Platinum Gazette 26 October 2012

Page 1

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Government focus on Taung - p 3

Give a little love - this little girl is was overjoyed when she received a balloon heart from one of the entertainers at the Tubatse Chrome Festival during the past weekend. More about the festival on pages 6 and 7.

Š Platinum Gazette

26 October 2012


‘Boere moet in die nuwe SA betrokke bly’

26 OCTOBER 2012

NEWS Ohrigstad Boerevereniging het Woensdag die week by die Potgietersaal buite die dorp byeen gekom. Op die program vir die dag was onder meer ‘n oorsig van kommoditiete deur verskeie lede van die boerevereniging. Uit die voorleggings wat dit dudielik dat boere in die Ohrigstad-vallei steeds goeie vooruitsigte met hulle gewasse geniet en dat goeie opbrengste verwag kan word. Pryse word veral deur eksterne faktore sos mark en weerstoestande in die buiteland beïnvloed. Mnr Jan Jacobs, wat ’n oorsig oor suiwelboerdery gegee het, het daarop gewys dat boere in die bedryf onder kwaai druk is en dat baie reeds suiwel vir ander tipes boeredry verruil het. Die hoofspreker was generaal Constand Viljoen, vermaarde oud-soldaat and politikus wat nou in die Ohrigstad omgewing boer en ook lid van die boerevereniging is. Die generaal, of oom Constand, soos die boere hom ken, het daarop gewys dat die brandpunte vir boerdery in die volgende tien jaar onder meer die eienaarskap van grond, arbeid en die beskikbaarheid en koste van water gaan wees, terwyl veiligheid van boere,

hulle gesinne en werknemers ook ‘n probleem is. Generaal Viljoen het daarop gewys dat boereverenigings dit nie net aan landbou-leiers op nasionale vlak moet oorlaat om besluite te neem nie, maar dat hulle sake soos die eienaarskap van grond op plaaslike vlak moet bespreek en hulle menings en besluite in die strukture moet bekend maak en laat geld. Generaal Viljoen sê boere moet ook daaraan dink om die opleiding en kwalifikasies van werknemers te verbeter deur onder meer weer die moontlikheid van ‘n formele opleidingskool te ondersoek. Oor veiligheid op plase was sy mening dat daar te veel boere is wat nie nie die basiese dinge doen om hulle veiligheid te verseker nie en dat boere ook op ‘n georganiseerde wyse daarvoor kan sorg dat almal meer paraat is om die veiligheid van almal op plase te verseker. Tydens die vergadering is borge ook bedank en die geleentheid gegee om hulleself bekend te stel. Baie van die borge het dan ook stalletjies buite die saal bedryf waar boere se vrae en antwoorde oor produkte en dienste beantwoord is. Die dag is met ‘n vleisbraai afgesluit.

Feeling like you are being hunted... because of your debt?

At the end of October shops are starting to advertise their Christmas specials and it is easy to feel the pressure of you debt mounting before the holiday season. When you sit down and realise that your normal monthly spending and debt repayment is just too much, it is time to visit a debt counsellor. Facing the fact that your spending exceeds your income is one of the toughest parts to recovery. The second step is to visit a registered debt counsellor. By law all debt counsellors must be registered with the National Credit Regulation (NCR). Since 2007 these counsellors can help consumers get out of debt. You are not alone on this journey. Figures show that more than 90 000 people in South Africa have been placed under debt review. This figure grows every month. Each case is individually reviewed and the debt counsellor will work out a repayment plan that will allow you to pay your living expenses such as rent, groceries, the children’s school fees and the the debt. It often happens that a

couple bought a house, vehicles and other items while the economy was good and credit easy to come by. Many business owners experienced growth and did not expect the sudden vacuum of income when mines slowed down their expansion plans during the recession. Suddenly people who could afford to live the lifestyle they had, were faced with falling behind on repayments of the bond, vehicles etc. When you are under debt review your name will be flagged with SA’s credit bureaus. This means that people you owe money to, won’t be able to take legal action against your, or repossess your belongings - as long as you continue to pay the lower rate that the debt counsellor negotiated with them on your behalf. Your debt counsellor will help you draw up a budget, including accounts such as water and electricity, which cannot be placed under review.

Get your financial freedom back!

Registered Debt Counsellor & Administrator (Reg No: NCRDC 487)

Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: 087 151 1034 E-mail:

26 OKTOBER 2012



Taung Imbizo “Lock your vehicle, you know, this place...” was the final words of the man that travelled with the Platinum Gazette’s reporter when he got out of the car at the Jamaica Sports Ground at Taung last week Thursday. It could have been funny, but the presence of Limpopo MEC for Safety, Security and Liaison, Florence Radzilani and Provincial Police Commissioner, Liuetenant General T S Mpembe at the Executive Mayor’s outreach at Taung confirmed the reporter that maybe he should lock the car. They were maybe there for a reason. But crime and was not the only focus at Sekhukhune District the Executive Mayor Mogobo David Magabe’s imbizo at Taung. Representatives from the community got the opportunity to voice their concern about various issues, such as the terrible gravel road from Praktiseer to the villiges next to the conjecture of the Steelpoort/Tubatse river and the Olifants River. The Mayor and the local mayor’s representative, replied to the community’s concerns before the MEC delivered the keynote address. Also present at the imbizo was Bafana bafana assistant coach Tommy Madigage, who tragically passed away in an accident near Burgersfort over the weekend (see page 15).

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Congratulations on Platinum Gazette’s 4th birthday! Burgersfort Toyota was there from the start and we look forward to a long and treasured relationship that continues in the future. From: Burgersfort Toyota team


26 OCTOBER 2012


Ready for Crowd Facilitation Thorburn Security Solutions’ officers trained to asssist with crowd control In order to improve the Thorburn Security Solutions product range and service offering, 20 security officers were trained in Crowd Facilitation at the facilities of the Eastern Chrome Mines Winterveld Club near Steelpoort in Mpumalanga. The officers have been drawn from various Thorburn operations as far away as Palabora, thereby minimizing the destabilization of the operations at one particular contracted site in instances of withdrawal or until a full time unit is economical viable. Various techniques were taught based on the French Models used for crowd handling during the 2010 Soccer World Cup. The emphasis is on minimum force, negotiations and patience rather than the “shoot and remove” attitude. As a business decision will no live or rubber bullet shotgun mechanisms be used but as a last resort will paintball action gas driven rifles with rubber balls be used. In the near future an armored vehicle will support the operations where required. Escorts of executives, building evacuations and action modes such as repulsive wave charges were taught. On Friday 19 October 2012 the students displayed their skills to local Thorburn clients and management and training certificates were handed out at a parade. (Photographs & information: Dolf Scheepers, Thorburn Security Solutions)

Tubatse Build It, Shop 27, Cnr. Dirk Open Mondays - Fridays: 07:30 - 17:00; Winterbach & Kruis Street, Burgersfort. Saturdays: 07:30 - 14:00; Sundays and Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Tel: (013) 231 7529

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26 OKTOBER 2012



Moving again The temporary taxi rank across from Autozone has been dismantled during the week and put up at the back of Burgersfort Mall. By the time of going to press

What the i means

On 24 October this week Platinum Gazette celebrated it’s birthday. The first Platinum Gazette was published on 24 October 2008. To celebrate the occasion the ‘i’ in Platinum on the front page is red this week. “A big thank you to all our readers, advertisers and families for your support, loyalty and commitment to Platinum Gazette” - Platinum Gazette staff - both of us.

contruction on the final venue for the taxi rank was still in progress. Many of the hawkers doing business between the various lines had already moved from the temporary rank.


26 OCTOBER 2012


Tubatse Chrome Festival ‘n groot sukses Die Tubatse Chrome Festival wat verlede naweek by die Tubatse Chrome Club plaasgevind het, was groter as ooit. Harde reën het beslis niemand se gees gedemp nie en die area se inwoners het gestroom om na ‘n superster belaaide program kunstenaars te kom kyk. Daar was ook baie vir die kinders en uitstallers het sorg dat daar nooit ‘n verveelde

oomblik was nie. Die fees het vanaf Vrydag tot Saterdag plaasgevind. Die organiseerders van die dag het al die borge en persone wat die dag moontlik gemaak het bedank vir hul bydraes. Hou solank jou dagboek oop vir volgende jaar!

Die Campbells het Vrydagaand opgetree. Anél het gesprankel.

Robbie Wessels het die gehoor op hul voete gehad.


Feesgangers dans saam met Zandria.

Daar was geen tekort aan kindervermaak nie. Juan Boucher op die verhoog.

Alan Ladd het ou Country treffers weer lewe gegee.

Spiderman was ook daar.

Amoré in aksie.

Stefan Nel gee ‘n drukkie aan ‘n bewonderaar.

26 OKTOBER 2012



Iets vir almal by die fees Die Tubatse Chrome Festival het iets vir almal gebied. ‘n Verskeidenheid kunstenaars het die agtergrond geskep vir heerlike kuier in die tent voor die verhoog. Die kosstalletjies het monde laat water met die reuke van vars gebakte pannekoek, vetkoek, jaffles, sosaties en nog baie meer. Di-ie Currie Beker semi-finaal is nie vergeet nie. Dit is op ‘n groot skerm vertoon.

Die biertent was baie gewild.

Daar was hope stalletjies om deur te snuffel.

Steelpoort Akademie se kosstalletjie was baie gewild.

Die rugbyaksie het nie agtergebly nie. Die manne van Westvaal Mashishing se Steelpoort tak was daar om aan feesgangers die nuutste modelle te wys.

Daar was baie vir die kinders om te doen. Op die foto regs vermaak Mr D die kleingoed met toertjies en kulkunsies.

Die Teelepeltjies.


26 OCTOBER 2012


Plaasskool vir graad 4 leerlinge Steelpoort Akademie se graad 4 leerlinge het van 16 - 18 Oktober hul jaarlikse plaasskool bygewoon. Die groep het ‘n besoek aan die Nasionale Kruger Wildtuin gebring, by ‘n koffieplaas en sywurmplaas aangedoen en by die Elephant Sanctuary ‘n kans gekry om aan ‘n paar grotes te vat. Hulle het ook die botaniese tuin besoek. Die skool bedank almal wat die toer moontlik gemaak het. (Foto’s en Inligting: Cornelia Ebersöhn, Steelpoort Akademie).

Bome by skool geplant Verlede week Vrydag is daar bome oral op Steelpoort Akademie se skoolgronde geplant. Die bome is deur Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines geskenk as deel van hul Boomplantdagprojek. Die skool bedank hulle graag vir hul bydrae om die skool te verfraai.

Hulle is pas getroud

Edward en Chantelle Janse van Rensburg is verlede naweek in die huwelik bevestig. Die paartjie is oorspronklik van Burgersfort maar gaan hulle nou in Nelspruit vestig. Foto: Mara J Theunissen

26 OKTOBER 2012

Grade 8 Calvinites get career guidance Calvin College hosted a career expo for their grade 8 learners. The aim of the event on Monday this week was to expose the learners to a wide spectrum of jobs. (Including those who are less glamorous and not paying extremely high salaries - like journalism). They were also taught the importance of getting the correct qualification and experience before you will be able to fill a high ranking position. Tubatse Chrome sponsored the day’s transport and food.

Vacancy: Operations Manager Must have at least 5 years experience in the building profession Large, stable and progressive property Company seeks an energetic, well-organised individual with extensive experience in Operations management, to control Operating costs, Credit Control, Customer Liaison, Maintenance and Supervision of staff. The position calls for an individual with up to date knowledge of ISO standards and Health and safety procedures. The position is deadline driven and requires an individual with excellent communication skills. Please fax cv to (011) 441-4082 or email to before close of business on the 2nd November 2012.


Kruinefees op Burgersfort Laerskool Burgersfort het hierdie jaar die Kruine Kunstefees aangebied. Skole van Ohrigstad, Lydenburg, Steelpoort en Burgersfort het deelgeneem. By die fees word aan gedramatiseerde en ongedramatiseerde poësie, monoloë, spreekkore, kore en beeldende kunste deelgeneem. By Laerskool Burgersfort het 81 leerlinge ingeskryf en daar is 19 goue sertifikate, 55 silwer sertifikate en 7 brons sertifikate aan hulle toegeken. Die skool se graad 4 spreekkoor het ook ‘n silwer sertifikaat ontvang. (Foto & Inligting: Laerskool Burgersfort).




Klein Advertensies • Smalls

26 OKTOBER 2012

Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/ Advertise hier/ here: 1.Sport Klubs / Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/ Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/ Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/ Pets 6. Persoonlik/ Personal 7. Allerlei/ Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Rent 10. Te Koop/For sale

Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).

10. Te Koop/ For Sale Urgently Needed! Broken, old lounge suites to buy. Visit Cash Trader Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236 Hondjies te Koop Drie (3) wyfie boerboelkruisings. Kontak At van Wyk: 082 388 3057

Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.

Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676

NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT OF THE BASIC ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT PROCESS AND WATER USE LICENCE APPLICATION: PROPOSED UPGRADING OF A BRIDGE ON THE FARM ST. GEORGE 2-JT AT GAMAWELA VILLAGE NEAR STEELPOORT, LIMPOPO PROVINCE Polygon Environmental Planning CC has been appointed to conduct a Basic Environmental Assessment (BA) and Water Use Licence Application (WULA) for the proposed upgrading of an existing, damaged low-water bridge on the farm St. George 2-JT at Gamawela Village in the Steelpoort area, Limpopo Province. The BA is being conducted in accordance with the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Regulations (2010) as published in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (No. 107 of 1998). An application for environmental authorisation has been submitted to the Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LDEDET) and allocated the reference number 12/1/9/1-GS60. The WULA is being conducted in terms of the National Water Act (No. 36 of 1998). An application will be submitted to the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) in due course. Should you have any comments, queries or concerns in terms of the BA, the WULA or the proposed project, if you would like additional information, or if you wish to register as an Interested and/or Affected Party (I&AP), please contact us at the details below before or on 6 December 2012. TSEBISO YA MOKGWA WA GO THOMA GA MOTHEO WA TSHEKATSHEKO YA TIKOLOGO LE KGOPELO YA TUMELELO YA ŠOMIŠO YA MEETSE: GO ŠIŠINTŠWE KGODIŠO YA LEPOROGO POLASENG YA ST. GEORGE 2-JT MOTSENG WA GAMAWELA KGAUSWI LE STEELPOORT, POROFENSENG YA LIMPOPO Polygon Environmental Planning CC e kgethilwe go laola Motheo wa Tshekatsheko ya Tikologo (BA) le Kgopelo ya Tumelelo ya Šomišo ya Meetse (WULA) go šišinyo ya kgodišo ya leporogo le le lego gona le senyegilego la meetse a mannyane go polase ya St. George 2-JT Motseng wa Gamawela kgauswi le Steelpoort, porofenseng ya Limpopo. BA e nyakilwe gore e be e laotšwe ka kwano le ba Melawana ya Tshekatsheko ya Kamego ya Tikologo (EIA) (2010) ka ge e phatlaladitšwe ka ba ka la molao wa Mmušo taolo wa Lekgotla taolo la Tikologo (Molao wa 107 wa 1998). Kgopelo ya tumelelo ya tikologo e išitšwe go Kgoro ya Limpopo ya Hlabollo ya Maruo, Hlago le Boeti (LDEDET) le go abelwa ga nomoro ya tšhupetšo 12/ 1/9/1-GS60. WULA e laotšwe ka ba ka la Molao wa Mmušo taolo wa Meetse (Molao wa 36 wa 1998). Kgopelo e tla itšwe go Kgoro ya Ditaba tša Meetse (DWA) ka pela. A o na le ditlaleletšo, dipotšišo goba dipelaelo ka ga BA, WULA goba projeke ye ešišintšwego, goba ge o ka rata tshedimošo ye ngwe gape, goba go ke ngwadiša bjalo ka mokgatlo wo o dumago goba o a megago (I&AP), o kgopelwa o e kopanye le rena ditlheng tša ka fase pele goba ka 6 Desembere 2012. Contact / Motsereganyi: Telephone / Nomoro ya mogala: Fax / Nomoro ya faks: E-mail / Aterese ya email: Post / Aterese ya poso:

Mrs Louise Agenbag 015 307 3606 015 307 3080 / 086 527 0012 PO Box 1935, Tzaneen, 0850

26 OKTOBER 2012





26 OCTOBER 2012

WP or the Sharks, who will win? This weekend is a big rugby weekend in South Africa. The final of the ABSA Currie Cup will be played between the Sharks and WP on Saturday. The game will be played in Durban at Kings Park and kick-off will be at 17:00. The Currie Cup has been competed for since 1899 which makes it one of the oldest rugby competitions in the world. The first participating provinces were Western Province, Eastern Province, Transvaal and Griqualand West. The first tournament was held in Kimberly and Western Province won this game. They will aim to repeat history this weekend. We asked readers who they will support and what score they predict.

Mr Justice Thobejane said: “Sharks! I like the Sharks 100%. They are my favourite choice as a team. The score will be 21-12 in favour of the Sharks”. Mr Mr Lickson Mohlala said: “I’ll be supporting Western Province. I am not in favour of this rugby because the Blue Bulls are out. Now I pick WP. The score will be 30-19”. Mnr. Marius van der Merwe sê: “Ek skree die naweek vir die Sharks. Dis my tweede span na die Vrystaat. Telling: 25-10”.

Mnr. Bazil van Rooyen sê: “Ek ondersteun WP want ek haat die Sharks en sal enige iemand ondersteun wat teen hulle speel. Ek is eintlik ‘n Blou Bul ondersteuner. Telling: 27-21”. By hom is Ruben.

Ms Connie Mashilo said: “I usually don’t watch rugby, but the Sharks might be fun to watch this week. The score will be 48-15 in favour of the Sharks”.

Mr Sipho Thobejane said: “I support WP because I like their players”. Mnr. Patrick Gericke sê: “Sharks. Hulle is die beste en gaan dit doen. Dit gaan ‘n goeie game wees. Daar gaan nie hoë scores wees nie, so 15-4 of iets”.

Me. Elette van Heerden sê: “Ek gaan vir die WP skree want my man is ‘n WP ondersteuner. Die telling sal wees WP 32 en Sharks 21”.

Links: Me. Rayleen Fourie sê: “Ek ondersteun WP - nog al die jare van skool af. My man skree vir die Sharks. Ek en hy fight altyd wanneer die twee spanne speel. Gelukkig drink ons nie anders het ons mekaar aangerand. Telling: 20-9 in die WP se guns”.

Mr Simon Mabilo said: “I usually only watch ama-Bokko Bokko. I don’t have time to watch the other games. I am actually a soccer fan and I am sad about the great loss of our Bafana assistant coach. His soul must rest in peace”.

Mr Calvin Mkhonto and Mr Johannes Mkhonto said: “We sometimes watch rugby . Our favourite team is the Sharks. They are going to win this wekend. The score will be 32-0”.

Me. Leandé Venter sê: “Definitief die Sharks. WP het nogal verras laas week. Die telling sal 25-20 wees. Dit sal ‘n taai wedstryd wees”. By haar is Izaan en Henrú.

Ms Thandi Mnisi said: “We support the Sharks because we like their players. They are good. The score will be 30-19”. With her are Sphiwe and Nyeleti.

26 OKTOBER 2012


Ohrigstad toer vat vlam van toeka tot nou Maropeng - ‘n Setswana woord wat beteken om terug te keer na jou plek van herkoms. Op Woensdag 17 Oktober vertrek leerlinge van Laerskool Ohrigstad op ‘n toer wat hulle miljoene jare terugneem op die spoor van Mev. Ples en Little Foot. Hulle hou hul lywe wetenskaplike by SCIENZA (Tuks wetenskapsentum) en ry grootoog in die spoggerige Gautrain. Die argitektuur van die Voortrekkermonument slaan hul asems weg en by die Munt druk hulle ‘n munstuk met “Oom Paul” wat reeds sedert 1891 munte druk.

Bloukolle en kneusplekke vertel van ysskaats by die Kollonade, hulle sit hul 3-D brille op vir ‘n skreeusnaakse animasie fliek en die dapperes in die groep vryf ‘n luislang by Harties se Slang- en Dierepark. By Gold Reef City word die leerlingedeur die “Anakonda” ingesluk en ry teen ‘n duiselingwekkende spoed op die “Golden Loop” Die groepie groet die stad maar bra onwillig, maar is opreg dankbaar teenoor elkeen wat die toer vir hulle moontlik gemaak het.

Kruinefees presteerders Leerlinge van Laerskool Ohrigstad het onlangs puik uitslae by die Kruine Kunstefees ontvang. Dié op die foto hieronder het almal A++ ontvang.

Agter: Ansie Bylsma, Neo Ndlovu en Lindiwe Mnisi Middel: Lichaela Green en Leonè Potgieter Voor: Amo Ndlovu en Morgan Wood.

(Foto’s en artikel: Laerskool Ohrigstad).



26 OCTOBER 2012


Samancor, Eastern Chrome Mines invest in skills upliftment The Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines Engineering Training Centre was officially opened by the General Manager Mr Emile Britz on 18 October 2012 by the unveiling of a plaque to commemorate the occasion. The opening of the training centre has been necessitated by the accreditation requirements set by the Mining industries SETA namely the Mine Qualifications Authority (MQA). Eastern Chrome Mines has achieved full accreditation status for engineering “On the Job� training phases on 12 November 2010 for egineering disciplines namely Electrical, Boilermaking, Fitting and Diesel Mechanic. The training centre has been equipped with up to date and modern equipment to deal with the challenges of on the job training for Operatives and Learnerships. It will also be used to develop portable skills of mine employees.

The facility has now embarked on training members of the community within the Samancor Socio Economic area on practical novice Engineering Skills and short courses consisting of basic Electricity, Fitting and Boilermaking. These courses will assist to identify learners for future Learnerships and possible employment with Samancor. This is a landmark achievement for ECM and will assist in developing a more skilled person who is better equipped to find employment. (Photographs and article: Mariska Stickling)

The trainging centre will not only assist in developing skills through learnerships, but will also enhance the skills of current employees.

General Manager, Mr Emile Britz officially opened the centre.

The training centre is equipped with all the modern technological necessities to provide proper skills development and training.

With the training centre on the job training is now easy.

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26 OKTOBER 2012



Sadness in the sporting community The past week the local and national sporting communities were shocked when first assistant coach to Bafana Bafana, Thomas Madigage suddenly passed away in a motor accident and later two promising rugby players. The Madigage accident occured between Burgersfort and Polokwane. His contribution towards soccer and commitment towards development has been widely hailed. His memorial service was planned

for yesterday at Sehlaku High School in Driekop.On Sunday in the early hours of the morning two local young rugby players, Tiaan Lessing and Richard Swart also passed away in a motor accident. Both of them played for the Winterveld Buffels rugby club who did extremely well this year. They will be missed on an off the field. Their memorial service was held yesterday in Burgersfort.

Tiaan Lessing

Richard Swart used & new m otor spares

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Rebuilds on sale


Tributes poured in for local sporting legend Thomas Madigage.

Tyres for sale

BMW, Corolla, Tazz, Citi Golf, Polo Classic, Opel Astra, Sentra, Opel Corsa, Hyundai and much more


26 OCTOBER 2012

Platinum Gazette

SPORT Local Pro 20 finals tomorrow A day full of fun for everyone The local Pro 20 cricket league will be ending tomorrow when the two final games will be played. The Central Cowboys will take on the Destroyers for Mine League. This will start at 12:00. The next game will be Tyre Corporation playing against Talisman for the Burgersfort Pro 20 final. The games will be hosted at Laerskool Burgersfort’s sportsground and entrance will be R10 per car. Hot dogs, hamburgers and sosaties will be sold. The school cnateen will be open for the kids. There will also be a jumping castle

for the children. Audio Corporation will make sure that everything happens to a beat and after 12:00 a beer tent will be open. (No cooler boxes will be allowed into the premises). There are 8 tables available at a cost of R150 per person (4 people per table) for those who would like to sit on the deck at the club house. They will be served from the bar inside the club house. The rest of the supporters will sit on the pavilion and make use of the beer tent. For any enquiries contact Whity on 082 468 6332.

Time is running out for 2013 Comrades entries As the Comrades Marathon Association (CMA) nears the end of the second month of the 2013 Comrades Marathon entry process, Race Director Johan Van Staden has announced that the entry count currently stands at 10405. With the entry cap of 18000 rapidly approaching, the CMA has urged runners to be proactive and get their entry in for the 2013 edition of South Africa’s most celebrated running event, if they have not already entered. The South African entry fee for next year’s Ultimate Human Race is R320 while runners from the Rest of Africa will be charged a fee of R500 and the cost to International athletes is $US180. Runners must enter before 30 November 2012 or prior to the cap being reached as no further entries will be accepted after this. The entry requirements, which are clearly indicated on the entry form, must be adhered to at all times or runners could lose their place at the Start. Runners may enter: online via the Comrades Marathon website:; at Mr

Price Sport, Home and Clothing stores countrywide; through the post by posting the completed entry form with proof of payment to the CMA Office in Pietermaritzburg: P.O. Box 100621, Scottsville, 3209; Comrades Marathon House: by handing in the completed entry form together with payment at the CMA office in Pietermaritzburg. With planning for next year’s race already underway, the CMA is all set for a spectacular Comrades run, come Sunday, 2 June 2013. In keeping with tradition, the race will be an ‘up-run’ next year, starting at the Durban City Hall at 05h30 and finishing at The Oval Cricket Ground in Pietermaritzburg 12 hours later. The CMA has reminded all runners that they may enter the 2013 race prior to running a qualifier (minimum qualifying distance of 42.2km). Qualifying details must be submitted to the CMA by 6 May 2013. For more details, please visit:

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