Platinum Gazette 26 June 2015

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Development now better coordinated



agencies consolidated Photograph: Women in rural Makopung near Leboeng queue for water at a tap last week Saturday.

The Limpopo Provincial Council has approved the Limpopo Economic Development Agency Bill at the Exco meeting held last week Wednesday in Polokwane. The Bill completes the amalgamation of parastatals like Lim Dev, TIL, Libsa. All of which have formed a single entity called LEDA (Limpopo Development Agency). The objectives are to enable the acceleration of economic development and diversify in the provincial industrial base and to increase the competitiveness of the provincial economy in the fields of agriculture, commerce, housing industry, mining, training, tourism, public transport and other businesses. It also seek to provide leadership by preventing sporadic, uncoordinated, incoherent economic development projects which are not in line with provincial policy.

Agro processing summit in August Additionally the Executive Council has approved the hosting of an Agro Processing Summit to be held in August 2015. The Agro Processing industry is among the sectors identified by the Industrial Policy Action Plan, the New Growth Path and the National Development Plan for its potential to increase economic growth and create employment because of its strong backward linkage with the primary agricultural sector. The summit will exploit the value chain opportunities. The Limpopo Provincial Government developed an Agro Processing Strategy for the province in 2012. The strategy was commissioned and developed in collaboration with LEDET as the economic sector leader. The strategy serves as a guiding strategic framework for Agro Processing sector development and for government integrated planning.

Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad

26 Junie 2015

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0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031 / 013 231 7147




Have you seen these men? The Ohrigstad SAPS is looking for the men on the photographs to the left. It is believed that they can assist with information regarding an armed robbery that took place on the R555 road between Ohrigstad and Burgersfort. This followins an incident where two men were robbed of their car and bank cards at gun point. Anyone with information regarding these men should not confront them, but notify the officers at your nearest police station. Alternatively call the police crime stop hotline on 086 0010111 or contact the SAPS at Ohrigstad on 013 238 0205.

(Information and photographs: Const. K. Phokane, Ohrigstad SAPS).

26 JUNE 2015

Negligent A 48-0year old man from Leboeng New Stand appeared before the Leboeng Periodical Court on 23 June 2015. He appeared on a charge of negligent loss of firearm. This was after the police recovered his firearm from another suspect who was threatening people with the weapon at a Tavern around Leboeng. The SAPS investigations led to the arrest of the lawful owner, who by that time never reported the loss of firearm to the police. The lawful owner Mr. David Scremanjer was sentenced to two years imprisonment or a R3000.00 fine half suspended for three years on condition the accused is not convicted of a similar offence. He was also declared unfit to possess firearm. “We warn other people who have licenced firearms to safe guard them in terms of the firearm control act 60 of 2000 or they will face the law,” Const. Sibatana said. (Information: Const. MA Sibatana)

Kom hou basaar Ohrigstad se NG Kerk hou hierdie week Basaar op 27 Junie 2015. Dit vind plaas langs die Oases kompleks in Ohrigstad (skuins oorkant die polisiestasie). Dit is elke jaar groot pret met baie aktiwiteite en iets wat beslis nie gemis moet word nie. Die oggend se aktiwiteite begin om 10:00 en daar sal ook ‘n veiling gehou word waar verskeie items te koop aangebied sal word. Die publiek word uitgenooi om vleis, pannekoeke, sosaties, boereworsrolle, koeke, terte, groente, plante en nog vele meer te kom koop. Kom sit rustig in die teetuin en kom neem deel aan die speletjies. Daar sal ook ‘n modeparade wees en daar kan op die oggend nog inskrywings gedoen word. Kom geniet ‘n heerlike dag saam met die mense van Ohrigstad.

“Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited”. Romans 12:16 NIV

26 JUNIE 2015



Greening Burgersfort axed Local business owners were very upset when Greater Tubatse Municipality decided to put a fence around a piece of their property near the old municipal building at Kort-and Eddie Sedibe Street. Not because of the fence, but because of a tree that was chopped down. During Arbor Month, campaigns are led by officials who call for greening of the area, yet a decision was taken to chop down a large tree when the fencing was done. Mr. Arthur Louser forwarded the photographs to Platinum Gazette. He explained that the gate which was placed right in front of the tree could easily have been moved to keep the tree. He asked whether this was done to simply put money into someone’s pocket - as work like this is not usually done for free. Another local businessman also complained about this to the newspaper saying he approached the municipality when the workers started, to request that they keep the tree. Greening Burgersfort is such a difficult task and now it has received another (axe) blow.

A doctor with parking problems On Tuesday afternoon the driver of this official government vehicle belonging to the Department of Health and Social Development parked right behind other vehicles in Burgersfort. (No emergency) According to the door of the vehicle a doctor was driving the bakkie. The driver of the vehicle did this illegal parking manoeuvre to attend to his dry cleaning needs at a local shop. Upon leaving he almost caused an accident trying to hide from the camera. Platinum Gazette asked the Department for comment on this incident. By the time of going to press the following was received: “This email serves to acknowledge receipt of your inquiry and assure you that the matter will be escalated to the division concerned to enable us to respond adequately to the questions advanced. Regards, Meodi Mothapo, Deputy Manager: Corporate and Internal Communication”. Platinum Gazette will keep you updated as soon as a response is received.

Almost done Tarring of the access road leading from the R36 at Leboeng towards Banareng and Makopung Villages is almost completed. Residents had in the past been locked from the outside world in the rainy season when the dirt road became one long muddy river. The newly tarred surface will not only ensure a faster and safer journey, but also ensure that teachers and children don’t miss school due to inaccessible roads. These photographs were taken on Saturday while contractors were working to tar the surface.



26 JUNE 2015

Samancor hands over more than R20 million in projects On Tuesday, 23 June 2015 celebrations were in the air as Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines (ECM) officially handed over completed education infrastructure projects to the Department of Education. Samancor places a high value on education and investing in this is one of the ways towards sustainable development. Through education communities can work towards a better future. ECM has donated infrastructure to the follow-

ing schools: Madibeng Primary School in Kutullo Village, Mangabane Primary School at Mangabane Village, Mogolo Primary School at Ga-Riba, Sehlaku High School in Driekop Village and Sekabate Primary School at Madiseng Village. The infrastructure vary from classroom blocks, a state of the art school hall, an administration block, a laboratory and engineering workshop as wells as refurbishment of old classrooms.

The MEC of Education Mr. Ismael Kgetjepe, officials from the Department of Education, Samancor and Samancor ECM management members and both the local mayor and Sekhukhune District Executive Mayor attended the event. Site visits were done before the formal programme.

26 JUNIE 2015



“This property now belongs to you”

MEC for Education in Limpopo, Mr. Ishmael Kgetjepe.

Chief Operating Officer, Mr Jürgen Schalamon.

Mr Archie Palane explained Samancor’s Local Economic Development (LED) approach.

Sekhukhune District Municipality’s Executive Mayor, Cllr. David Mogobo Magabe.

Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Wiinterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529 BUILD IT WATER TANK 2200Lt 22 200Lt 20 0Lt


The official programme of the handover took place at Sehlaku High School . This school can now easily accommodate their learners in the state of the art school hall where the function took place. The programme included a presentation of the projects and various speeches by amongst others the MEC for Education in Limpopo, Mr. Ishmael Kgetjepe, Samancor Chief Executive Officer Mr. Jürgen Schalamon and the Sekhukhune District Mayor. Everyone’s messages centred around the necessity for partnerships as the one ECM has committed itself to through this donation. Stern warnings were also delivered as the schools were told to look after what they’ve received. “We cannot ask for help with more classrooms if we don’t look after it. If we don’t show reMr. Jürgen Schalamon with ECM General Manager, Mr. Emile Britz. spect for these donations, how can we ask for help again?This property belongs to you. Look after it,” a speaker said. Mr. Jürgen Schalamon, CEO of Samancor told the audience that Samancor wanted to do this investment in the communities because they value the people and communities in which they operate”. After the formalities the guests were served a specially prepared meal.

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26 JUNE 2015

What do you think about Eskom’s Eskom is asking a 24,78% tariff increase for this year. Their application for approval of this, is currently being heard by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa). According to Eskom’s acting CEO, Brian Molefe and their head of Generation, Thava Govender, the country will suffer more load shedding if their application is not fully approved. They argued that load shedding is costing the country more than the impact their requested increase will have. Their application has been widely slammed by businesses and experts alike. Chris Yelland, an energy expert told the media this week that Eskom’s Medupi and Kusile coal power stations should have brought relief as anticipated in their Nersa application for the period of 2013 – 2017. These stations are however behind schedule and not fitting into the anticipated plans. Had they been on track, only 3,65% of the additional hike Eskom is now asking would have been necessary. An increase of 12,69% for the 2015/2016 financial year had previously been approved. “Its (Eskom’s) request for this massive increase amounts to extortion from a monopolistic organization which is trying to make its customers pay for its and its solitary shareholder’s lack of planning, foresight and power station maintenance,” Angus Macmillan told the Nersa this week. Macmillan owns a corporate communications company. He added that the 12,6% increase Eskom has already received is at twice the rate of inflation and much higher than the original increase granted. He also explained that as a small business owner his clients would not be willing to pay for more than a reasonable 6% average increase. Should he be required to put up his tariffs to accommodate the Eskom price hike, he’d be out of business. Big industries also commented. Jurg Zaayman from the Ferroalloys Producers Association of SA told Nersa that Eskom’s requested increase will endanger up to 20 000 job opportunities. A further 900 jobs of people working in the manufacturing of silicon metals could also be destroyed. He said: “Prior the cost of electricity was about 40% of the total cost and is now at just more than 50%. I fail to see how they can survive if the current application for tariff increase is granted”. Platinum Gazette asked readers what they think about Eskom’s application for an approximate 25% increase.

Mr. William Maahlo said: “It is not fair. Now Eskom talk about possible privatization. When will government take over? Our taxes are going up, but I think our government is misusing the money. Government must realize that they will also suffer if the people lose their jobs because of Eskom’s tariff hike – they will then not get those people’s taxes. They should do something. Government must make a plan to give the money to fix Eskom, if it after that still fails – give it to private people to run”.

Mr. Paulus Makofane said: “No, it is unfair. Our salaries don’t go up. We have to pay more for transport and everything, but once a price is up it never comes down again. The public transport remains at the higher price even if the petrol price comes down. This will happen with the electricity as well. I cannot afford to pay more for electricity”.

Mr. Frans Matsepane said: “No, this tariff hike is not fair. If you look at the unemployment rate and now at a possible 25% increase. Eskom will put the whole country into a depression. I don’t know what, but they must come up with another solution”.

Ms. Elsie Mashishi said: “I don’t think Nersa should approve this tariff hike. It is too much. Economically it is not reasonable. Job security will be negatively impacted. They should look for better options to improve. A 25% increase is not even a guarantee that there will be electricity. Looking at South Africa with the scarcity of jobs, it is still a disadvantage if they put jobs on the line with this increase. People losing their jobs will just increase the problem of unemployment”.

Mr. Donald (Bigman) Netshifhefhe said: “It is fair. The price of everything is increasing. They can’t fix the big problem of load shedding if they don’t get that increase. If they get it, maybe they can stop this load shedding. It is a big problem. I’ll pay, but then no load shedding please!”

Mr. DJ Zwane said: “I blame government. They must help the poor. If they don’t help, what can we do? Now the electricity is very expensive. I am self-employed and every week I buy R50 of electricity. I cannot afford to pay more. I also don’t want load shedding”.

Mr. Lucky Mohlala said: “Any raise will affect the public, especially households. People rely on grants to live. Now it is winter. They rely on electricity to keep warm. Most people will not be able to afford this much more than what they’ve got in their budget. This is something that will not only affect industries”.

Mr. Johannes Paka said: “As long as the ANC is ruling the country nothing is possible. We have a R49 billion loan from the World Bank to help pay for Medupi. I ask everyone to please stand up and choose the right people to rule. Eskom can increase their tariffs, but not more than 6,5%. It is just business. Eskom must see to it that people pay for what they use. Check every household and eradicate illegal connections, otherwise they won’t make money. Investors in our country are already crying and Eskom is making us suffer”.

Mr. Lucious Tau said: “They must not increase it so much. We can’t afford it. It is too much. It is also bad to have load shedding, because then there is no business around”.

Mr. Lucky Molemi said: “Privatization is the answer. Sell parts of Eskom so we can have private guys to sort this out. Load shedding is bad. We cannot live like that, but we can also not afford a 25% increase. It is not good for our economy. If they go private it will be better”. With him is Onkabetse.

26 JUNIE 2015



proposed 25% tariff increase?

Mr. Tso Madiba and Mr. Shadrack Mohlatlole said: “This is not fair. They are being led by a corrupt government, and that is killing everyone. If a part of Nkandla’s money had been paid back, it could have gone to Eskom. We are dying because of them. They fail to hire competent people, yet they increase their own salaries every year. There is no improvement in their service delivery. The government must sort out this mess so we can enjoy living in this democratic country”.

Mr. Danish Muhmmed said: “People cannot afford it. The salaries are staying the same, so people cannot afford such an increase of 25%. It is too much. People will rather cope with load shedding, but they must just manage the load shedding”.

Mnr. Rhyno McKenzie sê: “Dis ‘n lelike storie. As Eskom dit kry gaan baie mense dalk hul werk verloor. As hulle die verhoging nie kry nie sal ons amper nooit krag hê nie. Miskien moet hulle mense wat weet van die goed by Eskom aanstel. Dan sal hulle dalk 25% meer waardevol vir die land wees”.

Mr. Tolerance Makofane and Ms. Nthabiseng Mafogo said: “It is unfair. Some people are not working. Grants are not going up 25%. People can’t afford to pay more. Government must do something”.

Mnr. Allen Ngwane sê: “Gee daai 25% verhoging, maar dan mag hulle nie meer load shedding doen nie”. Mr. Patrick Phoku said: “Eskom management did poor planning. They got increases all these years – way above average increases – and still we have load shedding. It is too much. It is killing us. As a small business owner I feel increases like this very much. Rental will go up, electricity bills go up, but the business income is not going up this much. Our clients won’t accept more than a 5 or 6% increase, but Eskom wants 25%. It is way too much. Eskom must get their house in order”.

Mnr. Phillip Roetz sê: “Die hele land se ekonomie en veral die mynbou staan op wankelrige bene. So ‘n verhoging kan baie van die marginale myne en ander besighede wat reeds sukkel ‘n doodslag toedien. Vir die gemiddelde gebruiker beteken dit hy sal ekstra geld moet uithaal wat hy nie het nie. Behalwe vir die feit dat elektrisiteit duur is, kos beurtkrag industrieë ook geld. Hulle moet Eskom privatiseer”. Mnr. Carl Lourens sê: “Dit is besig om die ekonomie dood te druk. Die verbruiker betaal vir die wan-administrasie van Eskom. Ons rekening het nou al so opgegaan – almal soek alternatiewe. Dit is duidelik daar is oor ‘n lang tydperk nie al die nodige onderhoud by Eskom gedoen nie en nou moet 2 kragstasies toegemaak word vir onderhoud. As ons seker maak dat in al sulke organisasies soos Eskom die regte persone met die regte kwalifikasies aangestel word, sal daar baie minder gesukkel word. Die verhoging van 25% is ongeveer 400% meer as die inflasiekoers van 6%. Dit is onaanvaarbaar”.

Left: Mr. Nicolas Mabunela said: “It is not fair for Eskom to increase the price like this. Many people are not employed and cannot afford to pay these prices. Now we also have the problem of load shedding. Where I stay the power goes off every day”.

Mr. Jacoob Kalla said: “They are misusing the money. Eskom is not looking after the money. They need to cut down on the salaries of their top bosses. The bosses should subsidize our electricity. I will fight against a 25% increase”.

Right: Mr. Israel Aphane said: “It is bad. Eskom is under pressure. It is no longer working. There are a lot of illegal connections that cost Eskom money. People also don’t pay their bills and municipalities owe them lots of money. It is a problem”.

8 The Leboeng SAPS in partnership with the Leboeng Victim Empowerment Programme (VEP), the CPF and the Youth Desk as well as Love Life made sure that that Leboeng’s youth were not involved with criminal activities on 20 June 2015. They held a crime awareness campaign at the Mareologe Sports Ground and a large number of people attended from various villages in the area. The campaign started with a formal session. Leboeng Station Commander, Captain Solomon Moholane addressed the crowd and warned the youth to refrain from using drugs. He added that the SAPS will make sure that those involved with drugs, especially selling thereof end up behind bards. The chairperson of the Leboeng Victim Empowerment board, Mr Mabelande explained the role of VEP and how it assists victims.

NEWS He also told the audience that people who are being abused and victimised must feel free to report this to the police because the VEP support centre is there to assist them with shelter and emotional support for that moment if there is a need. Miss Leboeng SAPS 2014, Mapule Mosoma encouraged the youth to focus on their education. She also warned them to avoid getting a criminal record as this will affect their future. The campaign ended with a U/16 top four soccer tournament and a game of women’s soccer. Pelaneng soccer team won the tournament by defeating Gamabelane Soccer team 4-2. In the women’s soccer a team from Leboeng New Stands won the tournament by defeating Rutseng soccer team 2-1. The winning teams walked away with trophies. (Information & Photographs: Constable MA Sibatana).

26 JUNE 2015

Leboeng against crime

26 JUNIE 2015


Orlando - a hidden gem Orlando. Who choose these car model names anyway? Why anybody would call a car Orlando, we really don’t know, but if Platinum Gazette’s test driver could name it, it will be something depicting a large comfortable place to be in (mind you, Sofa our Couch does not sound as grand as Orlando – we give up). But that is exactly what this vehicle is. Although it is now discontinued in most important international markets (Europe, Canada) you can still have it here from R301 300, which is not that much bearing in mind what you get for the money. This car is more characterful than beautiful, the 1.8 litre petrol engine is OK, but the vehicle would have fared better with a larger six cylinder petrol or turbo diesel power plant. Rubber burning is not remotely on the agenda, and we do not think a fully laden seven seater will make for a brisk drive up the Waterfalls River Pass to Lydenburg. Which is of cause safer, especially coupled with the vehicle’s five star safety rating. The above-mentioned, may sound confusing, but the truth is, we loved the vehicle. It may not be pretty, but it is superbly comfortable (built on the Chevrolet Cruze platform in Korea) and large with loads of space as long as you do not want to transport more than five people. The jump seats in the back are really only suited for small children and eats the luggage space. The seats are wide enough but leg space is the major issue. We drove the car with just two people on board. The engine is willing enough (but a bit lame for such a large vehicle) noise, harshness and vibration are very well suppressed making for a relatively quiet smooth ride (this thing will eat the Ga-Mampuru road before breakfast – just be careful as it is as low as a car). The gates of the five-speed manual gearbox are very precise and smooth and you will be able to stay in the car for long comfortable hours. Road holding in the iteration we tested it, was also quite good. And yes, USB, 3.5 mmm link, radio etc. everything is there, with an air-conditioner and infotainment system. So, what do we have here? A jewel in disguise, which is maybe not so fashionable, but a big surprise as far as value for money is concerned. Westvaal Steelpoort at 013 430 9230 will answer all your questions if you want one.



26 JUNE 2015

Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • Smalls Place your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031 Adverteer/Advertise hier/here: 1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Finansies/Financial 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

3. Dienste/ Services Burgersfort Transport For all your transport requirements (transport of mine & construction workers) Contact Ariff 072 337 7332

4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight Accommodation MONTHLY OR DAILY ACCOMMODATION IN BURGERSFORT Khadima’s Lodge now open. 171 Nyala Street, Ext. 5, Burgersfort. Opposite Department of Labour. Contact: 076 666 1100/013 231 8609

9. Te Huur/ For Rent L k t termyn t Lang en kort verblyf beskikbaar op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lydenburg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.

A 2 and 1 Bedroom Flats to let in Burgersfort In security complex. Close to town. Contact: 076 666 1100 Twee slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Burgersfort naby Tubatse Crossing Mall. Skakel: 082 357 1954 / 083 244 6005 Two bedroom apartment available. R5000 with lights and water, Aloe Ridge West. 3 Bedroom - R6500 with water. Pre-paid electricity. Call 082 578 6113 Executive house to rent close to Glencore, Two Rivers,Twee fontein- and Dwarsriver Mines. (On Tweefontein Road) Contact: 082 337 3092

and More... 20th of June to 2nd of August 2015. Contact Kobus 0826082033

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction.

TE KOOP Ohrigstad eiendom. 2733vk meter. Woonstel en beskadigde huis. R440 000. Skakel Dirk: 082 890 1986 / 013 691 1082. dirkjsmit@telkomsa. net

Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or

“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson The advertising deadline is every Tuesday at 17:00. Book your advert now to get the exposure you need!

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Grond G d te k koop (14hktr) 5km buite Roossenekal met boorgat en JoJo tank @ R450 000 o/h. Mev. Campbell - 082 550 7398. Appelblaar Padstal & Kwekery R50 SALE Indigenous Trees Schotia brachypetala: weeping boer-bean, huilboerboon Celtis africana: white stinkwood (Eng.), witstinkhout Combretum imberbe: leadwood (Eng.); hardekool (Afr.)

Betrekkings/Vacancies Human Resources Administrator Based in the Lydenburg/Burgersfort area, Indigo Fruit Farming has a vacancy for a Human Resources Administrator.


Platinum Gazette

The incumbent will be responsible for administrative support in the various human resource functions within the Company, administering filing and a current database with relevant information of all employees; recruitment, staffing, training and development, performance monitoring, employee counselling and ethical compliance-related matters. Reporting to the Support Manager, supporting Divisional Area Managers’, key performance areas would include: 1. Providing administrative support, information and assistance to management on human resource work-related matters. 2. Providing support to management to develop the skills and capacities of staff. 3. Monitoring staff performance and attendance activities. 4. Coordinating staff recruitment and selection process. 5. Organising and coordinating company HR-related events. 6. Report writing, including administration and submission of annual training and employment equity reports.

BETREKKING/VACANCY: Admin Lady - Requirements: • Matric • Previous admin and office work experience will be an advantage • Computer literate • Experience and knowledge of Pastel will be an added advantage • Be bilingual in English and Afrikaans • Good communication skills and be a team player but also have the ability to work on own initiative • Be willing to go the extra mile.

Holding a minimum diploma qualification in HR administration the incumbent must have proficient knowledge and experience in the following areas: a. Labour and employment equity legislation. b. A minimum of 3 years’ experience in a HR role c. Experience in writing job descriptions/job profiles d. Knowledge of performance review methods and techniques e. Experience in staff training, development and recognition f. Understand relevant policies and procedures g. Fluent in English and Afrikaans.

A complete CV with traceable references can be handed in at Burgersfort Supa Quick or faxed to: 086 597 9792 or e-mail to

The incumbent must have proven computer skills and be proficient in communication and in report writing; be adaptable and willing to work in our rural environment.

Closing date: 15 July 2015

Interested applicants for the position should kindly reply to by 3 July 2015. Only serious applications will be considered. Consider your application unsuccessful if not contacted by 17 July 2015.

If you have not heard from the company within 21 days from the closing date, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

26 JUNIE 2015



27 June 2015

On Saturday 27 June the local leg of the Sanlam Cancer Challenge will be taking place at Tubatse Chrome Club. All golf players are encouraged to enter and help raise funds for a worthy cause. Tee off time will be 08:30 and 18 holes IPS Competition will be played. Categories: Division A : 0 - 9; Division B: 10 - 16; Division C: 17 - 36. Entry fee for the day is R200. This includes a halfway wors roll and a beer/cold drink. To book your place in the competition con-

tact Martin van Rooyen on 072 564 2811. The winners of the competition will be going through to the next round. The competition takes place in various stages with an ultimate final at Sun City. The competition is for both men and women. Previously players from Tubatse Chrome Golf Club performed very well in the advanced stages of the competition and the Club would like to see their talent go that far again. Make sure you don’t miss the Cansa Golf Day this weekend.

Playing the game(s) this weekend This weekend will be one of many games. A tournament with soccer and netball teams from 6 local mines and some visitors from Gauteng and other areas in Limpopo will take place. The event will be taking place at the sports grounds of Laerskool Burgersfort. The visiting teams will include ACSA from Kempton Park, Legends from Polokwane and

Brazil from Monsterlus. Friendly volleyball will also be played between a team from Marula Platinum Mine and a team from Burgersfort. The organisers of the event invite the public to come and support the players and the different teams. For more information contact Andy on 078 823 0878.

I want to ride my bicycle Mountain Bike enthusiasts should mark 25 July 2015 as an important date. The Bison Falls Spur & Wildevy Mountain Bike Race will be taking place on this day. This race is growing annually and it is expected to be no different this year. The race will start at the PLM Boskamp (between Burgersfort and Lydenburg on the R37) and different distance categories will make sure that young and old can participate. Cyclists can enter online at The different categories will be a 50km (R170 entry fee; starting at 08:00); 20km (R150 entry fee; starting at 08:15); 10km (R60 entry fee; starting at 08:30) and a 2,5km (R30 entry fee; starting at 08:45). A day license will cost R35. The cyclists will also get free entry into the Wildevy 4x4 Family Day grounds. Prizes will be awarded in all categories. Ablusion facilities will be available. The routes prom-

ise to be both suited for those looking for a challenge and those just seeking family fun. For more information contact 082 806 5622 or visit

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: BeĂĄnnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Lowveld Media, 12 Stinkhout Crescent, Nelspruit. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).


26 JUNE 2015 It‛s child‛s play to read your Platinum Gazette online Visit www.platinum or subscribe to get it on e-mail by sending us your request to adverts@ platinumgazette. com

Platinum Gazette


Tubatse Masters vs Mototolo F.C. On Saturday 21 June 2015 the Tubatse Masters hosted the soccer team from Mototolo Mine ate Leolo Secondary School’s sports grounds in Praktiseer. The teams faced-off in a friendly soccer match. Both teams were very evenly matched and did not easily give in to the pressure applied by their opponents. The game ended in a 1-1 draw. Daniel Maloma scored for Mototolo and Loui Matuludi scored for Tubatse Masters. (Information & Photographs: Doctor Mdu Klaaste).

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