Lebowakgomo Masters played against Siyabuswa Masters and the men from Lebowakgomo managed to win the match 2-1. In the last match of the day Tubatse Masters played against Siyabuswa Masters and Tubatse Masters won the match 3-1. Seun Maroga, Lekgotla Motswiane and Pitso Sehlabela scored for Tubatse Masters. (Photographs and information: Jerial Mvundlela)
Bo: J.C. Knoetze waarvoor die dag gehou is.
26 AUGUST 2016
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Platinum Gazette
Modikwa’s soccer team shines bright On Saturday 20 August 2016 Modikwa soccer team hosted DeBeers Venetia Mine from Musina and Glencore - Lion Smelter. The event was arranged as part of building a sustaining relationship between the Modikwa team and the visitors. “They both visited Modikwa before and can’t get enough of the good sporting environment the Modikwa team creates in the field - The singing, dancing, sportsmanship and friendliness of team Modikwa” said Modikwa’s Coach Protus Sikhakhane.
The results of the matches played were as follows: Modikwa 1 – 0 Lion Smelter Lion Smelter 2 – 1 Venetia Modikwa 4 – 1 Venetia “We would like to thank all the support from Modikwa especially the supporters that came in numbers to support, sing and dance with us. We really appreciate it and we believe that it contributes to your wellness as well”.
(Information and photographs: Protus Sikhakhane; Modikwa Soccer & Netball Coach)
Free delivery within 5km radius. T’s & C’s apply
Development is the key FC Kodi White Doves’ Players Exposure Programme gives young players hope to become big soccer stars. This programme started in August 2013 and today it has worked wonders by promoting two players to PSL. Mr Tim Sukazi who manages 80% of PSL and NFD players was brought to assess the young promising players in the programme on Saturday last week. This happened at Jane Furse Artificial Pitch where White Doves was involved in two friendly matches vs Shining Stars and Drillers to allow Mr Sukazi to do assessments of the players. At least 6 players were identified during the session and they’re listed for both NFD and PSL clubs in the near future. “Well done boys and keep
up the good work. It is not magic to get up. No, it’s the amount of effort you put down the right way to the right direction with the right leadership. I will try get as many youngsters up there as possible,” said Mr Kodi. “I am also waiting to get 19-year old Koketso Seloi to the Leopards soon after he impressed on a two week stay. With Mr Sukazi we are going far as a team and in development. Proper development is the key to success” Kodi added. (Photograph and information: Mr Kodi Senyane).