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Mining safety in the spotlight - rescue and training facility opened in Steelpoort - p 3
Š Platinum Gazette
27 July 2012
Tubatse Youth Council established
27 JULY 2012
Top: The executive are fltr Themba Ngele (Chairperson), Hemmilton Theledi (Deputy Chairperson), Abednico Mashabela (Secretary), Letta Mokhondo (Deputy Secretary) and Matladi Mokwena (Treasurer). Bottom are the other ten members of the council: Jeffrey Mashoeu, Jabu Maleka, Advice Mbuyane, Disky Mkhabela, Vinnolia Moraba, Bishop Morele, Yvonne sefiti, Julia Tebele, Granny Malatji and Riya Mabanna. (These two photographs by Kubane Tolo).
After years of fighting, infighting and general chaos in structured youth organisations in Greater Tubatse Municipality, the municipal council has intervened and facilitated the establishement of WardYouth Forums, whose delegates has this week elected a Municipal Youth Council. Delegates with and without voting rights converged on Forever Resorts’ Aventura Blydepoort for to day this week (at a cost of several hundred thousand rand to the munisipality) where they delibarated and was informed of their role before they elected a council. The Youth Council will function as an advisory body to the municipal council under die auspices of the council, they will not get pay and their objectives will be as follows: To enhance particpatory democracy in the municipality, serve as a legitimate body of representatives for the youth in all created platforms of society, forge relations and partnership with relevant stakeholders in youth development and organise a vibrant youth civil society sector. The youth council will have to meet once a month, hold a general council every three months, receive and discuss reports and present initiatives and programmes from the municipality, youth development role players and Ward Youth Forums. The council must also coordinate the implementation of youth programmes presented by the municipality and/or youth development role players, discuss issues raised by Ward Youth Formums and suggest possible solutions or interventions to releveant stakeholders and roleplayers. Feedback should also be given to Ward Youth Forums. During Tuesday and Wednesday’s deliberations youth representatives from all parties and gender groups were present. Just before the election of the new council, some delegates became a bit unruly, but a crisis was averted when the Mayor, Cllr Nkosi Josias Mahlake, cracked his whip and urged the youngsters (between 16 and 35-years-old) to be disciplined and work together.
Platinum Gazette contact details: Editorial: William Zwart Tel: 083 271 9151 E-mail: Advertising: Beánnla Celliers Tel: 083 543 1676 E-mail: Fax: 086 554 9031/013 231 7147 Postal address: P O Box 2208, Burgersfort, 1150 Website: Printers: Printed by Paarl Coldset (Pty) Ltd, 83 Heidelberg Road, City Deep Production Park, City Deep. Copyright: All rights concerning any advertisement and / or other material contained in the Platinum Gazette are expressly reserved in terms of Section 12 (7) of the Copyright Act (98 of 1978).
Platinum Gazette Deadlines: Editorial: Wednesdays at 17:00 Advertisements: Tuesdays at 17:00
BAATSEBA TRUST One Day Seminar Wills & Deceased Estates
Our aim: To inform communities about the importance of having wills; How types of marriages impact on deceased estates and/or inheritances; Roles of the Master of the High Court and Magistrate Courts on Administration of Deceased Estates. Date: 28 July 2012 Time: 11H00 - 13H30 PM Venue: Sekhukhune Restaurant (Ga-Motodi, next to the Clinic) Costs: R20-00 (payable by the 27th July 2012 to confirm attendance) Snacks & still water will be provided. Please note that only 40 people can be accommodated. Contact: Ngwato S Sekhukhune - 079 522 2355/012 321 5048 E-mail: Topics that will be presented or discussed are the following: 1. Wills; 2. What are the implications of having a Will, and not having a Will; 3. Types of marriages; 4. Importance of registering Customary Marriages; 5. Deceased Estates; 6. Administration of Deceased Estates.
27 JULIE 2012
Safety first through Mines Rescue Station On Wednesday this week mines in the area celebrated the opening of the Mines Rescue Services Steelpoort Rescue Station. Mines Rescue Services is a private sector, non-profit organisation that, through training of volunteer brigades men, provides the resources and the expertise for an effective emergency service. With and increase of 38% from 2007 to 69 mines in 2012 in Limpopo and more on the way, the need for a local Rescue Station became more and more pressing. Before the closest Mines Rescue Station was in Evander. This station however became too small for the needs of all the mines it had to serve. It was also too far away. Every mine must have dedicated, trained teams who can assist with an emergency at the mine. The number of people working underground determines the number of teams. There are currently some 900 volunteer Rescue Team Members that make up 144 rescue teams servicing the mining industry. During the last 10 years, Mines Rescue Services attended to an average of 48 fires requiring 7941 rescue teams (794 on average per annum) resulting in an experienced pool of rescue teams that are internationally held in high esteem. Mines Rescue Services consulted with all the local mines and Samancor generously donated the land where an old chrome mine is situated for the station’s location. Construction on the station started in May 2011. 60 000m3 of bulk excavations was required on the site and the full spend on the build amounted to R4 771 million while an additional R1.8 million was required to equip the station. The Steelpoort station is unique
due to the fact that it is the only station in South Africa that will not use mock-up underground situations, but use the old chrome mine for underground situation training. Mines Rescue Services will provide and maintain the following services in the mining industry: Trains (voluntary) rescue personnel to competency of the required skills. Provides expert advice and consultancy services. Remains proactive to changes in technology and the environment. Provides and maintains specialised equipment for the use during fires and incidents. Mr Alwyn Pretorius, Executive director and current chairman, Mines Rescue Services, officially opened the building. He represents Harmony Gold Mining Company where his position is Executive – Health and Safety. Mr Godfrey Oliphant, Deputy Minister for Minerals and Energy assisted with the cutting of the ‘ribbon’. In this case a fire hose cut with a saw. Also in attendance was the President of the Association of Mine Managers, Mr Matthews Nzimande, Mr Emile Britz the general manager at Samancor Eastern Chrome and Mr EC Becht from Anglo American Thermal Coal. Mr Willie du Preez will be the local Superintendent of the Steelpoort Mines Rescue Station. The central message from the various speakers was that safety comes first and then production. Throught the establishment of the station stakeholders also affirmed their commitment to training and safety on the mines in the area. After all the official speeches, a tour of the facility as well as a short underground tour showed visitors what has been put in place and what can be expected from the station in the future.
Cutting the ‘ribbon’ a different way. A fire hose was cut by Mr Godfrey Oliphant, Deputy Minister for Minerals and Energy and Mr Christo de Klerk from Mines Rescue Services.
Mr Christo de Klerk, Mr Alwyn Pretorius and Mr Godfrey Oliphant after they unvailed the plaque of the official opening. Mr Emile Britz, general manager of Samancor Eastern Chrome at the official opening.
Mr Godfrey Oliphant urged those in attendance to keep putting safety of human lives before production.
Robbery in front of OK Minimark
Suspected stolen copper recovered On Wednesday 25 July, Burgersfort SAPS arrested two suspects in possession of 135kg of copper. The SAPS members followed a suspicious car from Mooifontein to Metro. There they asked to search the vehicle and discovered the copper. They arrested a 28 and 35 year old men. They will be charged with Possession of suspected stolen property. Above are Capt. Nemaitoni and Capt. Maepa with the copper. In a seperate incident Phoenix Flying Squad helped the Sekhukhune SAPS to arrest suspects driving in the Thorncliffe mine area. They also recovered copper in the vehicle which was forced from the road after it drove over a spiked gadget.
27 JULY 2012
Take care of your property The Burgersfort SAPS have appealed to the public to take care to not leave valuable articles in their vehicles. Especially cell phones and laptops are being taken from vehicles. They are also asking that people write down the serial numbers of their property so that it can be identified if it is recovered after a theft. Areas that are currently being targeted by thieves include Aloe Ridge East and West, Leopard’s Bush, Elephant’s Hill, Eerstegeluk and Tukagomo.
At 09:50 on Wednesday morning two armed robbers robbed an employee of OK Minimark outside the shop. He was on his way to deliver money that must be banked when two men pointed 9mm pistols at him and forced him out of his vehicle. They drove off with the money and his car. The vehicle was later recovered at the circle near the new Municipal building. The K9 unit recovered the keys to the vehilce close by. The suspects got away with tens of thousands of rands. By the time of going to press no suspects have been arrested. “We would like to thank the Burgersfort SAPS for their quick reaction. We also appreciate the way they’ve supported our staff at the shop,” said Mr Vonnie Craffert from OK Minimark. In a seperate incident another business was robbed in the wee hours of the morning. Three armed suspected tied up employees and took computers to the Constable S A Kgohloane and constable A A Motaung of value of R30 000. Tubatse Police Station in Praktiseer poses with liquor recently No arrests have been made. Anyone with confiscated from illegal shebeens in the area. information that could assist the SAPS can contact Lt Mohale on 013 231 7231 or 082 402 8960. A 31-year-old police constable and his accomplice (petrol attendant) appeared before the Lydenburg Magistrates’ Court in connection of corruption. Constable Casuais Shai of Leboeng Police Station and Shadrack Masuku of Kgautswane village in Leboeng, allegedly fraudulently used an official (Police) petrol card at an Ohrigstad filling station. It is alleged Shai connived with the petrol attendant to swipe the official petrol card and poured petrol to a private car amounting to R584,43. The cash amount was allegedly shared amongst themselves. They were released on warning and will be in the dock again on 13 September 2012 pending further Police investigations. The Head of Directorate of Priority Crime Investigations (Hawks) in Limpopo Major General Dibero Molatjana reiterated that no stone will be left unturned in ensuring that corrupt members are brought to book and dealt with harshly in accordance with the law. Major General Molatjana has urged anyone with information about members involved in corrupt or fraudulent activities to contact the Anti Corruption Hot line at 0800 701 701 and all information will be treated with confidence.
Leboeng Police member in court
Contact Platinum Gazette on 083 271 9151 with your news and events. Or e-mail us at editorial@ platinum Fax: 086 554 9031 Editorial deadline: 17:00 on a Wednesday.
27 JULIE 2012
Tubatse’s PSP team does its part Tbatse Ferrochrome’s PSP team chose to spend their 67 minutes on Mandela Day last week at Mogoshadi Day care and learning Centre. This care centre was established in 1997 with 37 children. Now the owner and principal, Mrs Glen Malekane, is taking care of 152 children (includeng four disabled). Challenges facing the school are omangst other things a lack of enough room inside and no running water. The PSP team and their manager, Mr Jaco Pieterse, assisted in the school’s vegetable garden and the fetched water from the river to fill up the Jojo tank. Tubatse employees had lots of fun with the children and ended the day with singing Madiba’s birthday song, eating hotdogs and drinking cool drinks in the sun. (Photographs and information by Dineo Masisi, Tubatse Ferrochrome).
Joshua Generation receives computers
Joshua Generation recently received a donation of computers from Tubatse Ferrochrome’s IT Department. The school says it aprreciate the support they receive from the company and wishes to thank it publicly for its generous support.
27 JULY 2012
Education problems: Who is to blame? This week President Jacob Zuma gave a live radio simultaneous interview with Talk Radio 702 and its sister station 567 Cape Talk. The hour long interview focused on various things including corruption in the police service, plans on placing curbs on the judiciary, the medical parole of Jackie Selebi, the disciplinary actions taken against Julius Malema and the trouble within the Department of Education. According to President Zuma, the trouble with textbooks only affected black children. (While locally Laerskool Ohrigstad, Laerskool Burgersfort and Steelpoort Academy all also experienced problems. These schools are fully race integrated). He said that the problems stem from the legacy of apartheid. “You are dealing with teachers that comes from the Verwoerdian system...his or her attitude towards education still needs to be worked on. We are not dealing with a problem of today; we are solving a problem of centuries ago. We asked readers what they think about his comments regarding the problems in the Department of Education.
Mr Keith Henriques said: “The people there right now are supposed to be in charge of education. They are pulling Verwoerd up from death every time. SA must bring back Christianity to schools. Bring back godliness.There are also too many people responsible for things - too many cooks spoil the broth”.
Mr Daniel Sekano said: “No, the kids should get everything these days. It is not like in apartheid. Government is failing to provide. Many officials enrich themselves and then blame others for the problems”.
Ms Tshepisho Malapane said: “That is so old! Jacob Zuma has to deal with the current MEC’s and staff”.
Mr Neville Makonko said: “You can’t blame the past for what is happening now. Implement new policies and rectify the problems of the past”.
Mnr Harry van Emmenis en mnr. Ferdi van Vuuren sê: “Nee, dis dalk eerder Jacob Zuma se skuld as wat dit Verwoerd se skuld is”. Ms Angie Maishoane said: “No, I don’t agree. What Jacob Zuma is saying is wrong. These people don’t know how to use the money and they need some training”.
Mr Sandros Rampadi and Mr Serongoa Lloyd Malleka said: “No, it is the fault of our government. They are looking after their pockets and they don’t care about education. Some of those in government are not educated themselves. It is for Comrades only. Their children go to private schools where there are no problems. This must end”.
Mr Calvin Mokgotho said: “It is not about apartheid. It is all about us. We have to fight for our future and government must take responsibility for the young people of this country”.
Mr Samson Motene said: “Previously I was working at the British High Commission and I’ve seen how things work. I don’t agree with what Zuma said. People before complained about apartheid, but now they have their own government and should carry on with a good thing. They must now stop crying about things done by people who are not in government now”.
Mr Justice Thobakgale said: “I don’t agree with him. Those who are leading the Department of Education are lazy. They are not working. They must take care and get rid of those not working hard. Especially in Limpopo where books were thrown out and not delivered”.
Bo: Mnr. en mev. Lategan sê: “Nee, dis as gevolg van mense wat nie hul werk doen nie dat daar probleme in die onderwys is. Mense is onderbetaal en onopgelei. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys”. By hulle is Ellouise en WJ. Mr Jazzman Ben Sibindi said: “No, it’s been 18 years of democracy now. You cannot blame someone who is dead. Blame the people in charge. Back in apartheid we were buying books, not getting them. They must employ the right people in the right positions with the right qualifications”.
Regs: Me. Elrien Bekker sê: “Dit kan wees dat die geskiedenis ‘n rol speel, maar as daar tans apartheid is kom dit van die teenoorgestelde rigting af. Vir alles wat verkeerd gaan kry apartheid die skuld”.
27 JULIE 2012
Kom kyk wie wen by die Wildevy 4x4 dag Verskillende skole en kleuterskole het aan die Wildevy 4x4 Gesinsdag se inkleurkompetisie deelgeneem. Hierby word die top 10 in elke kategorie bekend gemaak. Die wenners sal Saterdag 28 Julie aangekondig word. Die pryse sal later by die skole afgelewer word en elke skool met ‘n eersteplek leerling kry ook R2000. Kom maak gerus ‘n draai by die Wildevy 4x4 kinderspeelarea. Daar sal ‘n ‘foefie slide’ wees, miniatuur perdjies, ‘n rodeo bul, trekkertjie ritte, ‘n donkiekar, ‘n windbuksskiet-kompetisie en Sasko Sam sal ook daar kuier.
Top 10: 1 – 6 jaar oud: Ilne Kleynhans (4) Joshua Generation – Bgf; Jaylene Mangaba (5) Tingeling Pre-School; Natalie Bender (5) Tingeling Pre-School; Tumi Rakoma (5) Twinkle Kids; Cirstoffel Esterhuizen (6) Laerskool Burgersfort; Chané van den Berg (5) Steelpoort Akademie; S’bahle (5) Twinkle Kids; Reabetso (6) Calvin College; Duané van der Zyl (5) Arrie Warrie Kleuterskool; Lilian Grobler (6) Steelpoort Akademie. Top 10: 7- 10 jaar oud: Luhan Gouws (8) Steelpoort Akademie; Rohan Hanekom (10) Steelpoort Akademie; Clarissa Fourie (9) Steelpoort Akademie; Clarice Greeff (9) Waterval CVO; Ewan Fourie (9) Laerskool Burgersfort; Tsebo Makuwa (9) Joshua Generation – Bgf; Leoné Stoltz (10) Waterval CVO; Mohammed Yusuf Omar (8) Laerskool Burgersfort; Nthabiseng Mamogale (10) Calvin College; Nika Janse van Rensburg (9) Joshua Generation. Top 10: 11 – 13 jaar oud: Kabelo Madike (13) Calvin College; Natalie Campher (13) Waterval CVO; Duncan van der Walt (12) Joshua Generation; Charissa (13) Waterval CVO; Sulandri van der Linde (13) Waterval CVO; Charlene van Heerden (13) Joshua Generation – Bgf; Bronwyn Visser (11) Laerskool Burgersfort; Karla de Jager (12) Steelpoort Academy; Sinethemba Nyaka (12)Steelpoort Academy; Chanelle Kotze (11) Waterval CVO.
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Old ‘Stake’ at Wildevy 4x4 Day This 1935 Stewart American Stake Truck is living history and will be on show at the Wildevy 4x4 Day. It is the pride of its owner Gert Venter who restored it from a wreck in a sunflower field to its current glory. “I begged a farmer in the Free State for four years before I eventually bought it from him. I then set about restoring it”. I contacted the American Trucking History Society and they assisted me with more information about the truck”. In 1991 the truck was finally restored to its former
glory and valuated at $18 000. It also became the only 1935 Stewart Stake Truck to be registered and on the road. The Stewart Motoring Corporation filed for bancruptcy in 1939 so not all the parts could be restored with originals, but it is about as close as you will get. Oregon pine was used at the back and although it has a starter it can also start with a crank handle at the front of the truck. It also comes from a time before compulsory indicator lights (a headache to explain to traffic officials). Venter is no newcomer to restoration. He also owns a 1936 steel wheel Mysterious Case Tractor and a 1941 Harley Davidson. After the last restoration in 1991, 20 years passed and this year Venter felt it time to do a bit of retouching. Hendrik’s Panelbeaters sprayed the whole truck and it is now a showpiece again.
Next to Toyota, Burgersfort. Tel: (013) 231 8322 E-mail:
(RegNo: No:NCRDC NCRDC487) 487) (Reg
PUBLIC NOTICE LAUNCHING OF IDP/PMS FORUM Chapter 4 section 16 (1) (a) (i) of the Municipal Systems Act; 32 of 2000 stipulates that a Municipality must develop a culture of municipal governance that complements formal representative government with a system of participatory governance, and must for this purpose encourage, and create conditions for the local community to participate in the affairs of the municipality; including in the preparation; implementation and review of its IDP. Members of the community, Magoshi, Mining structures, Businesses, sector departments, Non-government organizations, Civic structures and other stakeholders are hereby invited for the launching of Greater Tubatse Municipal IDP Forum scheduled as follows: Date: Venue: Time:
07 August 2012 Greater Tubatse Municipal Chamber (Ground Floor) 10:00
For more information contact Mr MM Mashigo cell 082 319 4573 or and Liver Pilusa cell 071 433 6798 or during working hours. Other motor restoration enthusiasts can contact Venter on 082 574 3235.
Address: Kastania Street, Burgersfort PO Box 206, Burgersfort, 1150 Tel: 013 231 1000 Fax: 013 231 1467 Website:
H.L Phala Municipal Manager
27 JULIE 2012
Leboeng SAPS celebrate Mandela Month with learners On Thursday last week Ntabane Secondary School at Kgautswane village celebrated the birth of Nelson Mandela in style. The school management decided to honour their youth who participated in annual Miss SAPS Leboeng by giving them chance to showcase their talent in front of other learners and teachers. It was the first time the school entered into the competition and were happy to be rewarded with two trophies, one for their traditional dance which got position one. Millicent Mashele (first) and other two learners Philistus Mojela and Hildah Mashaba were in the top five of the beauty contests. It was a huge achievements for them bearing in mind they were not there when the competition started last year. Mr Monareng ,the Principal who was not present due to some commitments, prepared a very courageous speech that was read by Educator Molatudi. He encouraged learners them to work hard for the coming examination The Leboeng SAPS station commander, Captain Moholane, was also invited to motivate learners to concentrate on their studies and do away from drugs.
SAPS women reach out
Women in blue from Leboeng SAPS and Ohrigstad SAPS jointly added value to the two Leboeng families on 19 July 2012 as part of Mandela Day celebrations. At about 11:00 the women started their journey by staging a roadblock whereby 26 motor vehicles were stopped and 46 passengers were searched. One person was caught driving a motor vehicle without a drivers licence. After the roadblock they visited the family of Lizzy Sebuyane at Lepelle village next to JG Strydom Tunnel. They donated a wheelchair to 9year-old Thato Sebuyane who is disabled. The family didn’t expect such a huge present. They completed their journey by visiting the Marule family at Newstand Leboeng, where groceries were donated. Leboeng SAPS station commander Captain Moholane expressed his excitment and praised the ladies and sponsors for adding value to the two needy families and encouraged them to work even harder next year to reach more families.
Thorburn continues with innovative training In 2011 Thorburn Security Solutions (Northern Region) embarked on two very important training topics, English Literature and Coaching. Other training topics in 2011 were focusing on Baseline Risk Assessments as Safety Tools and Occupational Health and Safety Act orientation. All these courses was outsourced to subject specialists. In order to continuously improve and maintain standards, the training been extended in 2012. English Literature training for supervisory and senior security officers continues and results achieved thus far have been remarkable. A real difference is seen in writing skills and an eagerness to learn is evident amongst the two groups currently under training. Coaching training, under the guidance of Callie Roos & Associates was presented to more than 40 managers/supervisors in 2011. The initial results were remarkable and in many instances attitude changes resulting in enhanced performance were achieved. Now a four day follow-up session was organised.
Each manager had the opportunity the past week to spend at least 30 to 60 minutes with Coaching specialist Alexis Moshodi, (photo left, an associate of Callie Roos & Associates) discussing their coaching experiences. Managers “opened up� and Alexis Moshodi gained a lot of knowledge on the effectiveness of coaching in Thorburn Security Solutions. Vast improvements from 2011 were evident and deficiencies for future focus were identified thereby focusing on continuous improvement. The training were concluded with general feedback on barriers and strengths in coaching and a motivational life skills speech by Mr Moshodi, focusing amongst others on the transition of individuals reaching stages of significance to having a real purpose in life. The week of 23 July 2012 will see the start of a new HIV Aids Awareness focus. An external specialist, Tiisetso Motomboti, will spend valuable individual time with Thorburn employees raising HIV Aids awareness. It is estimated that this program will continue until 1 December 2012.
27 JULIE 2012
Klein Advertensies • Smalls
Plaas jou klein advertensie by Phelo Pele Pharmacy in die Khadima Sentrum of by Burgersfort Apteek in die Marone Sentrum of doen dit elektronies d.m.v. e-pos of faks. Place your small at Phelo Pele Pharmacy in the Khadima Centre or at Burgersfort Pharmacy at the Marone Centre. You could also place it via e-mail or fax. Enquiries: 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: • Fax: 086 554 9031
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Platinum Gazette Editorial deadline: Wednesday at 17:00
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Kennisgewings/Notices NOTICE OF ISSUING OF WASTE MANAGEMENT LICENCE: UPGRADING OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM AT AREA STAFF VILLAGE, AT MODIKWA PLATINUM MINE Following the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) conducted by Polygon Environmental Planning, the national Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) has issued a Waste Management Licence (WML) to the applicant, Modikwa Mine Joint Venture on 18 July 2012, for the upgrading of the existing wastewater treatment works (WWTW) serving Area Staff Village on the premises of Modikwa Platinum Mine, on the farm Hendriksplaats 281-KT, near Burgersfort (DEA reference: 12/9/11/L547/5). The WML was issued in terms of the National Environmental Mangement: Waste Act (2008), and copies are available from Polygon upon request. Should you wish to appeal any aspect of DEA’s decision, you can lodge a notice of intent to appeal with the Minister for Water and Environmental Affairs, before or on 16 August 2012. Full appeal documentation must then be submitted to the Minister’s office within 30 days after submitting the notice of intent to appeal. The Minister’s office can be contacted on 012 320 7561 (fax) / 012 310 3705 (tel) / Private Bag X447, Pretoria, 0001 (post) or 2nd Floor, Fedsure Forum Building, North Tower, cnr Pretorius & Lilian Ngoyi (Van der Walt) Streets, Pretoria (by hand). Should you wish to appeal, a copy of any notice of intent to appeal must also be provided to the applicant. Full details of the appeal procedure can be obtained from Polygon. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. TSEBIŠO YA GO LOKIŠA TABA YA TUMELELO YA TAOLO YA TŠHILA: KGODOŠO YA TSHEPETŠO YA TLHWEKIŠO YA MEETSE A DITŠHILA LEFELONG LA GO DULA BAŠOMI, KA MODIKWA PLATINUM MINE KGAUSWI LE BURGERSFORT Golatela gaTshekatsheko ya Kamego ya Tikologo (EIA) go laotšwe ke ba Polygon Environmental Planning, Kgoro ya bosetšhaba ya Taba tša Tikologo (DEA) e lokišitše Tumelelo ya Taolo ya Tšhila (WML) go mokgopedi, e le go Modikwa Mine Joint Venture ka 18 Julae 2012, go ka godiša mošomo wa tlhwekišo ya meetse a ditšhila ao a le go gona (WWTW) ao a dirišwago Lefelong la go Dula Bašomi matshenong a Modikwa Platinum Mine, polaseng ya Hendriksplaats 281-KT, kgauswi le Burgersfort (DEA bjalo ka taetšo: 12/9/11/L547/5). Dikopi tša WML le mabaka a sephetho sa DEA di ya hwetšagala go tšwa go Polygon ka kgopelo. A o na le tumo ya go ka dira boipiletšo go kokwane efe kapa efe ya sephetho sa DEA, o tswanetše o itše tsebišo ya maikemišetšo a go aphila le Tona ka Meetse le Ditaba tša Tikologo, pele goba ka 16 Agosetose 2012. Dingwalwa tša boipiletšo ka botlalo di tswanetše go itšwa ofising ya Tona matšatšing a 30ka morago ga go tlišwa ga tsebišo yo maikemišetšo a boipiletšo. Di ka itšwa ofishg ya Tena ka nomere tše 012 320 7561 (fax) / Private Bag X447, Pretoria, 0001 (poso) goba 2nd Floor, Fedsure Forum Building, North Tower, khutlo ya ditarata tša Pretorius & Lilian Ngoyi (Van der Walt), Pretoria (by hand). A o rata go dira boipiletšo, kopi ya tsebišo efe goba efe ya maikemišetšo a boipiletšo e tswanetše go fiwa mokgopedi. Dintlha ka botlalo tša tshepetšo ya boipiletšo di ka hwetšwa go Polygon. A o na le dipotšišo, o kgopelwa o se dikadike go e kopanya le rena. Contact / Motsereganyi: Telephone / Nomoro ya mogala: Fax / Nomoro ya faks: E-mail / Aterese ya email: Post / Aterese ya poso:
Mrs Louise Agenbag 015 307 3606 015 307 3080 / 086 527 0012 PO Box 1935, Tzaneen, 0850
“Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing, but nobody else does” Stuart Henderson
27 JULY 2012
GTM workers contribute
Wenner by OK Minimark
Greater Tubatse Municipal Workers gathered on 18 July to contribute their 67 minutes of goodwill on Mandela’s birthday. (Photographs: Greater Tubatse Municipal Communications Unit).
Me. Elize de Winnaar (regs) was die gelukkige wenner van ‘n Defy wasmasjien in ‘n kompetisie wat OK Minimark aangebied het. Me. Pamela Fabi van OK Minimark het die prys aan haar oorhandig.
67 minutes of Goodwill
On Wednesday 18 July, Joshua Generation took to the streets and went and helped in the community by picking up papers and cleaning the streets at the
shopping centre in Steelpoort and packing groceries and pushing trolleys for customers at the OK Grocer in Burgersfort. (Photographs & Information: Tracy Louw).
Joshua Generation students and teachers attended a 6-a-side soccer coaching clinic held at Winterveld club, recently. Lots was learned and a fun time was had by all. (Photograph & Information: Tracy Louw).
Ngululu gives on Mandela Day Ngululu Bulk Carriers in Steelpoort opened their hearts and hands on 18 July 2012. They donated blankets to elderly in the community and delivered four water tanks to help assist with water difficulties in the community surrounding their operation. (Photographs & Information: Theresa Hartzer).
27 JULIE 2012
Sanlam Kanker Uitdaagreeks by Tubatse Chrome Die Sanlam Kanker Uitdaagreeks se jaarlikse golfdag is verlede week Saterdag by Tubatse Chrome Klub gehou. Daar was ongeveer 30 spelers wat deelgeneem het .
Onder hulle was 4 vroue. Die dag was ‘n groot sukses en die wenners sal in volgende rondtes teen ander area wenners gaan deelneem.
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27 JULY 2012
Platinum Gazette
SPORT Classic win in Dresden OK Grocer vs Classic from Dresden OK Grocer’s soccer team played a friendly game against Classic from Dresden on Saturday last week. The game was played at the Dresden sports ground and the OK Grocer team played for the first time in their new kit (they are in the red and white). Dresden residents and OK Grocer supporters were quick to fill the open seats provided by old heavy machine tires. “We played very well against Classic, but unfortunately we lost,” reported the OK Grocer team public relations officer Mr Davis Makofane. The final score was 7-1.
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Both teams managed to score during the first half, but Classic put on the pressure and problems with the defenders and strikers cost OK Grocer dearly. The Classic goals were scored by Taetso Komane (3), Koketso Mabelane (3) and Prince Mabilo (1). Paul scored for OK with a free kick. “We would like to say sorry to our fans. We will go and sit down and rectify our mistakes,” Makofane said. “We would once again like to thank the OK Grocer management for the new kit they’ve bought”. The team will probably play their next game in two weeks’ time. (Information: Davis Makofane).