Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Jane Furse
26 November 2010
Tel Fax
0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031/013-231 7147
Samancor leads the way
Environmental leaders
Samancor Chrome’s Tubatse Ferrochrome operation outside Steelpoort has just commissioned its new 5000m3/day Integrated Waste Water Treatment Plant, taking the lead in the Chrome Industry ito Environmental Management. The opening of the plant last week Friday, was attended by all stakeholders in the project, that is the company, contractors, water treatment specialists and representatives form provincial and local government, community and traditional leaders in the area. Speaking at the opening, Tubatse ferrochrome General Manager, Desmond McManus told guests the plant enables Tubatse to become a zero effluent plant, recycling all its waste water and thereby reducing its withdrawal rate from the Steelpoort/ Tubatse River by more than a million litres per day. He stressed that the treatment plant does not only aim to make present day environmental management a priority, but said that future generations in the area will also benefit immensely from the project. The plant treats contaminated service water, sewage water, saline borehole water and “industrial” storm-water. The waste water treatment plant incorporates latest technology in its processes of silt and floating debris removal, softening and clarification, oil removal, ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis and brine evaporators (see separate box on page 2 for all the details).
Limpopo MEC for Agriculture, Mme Dipuo Letsatsi-Duba, in her address to guests focused on watrer pollution as one of the most dangerous environmental problems threatening access to fresh water, saying “The action that has been taken by Tubatse Chrome Smelter today needs to be commended. Although we know that at this point in time the water is treated so that it can be used for processing in the smelter, it is our firm belief that the work will continue in ensuring that in the next 15 to 20 years this area will be rehabilitated so that underground water is returned to its state of purity, that the surrounding communities can be able to use it for drinking,” echoeing Mr McManus’ concern that water should be preserved for future generations. She stated in no uncertain terms that the government is not happy to deal with the problem of acid water in the former gold mining areas, where companies who had been responsible, are not contributing in finding a solution for the problem. “Our government is now forced to divert millions of rands meant for the delivery of basic services for our people to dealing with Acid Mine Drainage” she said. After the speeches and the unveiling of the plaque, Mr McManus led the MEC and guests on a tour of the new water treatment plant. The plant tour was followed by treatment of a different kind when all the guests departed to Tubatse Chrome Club for a hearty lunch.
Mr Desmond McManus, General Manager of Tubatse Ferrochrome and Limpopo MEC for Agriculture, Mme Dipuo Letsatsi-Duba unvailed the plaque at the new water treatment plant.
2 All the details by: Frank Rosslee (Engineering Manager : Tubatse Ferrochrome Project Manager) and Anton van Niekerk (Project Engineer: Tubatse Ferrochrome Project Coordinator)
Background: On the 19th of November 2010 Samancor’s Tubatse Ferrochrome officially opened its new 5000m3/day Integrated Waste Water Treatment Plant. The plant is the culmination of 5 years of effort to produce a plant that effectively addresses all waste water related issues on the site. The Tubatse Ferrochrome operation is a major producer of charge chrome, the main raw material used in the production of stainless steel. Tubatse produces some 360,000 tons of Ferrochrome alloy per annum from six submerged arc furnaces, totaling 201MVA installed capacity. The plant was originally erected by Union Carbide in 1976 and has been expanded over the last 34 years by various owners and joint venture partners. Samancor Chrome acquired the Tubatse plant in 2002 from its previous owners, BHP Billiton. In 2005 it became apparent that the groundwater aquiver below Tubatse plant was polluted due to historic ash deposits leaching into the groundwater during the wet season over the past 28 years of operation. Tubatse management immediately notified the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) of this discovery and started a major research project to determine the point sources of the contamination and develop a strategic plan to remediate the situation. The study showed widespread pollution in the aquiver and Samancor Chrome, immediately commissioned Golder Associates to develop a remediation plan. As the study progressed it became apparent that historical ash heaps on the site, were the source of the contamination. As the sources were pinpointed Tubatse removed the material to a licensed HPDE-lined high-hazard storage facility on the Tubatse site. In this way any continued pollution was prevented. After two years of intensive drilling, geo-hydrological and geotechnical study and computer modeling a feasible remediation plan was developed in collaboration with Golder Associates and in consultation with the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). The remediation plan was then taken further to develop an Integrated Water and Waste Management Plan (IWWMP), which was submitted to the DWAF for approval. The remediation plan then had to be turned into a workable waste water treatment plant. The Tubatse Project team took up the challenge and started the conceptual design of the waste water plant. It became apparent that significant advantages could be gained from the project, not only in terms of the remediation of the contaminated aquiver, but also in reducing Tubatse’s environmental footprint and ensuring environmentally responsible operations relating to all water on site. Tubatse management evaluated the situation and decided to integrate the full scope of waste water on Tubatse plant into the process design. A detailed water balance was developed to enable accurate process design and effective water resource management. As a consequence the Integrated Waste Water Treatment Plant incorporates the treatment of the following waste water streams: process effluent released by the various production units, “industrial stormwater” that falls within the boundaries of the smelter site, sewage water from the whole site, and abstracted saline groundwater from the boreholes as per the remediation plan. The project was therefore developed as an integrated waste water treatment system that not only incorporated the new waste water treatment plant, but also involved equipment installations and civil modifications in the plant to ensure pro-active water management. For example, all potential sources of oil contamination were identified and hydro-cyclones from Procon Environmental Technologies were installed to effectively remove not only large particle oil contamination, but also microscopic oil particles, as well as oil in solution. These installations typically address areas such as the earthmoving fleet workshop and washbay. Large areas of the plant were paved and concrete and HDPE lined trenches were constructed to ensure effective capture of “industrial stormwater” during rain storms. This assists in preventing contamination of the surrounding environment, reduced erosion on site, less silt entrained in the storm-water trenches and availability of the industrial storm-water for use in the plant processes. The storm-water cut-off trenches further ensure that the industrial site and the surrounding unspoilt bushland are effectively separated in terms of storm-water run-off. The new Integrated Waste Water Treatment Plant was designed in collaboration with VWS Envig and KV3 Civil Engineers on an EPCM basis. VWS Envig and KV3 were responsible for the detailed process and engineering design, equipment selection and over-inspection during plant construction. The civil construction work was started in January 2009 with mechanical installation starting in August 2009 and effective completion at the end of August 2010. Final performance testing has been concluded, handover to operations is complete and the 5000m3/day plant is now fully operation. The total capital cost of the waste water treatment plant and related infrastructure amounted to R100 million and the plant has a design life expectancy of 30 years. Process Design: Initially the project team considered treating the different waste water streams separately, but analyses showed that this had negligible benefits and therefore at the treatment plant the four streams of water are combined in a balancing dam to serve as buffer capacity in ensuring a constant plant throughput. Such constant throughout is essential in ensuring stable operation at optimal cost and maximized cleanliness levels. The fundamental user requirement for the plant design was to ensure that all waste water is retained and treated to produce final clear water that poses no risk to people or the environment and conforms to industrial water quality standards, for re-use in the smelter processes. The waste water treatment plant process basically entails four treatment processes namely: pre-treatment of the four incoming streams, combining the streams and conducting chemical neutralization, splitting into two streams for softening & clarification and filtration & de-salination of one of the streams. The storm-water stream is kept separated from the other waste streams due to its highly cyclical nature and high peak flows. All the stormwater on site runs via concrete trenches to a silt trap where floating debris is skimmed off the water surface and silt is settled out, prior to the water flowing into the HDPE-lined storm water storage dam. The silt trap is easily cleaned with a mechanical loader once the rain storm has abated and is placed onto a concrete drying bed. The storm-water dam has a 35,000m3 live capacity and is fitted with a double layer HDPE lining with leak detection, to ensure that the captured storm-water cannot contribute to groundwater pollution. From the storm-water dam the water is abstracted at a steady rate of 1000m3/day to the new waste water treatment plant. This water, captured during rain storms, assists in reducing Tubatse’s abstraction of river water during the rainy season by a significant quantity. The process effluent stream is often also contaminated with a significant silt load and floating debris such as coke (coal). Therefore an innovative, low
maintenance, operator-free silt trap was designed in collaboration with Huber Technologies to remove floating debris, using a revolving bar screen, and silt, using an innovative travellingbridge system. The travelling-bridge system incorporates a traversing platform with submerged pumps that continuously pump out and remove the settled silt to a classifier and screw conveyor mounted on the platform. Such a design is necessary due to the process effluent being a continuous stream and therefore the silt trap could never be cleaned by a mechanical bucket loader (FEL), as it is flooded with water on a 365 day/year basis. Both the floating debris and the settled silt are deposited directly into bins by the automated systems, for easy removal from site. The silt traps also incorporates a hydro-cyclone to remove all entrained oil from the system. This is required due to the detrimental effect that entrained oil has on the downstream processes. The de-silted process effluent then flows under gravity to the balancing dam at the new waste water treatment plant. The sewage streams from the various operational units in the smelter, are piped to a licensed sewage treatment plant, where it is treated in an activated sludge process. The effluent from the sewage treatment plant is then chlorinated and flows into the balancing dam at the new waste water treatment plant. The saline groundwater is abstracted at a fixed rate from the designated boreholes as per the approved remediation plan and flows directly into the balancing dam at the new waste water treatment plant. The abstraction rates are accurately monitored and controlled and the remediation model is regularly revised to ensure optimal remediation of the aquiver. As mentioned above all the water streams are combined in the balancing dam at the new waste water treatment plant from where the water is fed into the plant at a constant feed rate and subjected to the various treatment processes. The chemical neutralization of the hexavalent chromium is done via chemical treatment with ferrous chloride at a pre-determined ratio. This is a chemical reduction process and the ferrous chloride reduces the chrome ion to a chrome oxide, which settles out in the clarifiers and effectively removes hexavalent chromium from the water. Due to the continuous re-use (re-cycling) of the water, with no bleed off into the environment, it is not only required to soften and clarify the water, but also to de-salinate the waste water. If this was not done the process water would become increasingly saline to the extent were major damage would be done to the smelter’s process equipment due to the excessive salinity, leading to high rates of scaling, corrosion and chemical attack. After chemical treatment with ferrous chloride the water is split into two parallel streams, passing through compact lamella clarifiers, supplied by VWS Envig. One of these is an Actiflo Clarifier which uses fine sand to activate or “seed” the settlement of suspended solids. The clarified discharge of the Actiflo clarifier flows directly to the clean water dam from where it is returned to the smelter’s process water cycle. The second unit is a Multiflo Clarifier that prepares the second stream of water for de-salination. Milk of lime is dosed in both clarifiers to ensure softening of the water, which effectively precipitates a significant percentage of the salts in solution, thus reducing the TDS levels. Polymer is also dosed into both units to enable flocculation which is essential to the effective functioning of these highrate compact lamella clarifiers. The underflow (slurry waste) stream from both clarifiers are pumped to two belt-filter presses, also supplied by VWS Envig. These units compress the slurry between two woven polymer belts and effectively produces a dry stackable cake from the slurry feed. The water removed from the slurry is re-cycled back to the clarifiers. The clarified overflow from the Multiflo clarifier is the feed to the filtration and de-salination section of the plant. The filtration and de-salination process starts with dual self-cleaning strainers supplied by Germ Africa to effectively remove all particulate matter down to 150um to protect the sensitive ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis membranes from damage due to particulate matter. After filtration the water flows through snippet and cartridge-type oil removal filters supplied by Procon Enviromental Technologies. These filters effectively remove entrained oil as well as oil in solution (i.e. ethylene glycol) to protect the ultra-filtration and reverse osmosis membranes against blinding. After oil removal the water is pH adjusted by sulfuric acid addition, and then pumped through the ultra-filtration (UF) membranes where all traces of particulate matter is removed in preparation for reverse osmosis. The waste streams from both the self-cleaning strainers and the ultra-filtration (UF) return to the balancing dam, from where it re-cycles through the clarifiers. The UF system was supplied by VWS Envig and manufactured by Siemens Memcor (Australia). The clear UF permeate is now ready for de-salination and is then pumped through the cellulose acetate reverse osmosis membranes (RO) at pressure of 2500kPa. The RO membranes produce a high quality permeate and a brine solution. The waste stream (brine) produced is relatively large and would require very large dams or very expensive technology, such as crystallizers, to dispose of. Therefore the process was designed for the brine to be re-cycled through a second set of RO membranes, to increase the recovery rate. This increases the TDS of the final brine stream and reduces the volume to a manageable flow-rate. The high quality de-salinated RO permeate is discharged to the clean water dam, where it blends with the clarified water and returns to the smelter’s process water cycle. The final brine from the RO system then flows to two LED evaporators that reduce the brine even further through a process of evaporation under vacuum. The evaporators were supplied by VWS Envig and are fully imported package plants from VWS
Education boosted
Pipeline completed WRAPPER
26 NOVEMBER 2010
Environmental leaders: Integrated Waste Water Treatment Plant
Italy. The evaporators produce water condensate, which flows to the return water dam, is blended with the other clear water streams from the clarifiers and RO and returns to the smelter plant for re-use. The waste stream from the evaporators is a concentrated brine with TDS levels in excess of 50,000 ppm. This final brine is pumped to a series of lined evaporation ponds where the brine is allowed to solidify under ambient conditions. The evaporation ponds extend over 5 ha and all have a triplelayer HDPE lining with double leak detection to ensure zero environmental contamination potential. The solidified brine (salt) consists mainly of carbonates, chlorides, nitrates and salts of magnesium, and could potentially be used in the agricultural industry. The river water abstraction is incorporated into the overall plant design, but is kept as a separate system that does not make contact with the waste water under normal operating conditions. The river water is de-silted in a classifier supplied by Huber Technologies that removes all silt particles very effectively. The river water is pumped to a storage dam (360ML) from where it flows to the smelter site as make-up water and forms a buffer storage capacity for the dry winter months.
Tubatse Ferrochrome invested in the development of potential mathematic and science achievers in local schools. One of the major complaints local communities have is that the mines and large industries do not appoint local residents. This problem however is a two sided sword as these industries have minimum requirements to ensure the maximum safety and eventually output in their operations. In almost all cases where bursaries are awarded to worthy students mathematics and science with good results up to grade 12 is required. To help remedy the situation Tubatse Ferrochrome’s HR department launched the Big Brother initiative. The Big Brother initiative involves four schools in the area. Learners from grades 10 to 12 are involved in the project. They received additional classes every Saturday. The project will continue in 2011.
Tubatse Chrome this year also handed over a new water pipeline to the community in Tukakgomo as part of the company’s social investment projects. The pipeline is meant for the high pressure transportation of household water from the source to the reservoir on the hill at Tukakgomo. The old pipeline , constructed about 30 years ago by the company, gave problems because not only was it used for feeding the reservoir, but also for further reticulation in the villages. The purpose of the new pipeline was only to feed the the reservoir. The old pipeline will not be removed as it still has to play an important role as a reticulation pipe. The new feeding pipe is totally sealed from the source to the reservoir and no need exists to tap into this pipe. General manager of Tubatse Chrome, Mr Desmond McManus, officially handed over the pipe to representatives of Greater Tubatse Municipality and members of the community. The local government is now administrating matters around the pipeline in conjunction with Sekhukhune District Municipality who is responsible for water provision in the area.
Platinum Gazette Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad, Jane Furse
Tel Fax
0832719151 (Editorial); 0835431676 (Advertisements) 0865549031/013-231 7147
Shop where Burgersfort, Morone Centre South Africa shops! Tel: (013) 231 8090 or 087 808 4022/3
© Platinum Gazette
26 November 2010
Stealing from the poor Personnel of the Limpopo Department of Health and Social Development working at the SASSA building in Praktiseer, were shocked on Tuesday morning when they were robbed in broad daylight of foodstuff destined for orphans, the vulnerable and the needy. A spokesperson for the office told Platinum Gazette that harrassment started on Monday afternoon, when a man demanded that food stored at the building released to the community. Niothing further happened on Monday, the man a a number of other people were back, together with a a number of women with buckets. The were dancing and chanting, forcing themselves into the gates of the premises in into a room where bags of mealie meal are stored. They started plundering the bags, filling their buckets and fleeing through the gate. Acoording to the spokesperson they do not no what the motive for the plundering was, but they think it was politically motivated as the man that initiated the plundering, has been identified as a prominent member of a political party. “This is not right, the food is not meant to be just dished out to the community”, the spokesperson said. People apply for grants when they are too poor to buy food. In the eman time we give them food in the form of food parcels. The food stolen from the premises was meant for orphans, vulnerable people and the needy who are waiting that their grant applications be approved. We give food to more than 5000 people. Seven bags of meal were taken”. The Police at the Police Staion just across the road were notified of the incident. “When they arrived at the scene, the plunderers have already left. They said we must open a case before they invetigate”, the spokesperson told the newspaper. A case was opened on Wednesday. (personnel at the SASSA office did not want to be identified for fear of victimisation).
26 NOVEMBER 2010
Visit for a local directory service and Platinum Gazette news updates!
Tragedy ‘Bom’ bars op strikes Calvin Ohrigstad A Calvin College teacher and a pupil died tragically when they were involved in an accident last week Friday in the Waterfall River Pass between Burgersfort and Lydenburg. Mrs Farayi Vandwani (33) and her daughter Amanda (11) was travelling with the rest of the family, Mr Andrew Vandwani (husband) and son Andy to school on Friday morning when the accident happened. It is not sure what the circumstances was, but apparently Mr Vandwani lost control of the vehicle in difficuklt driving conditions (fog, rain and a slippery road). The couple’s vehicle smashed agaist the mountain and as a result, mother and daughter were killed. Mr Vandwani was about to be disharged from hospital in Lydenburg at the time of going to press, while Andy is ok and back at the day care centre he attends. Mr Vandwani is also a teacher at Calvin College and the family originally hails from Zimbabwe. On Thursday morning (yesterday) a memorial service for the teacher and pupil were held at the school.
‘n Bom van ‘n ander aard het Maandagmiddag op Ohrigstad gebars, en vir ‘n oombik het dit soos oorlog op die dorp geklink. Die rede? Ohrigstad Laerskool wil baie graag in 2011 ‘n interlaer atletiekbyeenkoms vir kleiner skole aanbied, maar hulle atletiekveld is, wel, te klein. Planne is gemaak en stootskrapers en grondverskuiwers het aan die heuwel op die rand van die skoolterrein begin kalwe vir meer ruimte. Die probleem was egter dat ‘n klipbank verhoed het dat die stukl mooi gelyk gemaak kon word. Die myne se voorbeeld is gevolg en ‘n plofstofdeskundige se hulp is ingeroep om die bank stukkend te skiet. Maandagooggend is die gate geboor en sowat 200 klein ladings is geplaas en met hope griond bedek om die skok, klank en stukke rots wat losskiet, in toom te hou. Omstreeks 15:00 Maandagmiddag is die lading afgeit en in ‘n oogwink was die probleem met die rotsbank iets van die verlede. Omstanders, ouers, lede van die skool se MBBCh (WITS); Practice No: 0247308 (at Dr. Mattellaer’s surgery)
Diploma in Mental Health; Diploma in Occupational Health & Medicine; HIV Management; Independant examiner for RAF & Insurances (ABIME) We offer a holistic approach to your medical condition with the following services: Dietician; Psychologist; Physiotherapist; Occupational Therapist & Speech and Hearing Therapist All medical aids, including Platinum Health are welcomed. Limosa Limosa, Shop 9, Opposite Greater Tubatse Traffic Department * Tel: 013 231 7307/8 E-mail: Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
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beheerliggaam op die toneel het saam met die skoolhoof, mev Ronnie Ferreira, grootoog na die toneel gaan kyk. Nog ‘n stappie nader aan hulle doelwit! Die nuwe verversingslokaal op die terrein vorder ook fluks.
26 NOVEMBER 2010 The memorial servicce at Calvin College
Platinum Gazette
Advertising deadline: Editorial deadline: Tuesdays at 17:00 Wednesdays at 17:00
26 NOVEMBER 2010
Hole in the wall
Modikwa’s South 2 Shaft gained momentum when the pre-sink started on 1st November. The pre-sink of the 4.0m x 4.0m chairlift decline has been completed and the fourth blast in the 5.0m x 5.0m material decline has already been taken. Both tunnels have maintained almost perfect dimensions due to the skills of the
Modikwa tunnelling team and the blasting technology employed. African Explosive Limited is assisting with this technology. At the end of November the tunnelling team will withdraw temporarily to allow the completion of the civil works by the civil contractor, Zizwe. The decline tunnelling will recommence in January.
Rewards for no injury
South 2: Material Decline - charging up the 3rd blast - 17th November 2010.
‘Die Manne’ after the first blast on 1st November.
South Electrical engineering team with Mr. Eddie Leach Logistics Leader South and Foreman Jannie Oosthuizen
Modikwa is aiming to reach 8 000 000 fatality free shifts by June 2011. Modikwa South Shaft Electrical Engineering team achieved a excellent 400 days without any injuries. Logistics leader South shaft, Eddie Leach and Chief Safety Officer South Hennie Wood, congratulated the Electrical engineering team under the leadership of foreman Jannie Oosthuizen for reaching this target. They urged the team to continue working safe, especially now that we are entering the festive season. They were reminded that their families depend on them as bread winners to return home safely every day. And to continue doing that until the day that they go on pension. Each member of the team was awarded a special safety watch to remind them every time they look at the time they will see it is time to work safely! “Congratulations South electrical engineering team, keep up the good performance” was the message from management. (Photographs and information: Modikwa Information Services).
129995 895
Tubatse Buil It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 7529
3.6m X 1.2m
11995 Eddie Leach and Manny Antunes gives Edwell Mhlembe his safety award watch
Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00 Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00 Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Contact us on 083 271 7147 with your news and events.
26 NOVEMBER 2010
Legapana Primary says goodbye Legapana Primary School held their awards and a farewell function for their grade 7 pupils on Wednesday this week. A hall packed with pupils, guests, parents and interested community members created a festive atmosphere. Mr James Masha was the guest speaker on the day. The top five academic
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achievers were also anounced. They are (photograph left below ), Cathrine Mokoena, Mmathabo Maripane, Abigail Ngele, Kgaogelo Paile and Zodwa Mabuza. The grade 7 pupils (except the small one in civies) are pictured below and the grade R pupils who graduated are shown on the left.
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Sasko winners
Sasko Tubatse drew the winners in their lucky draw competition last week Saturday. During October and November entries were collected from Driekop, Aragopola, Motlolo and Gaselala. Ms Tebogo Mpheti was the lucky winner of a fridge. Mr Rocky Napo and Ms. Lucy Mokwala each won a bicycle. Mr Howard Manyaka, Mr Moloka Tjao and Mr Kagiso Manyaka each won a DSTV set.
26 NOVEMBER 2010
26 NOVEMBER 2010
Toyrun, a great success story The Limpopo Valley Toyrun took place last week Saturday. The event was organised by Misty Knights Lowveld and bikers from Lydenburg joined a group in Burgersfort for a mass ride to Winterveld Club. People opened their hearts and give toys that filled more than two trailers. The Misty Knights are still in the process of sorting everything
and matching it to the wishlists from the various organisations that will benefit from the Toyrun. As soon as these have been finalised the figures will be made public. The day was filled with music, doughnuts on the new skid pad, wheelies, food and fun. Stalls selling anything from toys to biker gear were at the event which is showing all the signs of growing bigger and bigger every year.
26 NOVEMBER 2010
Misty Knights say: thank you! We as bikers just want to thank the SAPS of Burgersfort for their outstanding performance on Saturday with our Massride through Burgersfort town to Winterveld Club in Steelpoort. At every cross, robot and stopstreet there was a policeman on duty, thanks to the guys who escort us to Winterveld you done a great job. We also want to thank each and every biker for their support and contribution towards this worthy cause. Thank you to the community of surrounding towns and villages for their great support and possitive attitude towards bikers. Thank you to all the sponsors that open their hearts and pockets to make this day possible. They are Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines, Tubatse Ferrochrome, Flames Sighns and Printing, Burgersfort Scrap Metal, Talisman Plant and Tool Hire, OK Grocer, Supa Save, Bon Amanzi Guest House, Stax Videos, Highlands Panorama News, Khumbulanie Mining, Larami Spur, Honda Wing Lydenburg, McGees & Kie, Value Liquor Store, Tyre Boyz, Midas Lydenburg, Pick ‘n Pay Lydenburg, J & H Transport - Hester en Jannie, The Wrench - Pretoria, Primrose Motorcycles, The Vine - Oom Johnny’s Pub, Pep Stores Burgersfort, Billy’s Bike - Lydenburg, Butterflies & Roses, T.B. Taylor Trading and Willem Montgomery - our master of ceremonies. Last but not the least, thanks to all the Misty Knights for sponsorships, prices and hard work to make this event a huge success. Toys will be distributed to various institutions in the area during the next few weeks. Herman Wolmarans (President - Misty Knights MCC)
The Message is clear
‘Toy Run was ‘n belewenis’ Graag wil ek namens Do It Right Toys (Drienie, Igna en Rika) die Misty Knights motorfietsklub bedank. Veral vir Alet en Julia vir die geleentheid om deel te wees van hul eerste “Toy Run” vir behoegtigde kinders. Dit was werklik n belewenis, nie net die puik organisasie nie maar ook die groothartigheid van elke motorfietsryer . Die gedreun van die motorfietse wat by Winterveld saamgetrek het, gee my nou nog hoendervleis. Ek wil ook baie dankie sê vir die wyse waarop die polisie hulle saamewerking
met die begeleiding van die optog aangesien dit vir so ‘n goeie saak is. Dit kommer my egter waar die verkeersdepartement was, aangesien ‘n mens sou dink dat begeleiding eerder hulle afdeling moet wees. Alet, Julia en Ducky you are champions. Willem Montgomery die seremonimeester jy het weer jouself oortref. Bonnie, jy is voorwaar ‘n bok vir sports. Dankie vir die afkoel op die glybaan. Ek bid die Misty Knights alle voorspoed en sukses toe vir volgende jaar se byeenkoms en mag dit net van krag tot krag groei. Drienie Nortje
Thought for the week “In times of change, the learners will inherit the world, while the knowers remain wellprepared for a world that no longer exists.” - Eric Hoffer (1902 – 1983, American social writer and philosopher)
Kitsgids na jou SAPD/ Important numbers: Burgersfort Ohrigstad Roossenekal Mecklenburg Eerstegeluk Tubatse Sekhukhune Leboeng Maartinshoop
(013) 231 7231 (013) 238 0128 (013) 273 0075 (015) 615 0204 (013) 237 0011 (013) 216 8500 (013) 260 1007 (013) 769 9099 (013) 235 4041
Ander nood/Other emergencies: Dilokong Hospitaal/Hospital Mecklenburg Hospitaal/ Hospital Burgersfort Kliniek/Clinic Water & Sanitation Disaster Management (Ambulance & Fire) Electricity (Eskom)
(013) 2147265 (013) 615 0204 (013) 2317843 082 900 4449 0800 330 022 0860 037 566
26 NOVEMBER 2010
To take class action or not?
Various organisations are currently underway with attempts to institute a class action law suit against three major bread producing companies. Cosatu, Black Sash, the Children’s Resource Centre and the National Consumer Forum are seeking actual damages for consumers who paid too much for bread during an illegal price-fixing period by the bread companies. The organisations representing the consumers say that the penalties handed down by the Competition Commission were not enough as the consumers have not been compensated. The group plans that should their action be successful, damages be paid into a trust account for the benefit of the poor. Apart from the class action on behalf of consumers, another on behalf of independent bread producers will also be persued. The Compitition Tribunal fined Pioneer Foods R195.7 million and Tiger Consumer Brands were fined R98.8 million for their involvement. Premier Foods was granted leniency after it co-operated with the Consumer Commission . “Price-fixing is a crime against the people” said Mr Thami Bolani, the chairman of the National Consumer Forum. According to Mr Marcus Solomon of the Children’s Resources Centre, households with an income of R500 or less, spend up to half of that money on bread. “Therefore any increase in the price of bread hit the very poor the hardest”. Mr Imraahn Ismail-Mukaddam who blew the lid on the price-fixing deal, questioned who will really pay for the fines imposed on these companies as Pioneer Foods have already announced an 8% - 10% increase in the price of bread. This announcement came on the same day as the settlement agreement with the Competition Tribunal. Should the action go ahead, it will be only the second class action law suit in South Africa and the largest so far. We asked readers their opinion on this issue.
Me Rachel Green sê: “Ek dink dis ‘n goeie ding. Die boete wat hierdie ouens betaal moet na die mense gaan”. By haar is Michaila en Jaylene.
Mr Tshepo Lesese said: “It is not fair to take such class action. They did get a fine. Government must take that fine money and give it back to the people. Those guys have paid. Why take more action now?”
Me. Marilize Potgieter sê: “Nee, dié mense mors hulle tyd. Wat dink hulle gaan hulle regtig daaruit kry?”
Me Thea Greeff sê: “Die regering moet die boete vat en die prys van brood daarmee verlaag”.
Ms Nomthandazo Mthombeni said: “Those companies must pay back money to the consumer. It must go into development”.
Me. Sonja Human en mnr. Andries Human sê: “Aan die een kant het hulle geweet hulle doen verkeerd. Dit gaan swaar en dan kry arm mense en welsynsorganisasies nog swaarder. As hulle die geld regtig vir die armes, weeshuise ens. gaan laat kry is die geding goed. Aan die ander kant het hulle reeds hulle straf gekry en is dit die regering wat die verantwoordelikheid moet neem om die verbruiker daaruit te vergoed”. By hulle is Marinel. Left: Mr Benjamin Hall said: “They need to be taught a lesson. I would support such action”.
Mr Daniel Moshoana said: “It is a good thing. The money they may get will benefit the poorer communities. Bread is a basic thing. The poor people cannot afford it if the price is fixed too high. Maybe government subsidies for bread is too low”.
used & new m otor spares
Ms Mary Lesenya said: “In the pharmacy industry have seen price-fixing and learned from it, so must these guys. The consumer must benefit in terms of development”.
Me Sanet en mnr. Jannie Oosthuizen sê: “Hulle moet die broodprys dieselfde hou en groot maatskappye moet brood wat ‘n dag of wat oud is teen halfprys of verniet gee. Die maatskappye word beboet maar net die regering benefit en nie die verbruiker nie”.
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26 NOVEMBER 2010
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale
1. Sport Klubs/ Sport Clubs GSKA Karate Dinsdae & Donderdae van 17h30 – 19h00 by Calvin Collage. Almal welkom van 6 jaar en ouer. Skakel Jolanda Hietbrink by 082 859 9681.
3. Dienste/ Services Elshamah Motors Your Mechanic on Duty. We specialize in all minor and major repairs and services on ALL types of vehicles. Engine, gearboxes and differentials. We specialize in Mahindra vehicles. Lebowa Business Park, Burgersfort. Contact: Willie, 076 158 9192.
4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation Mooifontein Guesthouse Accommodation in Burgersfort. R380 per person per day. Includes Bed & Breakfasts, Lunch/ Supper & Laundry service. Contact: Judy, 082 308 9221/7
Fax: 086 623 7124 Leandé: 083 637 8749. E-mail:
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
30 Grade D PSIRA qualified guards are needed at Phoenix Flying Squad. Mining experience will be an advantage. The positions are in the Steelpoort area. To apply please contact: Gerhard Pretorius on 074 582 5736
The Greater Tubatse Municipality (Supply Chain Management Unit) hereby informs all the prospective suppliers of its needs that the registration and accreditation of suppliers onto the municipal database will be stopped and or discontinued with effect from the 29 November 2010.
Prospective Suppliers who are already registered and accredited on the municipal suppliers’ database would continue to be used for quotations-based sourcing until the 31 January 2011, after which they will also be required to re-register.
With effect from the 01 February to the 29 April 2011 (three-monthsregistration-window-period), all prospective suppliers of municipal needs requirements will be required to apply for registration and accreditation onto the suppliers’ database to be used in the 2011/2012 financial year (01 July 2011 to 30 June 2012) as and when the municipality procures goods, services and works.
Note should be taken that the municipality will be running the registration process on annual basis so that prospective providers are made to submit proof of annual return certificates from CIPRO as required.
Complete information regarding the registration process would be made known in the near future.
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous EYETHU REMOVALS Local & Country wide! Professional people for your furniture removals! Fast, professional quotations. Insurance available. Storage & special packaging. Long and short distances. Neat closed bin removal trucks. Cell: 072 125 7325. Tel: 013 245 1001. Fax: 086 672 0703
Phoenix Flying Squad
FLATS TO LET IN BURGERSFORT 2x 1 Bedroom flats. Available immediately. Contact: 076 666 1100
7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous Vision Meat Slaghuis Vir al jou vleis en biltong behoeftes. Ure: Ma. - Vr: 08:00 17:30. Sa: 08:00 14:00. Tel: 013 231 7094
9. Te Huur/ To Let
For clarification-seeking questions, speak with O N Mosoma (Supply Chain Manager) at office G44 at the Municipal Civic Centre or call him at 013 231 Address: 1000. Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 7467 Website:
MF Mokoko Acting Municipal Manager
To let us know about your news and events contact: 083 2719151. The editorial deadline is on Wednesdays at 17:00.
Betrekkings/ Vacancies Calvin College Calvin College in Burgersfort needs an English HL/ FAL Grade 10 to 12 Teacher. Candidates who have a stable and successful track record, experience in teaching in a similar environment, and contactable references will be at an advantage. Minimum requirements: * Legal entitlement to work in SA * Tertiary education * The ability to communicate clearly and professionally in English * The ability to comprehend at First Language Level * Computer literacy and a working knowledge of Windows * A well-constructed, well presented CV with no factual or other errors. Should you be interested in applying for the above position, please forward your Curriculum Vitae, together with names and telephone numbers of two references to: Headmaster, P.O. Box 2018, Burgersfort or e-mail: or fax: 086 564 1322.
To advertise contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676. Advertising deadline: Tuesdays 17:00
26 NOVEMBER 2010
Night golf at Tubatse Chrome Club
Netball and soccer at Modikwa games Modikwa hosted a soccer and netball tournament on Saturday last week. Teams from Rustenburg and Thabazimbi also participated. The tournament went very well with many teams from the local mining sector also participating. Get the results on page 12.
Maatlopo still leading Maatlopo United Football Club collected three points last week Saturday. The opposition, Dennilton Young Stars failed to honour the game at Moroke Stadium. This automatically gave a points result of 2-0. On Sunday Maatlopo played against Mooihoek’s Eleven Experience. They beat the hosts at Mooihoek 2-1. Thapelo Moropane and Billy Mpaketsane scored for Maatlopo United. Small Mampa was the Man of the Match for his solid defence. This week Saturday the team will take on Mpheleng Sweepers at Dennilton. Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226.
The let key to get in Don’t control debt of your debt ruin the good times The key is to visit a registered Debt Counsellor as soon as your debt gets out of hand to help you make a plan to eventually be debt free. Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator © Platinum Gazette
On Friday evening last week, 36 players participated in the night golf. Play started at 18:00 and as soon as darkness fell the players switched to colourful glowing golfballs. The holes on the green are also marked with florecent cups. This annual event is always great fun with many social players joining in. This Saturday players will compete in the Kruppel Buffels golf day. For any enquiries and possible entries contact Martin van Rooyen on 082 816 4833.
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 E-mail:
(RegNo: No:NCRDC NCRDC487) 487) (Reg
26 NOVEMBER 2010
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Teams from near and far at Modikwa games Modikwa Platinum Mine hosted the Modikwa Games on Saturday last week. These games were in preparation of a major tournament that will be held in Burgersfort next year. Teams traveled from far, but many local teams also participated. Both netball and soccer were played at the Laerskool Burgersfort grounds. Soccer Results: Dishaba Mine Rusternburg vs Two Rivers Platinum Mine 3-2; Tubatse Masters vs Dwars River Chrome Mine 1-2; Tubatse Ferochrome vs Twickenham 5-5. Twickenham won penalties 3-5. Modikwa Platinum vs Dishaba mine 22. Modikwa won on penalties 5-4. Two Rivers Platinum Mine vs Dwars River Chrome Mine 4-1. Netball Results: Dishaba Mine vs Dwars River Chrome Mine 23-3; Kumba Thabazimbi
Teams from as far as Rustenburg and Thabazimbi came to play.
vs Twickenham 12-8; Modikwa Platinum Mine vs Dishaba Mine 7-18; Twickenham
vs Dwars River 16- 4; Kumba Thabazimbi vs Modikwa 4-3.
26 NOVEMBER 2010
Top employees honoured
James Letsoalo was named Employee of the Year. Mr Desmond McManus handed him his award.
On 18 November the top employees were honoured at a Best Artisan – Charles Steyl received this award. He took no formal awards function. leave or sick leave for a whole year. He came up with good ideas The following awards were presented: to make changes on the equipment and this was successfully Employee of the year – James Letsoalo received this implemented. Breakdowns in his section was less than the rest of top award. Not only is he capable and committed to his the team. He is constantly communicating with the Maintenance job, but he also plays a much larger role in the Supervisor, giving feedback on important tasks and problems community as a whole. He is one of the instigators of found. He assists other artisans when in need and is willing to the current soccer craze. He is also a highly vocal work abnormal hours, even when he is not on standby. He assists union member who challenges. He has helped the HR the Maintenance Supervisor in walk around inspections to help department out on numerous occasions with taking identify problems before it becomes a breakdown. students through the plant etc. He also represented Michael Madziwa, Loupie Scheepers, Theo Olivier and Herman Tubatse Ferrochrome at Lydenburg High School. He is Botes were also honoured as artisans. well known and well liked across the plant and all Best Services Employees – William Mamogale received this departments. He is considered an exemplary example award because of his good performance on duty. He is always of the employee of the year at Tubatse Ferrochrome. willing to assist whenever there is a shortage of staff. Other employees mentioned in this category are: Karen Johan du Plooy was also honoured in this category. Bosman, Arenda Olivier and Patrick Sibanyoni. Best SME Operator – Martins Monareng received this award for Best Engineer – Sampie Kruth received this award. His always working at top speed, but very meticulously. He often sound engineering counsel and advice throughout the performs more than his basic job requirements and focuses on year ensures that top results are achieved. He has overall plant performance. He is reliable and often very intuitive managed the West Plant maintenance budget and with his furnace understanding. Other employees honoured in furnace availablity to record numbers. T5 was rebuild this section were Richard Mtsweni and Abram Mosehlane. successfully. He is always willing to help and has Best Production Operator – Thomas Paile is a versatile worker helped at East Plant and PSP during the year. on all mobile surface equipment. His willingness to work Other employees mentioned in this category are overtime and the fact that he almost never takes sick leave also Johnny Harmse and Cecil Posthumus. set him apart. Best Production Supervisor – Lucas Mabuza received Robert Bhembe and Cedrick Mndebele were also included as this award. He runs an excellent shift and is a genuine outstanding in this category. leader. He is always willing to go the extra mile and is Best NM – Isaac Matlala was the best Nearmiss a true team member. He works hand in hand with the SMILE Award – Martin Boshigo received this award with a total shift but maintains discipline and performance. He is of 16 SMILE Cards in six months. well respected and happy to get his hands dirty. Bennie Maciejewski and Willie Abrie were also honoured in this section. Best Maintenance Supervisor – Hendrik Tubatse Ferrochrome planted trees to celebrate Arbor Day. Graaff received this The company also donated and helped to plant trees at Steelpoort award. He has made a Academy and at Maelebe Primary School at Eerstegeluk. At remarkable difference at Steelpoort Academy the trees were planted next to the sportsfield. the CRP in his short time at the company. He has At Maelebe it was planted on the playground. the best workshop on site and no fingers can be pointed to his department. He is always willing to help and takes full responsibility for his plant, people and performance. Chris Oosthuizen, Jan van Wyk and Riaan van Staden were employees who also stood out in this category. Best Logistics Supervisor - Andrew Mkhondo received this award. His willingness to help and innovative ideas ensures that there is always flow in production. His ability to lead his team in a positive way ensures that the company objectives are met.
Planting trees for a green future
MrWilliam Mamogale was the best Services Employee.
Winners in the Best Maintenance Supervisor Category.
Teambuilding for better efficiency
All employees, including management had team building sessions during the past few months. Working together and laughing together creates a spirit of unity and motivation of which the Company ultimately reaps the rewards. Through these fun sessions the employees not only learned how to play and work together, but also to better understand and know each other.
Sports for good causes WRAPPER
At Tubatse Chrome employees showed that they have hearts that care. During the course of the year
26 NOVEMBER 2010
Soccer and netball teams to be proud of
many projects were undertaken to raise funds for charity. Some of these included the annual Shavathon where employees shave their hair or spray it bright colours in support of the Cancer Association of South Africa. This year 86 employees participated in the Shavathon. (See photographs at the bottom). More than R4300 was raised with this effort. More recently they celebrated Casual Day. Each department raised funds on this day to contribute towards the company’s charity project for disabled people.
The Tubatse Ferrochrome soccer and netball teams are fit and constantly testing themselves against other teams. In October the soccer team won games against Middelburg Ferrochrome.
Two weaks ago inter-departmental games gave an opportunity of team building an identifying star players. The teams also participated in the Modikwa Games held last week Saturday.
Holiday fun for everyone
During the long winter holidays a Carnival and Fun Day kept everyone entertained. From interesting educational shows with snakes to a show by the Birds of Prey Centre near Dullstroom were hosted. The kids also had the chance to show their cooking skills by decorating cakes. Jumping castles and other playing equipment completed the fun.