Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad
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Bullets and stones fly Nobody dead (yet) at ‘Marikana Rank’
‘The guys from Org (Ohrigstad taxis) are wrong” a member of the Eastern Leolo Taxi Association told Platinum Gazette on Wednesday afternoon just after the shooting, with Police and ambulances still on the scene at the taxi rank adjacent to the Twin City shopping centre in Burgersfort (Spar). Everybody from the two sides (Ohrigstad taxis and Eastern Leolo) deny throwing a stone or firing a shot, but quite a number of taxis are damaged and a number of individuals are in hospital with various wounds. “It was a commotion” they say. Everything happened in the commotion when nobody listened to nobody and also did not respect anybody. So, there you have it. An explosive situation in the middle of town, with nobody brave enough to take responsibility for anything. Now what was the reason for the commotion? Apparently the ‘Org guys’ (Ohrigstad taxis) who drive long distance from Ohrigstad and surrounding villages started their own informal / illegal rank adjacent to the Twin City rank (dubbed Marikana Rank) after the rank at the Khadima Centre (old taxi rank between the Boxers) was partially destroyed. As a result of their new presence at the traditional Eastern Leolo (Twin City) rank, they allegedly now take business away from Eastern Leolo, who maintains that the taxi routes and parking in and around Burgersfort cannot be a free for all. Kabam! Fight. According to Eastern Leolo everybody concerned agreed a week or so ago that informal ranks in and around Burgersfort should no longer be used and that the various groups and associations should keep to their designated routes and ranks. Then came the ‘Org guys’. “This is not the end of it, someone is going to die” they say.
© Platinum Gazette
26 July 2013
26 JULY 2013
Mr Mthi Mtshengu helping with to put up a fence at Shaga Primary School.
Honouring Madiba’s legacy
Dwarsrivier Mine employees showed they are not scared to do their 67 minutes.
Dwarsrivier Mine celebrated Mandela Day on 18 July 2013 by constructing a fence at Shaga Primary School in one of their neighbouring communities. Not even the freezing weather could chill the warm spirit of giving. The Dwarsrivier employees worked together to start putting up a fence at the school. This will ensure that stray goats will not ruin the planned vegetable garden at the school. The fence is being errected with the assistance of Vasbyt Civils and Dwarsrivier Mine would like to thank them for their contribution. The day was not only work and no play. Teachers, learners and parents from the community joined the Dwarsrivier employees with dancing and they shared delicious boerewors rolls. Mr Mthi Mtshengu, General Manager at Dwarsrivier Mine told the group that their efforts in the community is no bottomless pit. If they are making a difference in just one child’s life it is all worth it. He added that they know the community is very poor, with many of the school’s parents who are unemployed and that they hope the fence that is being errected and the vegetable garden that is envisaged will assist in bringing a small measure of relief.
Dwarsrivier Mine is currently assisting with transport for all of the children to the school. This is just a temporary arrangement and they are currently negotiating with the Thaba Chweu Municipality to try and find a permanent solution. He added that they’ve seen that there are other needs at the school as well, ablution facilities for example, and the Mine will see what they will be able to do to assist. Last week was not the first time Shaga Primary School benefitted from Dwarsrivier Mine’s open hand. In March the Mine donated two computers to assist with the school’s administration. The Mine’s intervention at the school also saw enrolment increase from 45 learners to 120. This led to the school winning an award for The Best Improved School in the Lydenburg circuit. The school’s principal, affectionately known Ms Wendy Venter from Dwarsrivier Mine handed as Mama Sarah, thanked Dwarsrivier Mine something special to the teachers. and their employees for everything they did for the school. Through their effortson Nelson Mandela’s birthday, Dwarsrivier Mine honoured what the former President once said: “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”.
Everyone pitched in to finish the day’s work.
Shaga Primary School Principal, Mama Sarah. Dwarsrivier Mine General Manager, Mr Mthi Mtshengu.
The Dwarsrivier Mine team at Shaga Primary School.
Mr Remember Mmbengwa with two of the school’s teachers and the awards they’ve won as The Best Improved School in the Lydenburg circuit.
Mr Remember Mmbengwa, one of the Management Members at Dwarsrivier Mine helping with the fence.
Big and small received something to eat on this cold day. The boerewors rolls and cold drinks were much appreciated.
26 JULY 2013
26 JULY 2013
ASA Metals at Dilokong hands over projects
ASA experienced a shortage of power supply on its four furnaces after the expansion that has necessitated an additional two furnaces and applied to Eskom for upgrading of the capacity on the electricity supply. The only available substation then was the Leseding power supply situated at the Baroka ba Mashabela community at Driekop. Although this was an Eskom project to supply electricity to ASA Metals, ASA Metals assisted by also facilitating the acquisition of the Community Resolution as it is required by the law. ASA Metals agreed with the Baroka ba Mashabela Community to identify one of their most needed projects - The Water Project. The Baroka ba Mashabela community and the company agreed thast ASA Metals will assist the community with water supply in honour of their Resolution to allow Eskom to connect electricity from Leseding Substation on the 11th of April 2010. The Community Resolution comprised of among other things water supply and waste rock supply. The latter was required to close the donga that made it difficult for the school kids to cross during rainy seasons when going to school. The second project was mainly to do with the water supply to the community and through the traditional leadership and the ward councillor, six boreholes were identified. The company and the Mashabela community agreed that ASA Metals will foot the bills for electricity tariffs for the next twelve months from the inception date. The sixth pump was redirected to a new village section which was not initially agreed upon, hence the delay to relocate with additional costs beyond the budgeted amount of R250 000. Six pumps in various sections of the village of Baroka ba Mashabela are running in full capacity. ASA Metals was supposed to foot the electricity bill for a period of 12 months and in this period the project was supposed to be transferred to the Sekhukhune District Municipality. The footing of the electricity tariff bills was supposed to have ended at the end of August 2012, but realising that the Sekhukhune District Municipality was not ready to take over due to budget constraints, ASA Metals Management extended electricity payments till the end of June 2013. ASA Metals continued to honour the water supply agreement even beyond the agreed period. The total value of these projects as at the end of June 2013 was R460 496. On the 16th of July 2013 an official hand-over ceremony was hosted by the company. Sekhukhune District Municipality Executive Mayor, Councillor Mogobo David Magabe unveiled the Project Board together with Mr Kleinjan du Toit, Chief Executive Officer of ASA Metals.
Suprise baby gets warm welcome
“We did not suspect that Anika (28) my fiancé was pregnant. We moved to Burgerfort a month ago where I got an appointment to manage a business” says Mr Tinus (26) Labuschagne. “On Monday, after initially thinking her normal period was starting, Anika called me into the bathroom in the middle of the night. She was delivering a baby! It was quite a shock, we did not expect anything and we were not prepared for this little one in any way.” Mr Labuschagne called the emergency service of the cellphone provider. He was patched through by the operator to Dilokong Hospital. A doctor (a woman) on duty explained to Mr Labushagne what he must to. In need of a piece of string he tied of the umbilical cord with one of his running shoe’s laces. “I was scared to make a mistake, so I made two knots before I cut the cord” he told the newspaper. The doctor then gave him directions to Burgersfort Clinic, saying he must take Anika and little Tiaan (yep, that is his name!) there to check if she and the baby are okay.
The night duty staff at the clinic were quite surprised the see the family knock at the door in the middle of the night and warmly welcomed them. “They were so professional and friendly and quickly sorted us out. Remember, we did not even have clothes for the baby or diapers. They did everything to help us and we just want to thank them for what they did for us. Although the baby was okay, Anika did not stop bleeding and they called for an ambulance to take her there. The vehicle arrived in record time to take her to Dilokong Hospital, where she stayed for the night. The people at Dilokong were just as professional and friendly and we want to thank them as well. In the meantime I went shopping for baby stuff like clothes, diapers and so on and received very good service from all the shops who assisted the new dad for everything in newborn size.” Mr Labuschagne says Anika and Tiaan were discharged the next morning and are doing well! Tiaan weighed 3kg at birth.
26 JULIE 2013
Laerskool Ohrigstad tel rommel op Die graad ses en sewe leerders het daad by woord gevoeg en besluit om op meneer Mandela se verjaarsdag hulle sewe-en-sestig minute aan die gemeenskap van Ohrigstad te wy. Hulle het die hoofstraat ingevaar en Rommel opgetel. Hulle entoesiasme was so aansteeklik dat van die omstanders selfs handjie bygesit het. Hiermee hoop die skool om in die toekoms die gemeenskap te betrek by soortgelyke aktiwiteite. (Foto en inligting: Laerskool Ohrigstad).
Laerskool Ohrigstad na kliniek vir hokkie afrigting Laerskool Ohrigstad se 0/11 hokkiespan het vanaf 10-13 Julie ‘n hokkiekliniek bygewoon te Laerskool Mariepskop. Die afrigters het ‘n bekende S.A hokkiespeelster ingesluit sowel as Tuks studente. Die kinders het elke dag afrigting ontvang en wedstryde is
gespeel waartydens die afrigters tussen die spelerts beweeg het en leiding gegee het. Skole van regoor die Laeveld het die kliniek bygewoon. Die kinders was heerlik vermaak in die aande. Kinders sowel as afrigters het baie geleer, gelag en gespeel.
Spanbou op die plaas Die graad 4 leerlinge van Laerskool Ohrigstad was vanaf 21-22 Julie op ‘n uitstappie na Welgedaght plaas. Leerders het die geleentheid gekry om meer te wete te kom oor die veld, hoe om stokbrood te braai ens. Verskeie aktiwiteite het spangees aangemoedig o.a sagtebal teen mekaar, skattejag ens.
(Foto & inligting: Laerskool Ohrigstad).
Break free from your debt!
Steelpoorters by ‘n hokkie kliniek Rumor Sports het verlede week Vrydag en Saterdag ‘n hokkie kliniek by Steelpoort Akademie aangebied. Die leerders het verskillende tegnieke geleer en geoefen voor daar ‘n paar oefen wedstryde gespeel is. Die onderwysers het ook ‘n spesiale sessie gehad om hulle met hul afrigting in die toekoms te help. Times are tough and getting through on your hard earned salary is getting more and more difficult. Many people are up to their ears in debt, fearing month end when you will be called to make payments. If this is your situation all may not be lost. You can break free from this stressful cycle. As soon as you feel that your debt is getting out of hand visit a registered Debt Counsellor. A Debt Counsellor will assist in placing you under debt review. He or she will assist in negotiating with the companies you owe money to for better repayment terms and if necessary the Debt Councellor will go to court to secure better terms on your behalf. You will however not be able to make more debt and you must be employed to be assisted by a Debt Counsellor. Make sure that you visit a registered Debt Coun-
sellor as you will be required to do a single payment every month from which the Debt Councellor will repay the various companies you need to repay. By using a registered Debt Counsellor you can be sure that your money will go where it is supposed to and not land in someone’s back pocket. To find out if a Debt Counsellor is registered you can contact the National Credit Regulator (NCR). The Debt Counsellor will also assist you with drawing up a budget that will still allow you to pay for living expenses such as food and transport.
Office in Lydenburg now also open!
Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort 52 Kerk Street, Lydenburg Tel: 087 151 1034 Tel: 087 802 7054 E-mail:
26 JULY 2013
67 Minutes given on Mandela Day Naranja Packers and Indigo Fruit Farming: On Thursday, 18 July 2013 Naranja Packers and Indigo Fruit Framing (situated between Burgersfort and Lydenburg) took part in the celebrations of Mandela Day. Representatives of the 2 companies handed out over 5000kg of fruit to various homes and schools throughout the day. The local government schools received cartons of fruit to distribute to the school’s Feeding Schemes. Fruit was donated to the orphanages in the surrounding areas, as well as Wenakker, Lydenburg Rusoord, CMR and Estralita School. The joy and enthusiasm that the bright juicy fruit brought to the children was very heart-warming along with the eagerness from the children to help unpack the cartons from the truck. (Photographs & Information: Melissa van Rooyen)
Calvin College: Joshua Generation:
Students from Calvin College in Burgersfort gave their 67 minutes to pick up rubbish in town. This group started in the area around the school.
Learners from Joshua Generation cleaned the streets around their school on Mandela Day. Many bags of rubbish were collected. (Photographs & Information: Joshua Generation).
Prep School in Burgersfort came together to wish former President Nelson Mandela a Calvin Prep School: Calvin happy birthday on Thursday last week.
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Building a double storey house or office block? For all your Rib & block slab requirements, contact us on: 086 111 2548 or email your plan to us for a free quote: We supply the whole Mpumalanga area.
26 JULIE 2013
ASA Metal’s 67 minutes of service The local Councillor Mr, M T Lesinya told the kids more about Nelson Mandela, Father of the Nation. Mr Alfred Masegare from ASA Metals gave his message to the children. All the teachers sang a song to commemorate Madiba. The school principal appreciated the work done by ASA Metals and the local Councillor. Everyone spend their 67 minutes to pick up papers on the school grounds.
It was an honor for ASA Metals to spend their 67 Minutes of Service at Maputle Secondary School, assisting to clean up the school grounds. The program kicked off with the learners singing the National Anthem. A special prayer for Tata Mandela was done by Me R R Kupa. The purpose of the day was explained to the children, and an introductory lecture was done by Mr M O Mashego.
(Photograph & Information: ASA Metals)
A difference on Mandela Day On Thursday, 18 July 2013, Glencore ‘s Lydenburg smelter employees visited Wenakker Home for the disabled and Uzenzele Wena Orphanage to render a selfless service as part of their contribution to the Nelson Mandela’s 67 minutes of community work campaign. At Wenakker home for the disabled – Lydenburg smelter employees assisted with the replacement of the industrial tumble dryer which had broken. The centre looks after 250 disabled people and the brand new tumble dryer provided by the Lydenburg smelter helps to wash their clothes. At Uzenzele Wena Orphanage – Lydenburg smelter employees supplied blankets to 123 orphans who stay in the centre. Lydenburg smelter has been providing monthly assistance to the centre since March 2012. (Photographs & Information: Glencore Lydenburg)
Hawkers and GTM clean up Hawkers and Greater Tubatse Municipality employees joined forces to clean up Burgersfort. They collected large amounts of rubbish.
Mototolo brave the cold to give their 67 minutes
Glencore Lydenburg visited Wenakker and Uzenzele Wena Orphanage on Mandela Day.
Mototolo Platinum Mine cleaned the area around the ‘stop-and-go’ at the start of the road works from the Burgersfort side. The team collected a few bags of rubbish. They also visited some of their neighbouring communities so distribute and donate blankets.
Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529 Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
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26 JULY 2013
Mayor gives 67 minutes Greater Tubatse Municipal Mayor, Cllr. Mahlake visited Lehlaba Disabled Workshop on Mandela Day. He spend the day dressed in blue reflective overalls to be able to give his 67 minutes of work without fear of getting his hands or clothes dirty. At Lehlaba Disabled Workshop a small ceremony took place that included cutting a cake. He delivered books to them before heading off to go an paint a house in Ga-Manoke. His busy schedule for the day also included a visit to Dilokong Hospital.
Tubatse SAPS gave 67 minutes in honour of Madiba On 18 July Tubatse SAPS members took part in the drive to give 67 minutes of their time to do something good. This 67 minute drive takes place on Nelson Mandela’s birthday. The policemen and women cleaned the police station and were joined by members from the Department of Public Works. (Photographs and information: Admin Clerk, Maphanga and Warrant Officer Supe)
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Tubatse SUPERSPAR still caring for the community Tubatse SUPERSPAR in Burgersfort celebrated Mandela Day by reaching out to the community. More than 70 employees of the shop spread out to various locations int he area to distribute donations and join the Mandela Day celebrations.
Tubatse SUPERSPAR employees visited Mecklenburg Hospital, Dilokong Disabled Workshop, Dilokong Hospital and the Children’s Home at the hospital. They also catered for more than 200 orphans who came to have a hot meal and cake at the shop and visited Tubatse Primary School where a meal and cake was also served. To Tubatse SUPERSPAR it is important to give their 67 minutes, but also care and be involved during the rest of the year. Donations and cake were delivered at all the locations.
26 JULY 2013
26 JULY 2013
67 Minutes dedicated to the elderly
Modikwa Platinum Mine Business Leader, Mr Mokgosi Nkoana handing over the donated shoes to the elderly.
Modikwa Platinum Mine celebrated former President Nelson Mandela’s birthday by giving 67 minutes to the elderly in the Maandagshoek area. Modikwa Management and some of the mine’s organised labour (NUM and UASA, members of the National Department of Agriculture and local government) visited an Old Age Group at the old HC Boshoff hospital. The elders for this neighbouring community to Modikwa Platinum Mine was happy to receive running shoes from the mine. The idea is to encourage the group to stay active and healthy - something that is important to the management of the mine. The group acknowledged the efforts Modikwa is putting into the community to help eradicate poverty and creating a better future for them. Ms Sebopela, representing the group told the visitors that they would like to go on a road trip to Johannesburg one day. “We would like the Mine to organise a trip for us to Johannesburg. We just want to get the feeling and explore life outside Burgersfort, Limpopo. We were born here, schooled here and married without exploring the outside world,” she said. With their new shoes they feel ready to put their best foot forward in a world far apart from rural Burgersfort. The youth from the area also supported the efforts of the mine. Mr Happy Mohlala told the audience that they appreciate the fact that Modikwa Platinum Mine takes the needs of the community serious. He said: “With the help of the mine we wish to eradicate poverty and provide job opportunities to the locals.We are thinking of establishing cooperatives in the agriculture and engineering sectors. Those businesses will benefit the community”. The day would have been incomplete without a tribute to Nelson Mandela. The group wished him a happy 95th birthday and with loud ululating and song those in attendance wished Madiba a speedy recovery and many more years.
26 JULIE 2013
Wildevy Manne reg vir 4x4 Gesinsdag Die afgelope paar maande is daar hard gewerk en beplan vir die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag wat môre 27 Julie plaasvind. Die manne het verlede naweek nog geswoeg en gesweet om te sorg dat die baan reg is vir die 120 deelnemers wat môre gaan deelneem. Woensdagaand het die groep vir oulaas bymekaar gekom vir die finale reëlings en die uitdeel van hul spesiale drag vir die dag. Hulle nooi die publiek uit om die dag saam te kom geniet. Daar is iets vir almal en persone wat nie deelneem nie, kan van die gratis waen-trekker vervoer gebruik maak om tussen
die verskillende punte te beweeg. Die dag sal afgesluit word deur kunstenaars wat gaan optree. Hulle program is soos volg: 19:00 Zandré 20:00 Henri Alant 21:00 Quentin Prinsloo 22:30 Henri Alant 23:00 Handré Al die geld wat met die dag ingesamel word sal soos altyd aan liefdadigheid geskenk word. Moet dit nie misloop nie!
Die Wildevy Manne by die laaste vergadering wat Woensdag gehou is.
Inkleurkompetisie se wenners by Wildevy Gesinsdag bekend gemaak
Elke jaar bied die Wildevy Manne ‘n inkleurkompetisie aan wat saam met die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag val. Die wenners van die kompetisie word jaarliks tydens die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag aangekondig en hul pryse aan hul oorhandig. Hierdie jaar is die dag op 27 Julie 2013. Hierdie jaar sal daar ook baie meer kinder vermaak wees asook ‘n “Koffie en Tee Tent” sodat ma kan koek eet en tee drink terwyl die kleintjies speel. Die vermaak gaan onder andere insluit Springkastele, Gesigverf, Perde ritte, Kussinggeveg swembad, “Parachute Rocket”, Trap karre, Funny Photo’s, Mini Slide, Trekker Trips en ook ‘n kleintjies tent waar die kleingoed gelos kan word om te speel en besig gehou gaan word onder toesig. Die top 10 in elke ouderdomsgroep (in geskommelde volgorde): Ouderdomsgroep 1-6 · Chanté de Beer – Besige Bytjies Tubatse · Thardlo Seimela – King Mufasa · Judy Matshipa – King Mufasa · Katlego – Calvin College · Violet Taljaardt – Waterval Pre-primer · Khanyisa Makhubele – Joshua Generation · Kamagelo – Joshua Generation · Anna Boyce – Lydenburg Laerskool · Michaela Beets – Steelpoort Akademie · Marli Vermeulen – Steelpoort Akademie Ouderdomsgroep 7-10 · Gopola Mokoena (10) – Joshua Generation · Annesa Barnard (10) – Steelpoort Akademie · Khaya Mokoena (9) – Laerskool Burgersfort · Lizza Mari – Laerskool Lydenburg
· Lafras Marais (10) · Anarice (9) – Laeskool Lydenburg · Conrad (8) – Laerskool Lydenburg · Uzma Ali (9) – Laerskool Burgersfort · Abu Bakr Amod (9) – Calvin College · Anelda Beukes (8) – Laeskool Burgersfort Ouderdomsgroep 11-13 · Arno Griesel (12) – Waterval CVO · Tyreek (12) – Calvin College · Heinrich Oberholzer (12) – Waterval CVO · Chantelle van Aswegen (12) – Steelpoort Akademie · Yanke Engelbrecht (12) – Steelpoort Akademie · Johan Bester (11) – Waterval CVO · Robyn Snowgrass – Steelpoort Akademie · Mashudu Maboku (11) – Calvin College · Elzie Mike (12) – Waterval CVO · Phindy Nkwana (12) – Calvin College
26 JULY 2013
Platinum Gazette
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
Polygon Environmental Planning CC has been appointed to conduct a Basic Environmental Assessment (BA) for the purpose of a waste management licence (WML) application for the following activities at Modikwa Platinum Mine near Burgersfort, Limpopo Province: · Decommissioning of the existing wastewater treatment system at Montrose staff village; and · Decommissioning of part of the existing wastewater treatment system at Area staff village.
Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/ Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous We buy and sell secondhand furniture. 3 Months laybuys available. Contact us for the best prices in town! Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank, next to Supa Save (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236
available. Contact: 074 354 1274
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Bargain properties for sale. Tel: 082 496 4312 URGENT SALE Stand in Motaganeng
estate Erf 2704 Size: 564 m² Price: R200 000 Contact: Herman 0832299765 Two x three bedroom flats for sale. Situated in Burgersfort. Brand new! Contact: 076 666 1100
In terms of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act (NEMWA, Act No. 59 of 2008), a BA is required to be conducted in accordance with the process set out in the EIA Regulations (2010) which commenced on 1 August 2010 in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, Act No. 107 of 1998). An application for a WML has been submitted to the national Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) and allocated the reference number 12/9/11/L1132/6. Please note that this will be the only public comment period as part of this BA, as DEA has granted exemption from the need to make the draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR) available for public review and comment. The BAR will therefore be submitted to DEA for review and decision-making following this comment period. Should you have any comments, queries or concerns in terms of the BA or if you would like additional information, you can contact us at the details below within 40 days of the date of this notice, i.e. before or on 4 September 2013, to register as an Interested and/or Affected Party. TSEBIŠO YA MOTHEO WA MOKGWA WA TSHEKATSHEKO YA TIKOLOGO: MOKGWA WA TLHWEKIŠO YA MEETSE A DITŠHILA O TSWALETŠWE GOBA O EMIŠITŠWE KA MODIKWA PLATINUM MINE, KGAUSWI LE BURGERSFORT (DEA REF: 12/9/11/L1132/6) Polygon Environmental Planning CC e kgethilwe go laola/go hlahla motheo wa Tshekatsheko ya Tikologo (BA) ka nepo ya kgopelo ya tumelelo go lekgotla taolo la tšhila go dipapodi tše latelago go Modikwa Platinum Mine kgauswi le Burgersfort, Porofenseng ya Limpopo: · Mokgwa wa tlhwekišo ya tšhila (sewage)o tswaletšwe goba o emišitšwe motseng wa mo go dulago bašomi (staff village) ba Montrose; le · Karolo ya mokgwa wa tlhwekišo ya tšhila (sewage) o tswealetšwe goba o emišetšwe motseng wa mo go dulago bašomi (staff village) ba Area.
9. Te Huur/ To Let
The following positions are available:
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation
Springkastele te huur. Vyf verskillende soorte. Steelpoort/ Burgersfort. Kontak Bianca, 082 558 9129.
Blockman A qualified Blockman is needed with proven previous experience.
Ka baka la Lekgotla Taolo la Bosetšhaba la Tikologo: Molawana wa Tšhila (NEMWA, Molawana wa 59 wa 2008), EIA e nyakile go laolwa ka kwano le mokgwa wa go tšwelela ga peakanyo go melawana ya EIA (2010) yeo e thomilego ka di 1 Agosetose 2010 ka baka la Molawana wa Lekgotla Taolo la Bosetšhaba la Tikologo (NEMA, Molawana wa. 107 wa 1998). Kgopelo ya Tumelelo ya tšhila e šetše e išitšwe go Kgoro ya bosetšhaba ya ditaba tša meetse (DEA) gape le kabo ya nomoro ya taetšo 12/ 9/11/L1132/6.
ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Mooifontein Guesthouse. R400 single room. R500 double room. Restaurant and bar opening soon. Contact: Judy: 082 308 9221 or Benita 078 844 0277.
Two x three bedroom flats to let with the option of buying. Situated in Burgersfort. Available 1 August 2013. Contact: 076 666 1100
Blockman Assistant Proven butchery experience including carcass braking and meat processing.
O kgopelwa o tsebe gore se e tlaba sebaka fela sa go tlaleletša molaleng bjalo ka karolo ya BA ye bjalo ka ge DEA e file tumelelo go tšwa go hloko go dira Pego ya kgopolo ya Motheo wa Tshekatsheko (BAR) go hwetšagala go bonala molaleng le go tlaleletša. BAR ka fao e tla išwa go DEA go bonwa goba go lekolwa le go tšia sephetho go lateleng sebaka se sa tlaleletšo.
Flats for rent One/Two or Three bedroom flats
Shop Assistants Proven retail experience will be required. Deliver CV’s to Pret Liquor Burgersfort. Closing date: 15 August 2013
Bao banago le dikgopolo, dipotšišo goba dipelaelo mabapi le BA goba ba nyaka go tseba se sengwe a ba ikopanye le rena mo atereseng tse re di fileng mo matsatsing a 40 morago ga kgatišo ya tsebiso ye e leng pele ga letsatsi la 4 Setemere 2013 goba ka lona letšatši le gore ba ingwadise bjalo ka Ba-Amegwa goba Ba-Kganyogi le ge e le go nyaka goba gona kopanong kgotha-kgothe ye e biditšwego. Contact / Motsereganyi: Telephone / Nomoro ya mogala: Fax / Nomoro ya faks: E-mail / Aterese ya email: Post / Aterese ya poso:
Mrs Louise Agenbag 015 307 3606 015 307 3080 / 086 527 0012 PO Box 1935, Tzaneen, 0850
In terms of Section 166(1), read with subsection 6 of the Local Government Municipal Finance management Act, 56 of 2003, the Greater Tubatse Municipality based in Burgersfort seeks to appoint 5(five) suitably qualified external professionals to serve on its Audit Committee.
The committee will meet at least 4 times a year but additional special meetings may be called. The remuneration of members shall be determined by the Council of the Municipality.
Interested professionals should be able to demonstrate their abilities in one or more of the following areas: · Proficiency in the monitoring and management of risk and internal controls · Previous audit committee experience in local government and/or other spheres of government · Recognized leadership with sound knowledge of auditing and accounting principles · Possession of sound track record of good personal and business financial management is essential. · Expertise in performance management system(PMS) and Information communication technology(ICT) · Conduct responsibilities in the context of the municipal’s strategic objectives and overall corporate governance of the organization; · Act independently and be proactive in advising the council and Accounting Officer of issues that require further management attention; · A professional approach to duties, including commitment of time and effort; and · Encourage openness and transparency. Applicants should possess the following skills and experience: · Understanding of the roles of internal and external audit; · Local government performance management system; · Information communication and technology; · Risk Management practices; · Understanding of internal controls; · Corporate governance and financial management; · An understanding of major accounting and public sector reporting issues; and · Familiarity with legislative requirements. In the interest of good governance, The Greater Tubatse Municipality strives to comply with the Municipal Finance Management Act, no56 of 2003, Guidance of the king III Report on Corporate Governance, and the recommendations of the Auditor General. Applications together with comprehensive Curriculum Vitae, portfolio of major accomplishments and certified copies of qualifications, must be clearly marked “Audit committee” and be forwarded to: The Acting Municipal Manager, Greater Tubatse Municipality, P O Box 206, Burgersfort fax application will be accepted. Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:
DOCUMENT FEE: R200.00 (Non-refundable)
Bids shall be evaluated and adjudicated in accordance with Greater Tubatse Municipal Supply Chain Management Policy as amended, Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act 5 of 2000, responsiveness to the bid document(s), and on a 90/10 points system, of which the 90 points will be for Price and 10 for B-BBEE level CLOSING DATE AND OTHER CONDITIONS 1
This bid is restricted to registered Security Companies and bid documents shall be on sale from Tuesday the 13th August 2013 for a non-refundable fee of R200.00 at cashier’s office, Greater Tubatse Municipal Office, Lower ground, No1 Kastania Street Burgersfort after briefing session
A compulsory briefing session will be held on the 13th August 2013 @ Old Municipal Building at Cnr. Eddie Sedibe and Kort Streets at 11h00
Bids will be closed and opened in public on the 29th August 2013 and must be priced, signed and sealed in an envelope, appropriately marked PROVISION OF PHYSICAL SECURITY and deposited into the Municipal Tender Box which is available 24/7 days a week at the Reception of the Greater Tubatse Municipal Civic Centre No 1 Kastania Street Burgersfort. No faxed, emailed, telephonic or late bids will be accepted.
The Municipality has no obligation to appoint any bidder and reserves the right to appoint bidders individually and or collectively to execute the above contracts, and negotiate further conditions and requirements with successful bidder
In terms of the National Treasury’s Regulation, no bid will be accepted from the person(s) in the service of state and bidders failing to comply with the requirements of the bid document will be submitting non-responsive bids, 90 working days after the bid closing date is our validity period.
Technical queries related to this bid should be directed to Mr. MP Thobejane @ 0132311299 or 1000. General queries should be directed to Mr. MM Mapeka @013-231 1224 or 1000.
Address: 1 Kastania Street, Burgersfort; PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150; Tel: 013 231 1000; Fax: 013 231 1467; Website:
26 JULIE 2013
Shoeshine FC not strong enough for the Masters On Saturday 20 July the Tubatse Masters FC visited Mabocha Village to play a friendly soccer game agains Shoeshine FC. The visitors were controlling the game from the first whistle. Many opportunities to score was missed and the half time score was 0-0. In the second half Tubatse Masters dominated the game even more and managed to score two goals. Loui Matuludi and Jimmy Maganyane were the two goal scorers. Jimmy was also named the Player of the Game. The final score was Tubatse Masters 2 and Shoeshine 0. (Photographs: Shine Pholoana, Information: SJ Movundlela).
Tubatse Masters vs Modikwa Concentrator Plant team On Tuesday 23 July the Tubatse Masters Footbal Club played a friendly game agains the team from Modikwa Concentrator Plant. The game was played at the Montrose Sports Ground. Tubatse Masters won the game 1-0. The goal was scored by Mbezuma Mabaso. (Photographs & Information: SJ Movundlela)
SAB status for sale SAB SAFA Sekhukhune affiliated team in Limpopo are selling their SAB status. Call Miss Mosehla Pertunia 072 850 7299/ 072 802 6556
and the subsequent writ, the following shall be sold in execution on the 30 AUGUST 2013 by the sheriff PRAKTISEER, time: 11h00, venue: 485 Tubatse A, Sheriff’s office, PRAKTISEER. 1 x 1 Mercedes Benz Sedan, Black 1 x 1 Mercedes Benz Sedan, White 1 x 1 BMW Sedan, Black DATED AT BURGERSFORT ON THIS THE 16 DAY OF JULY 2013. PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEYS Jeff Mathabatha Inc. PO Box 2199, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 7933 Direct fax: 086 719 3091 General fax: 013 231 7932 Cell: 082 457 3505 E-mail: REF: PMM/B1975
Kodi White Doves FC preparing for the big league Kodi White Doves FC who will be hosting a Five Year Senyane Kodi Annual Festive Soccer Tournament in ward 29 extended their training sessions to Saturdays if they don’t have a game in preparation for their maiden local Tubatse football league participation. Mr.Senyane ‘Bashin’ Kodi the owner, wants to see these young boys grow in education and football. He is preaching and working hard to achieve his goal to see his team gaining promotion to PSL in 2018. Mr Kodi says: “This team will be the team to reckon with in the world. Watch this space, I am a visionary and I don’t just touch the surface but go deep when working towards something”. He also believes in development with many of his young players still in grade 9, but playing with a matury far beyond their years. The team will go camping in Gauteng from 23-29 September 2013 where they will play twice a day with PSL development teams(U/19’s). Mr Kodi says: “I know we are going to lose(promote) 4-5 talented players after our camping and that is fine with me because that is what we call career development and what we are in football for.
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Phone her on 083 543 1676/013 231 7147 or e-mail to book your advertising space today.
(Photograph & Information: Kodi Senyane).
Best performers rewarded Modikwa Platinum Mine rewarded their best performing crews for the 1st quarter with a visit to Loftus Stadium to watch the Gauteng Soccer Cup. Crew members from Emergency North and Rocks - South enjoyed the
day out. This incentive motivated them to work even harder in the current quarter in order to qualify for the next trip. This incentive is one of the ways Modikwa uses to encourage production and motivate employees to remain committed and safe during production periods. The enthusiast group expressed their appreciation towards the Modikwa Management for the chance to go on this trip. Kaizer Chiefs defended their title as they dominated Bloemfontein Celtic 4-1 on Sunday, 21 July 2013. Below: The groups from Emergency - North and Rocks South on their way to the game.
26 JULY 2013
26 JULIE 2013
Capricorn hou hul naam hoog Die Capricorn Veerpyltjiespan het onlangs in Port Elizabeth aan die Suid-Afrikaanse kampioenskappe gaan deelneem. Die mans het teen ander distrikte soos Westerns, Natal North Coast, Southerns, Vhembe, Swartland, Athlone, Highveld en Central Gauteng gespeel. Hulle het baie goed gespeel en het van hierdie distrikte gewen. Die dames het gespeel teen Ocean View, Stikland, Mosselbaai, ST Croix, Vhembe, Lowveld, Tygerberg, Highveld en Suid Vrystaat. Hulle het ook gewys Capricorn Darts is baie sterk en het baie van die distrikte ‘n bloedneus gegee. George Fraser (Kaptein het 39/47 (83%) gewen, Roelof Burger 30/47 (64%), Johan Cronje (eerste keer in span) 19/47, Rassie Erasmus 11/48 en nog n nuweling Denver Fraser 10/48. George Fraser het total van 9 X 180’s gegooi en Roelof Burger 4 X 180’s.
Die dames: Elien Wessels 21/36 (58%) , Lodi Fraser 19/36 (53%) , Rolly Burger 18/ 36 (50%) en Corrie Erasmus 16/36. Die Klub nooi graag mense uit om te kom oefen - Woensdae 17h30 by Winterveld Dart Club, Steelpoort Bottom Village.
(Inligting en foto’s George Fraser).
Kom ry fiets by die Wildevy 4x4 Dag Die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag skop af met ‘n bergfiets wedren. Die roete is pragtig en daar is verskeie afstande sodat almal kan kom deelneem en die dag geniet. Die wedren begin op die grasperk langs die pakhuis van die plaas Wildebeestkraal. Dit is reg langs PLM Boerdery en ‘n duidelike bord is aangebring om dit vir deelnemers maklik te maak. Fietsryers wat nog graag wil inskryf is welkom om dit tussen 15:00 en 20:00 Vrydag 26 Julie by Khusile Gastehuis in Burgersfort te doen of vanaf 06:00 die oggend by die wegspringpunt. Die afstande waarvoor ingeskryf kan word is 70km, 36km, 10km en 2km. Die 70km ryers spring om 08:00 weg. Die 35km ryers om 08:15, die 10km ryers om 08:30 en die 2km pretren begin om 08:40. Daar word meer as 300 fietsryers verwag en ‘n paar groot name in die sport word ook verwag. Mnr. Brett Coates, die direkteur van Bergfiets Suid Afrika kom deelneem en die professionele ryer, Ben Melt Swanepoel word ook verwag. Die verskillende waterpunte op die roete word onder andere deur ClemenGold
Fishing at Tubatse Dam Anglers from the Chrome Angling Club came together last weekend for their first fishing competition. They braved the cold and tried to
hook the big one. Get all the results and more photographs on page 16 of this newspaper.
(Naranja Pakhuis), Spur, KFC en Shapes for Women geborg. Die idee is dat ongeag hoe fiks jy is, indien jy die dag op ‘n ander manier in die natuur wil afskop is dié ‘n ideale manier. Die roete kronkel verby die rivier en tussen die boorde deur en gee deelnemers ‘n ervaring wat hulle nie gou sal vergeet nie. Vir meer inligting kontak Pieter Heyns by 082 806 5622.
26 JULY 2013
It is child’s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@platinum
Platinum Gazette
Fishing for the big one at Tubatse Dam On 20 July 2013 the Chrome Angling Club hosted their first club competition at Tubatse dam, Steelpoort. It started with the drawing of pegs and the first lines were cast at 09:00 when the horn blew for the start of our three species winter challenge as the competition will be called. Targeted species were: Carp, Barbell and Kurper. There were 23 participants, of which three were junior anglers that were willing to face the elements and fish through the night. Isak Holtzhausen was appointed as the weigh master for the weekend; he gave the anglers tips on the correct landing, handling and release techniques to cause the minimum stress for the fish out of the Luan Venter with his 4.75kg Carp caught at Tubatse Dam. (Photo: Theo Visagie)
perspective and experience he gained as a specimen carp angler. Only one fish, caught by Luan Venter, was landed for the duration of the competition, weighing in at 4.75kg. Never the less there were a few missed chances. One was when Luan Venter was forced to endure the cold water of Tubatse dam and dive into the water to retrieve his rod after a monster decided to take the rod for a swim. The over all spirit was great and the anglers facing the winter cold right through the night by kept the fires going at full power. Some only got to sleep a while, way after sunrise on Sunday morning. The final horn blew at 12:00 on Sunday, with still only one fish landed. The prize giving was at 12:30. Luan Venter was awarded the prize for the biggest Carp and the prize for the heaviest bag. The prizes for the biggest barbell and kurper unfortunately were not won on this day. Lucky draw prices were awarded to all participants. Unfortunately the biggest carp was only landed an hour and a half after the horn has blown, weighing in at 6kg. Bernie Oosthuizen has decided that although the
competition was over, he was not done yet. When he was forced to leave for home, he asked the club chairman if he could look after the rods until the end of the day. Thanks to his angler’s spirit, Theo Visagie had the privilege to land this beautiful carp. The Chrome Angling Club would like to thank the following sponsors: Mr. Andor Esbach, general manager of Tubatse Chrome; Hengel & Kuns, Lydenburg; Hennie Groenewald, Chrome Club. They would also like to thank all participants and their support crews for a wonderful weekend. The Chrome Angling Club is a sub-club of the Chrome club. Any person in the Steel-
poort/Burgersfort area who wishes to join the club can contact: Theo Visagie, 082 371 9509 (Club Chairman); Karel Hatting, 072 799 3566 (Club Captain) or Martin Van Rooyen, 072 564 2811, (Pro-shop. Chrome Club). (Information: Theo Visagie)
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