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Building bridges (literally) - p 2
Photograph: Kobus Wentzel
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© Platinum Gazette
27 January 2012
Fatality at Two Rivers African Rainbow Minerals has reported a fatality at the Two Rivers platinum mine, a joint venture with Impala Platinum. Operations were halted at the mine on Saturday to allow for the re-evaluation of safety procedures after an employee was fatally injured during a fall-of-ground accident, the company said in a statement on Monday, saying “African Rainbow Minerals (“ARM”) regrets to announce that an employee was fatally injured at the Two Rivers Platinum Mine, a joint venture with Impala Platinum Holdings Limited (“Implats”). On Saturday, 21 January 2012, an employee was fatally injured during an unfortunate fall of ground accident. Operations at the mine were subsequently halted to allow for a re-evaluation of safety procedures. Operations are expected to resume as soon as the re-evaluation is completed. The Company would like to express its sincerest condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of the deceased.” This is the second fatality at Two Rivers platinum mine since December last year. On 19 December the company announced “The employee was injured on Tuesday, 13 December 2011 and subsequently passed away on Thursday night, 15 December 2011 as a result of injuries sustained in the incident. The Company would like to express its sincere condolences to the family, colleagues and friends of the deceased.” The nature of the incident was not disclosed. By November last year, about 112 people died on South Africa’s mines, 35% of which were a result of fall-of-ground accidents, followed by trackless mobile machinery related accidents at 16%. The gold and platinum sectors accounted for most of the injuries and fatalities.
Making a plan
27 JANUARY 2012
The Ohrigstad river also cut off Phiring (next to the mountain on the way to Blydepoort after you have turned off to Graskop on the R37) from the outside world (top photograph), but has subsided enough by Wednesday to allow vehicle and pesedestrian traffic as Rebecca and Inheritance in the photograph show.
After last week’s heavy rains,the Fraaiuitzicht farms, just outside Burgersfort on the Lydenburg Road , was still cut off from the outside world by Friday as the still strong flowing Spekboom river washed part of the access bridge away. The community, got their bread, toilet paper and Platinum Gazette (middle photograph left) via inflatable boat. On Friday afternoon the community, various businesses and benefactors started to repair the bridge. 65 loads of stone, rocks, sand and gravel later at about 20:30 that evening, vehicles could again drive over the bridge. Fraaiuitzicht Community say thay would like to thank Ngululu Transport, PLM Boerdery, Burgersfort Sand & Klip, Precrete, Naranja Citrus, Modikwa Platinum Mine, Eastern Chrome Mines, Wildevy Manne and HF Engine Repairs for all their assistance. (Some of the photographs were taken by Kobus Wentzel).
Top: The Honingneskrans stream passing through Mokutung cuts the village in half. There is no bridge and stones packed by the community in the riverbed makes vehicle access to the other side possible. Normally the stream is dry. Bottom: This lovely waterfall in Mapareng village, photograph last week, is sadly no more ...
Deadlines Advertising deadlines are on a Tuesday at 17:00. Editorial deadlines are on a Wednesday 17:00. Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: BeĂĄnnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013-231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
27 JANUARIE 2012
More than R200 000 in bursaries
The Greater Tubatse Municipality (GTM) awarded bursaries worth more than R200 000 for the 2012 academic year last week. The students who received the bursaries were invited to the Council Chamber on Friday last week where they were addressed by the mayor, Cllr. Nkosi Mahlake and other officials. They also received letters of guarantee that must be submitted to tertiary institutions. GTM will then pay the bursaries directly to the academic institutions. Cllr. Mahlake said: “The purpose is to award the most deserving learners from our municipality to that they can further their studies at institutions of higher learning in the 2012 academic year. We are aware that most of us come from a poor background where we are unable to continue with our studies. As this sphere of government, we have decided to lend a hand in assisting those who are deserving to be helped financially”.
Due to complaints in the past, the bursaries have this year been divided to not only include first year students, but also those in their second or third year of studies. Cllr. Mahlake assured the group that they will not be forgotten. “We will visit eash and every student in the various learning institutions to check their progress. We are not prepared to assist learners who are not committed in their learning, but we would like to encourage you to work hard so that we can continue to support you financially in order to fulfill your dreams”. He also expressed the municipality’s wish that learners study in
the fields of engineering, commerce and medicine. “We are aware that most professionals working in the mentioned fields in our municipality, are from other provinces. They are not here to stay,” he said. “We want you to further your studies so that you can come back and assist the communities near Greater Tubatse in a positive way. We
want to see you occupying the highest positions in society and that can only happen if you are disciplined, committed and focussed on your studies”. Cllr. Mahlake invited the students to come visit the municipality during their holidays and provide them with feedback. After the official ceremony, the students had lunch with the mayor in his boardroom.
27 JANUARY 2012
Junior Cluster Commander appointed On Friday 20 January 2012 SAPS Tubatse Cluster held the Junior Commissioner Project competition at Batubatse Primary School Hall in Praktiseer. The learners from different Secondary Schools within the cluster were took part in the competition. The participants were learners from grade 8 up to grade 12 and they were competing to be the junior station commanders of their different Police stations. Thereafter the winners for the junior station commander were competing to be the junior cluster commander. Four Police stations: Tubatse, Leboeng, Mecklenburg and Burgersfort took part except Ohrigstad as they don’t have high schools in their area. Two personnel from the Department of Education, L.S Sekhukhune and M.A Lesufi together with the station commander of SAPS Burgersfort Lt Col
Mosena were the adjudicators for the event. All the learners who took part were awarded certificates and the winners for the junior cluster posts were awarded medals and trophies. The winner for the Junior Cluster Commander competed for the Junior Provincial Commissioner’s post in Polokwane on 24 January 2012. The Junior Cluster Commander was Thabang Mabelane from Mmiditsi Secondary School. From Tubatse with Junior Station Commander was Karabo Molapo from Mmiditsi Secondary School. From Burgersfort it was Tempest Sekhukhune from Calvin College. From Mecklenburg it was Lebogang Mmadisa from Moroke Secondary School. From Leboeng it was Mahlatse Magaba of Maokeng Secondary School. Tracey Phaahla was appointed a Junior Cluster Vispol Commander. She is from
Be aware of ADHD and cope with it
People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD) have problems controlling attentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Adults with ADHD may have difficulty in work and social relationships. What is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a condition in which a person has trouble paying attention and focusing on tasks. They tend to act without thinking and has trouble sitting still.
KgahlanongSecondary School. Lilian Makgoo was appointed Junior Cluster Detective Commander. She is from PhafaneSecondary School. Lerato Manzini from KgaolaSecondary School was appointed Junior Cluster Support Commander. In the absence of the Cluster Commander Brigadier Ledwaba, all the stations were represented by the Acting Station Commander of Tubatse SAPS Lt Col Mahlaola, Station commander of Burgersfort SAPS Lt Col Mosena, the acting station Commander of Mecklenburg SAPS Lt Col Thiba and the station commander of Leboeng SAPS Capt Moholane. Pastors, CPF, VEP, youth desk, media, teachers, parents and SAPS members attended the event. The Junior Commissioner Project is the product of good work relationship between the SAPS and the various stakeholders including the youth and it is focusing on learners and students from grade 8 and upwards. The project features among the leadership projects intended to be implemented in future such as Junior Principal, Junior Bank Manager, Junior Mayor, Junior HOD, Junior CEO, Junior Municipal Manager, Junior Premier etc. The junior station commanders, junior cluster commanders, junior provincial commanders, and the junior national commissioners will be selected. The established partnership between the SAPS and Debate South Africa shall be used to involve learners in debate competitions. Learners in grade 8 and upwards can participate. The Schools within the station precinct will compete for the post of the station commander and the runners up will be appointed as Junior Vispol Commander, Junior Detective Commander and Junior Support Commander. All Junior Station
commanders witin the cluster shall compete for the Junior Cluster Commander’s post. All the Cluster commanders within the Province shall compete for Junior Provincial Commissioner’s post. The first five runners up shall be appointed as Junior Deputy Provincial Commissioners. Once the Provincial competitions are concluded, all the Provincial Commissioners shall compete for the Junior National Commissioner’s post. The first five runners up to the Junior National commissioner post shall be appointed as Junior Deputy National Commissioners. All Provinces shall bring along their first five runners up for replacement in case their appointees become absorbed as either the Junior National Commissioner or Junior Deputies. Junior Commissioner will be responsible for the following: Will serve as crime awareness message carries to communicate SAPS programs through to their peers.Educate communities. Create a strategic link between children youth and adult. Mobilize junior talent (e.g. poetry, drama, etc). To operationalize crime prevention through sports and recreation at schools. Design and implement school based crime prevention programs, etc. Assist in profiling crime prevention capacity at schools. Assist in identification of hot spots. (Photographs and information: Const. J. Movundlela).
What causes ADHD? The exact cause is not clear, but it tends to run in the family. Symptoms of ADHD People with ADHD become easily distracted, have hard time focusing on a single task and have trouble paying attention. Children with ADHD may squirm, fidget or run around at the wrong times. Teens and adults are often restless may talk too loud, laugh too loud and become angrier that the situation calls for. Children may not be able to wait their turn or find it difficult to share. When determining whether someone suffers from ADHD other tests will be conducted to rule out things such as depression, anxiety disorder or learning disabilities.
Adults with ADHD are likely to have more trouble at home and work. They have a higher likelyhood for substance abuse and divorce rate. Fewer adults with ADHD graduate from college or university.
Setšhaba, borakgwebo, ba dikereke, Magoshi, batšeakarolo, di ward committee le tsebišwa ka Council ya Masepala wa Tubatse yeo e rulagantšwego ka tsela ye;
Treatment There is no cure for ADHD, but treatment may help control the symptoms. Treatment can be in the form of medicine and behaviour therapy.
Letšatšikgwedi Lefelo
Myths * ADHD is caused by bad parenting. All a child needs is good discipline. ADHD is not caused by bad parenting. But parenting techniques can often improve some symptoms and make others worse. * Having ADHD means a person is lazy or dumb. ADHD has nothing to do with the person’s intellectual ability. Some highly intelligent people have ADHD.
: 31 January 2012 : Municipal Chamber (Civic Centre) Burgersfort : 10h00
Morero ke go ala pego ya ngwaga wa ditšhelete wa 2010/11(Annual Report), pego ya Molaodi wa Matlotlo (Auditor General), pego ya seripa sa ngwaga wa 2011/12 (half yearly performance report) le peakanyolešwa ya Ditekanyetšo tša ngwaga wa 2011/12 (budget adjustment). Batla kopanong ba kgopelwa go kaba ba dutše ka Chamber ka 09H45, gomme nako ya go thoma ke 10h00. Le kgopelwa go ikopanya le Mr M.L Komane mo nomorong ya 013 231 1000 go ingwadiša pele ga 30 January 2012 gore re kgone go beakanya madulo. RE PHALALENG!!! Tsebišo e tla ka Molaodi wa Masepala Address: Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:
H.L Phala Municipal Manager
27 JANUARIE 2012
No books for schools Schools started, but no text books to use. This was the situation at most schools in the area this week. Especially the grade R - 3 classes are affected as they were due to start a new learning plan this year. Teachers went on courses to get training for the plan, but are now left without books to use. The books had been ordered well in advance during 2011 and were supposed to be delivered early December before the schools closed. Should schools chose to buy the books privately, they will have to spend on average R50 000 to equip average size classes
Help herenig Lady met haar eienaars Lady het die dag voor Kersfees vermis geraak. Sy is laas naby Elephantshill, naby die woonstelle gesien. Lady is ‘n Jack Russen met meer bruin as wit pels. Sy het ‘n pers bandjie om haar nek gehad. ‘n Beloning van R1000 word aan-gebied vir iemand wat haar aan haar eienaars terug besorg. Kontak hulle by: 078 120 7198 (Yolande) of 079 866 9678 (Philip).
between grade R and grade 3. One of the plans offered by the Department of Education was that teachers use the outline of what they learned in their training and gather their own information from sources like books and the internet. Some schools bought a single set of books and now photocopy the lessons for the learners. This is however not a solution for all the schools as many do not have the resources to photocopy the books. This means that learning has not started for many youngsters this year. In the meantime products such as glue sticks were delivered to some schools. These are of such an inferiour quality that schools are dumping it as soon as it arrives. Glue sticks are dry and unusable. Pencils are broken and break as far as they are being sharpened while pens are dry from the start. By the time of going to print yesterday morning, the schools had no indication as to when they will be receiving the new textbooks.
A winner Mr Makua Marathon was a winner in a Tubatse FM and Xstrata Lion Competition. He was the lucky recipient of a R500 voucher. This came in very handy just before Christmas.
SANS 16001 awarded to HIV/ Aids management system The risk posed by HIV in Southern Africa is manage the HIV / AIDS risk in a focused and very real. While many a business responded structured manner, the exponential to the challenge, the implementation of HIV / improvement since the start of 2011 and the AIDS workplace programs are often on a trail commitment by Elneth Thulare, the HIV and error basis and not according to an Coordinator. For ASA Metals, the value of the auditable and certifiable standard. In 2005 the certification is that it contributes to the SABS started to develop a local standard for entrenchment of core values, specifically the management of HIV and AIDS in the Employee Wellness and Zero Harm. workplace as a way of addressing this need. The HIV Management Representatives at ASA The standard, SANS 16001, was published for Metals / Dilokong Chrome Mine were comment in March 2007 and launched soon congratulated for being successful in receiving afterwards. the SANS 16001 HIV / AIDS Management ASA Metals / Dilokong Chrome Mine submitted System Certification. its HIV / AIDS Management System for certification against the SANS 16001 on 17 – 19 January 2012 after several years of development. Launa Neeves, the external auditor from Dekra said that the certification audit went extremely well and recommend full certification of ASA’s program. She highlighted the unique risk The team: Elneth Thulare - HIV Co - Ordinator, Melga Madihlaba assessments done Employee Assistant HIV Cousellor, Riaan van der Westhuizen - HIV that helped to Management Representative. (Information & photograph: Gerrit van Eck, ASA Metals)
27 JANUARY 2012
Would you close your business and move The Grant Thornton International Business Report this week reported that at least 20% of South African business owners seriously considered leaving the country during 2011. The main reasons for this were the high crime rate and the political climate. 62% of those considering emigration listed the high crime rate as a contributing factor. About 27% of these business owners came from KwaZulu-Natal, 23% from Gauteng and 11% from the Western Cape. According to the report, the number of business owners directly affected by crime was slightly less than in previous years, but remains unacceptably high. The Grant Thornton International Business Report gives quarterly reports from more than 11 000 businesses over 39 different countries. Other business growth obstacles listed by business owners in 2011 were the overregulation of business in South Africa as well as loads of red tape. Over-regulation of business was for the first time rated higher than a lack of skilled people. The frustrations hampering growth included the lack of availability of skilled workers to employ and poor government service delivery that affected them. We asked readers what they think about this and would they support someone considering emigration due to these factors?
Mnr. Daniël Morena en me. Rose Morena sê: “Besigheidseienaars moet in SuidAfrika bly. Dalk sal goed hierdie jaar regkom. Die polisie moet net beter werk doen, dan sal die misdaad regkom”.
Mr Elijah Gabela said: “I would not say they should leave due to the crime etc. Crime is everywhere. SA is not number one in crime. We do lack skills, but you need to train up people. If you leave you are not boosting the economy. Train people at home and keep them employed at home to boost the economy of the country”.
Right: Ms. Mmathabo Modipi said: “I think we need them here. If they go overseas, who will support us in South Africa? The government and the police must start doing their job to stop the crime”.
Mr Taylor Kgohloane, Ms Melitah Sewapa and Ms Julia Chauke said: “ It will be better if government can come up with other ways to stop crime. We must not run away because of politics. We must come up with ways to address the challenges in our country”.
Ca$h Trader Behind old ABSA bank, near Cheap Cheap. Tel: (013) 231 7140
Mnr. Steven Kekane sê: “Dis baie maklik. Almal moet bly en ons moet die probleme uitsorteer. Ons kan alles uitsorteer politics - alles. Jy kan probleme noem soos jy wil, ons kan dit uitsorteer. Dit sal moeilik wees, obviously, maar ons kan dit doen”.
Mr Reagan Komana and Mr Phillip Mashoeng said: “The top people found in government are often the ones doing crime through fraud etc. That is why people can’t do business. They don’t get the business from government due to corruption. It is impossible for investors in our country to fight corruption, South Africans must fight it. If we had a business, we would not go. To survive, you have to stay in South Africa, it is your country”.
Me. Adel Oberholzer sê: “Dié wat oorsee wil gaan moet bly en ‘n verskil hier maak. ‘n Mens kan nie dat negatiwiteit jou onderkry nie. Verander waar jy kan om alles beter te maak”.
Mnr. Manny Antunes sê: “As jy ‘n besigheid het soek jy ‘n gestabiliseerde ekonomiese klimaat vir groei. Ek voel vir die manne en vroue wat besighede het. Ek sou dit oorweeg het om oorsee te gaan as ek ‘n eie besigheid gehad het. Hoeveel maatskappye het nie al in Suid-Afrika onder misdaad deurgeloop nie? Hoeveel sukkel nie in dié ekonomiese klimaat nie? Maar ‘n mens moenie irrasionele besluite neem nie. Doen eers navorsing. Wees objektief wanneer jy so ‘n besluit neem”.
27 JANUARIE 2012
overseas like these business owners?
Ms Doris Motswiane said: “They must stay and change things here. We can change things like crime”. With her is Evelyn. Mnr. Johan Botha sê: “Elke ou het sy reg om te besluit. Ouens soos ons is al deur twee resessies en as jy vasbyt kan jy enige iets survive. Daar is maniere rondom die probleme en om dit vir jou te maak werk. Dit lyk altyd rooskleurig aan die ander kant, maar dit is nie altyd so nie”.
Mr Africa Selemane said: “It is not reasons to go overseas. In 1994 when Nelson Mandela became president lots of white people said they will move and many came back again. How many times will you run away? We have to fix our own economy and as a community fix the crime together with the police”.
Ms Evelyn Nkadimeng said: “I’ve realised the main aim of business is to make profit. To be able to pay the salaries and maintain the business. The problem with government is that they implement rates etc. and don’t check whether the company is making a profit. If I get the opportunity I will go overseas and if I had a struggling business that is not making money or growing, close it down”.
Right: Mr NK Nchabeleng said: “There is no reason to go overseas. Why? These people are actually dissatisfied with the political climate. They must rather contribute to change by voting for the opposition and in that way reduce the absolute power of the ruling party. The ruling party will listen to the people when they fear losing power. Don’t go overseas”.
Ms Mpho Nthutang said: “If they want to go they must go. If they want to stay, they must change their business thinking to get a better future”. With her are Soso and Sanda Nthutang.
Mnr. Giel Hendriks en me. Sonja Hendriks sê: “Elkeen is geregtig op sy eie opinie. As daar groener weivelde anderkant die water is, gaan, maar doen eers goed navorsing. Dit is nie altyd maanskyn en rose nie. Ons het vriende wat Australië toe getrek het en vir die eerste drie jaar was dit maar moeilik, maar nou is hulle gelukkig”. Links: Me. Lesley Oosthuizen sê: “Baie besighede doen goed wettig en volgens die boek maar hulle hande word juis daardeur afgekap. By ouens met hul eie besighede word daar gesteel ens. terwyl daar op dieselfde dorp ouens op straat wetteloos dieselfde produkte verkoop maar daaraan word niks gedoen nie. Ek sal ‘n ou wat sy besigheid wil toemaak ondersteun. Plaas dat almal saamstaan en ‘n goeie besigheidsklimaat skep”.
used & new m otor spares
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Mnr. Johan Grimbeek sê: “Regoor die wêreld is daar probleme. Dis nie net in Suid-Afrika nie. Probeer eerder die probleme uitsorteer en maak die beste van ‘n slegte saak. As almal positief is kan ‘n mens ‘n verskil maak”.
Me. Nicole Wafer said: “When it is your business, it is your decision to decide to leave when it is not working due to things like crime and politics. I however also think people should give South Africa a chance and put effort into changing the bad into the good. The grass is not always greener on the other side”.
BMW, Corolla, Tazz, Citi Golf, Polo Classic, Opel Astra, Sentra, Opel Corsa, Hyundai and much more Engines * Gearboxes
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For sale
Mashifane Park (Ga-Mashamothane) • Cell: 076 848 3936
State of the (broken) art Normally one rushes past the state of the art fire station in Burgersfort on the way to Ohrigstad. After seeing water streaming from the reservoir on the premises, Platinum Gazette made the effort and drove past this public asset run by the Sekhukhune District Municipality. Reaction: Oh no!. Not only is water streaming from the reservoir (and was still streaming from it late in the afternoon when the reporter returned from Phiring), the terrain is certainly not a rose garden, but the general impression was that of disrepair. Few vehicles were on the terrain, so presumably they are still in tip top condition?
27 JANUARY 2012
Top: Several new teachers and other personnel started at Steelpoort Academy this year. In front are Ms Christelle van der Merwe, Ms Beatrix Marais, Ms Danelle Koekemoer (student) and Mr Conrad Beukes (student). In the back row fltr are Ms Lucinda Vermeulen (new secretary) with the Principal, Mr Anton Alberts and Mr Norman Jordaan.
New teachers Bottom: Laerskool Burgersfort has three new teachers and one youth worker. They are fltr Ms Liza Duvenhage, Ms Melissa le Roux, Ms Mariska Haasbroek and Mr Johan Woest (Kohin youth worker).
Do not jump the traffic circle
Mr Lekwadu, Burgersfort’s Traffic Chief, is corcerned about road users driving recklessly at the roundabout on top of the hill in the road to the Geater Tubatse Municipality’s offices. Mr Lekwadu says vehicles storm up the hill from both sides (not adhering to the 30 km/h speed limit) and do not yield at the circle. He explained that vehicles should approach the circle carefully and yield to the right if there is oncoming traffic (that means stop - editor). Mr Lekwadu said normal traffic not keeping to this rule pose a threat to traffic form and to the municipal building. (The rules apply to everyone, even to those drivers with bought licenses -editor)
27 JANUARIE 2012
Letters / Briewe Express your opinion. Write a letter to the Platinum Gazette. Letters may be e-mailed, posted or faxed. Contact details are on page 2 of this issue. Spreek jou mening uit. Skrywes kan per epos, pos of faks na Platinum Gazette gestuur word. Kontakbesonderhede is op bladsy 2 van vandag se uitgawe.
Dagboek / Diary To submit your diary entry. Fax or e-mail all the details to us at (fax) 013 231 7147 or (e-mail) This is a free service.
Golf 11 February 2012 - Tubatse Chrome Club AGM. Navrae en besprekings: Martin van Rooyen - 082 816 4833. Fotografie Klub Die Burgersfort Fotografie Klub hou een keer per maand ‘n vergadering. In Februarie sal dit op 6 Februarie plaasvind. Alle lede sowel as belangstellendes is welkom om dit by te woon. Vir meer navrae kontak Ruan Kleynhans by 083 276 1643; Daryll Geddes by 083 612 2021; Braam Matthysen by 073 582 3654; Jaco Smith by 079 697 7356 of Mark Geddes by 083 601 6158.
The Hamerkop (Scopus umbretta), also known as Hammerkop,Hammerkopf, Hammerhead, Hammerhead Stork, Umbrette, Umber Bird, Tufted Umber, or Anvilhead, is a medium-sized wading bird (56 cm long, weighing 470 g). The shape of its head with a curved bill and crest at the back is reminiscent of a hammer, hence its name. Whenever people create new bodies of water with dams or canals, Hamerkops move in quickly. (Source: Wikipedia). This one was photographed at the flooded Phiring bridge on the Blydepoort road on Wednesday.
Christelike Mannekamp By die Echo Grotte 10-12 Februarie 2012. Daar is plek vir 130 mense. Koste: R200 per persoon. Kom groei saam. Navrae en besprekings: Naomi, 084 494 8325. Besprekings noodsaaklik vir bywoning. Christelike Vrouekamp By die Echo Grotte 17-19 Februarie 2012. Daar is plek vir 130 mense. Koste: R200 per persoon. Kom groei saam. Navrae en besprekings: Naomi, 084 494 8325. Besprekings noodsaaklik vir bywoning.
Platinum Gazette Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets the highest standards with regard to design and reproduction. Phone her on 083 543 1676 to book your advertising space today.
“Advertising is salesmanship mass produced. No one would bother to use advertising if he could talk to all his prospects face-to-face. But he can't”. - Morris Hite
Every Tuesday Burgersfort NG Kerk Louise Hefer at 082 969 9473 or 076 385 6076. NG Kerk Burgersfort’s office at 013 231 7627
10 10
24JOctober 27 ANUARIE 2008 2012
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs 2.Betrekking/Vacancy 3.Dienste/Services 4. Oornag Akkommodasie/Overnight accommodation 5. Troeteldiere/Pets 6. Persoonlik/Personal 7. Allerlei/Miscellaneous 8. Gesoek/Wanted 9. Te Huur/To Let 10. Te Koop/For sale
10. Te Koop/ For Sale Beds from R1000, Bedroom Suites from R1000, Home Theatre Speakers (small) from R150, 54cm TV from R450, Filing cupboard from R600, Office Chairs from R300. Much more in store! New and secondhand furniture. Visit Furniture Traders Burgersfort. At the back of Capitec and old ABSA Bank (old Post Office Building). Tel: 072 781 1236
Advertising deadlines: Every Tuesday at 17:00. Enquiries: Beánnla Celliers, 083 543 1676
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Platinum Gazette
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” - Stuart Henderson
Distribution points - here are some of the places we distribute newspapers: * Burgersfort SUPERSPAR * Boxer Stores Burgersfort * OK Grocer * Phelo Pele Pharmacy * Burgersfort Pharmacy * Laerskool Steelpoort * Laerskool Burgersfort * Tingeling Kleuterskool * OK MiniMark * Greater Tubatse Municipality * CTM * Modikwa Platinum Mine * Pick n Pay * Winterveld Village * Ohrigstad SAPS * Total Ohrigstad * Leboeng SAPS * Praktiseer SAPS * Burgersfort SAPS * Magaba Garage * Vision Meat * Burgersfort Toyota * Hendrik’s Panelbeaters * Mecklenburg SAPS * Tubatse Village * Praktiseer Magistrate’s Court * Penge * Factory Shop
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Busy retail group in the Burgersfort area requires the services of an admin person. Requirements: MUST be capable to do accounting on Pastel. Must be computer literate. Have good communication skills and the ability to work in a high pressure environment. Salary negotiable. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Capabilities on Pastel may be tested during the interview. Fax CV to 086 580 1167
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27 JANUARIE 2012
Misty Knights deliver starter packs
PROCUREMENT OFFICER DIRECT/STOCK Role Purpose: Ensuring the purchasing of goods requested from the end user and stock items for the stores. Sourcing for suppliers that can provide a professional service at the best price and quality. Ensure that delivery from suppliers is met and a good relationship with suppliers is in place. Ensure that BEE requirements and targets of ASA metals are maintained. Responsibilities: The incumbent will be responsible for the sourcing of new/improved products and suppliers who qualify to ASA Metals requirements. Placing of orders to the request specification and negotiate for the best price. Ensure that delivery dates are met. Purchasing to comply with the requirements in terms of BEE. Producing monthly reports. Apply basic business ethic in a work environment. Understanding of the technical processes and the ability to recognise parts and what the various products are used for. Apply standard operating procedures and practices. Requirements: In order to apply, you will need Grade 12 or an equivalent qualification. Certifi cate in Supply Chain purchasing. At least 2 years experience as a Buyer in the Mining/Smelter environment. Must have good negotiation skills. Accredited MS Office user qualification. (Access, Word, Excel, PowerPoint). Advantage will be given to people with Syspro Accounting system experience. Must be fluent in English and posses good communication skills. Must be able to work uner high pressure circumstances.
PROCUREMENT EXPEDITER Role Purpose: To contribute towards business success by ensuring that the execution of placed orders are speeded up to meet company and production requirements. Key Performance areas: The incumbent will check up on outstanding orders and identifies the need to speed up deliveries of the order. Verifies outstanding or incorrectly delivered stock. Maintaining a legal filing system with easy access and reference to authorised persons. Discuss the need to expedite with internal customers. Ensures that delivery dates are met. Producing monthly/ quarterly/annual reports. Understanding of the technical processes and the ability to recognize parts and what the various products are used for. Apply standard operating procedures and practices. Requirements: In order to apply, you will need a Grade 12 Certificate or relevant qualification. At least 5 years experience as an Expediter in the Mining/Smelter environment. Accredited MS Office user qualification. (Access, Word, Excel, PowerPoint). Advantage will be given to people with Syspro system experience. Must be fluent in English and posses good communication skills. Must be able to work under high pressure circumstances. General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application (stating which position you are applying for) to the HR Office, at fax: 013-230 7793 for attention Ntoshang Hammar Tshego or e-mail: Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.
The Misty Knights Motorcycle Club held a charity day to collect school starter packs last year. With the support of the community and businesses in the area hundreds of started packs were collected. During the last two weeks, the Misty Knights delivered the started packs to Laerskool Burgersfort, Steelpoort Academy, Batubatse Primary School in Praktiseer and Shopiane Primary School in Eerstegeluk. The Misty Knights thanked the businesses and community who gave their time and money to make this donation of starter packs possible. “It is the smile on a child’s face that makes you know you have done well,” said Ms Bonny McKinlay of the Misty Knights MCC. They will be hosting another charity event to collect starter packs at the end on 2012.
27 JANUARY 2012
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Lydenburg triumphs at Chrome Club CHROME GOLF CLUB - AGM 2012 11 FEBRUARY 2012 18 Holes in morning before meeting Tee off time – from 07H00 - 07H30 IPS Competition Competition fees: R100, 00 GOLF TROPHEE WINNERS PRIZE GIVING AGM MEETING STARTS AT 13H30
Chrome B played against Lydenburg B in a league game last week Saturday at Tubatse Chrome Club. The groups started late and suffered in the heat. Eventually the neighbouring club walked away as the day’s winners with a score of 6-2. This weekend there is an IPS competition and everyone is welcome. Tee-off is at 07:30.
PLEASE ATTEND THIS MEETING! Contact person to book your game Martin van Rooyen (082 816 4833)
Tough games expected Maatlopo United played against Moutse West United on 21 January 2012. The game ended in a 0-0 draw. “Our own strikers were shy in front of the goalposts, this led us to dropping points in our own backyard,” said Mr Jimmy Makola, the Maatlopo United spokesman. This week they will play away at Denilton against Mpheleng Sweepers on Saturday. On Sunday they will face Moretheto FC at gaMotodi. “We expect tough games because we will be away from home, but we can face up to the pressure of playing away,” Makola added. Enquiries: Jimmy Makola, 082 407 6226. (Submitted by Jimmy Makola)
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Chrome B played in the white shirts and Lydenburg in the blue.